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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TO > TORCHES (33)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 21:
Tactica Adversa ensures that the clanging bells of humanity are not stilled. The music of the spheres needs accompaniment, but those slanderers maddened by envy imagine that their howls densify the atmosphere so that the symphonies of Eternity cannot penetrate through to Earth. However a good householder finds a use for any and all dross. So, let the torches of slander light the path of unswerving achievement.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 636:
636. The influence of Our rays is like the illumination of torches; they open the consciousness when the spirit, propelled to the heights, desires to open the gates of Truth. It is very difficult to illumine the dark consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 3:
It is difficult to realize that the thread of the Fire of Space stretches into Infinity, but beautiful is the thought of him who has adhered to this unusual concept. Humanity does not even realize what extinguishing means. But you know that each extinction of a flash of fires ignites supermundane torches. Benefit or harm - it is you, the people, who predetermine. As the sending, so is the receiving. One may create a shower of radiant sendings, but one may also fill the space with locusts. Such is the law of cooperation between thoughts and space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 6:
At the threshold of night no streams of light appear. Light the torches!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 173:
When the spirit kindles its torches, when man ignites his centers, when the racial shifting and all energies are impelled by one and the same Fire of Space, then is the Fiery epoch asserted.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 190:
190. In the gathering of a new race, the Adept who lives among men is recognized as a great spiritual toiler for humanity. Thus is the creation of the nucleus of the new race confirmed. The fire of the ordained Carrier of Light kindles the spirits of the chosen ones. When the spirit of the Carrier transmutes his fires, he kindles simultaneously the torches of others. As everything in Cosmos is transmitted, revealing rainbow spheres, so the Carrier of Light sows rainbow seeds. Given the foundation, the structure grows. The creativeness of the Carrier of Light brings the higher world closer. The synthesis of the Chalice is the magnet of the heart. Straight-knowledge lends to the Carrier of Light the symbol of the bearer of the chalice of Beauty.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 28:
28. The Fire of Space kindles the manifestations of propulsive energies. The manifestation of spatial torches is to be found throughout Cosmos. The human consciousness is kindled by the torches of the Fire of Space. Each spirit bearing fire in its potential is such a torch. The most fiery torch directs humanity to the assimilation of the affirmation of the spiritual fire. The creativeness of these torches intensifies the thought in a spatial scope. The Fire of Space, which imbues the Universe, creates the manifestations of energies as evolution. The torch of spiritual consciousness offers its intensified spiral to humanity. Along this spiral moves the affirmed life. The torch which creates the spiral of thought verily calls to the Fire of Space. Thus, We shall say to the striving ones "Be like torches!"

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 29:
29. How ominous is the new time, how beautiful is the new time! The purification of space is intensified by the fiery torch. The striving torches of the Agni Yogi imbue the space, and the action of the affirmed shifting of the Cosmic Magnet begins to be felt. In the process of assembling a new race, and at the foundation of the New Era, the manifestations of the affirmed purifications take place along with the explosions. Only the cognition of the fire of Space will give humanity the understanding of the essence. Thus is the cosmic life built. Therefore, when the spirit of the people is saturated with Fire, purification is inevitable. The Agni Yogi creates like a fiery torch and propels the consciousness forward. Without these fires it is impossible to shift the consciousness. I so attest. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 188:
188. Straight-knowledge intensifies all the highest manifestations. Only when a being of man expresses straight-knowledge is the pledge affirmed. When the sensitiveness of the spirit utilizes all energies sent by the consciousness through a center, when the spirit can receive the resonance of Cosmos, then verily can straight-knowledge be affirmed. An Agni Yogi kindles the torches of sensitive spirits.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 285:
285. Only when a substance is saturated with fire can it be said to be all-penetrating. Only when an action is permeated with fire does it create. Only when all torches are kindled does the Light smite darkness. Therefore, all which is constructed by Us withstands powerfully, and the basis of striving attracts the fiery impulses. We, Brothers of Humanity, create through the lever of the heart, and We say, "The beauty of striving opens all paths."

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 504:
504. In the Book of Life is inscribed each energy which is moved by the impulse of the spirit. The quality of the energy is predetermined by a karmic effect. Space is filled with these karmic effects and each atmospheric stream is intensified by these energies. Therefore, the redemption of its deeds by humanity demands purification. The Book of Life contains all cosmic preordinations. Creativity is correlated with striving, and striving leads toward the cosmic course if the torches of quest are kindled. Hence, each page leading to the realization of the Cosmic Magnet is a better page, and the searching spirit will open the gates to the foundations of Be-ness. Thus is Infinity built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 100:
100. The spark of the spirit kindles the heart, hence Our Teaching is in need of spreading through the fire of the heart. How can one kindle the torches of spirit without the fire of the heart? Only fire uplifts creativeness and imbues each action. The energy that impels to the vital impulse must possess vital fire. Hence, in this law are contained creative powers. The tension of each energy calls to life the surrounding energies. Thus all materializations take place, gathering around them all energies. Therefore, the kernel of the spirit is a mighty accumulator.

Hierarchy (1931) - 184:
184. Truly, divisibility of spirit is attained when the centers create flamingly. Thus the harmony of creativeness is imbued with this flame of the spirit. Each creative impulse kindles spiritual torches when it imbues space with its fire. Therefore the torches of the spirit can kindle auras. Thus the flaming centers kindle spiritual quests at a distance. Verily, great is creativeness. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 187:
187. It is correct to understand the eternal struggle, and to prepare one's consciousness as if to face an explosion, for only this will correspond to reality. My Hand will not tire in leading the combatants, but My Eye cannot tolerate the sight of lethargy in the intoxication of comfort. Having Infinity before one, yet not losing an hour and valuing the use of each minute - is Yogism. When the spirit naturally adheres to the Higher World and kindles a row of torches of the heart, one can call it a righteous path.

Hierarchy (1931) - 366:
Therefore, humanity must ponder on how to bring the psychic manifestations closer to the physical world. Otherwise, established science and pedantry may meet at an empty board. Therefore, the vitality of art, which guards the divine fire, gives to humanity the saturation by that fire which kindles the spirit and imbues all worlds. Hence, the wondrous torches of the beauty of creativeness are so precious for humanity. We have seen how the creations of art have transformed men - something all the book-learning in the world cannot do. Thus the Banner of Beauty and Peace unites the world. Thus spirit-creativeness saturates space.

Heart (1932) - 20:
The Invisible World is, in reality, highly visible when the eye is not obstructed. Manifestations of mediumship are not needed in order to feel the Light of the Higher World, but one can ascend only to the Highest; therefore all forced artifices of the lowest magic are nought in comparison with the first light of the heart. Not many know the fires of the heart, but these torches must give light to all. Therefore, blasphemy against the spirit and renunciation of the Teacher are so grievous. I say - one may ponder for long about the Teacher, but once having chosen one, do not retreat. Let us manifest understanding of the foundations of the structure.

Heart (1932) - 174:
174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world.

Heart (1932) - 265:
265. But the highest law of the heart follows the affirmation of the milestones of the future. The brain is the past; the heart is the future. Hence, there are more fires around the heart. One must not forget that besides the usual fires each epoch kindles its torches, and, of course, the Era of Fire evokes a special fiery combination. Concentrated pure gold and golden purple lie near to the forces of Fire.

Heart (1932) - 536:
536. Among the fires of the heart the most vivid is the flame of self-sacrifice. Precisely this armor diverts the hostile arrows and creates the renowned invulnerability. The fire of courage is only a part of the flame of self-sacrifice. Of course, self-sacrifice does not mean necessarily to offer oneself as a victim, but it corresponds to the readiness to conquer for the work of the Highest World. One can also notice a decline of the fires upon the slightest deviation from Hierarchy. As a whirlwind extinguishes the torches, the deviation into the abyss of Chaos destroys the fires of the heart. Is it not strange to see at one table the deviating ones and those who walk to victory? They seemingly share together equally the earthly food, but their spirits are already in opposite regions. The purified heart senses these contrasts. Often the heart hesitates to decide by the outward appearance, but the substance is clear to it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 80:
80. People say that before a war or calamity forest fires and other conflagrations occur. Whether or not they always occur is of no importance; what is significant is that popular belief takes note of the fiery tension before world upheavals. Folk wisdom assigns to fire a remarkable place. The Lord visits people in Fire. The same fiery element was chosen as the Highest Judgment. The purging of evil is performed through Fire. Misfortunes are accompanied by burning. Thus, in the entire current of folk thought one can perceive these fiery paths. People like the shrine lamps and carried torches, displayed for the services. In the people's understanding the element of fire has a solemn meaning. Thus, let us draw not from superstition, but from the folk heart..

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 222:
222. So long as humanity continues to dwell in a corporeal consciousness, the methods of conventional experimental medicine can hardly be altered. Only by directing the consciousness toward psychic energy can the senselessness of vivisection be stopped. Working with living plants, on one hand, and applying psychic energy, on the other, will lead the trend of thought into a new channel; but, in any case, each protest against vivisection already has Our approval. Such protests indicate a knowledge of the manifestations of the Subtle World and an understanding that vivisections can become new sources of contamination. In the future, an adequate prophylaxis, together with application of psychic energy, will make diseases entirely non-existent. But meanwhile, it is necessary as far as possible to stop the cruelties of vivisection and to reiterate about psychic energy. Through such a constant reminder, the energy itself will become more manifest. For fiery thinking is also a kindling of the torches.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 433:
433. New life can begin from each instant. There can be no obsolete life, save perhaps in our conception of it. Yet, for what do we exercise and regenerate our thinking? Precisely for a new life. Let us not understand this as a personal concept, as egoism. Such a life of selfishness would be cringing. But no one who crawls can ascend. A new life in the name of good is built up in cooperation. Such a life kindles many fires. Let us not forget that thought of good kindles in its path a great number of lives. The poisoning of space with evil thinking is no new thing. But selflessness of the heart directs thinking to the kindling of new torches. Surely, wise is the law which invokes good thought for the lighting of new fires. The manifestation of the new, eternal sparks of the Fiery World will be actually new life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 467:
467. Actually, Fire cannot remain in a state of immobility. When We speak about the spiral of ascent, We have in mind a fiery structure. The movement cannot be arrested, for this would be incompatible with spatial Fire. People attribute many properties to Fire, but the principal condition remains unobserved. Fiery Guidance is the basis of the resplendent element. It must be remembered that flame is directed upward, it cannot turn its arrow downward. So too, the adherents of the Fiery World cannot go downward. If We observe a fall downward it means that Fire of the heart is drooping. Let there stand before you examples of radiant Fires! One can choose a beautiful affirmation through such Torches from the Earth to the Fiery World. Let us not droop, for this is unbecoming to Fire. Let us not belittle any fiery significance, nor tokens, which you have seen and felt. Let us assist friends to proceed flamingly, for non-affirmation of the Higher World is self-destruction. And let us consider the Fiery World as the most proximate, the most guiding, the most flaming. It is necessary to think about the Fiery World as our destiny.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 393:
393. Radiations of the heart have fiery qualities which manifest a powerful saturation throughout all space. If people could but learn to affirm construction through these fiery energies, much could be established in conformity with the Cosmic Magnet. Radiations of the heart have a constructive power, and nothing can be compared with fiery heart radiations, for to their mighty action even spatial energies are subordinated. On the path to the Fiery World one must manifest understanding of this Torch of Torches.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 532:
532. Though earthly fire may go out, the Fire of space is never extinguished. Is not the elemental conductor eternal? Not without reason are torches used even in the daylight processions.

AUM (1936) - 269:
The more subtle the energy, the more indistinguishable to the crude vision will be its qualities. Thus, it is necessary first of all to establish firmly the basic quality, which is the touchstone. This quality is purity of thoughts, arising from desire toward unselfish usefulness. The rays of achievement will be the best torches during the study of psychic energy. Attentiveness also will be a friend in such experiments. Any foregone conclusion will be detrimental.

Brotherhood (1937) - 3:
The loftiest freedom can be realized in the Supermundane World, where laws are understood as a beautiful and immutable reality. There, too, equality of the seed of the spirit is understood, it being the sole measure of liberality and balance. Usually the earthly statues depicting liberty are furnished with wings or torches, thus reminding us about the higher spheres and conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 150:
150. People do not know how to find that which is most beautiful. They forget the best moments of enlightenment. But these hours are given to all, notwithstanding different conditions. A moment of enlightenment flashes out like a diamond. It is extremely brief, yet this brevity embraces a contact with the Supermundane World. Such touches are unforgettable! They are as torches on Earth and surpass the reason. One should preserve the supermundane sparks with solicitude.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416:
The Thinker long ago observed how poisonous the smoke from furnaces and bonfires could be. When He saw lighted torches, He remarked, "Whose destiny is it to inhale such poison?"


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