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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TO > TORN (23)

New Era Community (1926) - 76:
76. One must know the process of Battle called the casting down of the rocks. When the Battle reaches a certain tension the Leader tears away portions of the aura and casts them at the hordes of enemies. True, the auras of the warriors are violently torn also; therefore at this time the protective net is not strong, but the enemies are smitten especially vigorously. The fabric of the aura burns more severely than lightning. We call this method heroic. It must not be thought that we are traveling on a luxury train - we are walking over an abyss on a plank. Tufts torn from the aura leave it like the riddled wings of an eagle. It must be remembered that we ascend the walls without any cover. When a glass is broken it may not rattle at once, but when it reaches the lower gorges the crunching of its fragments is heard. You yourselves will understand the rest. The very greatest Forces are in Battle for the salvation of humanity.

New Era Community (1926) - 125:
125. My young friends, again you have been gathered in the name of the Teaching and again you have had an evening with guests. Whereas, it has been said and repeated that the hour of discourse about the Teaching must be devoid of ordinary gossip. Even though this hour may be more infrequent, yet its quality must be upheld. You approach by round - about ways, you surmount the fatigue of the working day, you bear a particle of the common good; but the accumulated objects of the familiar room break up your striving, and imperceptibly you become dusty boarders. Moreover, one of you, observing what is taking place, becomes a self-appointed overseer and sinks into the pettiest irritation. The fabric of the communion is torn and an unworthy mending is begun. We urge you, even if for only an hour, to be consciously responsible people. If an hour a week is difficult for you, then better meet only every fortnight. Learn how to exclude at that time all troublesome beastly habits - smoking, drinking, eating, shallow gossip, dealings in small affairs, censure, anger. Upon being assembled, remain seated several minutes in silence. If then one of you will not find the strength to enlighten his consciousness, let him silently go back into cold and darkness. We are enemies of all compulsive magic, but a natural control of consciousness must become the prerequisite of real construction. Surely for one hour one can dismiss personal ventures. If this be difficult, how then can you think about progress and growth of consciousness? An ox knows about chewing its cud but does not advance farther than digestion. Make an effort to give your discourses beauty, simplicity and purity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 52:
52. The word repentance does not exist in the Senzar vocabulary. What does exist is an expression familiar to you - wise cooperation. Consider the essential hypocrisy in the notion of repentance. It is simplest to demonstrate this to people through an example in medicine. By distortion of thought a man wounds his brother; but no words or thoughts of repentance can heal the wound, whose torn tissues can be mended only by persistent effort. For the restoration of goal-fitness it is necessary to demonstrate wise cooperation. The consequence of action can be cured only by action. No verbal avowals, no oaths, are of importance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 539:
For old spirits who have experienced many incarnations, the period after the seventh year is quite difficult, and the one after fourteen years even more so. After fourteen years the psychic energy has already come into action. The spirit has already torn itself away from its former existences, and the burden of the new unknown path overwhelms it. The accumulated possibilities cause a vague anxiety, and the core strives to return to conditions in which there were greater opportunities for the consciousness to act freely.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 629:
When we speak of psychic energy, we must first of all remember the causes and effects of our small daily thoughts. These worms weaken the higher energy. A disorderly heap of refuse will obstruct any work of building. Our enemies are small, annoying flies. Do not the torn fragments of fleeting images resemble them? When we point out the need for cultivation of psychic energy, we shall say the same about the disciplining of small thoughts. But we must know that the small can be forerunners of the great.

Hierarchy (1931) :
Merging into the waves of the Infinite, we may be compared to flowers torn away by a storm. How shall we find ourselves transfigured in the ocean of the Infinite?

Hierarchy (1931) - 253:
253. Many legends express the danger of having several Gurus. Let us cite one of them. "One pious woman had three sons. Each of them had chosen a venerable Rishi as his Guru. But one of them conceived the idea of increasing his powers by asking two more Rishis to be his guides, though his mother had warned him of the danger of such a thoughtless action. The time came when the Rishis began to teach the three youths to fly. The third youth asked the two other Rishis to strengthen his flights, so that he might be ahead of his brothers. But the whirlwinds sent from three places crossed and the light-minded fellow was torn to pieces in the air; whereas his brothers flew safely in the direction of the Rishi chosen by them." Thus people remember the law of Hierarchy. One might adopt this law. From every standpoint of knowledge science confirms other laws of life; however, one should look with an oblique eye.

Hierarchy (1931) - 336:
336. Thus, one should investigate impeding elements with all means. One must understand in what consists harmony with the foundations of Existence. In what lies the progress of a spirit who is gradually becoming accustomed to existing above the world and to labor without end? Also, the sacred pains should be understood as signs of the flights of the spirit into the region which binds the worlds. Thus, it is easy to understand that involution has deprived humanity of some acknowledged qualities, and one should manifest much of the primary energy, in order to weave again the torn web of Assurgina. But praise to the courageous, daring, and striving ones!

Heart (1932) - 15:
15. Though we be humiliated by the hypocrisy of ignoramuses, the way is one, and nothing will impede it if the heart is pure. It was wise to liken the heart to a ship, but a ship presupposes a helmsman. Courage is born of a pure heart. One can compare it to a rose, where the significance of the flower is in the number of its petals, but if they are torn off, the flower itself is injured. Thus, guard the defense of the heart. It is wise to understand that only the lord of the flower has access to all the petals.

Heart (1932) - 93:
93. In all scriptures are presented symbolic narratives of how hermits and saints compelled demons to serve and labor for something useful. Truly, this is quite possible in case of a disinterested impulse. I attest to what an extent all the dark ones serve the structure when the power of self-sacrificing demand protects the commanding heart. But one circumstance can be dangerous and harmful-irritation full of imperil opens the entrance for the dark ones. Where there is irritation various newcomers set themselves to profit by it and increase the action of the poison. How much of the texture is torn, how many tests and experiments are impeded, to the joy of the malevolent ones! Advise to accept this not as a fairy tale but as a dangerous reality. The source of good and evil does not disappear.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 129:
129. If we begin to speak about firespouts, many will altogether fail to grasp the meaning, and others will think we refer to coarse electrical manifestations. Yet, one should ponder deeply upon this subtle fiery action. You have just seen how a mere scratch has caused a fiery burning. Such a manifestation is not from a physical infection. A firespout touched the torn tissue. Similar manifestations can be observed which conform to external fiery tensions. The torn tissue, with all the nerve outlets, serves as a magnet, as it were, for the fiery waves. Indeed, those people who possess vigorous heart energy can more strongly attract the waves of tensed Fire. Therefore, in such cases I recommend water compresses, but no alcoholic preparations. During the tension of Fire alcohol must be avoided, for it concentrates the fiery waves. Many drunkards could give instructive testimony about the fiery waves that cause such sufferings! Of course, I am not speaking now about nerve conflagrations, which only a few have observed. Even so, the firespouts must not be forgotten in such a tense time.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 625:
625. A saturated solution forms crystals; various conditions pass before us similarly. So does the saturation of thought produce action. From thought is born a physical effect. So does the saturation of karma finally produce physical consequences. Many timid ones try to put off karmic consequences, but a fiery spirit wisely hastens it by all means. He understands that the ends of a torn fabric can but hinder the ascent. Ugly confusion should not disturb the hastening one. He recognizes within his heart that the inevitable must come to pass, and he only rejoices that everything can be passed through - the strength of Agni is in him.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 172:
172. The most difficult of all for humanity to understand is the beauty of achievement. Verily, achievement in life is a great motive power, for what can better awaken the consciousness than the beauty of achievement? What, then, can produce a striving upwards, and tear one away from the lower strata if not the spirit impelled to achievement? The direction of humanity manifestly is exactly the opposite, and is affirmed in the spheres which hold the spirit to the Earth for long periods of time. Therefore, each exalted feeling takes on such monstrous interpretations. Verily, life summons to fiery achievement, to great fiery Beauty. But man is torn away from his everyday life with such difficulty! Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the achievement of Beauty.

AUM (1936) - 13:
13. One should realize in the heart that people are not torn away from the higher worlds. Such a resolute consciousness helps one to recognize one of the greatest wonders - into whatever heights of the stratosphere one may ascend, whatever flights one may contemplate, lofty thought soars freely in every realm. Just reflect that a thought from out the Infinite is carried through all the worlds. Aum is the power of Grace. Already in remote antiquity people realized Divine Omniscience as an all-pervading energy.

AUM (1936) - 173:
173. People wish to render everything commonplace and insignificant, but when they see something that does not fit into their framework, confusion results instead of attention. The manifestation of such an unusual scale of events will actually be considered as mere chance. Thus are precious weavings senselessly torn asunder. The obviousness of events is often striking, yet words are found to violate even evidence. People know how to break up stone blocks and remain with a rubbish heap.

AUM (1936) - 340:
340. Many of the most beautiful concepts have been perverted. All-forgiveness resounds beautifully, but people have contrived to make it into the monstrous form, "The Higher forces forgive all," thus making all crimes permissible. However, the matter lies not in forgiveness, which is quite possible, but in outliving that which has been committed. Just is the law of spatial healing. An inflicted would requires medical treatment. Self-cure requires time, because the torn tissue must be mended. The best consonance of Aum can contribute to the healing of the tissue. But all the consonances of color and aroma can be of help, only if psychic energy admits such cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 262:
262. Fire is required for tempering the best blades. Without fire the centers of the organism cannot be refined. Inflammation of the centers is unavoidable, but one needs only to be very careful during such periods. A red-hot blade is easily broken; likewise is a glowing nerve filament easily torn. Therefore, let us be very cautious. Such circumspection indicates knowledge of the situation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 575:
575. Amidst millennia how can one discover the Founder of the Brotherhood? Nations call him Rama, Osiris, Orpheus, and many better names whose memory has been preserved by peoples. Let us not vie with them as to whom to give primacy. All these were tormented and torn to pieces. Contemporaries do not forgive concern over the Common Good. In the course of the ages let the Teaching be transmuted, and thus the scattered parts of the one body will be collected. But who will gather them? The memory of the people has affirmed Her who will apply her forces for the joining of the living parts. Remember the many who have toiled for the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60:
As long as people are preoccupied with magi and sorcerers, they are not with Us. The heart alone is needed for the Abode. A beautiful heart will always suffer on Earth, but the suffering heart becomes trustworthy. A fish cannot live without water, and the eagle does not rejoice without freedom. We want to suggest simplicity to our friends, for the complexity of life has already become harmful. Therefore We are silent about many discoveries, and although many formulas are ready in Our Abode, it is too early to reveal them to scientists, for their high purpose is too easily turned to harmful applications. Let those people who know Us guard this knowledge. A treacherous apostate will receive a wound that will not heal. But let us not speak about consequences, because some will take it as a threat. Every weaver grieves over a torn thread and rejoices at a strong yarn - thus it is also with the human spirit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
In Our Life there is no such thing as doubt. The attraction to the higher worlds is tremendous, and We must exert great effort not to be torn away from Earth, where Earthly burdens have been chosen voluntarily and consciously. Such sacrifice is forged by love and by the experiences of former lives that kindled love for those who suffer. Experience can either kindle love or sharpen hatred, and who will be the one to burn on the stake of hatred? Will it not be the one who hates? Love must become wise and active. This concept is very subtle and one can easily stumble over it, or fall prey to hypocrisy. Only labor for the good of the world will afford the proper balance. Labor evokes joy and cognizance of Infinity, and imparts a realization of the mobility of the worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 426:
426. Urusvati knows that most people cannot perceive the beauty of the Subtle World. Even in the earthly world people have difficulty grasping the manifestation of beauty, and then only sense it in a crude way. Amidst the subtler harmonies they will feel themselves to be as if in a fog. How many are able to rejoice at the wondrous beauties of light, and will not the music of the spheres seem monotonous to the ear torn by earthly cacophonies? People will better appreciate the harmony of the higher spheres if, to a certain degree at least, they can accept the best earthly harmonies.


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