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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TO > TODAYS (12)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 290:
290. Did the heroes of ancient times resemble today's heroes? Did the heroes of antiquity need an inexhaustible store of enthusiasm? Their achievements were brief, and one explosion of fire was enough to feed their energy. Now, the extended duration of achievement, with the complete depletion of forces in the earthly atmosphere, puts an unbearable strain on the energy. The most powerful stroke, the sternest call, can flash out from but a single explosion; but continuous and repeated action requires a whole sequence of currents of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 416:
Psychic energy is both Fire and Materia Matrix, and the Teaching of Agni Yoga is nothing other than an explanation of today's application of energy, the stream of which is approaching with Satya Yuga. This is not a new awakening of heretofore dormant possibility, but an enlightenment spread over time. I say, the Teaching cannot be given for money, nor can it be imposed; it heralds the New Era. One can ignore it or deny it, but its heralding is inescapable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 511:
Can one build life amidst the hatred that prevails at the end of Kali Yuga? But the complete task of the future Satya Yuga must be expressed now, amidst today's animosity and destruction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
The exact knowledge sent out from Our laboratories often cannot be understood because the formulas are given in unusual symbols. But why should We distort ancient formulas that would otherwise have been forgotten? If some formulas survive from Atlantis, they should not be limited by today's scientific concepts. The science that synthesizes and the science that analyzes are worlds apart. Thus it is so difficult to find the harmony that flourishes in the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 19:
Let us imagine a military expedition that discovers the Brotherhood. One can easily imagine the outcome of such a discovery, and the curses and anathemas that would follow! Crucifixions take place even today. Thus the West has never understood the essence of Our Hierarchy. The concept of dictatorship does not fit Our Hierarchy. We have established as law the idea that power lies in sacrifice. Who among today's leaders will accept this Ordainment?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 35:
35. Urusvati remembers the many changes in the long progression of her lives. These memories do not burden her, but only enrich her consciousness. A right attitude toward past lives is very rare. As a rule, remembering past lives does not inspire one toward the future, but chains one to the outlived remnants of the past. Therefore, people can seldom be allowed knowledge of their past lives. Today's consciousness cannot absorb much. People simply cannot understand why distinguished incarnations alternate with ones of hard labor. The illusion of having been a king or a queen impedes one's discernment even though perfectment is still needed. The earthly consciousness does not realize how much an incarnation of hard labor can raise the consciousness above that of many sovereigns of this world. It is even more valuable when an understanding of the ascent of the spirit grows while in the earthly state.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58:
Feelings can solve the most complicated problems of a country, but the inviolability of the individual and his dignity must be protected. Let us not be consoled by the so-called impartiality of the courts, where dignity is trampled by crude arbitrariness. It is easy to talk about sadism, but it is terrible to see that this inconceivable madness is not stopped. Yes, one must expect that the fundamental quality about which We are speaking will not be understood. There are so many small but nonetheless terrible tormentors all over the world! The deliberate torment of one's neighbor is no different from that carried out during the most barbarous eras. You may recall the crowds of the Roman circuses; can today's crowds boast of worthier conduct? Did the change in their attire change their consciousness? One must remember such conditions in order to know what Our Abode must fight.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 214:
214. Urusvati knows how much the concept of rhythm is misunderstood by humanity. The ancient teachings about the significance of rhythm have been lost, and today's idea of rhythm is limited to music and crude dancing. Scientists speak about vibratory rhythm, but their conclusions do not go beyond their laboratories. Rhythm should be expressed in all work, in all creativeness, in all of life. Only experienced workers are aware that rhythmic labor is the most productive.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
296. Urusvati knows that the heavens continually change. During a single earthly life one can observe many manifestations that cannot be explained by today's science, and even imperfect telescopes can show us that the infinite life is infinitely complex.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
In these times it is not possible to expect peace, but we should understand that the coming era will be more suitable for an intelligent acceptance of peace. Therefore, everyone should speak about world peace even if only in the abstract. Let this word, which belongs to the future, be heard amidst today's clouds of hatred. Do not expect to hear such words at lifeless meetings. Let the best dreams be expressed by the young. Let them, in the armor of defense, lay the foundation of life. One should not interfere with the loftiest dreams.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
400. Urusvati knows how uninterested and forgetful people are about past eras. Not realizing that today's culture is linked to the past, they demean it and thus limit their knowledge of the present. The recent past is vaguely remembered, and the ancient periods have been completely forgotten. Thus do people restrict the scope of their life awareness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 414:
Many of today's psychological notions are inapplicable to life, and in the present state of the planet man cannot waste time with such theories. We must agree that everything that does not lead to the transformation of life should be regarded as useless, and in this there must be no difference of opinion. One can move forward or backward, but to go back among forgotten fossils would be unendurable.


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