New Era Community (1926) - 209: 209. You have already seen how I put questions to a newcomer. From the replies it was possible to form an opinion about the qualities of the newcomer. Each one of you will be obliged to teach those who come to you. If they begin with a question, reply with a question of your own. You know how the quality of a question gives direction to the next question. It is inadmissible to allow inexactness to creep into the essence of the question. Often this first diffusiveness lies like a grease spot on a coverlet and becomes indelible. The hour will approach when you will tenaciously insist on questions on the part of the one with whom you speak. But the first questions must come from you. And first of all ask what has drawn him to you. And then ask him to tell when for the first time he felt the worthlessness of contemporary life; and then let him relate how the first conception of the Teacher arose in his consciousness. Let him tell how he understands achievement. Does he feel the difference between the evidence and the reality; and can he realize the community within his consciousness? Thus, it is necessary to get at the weeds of desires and dreams. Be not afraid to appear stern; certainly far worse are soft, rumpled cushions. Sternness will produce roots, and if there be also an indication of intensity, then will be created the manifestation of the bridge. New Era Community (1926) - 226: Tenaciously we keep aware of our new places and for us there is no long journey. Through the coils of the serpent we are climbing to the top of the hill. We have safeguarded our store of psychic energy and nothing can dissuade us. AUM (1936) - 177: It is possible to carry out many experiments in speech and thought, but such investigation requires prolonged time and special patience. Who will sacrifice himself for the purpose of tenaciously continuing observations without visible results? One should also know that results may appear in an unexpected place. Moreover, the laws of psychic energy are sometimes difficult to grasp. Their operation extends far beyond the scope of the human imagination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168: I hear laughter and ridicule - chaos is in convulsion and hopes that its servants will cling to it tenaciously. Thus, a good thought provokes the convulsion of evil. Be not frightened by even the most awful grimace of evil, for our main task is to increase the reservoir of Goodness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375: 375. Urusvati knows how unwise are those who abuse their dwelling place. It is difficult for people to realize that irritability is especially undesirable during meals and before retiring to bed, and they find it incomprehensible that dark thoughts and curses can cling tenaciously to their dwelling place. The most beautiful dwelling can become a den of dark entities when people refuse to acknowledge the energy of thought.