Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 368: 368. The pulse reveals the synthesis of vibrations. Each organism, up to and including the Universe, has its own pulse. The human pulse is strong enough to bring a sensitive apparatus into action. The pulse of atoms creates an energy whose formula can easily be told, But, it is still forbidden to state it because it will lead only to destruction. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.3: 2.8.3. Synthesis of spirituality is the rarest gift; it alone kindles the light of the world. Nothing can be compared to the light of the world. The light burns, but its ray is being sought. New Era Community (1926) - 193: Destroy the worthless wherever it be concealed. Uncover ignorance under any mask whatever. The world is divided according to the quality of consciousness, and the degree of ignorance is the measuring rod. Indeed, you know that ignorance is not cured by leafing through books, but by the synthesis of containment. Agni Yoga (1929) - 161: 161. Let us see wherein lie the similarities and differences between Agni Yoga and the preceding Yogas. Karma Yoga has many similarities with it as far as earthly realities are concerned. But when Agni Yoga provides ways to the realization of the far-off worlds, the difference becomes apparent. Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga are all separate from the realities of routine life, and because of this they cannot enter into the evolution of the future. Of course, an Agni Yogi should also be a Jnani and a Bhakti, and the development of the forces of his spirit makes him a Raja Yogi. How beautiful is the possibility of being fit for performing the tasks of the future evolution without rejecting the past conquests of spirit! One should not boast of bringing innovation, because only by a synthesis of the old and the new is a renewal of possibilities attainable. Agni Yoga (1929) - 162: 162. Each danger brings its advantages. When tempering a sword in fire, certainly the flame is a danger, but it also heightens the subtlety of receptivity. A similar fiery synthesis results from the development of the center of the larynx. Therefore, Agni Yoga is created upon the manifestation of Fire, the life-giver and the creator of will. Agni Yoga (1929) - 302: Only a sense of beauty can lead to synthesis. Power comes not from the muscles, but from the consciousness. Even in everyday life, the nerves rule the muscles. Agni Yoga (1929) - 361: 361. There are two kinds of logic: the logic of external reasoning, which one attempts to learn from textbooks, and that of mental synthesis, by which one collects and links the sparks of spatial thought. These sparks may seem to be a happy accident, even though this "accident" may have been ripening in space for an entire century. The broadened consciousness provides the best possibility of grasping the nodes of spatial thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 361: Of course, from the point of view of external reasoning, apparent lapses in the processes of mental synthesis can always be found. As rings of the spiral show to the observer the outer turns and conceal the inner turns, so mental logic proceeds according to the limits of the outer turns while the inner turns are still merged in the streams of collective thought in space. Hence, We take such care about the broadening of the consciousness, in order that union with spatial thought may be approached. Agni Yoga (1929) - 361: We all rejoice if you are applying the rhythms indicated to you. Of course the rhythms vary with each individual, and the current condition of one's organism determines the results. One should accept the transmissions from space into the open Chalice. This is the guarantee of synthesis. Likewise, one must follow one's inner rhythm, because the developed consciousness cannot be without rhythm. Agni Yoga (1929) - 447: The next level produces partial, spontaneous manifestations of psychic energy, but without synthesis with spirit. One can see or hear psychically, without having merged with the Teaching. Agni Yoga (1929) - 447: Certainly, the type of psychic energy most needed for evolution is that possessed by mediators. Possessing true sensitiveness, they always maintain synthesis with the Teaching. This quality of synthesis, accumulated by the experiences of ages, protects them from dark influences. Agni Yoga (1929) - 461: 461. Attainment, synthesis, and vigilance are expressed by the tri-colored flame. Attainment is silver; synthesis is green; vigilance is yellow. This triad is developed by training one's consciousness in the many conditions of life. One can point to this triad as the sign of one's having mastered the necessary conditions for self-sacrifice. Agni Yoga (1929) - 508: 508. Intellect is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom. Intellect is reason. Wisdom makes decisions that long ago had already germinated. Intellect is at the threshold of wisdom, and when sharpened it moves into the realm of synthesis. Reason and a mind trained to one specialty are only corners of the future house. Those with narrowly specialized minds can pave for themselves a brilliant future, but they must continue to incarnate until their minds lose their narrow specialization. Only when the intellect loses this can it become wise. Each specialty is meant for conditions of life on Earth, whereas the synthesis of spirit opens all spheres. Spiritual tension accumulates spatial psychic energy. Spiritual tension can lead into any sphere of the astral plane. Agni Yoga (1929) - 535: Among the components of developed auras it is especially rare to see the emerald green and the noble ruby colors, which stand in contrast to each other. The first denotes synthesis and the second, the self-sacrifice of attainment. In clouded auras hints of both may be seen, but to see them pure is as rare as are synthesis and attainment themselves. Emerald is closer to the Chalice, and ruby to the Eye of Brahma. Agni Yoga (1929) - 549: Now is the time to insist upon synthesis of action. Straight-knowledge will provide this synthesis during earthly existence. The treasure of straight-knowledge is contained in the Chalice, therefore one should add to the two mentioned centers the blossoming of the third center. The rainbow of the Kundalini can draw one upward, but here on Earth, earthly construction is needed. One has to build a foundation for the pillar, just as writing does for thought. The long-silenced Chalice will again come to life, and humanity will tread a new path. Three Lords, these three centers, will lead to true cooperation here. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 12: 12. To reverberate with the rhythm of the Cosmos means to realize the entire magnitude of Infinity. Three principles are affirmed by the way of evolution. Begin to show understanding of the pledge. Do not - indeed do not - manifest indifference to the Source which nurtures you and all that exists! Ponder deeply and you will see that the great Spiritual Toilers of humanity have nurtured their psychic energy by merging with the Infinite. Their striving ecstasy toward the highest beauty was limitless! Their achievement toward the manifested Ordainment was boundless! I have said that the merging with the cosmic rhythm will provide the synthesis of All-being, in the invisible and the visible. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 12: Each cult in turn has pointed out the symbols of synthesis, but with the mutilation of the concept there have remained only distortions of the ancient mysteries. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 21: There are witnesses to the cosmic manifestations in our sphere. This formula may be repeated because the course of evolution is disclosed to the fearless spirit who knows the entire mystery and all the striving toward Infinity. The kindling of the fires of the Lotus is the highest manifestation of the Cosmic Fire. Verily, when the synthesis of affirmation of the cosmic energy is manifested upon Earth, one may say, "Our planet is encircled by a spiral upon which we may also descend, but how beautiful is the spirit that ascends and transmutes life into the radiance of Infinity!" To this bearer of the supermundane scrolls is revealed the entrance into the higher spheres, and he will bring to the lower spheres the key to the realization of Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 74a: 74a. Yes, Urusvati, the power of the future life indicates that the planetary expanses are small for the synthesis of your creativeness. The synthesis of the Chalice is so condensed that it must not be manifested in one domain. In your consummate life there lies, as a cornerstone, the attainment of the Mother of the World. You will build the psycho-life in creation around the revealed spheres. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 112: The one who approaches the last path, who embraces within himself the synthesis of all that is beautiful, will create those forms to which his spirit is drawn. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 140: 140. If men were to be told that each departing form carries within itself the succeeding one, We would be considered paradox-proclaiming scientists. Nevertheless, this manifestation of continuity is very beautiful! When the atom sunders, the center, the seed of spirit, finds the Cosmic Magnet. These are not errant particles, but rational forces. And when the power of the seed of spirit gathers the force of an atom, then cosmic fusion may be accomplished. Beautiful is the power and also beautiful the expression of potentialities of the parts. From the human standpoint it would seem that the law is exceedingly complicated, but the Arhat says, "Wondrous is the law of the Cosmic Magnet." By higher measures we attain the higher Be-ness. So great is the whole manifestation that a temporary existence on the planet expresses only a meager measure of it. And the cosmic fusion is called the synthesis of Be-ness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 188: Now, We assemble the spirits of the sixth race, and Agni Yoga is the Call! And the synthesis of the Lotus attests a new creative step. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 190: 190. In the gathering of a new race, the Adept who lives among men is recognized as a great spiritual toiler for humanity. Thus is the creation of the nucleus of the new race confirmed. The fire of the ordained Carrier of Light kindles the spirits of the chosen ones. When the spirit of the Carrier transmutes his fires, he kindles simultaneously the torches of others. As everything in Cosmos is transmitted, revealing rainbow spheres, so the Carrier of Light sows rainbow seeds. Given the foundation, the structure grows. The creativeness of the Carrier of Light brings the higher world closer. The synthesis of the Chalice is the magnet of the heart. Straight-knowledge lends to the Carrier of Light the symbol of the bearer of the chalice of Beauty. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 200: The Agni Yogi - Lion of the Desert - bears in his heart all human lamentations. He bears all explosions of Cosmos and senses all shiftings of consciousness. He bears all the streamings of cosmic currents. He possesses that synthesizing knowledge which attests the gathering of manifested spirits for the regeneration of consciousness. When a synthesis of spirit is built, from the cosmic fires and the psycho-life of the heart, then man can be told that the centers of cosmic fires show analogy to the centers of Cosmos, that this parallel relation can grant a better life, and that the principle of creativeness is established as infinite fire, as infinite vision, as infinite hearing, as the all-containing heart. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 202: Hence, the absorption of the subtle energies is represented by a designated circle coincident with the cosmic circle. Therefore, the synthesis of an Agni Yogi has its circling spiral. Humanity should give deep thought to the creation of its spiral. The Universe is inhabited by such worlds. Man is a world. His striving creates a world; and karma must redeem not only the world - man but also the world - striving, until the world is blended in pure striving. Thus, the world without bounds sustains the course of evolution. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 208: 208. An Arhat gathers all the nets of events and all the threads of nations. From these interlacings there is born a new race, and this aids in creating the race synthesis. However great is the manifestation of the spirit in one sphere, it cannot accomplish this assembling of the race; only the synthesis of the Chalice can establish such magnetization. The evincing of intensified fires upon the earthly sphere may evoke a rush of various currents, and it is thus that the Agni Yogi creates. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 208: The Tara of Knowledge magnetizes those who aspire to knowledge. The Tara of Beauty summons those who aspire to beauty. The Tara of Achievement summons those who strive toward achievement. The Tara of Synthesis can gather united spirits. Thus the Blended Heart fulfills the Covenant of the Cosmic Reason. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 215: 215. The creative power of Him who assembles the new race attracts all elements which are accumulated in the "lotus" of synthesis. The creative threads are directly connected with the striving of the Chalice. Therefore, the direction of attraction is so clear. Hence the affirmation of the attraction of the "lotus" and the spirits' response to it. The conditions are difficult where the course of striving is divided. The spirit possessing the Fire of the Cosmic Magnet can give impetus to all fiery currents. Thus, synthesis strengthens the predestination of the chain into Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 217: Therefore, the creative synthesis arouses the consciousnesses. The new race is affirmed by the Fire attested by the creativeness of the synthesis of the Silvery Lotus. Each new cosmic force is transmitted. Yes, yes, yes! Thus a new force invisibly enters the life of humanity. The Tara creates! Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 221: 221. Correlation is affirmed not only by group striving but also by a single spirit. A single spirit is always disclosed as the herald of group striving. All the currents toward conscious manifestation of Be-ness, to which humanity has lent impetus, were inspired by one spirit. Thus, the creativeness of spirit of an Assembler of race always instigates the tide by his synthesis alone. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 233: 233. Direct correlation exists between the Agni Yogi and the cosmic manifestations. The link between manifestations is so tense that it describes a straight line. There also exists a direct link between the Agni Yogi and the world events. The world thought is also reflected upon the manifestation of the fires of the Tara. When the synthesis gives evidence of its power, all cosmic events are reflected upon the organism, the best and most accurate indicator of cosmic and planetary manifestations. If people were aware of all the fiery signs on Earth, the duration of life would be short. Our Urusvati has witnessed the emanations of Earth, trembling from the density of the atmosphere. The earthly crust is in convulsion, and the new step is being prepared by means of creative unification. The psycho-spiritual levers will provide propulsion for the sixth race. How tempestuous are the currents! The fires are ablaze as fiery streams! Therefore, the heart of the Tara carries within itself all vital currents and reflects all human manifestations. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 237: 237. The display of psycho-spirituality unfolds with the cosmic magnetization. When the spirit can assimilate the fires of the higher spheres, then it manifests the magnetization of cosmic fires. Psycho-spirituality moves all energies and establishes all conformances. The spirit and the manifested fires do correlate. Each action, being the effect of a cause, reflects the essence of the entire psycho-spirituality. Therefore, the Agni Yogi is affirmed to be the direct link with the far-off worlds. Immutable is the action of the fiery synthesis; therefore, We assert that the currents of the higher worlds can be transmitted only along the currents of the higher fires. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 251: 251. By the world of causes, created by aspirations, may the quality of the world of effects be determined. Let us see how the Agni Yogi creates and transmutes. The fire of the Chalice represents the psycho-dynamics which ignites around it all energies. Through the synthesis of the Chalice, all fires, at different degrees, are directed by summons toward the cumulation of the Chalice of Amrita. The fire of the spirit drives all energies. The creativeness of the Agni Yogi is thus definitely impelled. Thus does the Tara transmute into beauty. Humanity will comprehend the power of the transmutation. Verily, beautiful is the creation of Be-ness! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 253: The process of infusion of psycho-dynamics into a new planet may be manifested only through a united Atom. The manifestation of the cosmic basis must be imbued by the all-containing energy. Therefore, We are united in a synthesis of cosmic fusion. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 253: Only the synthesis of a full fiery consciousness, containing all fires of spirit and heart, can affirm psycho-spirituality and psycho-life. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 254: Attempts have been made to discover the vibration of the Cosmic Magnet, but only uncorrelated currents have been disclosed. Concordance may be disclosed only to him who has himself adhered to the Cosmic Magnet. When the synthesis of the manifested spirit-creativeness will be established in life, humanity can be endowed with all the higher energies. The subtlest threads cannot be assimilated at present; therefore, there remains either a steep ascent or a steep descent. Humanity does assimilate rays which are made manifest by the fiery drive of the Cosmic Magnet, but only conscious assimilation will permit ascent. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 263: 263. Certainly, the psycho-dynamics of a fiery spirit intensifies all forces around it. Only spiritual attraction can evoke conscious striving. Only the attraction of the heart can evoke consonance. Only the attraction of the Chalice can evoke conscious creativeness. Only the attraction of the synthesis can evoke conscious constructiveness. Thus do the creative centers of an Agni Yogi build up the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet. Indeed, an Agni Yogi is a co-worker of those currents which tense all forces. Indeed, the highest Agni Yogi creates without tiring in spirit. The fatigue and, often, the sense of anguish are explained by the division of spirit. Often through tension of the centers an Agni Yogi creates psychically. A remarkable book could be written about the divisibility of the spirit. The spirit of an Agni Yogi is aware of many cosmic mysteries. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 265: 265. The most efficacious magnet is the attraction through rays. The creativeness of the spirit is based on attraction by rays. The rays of the Cosmic Magnet and of true striving can create the most refined energies. Creation through rays transmutes forms into higher forms. The power of rays can attract the necessary currents. Only when the rays reach the centers through their inherent receptivity do the currents reverberate with an unshakable consonance; and this striving exercises a reciprocal strain upon the most subtle energies. Verily, the consonance of spirit and heart may reach the synthesis of Materia Lucida. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343: When the flaming rings of the third eye increase in number it is a sign of the power of the spirit. And the Chalice, which comprises the entire synthesis of fires, corresponds with certainty to all receptivities. The increase in the number of the rings is proportionate to the striving of the fire of the spirit. When the tensity of the fire is so great, all interweavings of the luminaries are strongly reflected upon the solar plexus. When the centers are keenly sensitive, all cosmic spatial fires are reflected. A mirror of cosmic fires is contained within an Agni Yogi; therefore, the rays thus create and intensify. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 364: 364. The psychic eye, with the knowledge of the spirit, certainly affords the perspective of cosmic motion. The attraction of the basic impulse of the subterranean magnet transmits the property of striving to the spheres. The Chalice, which contains the entire cosmic experience, reflects all cosmic ordainments. The synthesis of the Lotus contains in itself all the cosmic threads, and under varied impulses are gathered all the different fires of the Lotus. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 374: 374. In cosmic creativeness energies are fused at highest tensity. The combinations of fusing energies multiply with the increase of tension. The synthesis of tensity is confirmed by the power of the higher fires. Throughout the entire cosmic creativeness the law of tension is immutable. Only the power of a rising tension can create a new combination. With the increase of tension different energies are involved. When the energies which join in the magnetic fusion attract to themselves identical currents, the harmonization of the energies may be established. But when the energies project themselves in different directions, then occurs an evident dissipation of the energy of the Magnet. It is similar with human actions. Why is the human spirit attracted to inharmonious currents? True, the currents which strive to the Fire of Space can afford the better formula, but this formula must be established through self-action. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 375: 375. Self-action must be understood. In it is comprised the entire synthesis of activity. Verily, self-action is self-realization. When the spirit can discover its seed and discern the shells that surround it, it can comprehend the beauty of Cosmos. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 23: 23. The planetary tension permits the penetration of only those currents which are identical with the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. The currents existing around the Earth obstruct the transmissions of space; thus the spheres engulf the most substantial power. The attraction of these spheres is based upon their substance. These spatial spots are being born as storms and clouds. The emanations of the spheres are the result of human engenderments; the currents of this issue generate their own forms, and humanity wonders how the earthly chastisement occurs. The law of the spheres is immutable, and creativeness is manifested through the highest impulse. Thus, the attraction of the higher sphere is unattainable to the lower sphere. The energies which can contact the spirit possessing the subtle energies will bestow the power of Fire upon humanity. The one who possesses the synthesis will give to the planet the realization of subtle energies. The cosmic rays, which bring the affirmation of Fire to humanity are directed toward action. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 59: 59. In the flowering of the potential of spirit we see the synthesis. How powerfully this blossoming of the potential proceeds, and how continuously it is directed toward the consummation! The manifestation of the consummation magnetizes the entire chain of lives for that spirit who knows cosmic law. The affirmation of Be-ness thus leads the spirit. At the cosmic fusion the law must lead, and, having contacted the vibration of the Cosmic Magnet, the striving spirit cleaves in its essence to the ordinance of fusion. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 244: 244. When the fire of spirit tenses the rays of the Chalice, various strivings are drawn to the seed. The attraction of the cosmic fires draws in threads of fiery synthesis. An Agni Yogi knows when it is best to attract the fires from the space, and the centers of attraction respond to the vibration of the Chalice. Therefore, the straight-knowledge of a tensed Agni Yogi has the key to the cognition of events. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 310: 310. These sacred waves are carried to the spirit who sensitively absorbs them. Creativeness of the spirit depends upon sensitiveness of receptivity. Receptivity is accessible only to the centers. There can be partial receptivity; then the spirit evinces the attainment of a specialty. Of course, there is in the creativeness the affirmed direction of an all-embracing synthesis plus a specialty. Thus is life constructed! Hence, each spatial cliche is differently assimilated. The centers of an Agni Yogi assimilate the essence of all energies. The result is vast. Every new science must establish its principles before proclaiming its knowledge to the world. Therefore, I affirm that the fire of the centers of the Mother of Agni Yogi is a great achievement. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 434: 434. The passing of magnetic currents over the earthly surface draws the lines of atmospheric changes. The passing of magnetic currents beneath the earthly surface brings into manifestation the earthquake belt. Certainly, observation posts should be established in many places, and their work should be most precise and closely coordinated. You spoke correctly in saying that it is unfortunate that there is no synthesis of achievements and thus much energy and many valuable observations are lost. Hence, the organization of real cooperation upon Earth is very essential. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 500: 500. A sensitive Agni Yogi knows all paths to the realization of Infinity. The spirit-knowledge reads the Book of Life, and the wisdom of ages is deposited as accumulations in the Chalice. Therefore, the law of unification is contained in the synthesis of the Chalice. Upon this knowledge We build Our wondrous step. We have molded Our life over millennia. The cosmic laws are beautiful. Thus, into the seed of the spirit is laid the beauty of Be-ness. Hierarchy (1931) - 162: 162. The science closest to spirit is higher mathematics, if correctly understood. Thus abstraction becomes reality. The mist of knowledge can be illumined through Infinity. Certainly we must strive to all that can lead our consciousness beyond the boundaries of our planet. Only thus can the true values be understood. He who can understand synthesis will understand Hierarchy. One may reiterate much about Hierarchy, and We shall emulate the woodpecker until the knots of the bark are broken through. I repeat, if you do not understand Hierarchy in spirit, understand it at least for the benefit of your health. Manifest reverence. Hierarchy (1931) - 249: 249. Certainly, the evolution of the spirit requires refinement, without which it is impossible to build. Each one who considers himself a server of culture must accept the affirmation of the revealed synthesis, for how are the steps of culture to be built without a cautious attitude? Therefore, each foundation must be guarded for affirmation to the world. Culture is built, not with an attitude of coarseness toward the subtle energies and thought, but by a creative attitude of caution and responsibility. Hence, while constructing, one should remember about refinement and about striving to the higher spheres. Thus the evolution of the spirit is achieved. Hierarchy (1931) - 325: 325. A poorly developed mind always stumbles at a seeming contradiction, it cannot reconcile Hierarchy with resourceful independent activity. Certainly, without synthesis the most monogenic conceptions will fall apart like brickwork without cement. The realization of synthesis will be like a step toward the transformation of the race. The remark about the immortality of unicellar organisms is correct. But with what can one bring into unity our heterogeneous elements? One can eliminate a multitude of artificial means, bringing to life the dormant crystals of psychic energy. One may think of it as our origin. Only united understanding of conscious striving toward the affirmation of ascent generates the power of transmutation. Do not think this an abstraction; I advise accepting it as necessary for the ascent of the race. Hierarchy (1931) - 326: 326. Synthesis must be understood as the apparatus of the laboratory of life. Let us remember this definition. The mind that has achieved the stage of synthesis becomes productive, moral, unifying, non-irritable, capable of manifesting patient cooperation with Hierarchy. How can one explain the advantage of synthesis to one who does not ponder upon Eternity and stupidly shuts himself off from all calls? He will never understand that what is said also concerns him. Satisfied, he will garb himself in a suit approved by a tailor and be at ease, having acknowledged the tailor's hierarchy. But let us not offend the tailor because people have invented many disgusting hierarchies. Hierarchy (1931) - 433: 433. What state flourishes without a great leader? What affirmed undertaking has existed without a leader? Verily one must understand that the concept of a leader is the synthesis of all the highest strivings. Thus, only the concept of Hierarchy, of an Illumined Leader, can direct the spirit. Thus, let all, all, all ponder upon and remember the Might of Hierarchy. Only through this realization can one advance. Only through this realization can one attain. Let it be remembered that each stone thrown at Hierarchy will be transformed into a mountain against oneself. Thus let all remember! Thus We proclaim the Leader - the Hierarch! Heart (1932) - 1: 1. To behold with the eyes of the heart; to listen with the ears of the heart of the roar of the world; to peer into the future with the comprehension of the heart; to remember the cumulations of the past through the heart; thus must one impetuously advance upon the path of ascent. Creativeness encompasses the fiery potentiality, and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, upon the path to the Hierarchy, upon the path of Great Service, upon the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can the manifested rays be radiated if the flame is not affirmed in the heart? It is precisely the quality of the magnet that is inherent in the heart. The highest creativeness is imbued with this great law. Hence, each consummation, each union, each great cosmic unification is achieved through the flame of the heart. By what means can the foundation of the great steps be laid? Verily, only through the heart. Thus the arcs of consciousness are fused by the flame of the heart. Heart (1932) - 3: 3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 68: 68. Beyond all demarcations, we inevitably reach the synthesis of the heart. We need not recall that silence issues from the intermingling of all sounds. Hence, let us learn to coordinate the heart with silence. But this silence will not be emptiness; it will suffuse space with the synthesis of thought. Just as the prayer of the heart has no need of words, so the silence that is pregnant needs no formulas. Intense silence demands many cumulations of thought and benign desires. Thus, the heart, intensified by silence, replete as a dynamo, beats out the rhythm of the Universe, and personal desires are transmuted into the guiding Universal Will. Thus is cooperation with the distant worlds evolved. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 100: 100. Consideration of the significance of synthesis in earthly existence is correct. The entire force of consciousness should be preserved during the attainment of the higher spheres of the Subtle World. Yet only a synthesis of consciousness affords this possibility. One should also become accustomed to the most rapid orientation, and what could better contribute to this than synthesis? People speak of vigilance, but under this quality they think of vigilance in only one direction. But even trusted sentinels have perished from striving in only one direction. Can we value all nature's riches if our eye is unaccustomed to mobility? Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 105: 105. If one can distinguish between the strata of thought, one can also sense various kinds of activity. At first all activity seems to be taking place on the earthly plane. Later, in so-called dreams, straight-knowledge becomes separated, as if it were an independent activity which takes place not on the earthly plane alone. Thus comes the first realization of an entry of other worlds into our existence. Then, in a state of complete wakefulness, instantaneous absences may be observed which have no connection with any ailment. Thus the bond between the worlds and our participation in them can be traced still more profoundly. It is not easy for the consciousness to assimilate the concept of the invisible worlds; due to our dense shell we can realize only with difficulty all the possibilities outside our vision. One should become accustomed to thinking of entire worlds which actually exist. The Subtle World is not only our state of being, it is actually a complete world with its own potentialities and obstacles. Life in the Subtle World is not far removed from that on Earth, but it is on another plane. All the fruits of labor do not disappear, on the contrary, they multiply. However, if it is difficult here to preserve clarity of consciousness, there it is even more difficult because numerous manifestations are encountered of orders of evolution new to us. Thus, one should preserve especially the covenant about clarity of consciousness. This is expressed as true synthesis. And if consciousness is so greatly needed for the Subtle World, how imperatively is it needed for the Fiery World! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 162: 162. A sadhu pointed to a mango, saying, "Here are three worlds first the skin, which has no value; next the pulp, transitory yet nourishing; and finally the seed, which can be preserved unto eternity." Thin is the skin, more substantial is the pulp, and mighty is the seed. The egg, too, presents the same analogy The shell, which is a transitory manifestation; the white, which is nourishing though not for long; and then, the fiery yolk. Man represents the synthesis of all the kingdoms, and yet the symbol of the three worlds is everywhere evident. Thus, the custom of exchanging colored eggs on a commemorative day is a most ancient symbol. People have wished to remind each other about the path of the three worlds, about the path of ascent and resurrection. Thus, let us not forget that the path has been marked out even on simple objects. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 176: 176. Before you is the tension of the synthetic center of the throat; one must understand how many different tensions must be united in order to strike upon the center of synthesis. One must deal very attentively with this tension, for it reflects upon the heart. During such a condition one should protect the throat ligaments, at least externally, and not strain them by talking. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 313: 313. No one can rightly form an opinion about cosmogony without having studied the fiery element. It would be comparable to an architect's beginning to build a stone structure without having studied the nature of stone and the resistance of building materials. But the contemporary state of minds is so remote from a salutary synthesis! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 412: 412. Nowadays negations are the order of the day; yet no one will cross into the Subtle World without fear, unless he purifies himself by bathing in the sphere of straight-knowledge. Not long ago such a way of thinking would have been called poetic and no one would nave paid any attention to it. But now it is already understood that the formula of synthesis will be of great help. At t time of hasty departure the farewell to travelers consists of one most urgent word; therefore, We send the word - Agni. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 525: 525. The welfare of nations is molded around a single personality. There are numerous examples of this throughout history, in the most diverse regions. Many will attribute this evident manifestation to the personality itself. But thus think the short-sighted; those who are far-sighted understand that such synthesis is nothing but the manifestation of the power of Hierarchy. Actually in all such manifestations the Hierarchy selects a focus upon which a current can be directed. Besides, a personality of this order possesses a fire, realized or unrealized, which makes the communion easy. But also indispensable is a certain quality on the part of the people themselves - trust in and recognition of the power. Therefore, in different matters I so often reiterate about authority. This quality is needed as a link of the fiery machine. You yourselves see how nations progress by affirming a leader. You yourselves see that there is no other way. Thus, the link of Hierarchy must be realized. One should not be short-sighted. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 40: 40. Besides the borrowing of energy, the signs of absence and dizziness pertain to the fiery reactions. Likewise are epidemics of neuralgia and of seeming rheumatism nothing else but actions of the fiery centers under the pressure of the spatial Fire. Not soon will people consent to investigate such epidemics under the sign of Fire. People usually like to dissect, but synthesis is difficult for them. Yet it is already time to pay attention to every disease which yields to suggestion. One must clearly visualize the cause which creates physical pains, but which disappears under the influence of suggestion. Why are physical sensations subject to psychic influence we shall come to the conclusion that one element is the determining factor - Fire, which penetrates both the psychic and the physical domain. Even meningitis gives way under suggestion. This seemingly incurable affliction retreats before the power of Fire. Of course suggestion is first of all a fiery concentration. A man who causes such a fiery reaction thus calls forth a tension of the injured organs. Therefore the power of hypnotic suggestion must be greatly developed, but must be subject to state control. Something similar to the control over the Egyptian priests, who had the right to employ suggestion but who had to give full account of their actions in the temple assemblies. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 197: 197. Who said that musk is merely a stimulant? It can have an equilibrating importance, bringing into motion basic energies. It is regrettable when such multiform, powerful reactions are reduced to a single manifestation. The poorer the idea of it, the cruder the hypothesis. This refers also to many indicated remedies. No one thinks about the significance in synthesis of valerian. No one is willing to understand mint as a friend of life, ready to exercise a calming effect upon rebellious centers. No one wishes to observe the action of milk combined with soda. Thus broad is the field of observation for eyes which have been opened. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 210: It is asked - What center is particularly important just now? The present is a time of synthesis, therefore let us begin everything from the heart itself. Precisely the heart stands above all. Therefore, let the throat and the chalice and the solar plexus not be isolated from the guidance of the heart. The throat is an instrument of synthesis, but transmutation and its application take place in the heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 277: 277. Not only santonin, but also certain other vegetable substances help toward seeing the symptoms of the aura. However such mechanical reaction is undesirable. Each poison cannot but react on the nerve centers, if applied for long. When we come to speak about the fiery heart, this recognition of radiations comes about naturally. Besides, it is most fitting to sense the quality of the aura. Because many tints appear highly intermingled, and just the viewing of it does not give an understanding of their essence. Thus, sometimes a blue aura may be exposed to an undesirable yellow radiation, and as a result there is a greenish light, but such a combination can be distinguished from a pure green synthesis. Similarly, violet may be the result of the approach of crimson. Thus, a single glimpse alone means little. One must perceive through the heart the essence of what is taking place. Thus, for example, it may happen that due to illness the radiation will grow dim, but the fiery consciousness will apprehend that the nature of the radiation is not bad, and that only because of accidental sickness has it been temporarily changed. Likewise it may happen that the radiation may be subjected to an external influence, such as results from obsession. Here also only the fiery consciousness will apprehend the true cause. Therefore, when I speak about future photographing of the auras, it must not be forgotten that fiery straight-knowledge will also be needed for this. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 286: 286. That man is good who creates good. Creation of good is the improvement of the future. One can do good to one's fellow in order to better his existence. It is possible for entire nations to be uplifted by heroic achievement. It is possible to introduce into life the most useful discoveries, which must transform the future. Finally, it is possible to improve the thinking of a nation; and in this will be a synthesis of good. How beautiful is thought-creativeness which is not directed toward evil! When a people apprehends all the evil of condemnation, it opens new gates to the future. So much time is thus freed for cognition, for the art of thinking, for the creation of true good; and in these the best fires of the heart are kindled. Such fires are not kindled in evil. Such good will preserve health and to a large extent purify the atmosphere. It is absurd to think that good is an abstraction or a personal merit. It is the salvation of the future, for without it there is no affirmation of ascent. Thus each thought of good is already an arrow of Light. Somewhere it has already exterminated disunity, and any disunity, in malice, is a lapse into chaos. Therefore teach to think about good. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 32: 32. The struggle of the spirit is a step toward recovery. During stagnation of the spirit and the persistence of conceit and self-justification, the spirit cannot advance. Therefore the fiery baptism presupposes the struggle of the spirit. Naturally, intensified questing leads toward the struggle of the spirit. One may observe how people rise and sink in spirit. One may observe how a spirit which possesses a full synthesis becomes engrossed in its searching and does not manifest the quality of completeness. One may also perceive in a specialist a person who finds in his labors self-sufficiency and a feeling of crowned completeness. This is likewise true of the so-called "business ability" in contrast to a free swing of thought and creativeness. Hence, it is so important to discern in people their potentialities, because the manifestation of a genius is not always visible to those who are limited by self-sufficiency. Therefore it is also necessary to develop respect for the labor and the research of those who possess a synthesis. On the path to the Fiery World synthesis and the manifestation of the struggle of the spirit are needed. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 33: 33. Amidst the wrestlings of the spirit there should be especially noted the feeling of dissatisfaction. The spirit which possesses a synthesis can, of course, affirm its strength. But precisely these fiery receivers do not know the feeling of satisfaction. Thus, one may often observe in life that conventionality precludes acceptance of the Bearers of Synthesis. The multitude always evaluates evidence alone. One may only regret that people so limit themselves by creating such narrow boundaries. One may pity those who are unwilling to understand the creativeness of thought. You spoke correctly about thought and straight-knowledge. The thought reigns above all Samadhi. The higher, the more powerful. The more flaming the thought the more useful the manifestation. Truly, thought is all-powerful and limitless. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 41: 41. Kingliness of spirit is contained in fiery consciousness, precisely as discipline of the spirit, as an affirmed synthesis, and as a manifestation of broad understanding. Thus, only slaves in spirit are afraid of everything which is fiery, because each manifestation of Fire scorches them. One may trace how regally the revealed co-worker proceeds, illumined by the Fire of consciousness. One should note not only the achievements of apparent heroism, but also the great path of kingliness of the spirit amidst daily life. It is impossible to err in the potentiality of the regal Bearer of Fire. We know these great heroes who saturate the space and all surroundings with their fire and inspire others to achievement. Thus, it is necessary in life to watch the subtle actions of the kingly spirit. One should subtly discern heroism, because we do not always see the fiery heroism of the spirit; and the basis of heroism is not always revealed to the eye of the ordinary man. How beautiful is the path of a kingly spirit! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 51: 51. What has been spoken about the masses and about their lack of understanding of statesmanship was correct. One must add to this the fact of the absence of national leaders. It is necessary to develop in the nation a sense of responsibility, in order that the voice of the people be truly the voice of a community. The development of the sense of leadership has degenerated! The soul of a nation is hidden, and he who represents the state must possess the whole synthesis of the nation. It will be impossible to admit in the future such manifestations as the appearance of those arbitrary leaders who have overrun the planet. The right of leadership belongs to a spirit linked with the Forces of Light. Therefore, according to the Higher Law, there can be no accidental leaders. When the consciousness has become expanded, then will become possible the affirmation of the great law of Leadership. In each field there should be applied a subtle understanding of the law of Leadership. Thus, statesmanship must be manifest in the entire structure of life. The act of violation of the national feeling by the pronouncements of the leader results in grave consequences. Hence, it is fitting to honor the great Leadership which is bestowed by the special right of the state spirit of the nation. On the path to the Fiery World let us honor the Leader. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 60: 60. Religion and science must not be considered separate in their essential nature. Subtle study of matter and the atom leads to the conclusion that vital energy is not electricity but Fire. Thus science and religion merge upon a single principle. Matter is affirmed as a fiery substance, and no thoughtful spirit will deny that the higher force is Fire. Science cannot destroy the concept of the divinity of Fire, nor can any religion impose an interdiction on the subtle analyses made by science. In this way, then, the understanding and the harmony of the concepts of religion and science are affirmed. A subtle parallel can be drawn between science and religion, which will reveal all the higher stages. Therefore, it is so important that scholars should be in possession of subtle occult receptivity. But only a refined organism can possess this divine perception which is not developed from without but from within. Therefore, all the great discoveries for the good of humanity will not emanate from enormous laboratories, but will be discovered by the spirit of scholars who are in possession of the synthesis. We, the Brothers of Humanity, see the results which direct all quests along the right channel. Of course, the gift of the synthesis is not always bestowed, but those selfless zealots who do possess the synthesis are in no need of specialization. We see and foretell great results from the synthesis of spirit of the zealots. On the path to the Fiery World one must revere the Bearers of Synthesis. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61: 61. Many channels feed into the mouth of a river. The river receives waters from the mountains and carries them through many channels to eventually swell the sea. Often the mouth of the river is hidden and unnoticeable; often it is inconspicuous and narrow; often it is underground; yet whatever kind of mouth the river may have, it feeds the currents of the sea. In its role in life, the heart may be closely compared to the river's mouth, although its synthesizing function is not always apparent. Though the synthesis may seem unmanifested, still it is impossible to arrest the force of the estuary's current; likewise it is impossible to arrest the creativeness of the synthesis of the heart, for the elements of this synthesis are fed into it through the paths of subtle energies; and the outflow of the subtle energies resulting from the synthesis also is a most subtle process. The divisibility of the spirit best demonstrates this fine process. The divisibility of the spirit is linked with divisibility of energies, and, if manifested on a high level, may involve the divisibility of centers. One group of centers acts upon the earthly plane, the other returns a subtle fluid to the Fiery World. In the transmutation of the centers it is always necessary to have in mind this powerful divisibility of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61: Great is the labor of the subtle energies of the centers, and it can never stop. One may only replace one process by another. When the high Agni Yogi devotes his energies to the task of great cosmic construction, in this giving is contained a great fiery transmutation. In such instances manifestation on a physical plane cannot be clearly expressed, and the high Agni Yogi can listen to his own thoughts because his consciousness will carry impressions of the Subtle World and his work in it. These thoughts are, as it were, remembrances of the creative work of the centers and of the spirit. It is said, "a thought suddenly flashed" - but We say, "the spirit has recalled." Thus one may affirm the work of a high Agni Yogi. On the path to the Fiery World it must be remembered that synthesis is like a river's mouth and each specialization is like one channel. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 62: 62. How can the imagination be properly defined? Usually people take the imagination to be their own invention of forms, but the imagination itself has its roots and distinctions. One may find the core of the imagination in the "chalice," as the precipitation of many lives. However, the imagination is nourished not only by the remembrances of past lives, but also by the action of the present. When the spirit participates in the life of the far-off Worlds, or in the Subtle World, or in the Astral World, then frequently the memories of these experiences are reflected as imagination. Often scholars obtain formulas, or direction, precisely through a communion with the Subtle World. Thought and striving are also kindled by the Subtle Spheres. But a spirit possessing the synthesis not only takes from the treasury of the "chalice," but also is a true co-worker of Cosmic Forces. How many inexplicable causes of unquenchable imagination there are, and how many unexplainable manifestations of heart anguish! Usually, when strength is being spent for a structure, and the divisibility of the spirit is active, heart anguish is inevitable. Furthermore, the heart is a most powerful reservoir for assisting others. There are strong examples of great saints who nourished the far and near with a wealth of currents. The Agni Yogi is such a nutritive agent. On the path to the Fiery World let us sensitively and cautiously refer to the heart which knows fiery anguish. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 71: 71. Among the Fiery Servants of humanity should be particularly noted those who take upon themselves sacrificial labor. The spirit of these servants of humanity is like a fiery torch, for in its potentiality this spirit contains all the qualities which can uplift mankind. Only a powerful consciousness can take upon itself sacrificial labor. Each task of a servant of humanity reflects the quality of his spirit. If the spirit is designated as a great Servant of Mankind, then in it is contained the whole synthesis. But people know so little about these Fiery Servitors who affirm themselves voluntarily in solitude while serving the great pervading Universal Force. How many powerful manifestations could be observed in each individual achievement! Thus, those who take upon themselves the sacrificial labor know how the Sons of Reason likewise manifest sacrificially their labors. Each manifestation of a Fiery Servant of humanity is creativeness for the good of mankind. One must be affirmed in the understanding of sacrifice. The Fiery Servitor contains within himself each benevolent impulse, each striving for fulfillment of the powerful Will of the Sons of Reason. But it is necessary to conserve the strength of the Fiery Servant. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 74: 74. Among the followers of the Teaching those spirits who take upon themselves responsible missions must be particularly noted. How much more responsible it is to bear the synthesis, in comparison with specialization! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 74: The affirmed guide knows all the joys, all the containments of synthesis, but at the same time he knows the burden of all the manifested and unmanifested fires. This heritage of the ages is precipitated in the "chalice" as fiery strata; therefore those who bear the fire of synthesis are manifested as bearing the burden of centuries. The specialist, having a continuous channel for the outlet of his energies, is rarely burdened, but he who carries the fire of synthesis is a tempestuous ocean of energies. The karma of him who carries the synthesis is so beautiful, but the burden is great. Each inheritance, even if it be unmanifested, lives and palpitates in the spirit. A feeling of dissatisfaction and of striving toward perfectionment distinguishes the bearers of synthesis. Though the path of specialization be outwardly difficult, the path of the bearer of the synthesis surpasses in all ways the path of the specialist. How many quests and selfless achievements does the bearer of the synthesis reveal in the life of every day! Verily, every phase of growth on the path of the synthesis-bearer is an achievement of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to discern the achievement of the fiery synthesis-bearer. Thus let us remember. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 75: Let us look at the life of a hero of the spirit. From early years the spirit knows the Highest Guide. The manifestation of a sacred Guardian is its life's destiny. Physical and spiritual preeminence do not cloud the consciousness. Self-education is a manifestation of the synthesis. The realization of one's own superiority has given the spirit firmness and tolerance toward society. All manifested talents have been displayed in inspiration, to the wealthy and the poor, to the seekers and the enlightened ones. The hero of the spirit has known a Higher Protector, therefore he has given strength to others. The Higher Law has directed him to the rudder, and visibly or invisibly he has become a fiery hero. Thus has proceeded the mighty "Lion of the Desert." Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 93: 93. A construction of new fundamentals will be contained in the establishment of equilibrium and of coordination between science, art and life. For an equilibrium is needed based on a survey of all affirmations. Thus, the World is in need of a great manifestation of equilibrium. Coordination is to be affirmed upon a new understanding of all the subtle principles of Hierarchy. One may even foresee how a transmutation of all affirmations will take place; how in science there will be no great division between spirit and matter. Indeed, it will be possible to build on new principles when the spiritual and the physical are united. It will be possible to secure knowledge of the body by means of the coordination of the centers, their functions and qualities. Such a unity of all functions leads to knowledge of life as it actually is. For example, one could study the various precipitations of the kidneys and the functions of the eyes. It is possible to coordinate the functions of all organs which have double branchings. It is possible to compare the organs which act by one channel. It is possible to be convinced of many unities of functions, which are highly indicative. Thus, new structures have their great principles, and a great ascent in the world of knowledge is indicated. Thus the Fiery Bearers of the synthesis bring good and happiness to the World. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great affirmation of equilibrium and coordination. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 132: 132. Often the spirit which bears the synthesis affirms its knowledge from within the "chalice," for the accumulated treasures of creativeness are actually tensed by creative vibrations. Often the spirit, as it were, finds its confirmation upon the basis of the unified consciousness. The manifestation of creative vibrations often evokes a thought which has dwelt in the depths of the heart. One must harken to those thoughts which, as if something familiar, live in the spirit. One can find many identical vibrations by subtly examining one's consciousness. The treasures of the "chalice" are not to be regarded as accidental. They constitute the potentiality of the spirit. These creative vibrations open many locks, for the hidden knowledge which lives in the spirit can be revealed. Often the aspiring spirit discovers that vibration which connects it with the Higher Forces. How can one imagine this sacred power which unites the depths of the heart with the Fiery World! The records of space are often available to it, for unity is strongly manifested as the bond between Worlds. On the path to the Fiery World it is needful to remember about the vibration which touches the depths of the heart of the bearer of synthesis. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 164: 164. Cosmic construction is saturated with all powerful energies. Likewise, constructiveness of the spirit manifests its power by the synthesis of all fires. It is possible to create, saturating the surroundings, only when the heart energies have been kindled. Without these sacred fires it is impossible to affirm the Higher Ethics. The Living Ethics can be instituted as the goal of striving in life, but for this it is necessary to know and to aspire to the higher and subtler understanding. Only subtle spirits can manifest the Living Ethics. The application of principles in life is accomplished by directed action. The empty word leaves a corresponding stratum, but action of the fiery heart evokes and sets alight fires in surrounding hearts. Thus creates the true Agni Yogi. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 214: 214. Cycles which are shaped by the Cosmic Magnet have in their foundation the affirmation of the Higher Forces. These fiery Cycles appear as the foundations of planetary life. The Cosmic Magnet builds commensurately with spatial power. The Spirit of the Builder of the Cycle must be that Power which corresponds to the designation of the Cycle. The whole synthesis of the Cycle must be saturated in the Spirit manifested for Cosmic Synthesis. At the fiery change of the Cycle there is given a Fiery Principle for the purification of the planet. So few spirits understand the fundamentals of Fiery Existence! So few spirits understand Who stands at the Helm! The beauty of the Cycle can enlighten only the consciousness which can understand the Power of the First Causes. The helm of the planet's life and the foundations of Existence are affirmed by Fiery Right. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the Basis of Cycles. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 265: 265. Vibrations can evoke in the heart a great many subtle sensations. If man would understand how to make use of affirmed vibrations in order to draw forth subtle feelings from the depths of his heart, it would be possible to avert many evil actions. Science certainly must occupy itself with the investigation of a means of evoking these vibrations. Indeed, sound, color and odor can provide an entire synthesis for the higher sensations. When gross methods are replaced by subtle ones, the spirit will possess sensitiveness of perception. Contact with more subtle energies will result in a refinement of the entire way of life. When space begins to resound with subtle energies, one will have to know how to apply them vitally. Therefore it is possible to resort to contact with hardened criminals in the search for new ways for regeneration of the spirit. It is necessary to find new means for vibrations. On the path to the Fiery World let us ponder on how to purify the spirit of humanity. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 372: 372. How little do people reflect upon those fundamentals which are shown to be the foundations of construction, whereas this process is a most essential one. Into the foundation of construction is laid a most substantial and steadfast affirmation. Of all the supports the most fiery one is the magnet of the heart. To exclude it means to leave the structure without a soul, for the magnet of the heart contains all the cosmic saturations. The magnet of the heart is the synthesis of all subtle energies. The magnet of the heart consists of the accumulations of thousands of years; in it is expressed Karma and attraction. Just as it is impossible to replace the sun, so also does the heart remain a powerful creator. Thus on the path to the Fiery World it must be especially remembered that the fiery magnet of the heart is the basis of construction. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 429: Actually, besides the four named branches of the science of thinking, many qualities require development - clarity, speed, the power of synthesis, originality, and others. It is likewise possible to cure irritability. If even a portion of the efforts spent on sports in schools were allotted to thinking, the results would soon be amazing. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 523: 523. The dispute about allopathy and homeopathy must also lead to synthesis. The wise physician knows where it is advantageous to apply one or the other principle. Even sweetened water may be applied with benefit. Let us not forget that spatial rays are highly allopathic and it is impossible to avoid the doses administered by Nature. The laboratory of the human organism is likewise highly allopathic. However, in such disputes let us be conciliatory. AUM (1936) - 4: 4. If earthly substances act so diversely on different people, then how much more varied is the reaction on them of the highest energies! Long ago people understood that for the proper reception of these rays it is needful to bring the organism into a harmonious condition. For this purpose the Wise Ones have indicated the power of sacred invocations. Aum, or phonetically Om, was such a synthesis of sonant strivings. Prayer and inward concentration are excellent attainments which render healthful the state of the spirit. Each one in his own way has contributed a manifestation useful to spiritual concentration, whether he sought the solution in music, in song, or in the dance; there have even been crude methods leading to intoxication and frenzy. There were many deviations and errors, but fundamentally man was striving to create a particularly exalted state of mind, promoting the reception of the higher energies. AUM (1936) - 88: It is said that growth of the consciousness is similar to the growth of a blade of grass. Man cannot notice the growth of grass by the hour, and just as imperceptibly appears a budding blossom. Only by periods is it possible to observe changes of consciousness; such a change will be indescribable. Consciousness grows by synthesis, it cannot move forward in a narrow manner. Advancement of the consciousness will proceed from the center encompassing successive circles of new understanding. AUM (1936) - 133: 133. Again one is asked, "Why continue to speak of three aspects when there are known to be more?" One should firmly point out that two paths exist - the path of analysis and the path of synthesis. Many intermediate conditions may be found so that the worlds appear as one connected whole. But later it is again necessary to separate the principal groups, and then we shall return to the triple structure. AUM (1936) - 346: Is it not astounding that it has been given to man to know these synthesis of world events, and that he so disregards his own fortune? AUM (1936) - 497: One person is concerned only about the quality of food; another tries to avoid foul language; another attempts to avoid irritation; a fourth avoids fear; but such useful details are nevertheless separate levers - none by itself will lift the entire weight. One needs to delve by degrees into the synthesis of the Teaching; only the rainbow of the synthesis can bestow advancement. If someone notices that one aspect has taken possession of him, let him diligently repeat also the other parts of the given indications. AUM (1936) - 497: Thus, an approach to the synthesis teaches one to make use of all the details. AUM (1936) - 499: 499. Around the concept of synthesis are many misunderstandings. Though some admit its usefulness, they consider that synthesis is a little of everything. They vindicate themselves thus - that man cannot know everything in the present stage of development of knowledge. But, then, is synthesis knowing everything? Science with all its branches cannot be assimilated by one person, its meaning must be realized. It can thus be fully assimilated and affirmed in consciousness. AUM (1936) - 499: Only an ignoramus can pretend that the meaning of synthesis is incomprehensible to him. The ignoramus easily accepts one mechanical branch and is ready to conceal his narrowness with prejudices about the impossibility of combination. AUM (1936) - 500: Synthesis will help us to learn to love the quality of all life. AUM (1936) - 501: 501. People speak of some particular synthetic character, but such self-justification is wrong. There exists no inherent synthesis without assiduous cultivation of psychic energy. Likewise they insist that the physical sciences impede the development of generalization, yet each one knows of great physicists, astronomers, chemists and mechanicians, who were first of all distinctly synthetic minds. Let us not enumerate them, but it can be said that great science develops great minds. AUM (1936) - 501: Much keen-sightedness, untiringness, devotion, has been laid into the foundation of each synthesis. It is understandable that the man who develops the power of observation sees around himself many generalizations and apprehends how much more attractive these broad paths are. Indeed, synthesis is based upon convincingness and attractiveness. Synthesis so broadly encompasses the essence that negation is alien to the synthetic mind. One must not attribute the special gift of synthesis to certain fortunate individuals. One must industriously develop within oneself the precious quality. Brotherhood (1937) - 63: 63. It has been said that virtue has a rainbow aura. The rainbow is the symbol of synthesis. Is not virtue revealed as a synthesis of qualities? In each ancient symbol can be found an unquestionable truth. People have understood that virtue is not simply the doing of good. They have distinctly known that only consonances of tensions of the best qualities provide the synthesis of ascent. They have known that only the motive will be the affirmation of virtue. No outward actions can testify to the intentions. Experiments with psychic energy will reveal to what extent action is to be distinguished from motive. No glittering words and actions can conceal intention. Many historical instances can be cited when, because of an unworthy motive, even useful actions could not be justified. On the other hand, much that remained inexplicable and under suspicion has shown the radiance of beautiful motives. Such evidences of the essence of life will be confirmed by the primary energy. Brotherhood (1937) - 215: 215. Knowledge proceeds along the lines of both generalization and subdivision. Some scholars begin with the first steps of cognition to apply themselves to the former, while others cannot go beyond the limits of the latter. Sooner or later these too must turn to the method of generalization. One must learn to like this kind of thinking. In it is contained creativeness. Subdivision will be a preparatory path to the same goal. It is useful to be able to understand the distinction between the two paths. Indeed, there are at present many diligent scholars who are quite content with the second. But it is of little assistance when with each new cognition there is arising a synthesis of many branches of science. There is required great mobility of mind in order to be able to find comparison and confirmation from a most unforeseen domain of science. The ability to combine imperative evidences already demonstrates a lofty degree of consciousness. Much has been lost on account of needless subdivisions. There has even been noticed a sort of hostility between the separate branches of science. But are not the humanitarian and applied science branches of the same tree of Truth? Brotherhood (1937) - 243: 243. Cooperation is not easily achieved. For its assimilation a whole series of lives is sometimes required. People understand with difficulty the combining of individuality with communal labor. The human consciousness tosses like a ship in a storm, forgetting about synthesis. Brotherhood (1937) - 282: Over and above man's work stands the manifestation of woman. She leads, she inspires, she guides on all paths, and she displays an example of synthesis. It is astonishing how quickly she enters any domain. From Earth up to the far-off worlds she succeeds in weaving wings of Light. She knows how to preserve the Chalice in different atmospheres. When We speak about cooperation, We always point to the achievement of woman. The domain of Brotherhood is the field of cooperation. Brotherhood (1937) - 297: 297. After the grandeur of Infinity is it possible to speak about simple earthly unity? Even if this is not asked, still many will think thus. But who, then, has said that earthly unity is something simple? In order to understand it realization of synthesis is needed first of all. But such generalization can come about only through realization of Infinity. Earthly unity is certainly not simple! Brotherhood (1937) - 416: 416. Yes, yes, yes, the usual mistake is that even people who accept the subtlest energies picture their action incorrectly. The manifestation of the subtlest energies is imagined as something thunder-like and physically striking. It is impossible to explain to people that their earthly nature makes the subtlest energies almost mute and imperceptible. Of course, the inner reaction will be enormous, but few are the consciousnesses sufficiently prepared to perceive these higher Contacts. It must not be thought that it is possible to receive sendings from the distant worlds without preparation. One should not be distressed that the dual nature, the earthly and the subtle, is not easily manifested as one. One is again obliged to remember about earthly cooperation, an idea which is assimilated with difficulty. It often excites the lowest passions instead of rational labor. If cooperation is rarely found, even in small circles, then with how much more difficulty is the synthesis of subtlest energies assimilated! We speak, not to distress you, but to implant patience and striving. Brotherhood (1937) - 426: 426. A subject must be introduced in schools - the synthesis of the sciences. From it students will perceive how closely connected are many branches of learning. They will see how great is the circle of science! They will apprehend that each scientist is in contact with an entire series of scientific provinces. If he cannot be fully conversant with them, at least he must understand their problems. Through acquaintance with synthesis, students will be able to more consciously select their own scientific activity. Let us not forget that up to the present such choice has been extremely fortuitous, often resting upon vague family traditions. Likewise, the student passed helplessly through disconnected school subjects without understanding precisely why these subjects were necessary. In the study of languages it has not usually been pointed out what are the advantages of each one. Therefore, a dull attitude toward learning has so often been noticed. This has not been laziness, but simply lack of knowledge of the meaning and aim of the subject. Assuming that each scientific subject should have an attractive introduction, the synthesis of science will enlighten even the smallest consciousness and lead it toward labor. It should not be thought that such synthesis can be absorbed only at an adult age. Actually, in their early studies it is especially easy for children to assimilate broad views. Of course, the exposition of this synthesis must be attractive. Brotherhood (1937) - 427: 427. In fact, the beauty of synthesis will remain throughout life. Each investigator who devotes himself to even the least detail in the structure of the Universe arrives at it through the principle of breadth, and not through narrowness. Thus, cognition will be all-embracing. Verily, where burns the fire of knowledge, there has been ordained a luminous future. Brotherhood (1937) - 428: 428. Knowledge is the gateway to Brotherhood. Let us not be surprised that the establishment of Brotherhood begins with the synthesis of the sciences. Though each one master but one subject, nevertheless he will know how to render respect to the countless branches of knowledge. In such respect is born the understanding of Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 12: Our Sisters are especially successful in these flights, because the synthesis of the feminine nature is helpful. The flights are sometimes of long duration, but the Brotherhood knows how to safeguard the bodies that have been left behind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85: 85. Urusvati senses the magnetism of objects. This ability is made possible through the synthesis of many subtle feelings. We are not speaking about a detailed explanation of the history of each object, for many accumulations on an object can give different indications from different eras. Those who hold an object and start telling stories about its life serve no purpose; however, it is important to feel the essence of an object and sense its harmony. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 96: 96. Urusvati knows the significance of synthesis. If this foundation is not accepted, the most useful works will be destined for destruction. The essence of Our Abode is not properly understood because people arbitrarily categorize. Some consider Us to be Hermits of Kailas, while others think that We are Beings of the Subtle World. Such distinctions destroy the synthesis of Our Existence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 96: People refuse to accept the logical explanations that are given to broaden their knowledge, and by refusing, they diminish the very meaning of Our existence. If Our Center exists as the link between the worlds, in it must be expressed the conditions of both worlds, physical and subtle. But such a simple idea can only be understood by one who comprehends the great importance of synthesis. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 96: Humanity can be divided into those who accept synthesis and those who deny it. Those who deny the benefit of synthesis do not recognize the history of the human race. The epochs of upliftment were also the epochs of an understanding of synthesis, when each harmonization of the centers resulted in a broadening of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 96: Please do not think that narrow specialization makes the glory of an era. Only benevolent, all-embracing synthesis can give impetus to the new progress of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 126: What merit is there for the student who repeats Our words without applying his own effort? Consciousness is enriched only in the process of right thinking, and mechanical repetitions cannot lead to the new synthesis. One should observe how We lead thought without interfering with independent activity. We show the way, and point out the possibilities without violating karma, but each turn of the path must be recognized by the person himself. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 225: People often speak about the synthesis of science and spirituality, but the understanding of these two concepts remains vague. They must be connected by a special flame which We call exaltation. Without this ardor not only knowledge but even spirituality remains dead and unconnected. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267: We see where the idea of synthesis can be assimilated. It will be found not where the pendulum of life is dead, but only where it swings fully. There the significance of the General Good is well understood, and it is known that Good can come only from Good. Although this formula is not yet uttered, it nevertheless is ripening in the depths of the consciousness, and this is very important. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296: We can properly observe the heavenly bodies only by utilizing these methods. From an early age, young people should be taught that the complex process of learning is a broad synthesis of all knowledge. Those teachers who begin with methods that limit thinking are in error. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322: We have shown how the full extent of slavery is little recognized, and have cited examples from all aspects of life - in the standards of family life, the present state of education, and the general condition of humanity's welfare. These various aspects will provoke fierce argument because the concept of synthesis is not realized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 326: 326. Urusvati knows that coarseness will be eradicated only by education. But one can be a learned scientist and still remain coarse. Clearly, formal education alone does not necessarily eradicate coarseness, but We should make clear what We mean by this word. A coarse nature cannot deal with subtle perceptions, and the science of the future will require genuine refinement, without which synthesis is impossible. A teacher must have reverence for all branches of science, but an awareness of synthesis is the product of long prior training. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 332: People usually are amazed that human consciousness appears to experience again and again the same achievements and the same failures. The question arises, why must one return if it is possible to move forward? But this "returning" is only illusory. Evolution never returns to previous points, but passes above them. People complain that they fall back into coarseness, but they do not realize that this state is not as before, for many new factors have entered their lives. It would be wrong to look upon life from one angle only. Life is a complete synthesis, and only in its multiformity does it reveal that the spiral has completed its turn. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 353: But now We once again call people to develop attentiveness and to observe the idiosyncrasies of their nature even during labor. One should learn to combine one's ability to work with the power of subtle perception. Such a synthesis will transform life.