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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TO > TOILED (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
5. Let us remember the myth about the Origin of Mountains. When the Planetary Creator toiled over the formation of the earth, He gave attention to fertile plains which could provide people with a quiet agriculture. But the Mother of the World said, "Verily, people will find bread and trade in the plains, but when gold will pollute the plains whither shall go the pure in spirit to gather strength? Either let them have wings, or let them have mountains, in order to escape from gold." And the Creator answered, "It is too early to give wings to people, they would carry death and destruction. But let us give them mountains. Even if some be afraid of them, for others they will be salvation." Thus there are two kinds of people - people of the plains and people of the mountains

Brotherhood (1937) - 575:
575. Amidst millennia how can one discover the Founder of the Brotherhood? Nations call him Rama, Osiris, Orpheus, and many better names whose memory has been preserved by peoples. Let us not vie with them as to whom to give primacy. All these were tormented and torn to pieces. Contemporaries do not forgive concern over the Common Good. In the course of the ages let the Teaching be transmuted, and thus the scattered parts of the one body will be collected. But who will gather them? The memory of the people has affirmed Her who will apply her forces for the joining of the living parts. Remember the many who have toiled for the Brotherhood.


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