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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TE > TELEVISION (4)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 250:
250. If for a moment we imagine space as consisting of layers of paper, and we subject it to the action of radio or television, then on each layer we shall find a perforated outline; entire portraits will be impressed on the spatial layers. Impressions remain on the strata of Akasha in exactly this manner. Sometimes we are ready to complain that for a long time we do not see what we would wish, but we do not consider that for various reasons an image need not be impressed in space. Images not made by human hand are carried like sheets of paper in a whirlwind; that is why one must become accustomed to the thought that everything is ineradicable. Only thus is it possible to become truly cautious and solicitous about one's surroundings. One must not think that it is possible to escape the law, which is expressed even in simple physical devices. It can easily be imagined how a portrait, spatially transmitted, may be intercepted at any point of its transmission. You know enough about physical teraphim; this means, then that there can also be subtle teraphim. Therefore one must guard everything valuable, not only in the home but also in space. Protective aerial conduits can be created, but they swallow up a mass of energy. Thus, let us learn to really guard the precious concept.

AUM (1936) - 487:
Let the transmission of thought at a distance be compared with the radio. Let us apply to visions the principles of television. Let us recall the newest discoveries, they will help in the question of psychic energy. Let us not be afraid to compare visions with scientific discoveries. Of course, not for the sake of sacrilege or self-conceit can one draw comparisons from all the domains of nature. Let physics confirm the very highest psychic manifestations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 515:
I mention this because many attainments are as yet in a state similar to that of the Middle Ages. In a short time auras will be photographed, thoughts will be measured, there will be apparatuses to determine emanations, yet at present only a few people admit such possibilities. Not so long ago television was an idle tale, people considered it inaccessible, yet they promptly accepted it as a factor in their comfort. One may surmise that the measuring of thought and determining of emanations will not be pleasing to many who have become accustomed to concealing even their own age.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108:
You may remember how We observed Our own Images reflected upon the surface of a polished board. The same principles operate in the subtle spheres as they do in television today, but you saw this phenomenon seventeen years ago. Such experiences should be recorded and eventually compared with new scientific discoveries. Much has been projected into the world, but it takes time for it to be realized.


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