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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TA > TAMAS (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.20:
2.5.20. A protective net must surround the body. It is very important that the aura terminate in a net of vital sparks; therefore, even purple and blue auras must have ruby-colored sparks at their periphery. The display of those tones which are foreign to Earth makes the possessor too sensitive to earthly manifestations. The width of the aura often grows, the insignia of Earth being thrust out. Teros and Tamas must work like brothers, because the representatives of Tamas and Teros must be inseparable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 638:
638. Every condition is revealed more clearly by its opposite. Light exposes darkness. What, then, is the opposite to the light of psychic energy? Of course, absolute darkness. This emanation of deadliness, emptiness, and valuelessness is the shadow cast by the Fire of highest energy. If we know the crystal of psychic energy, then we know the deposits of darkness. The highest ascent of Teros is echoed by the lowest descent of Tamas.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) :
Therefore, we shall offer the radiance of the rays of Infinity, into which there is carried not only the spirit but even stones, in a blending, as it were, of loftiest creation with grossest matter. But in the whirlwind of Eternity the stone and the spirit are imponderable, for they are drawn into the same magnet. The very realization of the magnet increases the attraction, focusing it upon intensification of currents. These same vortices conquer space, and you do not know from what spheres the indivisible electron - nucleus of Tamas and Teros - reaches you.

Heart (1932) - 548:
548. When agitated it is best to eat little. Valerian and milk with soda are also good. The heart should be eased. It is a great error to take narcotics and alcohol. Naturally, through the study of Yoga, agitation should be transmuted into exaltation. When We see the causes, the effects, and possibilities, is the great possibility of healing by heart energy not great? However, like a precious drop, let this energy not be wasted through an unnecessary action. Hence, I repeat how greatly mutual understanding is needed during healing. It is difficult to realize to what an extent the spark of consciousness brings closer the salutary decision. The heart should be educated to acquire consciousness during all actions. Regard this as a law. It is intolerable that a man should bow like a blade of grass under the turbid waves of Tamas. That which could not have outlived yesterday must be consciously removed today. One must watch oneself and welcome the most difficult tasks as a purifying covering. One must always act thus, especially in the days of Armageddon.


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