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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TRANSCENDENTALISM (1)

Heart (1932) - 106:
Also, why are women often awakened to the Subtle World? Because the work of the heart is most subtle, and thus transcendentalism appears easier for them. Verily, the Era of the Mother of the World is based upon realization of the heart. It is precisely woman alone who can solve the problem of the two worlds. Thus, one can summon woman to understanding through the heart. That will also be useful, primarily because the quality of the heart is eternal. Already there are many heroic deeds among women, but now instead of the stake woman has been accorded the flame of the heart. Let us not forget that for each important achievement the Feminine Principle is essential as a foundation and essence. The heart cannot open to the Subtle World if it is not understood through a special achievement.


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