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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TRANSFORMED (121)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 21:
Prepare your hearth; the Lord approaches! He has transformed the treasure of the chalice And returns it to you afire. O flame two-tongued, assert thyself, thou double-pointed! Tears of joy - the Lord's wine - radiate pure fire. O heart, pour out the wine of thy tears as an offering; but, my heart, never allow the source of thy tears to run dry. How shall I fill Thy Cup, O Lord!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 115:
115. When amidst the highest vibrations, the body is transformed. The body obeys the spirit as the slave obeys his master.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 229:
Why test you, if the Temple were not to be erected? But the plan is in Our Hands and the foundation is laid. Let the Name of God be praised. Not to trifles shall you be witnesses. Life will be transformed. I say it!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 433:
433. The whirlpool does not engulf pure thoughts. Far-reaching compassion stands guard, But love must be sent. Fortitude will carry you through, And the self-sacrificing achievements of the spirit will be transformed into the fragrance of freesias.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.4:
1.6.4. Each one has his goal. I provide the gateway fitting for the spirit. Through it one may enter into a transformed world, where the mind dwells at home in all lands.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.19:
Especially nowadays, since Christ has renounced the miracles, this moment into the Unknown must be passed by special means. Because the future epoch must erase the boundaries between the worlds. And the Egyptian Mysteries have been transformed into the formula, "by human feet."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.15:
But imagine if the ghosts were to strive toward the creation of a beautiful movement. Then the rays, instead of only being disinfectant, could be transformed into rays of enlightenment.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.10:
If we apply our efforts to change the hustle and bustle into a beautiful achievement, then the gnarled thorn bushes will be transformed at once into a tall grove. If we can rise in thought to the boundaries of the miraculous, then we shall not speak lengthily about a worn-out sole.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
The identical significance of thought and action is spoken about everywhere. This is easily established. Note the effects of a thought about murder and of the act of murder upon the spectrum of the aura - the results will be identical. It is difficult for people to assimilate the fact that the thought has the same effect as the deed. But whoever wishes to take part in world evolution must understand the significance of thought. When thoughts are transformed into physical colors, their action at a distance is just as evident as that revealed by the study of light waves. One must approach scientifically the theory of the force of thought. One should not refer this to exceptional personalities - this law is common to all. Its principal effect will be recognition of the impracticality of falsehood and hypocrisy as well as the need of solicitude toward one's near ones.

New Era Community (1926) - 25:
The subject of fulfillment of prophecies is very profound; in it are combined cooperation and higher knowledge of the spirit. The unwise say "What a kitchen!" But a kitchen is easily transformed into a laboratory.

New Era Community (1926) - 53:
In order to play the game of hidden twig, the searcher must look for it - not the one who hid it. Not without reason do the Hindus call the Highest Being the Player. Verily, the Earth is to be saved by earthly hands, and the Heavenly Forces are sending the best manna; but if ungathered it is transformed into dew. How then not to rejoice when gatherers are found? When, ignoring derision, these seekers proceed, remembering Our Shield.

New Era Community (1926) - 58:
58. You already know the usefulness of obstacles; you already know the advantage of disappointments. There can even be a usefulness of terrors. Indeed for Us and for you there are no terrors in the usual sense. On the contrary, a terror without fear is transformed into an act of cosmic beauty.

New Era Community (1926) - 117:
117. It is absurd to think that perspiration is only a physical manifestation. During mental work a particular emanation valuable for the saturation of space issues forth. If bodily perspiration can fertilize the earth, then that of the spirit restores prana by being chemically transformed in the rays of the Sun. Labor is the crown of Light. It is necessary that school pupils remember the significance of labor as a factor of world-creation. As a result of labor there will be steadfastness of consciousness. It is necessary to emphasize strongly the atmosphere of work.

New Era Community (1926) - 136:
Pay attention that commands be prepared beforehand, so that they may enter the consciousness of the executors. Without cooperation a command is like the flight of an arrow against the wind. Even the unexpectedness of a command must be foreseen. The unexpectedness is thus transformed into an outlived tension.

New Era Community (1926) - 164:
"Mahatma" denotes a great soul which encompasses the manifestations of the New World. But let us not be intrusive; this peculiarity is censured in the community. Agreement is attained not by jostlings but by a whisper in a sensitive ear. Manifest the understanding that there is a sensitive ear for which Infinity is transformed into the limits of human possibilities. He is right who can completely cover the judgments of his adversary without touching upon the beginning or end. For this one has to be - if only in small measure - a prophet, or rather a truly far-sighted one.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 9:
Each motion can be transformed into an achievement of the spirit. Commitment to the evolution of consciousness, and the onrushing whirlwind of events, will lead to a new turn of the cosmic spiral.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 10:
Where art thou who vanquished? Where art thou who transformed the tremor into a leap toward the light? Hear, thou who darest! In the deep of night I shall draw near to bless thy sandals. I shall strew thy pillow with sparks of light, for the sleep of the daring one is as the melting away of a lute, when the seven strings are bathed in mystery. The sleep of the daring one is as the calm before the whirlwind, when even the slenderest blades of grass are unstirred.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 118:
118. Often we hear self-satisfied exclamations, "I am already transformed! I have already attained!" Wavering "I," have you truly examined yourself? If you have attained - good be unto you! But is it not really that the surroundings have changed? And are you not appropriating another's attainment? Where is your vigilance? Are you not inviting an illness of the spirit?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 207:
207. Amrita consists of the accumulations of the finest energies. What else should we call the saturation of the yogi's striving with all those properties that we have already spoken about? Each striving of the yogi is imbued with a priceless combination of energies. Let us call this combination the discus of striving. The strivings of the yogi rise precisely as does the luminous disk of the sun. No actions of the yogi are without purpose; otherwise he could be compared to a man who without purpose has climbed to the summit of a mountain and gazes about in amazement. But the yogi acts, and the action itself is transformed into beauty.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 273:
On this new level, Our instructions become less frequent and more brief, and one's work depends more on one's ability for independent action. Friends will be few, obstacles will pile up like seemingly unscalable mountains, and achievements will seem insignificant. The influences of the subtlest energies will not be so evident. The intermittent, so-called sacred, pains will torture one. The divisibility and transmissions of the spirit will still be beyond explanation. But above all this will arise the striving to fulfil the desire for the General Good. Spiritual cooperation will grow, unlimited by space. Emulation of the far-off worlds will change one's perception of one's surroundings, and spatial work will cease to be an empty idea. One's assigned tasks will become a joy, as if they were one's own chosen labor. It cannot be otherwise. Of course, this joy is not expressed in goat-like frolics. A true understanding of one's surroundings may provoke a stern face, but one's life is nevertheless transformed, and one can observe the coils of the Earthly Dragon from a higher vantage point. Fearlessness, already sent in the first call, brings one closer to the new waves of light.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
An enemy is something unknown, one which must be recognized, conquered, and transformed into the familiar - properly speaking, the cognized. During this process one should also observe oneself. Approaching his quarry, the hunter must calculate each of his actions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 377:
According to the law of the interchange of matter, it is necessary to create a steady current of receiving and giving. One should not think that whatever is read once stays in the mind. The gardener is not worthy who visits his garden only once. It is necessary to understand the signs, but for this one should accept them as one's own. One's own Book lies at hand. Wondrous is the realization of reverence through which one's life is transformed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 433:
Urusvati saw the so-called Wheel of Buddha. This is actually the teraph of the far-off worlds. Its essence is contained in the foundation of the Universe, which may be seen as a pestle. At its ends are the spheres of polarity corresponding to the two basic laws. At the center is the swastika-like wheel of psychic energy. And the circle of the whirling rainbow is the manifestation of all stages of Spatial Fire. Knowing this is a step toward the mastery of fire; by visualizing this structure the approach of fire can be evoked, and its dangerous essence transformed into a healing property.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 553:
The teachings of the religions have always pointed to life in the hereafter, but those testimonies have lost their relevance. Formerly, miracles had importance, but now the consciousness is attracted to reality. The chain of incarnations is attested to by the ancient as well as by the latest teachings. In modern literature mention of the words incarnation and karma has become common. However, these truths have entered but little into human consciousness; otherwise it would have transformed the whole of life. The human mind prefers to burden itself with strange concerns, happily occupying itself with superfluous things. The human imagination has not been trained for fundamental ideas. However, just one hour of thoughtful talk can change the life of a child forever.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 660:
660. Through what means is the spirit transformed? Through the impulse of creative work. Through what does the spirit ascend? By the creativeness of striving. How, then, can the spirit fail to be saturated with fire if only thus is one able to join the Cosmic Magnet? But the consciousness of the Higher Spirit indeed is saturated fire! Therefore only the realization of the Higher Will can lead the spirit toward its goal. Thus each consciously-taken step lends beauty to action. Creative labor that adheres to the affirmed fire is magnetized through conscious fulfillment of the Higher Will.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 44:
Let the far-off worlds live in the consciousness of men as a wondrous kingdom. This is just as indisputable and just as real as the fact that a growing seed gives birth to a flower. The far-off worlds are interpreted only as something illustrative of the concept of distance. But let us regard the far-off worlds - the life there is affirmed in beauty and in striving for achievement; there are the fires of spirit; there is the fire of love; there the seeming excrescences of Earth are transformed into creations of Fire. The fires of the spirit carry knowledge that the passing of the present and the striving into the better future will be the ladder upon which we shall ascend.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 46:
46. The echo of Space carries the command of cosmic manifestations. And whatever humanity possesses, it draws from the treasury of Cosmos. It is necessary to have full realization of the immutability of our course of evolution. Every beginning depends on the understanding of the affirmation of cosmic evolution. Only acceptance in full faith can bestow the crown of success. The lever of faith will permit penetration into the spirit of man. Only through the lever of faith can one adhere to the Infinite. The great lever of faith will aid the spirit in finding its path. Faith indicates the striving toward the Teacher. Let us take for example the child who conceived in its spirit the love for the Teacher. Faith transformed the child into a warrior of spirit, and the path of solitude was transformed into one radiant with joy. Hope abides, and the wondrous power of Cosmos reveals itself when the spirit manifests faith.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 70:
Ignorant of the beginning and seeing only the end, the dissociated spirit aimlessly passes through life. But everyone may earn immortality by admitting Infinity into his consciousness. Fearlessness toward death and striving toward the Infinite will provide the spirit with the direction to the spheres of cosmic endlessness. Affirm yourselves in the acceptance of immortality, and infuse into each of your actions a spark of the creativeness of the Cosmic Fire, and that inexorable fate will be transformed into the one call of cosmic life. Our great, just law has chosen you as participants in the universal manifestations! Cognize immortality and cosmic justice! A beautiful step is prepared for everyone. Find the path of thinking about immortality!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 108:
It is true that the world of creation is inexhaustible, and there is no hiding place for the engenderments of the human spirit. The issue projected into the wheel of life brings its consequents. He is narrow-minded who thinks that man expiates his deeds by imagining their dissolution in space. As the properties of nature indicate an unending process, so does the spirit of man, who is following an identical path. It is difficult not to acknowledge the limitlessness of transformed energies!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 108:
Since the centers of man can be transformed into the most subtle energies of life-imparting fires, one may through each deed of life either attain the highest tensions or be cast into the lowest sphere. Like a whirlwind, transfiguration carries on toward Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 167:
The Agni Yogi responds to all currents. The outer shifting produces a reaction upon the centers of the Agni Yogi; the substance is one. And the currents, in shifting, affect all sensitive elements. Therefore, in antiquity the priestesses were isolated and were covered with an insulating veil. Fire is the transmuter of the energy. Earth is suffused with new currents. Is it possible to describe the transformed energy? A creative action is vividly experienced by the Agni Yogi when the Crown of Be-ness is close.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 387:
387. In spiritual striving, the greatest task is the creating of men. Man's material form does not answer the whole plan of evolution. The creation of the human form is regarded as the highest cosmic task. When the whole of mankind will comprehend that tension of the creativeness of spirit must be expressed, the planet will advance. Only the acceptance of the manifestations of spirit as the basis can propel the entire stream of humanity into the direction of Light. Upon the spiritual plane all the subtle manifestations of Materia Lucida may be applied. Matter has definite physical limitations, but the forging of the spirit is so powerful that even a coarse envelope may be transformed.

Hierarchy (1931) - 18:
18. The comprehension of Our Image by humanity is entirely contrary to reality. When Our Images live in the consciousness as Those who are responsible for humanity, We can accept this spirit as one who understands the tensed heart of an Arhat. Certainly We must say that in Our creative work We are moved by the one feeling of law. But the conceptions of law are so varied! When We Brothers of Humanity speak of law as the stimulus of Our existence, We definitely speak of the great law of the Magnet. In Our law the entire cosmic life, premised upon the great attraction, is transformed. The attraction has, in its striving, the greatest heart. Your law is based on human cruelty; Our law is based upon the Heart of the Mother of the World.

Hierarchy (1931) - 41:
41. The quality of action is affirmed in striving. When worlds are transformed into action, the highest energy is affirmed. Hence, only in life can one manifest all the highest energies. Not words, but actions are considered as the affirmation of the highest energies. Only when the potentiality of the spirit is manifested in action is the higher concordance affirmed. Thus, a striving quest gives the key to Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 43:
43. Through what is the spirit transformed? Through the creativeness of the impulse. Through what does the spirit ascend? By the creativeness of striving. How, then, shall the spirit not be saturated by fire, if only thus can one adhere to the Cosmic Magnet? The consciousness of the Higher Spirit is fierily saturated, therefore only the realization of the Higher Will can lead the spirit toward its destination. Thus each conscious measure lends beauty to action. Creativeness that adheres to the affirmed fire is magnetized consciously by fulfillment of the Higher Will.

Hierarchy (1931) - 54:
54. The legend about the giant supporting Earth is not a superstition, but a memory of Him who assumed the burden of responsibility for Earth. Thus, in each action there is one who has taken the responsibility upon his shoulders. The one in cooperation with others constitutes the balance. Like a spinning top, the rhythm of motion should be kept; thus mechanics is transformed into art. The display of simple attentiveness, which We pointed out first in legends and symbols, I now ordain in a simple Command - merely open your eyes, because there are many signs around.

Hierarchy (1931) - 176:
176. Verily, if you realize yourself as being constantly in the solemn presence of the Lord, you are already on the shortest path to Us. People loathe especially the routine of daily life; for them it is the symbol of weariness and descent, whereas for us the daily routine is perfectment and ascent; it opens the gates to Infinity. One can learn to love this daily routine, because it tempers the spirit and gives one courage to contemplate the endless chain of the ages of labor. For some, these ages are a menace, but a refined consciousness will accept them as the source of endless creativeness. Beautiful cults become dulled on account of daily routine, but how wondrous is the realization that daily devotion and a flaming love are offered to Hierarchy. If I shall say, "I love Thee, O Lord, and I am devoted to Thee, O Lord, and I reverence Thee, Teacher," by what a mighty choir will this song of praise be transformed on the far-off worlds! Thus, in each act of devotion one can open new locks; and how wondrous it is to feel the inexhaustibility of great concepts. The Ordainment can be concise "Be aflame in heart and create in love!"

Hierarchy (1931) - 232:
I remember how once "The Light of the Eyes," Jehangir, came running and complaining that his playmate, Jeladin, had pushed him severely. We asked, "How did it happen?" "Jehangir was a hunter and Jeladin the tiger." I said, "It would be amazing if a tiger were to be transformed into a dove. Thank thy comrade, who gave thee the imitation of the fury of a beast. Tomorrow we shall go to hunt real tigers; be resourceful with them. But remember that a ruler never complains." Thus it happened during the time of Akbar, the unifier of India.

Hierarchy (1931) - 265:
265. For the realization of Hierarchy the broadening of understanding is necessary. Without broadening there will be neither depth nor length. Only thus will Hierarchy enter the consciousness and be applied to life. Only thus will Hierarchy transform the concept of conventionality. The battle will be transformed into an increase of energy. Slander will become a megaphone. Fatigue will indicate the need of a change of labor. Love will become a torch of Light. A gift will become an increase of power. Tenacity will mean the shortening of the path. Thus each property and quality will be transformed.

Hierarchy (1931) - 287:
287. Let us turn to devotion. This concept is also subject to many distortions. Devotion does not resemble a windmill, or a hired singer of praises. Rather, it resembles a firm tower upon a summit, which the enemies avoid in awe, but in whose chambers a shelter is ever prepared for a friend. Devotion is the opposite of doubt, which is nothing but ignorance. It means that devotion rests upon enlightenment. Thus, validity of learning is akin to devotion. It is not credulity, not levity, but firmness and steadfastness. Truly, the tower of devotion is not constructed by haphazard toil or by petty decisiveness; and devotion can be violated only by perfidy, which is the same as betrayal. But valuable are the towers of devotion! Such ashrams, like magnets, attract powerful hearts; they are nurseries of spirituality. Even material nature is transformed in the proximity of these towers.

Hierarchy (1931) - 362:
Ejections likewise ward off inflammation; it is entirely analogous to volcanoes. A multitude of analogies are revealed to a searching eye. Only, one should not seek the artifice of a ritual, or forcing. The natural blending with the Highest is achieved only through a naturally kindled fire of the heart. Certainly the boiling of the Chalice that is filled to the brim is unavoidable, but this is the burden of the Mother of the World. Remember the ancient image of an infant lying in a chalice. A multitude of scientific signs are transformed into misty symbols, but it is time to study them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 366:
Therefore, humanity must ponder on how to bring the psychic manifestations closer to the physical world. Otherwise, established science and pedantry may meet at an empty board. Therefore, the vitality of art, which guards the divine fire, gives to humanity the saturation by that fire which kindles the spirit and imbues all worlds. Hence, the wondrous torches of the beauty of creativeness are so precious for humanity. We have seen how the creations of art have transformed men - something all the book-learning in the world cannot do. Thus the Banner of Beauty and Peace unites the world. Thus spirit-creativeness saturates space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 372:
372. The affirmation of the Teacher should be repeated each hour, for Our structure is in need of a conscious adoption of Hierarchy. Various events may be expected, but participation in them can only be through the Hierarchy proclaimed by Us. Thus I say, Not only Our decision but the karma of millenniums makes the structure of the future immutable. Details may be changed, but the foundation must not be violated. Thus, Our Will should not be forgotten, even in the details of life. You realize correctly the creative fairy tale, but only upon the ladder of Hierarchy will it be transformed into the salvation of the world. Thus I speak.

Hierarchy (1931) - 386:
386. Only the unexpected terrifies and frightens. Everything anticipated already enters into life. This means that the unexpected should be transformed into the expected. In other words one should strive to knowledge. Furthermore, this knowledge should be understood, not formally, but in its entire multiformity. When the might of life itself shall imbue us with its endless variety, the vanguard under the three spheres will be invincible. But cognizance of the three spheres should be achieved, or else we shall move only along the surface. You must hasten to accustom yourself to the necessity of movement, within your inner cognizance. The Teaching will not guide one if it is not applied.

Hierarchy (1931) - 433:
433. What state flourishes without a great leader? What affirmed undertaking has existed without a leader? Verily one must understand that the concept of a leader is the synthesis of all the highest strivings. Thus, only the concept of Hierarchy, of an Illumined Leader, can direct the spirit. Thus, let all, all, all ponder upon and remember the Might of Hierarchy. Only through this realization can one advance. Only through this realization can one attain. Let it be remembered that each stone thrown at Hierarchy will be transformed into a mountain against oneself. Thus let all remember! Thus We proclaim the Leader - the Hierarch!

Heart (1932) - 3:
3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 32:
32. "The channels of Beneficence and the recipients of the earthly poison" - thus are called the chosen ones, ready to offer themselves for the benefit of the world. The assimilation of the poison is unbearable without the power of Bliss. But without the earthly poison the power of Bliss would carry one away; thus striving upward has an earthly foundation. Of course, the assimilation of poison is unbearable for many, but also for the affirmation of Bliss an actual tempering of the heart is needed. We consider it a treasure when the heart is ever ready to resound to the environment, being already without tension. It is not easy to do this unless the energies are transformed into resounding crystals; then there will be formed the Ringse so correctly pointed out in Tibet in the Covenant of the Himalayas.

Heart (1932) - 87:
87. Vengeance is justly condemned by all Teachings. The original wrong itself may be but little realized and even unintentional, yet vengeance is always thought out and consciously intensified in the heart. Vengeance is like a megaphone for the wrong; therefore its harm, in the spatial sense, is very great. Vengeance only slightly resembles indignation. Indignation, like an impulse to threaten may pass quickly, but premeditated acts of vengeance widely poison the atmosphere. It is said that intention is equal to action, but one must have in mind the action of thought. It is most difficult for humanity to get accustomed to these considerations. To contemporary humanity thought has been transformed into an inconsequential cerebral contraction. Since the eye does not perceive the consequence of the thought, this means that it does not exist; but then we will arrive at denying the process of thought completely! The heart is in a better position; it makes motion and noise - thus, the heart can knock.

Heart (1932) - 117:
117. Intolerance is a sign of ignobility of spirit. Intolerance contains embryos of the most evil acts. There is no place for the manifestation of the growth of the spirit where intolerance breeds. The heart is unlimited, which indicates how poor a heart must be in order to deprive itself of Infinity! It is necessary to uproot every means that can lead to the idol of intolerance. Mankind has invented various obstacles to ascent. The dark forces are trying by all means to restrain evolution. Of course, as the first assault there is an action against Hierarchy. Everyone has heard about the power of Blessing, but because of ignorance they have transformed this beneficent action into superstition. And yet the power of the Magnet exists in strengthening through Blessing. Much is spoken about cooperation, but at each creative act it is necessary to affirm the consciousness. And what strengthens the power more directly than the Ray of Hierarchy!

Heart (1932) - 143:
143. The spark between the poles of the magnet illustrates how thought is transformed into a physical transmission. Untiringly We send the details of the heartfelt flaming experiment. Moreover, much that concerns the superusual plan becomes more physical, thus following evolution.

Heart (1932) - 245:
Thus, it is indispensable to establish the significance of achievement in spirit. Autos-da-fe are already rare, but martyrdoms of the spirit are increasing especially; and so it should be when the Subtle World approaches the physical. There is nothing astonishing in a physical act being transformed into a spiritual one. Let us not forget the symbol of transfiguration, in which the transformation of the physical existence into the subtle one is shown. A multitude of symbols are manifested as milestones of evolution, yet humanity accepts them abstractly.

Heart (1932) - 332:
332. The Subtle World has many varied confirmations of the earthly world. Even a prototype of the seasons of the year passes in accordance with the consciousness of the Subtle World. Therefore, the images of plants or mountains, or the surface of waters are not foreign to the Subtle World, of course in a transformed condition. The heart that knows the Subtle World knows flowers and mountains, and snows, and the seas. Flowers thrive in a richness of forms, and their colors are indescribably more complex than the colors of Earth; the snows are whiter and more crystalline and richer than those of Earth. One can begin to discern a complete structure of the Higher World, thus, the man who has stored up a clear and benevolent consciousness on Earth will also be a good builder in the Subtle World. Instead of monstrosities, he will bring with him beautiful proportions and the rhythm which correspond to the magnificence of the Infinite. Is the duty of the spirit so excessive if the spirit has perfected the heart? Only the light-bearing consciousness of the heart will carry the subtle body into the higher realms. Thus, everyone who prepares his heart and uplifts the hearts of his near ones already creates the will of Him who sent him! When it is asked if the heart is not a balloon since it can rise aloft, say that the jest is not far from the truth. Verily, the energy of the heart is so remarkably like helium and other of the finest gasses, that it is not far from the spiritual truth to imagine the ascension of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 358:
358. You already know how slow is the growth of consciousness in a similarly slow way is the home of the consciousness - the heart - transformed. Hence, it should be realized that he who does not think of the heart will also fail to improve his consciousness. It is true that the heart in its essence is not separated from the highest spheres, but one should transmute this potentiality. How many deflections occur in a heart unpurified by higher thinking! Many valuable transmissions will assume an ugly outline, simply because the heart remained neglected. Such a multitude of the best, of the subtlest shadings and feelings, will be absent from the forsaken heart! Will not malice build its nest in a defiled heart? And let us not accept these words as abstract remarks; the heart must be educated. One cannot build up the brain without refinement of the heart. Ancient metaphysics and modern psychology attempt to reach the heart, but how can any subject matter reach the heart when the word heart itself is not mentioned?

Heart (1932) - 440:
440. The Teacher sends an understanding of world events. Without Hierarchy the chaos of events is transformed into billowing clouds. Thus, it has been correctly remarked that the present period cannot be systematized without the purification of consciousness. The confirmation of nodal movements of peoples can be made from the Mountain.

Heart (1932) - 505:
505. The lack of observation among people is shocking! Try to fill a room gradually with smoke and observe who of those present will first notice it. Usually the state of self-satisfaction is immediately transformed into despair. The horror lies in that the despair is replaced by self-satisfaction. Thus, regard the chief misfortune as lying in non-rhythmical oscillations. With Us, attention is paid primarily to observation that contributes to the harmonization of the centers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5:
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 14:
14. Blood, blood, - is the cry of the peoples of the West and East. Unprecedented times! The salutary Fire is transformed through ignorance into a devourer!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 16:
16. Is it possible for one belonging to the fiery element to be transformed into a creature of other energies? Impossible. But one belonging to another element can be transformed into a fiery being, because Fire is omnipresent. Of course, these leaps are not easy. Great exertion of spirit is needed to transmute the heart for unification with the higher energy. But the Fiery Gates are not closed - "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Thus, all Teachings summon to the Fiery Baptism.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 84:
84. Let us not forget that each instant must pertain to the New World. Observe that in enumerating the worlds We seem to omit the world of thought. This is not by accident. The Mental World constitutes a living link between the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. It enters in as the impellent nearest to the Fiery World. Thought does not exist without Fire, and Fire is transformed into creative thought. The manifestation of thought is already understood; let us also realize the Great Fire - Aum!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 107:
107. One Chinese philosopher, knowing the frightful aspects of the lower strata of the Subtle World, determined to deaden their impression. For this purpose he filled this sleeping chamber with the most frightful images. In the presence of these revolting masks, he hoped that nothing worse could be expected. Such methods are abominable, although people love them whether in this or in another form. On the contrary, We teach the eye to become non-receptive to the repugnant. Besides, it is impossible to imagine the complete gamut of horrors created by people's vices. Even here in the earthly world we often are horrified by inhuman visages, but imagine the aspects into which these are transformed when their essential nature is unmasked! And here also We often experience the attacks of these dark entities. They attempt to annihilate everything dangerous to them. During sleep they try to weaken one, in order to inflict injury more readily during the disturbance of the balance. One should not consider these dark engenderings as superstitious fancy. Every scientist must realize the depth of the perspective of Existence. The scientist has grasped the incalculability of infinitesimal organisms; he has seen the bones of giant animals, and he can see still more if he peers into the vastness of the Himalayan caves. Thus the scientist measures into infinity and calculates infinite magnitudes by simple mathematical solutions. This means that precisely the scientist must admit the infinitude of fiery formation. Thus, from the merest arithmetical zero one must send one's imagination into the Infinite, remembering that a vacuum does not exist.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 153:
153. We shall return later to the question of birth, so bound up with the Fiery World. But now I shall reply to the question about light in the Subtle World. Indeed, the transcendental nature of the condition communicates a corresponding aspect to the whole world-content. When you visited Dokyood, you saw sufficient light. But certain regions of the Subtle World are striking because of their twilight. The Light is within ourselves and we open up the way to it. So, too, the inhabitants of the Subtle World who desire light have no scarcity of it. The inhabitants to whom the need of Light is alien dwell in twilight. This refers to unlimited thought-creativeness. That sun which we on Earth perceive under one aspect, can be transformed into many conditions under the power of thought-creativeness. He who desires Light gives access to it, but he who sinks into a twilight of thought receives that to which he has limited himself. This is why we repeat so often about clarity of consciousness, about boundlessness of thought, and about containment. Such an adaptation of the organism to the future produces the most desirable results. How many inhabitants of the Subtle World look about themselves in the Fiery Mist and dimly regret something that has been lost!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 475:
475. Communions in spirit constitute a considerable part of earthly existence and doubtless belong to the fiery nature. Not only do they occur during sleep but during our waking state we also feel many reflexes from such communions. No one, not even the coarsest person, would dare to deny that at times he has felt certain contacts or thought-suggestions from outside. The Teacher may point out that such contacts may be received from many sources either along the thread of Hierarchy, or from the Subtle World, or from earthly inhabitants. It is very characteristic that a thought coming from the outside is forgotten quite easily. Not without reason did the ancient wisdom advise drinking a draught of cold water after such thoughts, as though a molten substance were in need of cooling to retain its form. This ancient advice is not without foundation. Thought coming from outside seemingly sets the centers aflame and should be engraved, as it were, in order that it be transformed into conventional energy. The same applies to dreams and visions. We not only receive fiery impulses from outside, but our subtle body exerts its entire fiery essence in order to condense the perceptions and intensify the conviction. It can be observed how the fiery perception collects all the most characteristic details. At times one is surprised at the degree of observation and the easy flexibility of the fiery eye, as compared to the earthly one. One can write down many dreams and sensations which will reveal the sharpness of the collected details. Often the fiery creativeness condenses details. It does not lie, but combines all the homogeneous parts. Therefore We strongly advise that close attention be paid to the fiery sensations; in them lies truth - molded by Fire, the genius. It may take decades to perceive through intellect what fiery illumination effects almost instantaneously.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 567:
567. Each incongruity and imbalance is a sign of chaos. when these signs are apparent in the lower forms of nature, one may hope that upon transition into a higher state they may be transformed. But what of the highest earthly creations - men, if they turn out to be filled with the most chaotic instability? Yet in the course of many ages, it is amazing to see the increase of imbalance among various achievements. No one and nothing impels people to ponder over the value of balance. The Teachings of all peoples speak of the Golden Path, yet men themselves actually think about this least of all. Through its imbalance, its chaotic state, mankind has brought on a coming uprising of fire. But even on the very brink of danger people reject each useful advice about self-preservation. As before, they will toss about from the very old to the very new, even if it be illusory. How can it be explained to them that Agni Yoga is neither old or new? An element that is perpetual and omnipresent is not subject to the demarcations of time. Fire is at the very threshold! One must call to mind how it is to be encountered, and one must understand that only Agni, psychic energy, can be the interpreter at the approach of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578:
578. Even during Earthly life people transform their appearance through their passions. How greatly is this quality of justice magnified in the Subtle World! You have already seen how the dwellers of the Subtle World are transformed - some become luminous, some become darkened and even disfigured to the most horrible extent. With very few exceptions no one on Earth cares to see in this self-transformation the law of justice. People do not realize that they must take the necessary precautions in time, at least for the sake of their own appearance. Each thought honeyed by a hypocritical smile flowers according to its merit in the Subtle World. And if Agni has not been called into action, the ugly grimace of the true personality is almost ineradicable. Moreover, few of those disfigured by malice have enough sense to turn toward the Light in time. According to the law of progression, they keep rolling down into the dark abysses until a sudden reversal takes place, often inducing a reaction in the darkest one.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 606:
606. Indeed, one must free oneself from egoism in order to transmute and affirm the radiant Ego. One may carry the transformed Ego to the altar of Light without fear of being burned. What, then, is subject to scorching if not egoism with all its appendages? Egoism, like a cancerous swelling is engendered by lack of Agni. Let us not forget that egoism attracts and fills itself with carnal lusts and begets evil. Around the bait of egoism flock the influences of family, clan, and nation. The very sediments of the physical and of the Subtle World seek to wind themselves about egoism; such a bristly ball is unsuitable for the Fiery World. But the tempered and conscious fiery Ego enters the Fiery World as a welcome guest. Thus, let us distinguish all that befits the Higher World as an achievement. Let it be only a luminous duty. It is not fitting to consider the predestined assignment as a unique achievement. People should accustom themselves to the transmutation of the heart as a manifest path, known long ago.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 624:
624. Even among contemporary forms numerous animal-like men can be found. Such monstrosities are usually ascribed to a fright or shock experienced by the mother. But, notwithstanding many explanations, the principal cause is usually lost sight of. It may be understood that in the Subtle World certain entities are subject to fits of carnal desire. During these obscurations they sink to the level of the animal kingdom. Moreover, Agni declines to such an extent that the animal principles take possession of the fallen ones. Of course, with time, they can again ascend, but the animal contact is so powerful that it may be transformed at reincarnation into animal form. Sometimes heredity contributes to such animal-like rebirths, for base spirits prefer corresponding forms for themselves. And sometimes it is neither atavism nor heredity, but a deplorable lunge into the animal world, which imprints the seal of madness. Again it is instructive to note how the decrease of Agni permits the manifestation of animal propensities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 627:
627. Sometimes you hear seeming wails and the din of voices. In fact, these are echoes from the strata of the Subtle World. These reach us either through our inner centers or as a result of tension of currents. With Us, perceptions of the Subtle World are transformed into voices, seemingly physical, but you know that the Subtle World has no physical sounds as we know them. Thus, energies are transmuted according to the different strata. The reverberation of vibrations around the Earth is heavy, but in their refined state they become just a certain aspect of electricity that is invisible to earthly eyes. So, also, a subtle vibration is inaudible in its highest tension. One can observe instructive changes in different worlds, but the principle of fiery manifestation remains inviolable throughout.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 637:
637. He who dares the stream chooses firm stones. He understands to whom and when he may entrust the Teaching. The Bird of Life, the radiant Swan, also reveals straight-knowledge as to where lies the boundary of usefulness. The determination of this boundary cannot be expressed in human language. It can be unalterably sensed, but cannot be calculated by physical measurements. Thus a great test for each treason is created. Another great test lies in the acceptance of homelessness. There may be much mockery over the concept of homelessness. To the earthly mind the concept of a home is an absolute necessity. If anyone dared express himself as to a House of Light he would be taken for a lunatic. Therefore a change of earthly dwelling places is a useful expansion of the concept. Another great test is that of hearing every thought. The pitiable concept of earthly secrecy leads people into many errors. The feeling of pride and egoism rebels against the absence of secrecy, but co-workers of the Hierarchy of Light already understand this degree of cooperation. "I am ready," he says, and hastens to open his heart. The successful mastery of all trials lies within our hearts and consists in our love for the Lord. If we are filled with love, can obstacles exist? Earthly love itself creates miracles. Does not the fiery love for Hierarchy multiply our forces? These forces will help to transform homelessness into a beautiful Home, vast and unlimited! One cannot think of beautiful expanses in the midst of a fog of contentment. It is said that hunger obstructs the path to God, but we will also add that contentment is like murky waters. He who understands the difference between hunger and contentment will enter the current. But he who touches the Light will be transformed into a Bird of Life. So long as the Bird of Life remains a poetic abstraction, that spirit is still unready.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 657:
657. You are quite right in saying that the existence of an Invisible government perplexes many, but if there exists an unseen dark government, then why should there not be a Government of Light? Is it possible that the human mind is so utterly obscured that it will acknowledge anything dark rather than think about Light? People actually understand and have heard more than once about the dark forces, which are universally united, but the Government of Good and Light is especially suspect. People are unaccustomed to being united for Good. They look upon Good as a prime pretext for disunity. One can regard the entire illness of our planet as the result of the complete discord among those who could have united their forces of Good. It is most deplorable that even in a temple the hearts of men are not transformed for cooperation. Thus, let us ponder upon each act of friendliness, which is already a spark of cooperation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659:
659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 87:
87. Not without reason do people recall ancient prophecies about changes in the firmament. In fact, violation of the planet's equilibrium will cause many three-fold manifestations. Not only may new heavenly bodies become visible, but the very chemism of the Luminaries may be altered, and of course this will react strongly upon the inhabitants of Earth. Thus, while people are enjoying their bazaars and fairs, ominous events are in the offing. Therefore one must undeferrably reiterate about the Living Ethics. The Sacred Ethics is transformed into a foolish etiquette and has become a printed label.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 185:
185. Calamity has actually arrived. People ask - Wherein is God's wrath? It is in such calamities as people's turning away from god, their becoming traitors, either in actions, or in thoughts, or in the silence of fear. Let us not enumerate all the aspects of such treachery; it infects the planet and manifests an unmistakable quality. Humanity should not be surprised at ensuing calamities. Let man reflect - has he always acted in purity of attitude toward God? Has he always abstained from blasphemy, and was he able to keep himself free from evil thoughts? Thus people cannot say that the might of god is not manifested. He does not punish, but He can turn away, and then gold will be turned into a consuming fire. Then will equilibrium be transformed into chaos, and the power of Earth may be exhausted.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 399:
399. If the fiery heart feels that somewhere harm is being inflicted, it is not in error. No matter that the injurer first of all harms himself. Enough has been said about Karma. One must observe how personal injury is transformed into spatial evil.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 428:
428. Day-dreaming must be transformed into disciplined thinking. The ancient sages advised mothers to pass on to their children tales about heroes, and to acquaint them with the best songs about great deeds. Is it possible that humanity nowadays wishes to renounce these wise covenants? The Fiery World is first of all open to heroes - to those who achieve.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 442:
442. Someone says that he wishes to attain cosmic consciousness; let him better think about purifying his heart. Let him not so much imagine himself as conqueror of the Cosmos, but rather let him wish to cleanse his consciousness from dust. One cannot penetrate beyond the limits of the law without wishing to become transformed in the approach. Verily, the baker of bread, in both the spiritual and material sense, must not think only as to how to get his own fill.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 459:
459. You have seen dark spatial spots. Likewise you know the turbid formations resulting, as it seems, from spatial combustion. Also, you know the radiant spatial formations. Everything becomes alive and is flamingly transformed, likewise do one's senses vibrate. The experienced observer knows that his eyesight sometimes grows dim and then again clears up. The same thing happens with the hearing, the sense of smell, touch and taste. Thus can be observed complete mobility of all our functions. In fact such fiery nerve-responsiveness to the Macrocosm represents a refined condition, but only a few take into consideration such a conformity with the external world. Imperfection of consciousness obstructs all observations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 7:
7. I give this farewell bidding to the disciple; "Let thy prayer be - 'Thee, O Lord, I shall serve in everything, always and everywhere. Let my path be marked by the attainment of selflessness'." When the disciple realizes in his heart the joy of the path, a path which knows no friction because all is transformed in the joy of Service, then it is possible to open before him the Great Gates. Amidst higher concepts the disciple must remember in his heart the records of Light. Amidst the frightening manifestations the disciple must remember about the records of darkness. There is inscribed upon the Shield of Light - "Lord, I come alone, I come in a manifested achievement, I shall reach the goal. I shall reach it!" And there is inscribed upon the Shield of Light honesty, devotion and self-abnegation. But fearful are the records of darkness. Let the hand of the disciple refrain from inscribing upon these permanent scrolls lie, hypocrisy, betrayal, selfhood.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 67:
67. The meaning of life is affirmed in the human consciousness when the understanding of man's role in the Cosmos is revealed. The world is then designated by Us as a field for action in the name of the good of humanity. When the spirit apprehends the truth that Macrocosm and microcosm are inseparably bound together, a conscious bond is established, and cooperation with the cosmic energies becomes possible. But how helpless people are when they lead a form of life isolated from cosmic currents! Indeed, life is transformed when the spirit consciously ascends, understanding the leading principle - Hierarchy. Only when the perception of a guiding Hierarchy is consciously affirmed will humanity realize its true role in the Cosmos. Each link is connected with the next link leading upward. How poor is humanity, in whose consciousness the concept of the great cosmic laws is not affirmed! Only the creativeness of the spirit manifest will bring the worlds closer together. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the connecting law of Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 178:
178. What heart, then, has taken up the enormous Burden? The all-encompassing Heart which knows the Cosmic Burden. Who, then, bears the load of the ages? The One Heart which knows the manifestation of Infinity. Who, then, strives in fiery achievement? The one Heart which knows Cosmic Right. Verily, thus is the World saturated by the One Heart. Humanity suffers more from the spirit than from matter, and only when the spirit adheres to the law of Cosmic Right will humanity overcome its spiritual infirmities. The planet has lost sight of its great and pure destination. Matter has been so steeped in density that it must be refined. When the great Tidings of the Unified Heart will saturate the spirit with pure striving, then will life be truly transformed. Who, then, will give to the World the Tidings about fiery Unity? We say - the all-encompassing Heart, the Heart manifested by eternal Fire - yes, yes, yes! That which has been put together by Cosmic Right and by strong aspiration of the will is immutable law. That which is from the Cosmos will dwell with the Beauty of the Cosmos - thus saith the Lord of Shambhala.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 218:
218. Concentrations of crystals of psychic energy grow during each heightening of aspiration. Each tension of power of the spirit multiplies the crystals of psychic energy. Sediments of precipitated crystals, consisting of subtle energies which have been chemically transformed in the organism, feed those organs which are in special need during the expenditure of energy. Crystals of psychic energy melt down substances harmful for the organism. Through conscious tension one can actually promote this dissolving process, which is of service as a counteracting factor. Conscious sendings of psychic energy to infected or injured organs can produce a healing effect. Conscious tension of the will causes spontaneous action of the crystals. Thus, thoughts about psychic energy crystals can bring needed assistance for the injuries of internal organs. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to realize those fiery batteries which are contained in man.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 501:
501. You already know that objects can be made to change place by thought or psychic energy. The ignorant ask - why is not the fiery energy of thought subject to everyone and at all times? Ignorance can even reach the extent of such nonsense. A child asks help of an adult where his own strength is inadequate, but ignoramuses are not ashamed to ask such silly questions. In the Subtle World everything is moved by thought, but the dense World only rarely admits subtle qualities. The laws of such admissions are complex and not always are such invasions into the Subtle World admitted. Apparatus which can confirm the physical reaction to thought can be only very primitive, because the nature of employment of fiery energy lies not in the domain of the will but in that of the heart. The heart does not admit evil, but the will can occasion calamities. When the World will come to realize the value of the heart life, then will the flesh be transformed and draw near to the laws of the Subtle World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 512:
512. Do you not think that audible discharges, as drops of dew, are also from fiery energy? When you become accustomed to perceive everywhere the presence of fiery energy, then everything in life will be transformed.

AUM (1936) - 39:
39. There can be no truce with Satan. Near Satan there is only slavery. To mollify Satan is impossible. Only without fear is it possible to march over him or through him. There is an ancient legend telling how Satan decided to frighten a hermit. He appeared before him in a most terrifying aspect. But the ascetic was filled with a fiery irradiation and charged upon Satan so that he passed through him, burning his way. The fire of the heart is more powerful than any satanic flame. One should be filled with such fire, then all sneers are transformed into searing grimaces. Thus, let us charge upon Satan.

AUM (1936) - 143:
143. Now let us turn to the second sign of the Triune name, to the Primary Cause - Light. People have so confused the concept of Light with lightning that they cannot imagine Light as energy. Let us not look into that Infinity where thought and Light and all that exists merge into unity, but according to the earthly understanding let us apprehend Light as a salutary energy, without which life is impossible. Light is the most pervasive messenger of salvation. One can distinctly comprehend a difference between utilitarian fire and cosmic Light. Not fire, but radiance surrounds each living being. The benevolent thinker is surrounded by a rainbow, and through his light brings healing. So many times We have foretold the future of these radiations. We have said that with such a criterion the very structure of life will be transformed. One may rightly call Light the principle which leads to regeneration. Thought and Light are so closely linked that thought may be called luminiferous.

AUM (1936) - 149:
149. Secrecy is also cautiousness and goal-fitness. One should plant flowers in appropriate soil. One should know when and to whom to intrust the seeds; thus does the concept of the Guru grow. In the simplest and most needed manner, the Guru tells what is especially necessary. If he guards the secret, it means that this is temporarily imperative. There can be no suspicion that the Guru conceals harmfully. One must accept the Guru as Guide; in such a manner the concept of the secret is transformed.

AUM (1936) - 158:
It is necessary to understand to what an extent such natural observations can broaden the human concept of life. Prayer is transformed into spiritual communion, and reverence will not be dogmatic but vital and filled with love.

AUM (1936) - 351:
351. Exercising the energy is useful; each testing awakens in it a new quality. It is especially necessary to keep this in mind, for not so long ago I spoke about fatigue under the pressure of the energy. But one should not deduce from the possibility of fatigue that experiments are undesirable. It is possible to exercise the energy without falling into a state of weariness. It also needs exercising as does all that exists. Through rational exercise fatigue is diminished. Each energy must be tested in action. Even muscles must be exercised; thus people can continually awaken forces dormant in themselves. One should understand such an awakening as the duty of man before the higher worlds. The reasons are many why energies can remain in a somnolent state. They can be enumerated beginning with karmic effects. But usually people's consciousness slumbers through indolence. Such a quality is called the featherbed of evil. The best possibilities are not transformed into life when the gaze is heavy laden with the veil of laziness. One need search for no excuse when body and spirit droop from indolence.

AUM (1936) - 357:
357. There exist self-styled invalids who suggest to themselves all the symptoms of disease. But there is a still more dangerous case, when a man has in himself the germs of a disease, and instead of opposing it he gives in to it and deprives himself of the possibility of recovery. In the first case it is possible to act by means of suggestion, for there is no real disease. But in the second it is far more difficult; the man himself hastens the process of disease. He becomes the slave of his sickness and tries with all his strength to aggravate the symptoms of the disease. He constantly observes himself, but not in a desire to recover. He falls into the deepest self-pity and thus drives away every possibility of suggestion. The man is even offended and angry when spoken to about the possibility of recovery. Thus he can reach a dangerous degree of depression which cannot be transformed into a rising strength. This acts as a counterenergy; and the man deprives himself of his basic value - striving toward self-perfection.

AUM (1936) - 424:
When psychic energy occupies its due position, when woman enters as the protectress of culture, when cooperation is made the basis of the structure - then all life will become transformed. Knowledge and creativeness will occupy their manifest position. I say manifest in this sense, that even amid remote ages may be found examples of understanding of the significance of science and art.

Brotherhood (1937) - 31:
31. The Teaching has already transformed your whole life. It has brought you through many dangers. The Teaching helps you to discriminate where harm is and where advantage. It does not come easily to distinguish the right pathway, but you know how to ascend a smooth rock. Psychic energy is developed from such tensions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 44:
44. Let us agree on the meaning of the concept of rest. Around this concept a multitude of false and harmful interpretations have clustered. People have become accustomed to think that rest is inaction; in this way it has become transformed into psychic enfeeblement. Inaction is most corruptive for psychic energy. Each spiritual immobility will fatigue, not regenerate.

Brotherhood (1937) - 78:
78. Destructive is the feeling of contentment. It leads to satiation and to paralysis of energy. One may observe in the Subtle World the most pitiful fate of such paralytics. Even the little that they have succeeded in accumulating during their earthly life is cut short by paralysis of energy. Vagrant shades, they cannot succeed, because without energy it is impossible to advance. You may be asked whose lot is more gloomy, that of such paralytics or of the malignant haters. The answer is difficult. Those who hate can suffer and thus be purified, but through disuse of energy the paralytics lose the possibility of advancing. Is it not better to suffer much but with the possibility of advance? The torments that purify are better than hopeless dissolution. Hatred can be transformed into love, but paralysis is the terror of night. Such hopeless destructions cannot lead to Brotherhood. Paralysis of separate limbs can be overcome by the will, but if the basic energy itself is inactive how can a command be carried out? Many such living corpses walk about!

Brotherhood (1937) - 218:
218. During a thunderstorm it is advised not to run about nor make abrupt movements. Likewise, a harmonious condition is indicated during mundane storms. Let us not grasp at a cushion in order to hide from the thunder. Let us not rush to the smallest when we hear the knocking of something great. We must test ourselves in the most diverse circumstances; in this is contained the secret of diversification of incarnations. But people cannot understand in what manner a king is transformed into a cobbler.

Brotherhood (1937) - 220:
220. Each phase of the Teaching answers a particular need of humanity. The present time is distinguished by the shattering of morality. The help of the Teaching must be directed to the affirmation of moral foundations. The findings of science pursue a path different from the way of life; there results a particular kind of savagery, which is in possession of scientific instruments. A minority of highly enlightened workers stand out as rare islands in an ocean of ignorance. Literacy is by no means enlightenment; therefore, the advice is given to reinforce the heart as the focal point of enlightenment. Scientific and medical indications are given; they ought to help to restore the bodily and spiritual health. The more directly these counsels are accepted, the stronger will be their action. The embryo of enthusiasm grows into a beautiful inspiration. A drop of goodness is transformed into effective good. A grain of love grows into a beautiful garden. Who then would censure a desire to help a neighbor?

Brotherhood (1937) - 331:
331. Actually, calamities can turn humanity back to austere thinking. You have noticed more than once that great calamities have transformed a people. Affirmation of wholesome principles has come in thunder and lightning. People are in distress before they ascend. The ignorant cannot understand fiery purification, yet what can be more beautiful than this element when there is no fear! Thus, We often direct you to the Subtle World as the entryway to the Fiery World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 336:
336. Sometimes one may feel, as it were, vibratory contacts on the skin in various parts of the body, but most of all in the region of the spine; it should be understood that this manifestation is also connected with thought transmission, especially when thought of great tension is under way. Such sensations do not usually draw attention to themselves, but nowadays when thought-energy is under discussion, the physical sensations connected with it ought to be observed especially. A thought that is sent is not always transformed into verbal forms by the recipients, but nonetheless it is imbedded in the mental apparatus and reacts upon the mode of thinking. Such an understanding of thought reception should be noted. Up to this time only thought translated into words has been taken into consideration, but the deepest reaction, outside of words, has remained without attention.

Brotherhood (1937) - 425:
425. When we compare phases of growth of consciousness with scientific methods, we do not wish at all to desiccate beautiful sources, on the contrary, we wish to create steadfast effluxes of energy. Science must reinforce the paths to higher cognition. The time has drawn near when the ancient symbols of knowledge must be transformed into scientific formulas. Let us not demean such a process of clarifying thinking. Let us learn how to find allies in the most unexpected domains. Not enemies, but co-workers will acquire knowledge of all the forces of nature.

Brotherhood (1937) - 571:
571. Do not cause suffering - such is the Covenant imparted by the Brotherhood to the wayfarer. Let him realize how much easier it is not to cause suffering than to treat it afterwards. Should humanity renounce the causing of suffering, life would be immediately transformed. It is not difficult not to torment one's friend. It is not difficult to think of how to avoid inflicting pain. It is not difficult to imagine that it is much easier not to allow illness to take place than to cure it later.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 1:
1. Urusvati knows the Tower of Chun, and remembers how the exterior of the Tower resembles a natural cliff. It is not difficult to prevent access to this Tower. A small landslide can conceal the structure from those below. A small dam can change a mountain stream into a lake, and in time of dire need the entire district can be immediately transformed. People may smile, thinking that organized expeditions could sooner or later penetrate into all the passes. But even before the physical transformation of the area, the power of thought would already have diverted the caravan! In addition, chemical effects can be utilized to prevent the approach of the curious. Thus do We guard the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15:
Urusvati will not forget how We are transformed at times of tension. Let humanity ask to be healed, for without their consent they cannot be healed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33:
In certain mysteries the broadening of consciousness was likened to the awakening of spring. No one can follow the entire process of the growth of grass, but every heart rejoices on seeing the first flowers of spring. It is likewise impossible to perceive the details of the broadening of consciousness, but a person's transformation is quite evident. He who has become transformed does not know when and how his renewal began, and cannot say how his consciousness was broadened. Frequently, he will cite insignificant events but omit the most important event that influenced him.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33:
People generally do not like to speak about consciousness, for improvement is difficult for them, and there are not many who continue to gain knowledge after their school years. One's entire life should be transformed so that learning becomes a relentless necessity. We rejoice at each awakening of consciousness and We record as a sign of success each desire to think about the Brotherhood, even if it is only a thought about how to apply oneself or how to become united.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
Let Our Sister recall how often she has spoken in the subtle body with women completely unknown to her, and how often she has witnessed quarrels and misunderstandings. But the work of enlightenment does not tarry. Entire nations strive for knowledge, and with knowledge full rights will come. We can show Our records of the women's movements, and the results are encouraging. One should not think in a routine way. At present, the world has exceeded its bounds, the ship has lost its course, and the cosmic whirl speeds its movement. We are at the helm, but other sailors should also help. The terror of Armageddon can be transformed into a manifestation of success, but first Armageddon must be discerned and the meaning of Hierarchy understood. The role of woman in the world's economy has been strengthened. Never before have so many women been called to high positions. Our Counsels penetrate into far-off places.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
70. Urusvati is right to be indignant at all the falsehoods that are written about Us. Truly, if all the idle stories were gathered into one book, an unusual collection of falsehoods would result. Symbolic expressions, created over centuries, have been transformed into unbelievable fairy tales about treasures that are guarded by the Lords of Shambhala. In the elaborate Tibetan narratives it is hard to understand how the more fanciful exaggerations have accumulated. Through these exaggerations the Tibetan nation wished to enhance its position as a world focus. For example, it is written that the warriors of Shambhala are innumerable and invincible, and their leader defeats all evil and affirms the Kingdom of Good. Such is the belief in the East, which cherishes in its heart the legend about the victory of Light. For the East, each veiled word written for the glory of Light is justified, but the West thinks the opposite and wishes to unveil everything, even to the point of belittlement.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 97:
Thus you realize the two foundations of Our Life. We live in harmony for the sake of evolution. We must evolve, otherwise We shall be transformed into mummies. One must be able to love the movement of evolution, for in it eternity is realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 140:
Let man recall how many dangers he escaped when he was striving forward with all his heart, and how many gates that seemed to be locked were transformed into curtains of light! Thus, he who strives forward adamantly can accept the reality of the future. Let people recall how successful they were because of Our Help, and how they actually felt that a Leading Hand had touched them. Some may have brushed it aside as if it were an annoying fly, but there were those who accepted it with gratitude.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 178:
178. Urusvati knows how persecutors can sometimes be transformed into co-workers. We can point out instances when persecutors became pillars of the very Teaching they had been persecuting. The Teacher searchingly evaluates His persecutors. They sometimes have tremendous power, and just one spark is sufficient to kindle the flame of goodness within them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
Man seldom utilizes the accumulations from past lives. Often a small danger takes on the aspect of a frightful monster, and a person is transformed from an experienced witness into a hounded fugitive. He forgets that the monster he created himself will continue to grow, and that sooner or later he will have to face it and destroy it. The Guides whom man meets in the Subtle World advise him to free himself as soon as possible from his own creations, but if he is full of earthly limitations, he will reject the advice. Therefore, it is of paramount importance during one's earthly life to cognize this subtle existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 257:
Indeed, the Subtle World continuously influences the physical world. Subtle messages will cause unusual vibrations of prolonged duration, because the messages are not realized as mere passing thoughts, but must be transformed into decisions and physical readiness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 274:
Do not be surprised that even the most material science will inevitably lead to the gates of unlimited knowledge. Many earthly systems will have to be transformed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
The Thinker was concerned about the preservation of consciousness. Prompted by his inner awareness, He often repeated, "I will not lose my consciousness." Certainly, consciousness is needed in the Supermundane. The consciousness loses its earthly aspect, and can be transformed into spiritual knowledge. The clearer the earthly consciousness, the quicker the awakening of the spirit. While on Earth we can only sense the laws of karma, but in a state of spiritual awareness we can truly understand the combined forces of karma.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312:
One can even derive a benefit from such interruptions, because each of them carries a certain energy which one should recognize. The thoughts of space cannot always be transformed into conscious forms, but even in their formlessness they bring energy. Indeed, this energy may be coming from Our Towers! Remember that We send much and varied help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
There are many dreams that could be transformed into reality, even though they now seem unrealizable. For example, people dream about education for all, yet there is much illiteracy throughout the world. And as long as slavery and barbarism remain in many areas, how can one dream about universal education? But We will say, not only can one dream, one must. Space must be filled with commands to begin campaigns for education.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 348:
People fear the dead because they do not believe in eternal life. When this truth is broadly accepted, the world will be transformed. It is useless to speak of purification or sublimation before the continuity of life is understood. I affirm that at present people are far from an understanding of the structure of the three worlds. Nor will it help to simplify the scheme by division into two worlds; people will only become confused. Remember that in ancient times, too, very few accepted calmly the existence of invisible worlds. The majority feared these realms just as they do today.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 401:
401. Urusvati knows that four things must be experienced for the transformation of earthly life: the perception of the past, the perception of the far-off worlds, the perception of the Subtle World, and the perception of Hierarchy. But can man grasp these four foundations? Every thinking person will agree that these fundamentals are not difficult to understand. They are inherent in the foundation of one's concept of life, and as soon as they are absorbed, the most ordinary life will be transformed into a beautiful reality. But in order to acquire these realizations one must cultivate one's will, for only a free will can make real those concepts that are dead for many.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406:
406. Urusvati knows that pralaya is a systematic and unavoidable phenomenon. Night follows even the brightest day, and labor and vigilance are followed by sleep. Collected treasures are hidden in their secret repositories only to reappear, transformed. These changes can be observed not only in great cosmic phenomena, but also in everyday life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406:
Let us cite the example of cultural change. The appearance of new culture seems to depend upon the destruction of former achievements. But after careful study one can verify that the repeated efforts of human labor have not been in vain, and in time begin to reappear in a transformed way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 450:
Thus, We advise that sleep be transformed into an exquisite communication with the higher realms, but without straining one's subtle energies. At times the memory cannot retain the impressions of the Subtle World, and this should be accepted as natural. Even without this memory, it should be understood that contact with the Subtle World is made during sleep.


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