New Era Community (1926) - 40: 40. The New Teaching respects the Bearers of the earlier Covenants, but it proceeds without the baggage of times which have been ended. Otherwise the load of textbooks would take on unwieldy dimensions. The most practical thing would be to destroy all commentaries made after three centuries from the departure of a Teacher. At some time or other it is necessary to clean up the book-shelves. From this cleaning the Images of the Teachers of Light will gain in greatness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 361: 361. There are two kinds of logic: the logic of external reasoning, which one attempts to learn from textbooks, and that of mental synthesis, by which one collects and links the sparks of spatial thought. These sparks may seem to be a happy accident, even though this "accident" may have been ripening in space for an entire century. The broadened consciousness provides the best possibility of grasping the nodes of spatial thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 372: It is not enough to observe the signs of Fire near the human organism. One must observe the ways in which Fire affects the consciousness. These experiments are simple, and will help to develop techniques that cannot be obtained from textbooks. Fire touches life more often than one would think. AUM (1936) - 55: 55. People know that each one sees objects in his own light. Already there are explanations about different eye structures, but they completely fail to add the significant fact that people see through their own aura. Each one has around him his own color through which he sees. Tell physicians this truth and they will ridicule it, because the color of radiations is invisible and is not mentioned in textbooks of ophthalmology. Yet blindness can result from shock. Thus, also deafness and impairment of the other senses are contingent upon the heart. This means that everything emanating from the heart as prayer is highly polychromic. Let us guard against blood red and black prayer. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368: 368. Urusvati knows that the world-outlook changes with each generation. But few individuals grasp this, for an entire generation is rarely studied. Amid life's confusion people are not accustomed to paying sufficient attention to the thinking of youth, and believe that by using the old textbooks, they will strengthen traditional concepts. But these books are obsolete, and young thought finds its own way.