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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TI > TIMING (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 460:
460. One has to properly understand the relationship of the timing of a predestined event to the essence of that event. People will generally relate to a coming event in terms of the surface details that they expect to see, and if they do not see those details, they are unable to think about the essence of the event. What then should we care about - the surface or the fundamentals? Remember how often too much attention to details undermined the essence. People would rather cling to trivialities than follow a foundation of universal significance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 316:
Imagine a criminal who, having committed a crime, trembles in fear of punishment. But when the days pass and nothing happens he becomes bolder and decides that his crime was not so bad after all, and that perhaps it was justified by some higher law. Eventually the criminal grows impudent and scoffs at karma, calling it an invention of fools. At last, at a most unexpected moment the rebounding blow falls, and he blames karma for punishing him so unexpectedly at the prime of his life, when the punishment is particularly painful, forgetting that there are many factors involved in the timing of the karmic reaction.


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