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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TH > THEIRS (5)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 429:
429. It is astonishing to see how people spoil their own lives without reason or sense by depriving themselves of possibilities that are theirs by right. It is astonishing to see how readily people diminish boundaries expanded over lifetimes.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 317:
The Lords have been always in need of receptive co-workers and witnesses. Thus, all life manifestations must have witnesses. Only thus can Truth be established. Hence, the flaming Agni Yogi strives so ardently toward manifestation of fire for the aid of mankind. Truly, the manifestation of the flaming centers serves humanity. Therefore do We guard so solicitously Our messengers. Theirs is a most difficult mission!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 380:
380. Since Hatha Yoga demands certain bodily exercises, the question may be raised as to whether such exercises are also needed for other Yogas? Neither Arhats nor Great Spiritual Toilers practiced these. Verily, theirs are the trials of the spirit, which not only subdue the body but take the place of all exercises of the flesh. Only the avowal of spirit can replace all else.

Brotherhood (1937) - 134:
Such chosen ones are not often encountered. Often they are unrecognized. Theirs is a dream which comes from afar, and which for other people will sometimes seem to border upon madness. From antiquity there has come the term "sacred madness." Wisdom is frequently spoken of as madness. Likewise do people refer to an uplifted consciousness. Let us not regard these as axioms generally known, for actually they remain neglected for entire ages.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 264:
The Thinker was concerned about every thought, knowing that the purpose of each thought is to serve the Common Good. He said, "When people understand the meaning of the Common Good, happiness will be theirs."


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