Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 6: 6. Safeguard your solitude. God - or Aum - is the Highest Being of your inner self. My Breath is the daring towards Beauty. The great gift manifested through your sacrifice will lead you to joyous realization in your pursuit of Truth. Eschew the life of the slumberer. Love the life that sparkles in thoughts enveloped in the Divine Radiance. Strengthen the growing power of your spirit. Ever remember the Gates revealed by Us. The pure Breath of Our Bliss imparts living sustenance to you in your daily life. May the dance of wrath succumb before the power of the Temple! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 19: 19. Steep is the path to the abode of faith. Turn your mind to the joy of creation, That you may exalt the spirit, cast out all trivial thoughts, and be ready to receive the waves of vibration sent by Us. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 20: 20. The pure thoughts of the strong in spirit transform into realities life's phenomena. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 25: 25. We lend Our Ears to pure thoughts. You will receive the knowledge and will walk the pure path, but beware of anger and of doubt. If you conquer, you will receive the light. If you falter, the whirlwind will obscure your soul. Perfect yourselves, my friends, unwearyingly. Deny not the Voice of the Spirit, suppress only the earthbound voices. Be daring - I am with you. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 33: 33. Love one another - I shall send you pure thoughts. I shall strengthen your desire for perfection. By love would I heal the mistaken ones. Ramakrishna says: "Love, and all will come unto thee." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 49: 49. Love and striving work miracles in life. We are awakening your energy for new thoughts, which are needed for transmutation, and for the work of thought in life. You must find the resources to create a new life. We send you thoughts - sharpen them without violating Karma. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 58: Friends, Our answers are ready; but let the stream of Karma flow. Answers given too soon will, like a dam released, cause floods. Strive for unity of spirit. By pure thoughts strengthen the harmony of your spirit, that the Blessed Ones may reach you. The Light will fill your aura - guard it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 60: 60. In your labor your thoughts turn not to danger. Let your heart unfold and your eye perceive. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 126: Naught can deter the Hand of the Creator of the New World. I say unto you: My Shield has taken many arrows, but at the Spirit's Feast We will assemble, victorious. Strive for victory. For now, dismiss thoughts of peace and be vigilant, My warriors! I know My Daughter wishes to adorn with roses the path to My School, but these times are bitter and cold. All will be well. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 155: 155. From east and from west will come My warriors, And among the conquerors I shall recognize those chosen by Me. And you will know those designated by Me. Even the grass in its growth fulfills the Will of God. Higher than the wheat is the human spirit, and in Our Teaching its work accomplishes even more than do benevolent thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 162: 162. I bring joy of spirit. My Hand is over your pure thoughts. M. teaches you to beseech the Holy Brothers to show you the steps of the higher path. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 174: We learn to smile at errors. Books, like man's passing thoughts, must be chosen with care. Many easy things are revealed as useless when you gain instruction from Me. When berries are gathered in the woods, only the best are chosen. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 178: 178. I send you this consolation. Pure thoughts do not die, they flourish though the earth congeal. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 179: 179. Judge not too severely the happenings of life; they are a chain of events leading you to the Gates. Pure thoughts are needed to surmount the obstacles upon the way. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 187: 187. It is wise not to worry but to strive joyfully. You must think, for thoughts create deeds. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 202: 202. Sacrifices have been made upon M.'s Mountain. It is difficult to pray when the mind is filled with worldly thoughts. Your will must guard the place of prayer. It is better to truly know people than to be charmed by their masks. If human hearts were filled with beauty, no sacrifices would be needed. But many are the unillumined ones. Therefore, it is a thorny way that leads to each truth. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 211: 211. The spirit cannot die, nor can the mind destroy the Miracle of the Creator. A tree spreads its shelter over many, but only the gardener knows the growth of each branch. The branches of the tree may be gnarled, but the form of the tree appears mighty to the passer-by, And the shade of its foliage shields the weary traveler. Pure thoughts are twined like branches. Each is different but its growth strengthens the tree. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 213: 213. Pure thoughts are protected by a talisman. The use of a talisman is as scientific as the use of a magnet. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 219: 219. The darkness of ignorance must be dispelled. Let pure thoughts accompany My Task. Be vigilant lest the unknowing ones desecrate My Name. Know how to find those successors who will value the meaning of My Task. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 224: If your boat is sound, you will reach the shore. Your sail is spread and the rudder is tested. My Shield will protect you on the field of battle. Be ready to fight. By pure thoughts will you conquer. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 244: 244. The new chosen ones will express their thoughts briefly and clearly. Each era has its own ways. At one period the gem is stripped of its setting, At another it is embellished beyond recognition. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 249: 249. Let Us speak scientifically, but with kindness. Not for Ourselves, but for you, do I speak of trust. But Our messages shatter themselves against the heart that is barricaded. When needless words are uttered, the currents are mixed. Emanations of irritation deny entrance to the thoughts We send. Even a touch cannot be sensed by a hedgehog! In this, discern the difference between the quills of a hedgehog and Our feathered Shield. The benign arrows, like feathers, outline the circle of salvation; But if the needles of doubt do not permit the entrance of Our Message, special difficulties arise. The Higher Ones send Us Bliss. We transmit it to you. But if We and you reject the Bliss sent, We all shall be engulfed by the wave of evil. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 254: 254. Our essential being needs the currents of prana. The tired organism is more affected by outside forces. Direct your thoughts to the one source of the world's creeds. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 271: First let us affirm disdain for unneeded food. Just as the fallen fruit is collected in a basket and carried away, so are outgrown thoughts also discarded. So, your sense of human imperfection has ever existed, but this fruit is also fallen. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 273: 273. Chance does not exist. I must strengthen your knowledge of the powers of spirit. After the great waves we reach the billows of people's thoughts, and even those of plants. Thereafter the attuned ear merges into the ocean of Cosmic Harmony. Fatigue of the body results from your striving for achievement. The achievement is there. It grows with experience, like an immersed crystal. We watch Our swimmers with solicitude; should a salty wave flow into your ear, be not afraid - We are with you. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 312: Children! Action, action, action. Thoughts of good raise your vibrations to those of the Master's Soul. Remember, the Master's Soul is your abode. Do not forget Him in your striving for Bliss. In the name of humanity I am speaking to you. The Master is ever at your door - but leave the door open. Await Him and He will respond to your call, As responds the flower to the call of the morning sun. In My Name go through life, and you will conquer the darkness. The rain cloud will not find you, nor will the burning sun cause you suffering. For I am your Guardian, your Friend and Father. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 320: In your bosom cherish thoughts of service towards Good. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 328: Soar with your thoughts. Fly by affirmation. Fly by love. And you will realize the joy of flying. And the gulf of life will remain far below you. And a miracle of flaming colors will radiate near the splendor of the Southern Cross. All is attainable. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 347: 347. About love I can say that in pure souls it rushes ever upward. But compassion flows downward. One may love God, One may picture Him as a wondrous Martyr for creative thoughts for the Good of the World. One may trustingly and even daringly knock at the door of His Temple. And if the knock is consciously delivered, Then in response one receives new strength, though it may not at once be recognized. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 390: Ask yourselves in the morning, beginning your day, What you can add to the entrusted work that My Name should permeate all your deeds, And should enter not as obstacle but as affirmation; Not averting, nor complicating, but as a part of your decisive thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 432: 432. I read your thoughts each day. The Teacher examines the creativeness of beloved disciples. And if fatigue closes not their lips, Discourse flows like a Himalayan stream. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 433: 433. The whirlpool does not engulf pure thoughts. Far-reaching compassion stands guard, But love must be sent. Fortitude will carry you through, And the self-sacrificing achievements of the spirit will be transformed into the fragrance of freesias. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.5.3: It is easier to withstand a single roar than to permit thoughts to grow mouldy. Therefore, I say, let us proceed. Therefore I shall multiply your strength. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.1: 1.8.1. I speak of alien bridges and gates. On the way, alien bridges are encountered. One must cross them hurriedly, not looking downward, having but one wish - to reach quickly the other side. Also, do not pause before foreign gates, but demand the right of way without disturbing your calmness, because your way is determined. One must with pure thoughts close one's pores to bad air. But when times are difficult repeat: "Nevertheless, I am going into a Garden of Beauty. I fear not the predestined gates. Why is the shield above me? To safeguard me. If new dams arise I shall cross them, because I do not fear!" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.13: 1.9.13. By spirit retain the spiritual Teaching; only spirit can bring the Kingdom of God onto the Earth. As simply as My Words will the Kingdom of Spirit approach. As simply as last winter's dry leaves will be swept away. There is no past, there is the light of the future - by it walk! I summoned you from the gulf of life. I sharpened your teeth. I set before you the color of the banner. Understand the Teaching with a full sweep of wings. To Me leads only the upper path; by the lowest path one cannot come. Hold My Commandments under sagacious locks. Ascend by the most valiant thoughts, for I have lifted the flap of your tent with lightning. In spirit forget about insignificance. The predestined Light is great. So walk! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.14: 1.9.14. Pure thoughts are obstructed by gratuitous judgments of local people. It is difficult to hear from behind the forest. In the works you love, My laws must be defended. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.12.2: Smile when spiritual beggars are called scholars. Smile when someone speaks irreverently about the spirit's understanding, when false books are read, when pure thoughts frighten the small of soul. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.8: 2.2.8. Our thoughts are about you. We are sending you the Teaching - how to walk upon the steep rock, transforming it into a wondrous valley. Humanity feels that the solution is not to be found by the sword, and the last possibility sent is the indication of the Gates. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.9: Wherein lies the strength of Our experiments? In the solar consciousness, being poured out as prana. Above the stratum of earthly thoughts stream the currents of the sun's wisdom, and in these regions begins the great preordained Teaching. We summon to the encompassment of the Universe. But only the instrument of consciousness will permit the new experiments of the blending of spirit and matter. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.2: 2.4.2. Just as We watch over you, so do We watch the development of children throughout the world from the cradle on, weighing their best thoughts. Of course, spirit does not often reach its best development, and the number of deserting ones is great, but We rejoice at a pure thought as at a beautiful garden. Therefore, do not be astonished that the Great Teacher repeats simple sentences, because by fixing these thoughts We sometimes provide opportunity for an excellent flower of spirit to become stronger. Therefore, along with great cosmic discoveries and world events, We just as carefully cultivate the flowers of the spirit. Thus diversified is the labor of Our Brotherhood. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.2: There is thought which leads inwardly, leaving the surface of the spirit unruffled, and there is also thought which flies into space as a projectile, carrying an explosive charge. A ray accompanies the flying bullet. Every spirit knows when thought flies like a boomerang. It is especially desirable that the thought be tinted by one's own color. But it is only opened nerve centers that do not give color to the thought, leaving it enwrapped in the color of the person; and then true individuality has begun. Instead of the thought's being colored by its contents, the whole sending is permeated by the color of the individuality. Thus is the ray physically formed. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.3: There are thoughts directed inwardly and absorbed by the potentiality of the spirit. There are thoughts which are not manifested upon the earthly plane. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.7: 2.5.7. When in perplexity, sit together in silence and think one thought. Soon you will understand to what an extent such silent counsel is practical. We precipitate the force of the spirit along one channel. An unusual discharge results, reinforced by magnetism and harmonized by rhythm. The law is that two concordant thoughts increase the power seven times. This is not magic but a practical consideration. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.9: 2.5.9. Fire singes imperfect thoughts. How else to fill the cradle of authentic achievements? The experiment of filtering the thought through the ray is very important. Everyone expresses the essence of his aura, but single thoughts can be of different value according to their spiritual consistence. Then the substance of the thought can be tested by a special ray. The presence of inner spirituality illumines the thought by the color of the aura, but if the thought is a base one it burns under the ray. Thus, there results not only a testing of thought but also a disinfection of space. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.9: The best thing is to destroy the germs of base thoughts, which are more infectious than all diseases. One should be careful not so much about uttered words as about thoughts. During one word ten thoughts are born. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.9: 2.6.9. Gloom can be dispersed by changing the direction of thoughts. Not words, but the runners of thought weave the aura. We are desirous of making Our works profitable in both the spiritual and material sense. I affirm that for this the quality of thoughts has great importance. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.9: We appreciate a business-like financial account more than a string of pompous phrases. One must think about the world and manifest practical thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.1: 2.7.1. Tell the new ones that the responsibility for thoughts has to be realized. Formerly, one was responsible for action; later the significance of the word was understood; and now it is time to know the conflagration of thought. It is better to learn silence and to purify one's thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.12: The Teacher repeats not purposelessly the long-familiar thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.17: Expel small thoughts, they are stifling to Us. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.2: Why is there a legend about the descent of Christ into hell? The Teacher addressed the lower strata of the astral world, saying: "Why, by cherishing earthly thoughts, bind oneself eternally to Earth?" And many revolted in spirit and rose higher. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.15: Actually, thought creates beyond the earthly limits. Therefore, learn to govern the thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.7: The spheres of the elements are of dazzling beauty, and besmirching them is like destroying a wonderful flower. I feel that the teaching of pure thoughts will penetrate into people's consciousness. The sower of thought gathers the harvest. Therefore, with the Mother of the World all-seeing cooperation is unavoidable. The state of the substance of the space, pierced by the combinations of new rays, permits the beginning of the New Era. All Good should be gathered. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.5: 2.10.5. It is better to know human weakness than to be nurtured by the images created by weak thoughts. The truth is distressing, but it is time to know that the world is peopled with shadows. Before a catastrophe there always walk shadows. The hammer is raised; and terrible is the dance of shadows who have forgotten the spirit! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.7: 3.3.7. When someone bars your way, step aside in silence if you know your path. When you have to find shelter, find good words for the host. If your path is broad, when the hour of departure strikes, find good words for those remaining. When a tree blossoms by the roadside, do not break it; maybe it will give joy to those coming after you. When you hear a call of greeting, do not spoil it. When you hear a singing bird, do not shake the tree. When you see children approaching, say, "We have been expecting you." When you are hurrying for supper, step on dry stones. When you go to rest, set your thoughts in order. When you hear something pleasant about yourself, do not write it down in a note book. When you think about an offense, look back for the dust on the floor. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.10: 3.3.10. I rejoice to see how the lightning flashes of foresight regarding the people's welfare sparkle amidst your thoughts. These thoughts have to be launched into space. If you could daily spare half an hour for the future! Verily, the bonfire of your thoughts would receive Our welcome. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.10: Let the things of everyday life vanish, but let the country of the future be embodied in thought. And what cleanses the spirit more thoroughly than the thoughts about the welfare of others? And what tempers the armor of steadfastness better than the wish to lead others to Light? And what weaves a better smile than a desire to see the very last child laughing? I urge you to think thus about the future, to place daily a pearl into the necklace of the Mother of the World.. And so, concisely and simply think how to adorn the Hearth of the World. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11: 3.3.11. Let new countries also realize the power of the aspiration of the pure in heart. Let them understand that hypocrisy of thoughts is an obstacle to the attainment of communion in spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11: Say to all who hope to be with Us that they should keep their thoughts pure. Achievement is born of pure thoughts. No display of action will yield fruit unless it has been uplifted by the wings of a rainbow thought. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11: When thoughts flow broadly, then even their unpleasant direction may finally be not harmful. But when the thinking resembles in content a drop of stagnant water, then there is no possibility to reveal the image of the New World. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11: One must affirm one's thinking, and steadfastly keep in mind the four given precepts. One has to remember this; one must avoid confused thoughts. I strongly urge you to emphasize the beauty of the firmament and to link it with thoughts about the future. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.10: 3.4.10. What suffers most of all? Of course co-measurement! I have spoken so much about it, yet again it is necessary to return to the old theme. Even the few who sense the importance of co-measurement remember about it only in some special circumstance. When one is drowning, then the best precepts are called to mind. Far more important is it to remember them amidst everyday life. The smallest thoughts will be borne away by the whirlwind of a right judgment. Good or bad, useful or harmful, these will be singled out, because where the big trees are, the shrubs are not seen. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.14: I wish to speak particularly to those who place their trust in matter: Your thought is imbued with the emanations of nerve centers, and according to its specific gravity it is heavier than many micro-organisms. Is then your thought not matter? How exactly must we, then, weigh our thoughts! We are responsible for them, just as a man who misuses charcoal fumes is responsible. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.5: People will say, "How beautiful! How powerful! How sublime!" But all these outbursts are like will-o-the-wisps over a marsh, and are extinguished as easily as they are generated. Pure but superficial thoughts are like multicolored dust particles; the first wind carries them away into space. The value of such particles is negligible. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14: Since the significance of the spirit is great, then great value should be attached to thought, the child of the spirit. What significance thought has is shown even by a simple apparatus for study of the spectrum of the aura. The aura changes color not only from realized thoughts but, in the same measure, from the errant flies of our spirit reservoir which do not reach the reason nor the memory. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14: The identical significance of thought and action is spoken about everywhere. This is easily established. Note the effects of a thought about murder and of the act of murder upon the spectrum of the aura - the results will be identical. It is difficult for people to assimilate the fact that the thought has the same effect as the deed. But whoever wishes to take part in world evolution must understand the significance of thought. When thoughts are transformed into physical colors, their action at a distance is just as evident as that revealed by the study of light waves. One must approach scientifically the theory of the force of thought. One should not refer this to exceptional personalities - this law is common to all. Its principal effect will be recognition of the impracticality of falsehood and hypocrisy as well as the need of solicitude toward one's near ones. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19: To the testing there may be added a question that even a child can be asked: "What do you consider of the utmost importance right now?" Understanding the train of thought, one can recognize the true nature according to the reply. It is sad to look upon those who conceal their thoughts. Thought is lightning. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.7: 3.6.7. In communal occupations, do not indulge in thoughts about the recent past; think either about the future or the wisdom of the ages. The fragments and dust of the husks of the past fill space too much. Attracted by the magnet of thought, they weave unclean phantoms which are difficult to drive away. Expelled from one corner, they camp in another, until they are again reduced to dust by a conscious stroke of the will. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.7: It is more practical to think about the future - these thoughts have recourse to solar prana. The magnet of such thoughts can attract particles of cosmic dust. This dust of the far-off worlds is beneficial for new formations. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.7: One must accustom oneself to thinking about the future. When you come together you must send out thoughts about the future. The assemblies will be purer. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20: 3.6.20. Pure thoughts are like the ozone of space. Verily, one can fill one's surroundings with them, but only in a definite consonance. To launch a pure thought and muffle it with a dozen cravings is like a horrible dissonance. Consonance is to be understood as a series of resoundings in accord. Therefore, in self-activity We appreciate orderly sequence of actions. Not a chance benevolent exclamation, but the conscious process of continuity produces advantages. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20: Friends, preserve a pure channel of receptivity, for in this furnace pure thoughts are forged. Look upon pure thoughts not as a wondrous Heaven-Dweller who descends on holidays, but as the fare of your workdays. New Era Community (1926) - 23: Friends, I repeat - hold your thoughts pure, this is the best disinfectant and the foremost tonic expedient. New Era Community (1926) - 35: 35. Paracelsus used to say; "per aspera, ad astra." Later, this remarkable maxim became a device upon shields and coats of arms, losing all meaning. True, understanding its meaning it is difficult to attach oneself to Earth alone. As a smoke escaping through a chimney, the attained spirit rushes into manifested space. What kind of dimensions for it can earthly garments offer? What kind of mobility can the spirit manifest on the surface of the Earth? What thoughts can it share with and upon the earthly sphere? New Era Community (1926) - 43: Three Arhats importunately besought Buddha to permit them to try a miracle. Buddha placed each one in a dark room, and locked them in. After a long time the Blessed One called to them and asked what they had seen. Each one told about different visions. But Buddha said "Now you must agree that miracles are not useful, because you did not perceive the main miracle. For, you could have sensed an existence beyond the visible, and this sensation could have directed you beyond the limits of Earth. But you continued to be conscious of yourselves as seated on the Earth and your thoughts attracted to the Earth waves of the elements. The swelling of the Elements evoked agitations in various countries. You caused rocks to fall and destroyed ships with a hurricane. You saw a red beast with a flaming crown, but the fire attracted by you from out of the abyss burned the houses of defenseless ones - go and bring help! You saw a dragon with the face of a maiden, simultaneously causing waves to wash away fishing boats - hasten with assistance! You saw an eagle flying, and a hurricane destroyed the harvest of toilers - go and bring amends! Where then is your usefulness, O Arhats? An owl in the hollow of a tree has passed the time more usefully. Either toil on the Earth in the sweat of your brow, or in a moment of solitude lift yourselves above the Earth. But let not the useless commotion of the elements be the occupation of the wise." New Era Community (1926) - 45: 45. I point out that it is important to send good arrows opportunely, and that the spirit then feels at ease. Like a gray swarm infecting the air, fragments of alien thoughts rush about and gradually encumber space. Then comes the arrow of the spirit, which is like lightning. It not only reaches the designated person but also purifies space. This purifying of space is not less important. A purer arrow, being a stronger magnet, draws to itself the gray fragments and bears them backwards. In such a manner the gray thoughts, with their weight, are returned to the fountainhead, but without injury to others. These gray thoughts, as products of combustion, settle upon the aura; and it is the sower who reaps. It is wise to send the word - touch not! Indeed, this formula will bring the least counterblow. Precisely, this is an ancient protective formula. It is practical to send either a good call or a defensive formula. Any malicious sending is impractical. True, it is possible to admit the sword of indignation of the spirit, but only in rare cases, for indignation of the spirit wears away the sheath. New Era Community (1926) - 62: 62. One may rejoice when suggested thoughts coalesce with one's own thinking; because in recognizing cooperation there are no boundary lines of separation of labor - there are only effects. It is impossible to dismember the functions of the Cosmos when actions are flowing like a river. New Era Community (1926) - 84: The crumbling of eons shifts entire worlds. For that reason your thoughts are directed toward preservation of mental energy. New Era Community (1926) - 85: 85. Each organism is moved by a particular energy, but it is necessary to establish the precise direction of the basic aspiration. Once the disciples asked the Blessed One how to understand the fulfillment of the commandment of renunciation of property. After one disciple had abandoned all things, the Teacher continued to reproach him in the matter of possessions. Another remained surrounded by things yet did not draw reproval. The feeling of ownership is measured not by things but by thoughts. Thus, the community must be accepted by the consciousness. One may have objects and yet not be an owner. New Era Community (1926) - 110: 110. Among the school subjects let there be taught the fundamentals of astronomy, but let it be presented as the gateway to the far-off worlds. Thus schools will stimulate the first thoughts about life in the far-off worlds. Space will become alive, astrochemistry and rays will round out the presentation of the magnitude of the Universe. Young hearts will feel not as ants upon the earth's crust, but as bearers of spirit responsible for the planet. Let usfix our attention on schools, for from them will issue the affirmation of cooperation. There will be no construction without cooperation. There will be no security of state and union while outworn egoism holds sway. New Era Community (1926) - 137: When people see a comet they give thanks to the valiant one, eternally striving, and the thoughts of the people speed outward to give new strength to the rider of the monster. White, yellow, red, and black people direct their thoughts to him who long ago became fiery." New Era Community (1926) - 150: During experiments of transmission of thoughts it is important to question the entire district in order to determine how the field of effectiveness of the sending spreads. Thus, it is possible to establish a spirality of movement. From this it may be understood that sendings into space will not be successful in the sense of a definite date. Picturing an immediate goal, one may encompass a larger space beyond it in any given direction. New Era Community (1926) - 150: Let us end with a smile Do you not imagine the thunder of thoughts in space? One disciple asked, "If thought is ponderable, then must not space be overburdened with thoughts and gravitation thus disturbed?" What do you think? New Era Community (1926) - 156: Here he, the lonely one, crossed, swam, flew through the prescribed spaces, and he already communicates and transmits his message. Who has received him? First, distrust - does the Community exist? Second - can the Community be active and take part in distant matters? Third - is not the appearance of the messenger and the need for the indicated action simply a coincidence? I recall that one such messenger, indignant at the mediocrity of the last remark, replied "You who talk about coincidence, do not forget that you yourselves are a coincidence of particles of matter. But if your coincidence has been unsuccessful, the laws of matter provide a reason for it." However, when monetary matters are turned to, and those dealing with the transmission of objects, thoughts begin to coincide propitiously. Facts and warnings are listened to attentively. The city dweller is not averse to squeezing out a useful information, even though it be from the Community. Thus, outside of a few co-workers, the messenger encounters about him an abyss of greed. Give money, give advice for the morrow, do away with the enemy - then vanish quickly and do not disturb our digestion with thoughts about world fellowship. New Era Community (1926) - 172: 172. Someone may have doubts as to how to reconcile the assimilation of consciousness with the exchange of thoughts known as a dispute. Is a dispute necessary? Will not a dispute be a manifestation of dissimilarity? With Us a dispute does not exist as such; it is expressed in a mutual enrichment of consciousness. Precisely, a lengthy assimilation permits transformation of contradiction into an enrichment of the store of knowledge. Contradictions are usually only different aspects of one and the same manifestation. True, when contradictions issue from ignorance, then the dispute turns into a pit of rubbish. New Era Community (1926) - 175: 175. You know of many experiments in thought-reading. Western people, being told about it, have no idea how inherent to the East is this psychological quality. In their ignorance they even call it superstition. Whereas, if thought is an organic creation, then it can be laid open. Even meagre physical apparatuses can catch the tension of thought. Even the thermometer and electrical apparatuses react to the rising of thought. Thought even changes the temperature of the body. To such an extent does the psychic apparatus dominate the physical that it is even correct to identify the psychic apparatus as a part of the physical. There exists an apparatus which writes down the flow of thoughts; this flow also is reflected in a radiation and may be detailed by the comparative method. This system is pleasing to Western thinking. New Era Community (1926) - 187: Learn to understand how lofty is the concept of the Teacher. Draw this line from horizon to horizon, from arrival to departure. Know how the Teaching of Light has been revealed to you, and remember the silvery thread of the bond. The bond with the Teacher is light as the eagle's wing, and the eagle's eye looks ahead. What else could you prefer, if your consciousness has been opened? The building of the community can help in gathering thoughts. Of course, not caravan donkeys but eagles have been indicated in the comparison. New Era Community (1926) - 194: 194. Visiting your countries, I noticed that the word "control" is much feared there. Whereas, this concept is quite readily acceptable to Us. The hand which knows its work is not afraid to share it with a friend. This means that good-will and knowledge are needed, and it can easily be perceived that then psycho-mechanics could exercise control over any concealed action. Already it is possible to see through walls, already it is possible to record all sounds and thoughts. For concealment an unusual courage of consciousness is needed, and it is impossible to attain it without lengthy preparation. The attainment of equilibrium of conditions is possible only through raising the quality of labor. Then each one can apply self-control. Then each one can ask any outside controller to show personally what is better. The voluntary controller must himself know how to work more thoroughly. Therefore, it has been established with Us that every criticism must be based on better knowledge. This experience creates a convincingness which is spread far and wide. New Era Community (1926) - 198: He who wishes to plow must have his plow. He who wishes to attain must understand his weapon. The people of the West have overshadowed their consciousness with the weightiest thoughts, but the joy of knowledge has become something almost indecent. Joy of realization must become the prerogative of the New World. New Era Community (1926) - 210: In Our old letters you have read how true Our prognosis of social events has been. Even today you have confirmation about the state of consciousness in the World. The sensitiveness of Our apparatus permits reading the waves of incautious thoughts of the world. It is exactly like an editorial room. New Era Community (1926) - 232: We permit certain of Our discourses to be written down, not to draw reproach or opposition but for the consciousness of those who have at some time heard about Our Community - who have learned something about an unrealized dream which somewhere has been brought into life. In the night hours someone was tormented with thoughts and forthwith enhanced the legend. To them is it needful to transmit Our discourses. New Era Community (1926) - 238: In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid half-wayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking. New Era Community (1926) - 241: Verbal renunciation is like the gesture of a monkey. Ask your interlocutor how he thinks about the community. Affirm you understanding from this thinking. A word contains a thousand thoughts. It is too crude to attribute to a word a precise expressiveness. Only comparison of concepts can determine the quality of thinking. Ask him what is for him most unacceptable. By what is he most attracted? Ask more than once, as otherwise the most important will be forgotten. People have not been accustomed to define clearly the unacceptable. Decrepit man does not agree, but fears to account for it to himself. A child is attracted to something but does not know how to reflect about the basic cause. The new age is in need of responsible clarity. How indispensable it is to force people to think about the causes of non-acceptance! Revelation of the causes is half-way to acceptance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 22: When We speak of the need for fortifying the apparatus of thought, We are warning against the unbridled assault of the elemental forces. Certain periods of planetary existence are subject to assaults of the elements. The one resistance to them is a consistent striving of people toward a renewal of life. This saturation of thought will permit concentration on the Teaching and, like a smiting sword, will cleave the clouds of unapprehended chaos. Thought can protect against the elemental forces, otherwise the balance would be so greatly disturbed that cosmic catastrophes would ensue. Would a year of famine, of drought, of disease not be the result of mass degeneration of thought? One man's thoughts are not enough to resist the elements. A new trend in consciousness cannot yet give the needed form to conscious thought. Only complete realization and responsibility will make it possible to inject power into thought. Otherwise there will be tension without realization, like sails taut in the fury of the whirlwind. Agni Yoga (1929) - 24: "We do not quibble about terminology but bring to conclusion a useful action. It is time to replace biblical terminology with more precise expressions. An amulet in a pocket is of no great value to the Invisible Government. What is needed is devotion, tested by conscious action. You thought to vanquish Us upon the field of terminology; but you called forth a decree, the results of which We ask you to contemplate. Guard your words and thoughts. We value the valor of daring; but the cunning of mediocrity is disdained by the Our Government." Agni Yoga (1929) - 29: 29. Affirm Our Teaching as your own abode, as your own construction. Let the breath of renewal fill your entire being. The significance of Community is expressed in united thought about the development of the world. The distribution of basic material benefits will result from an understanding of the highest truth. Unimportant are thoughts concerning the lowest material benefits. One should reject thoughts about quantity and strive only for quality. Of the benefit of quality, and of the harm of doubt, one must speak untiringly. Agni Yoga (1929) - 39: 39. It is erroneous to believe that it is easy to lose something on Earth. It is even more difficult to find something. The word loss suggests that something was acquired. All that is acquired will drag behind him who acquired. At times it is impossible to be rid of one's possessions, both material and intangible. Therefore We advise acceptance of possessions with full responsibility for them. This permits improvement of the quality of one's possessions and thoughts. To drag along tattered survivals is burdensome. Agni Yoga (1929) - 52: 52. The word repentance does not exist in the Senzar vocabulary. What does exist is an expression familiar to you - wise cooperation. Consider the essential hypocrisy in the notion of repentance. It is simplest to demonstrate this to people through an example in medicine. By distortion of thought a man wounds his brother; but no words or thoughts of repentance can heal the wound, whose torn tissues can be mended only by persistent effort. For the restoration of goal-fitness it is necessary to demonstrate wise cooperation. The consequence of action can be cured only by action. No verbal avowals, no oaths, are of importance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 76: Affirm success; affirm joy; affirm understanding of progress. Cast away the thoughts that belong to the old world. I shall not tire of repeating this. Agni Yoga (1929) - 77: 77. You know that the members and co-workers of the International Government have always had to obey its Decrees. For the last time let us turn to M., to the historical event of Our Warning. This age-old tradition of forewarning humanity, with each recurring century, is effected in full benevolence; in this lies its basic nature. Otherwise the role of the envoy would not be sincere and persuasive. St. Germain spoke to L. with good intent. Similarly, M. addressed V., and A.L.M. properly conveyed Our Decree. I praise all those who have aided Our envoys with their supportive thoughts. Agni Yoga (1929) - 80: Until recently the sensitivity of plants was considered to be just instinct, but after investigation one now can attribute this "instinct" to the domain of thought. Hence, one must observe upward and downward. The human creature shows a characteristic error in presuming to himself the exclusive ability to think. By the most simple examples, one can demonstrate how human thought is affected by age, circumstances, and nationality. It is striking to see how weak is the rudimentary thinking of the average man; yet anonymously-sent spatial thoughts will uplift his spirit. You know that a radio, with slight alteration, can receive thoughts from space. And thoughts, as living matter, can both nourish and be nourished. Agni Yoga (1929) - 81: 81. Can thought thunder? The phenomenon of the echo is an example. Thought, like sound, expands in magnetic waves. And the expression "the thunder of thought" is not an exaggeration. Precisely, the nature of thought must be investigated. For instance, is it possible that thoughts of a certain quality and intensity can influence plant life? How do animals react to certain thoughts? And finally, how do thoughts affect "sir man"? How does thought act as an element in chemical compounds? Would it not be advisable to test thought with litmus paper? Could thought not rival virulent poison or music in its power? In general, thought must be investigated as a living factor of existence. Thus it will be possible to build a bridge between the psychic and the material from psycho-technics to dynamics, and even to astrochemistry. Thus should be understood the working of space. Agni Yoga (1929) - 88: 88. Cosmogony should evoke thoughts that exalt. While the god of an unawakened people is conceived as sitting atop an insignificant ball, the superior spirit peers into the Infinite, adorned in the joy of unbounded knowledge. Do not demean the Infinite! Agni Yoga (1929) - 101: Try to observe the life of so-called inanimate objects. Observe your effect upon them. The one who converses with objects is not always a subject of ridicule. Enwrapping them in thought creates a special atmosphere. Likewise, a pillar of swarming thoughts can penetrate to the regions of the far-off worlds. Regard thought as a real force in life, then gain firm control over the flow of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 103: The disciple chooses his own Teacher. He reveres Him as one of the Highest Beings. He trusts Him and brings Him his best thoughts. He cherishes the Name of the Teacher and inscribes It upon the sword of his word. He shows diligence in labor and flexibility in achievement. He welcomes trials as he welcomes the dawn, his hope directed to the unlocking of the next gate. Agni Yoga (1929) - 113: 113. Indeed, human desire forms each one's own tablet of commandments. What the slumbering spirit desires, the awakened one receives. But the tide will carry away the scum of unstable thoughts. Participation in planetary tasks is the best tempering of one's sword. Agni Yoga (1929) - 113: One can impart to few the sacred Mystery. Their number is small, but space itself harkens to them, for, like a human furnace, they fuse and temper the thoughts of the world. Let people guard thought! Agni Yoga (1929) - 117: The New Dawn will come, relieving Me of the exhausting night watch. Humanity's burdensome thoughts are hammer-blows on the foundation of life. But it is possible to find reinforcement in the moment of decision. Therefore I can say, "Nevertheless, rejoice!" The issuing of flame from the soles of the feet can be an indication of the beginning of a new stage of great achievement. You have been told so much that by now you should not belittle yourselves by undue attention to insignificant dates. Agni Yoga (1929) - 122: 122. That a situation is without solution is only imagined by those who would rely on other people rather than upon the power of their own thought. Grief experienced by others flows like the ripples of a stream; but the images of Truth, which you call ideas, rule the karma of the world. It is astonishing to see how images of Truth participate in the spatial battle. While the multitudes disintegrate in a blind fury of ignorance and betrayal, the thoughts of Truth weave their heavenly nests, which for real evolution are far more vital than any worship by entire nations. Agni Yoga (1929) - 122: We often exhausted Ourselves in improving the condition of humanity, but do not regret having sent even one evolutionary thought. These thoughts take root and flourish like an enchanted garden; and as magically invisible are the workers in this garden. Know how to direct your thought to the Common Good and We will always be with you. Agni Yoga (1929) - 128: 128. It is not enough to establish facts; their inner meaning must be understood. We have discussions about the future during which it is permitted to offer the broadest range of ideas, but We must support them with facts and analogies. Such games of forecasting are the best relaxation. They awaken dormant centers and give birth to new thoughts. Our Teaching results from experience and prognosis. Therefore, advise your friends to ponder upon the future. It is futile to consider whether the current moment is successful or unsuccessful. Only by projecting fact into the future do we ascertain its value. Thus is molded the reality of the future. Agni Yoga (1929) - 168: It is not always easy to decide when one is a murderer and when a benefactor. Only as beacons of Agni Yoga can we with justice illumine the workings of chaotic thought. But for this we must consecrate ourselves in sacrifice to Agni Yoga; and few can love the dangers of self-sacrifice. Therefore, what is said is comprehensible to only a few. But one can cite numerous examples, such as how one who became insane in Asia was the cause of the death of another in Europe, or how one who rose in spirit in America healed another in Egypt. Hence the efflorescence of beneficent thoughts is a flaming flower of spirit. Agni Yoga (1929) - 173: 173. The yogi is not given to hypocrisy; the yogi is not given to gossip against those belonging to the Brotherhood. Such gossip is equal to treason in its consequences. The yogi knows how much he himself is affected by his own thoughts. The yogi welcomes each sign of evolution. The yogi valiantly recognizes the evil of cosmic refuse and quickly destroys the sources of untruth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 175: Until now, only very rarely, and under special conditions was Yoga achieved, but the present stage of evolution of the spirit demands that Yoga be brought into life. And the thoughts of the young generation must be directed to this end. Neither zealotry nor weakness of faith are needed by Us, but each wholesome transformation of life will be noted and supported. Agni Yoga (1929) - 185: "Purify your thoughts, and after determining your three worst traits, sacrifice them to be burned away in fiery striving. Then choose a Teacher on Earth and, mastering the Teaching, strengthen your body with the indicated medicines and pranayama. You will behold the stars of the spirit; you will see the flames of purification of your centers; you will hear the voice of the Invisible Teacher; and you will acquire those subtlest perceptions that transform life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 197: 197. One should think about Our actions and testify to their rightness. The least doubting thought will divert the arrow far from its target. Then it would be better not to touch Yoga at all. An obscured consciousness is a remainder from the animal state. Who has need of clouded thoughts? No one would want to receive obscure answers to their questions! Agni Yoga (1929) - 226: The manifestation of corruption in the Subtle World impedes humanity from proceeding steadily toward perfection. But the Subtle World is corrupted by the earthly world; thus, the healing must begin from the earthly world. Therefore, the study of Yoga leads not only to self-perfectment but also to the improvement of the Subtle World. The yogi, by consciously changing the state of his body, achieves a greater tension in the work of the spirit. He shortens the periods of rest between incarnations, but even during his rest continuously directs his thoughts toward useful action. Thus, through incessant labor, he unites the separate worlds and affirms the realization of all that exists. Agni Yoga (1929) - 227: The problem of possession should be approached scientifically. Two aspects of existence should be remembered. First - the continuity of life through different states. Second - the influence of the will of one upon another. Thus, beings existing in subtle bodies of different levels can direct thoughts to those on Earth. This unrealized energy can aid in the unifying of the worlds. However, uniting with the highest also opens the path to the lowest. You already know how much the lower spirits try to attach themselves to earthly emanations. Therefore, people should be warned about the need for steadfastness of the will, because possession is the most inadmissible condition. Only the intervention of a third will, firm and pure, can terminate this violation of the law, which affects people without regard for age or position. Agni Yoga (1929) - 227: It is the physician's duty to watch the sick for symptoms of possession by an alien will. If the physician is himself sufficiently pure and unafraid of calling the unwelcome guest to himself, he may apply his own will. But then, even the departure of the possessor from the patient is insufficient for a complete cure; because for a thousand days the danger of relapse still exists, and the ailing one must watch his thoughts closely. Physicians should be warned about this. Agni Yoga (1929) - 227: Countless are those who want to impose upon people their most degraded thoughts. But in order to save the endangered one it is sufficient to have power of will and to find the right rhythm of command. It is the duty of the yogi to eliminate harmful influences. Agni Yoga (1929) - 231: In each manifestation of nature one can study the ways of growth of the higher organisms. The conception and development of thought are characteristic of the higher organisms. Fragmentary thoughts are of no importance, but ceaseless and precise thought can, like a tree, be a pillar of the Teaching. Agni Yoga (1929) - 255: Like contagion from an unseen source, similar thoughts spread. Some force gathers them, directs them, intensifies them. Those who used to place a magnet over the crown of their heads in order to deepen the consciousness knew fragments of the Great Teaching. Collecting the magnetic waves out of various realms, they reinforced their store of psychic energy. One can really unite several currents and effect a renewal of consciousness. For this, one must primarily learn open-mindedness. This is the first condition for the development of consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 341: 341. Proclaiming the New Era of Fire means that it is necessary now to master this element. The reality of Fire must be embraced by the consciousness. But long ago I told you about the necessity for this exercise of accepting ideas into the consciousness. Can one presume that the Teaching has been applied in life if even one's thoughts have not received a new impetus? Do not seek for new seedlings where all remains as before. Where the old dominates, the New Fire will scorch, and life will not receive its new blessings. Agni Yoga (1929) - 341: When it becomes possible to see the emanations of the human body, you will discern with clarity the hideousness of duplicity, when the face shows benevolence but the thoughts are sharpening knives. Agni Yoga (1929) - 357: Let us magnify our thoughts, and let us think of the fundamentals of Yoga as our bread and milk. This should not be forced, because the Teaching itself attracts by taming all that impedes growth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 394: The fog surrounding humanity is dense, but thoughts can be pushed through it in unexpected ways. It is much easier to build the structure of the Teaching out of separate pieces, like a mosaic. A direct, linear sequence of ideas should not be demanded. The fragments are added according to changing circumstances. Agni Yoga (1929) - 396: When we have learned to find joy in the new breadth of this responsibility, we will appreciate the importance of thought and will learn to investigate its laws. Many sensitive apparatuses will make it possible to determine the effects of thoughts. Thus, one more treasure will be extracted out of chaos. Agni Yoga (1929) - 397: Under these circumstances, one is able to observe how thoughts - other than the impersonal thoughts of space - fly past. But impersonal thoughts usually contain no harm. I do not say that one should renounce personal thoughts, but full responsibility for them must be accepted. A more strict life for children would be an outward way of teaching such responsibility. A knowledge of reincarnation would also be helpful. But existing conditions of government and religion severely impede the development of such responsibility. Agni Yoga (1929) - 403: Few are the trusted builders who with self-denial accept the thoughts coming from space into the chalice of their hearts. They are not frightened of being scorched by the fires of the far-off worlds. They do not resent bearing the burden of anguish caused by surrounding imperfection. They are approached by the superradiant fires of space and exchange thought with the sparks of spatial consciousness, silently kindling thoughts and answering questions. Weighty is the protective canopy of blessing, but it alone provides entrance into the highest Abode. Agni Yoga (1929) - 407: 407. Do not give in to thoughts of sorrow. Such thoughts are like rust on a conqueror's sword. There can be no sorrow near the fiery crucible of life. If you read the Puranas in their dead letter, even this book of great wisdom will seem like a cemetery to you. But where there is fire there can be no sorrow. Agni Yoga (1929) - 415: 415. Refine, refine the co-workers! Stagnation is the greatest danger for productive human work. A broad consciousness is needed to maintain the rhythm of action. When the moment for action arrives, people are distracted by irrelevant thoughts, and as a result they send against a tiger an arrow fit for a sparrow. This is not only a lack of goal-fitness, but also a loss of concentration. Is not one who has deprived himself of the power of concentration lower than a beast? Agni Yoga (1929) - 466: 466. I advise noting what actions and thoughts are accompanied by the appearance of stars, and what are the colors and dimensions of the stars. These indications are like the bliss of the worlds. The Fire of Space is seemingly metalized, and life becomes filled with the radiance of the prana of reality. One should simply watch the signs without prejudice, and observe to what thought they relate. Certainly they may seem familiar enough to the psychic vision, but one should not lose attentiveness and let oneself think of them as familiar. Only for weak ones can the everyday work on the Teaching be tiresome. The sparks of Cosmos are unique and unrepeatable. We could provide an entire chapter describing observations of these stars. Agni Yoga (1929) - 487: 487. Some will say, "Why preoccupy oneself with Agni Yoga and psychic energy, when we already have wireless communication and all kinds of other inventions?" But wireless communication can carry only words, whereas psychic energy instantly transmits thoughts, and also impels the recipient to immediately respond in action. We do not err in saying that half the world responds to the transmitted suggestions, and that psychic energy knows no distance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 502: Many people choose to pass these formulas by and thus avoid the spiritual stigmata brought on by the painful striving of the spirit. Truly, these stigmata are the best signs of sensitivity. Not coarse, startling manifestations, but wings of cosmic thought fall with the lightest touch upon the crown of the head, awakening the striving of the Kundalini. These thoughts may fleetingly leave intangible traces, but they sharpen the centers, so they become like needles gathering electricity. Are not our centers like pine needles? Agni Yoga (1929) - 529: 529. It is true that the power of thought has been spoken about for ages, but nothing has changed because of this. People generally do not pay attention to their thoughts in order to determine their causes and consequences. Yet what remarkable experiments could be conducted even now, in the midst of everyday life! No special conditions are needed for such experiments. Attention and mobility of consciousness are all that is required. For instance, in experimenting with telepathic communications, one can observe the outer and inner conditions that influence the quality of the communications. Drowsiness or alertness, irritation or joy, lethargy or striving - each reacts strongly upon the quality and intensity of communications. The personal character of the participants also has its effect. Is it not important to take attentive notice of these things? Agni Yoga (1929) - 531: How wonderful it is to observe the striving of thought, its origins and causes, the differences between thoughts of various times, the proximity of consciousnesses at different stages of development, and the eternal competition of the higher and lower spheres! All this creates an incomparable existence. Agni Yoga (1929) - 534: 534. Most harmful of all are the so-called involuntary thoughts. Every conscious thought is to a certain degree organized, but the little vagabonds, without any sense, obstruct the ways. Agni Yoga (1929) - 534: When people are united in the acquiring of knowledge their thoughts gain a special significance. Unity in thought is stronger than any physical unity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 547: 547. Thoughts sent into space attract kindred thinking. How should one act if one's broad views do not achieve their goal? One must expand them still further. Beyond the boundaries of hostility lies the field of friendship. The traveler must know the geography of this domain. Agni Yoga (1929) - 583: 583. If people would only realize the consequences of their thoughts! It would be no exaggeration to say that even the greatest of crimes have been born of the smallest of thoughts. One may point out to people how material and alive thought is. Agni Yoga (1929) - 599: 599. Certainly, one of the main tasks of the coming evolution will be to transform our view of the so-called abstract into a recognition of it as cognizable reality. The study of psychic energy will make possible a completely new approach to one's surroundings. The contrasting results of selfish versus altruistic actions have until the present been seen in an abstract way, but let us henceforth examine them from the point of view of the chemism of the various centers. Different thoughts and actions issue from different centers. Hence, their emanations are chemically different, as is their visible radiance. The effects react on the creator himself and on his surroundings. Thus, it would seem that the most abstract will become weighable and measurable. One of the simplest experiments will be the weighing of an individual under the impact of his different thoughts. A sensitive scale and sharpness of thought will provide clear contrasts. This is not a science for hermits but is knowledge for the improvement of life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 619: 619. The power of the magnet is increased by the whirling rotation of the spiral, from the currents of prana of Infinity. By magnetizing Our thoughts, We send messages carrying thoughts and images that ignite the human consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 628: Some obscure centers, as yet unknown to medicine, are revealing themselves as the source of power for our thoughts. Soon these levers will find their application and will merit chapters in books. Agni Yoga (1929) - 629: 629. A properly paved road is laid with small pebbles. One cannot lay a smooth road with large rocks. When you study the ways of thinking, you will perceive a multitude of small thoughts, with which you can pave over the roiling surface. He who can be attentive to small thoughts will be able to control great decisions. The quality and sequence of small thoughts lay the road for great actions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 629: When we speak of psychic energy, we must first of all remember the causes and effects of our small daily thoughts. These worms weaken the higher energy. A disorderly heap of refuse will obstruct any work of building. Our enemies are small, annoying flies. Do not the torn fragments of fleeting images resemble them? When we point out the need for cultivation of psychic energy, we shall say the same about the disciplining of small thoughts. But we must know that the small can be forerunners of the great. Agni Yoga (1929) - 633: 633. What I told you yesterday about the vision above the Chalice has a scientific explanation. Saturating space with intensified thought, we clothe aspects of our striving with a particular image. Thus, out of elemental matter we create a desired image, which remains near the place where it was created, fortified by our thoughts. The eye of a child or a refined consciousness can perceive this formation. Similar observations are useful in studying creativity of thought. Of course, to be successful one must preserve the aura of the place and unceasingly add layer upon layer to the transmissions. The hour before dawn and the rhythm of chant will be helpful. Agni Yoga (1929) - 644: 644. You submit to examination by physicians of different kinds. You allow your body to be cut by the scalpel. You permit physical experiments. But when you are spiritually ill and your consciousness is dim and you do not perceive the light of the coming future, still you reject any thought about the shield of regeneration. I have said that your shield is in recognizing Our existence. Accept this advice - heal your consciousness! You who complain about your liver, examine your thoughts! Agni Yoga (1929) - 646: 646. Many words are spoken about the Teaching of Life, but few are put into action. There is little value in those who repeat the Teaching without applying it. We are not speaking about those who lack understanding, but those who have approached the Teaching are responsible for their thoughts and actions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 649: 649. A disciple who has responded to the call of the Teaching and is aflame with all fires of devotion is truly a co-worker of the Cosmic forces. Having increased by his own actions the forces of Cosmos, having adorned spatial thought with his thoughts, is he not then a creator? And is not the wisdom of the ages his best adornment? Agni Yoga (1929) - 653: 653. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is foreign to humanity. But how can a spirit not succeed when the Teacher is the Leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher is the kindler of all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher be an obstacle to the disciple when it is the Teacher who impels his fiery striving? In the consciousness of humanity lives a germinal desire to strive for a common work that leads all forward, in unity. But humanity must learn independent action, and must implement the affirmed thoughts of the Teacher. Thus does human evolution achieve harmony with Cosmic Reason. Humanity must learn to create by the higher way. Agni Yoga (1929) - 661: 661. Each thought put into action is a contribution to the fiery creativeness. Each fulfilled thought is linked to Our actions. How carefully must the disciples examine the quality of their thoughts! Has not the worm of egoism, or conceit, or the manifestation of self-love hidden somewhere? The ability to admit this honestly is something that each spirit must develop within himself. Only thus can one fulfill one's mission in the Plan of the Lords. Agni Yoga (1929) - 664: Humanity, truly, must realize the significance of thought! The Teaching, truly, must be embraced by sensitive thoughts! Each striving thought can impel the spirit to achievement. Hence We value so highly the ability to shape one's thoughts. Each great thought is joined to the Chain of Hierarchy. Thus is evolution built. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) : A great deal remains unknown to us, yet we do overcome our ignorance. Thus, even if we do not understand the meaning of Infinity, we are able to realize it as something unavoidable and therefore meriting special attention. How else may we temper into commensurateness our thoughts and actions? Verily, by comparison with Infinity we realize the scope of our grievances and triumphs. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 3: It is difficult to realize that the thread of the Fire of Space stretches into Infinity, but beautiful is the thought of him who has adhered to this unusual concept. Humanity does not even realize what extinguishing means. But you know that each extinction of a flash of fires ignites supermundane torches. Benefit or harm - it is you, the people, who predetermine. As the sending, so is the receiving. One may create a shower of radiant sendings, but one may also fill the space with locusts. Such is the law of cooperation between thoughts and space. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4: 4. Human consciousness can be directed toward the disciplining of unbridled and unconscious thoughts. But to impart too much is difficult when so many minds are creating chaos. The development of straight-knowledge will help humanity. When straight-knowledge will dictate where is chaos and where Infinity, when straight-knowledge will distinguish a cosmic manifestation from an arbitrary one, then humanity will become the possessor of the key of knowledge. We appreciate that science produced the telescope, but the telescope of straight-knowledge penetrates into Infinity. Your telescope demands expenditures and exertion, but when one possesses the sensitiveness of Our apparatus one penetrates everywhere. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4: The mastery over unconscious thoughts will provide the understanding of the dimensions of Infinity. Limitless is the stream of thought! Verily, I say, the possibilities flowing from the streams of luminaries are endless. The luminaries in the invisible and visible spheres battle for the affirmation of Truth. Rays can heal; rays can create; rays can protect like a shield; rays can manifest the flame of the Chalice. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15: It is ordained for each one to adorn the path of evolution. The help of the spatial thoughts is ordained for each one. The Treasury of Infinity is open for each one who penetrates into the understanding of cosmic forces. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 25: 25. The renaissance of a country is always created through cosmic influences. The agglomeration of propelled thoughts attracts from space the necessary layers of manifested sending. Cliches of great discoveries float in space. Those who can intensify their psychic energy with the rhythm of cosmic energies will absorb treasures into their consciousness. The broadening of consciousness will propel toward the chain which connects all creative forces of Cosmos. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 26: 26. All that contributes toward accomplishment of the task of humanity's advancement in the chain of evolution coordinates its earthly direction with Infinity. The task suggests that creative thoughts be applied toward discoveries in the realm of Space. Great is the loss when designs force the closing of that which induces the perfecting of all forms. Only when the evidence of all spatial riches will be realized will it be possible to give perfection to our earthly forms. Be-ness was affirmed before its full realization by humanity, and all forms of life were then in varying stages. There are as many stages in Infinity as there are steps of consciousness. All things are interrelated. All things are mutually attracted and everything is reflected in the depthless ocean of creativeness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 104: 104. How luminous is the progress of an Agni Yogi, whose Chalice is filled with thoughts of Us! Transmutation of spiritual manifestations is granted to the one who carries the Chalice. We will direct creative threads toward transmutation of the very high. Great is the wealth of Cosmos. Great is Cosmos! Cosmos is in need of spirit-creativeness, and the psycho-creativeness of Cosmos is contained in the consciousness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 271: 271. The subterranean spheres conform to what is bred by humanity. Every action, every thought has its seeds. To these seeds are attracted corresponding elements. Therefore, all human engenderments correspond very closely to earthly thoughts. Hence, the lower spheres bring to mind strongly the aspirations of the dark ones. You have seen the earthly breed; you have seen the petrified giants which symbolize the striving of humanity. The sphere of the human engenderments is divided into strata, and to visit them a fiery armor is needed. The subterranean spheres are the reproduction of human thoughts. The mighty fire of the spirit is the smiting hammer. The fire of the striving spirit can transform the Universe. Therefore, the symbol of the hammer means the development of new tensions. Earth's girders are crumbling and a new foundation is laid. Verily, the power of Fire can build the striving of humanity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 384: 384. Attraction to the center of the generating fire imparts consciousness to the energies. Each attraction and emission of the fire, to and from the center, leads to conscious expression. The center is the core comprising in itself the entire potential. In life these centers are manifested in everything. The Teacher is the core embracing all your strivings. All that exists in Cosmos and aspires to progress is intensified by the center which is the fire impulse. All that lives in the seed of the spirit and aspires toward Light is propelled by the Teacher to that center which is the Magnet. The Teacher directs all issue of the seed to the center. Space is permeated with these centers. All energies strive to the center of spirit, and the center of spirit can dissipate all assaults against the purity of striving. All efforts against the seed of the spirit may be transmuted by the manifestation of fire. A well of pure might imbues each action which, by the power of the seed of the spirit, casts out the human thoughts that creep in. The conflict of energies either confirms victory of the spirit or engulfs weak strivings. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 19: 19. Invisible thoughts permeate the space and are attracted to different spheres, impregnating them with energies. In the power of impregnation by thought is contained the "Divine Fire" of the ancients. The key of the affirmed impregnation by energy was given as the manifestation of the Cosmic Sacrament. Verily, thought impregnates all Be-ness. Spirit creativeness corresponds to impregnation. It is said that the manifestation of Be-ness has no beginning but that the powerful diffused flame which encompasses Cosmos lives through consciousness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 34: 34. Cosmic blending is tensed by the Fire of Space. The fusion of sparks is precipitated by the Cosmic Magnet. Fiery seeds live in each atom, and the power of cohesion rests in these fiery seeds. When the intensified force of the creative Magnet is acting, the fire of the seed fuses with the impulsion of the Magnet. The manifested fire breathes the impulse of life into each atom. The spirit creativeness is strained by the manifestation of Fire. When thoughts create spiritually at a distance, such action is analogous to the creativity of the Fire of Space. The reception and the transmission are under the same law. The action of Fire is comprised in the impulsion of the Magnet. Hence, the magnet of the spirit reflects all cosmic manifestations. These potential forces are established by the Reason as the life force. The magnet of the spirit combines all vital impulses. Indeed, the magnet of the spirit fuses matter even physically. Of course, the treasury of the spirit is the Chalice, and that treasury also guards matter, because the powerful impulse of sacred Fire is laid in it. Thus, a wise power flows from the seed of the Fire of Space. Thus, the seed of the spirit intensifies the striving toward the higher spheres. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 101: 101. The invisible sphere which surrounds humanity is being woven out of the strivings of the human spirit. When the sphere is woven, the intensified tempo of the predestined manifestation sets its course. Hence, the thoughts intensify the sphere and react upon the course of events. Thus closely bound is the affirmation of events with the cosmic course and with the tensity of thought. Space is considerably tensed by these thoughts. The downfall of countries and their rise depend upon these strata. Each striving movement toward the higher spheres evokes a higher creation. Only quality lends distinction to the tension. Only quality affords the spirit its proper change. Thus, without end, quality is being forged in Cosmos through tension. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 184: 184. The cosmic energies are strained into blending by the driving Fire. Each life pulsation carries in itself sparks of Fire. Each striving life pulsation is marked by the Cosmic Magnet. So also, thought is strained into pulsation by Fire. So many errant thoughts fill the space! Space vibrates with thoughts. A thought vibrates by a current of spirit, and it may be said that their manifestation prognosticates the cosmic creativeness. Thus, all prognosticating thoughts must vibrate with the fire of spirit. A thought deprived of the vibration of the spirit manifests deathliness. Only the vibration of the spirit can create. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 273: 273. The lack of commensurability of humanity sets up the alleged barriers. Each instance of incommensurateness forces a current which obstructs the path to Truth. Each stoppage sets up its consequences, and this creates fetters on the manifested ascent. Therefore, one must intensify all thoughts for the General Good, and the path of commensurateness will become the path of evolution for the spirit. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 293: 293. Cosmic thought is intensified by the impellent Cosmic Magnet. Spatial thought is strained by the lever of the Magnet. All human thoughts are impelled through harmonization with the Magnet. All forces which accompany the Magnet in all actions are intensified by the process of striving. Therefore, all oppositions to the impellent Magnet derive their strength from the realization of reverse currents. One can affirm the tension of energies through the concordance of all centers. Oppositions call forth tension in Cosmos, which aids creativeness Thus, all conscious energies create evolution. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 313: 313. Intensity in the expansion of consciousness provides the foundation for all thoughts. But do the ignorant understand it thus? Do denying materialists understand it thus? Everything is contained in space, and each form lives through multifold modifications. Therefore, the expansion of consciousness must give man a remolded understanding of space. Thus, each thought carries along the progress of all spatial energies. The creativeness of spirit links its seed with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the spirit is a most powerful expression of the Cosmic Magnet. Striving toward Infinity will afford the understanding of Our creativeness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 320: 320. Worlds of the Infinite; worlds affirmed; worlds of harmony; worlds bounded; worlds of Light and of darkness - thus does humanity create and affirm the field of action. Thus is the creativeness of humanity manifested. Each thought which invades the space produces a form. These thoughts fill the worlds with their powerful vibrations. Thus, the fire of the spirit produces its own world. But the spirit bent on the frigidness of negation creates a world of darkness. These two factors produce the battle of Space. The flaming centers sense the entire battle; hence, each center responds to the spatial vibration. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 330: 330. What a beautiful creative world the Agni Yogi builds around him! The spheres are verily suffused by a living fire of thought. When thought tenses the spheres, the spatial fires resound. These thoughts are like a piercing clang! The manifestation of thought sets up a vibration in the space. Therefore, Our creative impulse is a fiery thought. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 349: 349. Pure thoughts carry one as wings; dark thoughts screen the horizon like flocks of black ravens. The spirit must realize this. The spirit must pronounce condemnation of its dark thoughts. Only a pure striving thought will affirm success. Therefore, each one who has adhered to the Teaching must be strengthened in the significance of thought. Verily, I declare that in the flight of the spirit the entire striving of thought is affirmed. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 350: 350. The broadening of consciousness is in the principle of the creative impulse. When Cosmos attracts the mind toward conscious cooperation, then a corresponding striving is affirmed. Therefore, the spirit that guards in its potentiality the creativeness which impels to conscious cooperation can intensify all fires. How important is the realization that each thought is applicable to life! Not by words but by thoughts is the world moved. Thus, each thought may help the cosmic energy. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 351: 351. Certainly, creative thought will regenerate the world. The king of thought creates evolution. Thus, We can move human consciousness. We create by thought. How deeply, then, should humanity realize the significance of thought! How completely, then, should the Teaching be assimilated by sensitive thoughts! How strongly each striving thought can impel the spirit to an achievement! Every great thought coalesces with the Chain of Hierarchy. Thus is evolution created. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 376: 376. Each thought given to humanity is for execution. Otherwise, why saturate the space? The lack of executors complicates the creation. Each thought given for saturation of the consciousnesses must find executors. The great spirit is a creator and each thought must enter into life. Vital action is the application of the thoughts of the great creators. Therefore, when humanity will be imbued by the realization of the application of thought, it will be possible to affirm that all the principles of higher dimensions have entered into life. Thus, the manifestation of shifting is commensurate with the application of thought in life. Only striving to a vital action produces shifting. Thus, the step of evolution is built by the thought of creators and its vital application. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 381: 381. When the spirit understands that Service to Cosmos means bringing into life the higher principles, it strains its best levers. An aimless existence is the result of the slumber of all the higher centers. When the thought of a great spirit awakens the consciousness toward a higher understanding of Service, it can be affirmed that cosmic striving is being conferred upon humanity. Therefore, it is most important that the thought of Service should permeate humanity. The carriers of the higher thoughts of evolution affirm Our Will. Thus is being established the higher cosmic cooperation. Thus, We carry the Cosmic Service together. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 390: 390. The spiritual tensions are subject to the law of identity. The vortices take hold of all spiritual strivings. Hence, when the spirit is strained toward a shifting, nothing can stop it. The creators of whirls saturate the entire space and pull cosmic thoughts into their orbits. Hence, each thought of an Agni Yogi is a vortex; and the flame of the spirit is intensified by the striving Agni Yogi. Thus, each striving thought creates a new orbit, and all tensions are so sensed by the centers of a flaming spirit. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 442: 442. The thoughts of a fiery Agni Yogi are most powerful. The fiery energies are absorbed by him out of space and directed into a vital orbit. Therefore, when the thought of a fiery Agni Yogi strives to creativity, all the energies acquire vitality. Thus can each possibility be asserted in life. Obstacles call forth the surging thought, and the growth of obstacles is the best indicator of the greatness of the task. Hence, a fiery Agni Yogi is persecuted for his thought. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 477: 477. Each wave of Common Good is intensified by the Forces of Light, and also by counteractions. The manifestations of light and shade pertains to the whole of Cosmos. Hence, each wave of Common Good induces a saturation with various currents. Each propelled wave intensifies the creative impulses, and the human task is to find the direction of the Cosmic Magnet by propelling the thoughts toward the Common Good. Thus, thought creates in space. Limitless are the ways of evolution. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 497: 497. What monstrous thoughts are speeding through space! What engenderments are obscuring the Voice of Light! Humanity does not ponder upon the thought forms which man himself has to redeem. Space is impregnated by men's thoughts, and everything is being correspondingly attracted. Consequently, the engenderments of thought spin the Karma of humanity, and the quality of action is in conformity with the striving. Thus, humanity must strive limitlessly to redeem itself. Hierarchy (1931) - 30: 30. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is alien to people. How can a spirit be the loser when the Teacher is the leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher kindles all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher hold back the disciple if he is already inspired by the Teacher? Thus, in the consciousness of humanity dwells only a faint desire to strive for mutual cooperation. But humanity must learn to act independently and to embody all the thoughts affirmed by the Teacher. Thus Cosmic Mind achieves evolution. Thus humanity must learn to construct by a higher way. Verily, by emulating the Teacher you assimilate his Image. Hierarchy (1931) - 44: 44. Therefore, each thought fulfilled is like a deposit in the fiery creativeness. Therefore, each fulfilled thought is linked with Our actions. How carefully should the disciples define the quality of their thoughts! Was not the worm of selfhood, conceit, or self-love hidden somewhere? Honesty of avowal is a quality that each spirit must develop within himself. Only thus can one fulfill the design of the Plan of the Lords. The manifestation of the Chain of Hierarchy is built by the fulfillment of the Higher Will. Hierarchy (1931) - 57: 57. Mean thoughts have been compared to crawling reptiles. Nothing is more analogous to this scum of the consciousness. Can one sit calmly in an armchair, knowing that beneath him crawl poisonous snakes and scorpions? One must free oneself from reptiles, and primarily on the path to Hierarchy. Condemnation of and blasphemy against the Lord are irreparable. Thus, each one who condemns the Hierarch must remember that his levity and crime will infect his karma for many ages. Verily, if there is only one way - through the Lord - to the one Light, then only extreme ignorance will allow destruction of this single path. One must assert striving to the Highest as the essence of life and assume a reverent attitude toward this salutary striving. By belittling the Hierarch one may condemn oneself and inflict perilous harm on many near ones. It is time to remember this! Hierarchy (1931) - 67: 67. You can perform one of the most useful psychic experiments. If you accept all Our Counsels and it seems to you that something indicated was not fulfilled or was not transmitted in accordance with your expectations, then immediately study the Counsel itself, applying the words in accordance with the customary human understanding; then recall all the circumstances that have taken place and consider all your own thoughts, worries, irritation, and all accompanying hazards and blunders. It is very significant to observe the events that have influence over the cosmic waves. One may see that however ponderous is our human burden, it cannot be compared to the minutest thought. In this way you can observe to what degree the psychic sphere has its own laws, beyond our three dimensions. Hierarchy (1931) - 67: Beginning with such observations, one can arrive at valuable conclusions which, when accumulated, will bring great benefits to humanity. Because the time has now arrived for especially keen application of the psychic laws. It is time to gather into the chalice of patience all the designs and to remember that each fluctuation of climate and atmospheric pressures also exerts its deep influence upon the psychic laws. Let us apply the most precise scale for weighing our thoughts, and let us remember that each oxidization of metals exerts influence upon the character and quality of thoughts. Smoke, and also the odor of burning refuse or meat, is always harmful. Let us not forget that dust, like particles of decay, penetrates the pores of the body. Let us calmly discriminate in all the details of life, not for self-vindication, but for the investigation of our nature and acceptance of the measures of perfection. Hierarchy (1931) - 69: Pay attention to the flow of thoughts and affirm the right waves of rhythm. People should not become like animals, who can think only in one direction at a time. The Sons of Light and Flame should sparkle in full freedom and kindle the fires of space. Verily the time comes for the kindling of the fires of space, in other words, for their manifestation even in the nearest physical sphere. It is a difficult time when fires can flash out and, if undisciplined, can burn and annihilate. Hierarchy (1931) - 77: 77. Each step requires new circumstances. Each new step brings its affirmed power. Therefore in the midst of the difficult time a mighty step in conformity with the difficulties is being laid. Hence the creative activity of Our co-workers will bring the manifestation of success when thoughts shall be affirmed upon the might of the future. Thus We build a wondrous step! Thus We build amidst the dissolution of the countries! Thus Our Power enters into life! The manifestation of a new step is so close, but the world decides its fate. Hierarchy (1931) - 83: 83. Thus the Higher Reason creates upon Earth through the power of Hierarchy. Our creativeness requires the affirmation of Hierarchy in its entire scope, in its entire understanding, in its entire beauty. The understanding of Hierarchy reveals all possibilities. It is correct to view the law of Hierarchy as the summit of cosmic creativeness. Light pours from it, thoughts strive to it; thus one should direct the best strivings to the Summit of Hierarchy. Only when the highest affirmation enters consciously into life, can the highest be given. The fiery manifestation approaches! Hierarchy (1931) - 84: 84. How to affirm oneself in the Teaching? How to approach the higher law of Hierarchy? Only through refinement of thoughts and expansion of consciousness. How can one assimilate the Command from Above if there is no affirmation of correspondence? One should display receptivity to each energy. One should be able to adopt the vastness of the Teaching. Only correspondence can permit the saturation of the vessel. Therefore, the manifestation of breadth is worthy of a broad consciousness. On the way to Us one may attain only through Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 94: We never know when the good seeds sprout and how long the harvest of poisoned thoughts ripens. They also require time to ripen, therefore beware of poisonous thoughts; none will disappear without a trace. But where is that country, when is that hour when the ear of poison will ripen? Even though small but thorny, there will be no piece of thread which will not tear one's throat. Hierarchy (1931) - 105: 105. The word that issues from the heart saturates space. Hence, thoughts that flow in an impetuous torrent form a sphere which becomes a defense against the poisonous gasses of the planet. Thoughts become a defensive net for humanity. Only these luminous emanations give the strength to withstand the darkness. Hence it is so important to stratify space with words of the heart, they contain light. Thus humanity is uplifted upon the wings of thought. Thus evolution is being built. Hierarchy (1931) - 119: 119. Thought controls the vital impulse. How, then, can one display so little of striving toward purification and development of thought? Consciousness attracts all vital expressions, and the creator of thought saturates space. Therefore it is so imperative to strive to broad thoughts and to the understanding of the foundations of Life. Each life is built upon its own orbit, and each life has a foundation upon which all actions must correspond to the Highest. Hence each thought must be directed to true achievement and must guard the highest striving. The quality of striving depends upon the impulse. Therefore one should develop all thoughts leading to the refinement of consciousness. Thus one can build a higher step. Hierarchy (1931) - 122: 122. Chiefly, do not become dwarfs. For a dwarf even the threshold of a door is more difficult to overcome than a mountain. The thoughts of a dwarf will lead to shallow-mindedness and afterward to disintegration. It was correctly remarked that one should observe the influence of the basic aura. Those who have accepted it can cooperate, but its denial will be an actual sign of unfitness. One does not have to be persuaded about foundations; if they are not within the heart, nothing can explain them. Therefore, do not observe the motions of life as dwarfs. Likewise, the Teacher should not be adopted by the brain of subterranean dwarfs. Hierarchy (1931) - 125: 125. Observe how people read the Teaching. Observe which passages they avoid and try not to notice. People especially often close their eyes to everything referring to betrayal and psychic murder. They do not even wish to consider that they can harm at a distance by their thoughts. Thus people avoid that in which they are most often guilty. One does not have to be a giant of thought in order to harm. Even a mediocre thought poisoned by the crystal of imperil will be very effective. To conceive treason means to accomplish an evident half of the whole, because an already poisoned shell will be receptive to the slightest impetus. Verily, poisoning by thoughts is even more harmful than narcotics. Likewise, one can remind about infection through thought-transmission. One may be weakened to such an extent that each infection can easily approach. Thought is like a key with which to open. Hierarchy (1931) - 126: 126. How can one avoid harm from the thoughts sent? Follow the one and same advice - intensify the striving toward the Lord. Along this direction one can acquire immunity. Therefore, I advise realizing Hierarchy from the highest spiritual striving to even the smallest bodily requirements; the silver thread is needed everywhere. Obstinacy and the black lodge will seek in every way to divert the thoughts from Hierarchy. Although subservience is highly developed among them, they keep it for themselves, knowing the immutability of this law. Hierarchy (1931) - 130: 130. During construction one should develop all strivings toward synonymous understanding. Each task carries equivalent strength. One should strive toward finding this key. One cannot demand that a great manifestation be gauged by small measures. A small thought cannot be embellished. Small thoughts cannot make a hero. Only a subtle identity affords correspondence. Therefore the highest to the highest. The higher, the more affirming; only thus can one grow and introduce the predestined into life. The Highest Plan requires application of the highest measures. Hierarchy (1931) - 132: 132. I call attention to the saturation of the heart and the prayer of the heart for two reasons firstly, it leads to a blending with the Higher World; secondly, it does not require a special time and can be performed during any labor. One may easily become used to a special sensation within the heart without fearing any ill effect. The heart will not be overtired by the Lord, on the contrary, only surrounding thoughts can ill-affect the heart. Thus, someday men shall finally realize the significance of thoughts, at least for the sake of their own hearts. Let them ponder upon the poison of sendings! It is time to pay attention to the amount of sicknesses generated by thoughts. During each sickness it is not bad to make a suggestion against negative thoughts. Magnetic passes over the affected organ can also be made. Nothing special is needed beyond a prayer of the heart, which creates a magnetic link with the Highest. During the laying on of hands one should not think of sickness, but should try to unite oneself with the Highest. Hierarchy (1931) - 172: 172. One more misconception often, because of ignorance or self-justification, people think that their thought is insignificant and can reach nowhere, whereas the potentiality of thought is great, and for thought there exists neither space nor time. But those who think chaotically are, like those who wave their hands in the dark, unaware of the object they hit. Moreover, thought accumulates in space. One can conceive of a mighty choir of harmonious thoughts, but one can also imagine a flock of chattering black jackdaws. Such congregations also fill space and disturb the higher worlds. Dear thinkers, jackdaws, you are also responsible for the quality of your thoughts. Thus, even you create your future. Hierarchy (1931) - 186: 186. Thus, We advise giving musk for strengthening activity, but We are definitely against narcotics which calm and deaden the intellect. How, then, will the quality of thoughts, so needed for the future life be developed if we dull it with poison? But medical science is lavish in producing living corpses. Hierarchy (1931) - 207: 207. Let us not think that the next race will fall from heaven on rosy wings. No, here also one cannot dispense with a laboratory. We welcome it if now thoughts about the transformation of the race are strengthened. For this, we shall not resort to the help of monkeys, but shall turn to the foundations of human nature and add the accumulations of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Thus the human spirit will receive a regenerated garment. Precisely, man can and must think of the future, not with prejudices, but starting from the facts of the existence of bodies of different degrees. If such degrees exist, then no one can maintain that intermediate stages based upon mutual advantage may not be found. It is difficult to understand Hierarchy if its continuity is not comprehended. Similarly, the various degrees of bodies exist when they are mutually nourished. Hierarchy (1931) - 215: 215. Thought is a spatial entity. Much attention is given to thought-forms, but, except superficially, little acknowledgment is given to the effect of thought, whereas it is precisely the consequences of thought that most seriously strike the surroundings with their effect. Sound reacts upon the most unexpected objects. The reaction of thought is just as subtle. He who indulges in self-pity may lose money, or if he is wrathful, he may be subjected to serious incrimination. Thus, various are the effects of wandering thoughts. One should remember that no thought can remain without consequences. It may affect a person who is far away, but in this person the ball of fate will find its generator. Certainly there can be no accident in this, yet the design of the flight of thought is so complex! The consequences of thought should be observed as much as possible. Hierarchy (1931) - 255: 255. Construction is in need of firm foundations, and only the unwaveringness of the spirit can affirm the needed direction. Therefore, when the builders of life strain their forces for constructivity, it is always with cosmic assertion. Thus the builders of life carry the Higher Will, and the might of the fire directs the spirit toward the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the builders of life verily know the Higher Will. Creativeness is transmitted through the affirmation of Hierarchy, and only when the spirit can strive toward realization of the main foundations can creative correspondence be established. Verily, Hierarchy affords a creative chain and constructivity in life. That is why We so often repeat about Hierarchy. That is why We direct thoughts to the foundations of Hierarchy. That is why We intensify all forces for a full adoption of the focus. Verily, only thus can one conquer and attain the predestined. Hierarchy (1931) - 321: 321. One can compare the process of the inner fires with some parallels of physical fire. Let us take the flame under a blowpipe. Observe how, under pressure, the flame loses its yellow tone and through blue becomes silver and purple. Besides, let us notice how the flame inclines. Our fires are similarly strained under the pressure of the cosmic whirl. Those rare manifestations should be recorded, for they testify to participation in the cosmic battle. Few can pride themselves upon such participation. Not a chaotic tremor, but a vanguard of the hosts of Light is required for the piercing of darkness. And how blessed is the pressing whirl, which impels us into constructive battle! New thoughts may be realized in this battle, however, one should know the direction of the blow, and this We point out! Hierarchy (1931) - 385: 385. Cosmic magnetism imbues every vital process. Our task is to establish the physical correlation of vibrations, for thus it will be possible to determine the correlations of all manifestations. Each manifestation is linked with the centers of subtle energies. Each flash, each vibration, is correlated with a certain manifestation in Cosmos. Studying these waves, one may come to the conclusion that the bond between all manifestations is so powerful that by it one may determine where lies the link with magnetism; thus, different thoughts, standards, and aspirations are impeded by magnetism of different tensions. Hierarchy (1931) - 395: 395. Humanity has sunk in the mire of outworn survivals, in old thoughts, beyond the realization of affirmed Existence. Thus the spirit of the shifted nations smolders under the departing energies of bigotry and superstition. The basis of this smoldering - the church that sows terror - is intolerable. A state that acts by means of treason cannot live. Thus, the regeneration of the spirit must eliminate these horrors which engulf the planet. Hence, only the Chain of Hierarchy can restore the human image. Thus, a new affirmation is being built by means of eternal Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 454: 454. When you understand the foundations of Hierarchy, We shall proceed to an explanation of the centering of the spirit in the heart. In order to link the chain of the worlds it will be necessary to give special attention to the heart. Only thus shall we keep within the boundaries of a natural growth of the spirit. The abode of the spirit is in the heart. Thoughts about Hierarchy are spiritualized by the heart. Thus we shall remain as before in the essence of a true accumulation. Heart (1932) - 16: 16. Here We are speaking of direct striving to Us. We speak about the benefit and success which result from such direction. It would seem enticing to test this remedy. But how many attempt to go by this path? Whereas, each one who has tested Our panacea will say that Our Advice is beneficent. He will confirm everywhere and always that when his thoughts remained with Us, he was successful. Each failure was due to the strain upon the silver thread. How beautiful it would be if on completing a day each one would question himself regarding the quality of his thinking during these hours! How powerful could one become in the realization that his thoughts have strengthened the linking thread! The appearance of unfit thoughts could be eradicated at once, but people are such that they listen without hearing and do not read beyond the sight. Heart (1932) - 16: Thus My Advice once again is to transform the Teaching into a daily necessity. My Advice is to observe the extent to which one's surroundings become successful. In small groups mutual thoughts should be especially watched in order not to burden and interrupt the current. Many teachings advise this simple discipline, but each book should give a reminder of it, because that which is most vital, most needed, is not applied in life. And it is a great happiness for Us when We have as complete confidence in someone as in Ourselves. Thus, powerful is the citadel of the open heart. Heart (1932) - 21: Now imagine, if those who know Truth were to be harmonious and unite their thoughts, what a power would come into being here on Earth, in spite of all the pressure of the atmosphere! He who triumphs in spirit is already Ours! Heart (1932) - 38: 38. How necessary it is to learn to understand everything spiritual! We may expect nothing from the heart if our thoughts do not rejoice in the mention of everything spiritual. For we must attain the step where light emanates from our beings; then we are true co-workers with the higher worlds. Radiating the light of Bliss, we are at the same time physicians, creators, and protectors along the descending scale of Hierarchy. First we see the outer light, then that within ourselves, and only after the kindling of the "torch" can we radiate Light. Heart (1932) - 48: 48. Thought is the manifestation of vital happiness; thought that is rent from the heart will not penetrate the surface of Being, but thought that comes from the heart is like an impetuous arrow! One need not be confused by the inception of thought amidst the intensification of energy; those thoughts are like a battering ram, which will penetrate into the depth of Be-ness. Therefore, after outer action, let us value the reality of the creativeness of thought. Heart (1932) - 50: 50. Before him the weaver has his warp, without which the most skilled craftsman cannot reveal his creative thought. For creativeness of thought, the Cosmic Thought-Frame is also necessary; for thus We name the Primary Substance from which fiery thought strikes the spark of creation. This same work can be performed by experienced thinkers and also by a child if it is kindled by an unalterable desire. Without knowing the degree and quality of their thoughts one can judge neither hermit nor ascetic. Nor can one judge the singer or poet without knowing what thought-creativeness they emanate. Gradually we are becoming accustomed not to condemn, because only thought-creativeness is the Creator's co-worker. Thus, let us cautiously assemble all existing thoughts that can benignly penetrate Akasha and reach the essence of Existence. The greatest consolation is that no one is deprived of thought, and, aware of its significance, all can exercise this inherent bliss. Heart (1932) - 74: 74. The concepts about the will must be firmly realized and distinguished. The will of the brain has become the citadel of the West, whereas the East has maintained its stronghold in the heart. In suggestion, the Western hypnotist uses the will, straining the centers of the extremities and eyes; yet this emanation is not only rapidly depleted but brings fatigue and, primarily, acts only over very inconsequential distances. In transmissions of the will spatial attainment is impossible; but the heart of the East does not need any tension of the extremities, does not needlessly exert the energy, but sends out its thoughts without any limits of place. The suggestion from the heart, as a natural channel for communication, does not bring harm to the one who suggests or to the receiver. The Western method is always apparent externally, but the Eastern act has nothing external about it; quite the contrary, the transmitter does not look upon the receiver, for he has the image of the destination in his heart. There are many numerous advantages in the heart activity, but to encompass it it is necessary primarily to realize the significance of the heart. The power of the heart conquers absolutely everything. The heart may know the significance of far-off happenings. The heart can soar, fortifying the needed links. The heart can unite itself with the far-off worlds. Test it by the transmission of the will alone and you will realize the difference in the will of the heart. Maitreya's is the Age of the Heart! Only with the heart can one evaluate the treasures of Maitreya! Only with the heart can one understand how greatly all acquisitions, all straight-knowledge are needed for the future. Heart (1932) - 82: 82. It is difficult to annihilate an evil action. So many superstructures and towers one would have to construct in order to muffle the shrieking of a malicious prisoner who attempts to make his way through each half-closed door. Ask people how persistently follow not only the evil but even unsuccessful thoughts and deeds. The path of life is surrounded by the signs of actions revealed as uneradicated spots; therefore it is so wise to strive into the future. In this flight one has no time to sully the white wings. Heart (1932) - 83: 83. Distinguish between tension and fatigue. There is great similarity between these two differing conditions. One must sense when it is useful to arrest them by transferring one's attention to another center. The golden balance is especially applicable here. During fatigue how many of those in the Subtle World await this condition! Not only those who are evil and who are straining the will to their own means but a multitude of unpersonified disincarnate entities attempt to cling to the magnet of a heart. People complain of confusion of thought during fatigue. Why should this not exist when the confused thoughts of the lower strata of the Subtle World penetrate into the consciousness! The lower strata do not think firmly, and these flocks of thought-fragments obstruct space. A precise thought, even of hatred is more valuable in relation to the tension of energy than the confusion of uncrystallized thinking. For an Agni Yogi, contact with a swarm of grey thought-specters is most distressing. The Teacher is primarily solicitous about the tendency of thought. The greatest speed and striving are developed over great distances. Heart (1932) - 99: 99. The new Subtle World may seem inconceivable to those who have not paid attention to so-called phenomena, verified by photography, x-rays, and testimonies of witnesses. Let us recall - someone reacted to cosmic manifestations; someone heard far-off voices; someone, envisioning it, participated in the Subtle World; someone became luminous; someone levitated; someone walked upon the water; someone walked through fire; someone swallowed poison without harm; someone had no need of sleep; someone had no need of food; someone could see through solid bodies; someone could write with both hands; someone could attract animals; someone could understand a language without knowing it; someone could read thoughts; someone could read with closed eyes a closed book; someone did not feel pain; someone in the snow generated the heat of the heart; someone did not feel fatigue; someone could help by healing; someone could manifest knowledge of the future. Thus, one can enumerate all manifested phenomena and a multitude of instructive examples from life. But for an instant gather all these qualities into one body and you will have the new human transmutation indicated in many Teachings. The principal thing in this transmutation is that all its parts are already manifested, even in the midst of an imperfect existence. This means that with definite striving humanity can be strongly impelled to the transmutation of all life. Therefore, let us remember about the great Fire and about the fiery stronghold - the heart. For it is not a fairy tale, but a house of the Spirit! Heart (1932) - 125: 125. If here on Earth we do not learn to separate the properties of usefulness from those of harm, where can we acquire this experience? Following the law of the heart, one can clearly discern in each manifestation useful and harmful characteristics. Seldom are all the properties of an action good or bad, but the heart understands where are the sparks of light and the dust of darkness. The new cannot be built according to conventional, prejudicial, and earthly thoughts. It is necessary to remember that benefaction is issued broadly; its sparks are swept in to various hearths by a cosmic whirl. You yourselves see how unexpectedly the seeds of plants take hold. Likewise, there are many classes of human differentiations; this is why I also speak about containment. Heart (1932) - 127: 127. Each thought gives birth to action. The most insignificant thought creates a tiny action; therefore think broadly, in order that even in failure there may remain a potentiality sufficient for substantial consequence. Even if people often do not know how to act well, at least they could cultivate good and broad thoughts within themselves. I am emphasizing cultivated thoughts, because the dark dust annihilates the beauty of creation. It is difficult to ask for a thought about righteous creativeness when a mist of blood clouds the consciousness. But sooner or later one will have to turn to the force of purified thought. Therefore it is better to begin sooner. Heart (1932) - 135: 135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world. Heart (1932) - 142: 142. I wanted to show you how, during the division of the spirit, the cosmic pulse becomes stronger. It is impossible to absorb the entire tension of the surrounding energies in the physical body. Only sometimes, for a short period, one can utilize propitious conditions in order to give an idea of the complexity of the surroundings. Only ignorance presupposes a primitive growth of the cosmos! The process of the subtlest interweaving of energies provides the necessary field for investigation, but the chief obstacle lies in impatience and mutual distrust. How can the unrepeatable manifestations be sensed if the one who senses them forgets to give the sign and the investigator does not keep the instruments ready? We advise strongly the construction of a biochemical laboratory, but of course for the purpose of serious and lengthy experiments. All signs here on the heights must be observed with especial attention. Nowhere else are there so many specific conditions assembled; nowhere else is there a coordination of the Highest Ways with the large numbers of people at the base of the mountain. Nowhere else are there such glaciers and underground hot springs. Nowhere else are there such deep canyons or such eruptions of gases and magnetic currents. All broad thoughts must be displayed in order that scientists, even without knowing the essence of psychic energy, may apply their experiments to all the kingdoms of nature. Thus one can find many forgotten treasures and can purify life. Special attention must be paid to psychic energy as the key to the future. Many experiments are carried out on a false track. One must accept the general situation and apply the details to it. Heart (1932) - 160: 160. It is correct to remember that even each passing shadow of a man leaves an ineradicable trace. What, then shall one say about thoughts and words? The light-mindedness of humanity is striking, for with each step it leaves the most terrible stratifications. Humanity thinks that words can annihilate the traces of past thoughts. But who, then, creates the impassable labyrinths which show the peril of the destined manifestations? Realizing that the fiery sphere holds the remnants of thoughts carelessly thrown into space, one may recall an old riddle, " 'What cannot burn away?' 'Thought.' " Humanity generates that thought which is firm amidst the layers of space. One ought to know how complexly sounds the space that is pierced with thoughts, so often mediocre and evil. But if you speak of the chemical reaction of thought you will be regarded as mentally not sound. Neither threat, fear nor counsel will help unless the traveler in the Subtle World smites himself against his own thought barrier. As was inscribed upon an ancient stele, "Traveler, do not bar thine own path." Heart (1932) - 189: 189. The appearance of Our entrusted ones can be accepted as the sign of the birth of the New World. I censure all who do not notice the legion of signs in the whole world. The Teacher can bid one to look but He cannot force one to see. Do not be astonished that the mosaic of the book Heart includes so much about the Subtle World and about the Great Battle. Many hearts sense both conditions, but often they cannot express them in words. Yet the inception of thoughts, with the swiftness of light, will affirm the thought in the word. Remind your friends that their hearts do not ache without reason. Heart (1932) - 207: 207. How tortuous are many observations of life! One can study the success of outer actions in relation to the heart-striving. Besides, one can study which deviations from strivings react upon the outer waves of the currents. It can be seen how at times a condition, insignificant from the point of view of daily life, has a tremendous influence upon inner action, and vice versa, the slightest unworthy desire may destroy the structure already prepared. But it is not customary to pay attention to the activity of the heart. People are ready to doom themselves to any unhappiness rather than think about its causes. We are also concerned to see how people permit an intolerable trend of thought near the magnetic centers, unwilling to recall that particular vigilance is needed, especially near these centers. Of course, everyone may think about himself, but where there is a step of millenniums, the flutter of butterflies is unfit. One must ultimately learn co-measurement! Thoughts about the Highest give birth to the highest. Heart (1932) - 217: 217. Do not doubt that I speak of striving with reason. Much must be defined. It is also necessary to strive because the vortex is great and it is better to fly ahead of the cyclone. One must strive to Me in thought, this striving is the most indispensable. Learn not only to have My Image constantly before you but also to propel your thoughts in the direction of Hierarchy. As with a boat the anchor is thrown out to permit one to approach it closer, so in casting thought in the direction of Hierarchy we move undeviatingly. No one can doubt that the best path is to hasten to the Most High. Heart (1932) - 241: 241. Each sensation of pity contracts the heart. Pity for others broadens the heart afterwards with a new light, whereas self-pity leaves the heart like a withered mango. It is the same with exultation and with charitable deeds. It is time to draw the line of demarcation between the thoughts of gain and of universal Bliss. Heart (1932) - 300: 300. If thought in itself contains creative energy, then how useful it is to direct good thought into space. When mankind shall agree to send forth good thought simultaneously, then the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will at once clear. Hence, it is necessary to take care, even a few times daily, to send out thought not about oneself, but about the world. Thus the thinking will accustom itself to disinterested strivings. As the Savior of mankind thinks only of the entire world, so in emulation of him we can apply our thoughts for the manifestation of creative energy. It is not necessary to look upon the transmission of thought as a supernatural act. Let it provide nurture for the spirit, just as does fuel for the bonfire during the night. Thus, also, it is necessary simply to follow the highest example. The heart will be like a trusty chronometer when it calls to thought about all. It is not necessary to have tiring meditations; thought about the world is short and reflects so simply the renunciation of self. Let good befall the world! Heart (1932) - 302: 302. It is instructive to compile a book about the harm resulting from bad thoughts; for oneself, as well as others. These thoughts are the source of many sicknesses. Formerly, only psychic illnesses were connected with evil thoughts, but it is time to discern the multitude of the most varied physical illnesses that are born of thought. Not only diseases of the heart, but most of the stomach and skin diseases are the consequences of destructive thoughts. Likewise, infectious diseases can be transmitted, not only by predisposition but through thinking as well. Heart (1932) - 303: 303. It means that even in purely physical illnesses it is necessary to seek the cause in the quality of thought. Therefore, direct the thoughts of those who surround you gradually toward good. You already have an example of how much pain is caused by cursing and profanity, even at far distances. It is necessary attentively to direct the heart upon existing reality. Especially can those obsessed ones act who contact the aura, even slightly. Thus, it is very necessary to pay attention to the very first impression of people when the heart is able to give its sign. One can easily imagine what type of infection-carriers obsessed people may be, therefore it is necessary to avoid them. Heart (1932) - 316: 316. Even a giant can be arrested by a small thought if it acts as a dissonance. So many people start to turn around, shudder, change their direction, and in every way give attention to passing thoughts without even noticing their source. The law of attraction and repulsion by thought will be accepted most readily by musicians, who understand consonance and the significance of dissonance, with one established key for the whole composition. Whoever understands what it means to conduct an entire multivoiced symphony in one given key, will more readily understand the manifestations of the basic thought, even considering the multiformity of the task. Such a thought of construction does not impede the manifestation of many ramifications if in the very same key. And an alien dissonant intrusion will not penetrate deeply if the fundamental task is solid. Heart (1932) - 326: 326. Striving toward science primarily obliges one to precision of observations. Is it possible to generalize contrasting manifestations? On the contrary, the wealth of that which exists should direct our thoughts toward a multitude of observations. First, let us gather these observations, and let us not be superficial in our deductions. Sufficient advice was given by the Teachings. One can now think about the refinement of our assimilation; thus we shall come closer to the boundary of the Subtle World. Heart (1932) - 337: Observe how Armageddon acts. When the depths of Earth rise up one cannot fail to notice the intensification of the agitation of the elements. When We call for the deepening of thoughts, We offer a valuable means for the balancing of Chaos. The Teacher does not conceal knowledge within himself; at the first opportunity he arms one against Chaos. Madmen are trying to set the forces of Chaos against Us, without themselves knowing how to bridle them. It must be understood that Chaos is manifested not only in physical convulsions of Earth but also in the world of psychic energies. It is not difficult to multiply psychic madnesses, but how to control them? Madmen do not realize how bad are their allies; their desire is only to impede the path of ascent. One is amazed at the manner in which they propel all their destructive measures, as though they were in need only of ruins! Heart (1932) - 381: 381. The transmission of thoughts at a distance and healing through distant currents is sufficiently known to you. Yet it is necessary to repeat this persistently, because people are least desirous of admitting the indisputable. Of course, the transmission of thoughts must be accepted, because the admittance of sendings by the heart is essential. Even a telegraph clerk confuses the mechanical transmission; hence, how much more subtle must be the reception by the heart. Besides, you know how easily an outside thought speeds through the consciousness and is forgotten despite the clarity of transmission. The heart must accept the inexpressible words into its depths. So, it is also easy to overlook the most salutary currents if we resist them in consciousness. The very bed can be shaken by the currents, but this knocking may be rejected. It is also good if the heart understands in good will that in the midst of warmth freezing currents do not come without special cause. In order to accept these simple scientific manifestations, not blind faith is needed, only open good will. Heart (1932) - 466: 466. The Chain of the White Forces should be constantly in one's thoughts. Not condemnation but only the future structure is needed. Effulgent is the White Chain from the Mountains of Light. These are significant times, when even the humblest discern the magnificence of the White Chain. All Indications should be fulfilled so that the specks of imperil may not impede the might of the White Forces. It is even beautiful to brush away all pettiness when titanic bodies are shaken. Heart (1932) - 495: 495. At times people are ready to admit the power of thought, but they do not apply this admission to themselves. They dream of great thoughts but will not discipline the small ones. They will ask how to transmute thought into action. One must begin by disciplining the smallest thoughts and then, only, create a thought that moves mountains. The advice about disciplining small thoughts is the inception of bringing health to the heart. Do not rely upon a variety of outer pranayamas. The path of Agni Yoga is through the heart, but the heart must be aided by disciplining thoughts. Disorderly thoughts are like vermin, they injure the subtle substance. Often they carry deadly poison. Precisely the smallest thoughts are like madness, and they form the chief obstacle to the rapport of the subtle and dense worlds. How to persuade friends that they should undelayingly accept and execute that which is said about small thoughts? After all, this demands only slight attention and the realization of responsibility. Heart (1932) - 496: 496. When the dawn is aflame with battle, thoughts about the future and about the General Welfare are especially necessary. A scala furiosa will not touch the heart that is fortified by the thought of Service. Heart (1932) - 513: 513. I say as much as is necessary and possible. The Indication must be accepted like a command in battle. At present, help is needed; it must consist not only in unity and solemnity but also in straining the heart toward Us. It is necessary to cast out all extraneous thoughts in order to facilitate Our sendings to you. The significance of a flaming heart is great, this is verily a cosmic magnet. People will admit their cosmic significance least of all. Everyone is willing to fly in the heavens, but here, also one's significance is great! Heart (1932) - 514: 514. If a simple motion evokes memory, then special conditions of the Subtle World are necessary for illumination. One may notice with astonishment that sudden illuminations do not depend upon rational conditions. Illumination descends in quite unexpected moments. One can even notice a series of the strangest motions, pressures, and thoughts, as if coming from the outside. Psychiatrists should investigate this condition. Valuable observations could be accumulated that will help us to approach the conditions of the Subtle World. Of course, a sensitive heart will perceive this state of illumination by the quality of the pulse. The sacred knowledge has nothing in common with somnambulism and spiritualism; the state of illumination is an absolutely natural one. These fires of the past and the future have only to be noted. In the Subtle World one must also refine the consciousness. Hence, each educating of the heart is a gate to the highest worlds. We fear that these undeferrable advices will give place to everyday conventionality. Someone will say he knew this long ago and will go to the bazaar. You may then ask in overtaking him, "Why, then, do you not ponder upon the heart and think about Fire?" Heart (1932) - 523: 523. It must be understood what a petty thought is. Like an insect it undermines the strongest intentions. The firmest character can be shaken by the pricks of small thoughts. This is seemingly repetitious and has become a bore, but when the time for action comes, people shower themselves with a cloud of chips of small thoughts. The noblest decisions are eradicated under the layer of shameful thoughts. Achievement is impeded primarily not so much by doubt as by inchoate thoughts, generated by old habits. I affirm that it is not difficult to liberate oneself from habits if we can sufficiently project the consciousness into the future. Often people measure the future according to the present and thus clip the new wings. Even birds know about the change of plumage, and accommodate themselves to corresponding conditions. During the molting of their feathers they isolate themselves in the underbrush in order to soar again renewed. Thus, let us take an example from these younger brothers. They can sing to us an excellent song of the heart. Heart (1932) - 540: 540. It should not seem strange to you that the present indications about the heart conclude with medical advice. For long the heart was neglected, hence, in addition to the spiritual influences one must also prepare earthly means. But in any case, during tensions of the heart the trend of thoughts must be changed. Like a mountain stream, thoughts alter the surrounding rhythm. It is unwise to speak of complete rest during tension of the heart, because primarily there is no rest; on the contrary, the tension of the heart senses the cosmic whirls all the more, and may be shaken by vibrations. But the change of thoughts can act like musk, affirming the flow of the nerve substance. You know already how the rhythms of the currents change, and how during atmospheric tension the vibrations of the currents are immoderate and even become prickly. Thus the old proverb about the healing of like with like assumes significance. But of course I do not advise placing a patient with his head down. A straight position is useful. Being able to acquaint him with a position of ease conforms with a goal-fitting change of thoughts. Heart (1932) - 540: When a great Arabian mathematician lay almost without a motion of the heart, his friend was resourceful enough to speak of the solution of an algebraic problem, and the heart of the mathematician regained its strength. I am citing this example in order that it may not be considered that petty thoughts can change the condition of the heart. Heart (1932) - 545: 545. The law of free will does not permit the arresting of the inception of crime. But the law of justice provides the possibility of arresting the development of harm; as above, so below. One cannot avert the inception of criminal thoughts, but the heart can prompt one as to where the persecution of evil is already possible. Hence We insist so greatly upon the Teaching of the Heart. No other center can replace the essence of the heart. The accumulations of centuries in the Chalice are at the disposition of the heart. For the salvation of humanity does not consist in separate siddhis but in the central motive force - the heart. Thus, beyond all divisions one must come to the root of motion. Heart (1932) - 551: 551. Man cannot conceal his inner motives. Though these may not be reflected in earthly expressions, in the subtle feeling there are no secrets. Usually, people do not know how to assimilate the feelings of the Subtle World. But they feel a seeming disquietude, confusion, or joy, as if some secret record were before them and they felt its significance before unsealing it. Yet with the education of the heart one can have an understanding of human motives that is not incidental. Moreover, one can evaluate not only the significance of thoughts but also their substance. Is it not true that the heart often does not reflect people's motives because they do not exist altogether or resemble down wafted by the wind? Ask your interlocutor what he desires. The usual response will be an evidence of confusion. Such a heart, not having crystallized its strivings at all, will be confused in the Subtle World. The Teaching is not luxury. It teaches the minimum that should be expected from those reincarnated over millions of years. Let us not impede in any measure the flighty tendency of thought, but it is necessary to demand cognizance of the heart. Heart (1932) - 553: 553. If, while you are in Asia, you speak of being fatigued because of your participation in the work in America, no one will understand or believe it. It is time for humanity to learn respect for the spiritually expanded consciousness. Aside from any magic, we participate at remote distances. We prompt thoughts, write letters, and thus people cooperate with each other far more than is presumed. One must avoid the more each wrathful principle. Understanding Universal Good, one must be more good. The heart must become accustomed to the efficacy of good. As experienced warriors, you should acknowledge the power of good. No power of evil can conquer good. Let us not regard it as something clever; cunning is not cleverness and hence cannot abide in the heart. We affirm the path of knowledge, but let us not in silence avoid the creative principle of good. Heart (1932) - 554: 554. The savage in his prayers pleads primarily for mercy for himself, whereas, the wise anchorites pray for beneficence for the world - therein lies the difference between a savage and the wise ones. This should be set into the foundation of all thoughts. It is neither fitting nor useful to plead for oneself. Only the crude heart presumes itself to be the most important. But it is much wiser to pray for the world, in which you yourself will also find a drop of Bliss. Especially now it is necessary to proceed along the great path, only thus can the heart be reached. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 27: 27. Observation of people who love the structure of flame constantly yields new deductions. Approaching fire, we begin to discern the rhythm of energy, which produces all combinations. One should love this element with full understanding, in other words, with thoughts in harmony with space. If we are prepared to remain earthly gnomes let it be remembered that the best gnomes serve Fire. Thus one should understand that even the lowest consciousnesses are being drawn upward. Even fairy tales speak of gnomes who cannot exist without devotion to the Fiery Beings. Thus the ancients tried to inculcate fiery conceptions in the children's consciousnesses. Nowadays science, through the caloric theory and astrochemistry, gives the identical fairy tale about the Great Fire. But the exceptional character of the fiery manifestations still does not permit the average man to introduce the concept of fire into his daily life, so that Fire remains within the confines of an undesirable abstraction. One must overcome this limitation; I speak as a physician. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 33: 33. Let those who can hasten in thoughts act without delay. One must become accustomed to the fact that each thought is a communion with Fire. Hence, it is shameful to have an ignorant or insignificant thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 36: 36. Let no one be disconcerted by My demand for battle. Those who stand on one spot are a thousand times more exposed to danger than those who strive. However, the striving must be in the heart and thoughts, and not only in the feet. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 37: 37. The so-called herb of truth actually exists. A combination of seven plants unlocks the controlling centers and a man freely utters his thoughts. This is not hashish but an evidence of the most ancient curative factors. It was primarily used for the diagnosis of disease, for no one knows better than the man himself the causes of that which occurs in his organism. But the inner consciousness cannot reveal these secret causes without a special influence. Later, however, rulers and courts of law utilized this as a means of securing evidence, and thereby they introduced the element of compulsion. But everything coercive and artificial is contrary to the fundamentals of Existence. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 55: 55. In world events, is it not possible to perceive the manifestation of Fire? Observe the relationships of nations, the magnet of ideas, the dissemination of thoughts, and all the signs of public opinion. These flashes of flame are not caused by any means of communication, but by something else, which stands beyond. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 71: 71. Each blow of the hammer produces a fiery manifestation, but each sword stroke also yields a fiery display. Let us approve the work of the hammer, and warn against raising the sword. Let us discern each touch of Fire. Let us accept with utmost responsibility each evidence of the great element. The manifested Fire does not return to its primeval state; it will remain in a special state among fiery manifestations. It will be either life-creating or destructive, according to the intention of him who sends it. For this reason I stress the significance of Fire, this inseparable fellow traveler. By the most varied means one should impress people with the significance of the elements. They have forgotten how filled their life is with the most responsible actions. Words and thoughts beget fiery consequences; yet the tongue continues to prattle and thought continues to wound space. Ponder this fiery production! Do not pride yourselves on some dead knowledge as long as you continue to spew slander against the Highest. Remember that this slander will lodge with you forever. The world has been set aquiver by the flames of malice. Its progenitors hope for the ruin of others, but they themselves will perish from leprosy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 94: 94. When I call, "Help through thought." I show a special trust. Not everyone can be asked to help in thought. One must be certain of the quality of thought and the concentration of heart energy. Such choice thoughts are like a powerful radio. One should know how to muster complete devotion, and how not to encumber thoughts with irrelevant feelings. A hurricane is necessary to carry sendings - steadfastness also will be urgently needed. It is erroneous to think that thought is important only for the earthly plane; perhaps it is even more important for the Subtle World, to create a powerful collaboration. During the tension of the world, equilibrium can often be created precisely by thoughts. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 102: 102. In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, "It came like a flash!" or, "It's dawned upon me!" Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 131: 131. During the sendings of good thoughts one must acquire the lightning-speed quality of these arrows. For this one should not encumber the consciousness for protracted periods, for it is useful to launch this arrow. The fiery dynamo labors like a light through all space. One must become accustomed to this work when the contact with Hierarchy is constant. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 138: 138. For the last time let us turn to friendliness as a basis of life. Friendliness is not the rouge and powder of malice. Friendliness is not a veil. Friendliness is not a mask of treachery. Friendliness is not an affable grimace. Friendliness must be understood as a feeling coming from the heart, devoid of hypocrisy. There are many errors concerning the concept of friendliness, for people have become accustomed to deceive even themselves. But since the quality of friendliness is indispensable for the Fiery World, it must possess genuine honesty. First of all, Fire does not tolerate fluctuations. Hence, one must understand the quality of friendliness in its entirety. Friendliness should not be considered as some sort of achievement. One should not give praise for the quality of friendliness, for it is inseparable from an expanded consciousness. How is it possible to imagine the transformation of the Fiery Mist into a whole beautiful world, without having the strength to purify one's own thoughts from small splinters? Let us realize how petty these splinters are! And it is not difficult to rid oneself of them; one has only to uncover them in the consciousness. Let us not be afraid that people in general cannot return to friendliness, there is enough of it in each of us, therefore, let us assume the same thing about the others. But let us not make of this fiery quality, weak will, subserviency, and pitiful hypocrisy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 177: 177. Does an Arhat rest? You already know that a change of labor is rest, but the true repose of an Arhat is his thought about the Beautiful. Amidst various labors, thought about the Beautiful is the bridge and power and stream of benevolence. Let us weigh a thought of evil and a thought of good, and we shall prove to ourselves that the beautiful thought is more powerful. Let us organically analyze different thoughts, and we shall see that a beautiful thought is a treasury of health. In beautiful thinking an Arhat beholds the ladder of ascent. In this active thinking is the Arhat's repose. In what else can we find another source of benevolence? Thus can we remember when we are especially oppressed. When the shutters of selfhood are being fastened everywhere, when fires are extinguished in the darkness, is it not the time to reflect about the Beautiful? We anticipate a miracle, we strive to break the lock, but the ladder of the Arhat is only in the Beautiful. Let us not sully, let us not belittle this path! Only thereby will we attract that which seems so miraculous. And the miracle, is it not the indissoluble bond with Hierarchy? In this bond lies all of physics, and mechanics, and chemistry, and the panacea for all things. It seems possible with a little striving to move all obstacles, but the fulfillment of this condition is immeasurably difficult for people! Why have they clipped the wings of beauty? Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 183: 183. Soulless beings are known to all. This is not a figure of speech but a chemical reality. It may be asked, Do these people incarnate in this deplorable state? The question indicates ignorance of the fundamentals. No one can be incarnated without a store of fiery energy. Without the torch of Agni, no one enters the physical world. The squandering of Agni takes place here, amidst all the wonders of nature. To dissipate Agni it is not at all necessary to commit any violent crimes. From various Teachings we know enough about even the reformation of robbers. Ordinarily the dissipation of Agni occurs in everyday life when the spirit slumbers. The accumulation of Agni is arrested by trivial actions. It must be understood that the benefaction of Agni grows naturally, but when darkness blankets the process of perfectment, then the Fire imperceptibly - though it can be chemically proven - departs from the worthless receptacle. Beautiful is the law of eternal motion, either evolution or involution. Beautiful is the law that permits each incarnate being to have within him eternal Agni, as a Light in the darkness. Beautiful is the law that, even in spite of karma, issues Light to each wayfarer. Beautiful is the law that does not prevent the growth of the fiery garden within one, even from the age of seven. Though these first blossoms be small, though they bloom in very small thoughts, they will be a true inception of the future trend of thought. What a multitude of beautiful thoughts are born in the heart of a seven-year-old when the dim images of the Subtle World have not as yet disappeared from the brain and the heart! Dissipation may also begin then if the soil of the plant proves to be rotten. In case of such depletion it is possible to help much, or, as it was said long ago, to "lend Fire." This lending takes place also in the very smallest actions. Thus, already thrice have I reminded about crumbs. From these sparks grow huge fires. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 188: 188. Even for a simple examination by means of rays, the physician prescribes a special diet. Yet how much more subtle is contact with the Fiery Domain. One must prepare oneself not only through diet, but also by other external and internal means. Food requirements are not complicated. The chief thing is to avoid blood, since it is an element which introduces emanations unfit for the refined organism. But even in case of extreme necessity, one can avoid blood by using either dried or smoked meat. Similarly, in planning cereal or vegetable diets, one should be guided by the condition of one's organism. Yet even without Yoga anyone can understand that any excess is harmful. And everyone knows about the vitamins in raw products. But all these conditions, like excessive pranayama, are nothing compared with the heart's comprehension. You yourselves know how the fires flash up and how the most beautiful thoughts guide one. You may have heard more than once about robber sadhus, and they are probably quite zealous about counting their pranayama. You have heard also of certain Rishis who, even under the most intolerable conditions, did not shrink from helping people. It is especially good on each memorial day to recall the heart's acquisition of Fire. All other conditions are applied in accordance with the intrinsic worth of the heart. The heart will not fill itself with alien or animal blood, for the quality of the heart will not accept it. The fiery heart will not choke with evil speech, for this is contrary to its nature. Thus, let us welcome and always assist the natural kindling of the fires. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 205: 205. The knowledge of vitamins is a sign of the coming age. But to the physical substance of vitamins one should add conscious psychic energy, and then numerous questions of physical and spiritual healing will be solved. Thus, one can begin to accompany the taking of vitamins with a corresponding thought. Even upon the simplest physical actions one can notice the influence of thought. For instance, one may throw a ball with an unvarying physical effort, but by accompanying it with different thoughts, the force imparted to the ball will of course vary. Thus one can observe how greatly we either hinder or augment even our ordinary actions. One must introduce similar experiments in schools in order to demonstrate the power of thought upon simple physical apparatus. Vitamins themselves pertain to the domain of psychic energy. In other words, they belong to the fiery sphere, meaning that their fusion with fiery thought produces a most powerful combination. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 208: 208. You are amazed that before the earthquake measures were taken for the elimination of the heart spasms. Does not feeling primarily guide such telegraphy? Precisely the vital substance of straight-knowledge does not require any conventional apparatus. But of course it is necessary to reciprocally nourish this substance. Urusvati's thoughts were actually the best nurture for this current. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 226: 226. During the transmission of thoughts, the difficulty arises not so much from the sender, but in the reception. The sending takes place through tension of the heart and will, hence it depends entirely upon the sender himself. But the recipient is usually in other conditions. Not only may he be mentally overburdened but his thought and consciousness may be absent. Moreover, the most unexpected currents can intersect space and thus distort some portion of the sendings. In order to even partially avoid this impediment, We teach alertness and vigilance. When the consciousness becomes used to these conditions, the receiver remains tensed and open. This method of continuous vigil is not Ours alone, it was already employed in remote antiquity. Each initiation into the Mysteries contained the question, "Is thy ear open?" Such opening signified primarily the ability to maintain keen vigilance. The condition of intersecting currents was avoided by striving toward the Hierarch, with whom a contact was established. True, harmful attempts can be made with intent to break off or to fasten upon the currents. Besides the already indicated aerial conduits, it is possible to avoid eavesdropping by means of mutual striving - this is like galvanizing the conduit. Thus, it is possible by degrees to achieve many useful things. Moreover, let us not forget that these achievements are ineradicable. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 235: 235. Fiery affirmation takes place not in pleasant drowsiness but in storm and lightning. He who accustoms himself to feel tranquility amidst lightnings easily meditates about the Fiery World. It is necessary to think about the World of Light. Thoughts should be send into its heights. Thus is it possible to participate mentally not only in the earthly battle but also in the battle of the Subtle World. Indeed, earthly destructions are as nothing, compared to the destruction of the Subtle World. A great number of the best intentions are dissipated together with hideous accumulations. At the same time the inhabitants become involved, particularly those who display activity. There are many of these, both in the lower strata and in the higher. The fire breaking through is sensed by all who have not accustomed themselves to the fiery state. Therefore, when I speak about thinking of the Subtle World, I am advising something very useful, and when I speak about thinking of the fiery worlds, I am advising something indispensable. The affirmation of fiery thought is already an acquisition of invincibility. As the links of a coat of mail are gradually strung together, so, too, the fiery plumage grows invisibly. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 248: 248. During the experiments with thought-transmission, it is possible to observe to what an extent thought coming from outside glides over the brain. One of the qualities of fiery energy is ardor in conformity with the nature of Fire. For this reason it is difficult to retain in the memory a communication from outside. One should not blame oneself for this fiery habit, but should observe the properties of Fire. Indeed, alertness of thought is of assistance, yet one cannot retain the fiery contacts under earthly conditions. It is not only difficult to remember thoughts from outside, but it is also difficult to separate several simultaneous sendings. And in such a case the thread of the Hierarchy is also of assistance, for a single strong striving attunes, as it were the entire chord. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 252: 252. It is difficult for people to realize that from each flight one may not return - so poorly do they picture reality to themselves. It is necessary to study the past in the records of alchemy and in chronicles. When an understanding of Agni was attained, this was reflected in science and also in problems of state. It must not be thought that Agni is only a factory inspector, it is the motive force of all the thoughts of humanity. It not only must be guarded but actually cherished. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 262: 262. Recently one may have noted that people often catch radio waves without a receiver. Though this may be useful for scientific observations, on the other hand We are displeased with this mixture of currents. Let humanity become accustomed to transmitting and receiving thoughts. But it is not useful when the fiery substance is mixed with intruding coarser currents. True, such a manifestation indicates to what an extent the fiery element is already intensified in humanity, but it will not be of benefit if, unrecognized, it breaks into undesirable regions. Indeed, these outbreaks may reach such proportions that they can become destructive. I affirm that fiery epidemics can begin precisely from such disturbances. When I speak of equilibrium and goal-fitness, I wish to remind about the harmony of all life. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 280: 280. The physician must also be warned to be cautious with the obsessed. When approaching the obsessed, one should remember not to hold even the conjecture of obsession too definitely in mind. One must not forget that an obsessor is highly sensitive to thoughts, once he suspects that his presence is discovered. He can express his malice in many ways. By destroying an obsession one can make many enemies, therefore one should conduct one's observations without personally disclosing the fact. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 285: 285. It is indeed instructive to observe the fiery convulsions of the planet, especially when you know about extraordinary influences. One can point out the movements of Fire just as one can follow the thoughts of people. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 307: 307. Can one imagine people as thinking only of that which is useful? Of course one can; harmful and undisciplined thoughts are primarily useless. One can accustom oneself to useful thoughts, and such an exercise will be the best preparation for the Fiery World. The habit of thoughts for Good is not attained quickly; still, it leads to fiery realization. Thus, not in the manifestation of a special world, but through the quality of daily labor do we approach the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 326: 326. Certain agitators hope that by continuously overthrowing everything they can insure their own property. These thoughts are highly indicative of plunder and dismemberment. It is quite inadmissible to think of attracting the fiery element for the purpose of plunder and destruction. I repeat, these are the ways of ignorance, which must be abandoned. Let him who has cut down a tree immediately plant another in its place. Let the gardener reap with one hand, sow with the other. The simple rules against plunder must be among the first lessons taught at school. The teacher must prepare the spirit for the most fiery assimilations. Only by constantly affirming the ways of the future can one prepare the warriors of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 332: 332. One should not only look forward to the advent of the densified subtle body but one should strive with all one's forces to become conscious of the Subtle World. Not only is the Subtle World to be realized but we must be filled with daring so that we may gain a perception of the fiery forces. We should become accustomed to the thought that sooner or later we are destined to reach the Fiery Shores. Thus, let us learn to cast the largest net in order to obtain the best catch. Not only in dreams but actually in the midst of daily labor we must direct our thoughts to the distant fiery manifestations. Otherwise, upon finding ourselves in the Subtle World, we will still have difficulty in cognizing the fiery radiance. Not only the eye, but consciousness itself must become accustomed to light. People suffer most from an inability to direct themselves forward. A limited consciousness only looks back, and therefore often begins to retrogress. "The Kingdom of Heaven, the Fiery Kingdom, is taken by storm" - this truth was pronounced long ago, but we have forgotten it and have dismissed each daring aspiration. Many precious indications have been confounded. People have distorted the concept of humility, so needed in relation to Hierarchy. For their own convenience people have made naught of it. Indolence was not ordained, for one must strive with all daring and labor toward Fire, the Beautiful. There is no earthly object of such value that the Fiery World should be renounced for it. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 354: 354. Very often the question has arisen as to which thought is the more effective, the uttered or unuttered one. Indeed, it may seem that the application of verbal formulas might add strength. People attracted by externals imagine that a framework of words will enhance the effectiveness of the thought. This, however, is but conventionality, and words will not help the essence. The wordless thought is far more powerful, manifesting a purer degree of Fire. One can observe that an unuttered thought remains entirely free from the condition of constraint brought by language. It approaches the fiery tongue and it multiplies its own power. We send fiery thoughts; they are fierily understood. This understanding may be called straight-knowledge, but its origin may be called the language of Fire. We receive, as it were, a radiogram from the Subtle World, but from its higher, fiery spheres. The Fiery World is primarily within us, if only we discern its abode! Thus, when one doubts whether communion with the Fiery World is possible, one should remember its presence everywhere. However, a current must be established through the heart and not the brain. One can find contact with the Subtle World continuously, but the Fiery World requires an especially good frame of mind. Verbal husks will alienate rather than bring us closer to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 376: 376. Also, let us make an end to the confused conception of a group soul. The spirit of concordance is expressed with especial force in animals before individuality has been actualized. But it is incorrect to call the concordant soul a group soul. Translations and commentaries have produced this confusion. Plato's conception of twin souls not only was closer to the truth but was expressed beautifully. Thus, let us not use this erroneous term group soul ; let us replace it with the term spiritual concordance . Also among men such concordance is a valuable achievement; it builds individuality. Let us not complicate what can be readily understood. Before a long journey it is necessary to provide oneself with only the most essential. It would be unfortunate to load oneself with elaborate laces and forget the key to the gates of our Father's house. Our Father is not in need of laces and furbelows. Remember the simplest paths of the Light of Agni. Of course, read books, for one should know the paths of former thoughts, but for the future provide yourself with the lamp of Agni. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 382: 382. I do not hide the fact that the pressure is great. One may remain silent about it, but it is better for the already tempered spirit to be aware and to send forth thoughts for the Good. Worthless is the sophistry that is satisfied in uttering, "My small thoughts are useless." Every thought is needed, if it is a thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 401: 401. He who said that the flashes of light are nothing but directed thoughts was not far from the truth. Indeed, spatial thoughts are like electrical discharges and can produce considerable light effects. Colored sparks also depend upon the quality of energy which evokes these discharges. We can project thoughts which can not only create luminous signs but can also produce bodily sensations. The transmutation of thought into sensation only proves that thought is energy. Thus, one should become accustomed to thought-energy, from early childhood. But for this the school must teach about the substance of spirit. One can observe to what a great extent humanity has departed from spiritual principle in the last few years. Many books that should have directed people precisely toward the spiritual life, on the contrary, failed even to attract people's attention. But it cannot continue thus. By all methods one must remind people of the essence of spirit. The existence of numerous sects is of no help, and leads people into aimless wanderings. The nature of Kali Yuga is characterized by a division of the entire organism into its component parts. But the Blessed Mother arises at dawn in order to gather these scattered parts of the one Being. The Mother of the World attracts the attention of nations and awaits the Star of the Morning. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408: 408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411: 411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 413: 413. Thoughts are like mushrooms in the forest; they must be gathered. When one goes of mushrooms, one does not look for nuts. Thus, at each hour one must know what is most immediate. Let us assimilate varied manifestations, but let us remember the immediate and find the short path to it. This will be Adamant. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 414: 414. I affirm that at the present one should gather all one's strength and courage. Throughout the entire world the forces of darkness are attacking. Is it possible that the good forces will be found fighting among themselves? The manifestation of heartache actually arises from the thoughts being sent. The physician may call it spasms of the aorta, without taking into account certain important external causes. Can one see only the effects without discerning their causes? Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 428: 428. Slander is especially harmful for the slanderers themselves. This truth should be remembered by people who have bad habits. A thought corresponding to reality forms a vehicle for an elemental. Everything worthy, austere, vital, gravitates toward creative thought, and will beneficently sustain its creator. But the devices of slander will attract brooding elementals, who, failing to find a vital foundation, will precipitate themselves upon the slanderer. Therefore, when I warn people not to succumb to the vileness of slander, again I do not advance a moral precept but point to very painful consequences. It is most disagreeable to find oneself in the Subtle World in the midst of raging elementals. Terrible is such a maelstrom filled with the fragments of one's own malicious thoughts. All these creatures clutch at one and hang on, acquiring an actual physical weight. Thought, like drops of energy, attract small elementals. The character of these germs of the spirit is most varied depending upon their substance, almost imperceptible embryos can achieve, under the nurture of thought, diverse manifestations. They can form the basis of minerals and even of plants. But one can imagine quite clearly how those thoughts that are void of any vital bases litter the lower strata of Earth. Meteoric dust is imperceptible to the eye, but it results in very substantial sediments. Hence, one can imagine how vast the dust of thought is and, being the effect of energy, how very substantial! The consequences of this debris of thought causes the illness of the planet. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 428: Sowers of evil and slander, can you realize what a suffocating dungeon you prepare for yourselves? Evil thoughts will find their sire. Such a dark sire cannot escape from his own engenderings. Despite everything, someone will probably think this an invented scarecrow rather than acknowledge that thought is eternal energy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 443: 443. The most difficult yet indispensable discipline is comprised in actions for the good of the world. It is not easy to watch oneself in order to reject egoistic thoughts and actions. But when the entire personality is consecrated to the world, discipline is not only easy but is even not felt. To find a starting point for renunciation means to construct a straight path to the Fiery World. The affirmation of personality with all its astrochemical implications is not egoism, which stifles the aspirations toward ascent itself. Egoism is of Earth. It does not exist in the Fiery World. Its remains in the Subtle World are like heavy chains. It is not difficult to perceive how the meaning of egoism ends with the earthly state, it is not applicable to the subtle ascent. Earth-dwellers, finding themselves in the Subtle World, are especially amazed at the absence of egoism in its higher spheres. Nothing so greatly helps to put an end to earthly accounts as the liberation from egoism. Being conscious of the Fiery World reveals in the simplest way how worthless are the tortures engendered by egoism. The Light of the Fiery World acts as a great disinfectant. The crystals of Fohat are so greatly concentrated in this radiance that each approach to this power purifies our psychic energy. I consider that self-discipline directed to the General Good is the most immediate means for great achievements. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 444: 444. Let the tormentors think that they torture you severely. Let them even revel in these thoughts, but let them at times think what it means to harm their fellow man. It is not easy to free oneself of such millstones bout one's neck! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 452: 452. Not only do thoughts themselves produce physical manifestations but condensation of the energy which is sent produces powerful reactions. You definitely know about the sensations from the manifestation of light. The oppressive feeling from the black stars or the feeling of calmness from the blue ones is quite distinct. You also know that such sensations do not emanate from you, but are received from space. The world of thought is the heritage of the future. Investigations of thought also will lead to psychic energy. One can begin the observations from various points of view. Therefore I direct your attention to different approaches to the same subject of light-bearing thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 469: 469. The beauty, light, and splendor, of the Fiery World are affirmed by each approach to it. Moreover, a special rapture is awakened by the feeling of unity. The fiery light leads to a mutual attraction, in other words to a true unity. The flesh, on the contrary, gives the impulse for each disunity. This property of the physical world impedes the embracing of the transport of unity upon this dusty and foggy surface. Therefore, one should direct one's thoughts the more to the Fiery World, in order to reinoculate oneself with the feeling of unity, already depleted. One should recharge, as it were, the magnet that has remained unused. The knowledge of how to utilize a magnet is necessary even in daily life. Likewise, the potency of fire that has been left unused merges into the depths and becomes inaccessible. One must call it back by all the best recollections of it and by the worthiest imagination. Verily, for the fiery splendor a purified imagination is needed. One should understand that the dense forms cannot give any idea of the Fiery World. But an instantaneous illumination can remain forever as an ineffable feeling based upon unity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 475: 475. Communions in spirit constitute a considerable part of earthly existence and doubtless belong to the fiery nature. Not only do they occur during sleep but during our waking state we also feel many reflexes from such communions. No one, not even the coarsest person, would dare to deny that at times he has felt certain contacts or thought-suggestions from outside. The Teacher may point out that such contacts may be received from many sources either along the thread of Hierarchy, or from the Subtle World, or from earthly inhabitants. It is very characteristic that a thought coming from the outside is forgotten quite easily. Not without reason did the ancient wisdom advise drinking a draught of cold water after such thoughts, as though a molten substance were in need of cooling to retain its form. This ancient advice is not without foundation. Thought coming from outside seemingly sets the centers aflame and should be engraved, as it were, in order that it be transformed into conventional energy. The same applies to dreams and visions. We not only receive fiery impulses from outside, but our subtle body exerts its entire fiery essence in order to condense the perceptions and intensify the conviction. It can be observed how the fiery perception collects all the most characteristic details. At times one is surprised at the degree of observation and the easy flexibility of the fiery eye, as compared to the earthly one. One can write down many dreams and sensations which will reveal the sharpness of the collected details. Often the fiery creativeness condenses details. It does not lie, but combines all the homogeneous parts. Therefore We strongly advise that close attention be paid to the fiery sensations; in them lies truth - molded by Fire, the genius. It may take decades to perceive through intellect what fiery illumination effects almost instantaneously. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 485: 485. Testing the quality of thought in relation to various physical circumstances will give one a fiery understanding of may things. If we compare the thinking of a miner in a deep shaft with that of an aviator at the highest altitude of his flight, we will find a remarkable difference in the trend of thought, in both method and intensity. It would be worthwhile to observe the thinking of a bent reaper and that of a horseman. Thoughts of one and the same order are reflected quite differently in them. Physical conditions act like an accompaniment to the melody of the spirit. During construction, one must exercise one's entire imagination in order to find the consonances of so many diverse conditions. The fiery collective consciousness of peoples presents an instructive spectacle. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 507: 507. Let us be like arrows striving heavenward from a fiery bowstring. In each earthly object let thought find the spiritual essence which will create a beautiful vision in Infinity. Thus, let us be ashamed to send vile thoughts into the World of Beauty. Each day should reveal a prototype of beautiful enhancements. People are ashamed to speak vile words into a loud-speaker. Why, then, should one fill space with vile thoughts? Let the fact of the world conflagration remind one again about the quality of thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 511: 511. He who thinks of modesty and humility is by virtue of this neither modest nor humble. Natural virtues do not require forced considerations. Much vanity has originated from such forced pseudo-modesty and suede-humbleness. In all qualities connected with fieriness, directness is needed. If a man has not acquired reverence for Hierarchy, no command can make him feel the beauty of this striving; external conditions will shatter the seed of striving. It is a great fallacy for people who have begun to think of the Supreme to alter the outer conditions of their lives. A shoemaker known to you could have abandoned his craft, but he preferred to affirm himself in the rhythm of the past in which his highest thoughts had been generated. This is not inflexibility, but a due regard for the precious rhythm already established. One can observe that external conditions can give the impulse to thought. This consideration is very useful during fiery achievements. A musician does not part with his instrument even when traveling. The reason for this lies not only in mechanical technique but, consciously or unconsciously, the virtuoso thus preserves an already established rhythm. Continuity of work is needed for the coordination of the centers just as much as is pranayama. But an experienced workman does not ponder over the use made of his work. Work for him is food; he cannot live without it. Let the physician cite examples of this. In connection with Agni, disorderly, unrhythmic work is especially harmful, and it is necessary that a rhythm should become habitual without forcing. Then one may expect Agni to become indeed a self-acting armor. The quality of self-initiated action is a fiery achievement. It does not come from outside, but only together with the broadening of consciousness. Without the affirmation of consciousness, self-initiated activity cannot be established. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 535: 535. The root of a thought, or its motivating cause, must be made evident to a refined consciousness. It is impossible to know all thoughts, because in the kaleidoscope of human fragmentary thoughts one becomes dizzy, and the mere scraps of unstable thinking are of no use. But it is useful to sense the motivating cause of each expression. Such fiery affirmation comes with the kindling of the centers. Man is beginning to know the purpose of words. The external expression is not important to the sensitive observer. Sometimes the speaker himself finds it difficult to determine the primary reason for his own words. But a fiery heart knows how the spoken formula was born. No grimace or gestures will lead the third eye into error. Such straight-knowledge is not obtained easily. Many generations each add their mite to the consciousness. Understand that the affirmation of fire is achieved by many incarnations. The root of thought will provide the way to the realization of other roots. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 549: 549. Spatial thought engenders a certain substance which in a vortiginous movement becomes a generating center for various inceptions. It would be beautiful to realize that human thought contains such a powerful substance; still only the most lofty and intensified thought produces an energy that is sufficiently powerful. But a small thought - unrealized, erratic, and unstable - will not give a creative impulse, and can even inflict harm. Lacking the correct coordination of attraction and repulsion, insignificant thoughts form as it were, ugly conglomerates and pollute space. We call them spatial slime. Much energy is wasted in transmuting these stillborn monsters. One can imagine how greatly spatial production could be increased were it not for these progenies of men. In this matter let us not accuse only the primitive peoples. Their thinking is potentially not weak, but the average result of civilization is complete degeneration in quality of thought. Such degeneration produces the whole store of slimy products which threaten to turn the bliss of Agni into odium. Not rare are the instances of the harm of petty thoughts. So many of the best channels are clogged by chips only because humanity does not respect thought. Brainless superstition will undoubtedly rail against each reminder about the reality of thought; people well cite the contrast between nature and bliss, whereas the lower carnate strata are entirely incommensurable with the highest. Discipline of thought will inevitably lead up to the highest fiery spheres. Instead of becoming a source of infection man can become a purifier of space. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 550: 550. Petty thoughts not only clog space, they especially impede the transmission of thought to far-off distances. Every participant in thought-transmission knows how at times parts of the transmission are, as it were, corroded, as if a dark cloud obscures the precision of expression. In fact, these small, slimy, ugly creatures intercept the path of transmission. Singly, these little monsters are ineffectual because of their feebleness, but they form a slime sufficient to thicken space and thus intercept the currents. Therefore, to effect speedier thought-transmission humanity must be urged to desist from petty thoughts. Even a little carefulness in thinking will produce beneficial results. Moreover, the slime of petty thinking can be a source of epidemics. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 570: 570. Mental sendings ordinarily contain some unusual expressions, which you have frequently noticed with surprise. An unusual expression is sometimes used for the purpose of ensuring better remembrance. This is a very ancient method. It is difficult to retain the usual words, which may slip by instead of penetrating the consciousness. The more unusual, the better assembled, the more definitive such a sending is, the better it is remembered. It is necessary to remind more than once of the far-off thought, which passes over the surface of the consciousness. One ought not reproach oneself for forgetfulness; on the contrary, these sliding thoughts projected from remote distances only prove that they come from outside and not from the inner consciousness. Also, in schools the receptivity to alien thoughts should be cultivated. People know so little how to listen or how to understand what they read that special hours should be assigned to the verification of what has been heard. How can one expect the fiery energy to be noticed if no attention is paid to even a loudly spoken word? More than once we have spoken of the development of the faculty of conscious non-hearing and non-seeing, this is quite different. In our normal state we must be highly receptive. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 571: 571. Here is another example of the influence of thought. True, in studying the scriptural records of all ages, one is struck by a seeming repetitious occurrence of identical thoughts. Not only do we find like expressions of the same thoughts but one may often find quite identical particular words. Yet it can be established that the writers not only did not know each other but could not possibly have read these writings. This manifestation can be observed in all domains of creativeness. Ignorance would suspect some form of concealed plagiarism, but anyone who has contacted true creative force knows that thought sent into space can impregnate the most varied receivers. Such manifestations should be studied, They can actually prove the possibility of the influence of psychic energy; besides, the same considerations may direct thought toward Hierarchy - in other words, to the shortest path. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 591: 591. Resurrection and immortality - do they not direct our thoughts toward the foundation of Being? But even these undeniable truths impel men toward disunity rather than cooperation. Many are the streams of Benefaction poured upon Earth. The manifestation of Benefaction occurs far more often than is generally supposed, yet the sacred gifts are accepted by men far more rarely than might be hoped. Thus is the law of free will peculiarly interpreted by Earth-dwellers. The dark forces try their utmost to prevent the manifestations of Benefaction. The self-will of people encourages various perversions. One should observe how at times benevolent thoughts flash out, to be extinguished as if by the pressure of a black hand. You were shown how even a powerful ray is subject to the schemes of the dark ones. Therefore I repeat about the unprecedented times. It is a fallacy for anyone to continue to regard the present time as normal. No self-hypnosis or reminiscing can help the ship in a storm; only the solid rock of the future can hold the anchor! So many raging voices are shrieking from out of space, intent on hindering the course of the ship! Therefore the black eagle struggles with such fierceness, but out of the Dawn comes the White One, and with him the streams of Benefaction! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 613: 613. Thought creates; the extent of thought in space is unencompassable. Thus, many experiments serve only partially to broaden the understanding of the power of thought. People are astonished at the inexplicable character of clairvoyance pertaining to the future, seldom realizing that the fire of thought kindles and constructs an image of the future. Thoughts of various times and content construct Subtle Worlds which are accessible to clairvoyance. Among many causes of evolution, thought-creativeness has a primary significance. Therefore I so often repeat about the quality of thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 616: 616. Thought-creativeness cannot be definitely discerned on the earthly plane; herein lies its difference from the Fiery World. The Higher Beings perceive the effect of their thoughts immediately, whereas here we can know only their direction, and the ultimate result is disclosed only after a certain lapse of time. Thus, one can gradually form an idea of the differences between manifestations in various worlds. Likewise, one can gradually approach fiery consciousness, eradicating the barriers between worlds. One can imagine the state when death will be no more, and the transition will be a usual attainment. It is impossible to understand how such separation between worlds came about, since it is not necessary for evolution, unless people have created a prideful concept of Earth. It can be discovered that in remote antiquity there was greater understanding of the spherical form of the planet than after the post-glacial period. True, many ancient traditions have been confused, and only now people begin correctly to extend their estimate of the continuity of the life of our Earth. It is amazing how apparently learned people discuss the greatness of God, yet at the same time seek to disparage his creations. If scientists two hundred years ago had dared to hint at the great antiquity of the planet, or to suggest other inhabited worlds, their contemporaries would probably have resorted to the well-tried remedy of the stake. And one may be equally sure that even now some moderate theory, though based on experiments, will be assailed as a fraud. Thus, people regard the destiny of this planet as the alpha and omega of the entire Universe. Much persuasion will be required to remind humanity that in all the promulgated Covenants the Era of Fire was foretold. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630: 630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 652: 652. Self-perfectment is the most difficult achievement. People inject into this process so many inconsistencies that the manifestation of true self-perfectment is obscured. Self-perfectment is simplified primarily when Hierarchy is accepted. Everyone should realize that the perfecting of the consciousness in itself contains all other aspects of improvement, but one cannot accept the mechanical betterment of the details of daily life as perfectment. One may be able to forge the most deadly blade or discover the most fatal poison, but it is impossible to consider such intellectual craftiness as worthy improvement. Nevertheless, to understand the idea of the Higher Worlds, it is necessary to determine what self-perfectment is. We can come to a decision as to what beautiful achievements are when we ourselves realize for what they must be accomplished. There will be not even a thought about achievement if we have no conception of the desirability of improvement of life. Affirmation of the physical world alone cannot advance the true development of consciousness. Take the history of humanity. Observe how brief were the periods of materialism; they invariably ended in bloody convulsions. Indeed, the trend of thought became rebellious, and the correct path having been lost, crimes multiplied. Self-perfectment is possible only through refinement of consciousness by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. Thus can consciousness protect us from small and shameful thoughts. Consciousness leads to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 20: 20. There are many reasons why people fear the Subtle World and radiations of light. They feel in their essence that in the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious radiation, but man himself does not see his own radiations. If he were fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he would fear nothing. But with a majority of people thoughts are very sinuous, and man, through the earthly habit of doubt, errs much from the true foundations of thinking. Therefore I reiterate so much about the necessity of clear thinking. One should be so sure of the quality of one's own thinking that not for an instant could one be confused by one's own light. A firm aspiration towards good, affirmed by the heart, will only multiply the beautiful lights. Besides their essence these lights are as purifiers of space. In the Subtle World such benevolent radiations create an all-embracing smile and contribute towards general joy. Therefore affirm yourself in good, and think so as not to be ashamed before any one. Do not consider these words an abstraction. The Subtle World confirms them. Many dwellers in the Subtle World regret that no one on Earth told them about these obvious radiations, which ought to be beautiful. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 37: 37. The manifestation at night had two meanings. Firstly, it has shown to what an extent thoughts are fulfilled in the Subtle World if consciousness is expanded. Thus the thought about an increase in height immediately caused the growth of the subtle body. But this is not beneficial for the physical body; therefore a strong reaction was necessary in order to adjust the subtle body. Such action is rare, and such manifestation of the subtle body is also rare, therefore it should be recorded. It demonstrates how thoughts are realized in the Subtle World. The thought creativeness of the Subtle World is difficult to realize in the earthly state, but a certain degree of development permits perception and even transmittance into the physical brain of the subtle consciousness. During such resetting certain centers must be touched, as it were, and such massage coordinates again the two bodies. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 48: Many have read how David interrogated the Highest Powers. He took recourse in this Source in order to avoid unnecessary errors. There are many such instances in the history of different nations. Everyone knows about them. It is not necessary to delve into the ancient times; these signs of Communion and Great Service are apparent in recent events. But we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart. Not only in actions but in thoughts the Leader carries the welfare of the people. He knows that he is entrusted to bring a full chalice. He does not lose his path in useless wanderings. He will not spill the entrusted chalice. Thus the concept of the Leader is a sign of the future. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 53: 53. An invulnerable armor may be of metal or of silk, but the best armor is the fiery one. Can the Leader proceed by the ordained path without the fiery armor? With what other means may one deflect all arrows of malice and swords of hatred? But many Leaders even in their earthly consciousness have felt that they were protected by the fiery armor. Whole books can be written about the magnetism of the destined Leader. It may be observed that neither the outer appearance, nor the voice, nor riches, but something else convinces people. More than once have I spoken about the Fire of the heart. Precisely this armor is a magnet which attracts and protects. As it has been said, "I will receive all arrows in my shield." But this shield must be forged. This shield can be manifested only from Above. But how many thoughts and discourses must be sent in advance, in order that this Communion be established and the fiery armor forged! One should lose not a day nor an hour, to make the Communion living and ever-present. In error people think that science precludes the Higher World; it can alter earthly nomenclature, but the triune essence remains the basis. The more so does the Leader know wherein is the substance. Perhaps he will not express the Unutterable Word, but he will feel it in his heart. That Word will help the Leader not to lose the universal concept, only this will bring readily the wondrous armor. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 55: 55. An example of the opposite is when the mind has been withered through non-understanding of the Teaching - then one may reply, "It is enough to whine over your offences, you have had ample time to broaden your consciousness, you could have observed the heavenly worlds and understood the Source of the Teachings; but instead of this you wish to carry away with you earthly offences. What is the Teaching and Wisdom of the ages to you, when your thoughts instead of expanding have been shrunk in offence? No one has insulted you, but you have offended yourself." Thus in the Subtle World small thoughts are crowded. One may regret that so much energy is wasted in quarrels and mutual belittling. But if it be asked to what extent such thoughts of the Subtle World are chemically harmful, one can only say that small unkind thoughts generate poisonous gases. One must think not of oneself, but to what an extent people may harm each other even in the Subtle World. But every kind of thought and striving towards the Beautiful helps one to advance rapidly. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 60: 60. To direct the consciousness into the future is the aim of a true school. Few seem to understand that the projecting of the consciousness into the future is the formation of a guiding magnet. But what matters is that the consciousness should be fully directed into the future. Many seem to think that they may sometimes ponder about the future, and then again dive into the past. Not isolated thoughts should be allotted to the future, but the essence of consciousness should be attuned in the key of the future. It is impossible to force oneself to such transformation. One can attain only by growing to love the future. But not many love the future. The country of the joy of labor, in perfecting the quality of labor, can be naturally drawn into the future. The duty of the Leader is to direct the people to the future. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 99: 99. If it is difficult sometimes to concentrate thought, also it is not easy sometimes to get rid of thought. However, this quality also must be attained. Physicians have noticed haunting thoughts. Such a state can be the result not only of obsession, but also of inertia of the brain centers. One must know how to set aside, as it were, a useless intrusive thought. To this end one may perform little exercises, forcing oneself to consciously put aside a thought, as if massaging the brain. Many people fail to understand at all what We are talking about, but such immobility of the brain must be routed by different tasks, so that a preceding thought in no way colors the following one. Such a coloring usually deprives the new formations of preciseness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 100: 100. When you observe nagging thoughts, you may notice that usually they are of the most everyday nature. They may be called a product of the Earth, but in spite of their small significance, they attempt to contend with the greatest ideas. One should carefully cleanse the brain of these unbidden guests. Indeed, there is a time for everything. One may be making all progress, but it should be remembered that small worms may succeed in boring through a very strong tree. Particularly do they love to undermine the anchor of confidence. Beside mistrust, one may also admit obscuring thoughts. It is terrible to lose confidence - it is almost like the loss of communion. When suddenly, instead of communion, a mute emptiness breaks in, this is surely an abyss! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 118: 118. Labor may be of four kinds - toil with repulsion, which leads to decomposition; unconscious toil, which does not strengthen the spirit; toil devoted and loving, which yields a good harvest; and finally, toil which is not only conscious but also consecrated under the Light of Hierarchy. The ignorant may suppose that uninterrupted communion with Hierarchy can distract one from striving for the work itself, but, on the contrary, constant communion with Hierarchy lends a higher quality to one's labor. Only the eternal Source deepens the significance of perfectionment. This flaming measure of labor must be established. The very approach to the Fiery World demands realization of earthly labor as the most proximate step. Few of the workers can discern the quality of their own work, but if the worker were to strive to Hierarchy, he would immediately advance to a higher step. The ability to establish the sacred Hierarchy in one's heart is also an inner concentration, but such action comes through toil. By not wasting time upon oneself, it is possible in the midst of labor to become linked to Hierarchy. Let the Lord live in the heart. Let Him become as inalienable as the heart itself. Let the Name of the Lord be inhaled and exhaled with each breath. Let each rhythm of labor resound with the Name of the Lord. Thus should each one who thinks about the Fiery World know how to conduct himself. Can I lie before the Lord? Can I conceal anything from the Lord? Can I contemplate treason in the presence of the Lord Himself? Thus let each reflection only strengthen and restrain one from the evil of faint-heartedness and dark thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 136: 136. Blessings to those who even once have reflected over the fact that possibilities are being given them for Service. One such thought already opens the initial Gates to the Fiery World. Whoever thinks in his pride - "Only I myself will attain," makes use of possibilities of serving his own ego. What an isolation resounds in boasting to oneself! What solitude is the prison of egoism! But it is joyful to think - "Yet I can bring to Thee, Lord!" There are no limits to such heart offerings! Is not the heart being exalted in trying to find the treasure of the offerings? The subtlest thoughts surround such supplications. Of course, the offering of the heart is really a prayer. It opens many gates. Not the consciousness of one's merits, but the offering of oneself in all entirely, helps one to pass over the threshold. When the gift is complete it leads past all frightening manifestations. One may say to the dwellers on the thresholds - "I've no time to gaze at you!" Thus, the offering brings ease. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 155: 155. Does a man know when he performs his best action? What person can tell which of his words has had the most influence? What person can tell which of his thoughts has reached the highest spheres? No one knows this about himself. Perhaps such knowledge would cut short the striving for development, for it might stir up pride. Thought sometimes actually reaches the Higher Spheres, and, as a dewdrop, remains near the Altar. But one's own evaluation of such thought by earthly measure is impossible. People too often dismiss in disdain those thoughts which bring joy to the Highest Hearts. Thus, let us send out the best thoughts into the space. We need not adorn ourselves by the consciousness of our flights. Let them, as everyday nourishment, strengthen the heart for the perception of the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 157: 157. Certainly, cruelty must be eradicated; not only cruelty of actions but also cruelty of thoughts. The latter is worse than any action. It is imperative that the State take measures to prevent the inceptions of cruelty in infancy. Humanity must be purified of the most inhuman, dull and malicious darkness of low thinking, as of leprosy. Children are not cruel until they see the first cruel action, which reveals the current of dark chaos. Only a few are prepared to oppose the current of darkness. Such accumulation of consciousness is rare. One cannot presuppose such attainment in everyone; on the contrary, one should take measures befitting a lower step. Likewise, let us not repeat in a moribund manner the great Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill!" But let us ponder where is the greater killing, in the hand, in the word, or in the thought? One should reflect that the thought of people is ever ready for murder. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 159: 159. Correct is the comparison of the quality of the substance of thoughts to that of gases. Each gas, besides its already disclosed qualities, has many others which lend themselves to investigation by physical apparatus. No one dares to affirm that the effect of a gas has already disappeared, it can only be said that our apparatus no longer registers the effects of the gases. But to what extent a gas transmutes the space into which it penetrates, and how much influence it has on human beings, no one can say. Likewise, the limits of the field of expansion of thought absolutely cannot be defined. Similarly, no one can determine physically to what extent thought can influence life. It is amazing how the life of strongly hated persons sometimes is not subject, as it were, to danger. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps this person is needed for the Karma of an entire country. Perhaps the thought is not strong, and unrhythmic. And finally, perhaps the accumulation of thought will begin to act not immediately, but tomorrow. Earthly measures are in this case also relative. Especially is the thought weakened by the lack of understanding of Karma. Many efforts are needed in order for man to keep in mind the beautiful law of cause and effect. One advice may be given - nowhere to yield to the counsels of malice. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166: 166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 176: 176. Amid observations upon the deplorable consequences of negation, one should not blame certain well-intentioned people for applying their own force first rather than trouble Hierarchy. It may seem at times that people act from self-confidence, when, as a matter of fact, they are filled with reverence for Hierarchy, and above all they strive to apply their own forces in order to conserve every ounce of Higher energy. They do not even pronounce the name of the Teacher, and they guard their mantram in secret. One should regard very carefully the various modes of reverence. One should affirm all that aspires to the Light. With Us only negation is rejected. Indeed, the very existence of man, who thinks and who contains the subtlest apparatuses, is a real miracle, which could not be without a past, and hence not without a future. The Fiery World is the predestined future. Who, then, will hesitate on the path, knowing the great destination? Who, then, will not respect the present incarnation, knowing that it will aid the ascent? Who, then, will disdain the Subtle World, knowing that there is the testing of thoughts? Thus, our brief sojourn here has been bestowed as the best aid toward a speedy advance to the Fiery World. In some way one should combine the urgent problems of life with the highest resolutions. Actually the earthly life hinders speedy realizations. People dream about the mechanical prolonging of life here, instead of cultivating a joyful readiness to approach the goal. The Teacher brings the consciousness of the disciple, by the shortest path, toward the attainment of the Fiery World. The Teacher affirms all that which may, even indirectly, bring closer or unify useful consciousnesses, in order that each action contain within itself the necessary amount of conditions of approach. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 185: 185. Calamity has actually arrived. People ask - Wherein is God's wrath? It is in such calamities as people's turning away from god, their becoming traitors, either in actions, or in thoughts, or in the silence of fear. Let us not enumerate all the aspects of such treachery; it infects the planet and manifests an unmistakable quality. Humanity should not be surprised at ensuing calamities. Let man reflect - has he always acted in purity of attitude toward God? Has he always abstained from blasphemy, and was he able to keep himself free from evil thoughts? Thus people cannot say that the might of god is not manifested. He does not punish, but He can turn away, and then gold will be turned into a consuming fire. Then will equilibrium be transformed into chaos, and the power of Earth may be exhausted. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 192: 192. The Alexandrian philosophers used to say - Do not criticize the World, for it was created by great thought. The creation is not at fault, but our conception of it is. We can channel our thoughts either for good or for evil. We could transform the best animal into an evil creature. Cruelty on one side and fear on the other fills our consciousness by means of thought. We can send evil in our glance. We could turn a beneficial plant into a most poisonous and pernicious one. The thoughts of the ancient philosophers penetrated into religions. Clement of Alexandria knew how people themselves debase the great Creation. Even now people may observe how evil can transform the most harmless beings. Indeed, every animal tamer can tell how often precisely the element of good assists him in his work. But he also knows that besides good there must be measures for self-protection, varying according to the character of the animal. Such a science may be called goal-fitting. We cannot criticize the World without wondering why malice was allowed to enter. So too, protective measures will emanate not from evil but from good. Each leader may be advised not to forget the covenants of the ancient philosophers. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 219: Let Our friends not hesitate to speak wherever possible about the Fiery World. Of course, besides the spiritual point of view there can also be a scientific approach. In addition let Our friends themselves think more often about the Fiery World; such thoughts are as prayers. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 227: 227. One's mastery of thought does not consist alone in the deepening and concentration of thinking. One must also possess the knowledge of how to free oneself from untimely and debasing thoughts; thus thought is affirmed when we master it. It is not easy to free oneself from thoughts flying in from without, and it is difficult to cast off sad and burdensome meditations. But one should be able in like manner to send thought forward, and also to leave behind the one which is of no use. Usually, people are enslaved by their thoughts; and nothing so impedes advancement as grievous immobile thoughts. Most often such heavy thoughts are sent from without, and many eyes watch with malice, awaiting the suppression of energy. Learn to expel this obvious burden immediately, it is one of the worst aspects of Maya. Hardly a day will pass without an alteration in Maya. Thus, let us be doubly vigilant in possession of thought. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 240: 240. The consciousness directed to Us is continually being refined. The process of refinement becomes a code of every day. Could it be admissible that the subtlest energy be turned into chaos? Everywhere it has been said, "Whoever comes unto Me shall also abide in Me." This must be understood literally. The subtlest energy cannot be turned into amorphousness; therefore I am so concerned about refinement of consciousness. Complication by grossness only demonstrates that the heart energy has not reached a level where it is no longer threatened with drowning in the waves of chaos. One must hasten with the refining process. Each ulcer begins with the smallest decomposition of tissue. A drop of resin can make healthy the ailing tissue, but for a neglected ulcer not even a pot of resin can be of help. Create a manifestation of refinement in the very midst of life. Why only in words, or in glances, when heart energy is multiplied precisely in thoughts. The collecting of the most precious is only for the purpose of returning it. Who, indeed, would not wish to give something of the best quality? Only a cheat will try to offer something unfit or useless. One must keep watch over one's thoughts, in order to send those of the best quality. I am not speaking in the abstract. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 240: Through you We send thoughts of magnanimity, and already much that is not good has been averted. Thus is a mountain of magnanimity molded, with a summit from which one can see afar. One may advise many of the panacea of magnanimity. We shall not tire repeating about this remedy of spirit and body. Some day physicians too will prescribe magnanimity as a most powerful antidote. Let us not forget that malice attracts the action of poisons, whereas magnanimity opposes them. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 274: We have often forewarned about the possibility of a fiery epidemic. It has already begun. Of course physicians have not noticed it, for it appears in different aspects. The change in many symptoms of illness does not arrest their attention. Human judgment is too much attached to illusory forms which someone has accidentally observed. To alter their horizon is most difficult, but one should remind people that it is necessary to fulfill obligations. Often We send thoughts of magnanimity there where previously they were not even dreamt of. But even such unexpected good remedy is of timely assistance. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 308: 308. Wherein is the chief utility of thought-sendings? Besides usefulness for good works, for the sake of which the thought is sent, the principal advantage is in the strengthening of space itself by means of good. Such saturation of space is a great defense of the planet's health. To this end, it is possible to become accustomed to send out good thoughts many times daily, as spatial arrows. The thoughts may refer to individual persons, or they may be impersonal. The manifestation of good is of great value, and it is not lost in space. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 309: 309. Likewise each traveler can fill space with useful ties. Even in antiquity, the dwellers of a community, after a certain amount of time, went separate ways for a while. Such an outspreading fluid network has an enormous salutary significance. One must send not only thoughts but also psychic energy over great distances. The ancients called such a fluid network the fabric of the Mother of the World. Therefore, when the Head of the Community proclaimed the approach of the date of departure, the manifested co-workers rejoiced, for this signified that the net of psychic energy was already strong. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 346: 346. There are two kinds of people in the world. For some, time is drawn out unendurably long; for others it flies very, very fast. Pay attention to the latter; in them are developed signs of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. In them are developed possibilities of the labor of eternity. Can one face eternal labor if there remains a sense of weariness of time? Fortunately, already in physical existence it is possible to free oneself from the oppression of time. Not only is constant labor to be considered, but also such a transfer of consciousness into the future that there is no time for cumbersome thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 376: 376. Out of useful meditation is molded complete attainment. First of all, one will become definitely ashamed for all chaotic thinking. It will become impossible to counteract anything good, no matter in what form it be expressed. A difference in expression only is a subtle one, and we must regard it as a cobweb in the light. It is a joy when it is possible to refine one's thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 378: 378. The explanation of a number of manifestations connected with magic methods reveals that the will was expended to no purpose. We have a long list of those who disturb the elements without promoting in the least the Common Welfare. Some of them replace artificial methods with good thoughts, but many prove to be only irritators of the elements. Yet, such overstepping of the laws not only works harm to man himself but disturbs the harmony of space to great distances. Even a plain bowman in the forest cannot guarantee that none will be hurt by his arrow. And such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 380: 380. Actually, it is more difficult to arrest a thought than to generate it. For trial, first the conception of thought takes place, then its strengthening and concentration, and only afterward is it possible to test oneself upon deliverance from thought; the latter is not easy even physiologically. Thought creates a special fiery substance. Its crystallization, then, means that dissolution is required, and this process demands new fiery energy. So-called intrusive thoughts are often the result of a fiery flash which cannot be balanced by further treatment. The thought has succeeded in being crystallized, but the extra fiery energy needed is not there. Therefore deliverance from a thought is recognized as an extremely needed indicator of the proper conversion of fiery energy. A great deal of suspicion, a great deal of envy, a great deal of revenge can be stopped through liberation from intrusive thoughts. So, too, in space, intrusive thoughts cause actual calamities. It is right if these thoughts are directed toward an unselfish deed, but if they be about injury or destruction, the digging of such a channel in space will be unworthy. Often intrusive thoughts are not expressed aloud in definite words, and therefore influence by suggestion is made difficult. Learning to free oneself from a thought can be of great assistance in advancing toward the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 381: 381. Inability to free oneself from intrusive thoughts can produce no small difficulties in relationship to the Subtle World. Let us imagine that certain hazy, perhaps even unpleasant, condensations from the Subtle World have been manifested; their forms have struck the imagination and produced thought about them. Precisely the substance of such thought will attract still more strongly these entities and assist their condensation. Naturally, thought is nutritive. Precisely in this manner are formed the so-called ghosts. Intrusive thoughts give them density, and people cannot free themselves from them, because primarily they do not know how to free themselves from their own thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 382: 382. Mastery of thought is a fiery action. The concentration of thought and its projection is a fiery action. But a far greater fiery energy is demanded for liberation from a thought. We have read about great saints who scorned earthly luxury and freed themselves of earthly accumulations; but, first of all, they had to conquer their own thoughts. Through long tests they learned to summon thought and to dismiss it. When We speak about mobility, it is necessary to have in mind primarily mobility of thought; and such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 383: 383. The man who does not think about the Highest is turned into a creeping reptile. Proceeding in body, proceeding in thoughts, proceeding in spirit, advances the consciousness toward the Fiery World. One must acquire this knowledge of locomotion in order to obtain indefatigability and unquenchability for ascent. Even in the middle stratum of the Subtle World, the dwellers do not know how to strive upward. They have not been accustomed to thinking about such aspiration. They are obliged to learn to reconstruct their consciousness, but this is not easy and could have been attained much earlier. Thus We advise to meditate about a quality which is useful on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 385: 385. During transmission of thought at a distance a very indicative manifestation is observed. Thought is sent in one language and received in another. Does not this prove that psychic energy acts not verbally, by means of cerebral processes, but precisely by the fiery energy of the heart? Furthermore, it must be observed that not only is thought given utterance in another tongue, but also the expressions issuing from the consciousness are found to be the most customary ones. Such a difference of words may often impede recognition of thought transmission on the part of inexperienced observers. But notice that the passage of thoughts acts in accordance with the meaning, not the words. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 421: 421. The Yogi can sense heat and cold independent of external causes. Such transcendental perception relates to the Subtle World. It is sufficient for a dweller of the Subtle World to think about warmth or cold or other sensations, and the energy of thought will invoke them immediately. Thus, thought constitutes a laboratory for all reactions. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World We insist so much on watchfulness over thoughts. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 470a: Meditations taught you to purify your consciousness. Thoughts sent to you make you a co-worker of fiery attainments. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 46: 46. Though the good effects of good intentions, of good thoughts and actions are elusive, still according to the law of causality, everything produces an effect. This law is immutable and sublime. The affirmation of causality in each action gives a broadening of consciousness; for not fear, but discernment, of actions gives the proper direction. How beautiful is the law which gives life to every good and to each creative beginning! Indeed, the structure of the Cosmos is aggrandized by all the origins of each hour. Verily, the heroes of the spirit know how their striving of each day links them with the construction of life. Thus the law of causality can direct the thinking towards an understanding of the infinitude of the Fiery World; when the spirit senses that it is a link in a Cosmic Chain, as the effect of a cause and the cause of a new effect. Man will be able to realize a great deal through this simple understanding of the law of cause and effect. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the eternal motion of our actions. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 58: 58. A man can easily regain a right level of consciousness if the spirit is imbued with great reverence for the Invisible World. All denials arise out of destructive thoughts about the Invisible. If people would accustom themselves to thinking about the Subtle World and the great magnet of the spirit, then each spirit would understand how important it is to practice prophylaxis of the aura. When it is customary to consider all manifestations of the magnet of the spirit as suggestion, then indeed the most powerful actions of man are lost. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61: Great is the labor of the subtle energies of the centers, and it can never stop. One may only replace one process by another. When the high Agni Yogi devotes his energies to the task of great cosmic construction, in this giving is contained a great fiery transmutation. In such instances manifestation on a physical plane cannot be clearly expressed, and the high Agni Yogi can listen to his own thoughts because his consciousness will carry impressions of the Subtle World and his work in it. These thoughts are, as it were, remembrances of the creative work of the centers and of the spirit. It is said, "a thought suddenly flashed" - but We say, "the spirit has recalled." Thus one may affirm the work of a high Agni Yogi. On the path to the Fiery World it must be remembered that synthesis is like a river's mouth and each specialization is like one channel. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 69: 69. It is right to think about the purging of dogmas which lead away from a just thinking. The concepts of purgatory and hell may be replaced by the concept of affirmation of the life of the Fiery World. There is no mightier purgatory than earthly life, if all the potentialities of the spirit are intensified. Likewise there is no mightier hell than the earthly infections of the spirit. To affirm purgatory on Earth as a beginning leading to the Subtle and Fiery Worlds is a problem of the purification of consciousness. All strivings of humanity for knowledge of the Invisible World should impel the consciousness to take up the thought of purification, which will continue the earthly path to the Fiery World. Only the concept of oneness of the path will impel people to live in beauty, and to depart this life as wayfarers continuing their journey. When the World will apprehend this indissoluble bond with the Subtle World, purgatory will then take its rightful place in Eternal Truth. Therefore it is so important to become affirmed in the realization of the endlessness of life; the continuing, as it were, of the great Wheel of Life. The manifestation of the accumulation of the "chalice" gives great power to the spirit in the Fiery World; just as the path of darkness imposes its own dark existence. Let us direct thoughts of people to the idea of purgatory on Earth. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 108: 108. Indeed, refraining from delving into the existing bond between the Fiery World and the earthly deprives life of its meaning, and each fiery manifestation becomes meaningless. Delving into the Fiery World is indispensable for understanding in life the fact that the unity of two Worlds directs the thought cosmically. Only the unity of each vital manifestation with its extension into the Fiery World affirms the significance of all vital processes. It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to direct thoughts if this law is unrealized, or when this law has been distorted by different interpretations. How much more clearly can the spirit grasp the process of life and death when the concept of the Supermundane World lives in one's consciousness! Thus, the whirlwinds of the spheres of subtle tensions impel the spirit during ascent and return. Definitely, the bond of the spirit with Karma is manifested in both worlds. The understanding of this bond points to the beauty affirmed by the Cosmos. Discrimination of those vital impulses which in the future will provide conditions for subtle existence, is so very important! For it is impossible to take eternity for the transitory, and the transitory for eternity. Thus does the spirit learn, living in the material world, to appraise the transitory; but Eternity has been ordained in the Cosmos! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 109: 109. The bond between Worlds must occupy the thoughts of humanity. How else could one explain certain invisible processes, which nurture life? One may become imbued with that knowledge only when the spirit apprehends in the heart the manifestations of the Invisible world. How else may one explain life and the crossing into the Subtle World, if one is not affirmed upon the Fiery World? Each earthly occurrence assuredly has in the back of it its invisible cause, and it also is a potential cause. It can be easily understood that for fiery receptivity one should first of all affirm thought upon the bond with the supermundane spheres. Happenings in life can be made real only when the spirit senses each higher vibration. Obviously, humanity lives without cognition of the heart, which moves with the force of the Fiery World. For better forms one should look upon life as a union of the two Worlds. Each striving in this direction will be helpful for ascent into the Subtle World. If the perception of higher energies is established as a vital process, one may become aware that earthly life, with all its pangs, is extended into the next World. Thus, let us apprehend the law of atonement on the Earth, in actions and meditations. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 125: 125. So many distortions, so many inaccuracies have been admitted into the Teachings. Verily, each purification is great Service. Each striving to renew the Truth, as it has been given to humanity, is fiery Service. The black threads seen represent not only the darkness of the earthly atmosphere, but also that network which covers the human mind and heart. It is difficult to imagine how many minds have been clouded by various evil interpretations. Each man is full of tension in search of new interpretations, but goes farther and farther away from the Truth. Dismemberment is so vividly affirmed in religions, in science, and in all creativeness. Each World has its correlation to another World. Each Truth emanates from another Truth. Truth is revealed only to the open heart. Thus, the tensed consciousness, which senses the cosmic pulse, passes on its own beat with luminous thoughts. Verily, great is the Fiery Pulse, revealed to the fiery heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 132: 132. Often the spirit which bears the synthesis affirms its knowledge from within the "chalice," for the accumulated treasures of creativeness are actually tensed by creative vibrations. Often the spirit, as it were, finds its confirmation upon the basis of the unified consciousness. The manifestation of creative vibrations often evokes a thought which has dwelt in the depths of the heart. One must harken to those thoughts which, as if something familiar, live in the spirit. One can find many identical vibrations by subtly examining one's consciousness. The treasures of the "chalice" are not to be regarded as accidental. They constitute the potentiality of the spirit. These creative vibrations open many locks, for the hidden knowledge which lives in the spirit can be revealed. Often the aspiring spirit discovers that vibration which connects it with the Higher Forces. How can one imagine this sacred power which unites the depths of the heart with the Fiery World! The records of space are often available to it, for unity is strongly manifested as the bond between Worlds. On the path to the Fiery World it is needful to remember about the vibration which touches the depths of the heart of the bearer of synthesis. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 218: 218. Concentrations of crystals of psychic energy grow during each heightening of aspiration. Each tension of power of the spirit multiplies the crystals of psychic energy. Sediments of precipitated crystals, consisting of subtle energies which have been chemically transformed in the organism, feed those organs which are in special need during the expenditure of energy. Crystals of psychic energy melt down substances harmful for the organism. Through conscious tension one can actually promote this dissolving process, which is of service as a counteracting factor. Conscious sendings of psychic energy to infected or injured organs can produce a healing effect. Conscious tension of the will causes spontaneous action of the crystals. Thus, thoughts about psychic energy crystals can bring needed assistance for the injuries of internal organs. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to realize those fiery batteries which are contained in man. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 240: 240. The Equilibrium of the World rests upon the foundation of Being. So powerfully is life affirmed when the higher manifestation is kept in the consciousness. Each lofty thought will be a pledge of the spirit's striving. And in an endless chain of action and thought can be expressed all new trends of evolution. Space affirms its tensions which conform to the actions and thoughts engendered on the Earth. The more responsible is humanity for all its engenderings, for the Subtle World is thus held back in its development, just as is the whole chain of evolution on the Earth. Therefore thought about spirituality must enter into life, but as a true understanding of the Fundamentals of Existence. The Equilibrium of the World cannot be established without true understanding of the First Causes. Thus, each fiery word of the heart proceeding towards purification of the Teaching is a fiery stimulus which will give impetus to the consciousness. Therefore, let us be affirmed in the consciousness upon the power of Equilibrium, as the stimulus of Existence, of the First Causes, and of Beauty. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 322: 322. To reverence the Lord means to comprehend the Guiding Image. To reverence the Lord means to devote oneself to the Lord. To reverence the Lord means to turn one's gaze to the Highest. To reverence the Lord means to deliver one's heart to the Lord. To reverence the Lord means to serve the Hierarchy of Good. To reverence the Lord means to manifest understanding of the Service of Light in space. In sending thoughts of good beforehand, we already create those channels through which energies of Good can be collected and brought together. When the great reconstruction of the World is going on we must direct our affirmations to the assistance of the constructions of Light. Thus are new bridges created. On the path to the Fiery World let us reverence the Lord of Light. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 343: 343. The structure of the earthly atmosphere and of supermundane spheres is mutually tensed. The composition of the earthly strata is saturated by all the emanations arising from all the actions, thoughts and vices of humanity. One need not be astonished at the quality of the manifest interaction, for the currents are intermingled and the composition of the atmosphere becomes a reflection of what is taking place on the Earth. The equilibrium of the World can only then ensue when humanity shall manifest higher radiations, because all the spheres surrounding the planet are infected by the emanations from earthly actions. Only purifying radiations produce those gases which rarefy the condensed strata; thus each good cleansing produces its own channels., On the path to the Fiery World the purification of space is the great task. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 404: 404. Psychic energy also manifests in other forms, and it can be transmitted by means of a magnetic current. However, such transmission can take place only when currents and auras are harmonized, but when counteractions result psychic energy is swallowed up from without. These engulfments may take place as a result of anything from vampirism up to conscious destruction. Likewise, thoughts which saturate the atmosphere can either compress psychic energy or destroy it. Spatial Fire contains these crystals. Often the aura of places, where occur irritations or creative actions is saturated with corresponding crystals. The quality of energy conformably saturates space. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 483: 483. Everyone knows how difficult it is to discover the cause of failure in a very complicated apparatus; somewhere something has been bent, and its performance yields no results. No one observed precisely when took place some small negligence. But it has taken place, and it is not only necessary to stop all operation but also to take the whole apparatus apart. So it is in the Fiery World resist it with the least carnal desire and all relationship will be violated. But worry not the little ones, otherwise they will begin to fear such an element. Fire loves courage and impetuousness. But the courageous hero will not belittle himself with carnal thoughts. Impetuousness will help one to fly over the dark abysses. There is much darkness, many chasms, many dark traitors. Let Light shine above the darkness! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 495: 495. Prayer is expression of best thought. All beliefs prescribe praying to the Highest, in the best expressions. It is correct to advise people to approach the Highest with the most exalted thoughts. We always point out the high utility of exalted thinking. To whom then can one send thoughts if not to the very Highest? I advise to let no time be lost when it is possible to converse about striving toward Light. Not a petition, nor a dispute with irritation, but an aspiring heart-exchange multiples lofty grace. People must learn to think, meaning that it is proper to affirm thought about the Highest - some clearly, some hazily, yet all by the same Fiery path. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 498: 498. Is it possible to want to have false thoughts? When the day of photographing the aura comes, many will attempt to replace their habitual thoughts with something more beautiful just invented. Indeed, people know how to shed simulated tears. Petty cunning individuals will try to conceal their essential natures, but the film will prove to be quite revealing. A remarkable experiment will take place. Hypocritical thought will only make the picture worse, spattering it, as it were, with dark spots. Thus, new cunning will not be successful. Sincere, inherent thought produces clear rays. The needed sacred aspirations will have clear colors. Soon advancement will be made in the photographing of the aura. But it is difficult to reconcile the polarity of the photographer with the photographed person. Many trials will be required. Likewise is needed a particular, as it were, ozonizing apparatus, for purifying the surrounding atmosphere. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 516: 516. One may add a most useful exercise - to preserve silence and direct one's thoughts to the Most High. A wonderful warmth suffuses one. Indeed, not the fire of combustion is needed but the higher, creative Warmth. The wise gardener does not set fire to a beloved blossom. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 547: 547. It is asked why so much evil is permitted. How conceited are such utterances! Who can judge how much darkness has been burned up the how much help extended You, too, send many good thoughts, and help through them. It is possible to kindle many Fires, not knowing where nor how. It is precisely as when letters addressed to a blind man eventually reach and help some one who can see. One should send arrows of fiery justice. The Fiery World is maintained by justice. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 565: 565. The reality of the force of thought is beyond dispute. Thought creates. But in each book it is needful to review the fact that not every thought is effective. A vivid thought is equal in force to lightning. But each duplicity is destructive and will not produce the desired result. On the contrary, each duplicity produces deformities and most besetting monsters, which remains as horrible nightmares. By various thoughts there are created inhabitants of space which are like troublesome insects! Often people whisk away from the forehead an invisible fly. Often they sense a cobweb. Should one not then be reminded about the consequences of thought? Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 572: 572. Not from poison did the scientist die, but from conjuration. Thoughts attached to a definite object live for a long time. One can learn how in antiquity thoughts were stratified on an object by particular conjurations continued over a long period of time. The object did not leave the hands of the conjurer, who himself placed it in a secret place. Very remarkable is the experiment of conjuration for lengthy periods. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 601: 601. Artificial calculations, not illumined by the fire of the heart, bring misfortunes and confusion to the world. People lose the meaning of life. Not only for themselves but for all generations to come they leave a heritage of smoke and poisonous fumes. Thus is it needful to turn to thought as the creative path. Each one possesses sufficiency in thoughts, if only he were reminded from childhood about the treasure, manifested and ordained. AUM (1936) : Entering upon labor, let us beware of weakening in action. Through ignorance it is possible to be filled with thoughts which enfeeble and impede the broadening of consciousness. But let us remind ourselves about the Fundamental Force. Let us reiterate the principles of the Source of advancement and tirelessness. AUM (1936) - 6: 6. When you ponder deeply, you will perceive Our path. We are ready to help wherever the law permits. We grieve when We see that people, not having reached the line of salvation, as madmen cast themselves into the abyss. How many thoughts are expended in order to reach the simplest and best result. Yet often the madmen dare to assault the Highest while they are still enveloped by darkness. This is similar to the casting of a stone into the waves of the ocean. True, it may create a little splash, but it can hardly affect the mighty current. Thus it is with all attacks against the great energies. The most savage assault is shattered against the rock of the unconquerable spirit. The boasting of the dark forces only indicates their madness. All-powerful Aum will overcome the most insane and violent attack. AUM (1936) - 8: 8. You know well the lightning speed and the suddenness of thoughts sent from Above. The difficulty in remembering such thoughts indicates to what extent an alien energy is intruding into the usual stream of consciousness. Such forgetfulness depends not upon the quality of consciousness, but upon a completely different condition pertaining to powerful energies. It must be noted how difficult it is to retain such sendings in the memory. Ordinary efforts to remember are of no avail; if sendings are recalled, it is in some unexpected way, that is, through contact with a similar energy. AUM (1936) - 12: 12. Psychic energy and the transmittance of thoughts from without are manifested widely through creativeness, through research, and through discovery. The sendings may be human ones, or those of the Subtle World or the Fiery World, or finally, those from the ineffable highest spheres. Often it is not easy to distinguish the degree of these transmissions. For this it is necessary to be highly observant of oneself and one's surroundings. Upon alert observation one will succeed in distinguishing certain signs. AUM (1936) - 12: Earthly thoughts readily settle into the consciousness, but evil thoughts can provoke a shock to the nerves of an unpleasant nature. Thoughts from the Subtle World will produce a certain heart palpitation and are not so easily assimilated; they may even cause a headache as if the brain were being pierced. Fiery thoughts flash like meteors, and when a flight of fiery messengers kindles the surrounding atmosphere there results a roaring sound. The manifestation of fiery thoughts is accompanied by fires, and it even intercepts the current of usual thinking. Fiery thoughts are very transitory and are easily forgotten. But the rarely attainable, luminous transmissions of the higher spheres are like lightning, in both their unexpectedness and their penetration of the heart. Only exceptional people can endure these lightnings. One may enumerate many signs of thought sendings but it is especially important to accept the fact of such transmissions. AUM (1936) - 16: 16. Thought can move bodies and solid objects. Likewise must spatial thought react. For example one may point to experiments already performed many centuries ago. To the ceiling of the dwelling were attached many threads of different thicknesses and colors, and then, bringing the dwelling into a state of tranquility, thoughts were sent out. The so-called harp of the spirit began to vibrate, and it could then be noted how certain thoughts affected threads of a definite color; then it was possible to observe the reaction of thoughts sent from afar. Of course, during such experiments one should know how to free oneself from one's own involuntary sendings. All may remember how at times slight objects began to vibrate without apparent cause; for skeptics this is merely a draught of air like that in their own heads. The egotism of people makes them reluctant to concede the existence of anything above their own majesty. AUM (1936) - 17: 17. All manifestations of spatial thought should be remembered. Each one can sense at times something like an invisible cobweb upon his face. It is possible for each one to feel a touch or to turn to a call inaudible to others. Man can hear radio waves without any apparatus, which means that other waves can also be registered by the human receiver. It is very important to observe that sensitivity can even affect a physical wave. Just so is it possible to receive the thoughts of the distant worlds. AUM (1936) - 27: 27. You yourselves see how the best hearts suffer from the dark schemes of peoples. For evil creatures, pure earthly thoughts are but the targets for mockery. It is impossible to express that which saturates the atmosphere around Earth. The thought-forms of the minions of darkness are as countless claws! The symbol of life - the cross - is sundered by them, as an inadmissible means of ascent. Even if this sign forewarns of danger, the servants of darkness direct their efforts toward shattering it. One should not ignore the machinations of evil. One must be wisely aware of reality, the better to value the power of Grace bestowed for salvation. AUM (1936) - 37: 37. Prayer may be likened to a magnet. The action of prayer makes the heart tense and attracts from space the best thoughts; even though such thoughts of the earthly strata may not be Grace itself, nevertheless they are benign. Enrichment by such thoughts imparts new strength, as does a meeting with friends. One should value such friends. One may not encounter them, but they are close at hand. Space itself is filled with them, one has but to send them a good thought. Prayer has a magnetic quality. AUM (1936) - 38: 38. The antithesis of prayer is profanity. It defiles and disturbs space. It is forbidden to have in the cities factories that produce poisonous gases; yet the consequences of blasphemy and foul speech are far more harmful. People are unwilling to free themselves from the most harmful substance which generates appalling disasters, not to mention the sicknesses caused by disturbances of the atmosphere. More terrifying than any diseases are the destructions of the strata near the planet. How many prayers and good thoughts are required to fill these abysses and ulcers in space! If arid deserts and cyclones are dangerous, the very same danger is courted when humanity ravages the regenerative forces surrounding it. For self-despoiled shells are like decomposing sepulchres. AUM (1936) - 72: 72. Let the heart by its beat always remind one about spiritual food. Lose not the custom of prayer, banish not the good thoughts. Often man deprives himself of the right of entrance. The Higher World is not a consuming fire for friends and co-workers. In life people guard themselves against burns, let them likewise be definitely mindful about their future. AUM (1936) - 73: I consider those hours worthiest which are spent in sending thoughts to friends and to all who are in need. AUM (1936) - 74: 74. With whom may one fortify one's thoughts? Only with the Guru. He is as a rock, near which it is possible to be sheltered from the storm. Reverence for the Guru is the path to the Higher World. But chaos cannot tolerate construction. One should direct attention to the basis of thought in order not to be exposed to the whirlwind. AUM (1936) - 88: 88. The bond with the Higher World enriches the consciousness bountifully. In manifold ways do the lofty sendings reach their mark - they may be apprehended in sleep, they may be received in wakefulness as a lightning flash of thought. One should not grieve if such thoughts sometimes seem to be immediately forgotten, rather, they have sunk into the consciousness. It may be that the thought was destined for the innermost consciousness. Only in due time will it be manifested; meanwhile it must live on and enrich the consciousness. AUM (1936) - 90: 90. Even earthly thought can move solid objects - hence one can imagine the scope of the creative power of thought of the Higher World. People say that the conflict of thoughts results in truth, and thus people themselves unsuspectingly affirm a great truth. Truly, the creative power of thought energy is that secret about which sages deliberate. Precisely, not one thought, but the intersection of thought currents forms a spiral of conception. One may adduce many scientific experiments, but first of all it is necessary to establish the physical force of thought. If light objects can be moved under the force of thought, then this can be imagined as a progression in infinity. Not a spiritual nor an ethical calculation, but a physical one can present a concept of the higher magnitude. People should understand that their energy can produce enormous results. The potential of thought has been entrusted to each one and can be utilized scientifically, rationally, or wastefully to the harm of all that exists. Thus, prayer can be a great scientific experiment and proof. AUM (1936) - 94: 94. There is much fire, and consequently one can understand the waves which burn and fatigue. Subterranean and superterrestrial fires are related, yet they are far apart in their reaction. Man are unwilling to understand their own influence upon subterranean fire. Astrological signs suggest thoughts of special caution, but instead men only increase the danger. Of what concern is it to the bipeds, if because of them on another continent a destructive flame bursts out! AUM (1936) - 102: Not conventional rites but prayer of the heart brings the World of Beauty near and makes it a daily sustenance. One can approach the Highest with the Chalice filled with the best thoughts. One can offer the best experiments by warranting them to be directed to Good. When the Good lives, it opens all the gates to the Higher World. AUM (1936) - 105: 105. Undoubtedly you are often asked about the contact of the Subtle World with earthly life. You will be right in saying that such contact is continuous. Not a single earthly action remains unanswered on the part of the Subtle World. Each earthly thought arouses either joy and assistance, or malevolence and destructive sendings from the Subtle World. Even the weak spirits vigilantly attend earthly thoughts. Of course, powerful earthly thoughts inject a deepened vibration into the Subtle World, therefore it is but natural that the Subtle World should resound also to the earthly thoughts. When I say that the fall of a feather from the wing of a little bird causes thunder in the distant worlds, this is not a symbol, but only a reminder of the cooperation of all that exists. One needs to accustom oneself to the fact that there is no void. One must greatly strengthen one's conviction of the importance of man's task, his obligation and duty. AUM (1936) - 134: 134. A real cognition and realization of the Higher World is indispensable to man. Religions have caused the most terrible wars. The most shocking cruelty has arisen from spasmodic thoughts about the Higher World. Such a horrible condition indicates that the Higher World is not understood in all its magnitude. AUM (1936) - 138: 138. More than once have the wise ones advised keeping closer to Earth. Will not such counsel contradict thoughts about Infinity? Not at all. We have been incarnated on Earth, and for this the causes are many. If our vigil is to guard Earth we must also love it. It is impossible to care for that which is not loved. AUM (1936) - 141: 141. Each instant man either creates or destroys. The world is filled with conflicting thoughts. A multitude of illnesses have been implanted by thoughts of destruction. A great number of murders take place at long distances from thoughts or from intersecting thoughts, but it is almost impossible to make man realize that his preeminence lies in continuous thinking,. It is impossible to impress upon man how responsible he is for the quality of his thinking. The heart beats unceasingly, equally incessant is the pulse of thought. But it is not customary to talk about this. AUM (1936) - 142: We already have pointed out the significance of thoughts many times, and again We shall return to the same subject. It is necessary to repeat a dose of medicine to an ailing man, so We weary not of affirming the first fundamental - Aum! AUM (1936) - 146: 146. The light of the Subtle World has no relationship to the earthly understanding of solar light. In the lower strata, darkened consciousnesses create obscurity, but the higher the consciousness and thought, the more luminous is the miraculous radiance. Indeed, the dwellers of the Subtle World see both earth and the luminaries, but the earthly lights are transmuted by their consciousnesses differently. Likewise with the thoughts of the Subtle World; though they are based on the same energy, their process is original. The law of equilibrium normalizes mental excesses. AUM (1936) - 147: 147. In the purest place, the purest snow is saturated with earthly and cosmic dust; thus is space filled, even when crudely examined. Add a multitude of currents and rays, and you obtain an image of reality; thus are incarnate beings surrounded. Thoughts flow incessantly from the Subtle World; sometimes a man turns around and cries out at the impact of thought, but he still does not think of it as something coming from without. Man sees sparks and even fiery flashes, but he attributes them only to himself. It is impossible to teach men to treat their surroundings with respect. To such an extent do people fail to understand equilibrium that they either fall into sanctimoniousness or swell with conceit. For this reason the bridge to the distant worlds is difficult for people. AUM (1936) - 192: 192. Let no one think that Our summons to the Higher World means tearing one away from Earth. On the contrary, the greatness of the Higher World only affirms all other manifestations of life. Earth cannot be a negligible planet when it is enwrapped in the very energy which is filled with the higher Light. Each comparison with the Higher World also enhances the good quality of earthly thoughts. Only evil can separate the worlds; only ignorance can dismember manifestations; only non-understanding counsels that earthly life is no part of beautiful creativeness; therefore, let us direct all science toward a righteous cognition. Nothing can divert one's heart if devotion and the sense of beauty live in it. AUM (1936) - 214: 214. There are people who refuse to understand what arrogance is. Let us help them understand by saying, "Do not belittle, and rid yourselves of the disgusting worm of disparagement." He who belittles is almost the equal of a traitor. In the presence of such vipers there can be no talk of communion with the Higher World. To reduce something to worthlessness is an unworthy transformation! He who dwells on the negligible will find himself on the path to nothingness. The higher communion is impossible with thoughts about the insignificant. It is possible to converse in the simplest expressions, but their meaning need not be insignificant. Whoever is preoccupied with representing his neighbor as a nonentity is measuring by his own insignificant standard. AUM (1936) - 216: 216. There are people who can detect radio waves without an apparatus. Taken alone, such a faculty represents no special achievement, but it furnishes a useful comparison with transmission of thought; the basic energy is identical. If the far cruder transmission of radio waves can be received, the next step is entirely possible. People are continually receiving thoughts from space and translating them into their own language; yet even such a simple truth needs to be repeated. AUM (1936) - 231: 231. It is very useful to study ancient languages; in them has been recorded the history of man's thoughts, and it is possible to follow the development and elimination of concepts. Let us take the Sanskrit and Latin languages. We can see to what extent the latter had already dispensed with profound concepts; but ancient Rome, aiming toward materialism, cannot be compared with the records of India's thought. AUM (1936) - 239: 239. Everything in the world is unrepeatable. Hence it is possible to realize how much of the unusual there is. Without such understanding people will not discover their own earthly position. It is impossible to think about evolution if the impelling causes and the unattainable goal are unknown. Earthly existence has no meaning without understanding of cause and effect. Yet if people would even partially realize the unusualness of their surroundings, they could more easily focus their thoughts upon the Higher World. It is impossible to persuade people to turn without a transitional step to so different a sphere as the Higher World. But if the eye gradually learns to distinguish the multiformity of its surroundings, it will more easily become accustomed to the discernment of subtle manifestations. Verily, everything must be cultivated. AUM (1936) - 243: 243. It would seem that what has been said is simple; why, then, is it so rarely applied? No abstraction is taught; no mere wandering of thoughts ordained. It is necessary to stimulate the striving of thought in all reality. But only a few comprehend the difference between abstractly wandering thought and real thought. Only in immutability can the Higher World shine. AUM (1936) - 245: 245. Thinkers are subjected to many persecutions. But let the oppressed ones answer, "Though you persecute us, our thoughts are already sown, and nothing can erase thought in space." There is no point in exiling the thinker, his heritage is indestructible throughout all the worlds. Not only is thought indestructible but it even grows in space. The very departure of the thinker from the physical world only opens a broader domain for his thinking. Murderers and poisoners show little acumen; aiming to free themselves of the sowings of the thinker, by their very act they but strengthen him. AUM (1936) - 261: 261. You have observed that the psychic energy stratified upon an object can be eradicated neither by distance nor by other conditions. This but imposes the greater responsibility on man as the bearer of such power. This was told long ago, but the occult expressions have not enabled people to realize the significance of the force of psychic energy. What right has man to defile the surrounding space with his impure thoughts! AUM (1936) - 262: 262. Objects good and evil are created by man. Good thoughts and benevolent contacts combine to create an object of blessing; and on the other hand, the touches of evil can create a very infectious nidus. AUM (1936) - 269: The more subtle the energy, the more indistinguishable to the crude vision will be its qualities. Thus, it is necessary first of all to establish firmly the basic quality, which is the touchstone. This quality is purity of thoughts, arising from desire toward unselfish usefulness. The rays of achievement will be the best torches during the study of psychic energy. Attentiveness also will be a friend in such experiments. Any foregone conclusion will be detrimental. AUM (1936) - 287: History shows how the nests of true thoughts have been put together, therefore the science of thought is the science of Be-ness. It is inadmissible to complicate the study of thought with any restrictions. Besides, this science must be forever alive, for thought continually vibrates and lives in space. Thus, an aspiring study of thought leads to an understanding of so-called phenomena, which are nothing but unrealized psychic energy in its various manifestations. AUM (1936) - 290: 290. Since transmission of thought at a distance exists, then the interception of such thoughts in space must also be possible. Indeed, one should carefully remember this circumstance. Besides the intrusion of extraneous thoughts, in both the earthly and Subtle Worlds, special circumstances are possible, which contribute to the interception of thoughts. Uniformity of auras can facilitate the admission of thoughts; when people have lived long together or have corresponded, they can be involved in a current. If such people become dangerous, it is necessary to break the bond of the auras. Such an action must not be instantaneous, otherwise it will react upon the health. Each such process must take place naturally. AUM (1936) - 291: The sphere surrounding Earth is dense with humanity's passions. No external forces will disperse this fog fabricated by humanity itself. Therefore, consonance and color and the best thoughts provide the antitoxin against the infection of chaos. AUM (1936) - 295: 295. The speed of thought transmission at a distance is incredible. But conditions exist which retard even this lightning-speed energy, namely an atmosphere poisoned by imperil. Observations upon thought can yield remarkable deductions pertaining to both the physical and the psychic. One can see how evil thought engenders imperil, a physical substance; the same substance is also involved in psychic transmission, and can even retard the speedy reception of the sending. Thus, imperil can progressively complicate the effects of thoughts. Pay attention to the fact that imperil is born of egoism, but that it acts beyond self upon broad masses. This means that egoism is criminal not only as regards the egoist himself but also in relation to people at large. AUM (1936) - 306: 306. Aspiration toward the Higher World is the best recourse against obsession. Thinking about the Higher World is the best proven antitoxin. Exalted thoughts not only influence the nerve substance, but also purify the blood. Experiments with the composition of the blood in relation to the thinking of the patient are highly instructive. AUM (1936) - 308: Seldom observed are the spatial currents, and slight attention is paid to varying human moods. It is impossible to explain everything as caused by the thoughts which permeate space. Besides, there exist the subtlest chemisms of the remote worlds; such currents come into contact with the lower, supraearthly strata. One may imagine what combinations result! In this case also, man is too indifferent to his neighbor. AUM (1936) - 326: 326. Anonymous thoughts also receive secret gratitude. Each thought of good receives the best gratitude. It is not for us to judge where the song of gratitude will arise. Gratitude need not be defined. The most beautiful song of gratitude resounds in a moment of joy; but the thought of such joy has been sent by someone. AUM (1936) - 331: 331. In anger and irritation man considers himself strong - this is according to earthly considerations. But regarded from the Subtle World, the irritated man is especially powerless. He attracts to himself a great number of small entities which feed on the emanations of anger. Besides, he lets down his own bars and allows even the lower beings to read his thoughts. Therefore, the state of irritation is inadmissible not only as a producer of imperil but also as a gateway for lower entities. AUM (1936) - 375: 375. Energy can be applied decisively in all cases. It can indicate the degree of magnetization of objects or water. Like a most sensitive apparatus it can instantaneously record the fluctuations of currents at far distances. It can follow the thoughts of each line of a manuscript. It is an index of the quality of radiation. In good hands it is an instrument of good. AUM (1936) - 388: It is indispensable for assimilating the methods of experiment with psychic energy to know how to dominate one's own thinking. Not only in order to be able to direct it, but also to know how to restrain thought's action. AUM (1936) - 396: 396. This question is very important - Are thoughts stratified on objects preserved over a long period? It can be observed that sometimes they are preserved for centuries. Sometimes metal alloys were utilized for the better preservation of such stratifications. Such an attempt merits attention; for it shows how, much more than one may imagine, ancient people were learned. Great have been the extremes in the ways of life, but at its best the ascent of thought has been resplendent. AUM (1936) - 417: It is impermissible to erect obstacles to free cognition. Affirmation of true equality of rights might better be called full rights. The obligations attending the recognition of full equality will liberate life from coarse customs, from foul speech, from falsehood, from dusty routine. But the new evolution must be begun early in life if thoughts about it have not flashed out independently. AUM (1936) - 422: 422. Cooperation is a sign of the epoch. Much has been written about it, but life demands that this concept be refined. Any calculations will not help to strengthen collaboration. One may be convinced of this by the fact that a single evil will has already upset an entire structure. One must not think it possible to screen the frightful condition by any sort of external obligations. If there be no confidence, then cooperation is changed into a jar of poisonous scorpions. I affirm that realization of psychic energy cements the firm foundation of cooperation. Not an abstract concept but the evidence of energy will yield new thoughts. AUM (1936) - 461: 461. A drowning man must assist his rescuer. It is inadmissible for a man to become a heavy sack. It is possible by experiment to convince oneself of how much thought itself aids a co-worker. Such experiments may be carried out also with animals. It is one thing for the horseman to mentally encourage his steed, but it is another if terror and anger are in the saddle. It is possible to constantly convince oneself to the extent of thought's action, when transmuted into physical energy. AUM (1936) - 486: 486. Of all that takes place, you should ask yourself, "Why is it happening precisely in this form and not in another? Why just now and not before?" Many thoughts will arise around each event. Thinking will be directed to many causes, and by and by much will become clear. AUM (1936) - 512: 512. One must feel how great is the tension. One must acknowledge that there has never been such a time. Ordinary thoughts should not exist in an extraordinary time. To assimilate this is an approach to the front line of the battle. The manifestation of tension is already great, and it will be no less in the future. One also needs to preserve the consciousness of victory as a strong shield. One has to fill space with victorious thoughts, for in them is ozone and protection. AUM (1936) - 518: 518. Again let us recall why the majority of people must repeatedly read through the books of the Living Indications. Some will say that they knew this long ago, yet they do not practice it; then they will call the Indications visionary and inapplicable on Earth. At the third reading they will find that perhaps somewhere there are people to whom these counsels are useful, and at the fourth repetition they will also think about themselves. Others begin by aspersion of the whole book, then they cast it out of the house; later, as if by accident, they remember about it; and finally, begin to quote entire thoughts from the book. AUM (1936) - 518: Highly diverse are the paths of the consciousness, and therefore people need to accustom themselves to assimilate thoughts they hear. It is a pity to observe the needless zigzag of the path arising from egoism, arrogance, and contempt for another's opinion. Thus, people are obliged to read many times that which through heart perception could have been reached more directly and quickly. AUM (1936) - 549: 549. What thought reaches best? Old people say - that which is from the heart. Such a simple definition is correct. Indeed, the state of psychic energy either attracts or repels the reception of thought. But one should picture to oneself how many unreceived thoughts remain in space! Since thought is energy and does not decompose, then how responsible is mankind for its every thought! AUM (1936) - 549: It is possible to verify the sum total of all the thoughts simultaneously flying through the world. It is instructive to learn what humanity is thinking of each minute. The result will be utterly unexpected. It is possible to divide thoughts into a few categories; only a very small number appear to be directed to the Common Good. Such calculations result in the most frightening conclusions. AUM (1936) - 586: 586. Once again let us encourage all those who are distressed by their first failure in experimentation with psychic energy. Let them remember how many conditions can influence and impede an experiment. Surrounding people and objects, spatial currents, one's own state of health, and finally, thoughts being received from afar - all can either heighten or diminish the results. Many attempts have been cut short at their very inception, because an absurd remark or a hostile thought paralyzed their psychic energy. AUM (1936) - 596: 596. The very same energy participates in the transmission of both earthly thoughts and those from the Subtle World. Coincidence of earthly and subtle communications has disturbed investigators exceedingly; they believed such a relation to be impossible. The principle reason for the misunderstandings is that no one has paid attention to the fact that both kinds of communication have been received under identical conditions and by means of the same energy. Such experimentation must be especially observed, it means the erasure of the boundary line between the worlds. Brotherhood (1937) - 7: In ages past many different peoples have emphasized the significance of Brotherhood. Fratricide was considered a grave crime. Behind all this could be discerned a reverence for a certain exalted status; with strong measures the people safeguarded something which had no place in their everyday thoughts. Reason denied this "something," but the heart in the depths of its fire affirmed it. The heart palpitated with the beauty of the meaning of Brotherhood. Again humanity will turn to the heart and will apprehend the essence of Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 43: 43. Are such preparations needed for Brotherhood? Definitely, not only preparation but also illumination. Will not he who decides to devote himself to the Great Service regret it? From faint-heartedness there will arise many thoughts about comfort and convenience. There may be even smiles of regret. How, then, to overcome such assaults without illumination? Brotherhood (1937) - 71: 71. The exorciser charms away ailments, but only in recent times are people beginning to understand that such exorcism is simply suggestion. It may be noticed that the exorcisers pronounce some incomprehensible and meaningless words, but few reflect that the effectiveness is not in the meaning of such expressions but in the rhythm and, principally, in the thoughts being sent. Brotherhood (1937) - 79: 79. It is useful to observe how people act under suggestion, but at the same time violently deny the possibility of such an influence. Sometimes, out of malice, a man asserts that his conduct is in accord with his own intentions, whereas he is acting under direct suggestion. Man transmits thoughts which are not his own, and makes use of expressions which are alien to him, but because of malice he tries to ascribe them to himself. If one knows whence a suggestion has issued, one can form an opinion about an intentional distortion. Brotherhood (1937) - 83: 83. People talk much about thought-forms, but not all thoughts can be clothed in a form. There can be mental dust, which not only has been deprived of formation but which is intermingling with other similar dust clouds;. One may begin to sneeze from such rubbish. Brotherhood (1937) - 84: 84. Those who talk about thought-forms are rarely concerned with refining and elevating these formations. But even autosuggestion can be useful. Long ago was it said that thoughts are borne in space; hence, it is a premise that they must be formed. Clouds of dusty rubbish are not suitable for sending. Brotherhood (1937) - 92: 92. Detested labor is not only a misery for the unsuccessful worker but it poisons the whole surrounding atmosphere. The discontent of the worker does not permit him to find joy and to improve the quality. Moreover, imperil born of irritation redoubles gloomy thoughts, with effects fatal to creativeness. But the definite question may arise as to what is to be done if not everyone can find work corresponding to his vocation. Undoubtedly, many people cannot apply themselves in the way they would like. There exists a remedy for lifting such a blight. Scientific attainments show that above the everyday routine there is a beautiful domain accessible to all - the realization of psychic energy. In experiments with it one may be convinced that farmers often possess a goodly store of the energy. Likewise, many other fields of labor aid the conservation of energy. Therefore, amid the most diverse labors one may find uplifting strength. Brotherhood (1937) - 95: 95. Each manifestation is multiform. It is especially erroneous to think of a manifestation as having one single source and one single effect. Around each action there can be observed many different realms which exert an influence and on which an influence is exerted. One must assimilate the fact that the sphere of each action is far broader than can be defined according to earthly reasoning. Thus, by each action and each thought people contact several spheres. It should not be forgotten that thoughts infallibly impinge upon the Subtle World. They do not always arrive in a state of clarity, but in any case they will produce a certain disturbance of energy. So many currents are refracted in space that it is impossible to call human action a mere muscular reflex. Hence, one must accustom oneself to the complexity of effects. Brotherhood (1937) - 100: 100. The collapse of home and family will be, not in words and actions, but in thoughts. Silently are the foundations undermined. Without noticing it, people themselves foment dissolution. There are not many hearths around which mutual labor is performed in full understanding. But each such home is a step toward Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 101: 101. A groom expressed to his master a desire to breed a particular strain of horses. The master replied, "Your plan is excellent, but first put the stable in order." A writer is highly appreciative when his thoughts bring benefit and are not read lightly and fleetingly. Many examples may be cited from different domains to remind one about service, which is orderly in essence. That same orderliness must be applied when the thought about Brotherhood is being molded. Brotherhood (1937) - 103: 103. How to reconcile the existence of free will with the influences about which much as been said? Free will does exist, and no one will deny it, yet one may constantly observe certain non-conformities with the actions and thoughts of the Supermundane Forces. The point is that the will may be harmonious with the Higher Forces, or it may be chaotic and working against construction. It is deplorable that the chaotic will predominates among people. It does not improve with formal education. Freedom of will is a prerogative of man, but without harmony with the Higher Forces it becomes a misfortune. Brotherhood (1937) - 126: 126. Never before have we held discourses under such tension. Never has Earth been so enshrouded in brown gas. Never has the planet been so flooded with hatred. It is unthinkable not to sense the convulsions of nations; therefore, when I speak about care toward health I have in mind the unusual state of affairs throughout the world. It is regrettable that the nations do not think about the condition of the world. Much energy is being wasted. Do not think that the special tension comes only from private circumstances; it vibrates in conformity with the conditions in the world. The psychic energy is tensed, ready for both reception and repulsion. The spirit senses thoughts manifested in the Subtle World. Brotherhood (1937) - 139: 139. Let us compare the quantity of mental achievements with those accomplished in earthly action. It is surprising to compare the number of mental solutions with the small quantity of manifested actions. Indeed, each thought directed toward good represents an unquestionable value. However it is instructive to trace how difficult the transmission of thought into earthly action has been made. One may truly be amazed as to why thoughts have been so far removed from action! Brotherhood (1937) - 139: A strong enough thought needs no enlistment of action, but aside from such solitary thinkers there are a great number of thoughts which are good yet are not strong enough to react mentally and therefore do not reach the point of earthly action. As always, such a middle way is inert. It can impede the wholesome progress of man. Brotherhood (1937) - 144: Discourses about causes and effects should be introduced in the schools. Let the teacher propose a cause and the pupils think out the effects. In such conversations there will be displayed also the qualities of the students. It is possible to imagine many effects from one cause. Only a broadened consciousness will apprehend what effects will correspond to all the attendant circumstances. One should not be consoled by the fact that even a simple farmer can calculate a harvest. The manifestation of cosmic currents and of mental conflicts is far more complicated. From childhood on, let youth be accustomed to complicated effects and to dependence upon spatial thoughts. It should not be supposed that children need to have safeguards erected against their thinking. Brotherhood (1937) - 168: 168. Rarely do people hear a cry for help and pass by without a heart tremor. Perhaps a brutalized heart will not lend a hand, but still it will be shaken. A cry for help may be expressed in words or in a single sound, but its heart-rending meaning will be the same. The cries of space likewise may be fragmentary and, according to the meaning of the words, insignificant, whereas their inner meaning is of importance. It need not be thought that the echo of distant thoughts has lost significance; even monosyllabic calls have effect. Sometimes a series of faces rushes past; they may not be familiar, still various frames of mind are felt. From such occurrences there may be built up a sensing of entire countries. One may understand where people are debating, where they are sorrowing, where they rejoice - such signals teach attentiveness. Not only complex reflections of events but also sometimes a solitary exclamation may give a feeling of the general moods. As on the strings the key of the entire musical composition is fixed by one chord, so in space each chord has a significance. On the field of battle a trumpet call decides the fate of an entire army. No one says that one should not harken to the distant signals. Many trumpets are sounding on Earth. Brotherhood (1937) - 169: 169. Is it possible to understand how much the mental sendings are being intercepted? It is difficult to imagine into what lateral canals energy can be directed. There may be accidental receivers, but evil entities may also draw near. Such interceptors may receive partial thoughts, and one may imagine the resulting frightful confusion of the networks. One should be armed for many eventualities. Brotherhood (1937) - 177: 177. In the simplest examples there can be seen indications regarding forgotten fundamentals. The unaccountable whims of pregnant women will remind us about reincarnation, particularly when the character of the child is traced. Likewise, the latest medicine utilizes the concept of primary energy and points out the nervous origin of many ailments. Immunity is regarded as linked to a condition of the entire nervous system, thus putting forward the significance of the primary energy. How, then, may one not recognize it, when science is paying particular attention to it? Can one deny the basis of immunity? People are especially concerned about their health, yet at the same time they lose sight of the most precious factor. How, then, will thoughts about Brotherhood be created, if the fundamentals of life are left in neglect? Brotherhood (1937) - 186: It is more difficult to understand why a sent thought which, by agreement, is to be received at a designated time is so rarely caught. First of all, people do not know how to put themselves into a definite frame of mind. Frequently, instead of receiving a thought, they thrust it away. Because of this, it is more often that thoughts arrive, which are not those agreed upon, but are ones which succeed in falling in with the rhythm of a mood. Still oftener can thoughts from the Subtle World be caught, because they may more easily harmonize with the energy of people. But people pay too little attention to thoughts from the Subtle World. One of the reasons is that the transmutation of language can be achieved only by strong, lofty spirits. On Earth, people often cannot understand the meaning of something that has been spoken, and it is even more difficult for them to adapt themselves to spatial sendings. Yet one need not be disappointed, for each attention to thought refines the consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 188: Even knowledge of languages increases the flow of new discoveries. How much more, then, will unfettered thought bring! Each decade reveals a new approach to the Sacred Teaching. The readers of a half-century ago read it completely differently. In comparison with those who are reading it at present, they emphasized entirely different thoughts. One should not speak about new Teachings, since Truth is one! New data, and new perception of them, will be only the continuance of cognition. Each one who impedes this cognition performs a transgression against humanity. The followers of the Sacred Teaching will not impede the path of learning. Sectarianism and fanaticism are out of place on the paths of knowledge. Whoever can impede cognition is no follower of Truth. The age of shiftings of peoples must especially safeguard each path of science. The age of the approach of great energies must openly encounter these luminous paths. The age of striving into the higher worlds must be worthy of such a task. Quarrel and strife is the lot of litterers. Brotherhood (1937) - 195: 195. It is useful to advise friends to send out mutually good thoughts at a definite time. In such an action there will be not only a strengthening of benevolence but also a disinfection of space, and the latter is extremely necessary. Poisonous emanations not only infect man but also are precipitated upon surrounding objects. Such sediments are eradicated with great difficulty. They can even accompany objects for long distances. In time people will distinguish the aura of such infected objects. Meanwhile sensitive individuals can feel the reaction of such stratifications upon themselves. Good thoughts will be the best purifier of one's surroundings. Affirmations of the sendings of good are still stronger than purifying incenses. But one should accustom oneself to such sendings. They need not be made up of definite words but only of a directed good feeling. Thus, in the midst of daily life it is possible to create much good. Each sending is like a cleansing bolt of lightning. Brotherhood (1937) - 209: 209. Admonish people not to malign the Higher Forces. Madmen do not understand that their thoughts are refracted against powerful rays and smite the madmen themselves. If they do not fall dead at once, this still does not mean that their organisms have not started on the way to dissolution. One's own arrow finds the germination of an ulcer and brings it to the surface. Brotherhood (1937) - 211: Let the madmen not be surprised that We give so much attention to improvement of health. It is inadmissible to be an egoist and to think only about self. In both thoughts and actions we must spread abroad concern about better earthly conditions. Let us not hide ourselves in the folds of our mantles when it is necessary to exert all keenness and good will toward humanity. Brotherhood (1937) - 219: 219. Let us tell him who strives for practical occultism to reflect about incarnations, about the mystery of birth and of change of existence. It is inadmissible to by-pass manifestations of great significance. Such manifestations, before the eyes of all, can inspire thought about the essence of Be-ness. It is impossible to disregard such remarkable manifestations as the transmission and reception of thoughts. Not for derision are the recountings about little children who appear with remembrance of former lives and who can perceive the thoughts of others. Brotherhood (1937) - 227: 227. It is not easy to become accustomed to the fact that each minute the thoughts can bring a change of mood. Brotherhood (1937) - 250: 250. Is a deluge possible which can wash away entire regions? Can there be an earthquake which destroys whole countries? Can there be a whirlwind sweeping away cities? Can there be a fall of enormous meteors? All these are possible, and the swing of the pendulum can be increased. Does the quality of human thought have no significance? Thus let people reflect about the essence of things. It is very near to thought, and many thoughts are directed here from other worlds. Let us not blame sunspots alone. Brotherhood (1937) - 285: 285. Dispassionateness is not heartlessness or indifference. When people read historical chronicles, they are not irritated, because these writings belong to the distant past; and the experience of life teaches that almost all received communications also refer to the past. Likewise, experience whispers that the future can direct thoughts above and beyond irritation and disturbance. Thus, only the future is liberated from passion. From it is born active dispassionateness. Usually people upbraid one for this concept, confusing it with selfhood; but it is better to attribute it to justice. Only the future, not littered by the confusion of the recent past, can enable one to think rationally. Thus let us carefully analyze the significance of many concepts that have been undeservedly abased or exalted. Brotherhood (1937) - 302: 302. Again let us delve into the concept of mood. During transmission at a distance there is frequently noticed some impeding circumstance, which colors the thoughts and gives them another meaning. The human frame of mind tints all of life in unexpected colors. Our moods are called tacit thoughts. They are not put into words, but they can have an influence upon mental energy. It can be easily shown that both the sender and the receiver are in opposing moods, consequently the transmission of thoughts is not precise. From this it should not be concluded that thought transmission cannot be accomplished; for it can be truly precise when concomitant conditions have been provided against. Mood will be the most manifest of such conditions, but its regulation is entirely possible. Organisms fraternally attuned will resound without superimposed stratifications. Brotherhood (1937) - 334: 334. It is possible to carry out many observations of radiations. It can be proven that over and above the radiations that are accessible even to photography, there exist still more subtle light waves that can be detected by a more refined apparatus. The effect of the waves spreads over great distances. Moreover, the possibility is explained of tearing away portions of the basic aura within the limits of subtle waves. Though it is rare, yet forceful people can see portions of their own auras. Such manifestations are rare because usually a man does not see his own radiation. It may be pointed out that such sendings of radiation are linked with thought-sendings. Thought, in passing through the aura, carries with it a portion thereof. Particles of the aura can be left on the interconnecting thread. Whoever sends many thoughts tears away a great number of particles from his aura. Therefore such mental labor is truly an achievement. Self-abnegation is also contained in that the pierced portions of the aura are easily subjected to the influence of opposed currents. But the restoration of the tissue requires both time and the expenditure of energy. Brotherhood (1937) - 366: 366. Notice how swiftly certain words rush past. It need not be thought that this depends only upon the sender; seek the cause in chemical vortices, which you have already observed. Only with great patience is it possible to overcome such spatial conditions. But one may be assured that even such swift thoughts remain in the subtle memory. Brotherhood (1937) - 368: 368. It is actually possible to sense, as it were, the expansion of an organ, or movement in the bell or in the solar plexus. The timid will say, "Better drive away all thoughts rather than admit such manifestations that border upon pain." We shall reply, "Just try to kill thought!" Brotherhood (1937) - 370: 370. If there could be more confiding relationships between people, many scientific observations could be confirmed. Let us turn to the question of identical thoughts flashing out simultaneously in different corners of the world. So many accusations of plagiarism could be refuted! But right now we call this to mind in connection with the diffusion of thought. The springing up of identical thoughts, ideas, and images can convince one of the existence of thought-energy. This comparison may indicate atavism on the part of different peoples. Brotherhood (1937) - 370: People often talk about an epidemic of images, and right now you can observe how nations have identical obtrusive ideas. The more identical the thoughts in space, the more powerfully can vortices of energy be formed. But do not think that in them is contained that salutary unity which We have repeatedly prescribed. Brotherhood (1937) - 382: 382. A hermit dwelling by a mountain stream was asked, "Does not the noise of the waterfall disturb you?" He replied, "On the contrary, it helps my hearing. Moreover, the stream reminds me of two concepts - consonance and continuity. I recall how people transgress their own paths. This variation in thoughts has the stream given me." Brotherhood (1937) - 393: 393. During sendings of thought one should select sonorous and unusual words. Do not repeat them, and do not complicate the sending. One may repeat for explanation, but one should not repeat the same word with different meanings. The main consideration is that petty thoughts should not rise up, thus cutting through the basis of thinking. These small flies are difficult to exterminate; they also give a gray color to the radiation. Man assumes that no one and nothing interferes with his thoughts, yet at the same time his consciousness is full of tiny tadpoles, and his thinking turns into a quagmire. Brotherhood (1937) - 395: 395. Many think it not worth-while to be concerned about words and thoughts, for the world goes on in spite of curses. But such fools are blind, precisely, they do not see all the afflictions and misfortunes attracted by humanity. Let us not threaten, but advise purifying the atmosphere. Again large areas have been encompassed by violent commotions. Shocks may be expected. Not for long can people put off the results of their sowings. Brotherhood (1937) - 410: 410. It has already been said that the science of thought transmission at a distance is ordained as an attainment of humanity. However, it must be an authentic science and must arouse a respect worthy of it. It is inadmissible that people should respect a primitive apparatus more than the great energy contained within themselves. Do not think that an understanding of the forces concealed in man has been sufficiently strongly established. There is far too little respect for such forces among illiterate people. They are ready to hurl themselves into the dark abyss of so-called spiritualism, but they do not wish to reflect about the power contained in thoughts. The science of thought cannot be developed if people do not pay attention to it. Brotherhood (1937) - 435: 435. Earthly life has sometimes been called temporal. Verily, among other conditions, earthly life has no duration. Brotherhood directs thoughts to the far-off worlds. Brotherhood (1937) - 475: 475. Spatial voices have been mentioned under various names in the Scriptures of all peoples. Let us not delve into why such voices have been attributed to the most diverse sources. Right now it merely needs to be kept in mind that knowledge of these voices goes back to remote antiquity. One should not assume that people of the most diverse cultures could be mistaken or be intentional liars. Science has already mastered wireless transmission, which is being continually improved. Moreover, thoughts are being studied, and remarkable observations are already resulting, but for all that, ignorance has so greatly increased that it is necessary to reiterate even the simplest truths. Brotherhood (1937) - 476: 476. Not only are opinions and ideas about it not admitted but people even consider it harmful for the health to think about the primary energy. Even such absurd arguments exist. Such objectors do not admit that thoughts can be other than harmful for the health, implying that everything concerning thought can be but harmful. I affirm that thought is the natural principle of life. Nothing around this principle can be injurious; thoughtlessness is far more frightful. Brotherhood (1937) - 494: 494. Do not think that ones own thoughts can have a preponderant influence upon dreams. Remote spatial thoughts can also produce such influences. The perception of distant thoughts is very easy during sleep. Dreams must be studied still further. Brotherhood (1937) - 515: I mention this because many attainments are as yet in a state similar to that of the Middle Ages. In a short time auras will be photographed, thoughts will be measured, there will be apparatuses to determine emanations, yet at present only a few people admit such possibilities. Not so long ago television was an idle tale, people considered it inaccessible, yet they promptly accepted it as a factor in their comfort. One may surmise that the measuring of thought and determining of emanations will not be pleasing to many who have become accustomed to concealing even their own age. Brotherhood (1937) - 521: 521. It is significant that physical exertion sometimes creates a particular clarity of thought. The same thing occurs through reaction to cold or heat. Does this not signify that thought is energy? The affirmation of thought, as well as the measurement of energy will yield many new discoveries. Many particular manifestations are concomitant with the unification of thought. You have read about manifestations which were magnified owing to the quantity of people present. It can hardly be claimed that all those present were thinking in unison. This means that the energy of thought acted as such. The current of energy assisted the participation of the forces of the Subtle World. At each gathering of people one may notice a special condensation of helpers from the Subtle World. Let us hope that the thoughts of people will attract good helpers. In its unified thinking Brotherhood creates a powerful current of Good. Brotherhood (1937) - 556: 556. Communion, like fragrance, spreads far. If it is beautiful, the quality of broad dispersion is a blessed one. Let space be saturated with the best thoughts; many of them will join harmonious radiations. Though not all can absorb the full expression of thoughts, yet the beneficent substance formed by them will be a healing one. One should offer gratitude to the unknown Senders, who impregnate space with beneficial substance. Thoughts manifested in lofty communion are as a spring in the midst of a desert. Pursuing the direction of such springs one may find the Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 582: 582. Some will say to you, "We are prepared to understand the Fundamentals of Brotherhood. We are ready to build up cooperation, but we are surrounded by such intolerable conditions that it is impossible to manifest greater readiness." In truth, there may be conditions that do not permit putting into practice that for which the heart is ready. Let us not expose innocent workers to danger; they can apply their abilities under other conditions. For a time let them construct Brotherhood in their thoughts. With such construction they can purify the surrounding space, and such thoughts will be salutary. But let them not fall into conceit, believing that it is sufficient to build mentally. No, the wayfarer will affirm the manifestations of achievement by human feet and human hands. Brotherhood (1937) - 584: 584. New life is in cooperation and joy for the Brotherhood. Do not think that thoughts about Brotherhood are already old. They appear eternally, as long awaited flowers. Brotherhood (1937) - 585: 585. Each instant, someone somewhere is undergoing terrible misfortune. Let us not forget these perishing ones; let us send them thoughts of help. Perhaps people do not realize that afflictions are forever taking place, without end. In the Brotherhood they are known, and benevolent arrows are sent. Even if you cannot determine precisely the place of its destination, nevertheless send your salutary thought into space. It will find the right course and will be joined magnetically with Our Help. Beauty is found when, from diverse quarters of the world, thoughts of salvation come flying - in this each one will emulate the Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 586: 586. The primary basis of the Brotherhood was established, not as a haven of refuge, but as a focal point of thought. Since unification of thought produces multiplication of energy in a striking progression, it is but natural to bring together powerful thoughts. Such a base will be the point for diffusion of the thought of salvation. But people do not know how to be united in thought even for an instant. They break up their impulses by a multitude of petty thoughts. Some have tried blindfolding themselves and stopping up the ears and nose in order not to be diverted by external sensations. But is the distraction an external one? It actually lies in an undisciplined consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 4: The thoughts of the Teacher must overcome many hindrances in space. I affirm that each action must be coordinated with the thoughts of the Teacher; such help is true collaboration. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 10: 10. Urusvati knows Our language, but We must know the speech of all nations. Questions constantly arise regarding the language in which thoughts are best transmitted. Each one should send thoughts in his own language, the language in which he thinks. It is a mistake to send thoughts in a foreign language, supposing that it is more convenient for the person to whom the thought is sent. This can only weaken the power of the sending. Forcing oneself to think in a foreign language calls forth inner images connected with the culture of those who use that language, and disturbs the clarity of one's thinking. I advise the sending of thoughts in one's native language and in the most simple and familiar surroundings. Familiar objects divert the attention less, do not complicate the thoughts, and their emanations cause no irritation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 10: We arrange for thought transference in an almost empty room whose walls are painted blue or green. Green can be very harmonious for many individuals. We also prefer a comfortable armchair, so that the spinal column is aligned. The chair should in no way discomfort the body. The light should not irritate the eyes, and it is better if it comes from behind. No forced tension is needed, only complete concentration. Sometimes one may place before oneself the image of the person to whom the thoughts are being sent, but it is even better to hold this image in one's mind. Calmness is necessary, and harmonious music may accompany the sending of thoughts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 10: Remember these conditions as you visualize Us when sending thoughts to Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 13: People find it difficult to become accustomed to the idea of a mental interchange of thought. But among Us such a state is absolutely natural, and serves to simplify Our relations. One thought can often replace an entire exchange of words. Even in daily life, those who have lived together for a long time understand the thoughts of their companions. Certain exercises can, without apparatuses, enable one to understand the thoughts of co-workers. We speak only about what We apply in Our lives. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15: At the time of the world's greatest disturbances We sometimes send thoughts that clash with the desires of most of humanity. People do not understand that madness cannot be cured by madness and try to repeat destructions that have been visited upon Earth more than once. We try to preserve balance as much as possible, but the total effect of free will can overcome Our benevolent advice. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 22: You who send thoughts, attune your hearts, but remember that tension of the heart carries the threat of fiery conflagration. Only one who has experienced such a conflagration, inexpressible in words, can know the extreme danger. This suffering is the highest sacred pain, and is caused by the imbalance of the worlds. Various heart ailments come about from the same cause. Man does not wish to take care of his stronghold, the heart, which throughout all the worlds preserves its fiery seed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39: Let us not be among those who intentionally or unintentionally betray. There is a particular sickness in which one who is in despair evokes the Highest Powers with blasphemy. These ailing ones cannot be put into the same category as the malicious blasphemers, who are not in despair, but delight in the destruction of the best dreams of humanity. They will not receive any signs from the Brotherhood. Their creativity will not be uplifted by beautiful thoughts. We therefore pity all those who reject the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46: It is impossible to imagine Our Abode as full of dissonance. Even a crowd is powerful if it blends itself into a mighty consonance. Thus, when cooperating we must discipline our thoughts. But many misunderstandings can arise while sending thoughts. Even those who recognize the creativeness of thought are astonished at not seeing immediate results, forgetting that results can take place invisibly and in unexpected places. Also they fail to see that because thought-energy acts through the least-resistant channels, unexpected results occur constantly. The reason for this lies in undisciplined thinking - people might think that they have sent only one thought, whereas in reality they have contrived to scatter hundreds of the most unexpected sendings. What is received will be just as unexpected. Much harm results from these fleas of thought, which jump about and bite unlikely people. Little attention is given to channels for the spreading of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46: We consider it most important to preserve pure thinking. This is possible where burning evenly exists. Thought is sent when there is a developed ability to concentrate. There are special apparatuses that enhance the concentration of thought. They are useful for sending thoughts to great distances. You may be surprised to know that these apparatuses are made by fusing various alloys. This fusion was considered from ancient times to be a special science, and an alloy was called a choir of metals. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50: Let us consider how much opposition is met by everyone who sends useful thoughts. Today Urusvati experienced many of Our intensified currents. Such a change of current indicates the concentration that must be manifested, for each current struggles with its countercurrent. Thus, the most urgent decisions require defense against clever destroyers. Urusvati helped Us through the entire night, and even found time to be in her motherland. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53: 53. Urusvati is deeply aware of the significance of the creativity in people. We direct Our thought along the lines of cooperation and nationwide creativeness. It is time to realize that people's creativity is an inspired affirmation of their value. In all Our labor We allow time to inspire multiform creativity. Not only those who have dedicated themselves to art, but the entire nation should direct its thoughts to creativeness. Let daily life be created by the hands of the family. Let leisure time be filled with creativeness and let people sing, for the great power of harmony is contained in choirs. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 57: We continually send thoughts about kindness, action, and labor. There cannot be kindness without action. There cannot be any good where there is no labor. There will be no kindness where there is no opposition to evil. There will be no kindness if we do not accept the responsibility to discern evil, to recognize corruption, and do not lose the possibility of bringing Light. Beautiful are the words, "Light disperses darkness." However, Light must be brought, and this action in itself is full of self-abnegation. Light will also illuminate and dispel frightful monsters, even when they show themselves in their worst aspect. Every light-bearer has to live through those moments. He should not slacken his pace and should look fearlessly upon the monsters. There will be no complete renunciation of fear if the light-bearer averts his eyes in the hope that Light alone will dispel the monsters. It is not only Light but also the Primal Energy that strikes the blow which destroys darkness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58: There are many associations for the protection of animals, but too few for the protection of man. Let those who are cruel not dare to pose as compassionate. It is difficult to overcome cruelty. We labor hard, We send the strongest thoughts, but they seldom penetrate stony hearts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60: He who knows about Us will not be rejected. His thoughts are known to Us, and great is his relief when he realizes that there is no reason to hide them. He knows that each kind thought strengthens the link with Us; without words, simply by a deep tremor of the heart, every kind sending reaches Us. There can be unnecessary appeals because of inexperience, but harmony and devotion establish true cooperation. We rejoice when the step of true cooperation is reached; then the smallest sign is understood. Wise brevity is appreciated and one might say, "Our joy is your joy." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: People are perplexed about the far-off worlds, but they misunderstand much on Earth as well. For example, it is believed by many that Panchen Rimpoche issues passports to Shambhala. It would seem that this makes no sense, but actually these papers are not to Shambhala, they are about Shambhala. From ancient times there has existed a reminder about Shambhala that was given to those who were able to direct their thoughts to it, but later the sense was distorted and some ridiculous passports have been seen. Also, many do not understand why some seemingly ignorant lamas can be guardians of Our Brotherhood. One must recognize that these lamas are exceptional; they have preserved the concept of Shambhala as a sacred treasure. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 72: Sometimes We say, "Strive to Us with all your might." Such a call may seem unusual, but those who know understand the urgency contained in it. It is not easy to concentrate upon one object. People may labor for many years to develop this ability, yet at the hour of greatest tension even a small fly can disturb their striving. All of Us at some time have passed through such a strain. Success depends not on special abilities, but on intensified desire. Each one can try to strive to his Teacher, but he must strive so intently that he forgets all surroundings, whether it is day or night, warm or cold, for a short time or long. All this is within human power. And such striving is decidedly useful to Us, because it creates currents in space that meet in harmony with Our currents. If such beneficial thoughts were to be sent simultaneously from several countries, what powerful discharges they would generate! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 78: You can imagine how much energy is poured out to defeat these attacks of darkness! We have stated that We are on vigil, not for observation, but for battle. People could help, but they are unwilling to believe that everyone can apply his thoughts and power for the Common Good. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86: We stress that care be taken of one's health. Can We permit Our co-workers to be careless? Indeed We cannot! We foresee the attacks of the dark ones, who try at all costs to shorten the lives of workers of Light, taking advantage of each weakness of the organism to cause injury at the vulnerable spot. Do not think that Our help can be shaken, but any false step can prove fatal, and We can protect only those who accept Our help. Any unworthy thought can sever the thread, and people often unknowingly project harmful thoughts. In times of great distress one must be able to turn to the Teacher with one's whole heart, knowing that His help will not be delayed even for one moment. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91: In Our Community We use special apparatuses to broaden the capacity of the heart. We would be happy to share this knowledge freely, but human hands would only cause heartache. These apparatuses should not be used without having control of one's thoughts, otherwise the heart would be overburdened. In addition, the surrounding conditions should be suitable. You know how easy it is to contact Us when the fires of the heart are kindled, and the spirit rejoices in exaltation. Beware of irritation and fear, those petty obstructions that not only separate you from Us, but also burden Us. Seek nearby, seek in the small things, seek in everyday life. We are talking about the ways that lead to the far-off worlds. Petty obstructions are out of place in such preparations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 98: 98. Urusvati practices austerity and courage. Both of these attributes should be developed through attention to the examples of heroes. One should be reminded of those who overcame superhuman obstacles, and understand the complexity of the circumstances that surrounded them. History did not record all the dangers that threatened them from near and far. People suppose that heroic deeds are performed spontaneously, without preparation, but in reality many thoughts must take form before a firm decision to carry out a selfless act can be made. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105: If people could remember the grains of Goodness entrusted to them, many evil manifestations would be destroyed. We send thoughts of Goodness; however these messages are misunderstood and even indignantly rejected. This indignation stems from an unwillingness to remember those Realms from which earthly life appears as nothing but a particle of dust. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106: 106. Urusvati knows that clairaudience is the most difficult of the subtle senses, because so many intrusions obscure subtle hearing. It is interesting that even strong voices or thoughts can be distorted by a single sound. Thought resounds, but people do not understand this, and do not perceive that a word that is emphasized mentally will resound more clearly. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107: This will provide an idea of the complications in Our Work. We transmit benevolent thoughts and ideas, and must also work to counteract the numerous malicious carriers of infection. We are in a position to observe how people themselves spread dangerous earthly infections by thought, infecting one another with damage, in the true meaning of this word. Such malicious influences used to be attributed to sorcery, but even today there are more of these "sorcerers" than one might think. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 110: Urusvati sensed correctly the state of consciousness of some of the spheres of the Subtle World, in which hopeless grief reigns simply because of the inability to think or to imagine. No one teaches how to discipline the mind, and no one cares to develop the imagination, but without these wings it is impossible to soar to the higher spheres. One should know that there is a realm where purified thoughts reign. One should realize how beautiful is the path to this realm, where thoughts become feelings. Earthly hearts can respond to those benevolent, purifying thoughts and sense their creative grace. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 115: 115. Urusvati remembers how she could change the moods of some people by a simple touch of her hand. We, too, raise Our left hand when We transmit thoughts. One can actually make use of the gross magnetism located at the finger tips, and one should learn to sense it, especially when it has been reinforced by the intensification of thought-sending. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125: Let us remember that they appeared on Earth under a special Ray, and therefore their birth is associated with particular legends. We shall not contradict these legends, because they encourage solemnity and help humanity to perceive the Great Images. Nor do We correct the dates that have been established by convention. On the contrary, We send forth benevolent thoughts at each of humanity's holy days. Solemnity is intensified if one is aware of the great achievements that are honored by these memorial days. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135: 135. Urusvati knows that thoughts about beautiful legends lead to the Teacher. And even in the most difficult hours, thoughts about the Brotherhood will create the best bridge to it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135: Thoughts should be directed to the Beautiful, as a salutary medicine. People do not understand what a powerful remedy has been given to them, and they prefer to complain, feel discontent, and weep, not understanding that such ways only limit the best possibilities. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138: 138. Urusvati knows that We never regret the past. Precious is the striving to the future, and a special energy is attracted when thought about the future is alive. The most brilliant past cannot compare to the possibilities of the future. Science confirms that thoughts of the future are salutary, and regretful thoughts about the past are poisonous. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138: We offer knowledge about the past, but the heart should be filled with striving to the future. Let the ability to perceive better possibilities for mankind be developed out of such thoughts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 145: We never tire of disseminating useful information, and We advise you to treat it with care, for it will be of use in the Subtle World. Thus, one should develop the particular ability to catch the thoughts of space. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153: Urusvati heard the voice of the Great Pilgrim; how could such a voice belong to a mere leader of crowds? It was precisely the crowds that were the cause of His particular sufferings, shouting in praise of His Kingdom, and then hurrying to His crucifixion. Thus, in their way, they helped to fulfill the prophecies. It is impossible to imagine what karma awaited those crowds of madmen! People are now witnessing events that have burdened the lives of many generations. This is not a punishment, but the consequence of the madness of free will. When I advise restraint from unwise words and thoughts, by this very request I make you think about the future. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 160: The Teacher also said, "Beware of negative thoughts. They will turn against you and will burden you like an abominable leprosy. But good thoughts rise upward and will lift you with them. You must know the power of the healing light and deadly darkness that man carries within himself." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 161: "The third battle resounds in the Infinite, in space, between the subtle energies and the waves of chaos. The human imagination is too limited to envision these battles in Infinity. Human intellect comprehends earthly collisions, but is incapable of looking into space and imagining the powerful storms and forces working there. Only when human emotions are completely controlled can man start thinking about the invisible worlds. One should develop such thoughts, for they alone will make man a conscious co-worker with the Infinite forces." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170: In His thoughts the Teacher could separate the strands of prejudice and ignorance, and He chose words to correspond to the consciousness of His listeners. Thus, when they pressed him with questions such as whether Earth is flat, for some He would answer that it is flat, and for others the answer would be adjusted according to the level of their consciousness. In everything the Great Pilgrim always answered according to the listener's capacity, and one can learn from the simplicity of His answers. The Brotherhood stresses the importance of speaking according to the listener's consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176: One can imagine how much of His Teaching never reached the consciousness of His listeners. Much was only partially remembered, and the sequence, the original meaning, and the beauty of His words were lost. In the same way, many Great Teachers suffered the distortion of their thoughts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176: In the records of space the thoughts of the Great Teachers are preserved in a better way. They descend like a refreshing dew to those who can receive them. Knowing this, the Teachers do not pay much attention to earthly distortions. That which is preordained will come, and the receptive heart will receive it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176: Human thoughts also grow in space. Every heroic, unselfish thought can be a seed for generating the future world. The Great Teachers are Cosmic Creators, but every thinker can also become a creator of good. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176: People do not want to think about the distant worlds, but such thoughts can become excellent purifiers of consciousness. On the paths of space there will be no envy, hatred or coarseness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 180: And again the Thinker was asked why clouds form so quickly over mountains. He answered, "Besides the forces of nature, the thoughts of man can produce various phenomena." Thus, He used every opportunity to teach about the power of thought. Most people could not understand this power, which is the birthright of everyone, but still their knowledge was enriched. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 181: He also taught, "If a traveler knocked at your door at night, you would ask what he wanted, and probably let him in and give him shelter. Why then do you so persistently drive away the thoughts that knock at your door? A guest from a distant land is welcome, but a wise thought from a far-off world is driven away. You look for news in the marketplace, but ignore the Messengers of Light. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 182: He taught, "Thought is like lightning, and not knowing where a thought originates, you are unable to transform it into words. A thought may strike your consciousness, but without the process of thinking, it will remain unrevealed and lie ungerminated, like a seed in infertile soil. Such dried up thoughts sadden the Teacher, who sends these salutary signs through space. Centuries may be needed for the proper growth of a seed of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 187: 187. Urusvati knows why it is unwise to speak badly about those who have passed into the Subtle World. The Thinker often warned people about this, and said, "Do not condemn the deceased, for what will you say to them when you meet again? Who knows, you might have to live once more as neighbors! Prepare joy for yourself." This understanding did not originate in Rome or Greece, but in far more remote antiquity, when people already understood the interdependence of the worlds. The Subtle World requires a careful approach, because everything there exists mentally, and earthly criticism can be extremely disturbing to subtle beings, who, in turn, can respond with unkind thoughts. Retaliation reigns, especially in the lower and middle spheres, and one should not provoke it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204: 204. Urusvati knows about the enemies, visible and invisible. Those who conduct research in thought transmission should take note of the hostile conditions that accompany their experiments. Thoughts can be intercepted by spatial entities, and it is known that during experiments some people can hear thoughts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204: Fools assume that thought can be strengthened by the use of narcotics, but the mental spasms that result do not contribute to evolution. Even the emanations of drugs attract dangerous entities, which pick up fragments of thought and weave harmful tissue out of them. Everyone can remember how their useful thoughts were sometimes distorted. Look for the cause in your surroundings, and you will surely find it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204: The Thinker said, "O, poor thought! You have no protection. No sooner have you taken wing than evil talons are ready to tear you to pieces. Just as a handful of gold disappears when thrown into a crowd, so can a thought in space be easily seized. Thought may be received by a worthy spirit, but there may be thieves among those passing by. We must keep our bodies clean, but we should maintain even more purity around our thoughts." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 207: The Thinker said, "Learn how to think. Begin with the most simple thoughts. Best of all, learn how to dream about beautiful objects, and learn to dream vividly. Only dreams will develop one's imagination, and where can we go, how can we assimilate the most beautiful observations without imagination? How can we remember in our mundane life the sparks of the Supermundane Radiance if we do not train ourselves to dwell on images? Verily, striving toward the Sublime will train our imagination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220: According to a certain kind of person, nothing worthwhile exists for him here on Earth and therefore he has no reason to live. However, if he carries such thoughts with him into the Subtle World, he will continue the same idle existence there. If people limit their idea of the Subtle World by their earthly experience, they will prevent themselves from acquiring new experiences. Few think about the higher worlds, and most would be afraid of the radiance of Materia Lucida. The possibility that thinking will become keener frightens the limited mind. While still on Earth, people should suggest to themselves where precisely they would like to continue their progress. They must concentrate their free will and direct their minds toward consciously chosen subtle experiences. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220: The Thinker used to say, "Let your thoughts fly ahead of you and prepare new, beautiful dwellings." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 224: It is not the events that resound, but the intensified thoughts accompanying them, which may issue from an earthly source, or be projected from the Subtle World. The substance of thought is the same everywhere, and acts as a linking bond between the worlds. One should pay attention to manifestations of sound, and compare them with events. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 226: There is nothing new in this. "New" does not really exist - there is either forgotten truth or still unrealized truth. No one can claim that he has brought something new to the world, because only the moment before someone may have projected that very thought into space. People should not compete to be innovative, but should train themselves to think about the useful and the Beautiful. It would be better to think about essentials and how one can contribute the utmost good to the world. The most useful thoughts are those dedicated to Beauty. Ugliness is not fitting for evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231: Depressed people are considered unfortunate. Think about this last word. Did anyone deprive these people of their fortune? They missed all good possibilities by themselves and initiated their own misfortune long ago. Discontent, malice, and irritability cut off the path to joy, and their dark thoughts robbed them of the source of strength. Egoism prevented them from recognizing joy and whispered, "Joy lies only in personal gain." Thus, the most fruitful joy can be hidden under an ugly cover of despondency. Those blinded by despondency are indeed the most pitiful people. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231: The Thinker taught, "Know how to recognize joy. Among the Muses there is the Muse of Joy, but you can invite this Protectress only by beautiful words and thoughts. Do not attempt to threaten and demand, for She comes only by the path of Beauty." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 234: We do not oppose even the most complicated experiments. Everyone has his own nature and finds his own path, and it would be a mistake to direct people to only one method. There are cases when the soul brings remote recollections into a new life and attempts to apply them. Let people experiment as they wish! Even by firing a rocket toward the stars, one's thoughts will be directed to those worlds. It is not wise to interfere with the current of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242: We speak of a drop of poison, but one small word can be equally poisonous. It is lamentable indeed that people do not consider the words they utter. The process of evolution is long, but it does not seem to improve the quality of human thoughts and words. Let us recall the high standard of Hindu and Greek philosophers. Can the twentieth century take pride in an equal refinement of thought? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: Let us take as an example a person who writes many letters. If he writes with only himself in mind, he will not achieve the right results. And he is mistaken if he thinks that he is writing to only one person in particular. A letter full of lofty thoughts does not belong only to the author, or to the one to whom it is addressed, but to all of humanity. We should not be concerned with who will benefit from our thoughts. In addition to our personal intent, the letter is being sent into space, and it is not for us to worry where the thought it contains will find shelter. The only concern we ought to have is that our thought should serve for good. Perhaps it will be received somewhere in an entirely unexpected language, or enter the consciousness of a child and be expressed by him in later years. Perhaps the thought will reach a person who is leaving the earthly state and will be applied in the Subtle World, or it may be of help to that person during the crossing. Perhaps workers will be inspired by the thought, spiritualizing their monotonous work. The thought will help a sick person by giving him faith in his physician, or elevate a woman far beyond the boundaries of her domestic duties. The thought will whisper to the warrior opportunities for heroism. The thought will point out to the farmer the planetary significance of his labor, for the farmer is responsible for the crust of the planet, and a letter to him will be essential. You must write to the architect, to the judge, and to the artist. It does not matter if some letters do not arrive at the intended time. Let him who writes letters remember that he has many readers; so much the worse if the contents of the letter are base or insignificant. Harmful thoughts should not be recorded. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: The Thinker said, "It is of no importance whether I speak or write, the recorded thoughts will follow me. If the thoughts are of help to someone, they will become my wings." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 250: 250. Urusvati knows that often a short thought, quick as lightning, is of more value than lengthy contemplation. But this is not readily understood. People think that artificial profundity is stronger than a swift thought, not realizing that lightning thought can be evidence of the highest influence. Long ponderous thoughts can usually be traced to some earthly origin, but it is far more difficult to determine the source of a fleeting thought, which is of such speed that one cannot fully comprehend it and put it into words. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 250: Such messages can deal with the loftiest concepts. But they are often misinterpreted, the subtlety of their meaning is distorted, and they usually vanish without a trace. We are often the source of these messages, which We send out for the general good of humanity without knowing who the recipients will be. Thus thoughts are engendered in various parts of the world. But it is lamentable that so many of these glorious guests are rejected by the human mind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 250: Long ago, the Thinker taught His disciples to pay attention to short, swift thoughts. "The sparks of the Highest Intelligence pierce us like lightning. Blessed is he who knows how to keep them in his heart. Indeed, you should perceive them with your heart, which cannot be burnt by their flame, whereas the brain could be seared." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 257: Indeed, the Subtle World continuously influences the physical world. Subtle messages will cause unusual vibrations of prolonged duration, because the messages are not realized as mere passing thoughts, but must be transformed into decisions and physical readiness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262: In a crowded life there is often no place for even minimal trust. There are many instances of developing events that were disrupted because of the lack of trust. One can well imagine how these failures affected those whose trunks were all in order! People refuse to understand how their thoughts and deeds are reflected in distant events. In addition to earthly matters there are supermundane ones to be considered, and even with the best intentions, reasonably good people can cause disruptions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268: May all people learn to love supermundane thoughts. In time man will realize that in Infinity there is neither mundane nor supermundane, but only Existence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278: 278. Urusvati knows about the fatigue We have described that was experienced by My Friend. There are three methods of combatting it. One can deliberately increase the tension to such a degree that the original fatigue is lost in the whirl of the new stimulation, or relax completely without thoughts or tensions, or change one's location, so that the spatial and ground currents are completely different. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 281: What strong thoughts will come to those who perceive the joy of Be-ness! The atmosphere around them will be purified, those near them will feel relief, and We will smile from afar and approve the better currents. We shall even be grateful, for each preservation of energy is benevolent. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 283: How beautiful are thoughts about motion! They are a source of inspiration for Us. We overcome the idea of time when We are in motion. We can solve problems when We adhere to the concept of motion. Be not surprised that in many people there is an intuitive desire to fly, for this is a sign of our epoch. But people should move even more in thought, and thus forge ahead of even the speediest flights. I know a valiant country that is ready for such high flights. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 291: Only thought can produce the antidote. These words should not be taken as symbolic. Thought produces a substance that attracts the helping forces from space. We have spoken about resistance to evil. Precise, clear, and disciplined thought is a powerful aid, and also a powerful antidote. So-called immunity is the result of thought. If you remember Us you will intensify your thoughts and they will acquire a new power. Think about Us. Think about reality and face the terrors of Armageddon. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294: Most people do not have the slightest idea of this, and those who do quickly forget. It is not an easy task to dissolve these dark stratifications. As you know, every substance emits and even harbors its own germs. People easily accept the idea that certain objects can be infectious and even poisonous, but refuse to understand that it is their own thoughts that permeate the objects. Indeed, people have a low opinion of the potency of their own thoughts! Likewise, few realize that by surrounding themselves with poisonous objects they put barriers between themselves and the Higher Realms. We suffocate in a polluted atmosphere. It would be wonderful if medical authorities would apply to the mental realm the same improvements they make to sanitary conditions! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303: The Thinker instructed his disciples to strictly control their thoughts and to harmonize them. He called such harmony of thought music. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: Communication in the Subtle World is mental, and there is no need for different languages. It is wonderful to be able to think in one's own language and at the same time be understood by those from other countries. There is no need to impress thoughts on others; on the contrary, the more natural the flow of thoughts, the more easily they are understood. Such communication is supermundane, but it must be realized here upon Earth so that the adjustment to the Subtle World will be less difficult. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 309: 309. Urusvati knows how difficult is the art of the Good, which is how We describe the continuous, creative good will. One must learn how to discriminate between isolated, accidental good thoughts and actions, and conscious good will. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 310: There are many beliefs by which people shield themselves from reality, and it is therefore necessary to goad humanity into participating in all aspects of life. Many ancient thinkers emphasized this, but unfortunately their advice came down in the form of maxims which today are read, but never applied. The thoughts of Confucius, Pythagoras, and Marcus Aurelius are recorded in the pages of history, yet the average man is loathe to accept their authority. People are ashamed to reveal the cause of their ignorance, therefore it is important to persist in reminding them about participating in the totality of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 311: 311. Urusvati knows well Our discourses that touch upon the life of the Brotherhood. Our thoughts, concerns, and labors are expressed in these messages for the betterment of life. There are some who feel that We give only ethical teachings; they do not realize that each Teaching is based upon observation and the experience of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 311: We affirm that the conditions of life must be continuously improved, and thus We contribute with Our thoughts to the evolution of nations. But bear in mind that the difficult conditions at the end of Kali Yuga require special measures, and understand how hard it is to resist the attacks of chaos. People underestimate this and simply want to gratify their personal desires. Very few try to comprehend the complexity of the counterattacks, which, unfortunately, people provoke by themselves. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312: The currents of space are of many kinds and influence human thinking much more than one imagines. Spatial messages could be assimilated in their original form, but because they often intrude forcefully into the consciousness as if in some unknown language, they cannot be understood. Such interruptions do not necessarily mean that a person's thoughts are poor or weak, for spatial currents can pierce even the most powerful thought. Man should understand this and not struggle against it. On the contrary, man can train himself to control the thread of his thought by being aware of the interrupting currents. If he is aware he can instantly make use of his ability to remember and deposit the uncompleted thought into the treasury of memory. Even if he is unable to withstand the power of spatial thought, he can nevertheless protect the current of his own thoughts. He can be like a pilgrim who temporarily uses a shelter during a rainstorm and later continues his journey. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312: One can even derive a benefit from such interruptions, because each of them carries a certain energy which one should recognize. The thoughts of space cannot always be transformed into conscious forms, but even in their formlessness they bring energy. Indeed, this energy may be coming from Our Towers! Remember that We send much and varied help. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 313: Even in childhood, the memory must be developed by overcoming these three undesirable conditions. The mind can be protected by labor, which guards against self-absorption. It should be understood that although We are surrounded by dangers and external shocks, they cannot affect the memory, and by being aware of this We are able to maintain clear thinking. Without the tension of challenges man grows lazy, but through vigilance his mind becomes disciplined, and he learns not to allow chaotic thoughts to obscure his memory. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 319: Envy is a viper that grips the human heart and infects it with evil, and thoughts of peace then become impossible. Indeed, people can be envious in the most unexpected ways. Many surprises will await you when you learn to read the human mind. A man may have many treasures, yet will still envy his neighbor's meager success. Until the vices that obstruct peace are eradicated, true peace will not be possible. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322: Understanding another's misfortunes broadens the consciousness. Just one brief caring thought can create a salutary link, but, alas, even such brief thoughts are not often sent, and people ignore these karmic resolutions with cold indifference. They cannot imagine how much they separate themselves from Us and from the Subtle World, from which the best help could be received. Therefore, you must fully understand the foundations of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 324: 324. Urusvati knows how people reveal themselves in everyday life. Biographers make the mistake of thinking that the value of a person can be measured only by exceptional deeds, and because of this they miss the truth. Celebrities are often characterized by the glory of their activities, their sparkling eyes and powerful, eloquent speech, but entirely different personalities are revealed by these people in their everyday life. They should be observed in their routine work and in the company of their near ones. Their true mentality, as manifested in thoughts and dreams, should be properly understood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 329: Let us take the case of someone who realizes the benefits of Good and who understands the power of thought. He will not lament leaving Earth, for he knows about his eventual return into physical existence. Such a person will fall asleep peacefully and will find himself conscious in the Subtle World. He will not suffer any pain, for his subtle body is not burdened by guilt - he committed no crimes, even in thought. Thus, he will not suffer from depression and will be able to relate to his new environment. He will drive away fear, because he understands that thoughts are his strongest shield. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330: Please tell your friends that they should not assert in their earthly lives what they wish to be in the next incarnation. The fact is that the Subtle World provides possibilities so great that earthly limitations and measures can only diminish them. Life on Earth should be the expression of one's best accumulations. Often people begin to ponder upon their next incarnation, but it is wiser for them to postpone such thoughts until they find themselves in the Subtle World. They may then discover that it will not be necessary for them to return to Earth again, or that they will have to stay for a long time in the Subtle World to perform an entrusted task there. Such work brings one closer to the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 333: One could write a book about joy, but We prefer to give glimpses of joy, linking them with thoughts about grave dangers. Each discourse is given in a certain rhythm. You know that wearing many layers of the finest silk can keep one warmer than would a fur coat. Reiteration generates an accumulation of precipitations, providing an increased power of psychic energy, but these precipitations should be subject to a certain rhythm. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334: The Thinker strongly advised treasuring objects that were given with good thoughts and good wishes. He said, "We are not superstitious people but scientists, and We realize that he whose hand holds a gift close to his heart gives a part of his soul." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337: Mark what I tell you. Often people come together for the purpose of united concentration of thought. Such an exercise is praiseworthy. Similarly, people gather together and send forth collective thoughts for the salvation of the world and the curing of illnesses. This too is praiseworthy. In these times there are many gatherings dedicated to the transmission of such benevolent thoughts. However, communion with Us is overlooked, even though it would help them in their good intentions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340: It would be good to remember the remedy of ancient times when sick people would go into seclusion and remain close to nature. This was done not only in cases of contagious diseases, but when the organism was in need of renewal. Even now, there are those who prefer to live in mobile homes or in tents. Of course, a collection of many tents in one place only replicates urban conditions, but the fact that people dream of and look for seclusion reveals a healthy instinct for the preservation and restoration of health. We transmit thoughts of health, but of health correctly understood. It is especially important to think about health now. Many people are aware that the destruction of the nervous system has reached an extreme point. They understand that progress is impossible on this path of decay, but only a few know the significance of health in its full sense. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 343: People think that one should talk to animals, but such communication does not always lead to the best results. Animals understand thoughts, and do not need words in order to grasp with certainty the mood of their master. The horse and the dog know very well when their owner is cheerful or sad or disturbed. They also reflect the fears and anxieties of their owner and become fearful and anxious themselves. They understand such situations far better than people think they do. The important thing is to obtain their trust, which is not given easily. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 350: 350. Urusvati knows that all the advice We give is based on scientific truth. When We stress the benefits of an ethical life, Our chief concern is to preserve the fundamental laws of the Universe. When We say, "Purify your thoughts," We have harmony in mind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 350: Just imagine the power of a pure thought! You know that such a thought purifies the aura and emanates a radiant light. And what is more, purity of thought is the best defense against the dark entities that cling to every dark thought. I can already foresee the indignation of those pedantic scientists, in whose dictionaries dark entities do not exist! Well, We shall speak according to their consciousness, and tell them that every thought is in a way a magnet that attracts whatever is similar to it. Space is saturated with thoughts, and each of them attracts thoughts of similar quality. Whirlpools of thought exist in space, and grow amid the cosmic rotations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 350: It may be asked how man can discriminate between his good and evil thoughts. Words can be deceptive, but at the deepest level of thought people do not deceive themselves. They understand quite well the difference between noble deeds and crime. The outward appearance of a deed is not its essence: this essence is clearly perceived in the heart of the author of the deed. Thus, man should not become a sower of destructive forces. Let everyone think about creating good. When people think scientifically they will understand the laws of ethics. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 354: Let us imagine a dear one who is in an adjoining room absorbed in some important work. Our first impulse is to safeguard his quietude and take all precautions against disturbing him. We provide the best conditions for the speedy fulfillment of his task. We are concerned about the work, and send our benevolent thoughts to him. We know that our dear one is near us, and although we would like to see him, we realize that we have no right to disturb him. We are patient, knowing that we shall be together at the right time. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358: When We speak about purification of thinking We have in mind primarily liberation from preconceived notions. Imagine someone experimenting with the receiving of direct communications who then tries to introduce his own thoughts. Such a student will only mix up the messages. There have been many such cases. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 362: The Thinker knew about this when He said, "May my thoughts reach those who will appreciate them." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363: People are reluctant to accept the idea that a routine task should be followed by a period of concentrated thinking. How then can they imagine the kind of thought that kindles the fires of space and builds structures in the Subtle World? Even those who write about the significance of thought do not apply to themselves the rule about the inevitable and irreparable results of thinking. Man is a strange being, quite ready to accept the idea of the influence of someone else's thoughts, but oblivious to the results of his own thinking. Thus man neglects his own possibilities. I believe that the time has come for people to cease lecturing and to apply themselves to strict self-betterment. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 374: Similarly, people pay little attention to the "cementing of space," and question why thoughts should be sent forth again and again that are essentially the same as those that have been sent before. Little do they understand that Our repetitions are intended to fill space. It is not enough to make decisions; a suitable atmosphere must also be created for Our thoughts, and such weaving demands lengthy efforts. People also should understand that their intentions must be enveloped in a protective shield, and much can be facilitated by constant calm and affirmative thought, directed with intention. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375: 375. Urusvati knows how unwise are those who abuse their dwelling place. It is difficult for people to realize that irritability is especially undesirable during meals and before retiring to bed, and they find it incomprehensible that dark thoughts and curses can cling tenaciously to their dwelling place. The most beautiful dwelling can become a den of dark entities when people refuse to acknowledge the energy of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375: The Thinker warned that thoughts and words should express intentions which later will not have to be denied. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 380: Most people cannot understand that even having such a fine quality as kindness while in an earthly state is not sufficient, for it is also necessary to think about the future path while still on Earth. Even if such thinking is elementary, it nevertheless will develop the imagination. Without some idea about the next world the disembodied soul is confused by its new and incomprehensible surroundings. If, while still on Earth, man cultivates thoughts about the joyous experiences that await him in the next world, he develops his imagination and prepares himself for entry into the corresponding spheres. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 384: The ancient people acted far more sensibly. In times of danger they turned instantly to Heaven, and in silence and without thoughts opened their hearts in receptivity to the Higher Forces. They understood that earthly words are useless in such circumstances and could not express their need, and they allowed the Higher Force to flow unimpeded into their consciousness. They were certain that in time of need benevolent help would come. They knew that space is fully inhabited, and that the Good Ones are always ready to provide help. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389: People assume that in the Subtle World one can always remain in the sphere that accords with one's spiritual affinity, but this possibility is conditional. In truth, everyone is attracted to a certain sphere, but this does not prevent the sending of thoughts into other spheres. These mental bridges can serve as media for new contacts as long as repulsion is not operating. And if the directed thought is clear and kind even this obstacle can be surmounted. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389: In the Subtle World negative feelings such as malice, revenge, and general harmfulness will exhaust themselves because they are useless. The spirit ultimately awakens to the fact that no gates are opened by such keys. Likewise on Earth, people who are ardently absorbed in their work have no time to dwell on petty offenses or injustices. Work demands their complete attention. In the higher spheres evil thoughts do not exist, for evil is of chaos, and in harmonious spheres there are no conditions for discord. Thus an attraction is created, and the Magnet is brought into operation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389: Even in the physical world clear thoughts will grow and lead to the heights. Such thoughts should not be shattered by petty misfortunes. After all, most grievances are born of mistrust, and when people eventually learn to trust the Higher Forces, they regret the energy spent on complaints. The best thought can be generated anywhere in the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391: The passing into the Subtle World is like the fleeting moment of a dream; the one who has been resting in sleep will, upon awakening, find himself in completely new surroundings, and his thoughts may become so confused that, not yet adapted to the Subtle World, he will not think to call for the Guide's help. Does not the same thing happen in earthly life? No one speaks about Guides while in the earthly state, and in the Subtle World this close bond often goes unused. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398: The Thinker said, "O Guru, Thou Invisible One, when I tell Thee my best words, I know that my thoughts of love for Thee have not yet been expressed." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 413: Some scientists will agree, although with reservations, that human emanations transform the atmosphere. No emanations are as powerful as those of man, who is capable both of healing and poisoning everything around him. It is not so much the infectious sickness of people that poison the atmosphere, but their irritation, anger, and malice. Let us examine how few good emanations appear at the earth's crust at one time compared with the multitude of malicious thoughts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424: The slightest doubt will also decrease one's nervous stamina. Those who doubt cannot sit upon water or walk through fire. It is instructive to observe how the smallest doubt can destroy. This may be so fleeting that one does not notice it, yet it succeeds in disturbing the circulation of the blood. One cannot hope to arrest one's pulse when the attention is divided, but it is not easy to free oneself from divided thought. Frequently thoughts carry along their "mirror images" which weaken the action of the basic thought. These unwelcome companions are the result of insufficient mental clarity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427: In Our normal work We must set aside time for the reception of communications from a distance. But this is not easy, since an organism that is tensed and refined cannot help resounding to calls from everywhere. Remember that, in addition to any direct appeals to Us, space thunders with world events. And now this cacophony has reached such a degree that it can endanger the human organism. Thought-waves, like arrows, pierce the mucous membranes; the throat, the ears, the eyes, and all other mucous tissues can be affected. There are times when thought-waves are even strengthened by the mutual opposition. One cannot always see the explosions of black projectiles. Unearthly Forces are active in them, but earthly thoughts treble their effect. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 433: And in this quest We help. We direct people's attention to new books. We inspire useful turning-points in discussion. We send thoughts about new discoveries. We send warnings about harmful errors. It is joyous to render this help unnoticed. We value those fighters who bravely repel the assaults of darkness. People should recall how they were instructed in the Subtle World, how the Luminous Beings approached them, and how the growth of their consciousness permitted these Instructors to come close. The same thing takes place in the earthly life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 450: The most intemperate people can be quite reasonable and pleasant in their exchange of thoughts in the Subtle World, whereas in their earthly life they would never be so open-minded! They remember fragments of their experiences in the Subtle World, which, even though very small, convey some new understanding in their essential being. Such lessons brought from the Subtle World are of great benefit to people in the various situations of their lives.