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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TRANSGRESSED (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 2:
2. When we pointed out the urgency of regenerating Our Decrees concerning the equilibrium of the Origins, humanity did not accept this assertion and inaugurated transgression. Thus, one side transgressed against the cosmic balance.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 426:
426. Only in unity is strength. This has been known since time immemorial, yet people have always transgressed this law. Precisely unity is needed in order to carry out a difficult task. If humanity were willing, it could work miracles through unified striving. But the small, sporadic efforts at saving the planet are very weak. Again We are obliged to repeat about the necessity of unity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 5:
Upon the fragments of ancient symbols one may observe the vitality of the basic concepts. Just when from the earthly point of view everything has been transgressed, it may be that at the same time most beautiful concepts are already being born.

Brotherhood (1937) - 6:
6. When, then, should one speak about the necessary concepts? Particularly when they have been transgressed. Precisely, then, let us speak about them when people already consider them hopeless. Why do We remind about Brotherhood just at present? But people in their despair will come to seek the scattered seeds of the predestined Brotherly Community. Let us not be confused by the oscillations of the pendulum of life. Despair may be the forerunner of recovery of vision.


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