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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SY > SYNTHESIZING (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 163:
Let Agni Yoga lead on the path of building the flame, a process equivalent to the unending creation of cosmic formations. This most synthesizing Yoga exacts an obligation to construct one's entire life in accordance with a discipline that is externally imperceptible. If this essential discipline is not seen as chains, but is perceived as the joy of responsibility, we can consider the first Gates open. When cooperation with the far-off worlds is embraced, then will the second Gates be unbarred. And when the foundations of evolution are understood, the bolts will fall from the third Gates. And finally, when the superiority of the densified astral body has been recognized, then will the locks of the fourth Gates fall away. Together with this ascent the fires of the centers of knowledge are ignited, and amidst the lightning bolts of the subtlest energies, straight-knowledge unfolds. Cherish, then, the fire of knowledge and guard the growing power.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 200:
The Agni Yogi - Lion of the Desert - bears in his heart all human lamentations. He bears all explosions of Cosmos and senses all shiftings of consciousness. He bears all the streamings of cosmic currents. He possesses that synthesizing knowledge which attests the gathering of manifested spirits for the regeneration of consciousness. When a synthesis of spirit is built, from the cosmic fires and the psycho-life of the heart, then man can be told that the centers of cosmic fires show analogy to the centers of Cosmos, that this parallel relation can grant a better life, and that the principle of creativeness is established as infinite fire, as infinite vision, as infinite hearing, as the all-containing heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61:
61. Many channels feed into the mouth of a river. The river receives waters from the mountains and carries them through many channels to eventually swell the sea. Often the mouth of the river is hidden and unnoticeable; often it is inconspicuous and narrow; often it is underground; yet whatever kind of mouth the river may have, it feeds the currents of the sea. In its role in life, the heart may be closely compared to the river's mouth, although its synthesizing function is not always apparent. Though the synthesis may seem unmanifested, still it is impossible to arrest the force of the estuary's current; likewise it is impossible to arrest the creativeness of the synthesis of the heart, for the elements of this synthesis are fed into it through the paths of subtle energies; and the outflow of the subtle energies resulting from the synthesis also is a most subtle process. The divisibility of the spirit best demonstrates this fine process. The divisibility of the spirit is linked with divisibility of energies, and, if manifested on a high level, may involve the divisibility of centers. One group of centers acts upon the earthly plane, the other returns a subtle fluid to the Fiery World. In the transmutation of the centers it is always necessary to have in mind this powerful divisibility of the spirit.


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