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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SY > SYMPHONIES (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.6:
Small as well as important events strike upon the aura, as upon musical strings. The growing aura has its advantages, and these Aeolian wings multifariously resound. The burden of the world plays its symphonies upon them. One cannot say that a man illumined by the aura is motionless. The outer shell of the aura is like a surging sea. What a talk for the scientist - to trace the nourishment of the aura from within and the reflection from without! Verily a world battle!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.10:
3.5.10. Ask a composer if he likes unison choirs and symphonies. He will pronounce your question an absurdity, because there is no such thing as a symphony in unison. For a new tone the composer is ready to introduce the most unexpected instrument. Just so in the formation of a group - be not astonished at an apparent diversity of the members. Not according to birth, nor habits, nor mistakes are they grouped; their contact is in spirit. They are united in a chorus by spirit, which is imponderable, invisible and inaudible. Therefore, do not reproach anyone for the pitch of his voice - its quality is what is important.

New Era Community (1926) - 42:
This heavenly rainbow is reflected in the drops of earthly dew. Does not knowledge of the spirit discern the light? "Materia Lucida" to the wild spirit is a curling chaos, but for the knowing spirit it is the harp of light. Like chased harp strings rush the waves of luminous matter, and on them the spirit creates mysterious-sounding symphonies. Between the worlds, thread-like, stretches "Materia Lucida." Only enormous distance blends together the waves of threads into the vibration of the heavenly rainbow.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 21:
Tactica Adversa ensures that the clanging bells of humanity are not stilled. The music of the spheres needs accompaniment, but those slanderers maddened by envy imagine that their howls densify the atmosphere so that the symphonies of Eternity cannot penetrate through to Earth. However a good householder finds a use for any and all dross. So, let the torches of slander light the path of unswerving achievement.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152:
152. Urusvati has heard both the majestic music of the spheres and the uproar of chaos. Out of confusion and wailing the Great Teacher composed harmonious symphonies. Only the ignorant assume that celestial harps will sound at the first request. From the abyss of chaos to celestial harmony the way is indeed long. This is why the Great Teachers are also the Great Toilers, and only those who have heard both extremes can judge the extent of this evolution.


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