Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 78: Transitoriness reigns in the planetary consciousness, and humanity expounds the conception of a termination of all that exists. Why shorten the activity of Cosmos, when the Universe continues into Infinity? The cosmic fires burn vividly. Distinct is the call of Space; one has only to desire to hear it. Dissatisfaction and anguish often are a response to the call of Space. Dissatisfaction indicates the realization of the process of perfecting. Striving affirms the right step toward Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 79: 79. How can one attain the consciousness of striving toward perfection? Not by asserting the termination of the entire structure of Cosmos; not by denying the interrelation of the higher worlds with our planet; not by professing that there is any deadness in spatial forces. Spirit is affirmed as fire, and the cosmic flame is without cessation. Following the law of Fire, we can establish the way toward perfection. The fire of the sun and the fire of the spirit are our creative forces. The warmth of the sun and the warmth of the heart are our life-givers. Brotherhood (1937) - 456: 456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands. Brotherhood (1937) - 490: 490. The rhythm of battle lies not in a desire to kill. I affirm that manifested forces do not go out to fight; they stand on the defensive against chaos. Thus it is not easy for many to understand that the battle is continuous, only its rhythm changes. Timid ones tremble at a single mention of the battle and ask, When will it end? But they become completely crestfallen when told that the battle will come to an end only with the termination of chaos. Is this not terrifying for some? But terror is not suitable on the path to Brotherhood.