AUM (1936) - 129: 129. One must rejoice at the approach of each physician who desires to study the foundations of the rapprochement of the worlds. When the triple sign leads to triunity, then observations upon the human organism become necessary and undeferrable. The basis of threefoldness can be expressed throughout the organism. The physician must be informed about the Subtle World and the Higher World. Only from such considerations can he apprehend the subtlest conditions of the organism. And for him Aum will not be an empty sound. AUM (1936) - 215: Let us say, "Nothing has been forgotten, nothing has been belittled, nothing has been destroyed. We are not disparagers, nor are We afflicted with arrogance. But no one can rob the concept. Aum, of its antiquity, with all its significant threefoldness. The primary signs should not be thrown aside. Instead of hostile ignorance, you had better manifest humaneness and show love for attainment of knowledge. Succeed through love!"