Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 11: 11. Why, O Thou Flaming One, dost Thou avert Thy Face? The sight of Me brings thee pain; thy wings are not yet spread. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 12: O Lord of my spirit, forsake not the pilgrim! The Guru hastens not to shelter me from the storm that threatens. The pain will pierce the depths of my heart. And the veil of the whirlwind will hide the light of Thy Face. Yet with Thee I fear not my ignorance. The phantoms reveal not their faces. Lead me upon the path, O Thou Blessed One. Touch my eyes that I may see Thy Gates! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 33: 33. Love one another - I shall send you pure thoughts. I shall strengthen your desire for perfection. By love would I heal the mistaken ones. Ramakrishna says: "Love, and all will come unto thee." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 73: But the stones are too large for our garden, And the steps too steep for flowers. On a cloud He will approach. On the grass will He sit beside us. We rejoice, O Lord, to offer to Thee our garden. Depart not, O Manifested Lord. Leave not our garden. With stars is Thy Path adorned. By them do we find Thy Way. We shall follow Thee, O Lord. Should the sun's morning rays banish Thy starry signs, Then will we invoke the aid of storm and whirlwind to obscure its rays. Of what use the sun, if it banish Thy starry tokens? Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 270: I am sustaining thee - I am sending a shower of Care. My Care is thy joy. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 317: O Lord, give strength to my heart and power to my arm. Because I am Thy servant. In Thy Rays I shall learn the eternal Truth of Being. In Thy Voice I shall listen to the harmony of the World. My heart I give to Thee, O Lord. Sacrifice it for the sake of the World. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 320: Pupil, find the energy to fulfil thy striving. Summon courage! Thy body must not hinder thee upon the path. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 327: Thou Blossom of the Lotus Flower, Dream of Dreams, Seven-Pointed Pearl! In Thee is hidden the knowledge of the universe. In Thee is born the striving to behold the mysteries. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 327: Hidden Temple of the Unknown, Giver of Living Waters, Great Healer of the Universe, Soul ever-watchful over worldly terrors! In Thy Radiance bathes Thy faithful servant, Who has chosen Thee to be his whole possession. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 334: Lord, the bird of happiness would sing at my window. I shall not understand its words but I will dare. In the morning hour one word will come to me, And my heart will sing: Forgiven, forgiven, forgiven. Is it possible that for one word, for one act of tenderness, I could be freed of guilt by Thee? By Thee, Who has spun the web of eternal Universe and Glory? Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 338: And thou, called Avirach, Thou knowest already that flight is in vain. Thou art standing now, approaching the doors, And thy chalice awaits thee. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342: 342. Where is the prayer? Where is the mantram? Where is the conjuration? Where is the invocation? I will say my prayer and I will say it facing the sun. If my eyes cannot endure the Light of the Universe, I will close them. And, filled with the sparks of Its radiance, I will nevertheless say: Here I behold my path, and along it I strive with all my inmost being. And, repelling the enemies and renouncing all possessions, I am coming to Thee. My word to Thee is my prayer. By day and by night do I repeat it, at work and during the night vigil, When the eyes no longer discern the bounds of earth and heaven. How much preparation, and how much thought and vigilance - To say to Thee this one prayer, "I love Thee, My Lord." It is my only prayer. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342: And now my invocation: "O Lord, Thou shalt not elude me. I will find Thee. I know all Thy Abodes. Thou art in all!" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342: Be merciful, My Lord. My prayer is simple. Short is my mantram and importunate is my invocation. But just as I cannot escape Thee, Thou canst not hide from me. My ear hears Thy Step. My mouth is sweet with Thy Divine Savor, For Thou art my nurture. Can I successfully invoke Thee, O Lord? Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342: I fear lest my prayer displease Thee, And my mantram be not acceptable. But I will retain in my hands Thy Garment. O My Lord, I will be daring, And by audacity will win the ocean of happiness. Because I wish it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 379: And thou who knowest the course of the Luminaries, give way! For I know thee, sower of confusion of thought. I say to thee - away with thy arrogance! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452: My daughter, thou hast been terrified, as if behind a prison door; It seemed to thee impossible that the iron door would ever be opened. Yet here I give thee the key. Learn to turn it just as many times as indicated; No more and no less than is necessary. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452: My son, thou hast brandished thy staff, calling the world to battle. Here comes the world to thee - sharpen thy weapon. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452: My daughter, thou who canst see, to thee I give - Add a drop of My Task in the draught, And dip into the wine of knowledge the bread of achievement, Giving nourishment to those who approach. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.8: O ball of destiny! Where wilt thou fall and whither rebound? The Light has been revealed to thee. Succeed, thou ball, in reaching it in time! Restrain thy evil cunning whirl. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.16: To the usurping one say, "Evidently the time has arrived for me to receive new things. But verily it is better for thee not to touch my things. Blasphemy and usurpation will attract lightning upon thee. Thy knife will be blunted by the invisible armor, and thou wilt destroy thy strongest weapons. And whither wilt thou go, consumed from within and reduced to ashes?" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19: I feel the human spirit will rise; but welcome the most unfortunate ones: "Come, ye naked, we will clothe thee; come, ye little ones, we will rear thee; come, ye dumb ones, we will give thee speech; come, ye blind ones, and see the predestined domain." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13: Finally, bending low in prayer, the seeker felt a thread of a web descend on his forehead. He cast it away. Then a clear voice rang out, "Why dost thou reject My Hand? My Ray has followed thee. Permit me to embrace thee." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.14: Wouldst thou strike Him Who gave thy talent to thee? Wherein, then, wouldst thou differ from a plunderer? Do not besmirsh the Hand of the Giving One, else this dirt turn into thy leprosy. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.3: Christ answered: "I await the night's darkness, to free Me from sight of thee. Verily, let darkness depart into darkness." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.4: A member of the Sanhedrim asked Christ, "Wouldst thou come to us if we should call thee?" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.1: Ritual ablutions must be understood both literally and symbolically. The highest and final act of all mysteries was distinguished by the absence of ritual. Often the Initiator said to the neophyte: "Here thou com'st to Me, armed with the Secret; but what can I give thee, when the crown of fulfillment is preserved within thyself. Sit down, open the last gates, and I in prayer will alleviate thy last ascension." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.6: 3.1.6. Value an expanse of thought. I teach you to esteem giants of will. Roundabout you I will bind the Sacred Knot - an invisible one. Our Decree is that you take on your shoulders the attestation to My Advent. Raise the weighty Shield with a firm will of consciousness. Let us say: "Lord, I will help Thy Country; my spirit is arrayed in the armor of fearlessness. Brightly glows Thy star upon my shield. I will catch on the shield all the arrows of Thy adversaries. I wish to help Thee." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.7: One of them received most explicit indications; the other most fragmentary ones only. Finally the latter addressed Akbar, saying: "Why have I not deserved explicit commands, when I brought so many victories?" Akbar replied: "Thy understanding restrained the flow of words. Let each moment saved by thee be commemorated with a most precious pearl." New Era Community (1926) - 186: 186. Every community is in need of defensive resources. We are not conquerors by force, but nevertheless We keep an account of Our enemies, and We are not deceived about their numbers. Rays, gases, and aerial outposts will be the best external measures, but the most effective resources will be in the products of psychic energy. By no means do We intend to present a spectacle of defenseless sheep! Real knowledge is ever ready to reply! We are not interested in frightening anyone, but We must issue the warning "Beware, ignorant one!" Now is the time to whisper to all those who are united in community, "Be conscious of your psychic commands." There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the responsibility for a decisive order. But intensify at that time all keen-sightedness, in order to perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a misdirected order. On the way the most unexpected manifestations may be touched, and who can control the consequences of an ill-sped arrow? Long ago did I say to the enemy, "I will receive into My shield all thy arrows, but I shall send thee only one." In these words is Our entire Advice. New Era Community (1926) - 201: Maya of all ages knows when to touch the brain. From the depths of former experiences Maya evokes a fine thread of waverings, covers reality with evidence, and sweeps away the furrow of attainments. Multicolored Maya, it is time to know thee, and to say with full authority "Maya, begone!" New Era Community (1926) - 275a: Toiler, is thy heart fearful or exultant when before thee looms Infinity? Agni Yoga (1929) - 104: Manifest Thy hand, O Lord, because great is the darkness. I follow Thee! Agni Yoga (1929) - 123: 123. Said Solomon, "I shall set thee at the crossroad and make thee silent and motionless. Before thee will pass the signs of events. Thou shalt restrain thy human curiosity, and thus shalt thou peer into the predestined flow of the current. For beyond human thought is borne universal thought." Agni Yoga (1929) - 223: His Commander will reply, "Each weapon is meant for certain battles. Lay aside thy now-useless arms. They shall be given to one who succeeds you in this stage of thy spirit. Each battle has its appropriate arms. Thy sword is now too short for thee; therefore I give thee a spear of light and far-flying arrows." Agni Yoga (1929) - 261: "Lord, accept my possessions if they are of use to Thee!" Agni Yoga (1929) - 669: "I do not consider that thou hast acted wrongly in offering thy labor for the use of people unknown to thee." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 22: Spirit, glance back! Whither hast thy past knowledge led thee? Where dost thou perceive boundaries? Where is cessation? Where is permanency? And where dost thou see the manifestation of submissiveness? It is said, "I do not see all these declarations; verily, I see that endless Domain which has created our being!" Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 36: "Spirit, in thy essence thou hast revealed the beauty of sacred knowledge. Why then is thy fear so great before the derision of thy brothers? Why, in servility to the 'pretty people', dost thou conceal the sacred seed bestowed upon thee?" Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38: We beseech Thee, restore to us our lost smile! Grant us mastery of the sacred Fiery Might!" Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 201: 201. It is very difficult to determine the boundaries in Cosmos between the so-called passive and the active. If We say that all forces are active, men will find this declaration a paradox. But a higher consciousness can understand how We perceive all forces of the Origins as active. The differentiation is so bereft of subtlety that it is difficult to convey to people about the principle which dwells in the manifested power of Mulaprakriti. Likewise, the principle of life cannot be asserted without the realization of the Feminine Origin. Like the Cosmos, Mulaprakriti is a universal principle. The origins cannot be regarded as competitive forces; only unification of the forces creates life. And We, in the higher worlds, manifest a consecrated reverence for the Origin which humanity calls passive. Yes, yes, yes! The higher consciousness knows the Truth and We are ready to proclaim this Truth to humanity; but for this, humanity must ascend the higher step. Yes, yes, yes! When each Lord had to be given to the world by a mother, how may one not revere Thee, Mother of the World! When each Spatial Fire has to be made manifest in a form, how may one not revere Her who gives life! yes, yes, yes! How then may one not accept as the highest manifestation of the Cosmos the power in the intense symbol of the Mother! Hierarchy (1931) - 9: 9. Ruleress, I pronounce Thee the great Co-worker of Cosmic Reason. Ruleress, thou, beyond all cosmic powers, bearest within thyself the sacred seed which provides radiant life. Ruleress, affirming all manifestations of the Great Reason, thou art the bestower of joy of cosmic creativeness. The Ruleress will adorn the aspiring realm with creative fire. Ruleress of thought, thou who invokest life, to Thee We make manifest the radiance of Our Ray. Mother, venerated of the Lords, We carry in Our Heart the fire of Thy Love. In thy Heart lives the ordaining Ray. In Thy Heart life is conceived, and We shall affirm the Ray of the Ruleress. Yes, yes, yes! Hierarchy (1931) - 23: To Thee, Mother of the World, the law of Existence is made manifest. To Thee, Ruleress, We Brothers of Humanity pay reverence. Thee, Thee, Thee! Thus the unified heart rules the Universe. Yes, yes, yes! Hierarchy (1931) - 78: 78. Nothing is neglected in the world. Sometimes we measure by great scales, but often experiments with small units should be performed. The trend of thought should likewise be observed. The giants of thought are as instructive as the small leeches. One may see someone who has overcome a tremendous obstacle stumbling over an insignificant puddle. Rancor, offense, thought of self destroy the possibilities just as do treason and fear. One must discriminate the circumstances; where is the new touchstone? Thus, with sharp-sightedness we reach the realization of joy for each probation. We shall say, "Lord, send Thy Will - give or take. Together with Thee, we shall examine my pitfalls. Together we shall deliberate my decisions of yesterday. Today I am satisfied, and Thou, better than I, knowest the quantity of nurture needed for the morrow. I shall not transgress Thy Will, because only from Thy Hand can I receive." Thus, one must watch oneself in the great and in the small. Hierarchy (1931) - 176: 176. Verily, if you realize yourself as being constantly in the solemn presence of the Lord, you are already on the shortest path to Us. People loathe especially the routine of daily life; for them it is the symbol of weariness and descent, whereas for us the daily routine is perfectment and ascent; it opens the gates to Infinity. One can learn to love this daily routine, because it tempers the spirit and gives one courage to contemplate the endless chain of the ages of labor. For some, these ages are a menace, but a refined consciousness will accept them as the source of endless creativeness. Beautiful cults become dulled on account of daily routine, but how wondrous is the realization that daily devotion and a flaming love are offered to Hierarchy. If I shall say, "I love Thee, O Lord, and I am devoted to Thee, O Lord, and I reverence Thee, Teacher," by what a mighty choir will this song of praise be transformed on the far-off worlds! Thus, in each act of devotion one can open new locks; and how wondrous it is to feel the inexhaustibility of great concepts. The Ordainment can be concise "Be aflame in heart and create in love!" Hierarchy (1931) - 232: I remember how once "The Light of the Eyes," Jehangir, came running and complaining that his playmate, Jeladin, had pushed him severely. We asked, "How did it happen?" "Jehangir was a hunter and Jeladin the tiger." I said, "It would be amazing if a tiger were to be transformed into a dove. Thank thy comrade, who gave thee the imitation of the fury of a beast. Tomorrow we shall go to hunt real tigers; be resourceful with them. But remember that a ruler never complains." Thus it happened during the time of Akbar, the unifier of India. Heart (1932) - 164: 164. Dissatisfaction is a quality of the subtle World. In it can be discerned eternal motion, for without this motion it is impossible to advance in the higher worlds. One can satisfy and satiate the stomach and muscle, but what will satiate the heart? Even contemplation of the Highest Light will transport one but not surfeit one. Flaming heart, insatiable heart, only the very pain of the world will impel thee! The fog that clouds glutted eyes will turn into the flame of a kindled heart. Thus, let us guard the fiery treasure. Let us explain to the peoples the precious heart. Thus let us call to mind all the milestones needed for the path. Let us not forget the wise saying, "And this too, will pass." For an impetuous motion will never bring one back to the same spot. Heart (1932) - 460: 460. Not only vibrations but also the substance of the heart produces creativeness. The same energy should be valued in all the minutest manifestations of life. Even in its minute manifestations life represents a miracle worthy of innumerable books. Thus, directing our attention to the physical shell will inevitably intensify our attention to the action of the heart. The Teaching of the Heart is the teaching of the causes of manifestations. The ancients began the Teaching by laying their hands upon the heart. Whereupon the Teacher asked, "Dost thou hear?" "I hear," answered the pupil. "This is the beating of my heart, but it is only the first rap upon the gates of the great Heart. If thou dost not heed the beat of thy heart, then shall the beat of the Great Heart deafen thee." Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 333: 333. All earthly senses, when transmuted, ascend to the Fiery World. Not only do sight and hearing exist spiritually but even taste has its new application. Without taste it is impossible to understand many chemical combinations. And in the process of creation all the senses are needed as means of correlation. Therefore, it is necessary to refine the senses while on Earth. With due reason a certain hermit made his daily food of herbs and leaves in order to refine his sense of taste. And when a passer-by asked his reason for this, he answered, "In order to love thee better." Thus, each subtlety is of use in the realization of the fundamentals. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 136: 136. Blessings to those who even once have reflected over the fact that possibilities are being given them for Service. One such thought already opens the initial Gates to the Fiery World. Whoever thinks in his pride - "Only I myself will attain," makes use of possibilities of serving his own ego. What an isolation resounds in boasting to oneself! What solitude is the prison of egoism! But it is joyful to think - "Yet I can bring to Thee, Lord!" There are no limits to such heart offerings! Is not the heart being exalted in trying to find the treasure of the offerings? The subtlest thoughts surround such supplications. Of course, the offering of the heart is really a prayer. It opens many gates. Not the consciousness of one's merits, but the offering of oneself in all entirely, helps one to pass over the threshold. When the gift is complete it leads past all frightening manifestations. One may say to the dwellers on the thresholds - "I've no time to gaze at you!" Thus, the offering brings ease. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 296: 296. Hiero-inspiration descends through a single basic condition. Neither concentration, nor command of the will, but love for Hierarchy produces direct Communion. We do not know how better or more precisely to express the guiding law than as a flow of love. Therefore it is so opportune to put aside compulsive magic, in order to become imbued with love in one's entire being. As a result, one can easily approach the principle of Existence by a sense of beauty. Precisely, amidst the dissolution of the planet, one must turn to the most health-giving principle. And what can more strongly unify than the mantram - "I love Thee, O Lord!" In such a call it is easy to receive a ray of cognition. Observe this. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 7: 7. I give this farewell bidding to the disciple; "Let thy prayer be - 'Thee, O Lord, I shall serve in everything, always and everywhere. Let my path be marked by the attainment of selflessness'." When the disciple realizes in his heart the joy of the path, a path which knows no friction because all is transformed in the joy of Service, then it is possible to open before him the Great Gates. Amidst higher concepts the disciple must remember in his heart the records of Light. Amidst the frightening manifestations the disciple must remember about the records of darkness. There is inscribed upon the Shield of Light - "Lord, I come alone, I come in a manifested achievement, I shall reach the goal. I shall reach it!" And there is inscribed upon the Shield of Light honesty, devotion and self-abnegation. But fearful are the records of darkness. Let the hand of the disciple refrain from inscribing upon these permanent scrolls lie, hypocrisy, betrayal, selfhood. AUM (1936) - 69: 69. Prayer has no kinship with violence nor constraint. The first prayer of the child should not be ridiculed or reproved. A boy once prayed, "O Lord, we are ready to help Thee." A passer-by was indignant and called the child presumptuous, and in this way the first feeling of unselfishness was defamed. A little girl prayed about her mother and her cow, and her prayer was ridiculed. Thus her memory retained only something ludicrous, whereas such solicitude was really touching. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 80: Do not think that We reject the books and works of those who seek to understand the Universe. Not at all. We regret only that their knowledge is unsuccessfully applied in life. Our close ones do not resemble those preaching pseudo-initiates. Those who wish to participate in Our Abode must commune more often with their own hearts, and through them send Us at least silent calls. Sometimes these calls are referred to as "without thought," because they are expressed in feeling rather than thought. The boundary of thought and feeling is tenuous, but you understand such boundaries, which are like those between the facets of a precious stone. Only light can reveal these facets, and the light of the heart will be like the manifestation of a precious stone. One may think that all this is very complicated, but in fact, it can be put into four words, "I love Thee, Lord." This is the conduit to Us. Such a conduit is much stronger than the request, "Help me, O Lord." We know when it is possible to help, and help flies easily upon the wings of love. It passes through the sharpest obstacles. Let us love each other. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398: The Thinker said, "O Guru, Thou Invisible One, when I tell Thee my best words, I know that my thoughts of love for Thee have not yet been expressed."