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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TE > TEND (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) :
You who gave the Ashram, And you who gave two lives, Proclaim. Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps. Reader, if you have not grasped - read again, after a while. The predestined is not accidental, The leaves fall in their time. And winter is but the harbinger of spring. All is revealed; all is attainable. I will cover you with My shield, if you but tend to your labors. I have spoken.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 210:
210. It is said that a yogi has no desires; actually, he is filled with striving. A desire is not active, because it creates expectation, and expectation is the mother of passivity. Striving, on the other hand, is a generator of motion, leading to ascent of the spirit. It is said that the yogi knows no love; but in truth, he is full of compassion. People think of love only as constricting bonds. But compassion is boundless, a co-worker of Truth. It is said that a yogi is endowed with inexhaustible powers; however, like a diligent gardener, he must tend his own plants in the garden of opportunities.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 278:
Small children, even without knowing the reason, tend to obey the guiding hand. But adults often alter the instructions given to them to fit their own moods. They are like people who, when their house catches fire, abandon irreplaceable manuscripts, but save their beloved bedding.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 402:
How offensive it is to see petty, grey distrust, with not even a sign of daring! Distrust thrives upon refuse. We always insist that knowledge be gained through experience. We affirm how slowly abilities grow and positive results accumulate. But We consider it inadmissible that a rational person would discard opportunities for gaining knowledge. How often people base the acquiring of knowledge upon material rewards! This is the way little children under seven tend to act.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 416:
416. Each era chooses its new, corresponding Teaching, when all previous Teachings have become distorted. People tend to cling to these twisted distortions of the faith of their forefathers, yet no new Teaching ever excludes preceding ones. Little attention is paid to this fact, for the followers of every Teaching like to build their success on denial of the previous Teachings. But it is easy to prove the continuity of what people call religion. In this continuity is sensed a single stream of one energy. Calling it psychic energy, we speak of the Sophia of the Hellenic world or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Ghost of the Christians manifests signs of psychic energy, just as do the creative Adonai of Israel, and Mithra of Persia, full of solar power. Certainly, no one doubts that the Fire of Zoroaster is the Fire of Space, which you now study.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 24:
24. You do well in leaving people to decide for themselves. One may point out a useful direction, but every coercion is already against the law. Above all one should not forcibly kindle the Fires. The Fiery World can be attained only through one's own heart. No one was ever forcibly led into the Fiery Realm. People often do not understand wherein lies the boundary of violence. Some tend to use violence, others seek violence - both are against the nature of the Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 323:
323. The order of life has become so disconnected from the Cosmic Magnet that all human products tend toward monstrous forms. The development of forces has proceeded by a channel directed to destruction. Thus millions of dark souls are being incarnated; souls which have lost the bond with the spirit. For many centuries multitudes of souls have striven toward a way of life rather than being; and life has been directed by these desires. Each action is reflected in the Karma of the World, and the salvation of humanity can come only from inner realization. For this alone it is necessary to awaken the best energies, for Cosmic Justice is manifested there where there is attraction. There is no escaping Karma; there is no transmutation of energies without tension of the will. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for realization of the immutability of the law of Karma.

Brotherhood (1937) - 60:
60. We strengthen our listeners with all the qualities necessary on the path to Brotherhood. It is not enough to possess only certain separate qualities, it is needful to realize their complete combination. The symphony of qualities is like the symphony of the spheres. If one quality develops beautifully while others are straggling, there results a destructive dissonance. Dissonances can be weakening or irritating, or even destructive. Equilibrium of qualities is achieved through great tension of consciousness. The shepherd must carefully tend his flock, and likewise man must cure an ailing quality. A man himself knows definitely which of his qualities is ailing. Life provides him with an opportunity to test any quality whatsoever. In everyday life there can be found the possibility of application of any quality. If a man begins to insist that he has been deprived of the possibility of applying his best qualities, he will reveal his own dullness. On the other hand, if a man rejoices at a chance to apply his qualities, he exhibits broadening of consciousness. Then comes the next step of joy, precisely that concerning the beauty of symphony of qualities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 212:
212. Urusvati knows that the signs manifested by nature can be exceedingly varied. But people often tend to notice only gloomy omens, and thus sink into superstition. For example, an intelligent observer will know that even when crops are abundant, if the currents are discordant there can result extremes of good and bad.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418:
But this lotus does not open easily, and errors are possible. People are too easily influenced by superficial impressions. They tend to forget their first, direct impression, and are too readily influenced by the second, which in its superficiality is more conventional. Also, judgments are too often formed under the influence of the words of others, and it thus becomes impossible to return to one's first, immediate impression. People forget how many obstacles they themselves create.


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