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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SY > SYMPTOM (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11:
Valuable as are the living plants which have not lost their vitality, preparations from them dried in the sun may also be useful. But the stages of decomposition should be avoided, because decomposition is the same in everything and always attracts the most imperfect spirits. Therefore, one should watch the condition of cut flowers. The smell of decomposition must be sensed, as it is not the external appearance but the smell which manifests the symptom.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 330:
330. Observe the symptoms of ailments that seem incomprehensible. Locate and observe those centers near which the symptoms and pains appear. Perhaps there is an aching of the shoulders or elbows or knees. Perhaps three signs appear near the center of the Chalice, or burning occurs in the larynx. Each such symptom indicates the activity of that center. As if inscribed in a book, the personality of each individual is written by the sign of his essence, constantly flaming above his head. One can read it even with plain observation. But people are accustomed to cruder manifestations. They expect deafening thunder and blinding lightning. Yet, they themselves often perform the most important actions in silence.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 137:
137. Add, when writing to the Latvian physician During observations of the eyes of the obsessed he must not lose sight of the fact that an observed symptom may change. At the approach of fiery energy, the symptom may disappear, as it were. The obsessing agent may begin to rave, or it may withdraw, taking the symptom with it. Therefore, the observation should be carried on without sending the fiery energy beforehand, otherwise this action will turn into expulsion of the obsessor. Such an action is excellent in itself, but it is beyond the scope of the oculist. The same reaction is sometimes observed in skin diseases which, under the influence of fiery energy, alter their appearance and even disappear. Let us not forget that obsession is sometimes manifested cutaneously, or by twitchings of the face. Nevertheless, the Latvian physician deserves praise, for it is not easy to perceive the crystals of brown gas.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 144:
With few exceptions, Our healing remains unnoticed. People are inclined to explain the vibrations by absurd guesswork, and will note every minor symptom of their indisposition, ignoring the strong sensation of vibrations. Sometimes, they will tremble under the currents of the rays, yet will immediately fabricate some explanation for them. Most people will not accept that it is possible to transmit vibrations to a distance, and even the knowledge of radio waves does not convince them that parallels exist in other fields.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 269:
The most unusual symptom is the sudden swelling of various parts of the body, especially the extremities. No one can explain the cause of these swellings and an ordinary physician will probably not believe the existence of such an ailment without seeing it for himself. However, this is not so easy, because, though the size of the swellings can be very great, they come and go quickly. Urusvati experienced this, but before the physicians could confirm it, the swelling passed without the slightest trace.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
360. Urusvati knows how often people attempt to attribute subtle phenomena to gross physical causes. For instance, noises in the ear that are experienced by many are physical manifestations that provoke varying interpretations. Doctors often attribute them to abnormal blood pressure, but this is simply another external symptom. The true cause of such pressures is the touch of subtle influences. Actually, there are three kinds of noise - one is a peculiarly dull, continuous noise, another is like a reflection of the pulse, and the third you have described as like the sound of cicadas. This third type, a curious, very rapid pulsation, is especially characteristic, and is the sign of a particularly subtle energy.


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