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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TE > TERRIFIC (7)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 29:
29. You have seen Our apparatuses for measuring the compression of fire. The erupting flame records a terrific pressure. The fiery essence is under the pressure of many atmospheres; in order to burst into flame, the mass of compression must be overcome. If the flame has formed and burst forth, it indicates that the pressure and the power of the flame are extraordinary.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 524:
524. To doubt the evidence of the Fiery World means to arrest the momentum; therefore do not look back. Let the movement develop a progressive flow of attraction, like a current. As a falling object can develop a terrific speed, so can an advancing movement generate a magnetic force which draws one in the designated direction. One does not go far by growling, but fiery thought will carry one over the unexpected. Know how to observe the growth of consciousness. Certainly it is more difficult than observing the growth of hair or grass. But the haystack indicates the growth of the grass. So, also, the consciousness can yield precious stores.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 532:
532. When the thought is striving forward and encounters the current of a hostile sending, a terrific shock results, which reacts upon the heart. I have already told you about the terrible hostile arrows. Besides these sendings the constantly increasing tremor of Earth also heightens the tension of the centers. Such a condition is unnatural, and only persistent striving toward the Fiery World will give humanity a different trend of thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 609:
609. What crime is the most destructive to the monad of the criminal? Certainly treason. This crime abruptly alters the current already established, and a terrific counterblow results. A traitor cannot live long in the world of matter, and when he crosses into the Subtle World, being entirely without life-giving energy he is sucked into chaos and is doomed to disintegration. Treason is never impulsive. It is always premeditated, and thus its fate is aggravated. It must be understood that the return to chaos is, first of all inexpressibly painful. In addition, the feeling of the primary seed remains, and facing the futility of hoping for a speedy transformation demands indescribable courage. But the traitor is devoid of courage. He is above all filled with conceit. Thus, people should be warned that even from a physical standpoint treason is intolerable. The traitor not only condemns himself but infects vast strata around him, generating storms of fire. One should not think that an unnatural human action will not react on the surroundings. It reacts first of all on children under seven, before the spirit has taken possession of the entire organism. During this early period the fiery tempests are especially dangerous; they impose a special nervousness upon the heart action of those who already carry the weight of heavy atavism. Thus the traitor not only betrays an individual, but at the same time outrages a whole generation and even affects the well-being of an entire country. Let each one who has pondered upon the Fiery World beware of treason even in thought. No treason is small - it is great in evil and is hostile to the Universe. Such evil is in itself a barrier to ascent.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 618:
618. Everywhere it is indicated that suffering is the best purifier and means of shortening the Path. This is undoubtedly true under the existing conditions on Earth. But could there have been Creation with an unalterable condition of suffering? No. Indeed, the Great Creativeness does not foresee a need for suffering. With terrific zeal people drive themselves into the circle of suffering. For millenniums people have tried to become mere bipeds. They try to weigh down the atmosphere of Earth with malice. Verily, every physician will bear witness that without evil there would be no suffering. Let us designate the ability to avoid suffering as a step toward Good. Truly, the passage of the Good through the furnace of fire eliminates the sense of suffering. Thus, fiery transfiguration even on Earth lifts one beyond suffering. One should not evade suffering, for without suffering earthly achievement does not exist. But let each one ready for achievement kindle the fires of his heart. They will be the indicators of the Path, and a shield not fashioned by human hands. Someone has asked, "How does the Lord discern those who approach him?" The answer is, "By the fires of their hearts." If we are astonished by the power of Fire that even here envelops us and saturates our garments, then we can understand how supernal is the glow of the fires of the heart along the Chain of Hierarchy!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 620:
620. Furthermore, it is the greatest infamy that humanity even now practices witchcraft, precisely the blackest sorcery bent upon evil. Such conscious collaboration with the dark forces is not less horrible than poison gases. It is incredible that men who consider themselves to be in the religion of Good perpetuate the most dreadful sorcery. I would not mention this black peril if it had not reached such terrific proportions at present. The most intolerable rituals have been re-instituted in order to harm people. In their ignorance the crowds have been inveigled into mass magic. It is impermissible to allow such disintegration of the planet! It is impermissible to allow the dark forces to succeed in annihilating all evolution. Sorcery is not permissible, being a pressure on space contrary to nature. Everywhere, stress the danger of sorcery.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 97:
97. One should be very solicitous about the last hours of sojourn on Earth. Often the final striving can predetermine the succeeding life, also the stratum in which the spirit will dwell. Indeed, it is inadmissible to recall the spirit into the earthly spheres when it already has broken away. Tissues which already have been freed from earthly attractions must be strained into a terrific effort in order again to be assimilated into the earthly atmosphere. People should learn to think during someone's departure, as well as during birth, and should be able to ease the processes. As delays are harmful during birth, they are likewise harmful during death. The subtle formation of the new body must be taken into consideration. Wounds caused the departing one must be cured in the Subtle World. A most cruel treatment of the departing ones is often manifested. It may be said that it is not death which torments, but living people. All who are approaching the Fiery Teaching must know about this. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of affirming the last minutes of the crossing.


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