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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TE > TEMPTERS (2)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 84:
One should not be surprised when We speak about cooperation with an energy that is within us. How can one cooperate with one's self? Let us not forget that the Primal Energy exists everywhere, and our spark of that Energy must cooperate with the highest currents. Thus we can better understand the guidance about which so much has been said. Truly, Guides exist as well as tempters. Every incarnate man is surrounded by both friends and enemies. Without fail, the many cares and hatreds of former lives gather around one. When a man asks for help, he feels that there must be something real near him during his lifetime, and truly he is not mistaken. In addition, if he could realize the presence of the Primal Energy his call would be still more effective.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 447:
Every spark of consciousness must be safeguarded, for violent whirlwinds rage around it. Tempters will come that cannot even be imagined by the human mind. They cannot tolerate the serene consciousness, for every broadened consciousness is for them an obstacle on their gloomy way. But we should not regret that the broadened consciousness is a target for dark beings; we should rather rejoice that these beings of gloom will stumble against the clear consciousness.


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