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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TRANSITORINESS (8)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 78:
Transitoriness reigns in the planetary consciousness, and humanity expounds the conception of a termination of all that exists. Why shorten the activity of Cosmos, when the Universe continues into Infinity? The cosmic fires burn vividly. Distinct is the call of Space; one has only to desire to hear it. Dissatisfaction and anguish often are a response to the call of Space. Dissatisfaction indicates the realization of the process of perfecting. Striving affirms the right step toward Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 100:
In Cosmos all is living and all is possible. The inmost depths of the spirit will find confirmation in Cosmos. The assumption of unattainableness is predicated on unfit strivings or conditions which prevent the coordination of desire with life. Transitoriness of conditions does not imply unattainableness. And the transitoriness of striving does not imply that the striving will be repeated in the same direction. When man understands the manifestation of transitoriness in himself, he will accept with ease, the law of ascent. The law of ascent will illumine the spirit with understanding of attainment.

Hierarchy (1931) - 401:
401. The superiority of the spirit will not come if we do not strive toward it. One must assimilate the thought about the transitoriness of the earthly hour and the immutability of the Infinite. Thus Agni Yoga is linked inseparably with Infinity and Hierarchy. Likewise, one can transport oneself to the microcosm of the heart, which contains the reflexes of the far-off worlds. How enticing it is to understand within oneself the rhythms that guide the planet! Certainly, at the time of disturbances it is difficult, but how wondrous it is to adhere to the Cosmic Magnet.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 363:
363. If the consciousness of humanity could compare the eternal with the transitory, then would be made manifest flashes of understanding of the Cosmos, because all the values of mankind are based on an eternal foundation. But humanity has been so imbued with respect for the transitory that it has forgotten about the Eternal. Whereas, it is demonstrable that form changes, disappears, and is replaced by the new. Transitoriness is so obvious, and each example of the transitory points to eternal life. Spirit is the creator of each form, yet it is rejected by humanity. When the fact is grasped that the spirit is eternal, then, too, will infinity and immortality enter into life. Thus, it is imperative to direct the spirit of peoples to the understanding of the Higher Principles. Mankind is engulfed in effects, but the root and principle of everything is creativeness - and it has been forgotten. When the spirit shall be reverenced as sacred Fire, then will be confirmed the great ascent.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 368:
368. When understanding of the Fundamentals of Being burns clearly in the spirit, then the abyss of life ceases to appear impassable. When the realization of achievement burns in the heart, then the day of the future appears near. The horizon, which takes in the World in all its structure, embraces all transitoriness and apparent Maya. Thus space is saturated with the creative power of Fire and with future construction. Knowledge of transitoriness results in a feeling of breaking away from the Earth and impels the spirit to those planes where man verily dwells in his fiery essence. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest aspiration towards the spatial energies which aid the spirit in passing over the abyss of incomprehension.


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