Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.7: The spinal chord is also called the spear, because if we wish to parry the blows we must tense this channel. The centers of the shoulders are also called wings, because during a self-sacrificing achievement rays extend from them. The legend concerning wings is highly symbolic. Likewise, it was a favorite custom of the ancients to wear a round metal plate upon their breasts. Agni Yoga (1929) - 545: Remember the symbolic event shown to you when, before the onset of a catastrophe, attempts were made to lead the people out of their halls of pleasure. Not only did the people refuse to leave, but new crowds tried to enter. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 27: 27. The concept of non-goalfitness is excluded from the annals of evolutionary movement. The symbolic assertion of the ancients regarding fire provides the best conception of the fact of indissolubility into void. The ancient covenants assert that fire, after consuming all fuel, is not annihilated but returns to the primary stage, to the form of invisible fire, to the stage of the highest manifestation of the Fire of Space. Thus manifested is our life. Heart (1932) - 93: 93. In all scriptures are presented symbolic narratives of how hermits and saints compelled demons to serve and labor for something useful. Truly, this is quite possible in case of a disinterested impulse. I attest to what an extent all the dark ones serve the structure when the power of self-sacrificing demand protects the commanding heart. But one circumstance can be dangerous and harmful-irritation full of imperil opens the entrance for the dark ones. Where there is irritation various newcomers set themselves to profit by it and increase the action of the poison. How much of the texture is torn, how many tests and experiments are impeded, to the joy of the malevolent ones! Advise to accept this not as a fairy tale but as a dangerous reality. The source of good and evil does not disappear. Heart (1932) - 577: 577. In the works of old hermits one can find the statement, "Good is fragrance, evil is a poisonous stench." Of course this remark is usually understood as symbolic, but a profound physiologist will understand that in this definition is also contained an instructive chemical experiment. The transmutation of energy into fragrance is a very definite fact. When the fragrance of freesias or violets is evident, one can presume the proximity of the physical or subtle energy of the Beneficent Principle. On the other hand the smell of decay accompanies everything low on the physical and on the spiritual plane as well. Hence, one can perceive this chemical reaction and thus approach still closer a transcendental physiological discovery. Thus, one must know how to approach the cosmic manifestations consciously. We consider smell and its purified concept as a very refined state. Among the senses, smell is one of the most intimate identifications for everything that approaches. Many will not understand that the heart can be the moving force of the refinement of smell. The approach of every being arouses in a flaming heart a particular action of the inner sense of smell. Heart suffocations often occur from such approaches. Neither wind nor the purification of the air help where the very energy of evil builds a seeming funnel, but of course beneficence offers relief. Likewise, the sensation in the fingertips is not only a protection, but also a receptor for hostile sendings. A ceaseless battle causes disturbances of the rhythm of the heart, hence every caution is useful. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408: 408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart! AUM (1936) - 182: 182. So-called symbolic dreams express in a lofty degree the bond with the invisible world. A consciousness cannot synthesize alone, it must receive an impulse from Above in order to see the future in a simple and clear symbol. AUM (1936) - 407: The latest interpreters have attributed a symbolic meaning to the saying in this way: "living water" denotes the ocean of wisdom; "the head" means the summit of cognition. Whereas, the writing had a medicinal significance. The disciple asked the Teacher to let him drink the magnetized water which had stood by his bedside. Many sayings can be found about the magnetization of water. On ancient images figures can be seen drinking from a vessel or sacred source. AUM (1936) - 551: Many ancient philosophers left behind them only symbolic definitions. They either consciously concealed the actual terms, or, in the usual course of teaching, made use of abbreviated signs. Brotherhood (1937) - 183: 183. An artist once was ordered to draw a symbolic representation of faith. He executed a human figure expressing inexorableness. The face was uplifted to Heaven, and on it was an expression of unbreakable striving; the very look was filled with fiery radiance. The whole appearance was sublime, but from under the folds of the garment there seemed to be wriggling a small black snake. When the artist was asked what meaning was carried by his dark addition, which was out of keeping with the splendor of the picture, he said, "It is the little tail of unbelief." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 16: Lamas speak about the Abode of the Great Rishis. Each one describes Shambhala according to his own understanding. The mention of treasures is correct, but they are described in different ways. Legends about Our Warriors exist all over the world and are not without foundation. There are also described many gates and mirrors. The legend about the Tashi Lama granting passports to Shambhala is symbolic. The appearance of similar symbols in various parts of the world proves how much Truth has spread. Even ancient Mexico knew about the Sacred Mountain where the Chosen People live. It is not surprising that all Asian nations preserve legends about the Sacred Mountain. It is described almost correctly, but he who is not called will not reach it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70: 70. Urusvati is right to be indignant at all the falsehoods that are written about Us. Truly, if all the idle stories were gathered into one book, an unusual collection of falsehoods would result. Symbolic expressions, created over centuries, have been transformed into unbelievable fairy tales about treasures that are guarded by the Lords of Shambhala. In the elaborate Tibetan narratives it is hard to understand how the more fanciful exaggerations have accumulated. Through these exaggerations the Tibetan nation wished to enhance its position as a world focus. For example, it is written that the warriors of Shambhala are innumerable and invincible, and their leader defeats all evil and affirms the Kingdom of Good. Such is the belief in the East, which cherishes in its heart the legend about the victory of Light. For the East, each veiled word written for the glory of Light is justified, but the West thinks the opposite and wishes to unveil everything, even to the point of belittlement. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 78: 78. Urusvati has seen explosions of black projectiles. What does this mean? Should it be understood as something symbolic, or as a vision of real projectiles? We must acknowledge, with great sorrow, the real existence of such dangerous projectiles even in the Subtle World. They spread a poisonous gas that reinforces the brown gas that contaminates the planet. The dark forces utilize the most destructive means to pierce the earthly atmosphere and project the deadly peril. They defy the laws of the Universe, and hope to attain their victory through confusion. They are not only dangerous adversaries, but also unwise ones, for they have no thought for the planetary balance. One who has seen the terrible explosions of these black projectiles can understand what extreme countermeasures are taken to dissipate their harmful effects. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106: The Puranas contain much scientific data. Several years ago, Urusvati heard from Us about the significance of the year 1942. And now this information is broadly disseminated and is common knowledge. The end of Kali Yuga is significant, for many cosmic events are connected with this period. For certain reasons the true dates were concealed, and only few could perceive that the enormous numbers that were cited were mere symbols. Likewise, certain references to Krishna, Avatar of Vishnu, are also symbolic. You know very well what particular event was meant by these indications. Now everyone can notice the unusual accumulation of events. Armageddon was predicted ages ago, and the abnormalities at the end of Kali Yuga were described in the Puranas, but even keen thinkers underestimated those clear indications. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 115: In the ancient records one finds many symbolic expressions whose original meaning is now lost. The ancient tradition of oral instruction had a profound purpose because the Teaching could be transmitted directly to the deserving disciple without the need for symbolic veiling. However, conventional written records contain many harmful errors. Dense ignorance can obscure small parts of the given Truth, and deliberately malicious statements distort even the most obvious facts. One can imagine how much effort is needed to direct human thought to the intelligent eradication of such shameful distortions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116: We use both physical and spiritual armor, and suggest that Our followers acquire the armor that will protect them from the blows of chaos. Please do not take Our words about armor as symbolic, but realize that there is need for a weapon created by your consciousness. The stronghold is strengthened when the bridge to the Tower of Chun is firm. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149: It was to be expected that the Pilgrim would meet the dark ones on His path. The story about the meeting of the Great Pilgrim with the Prince of Darkness should not be thought of as imaginary, or symbolic. Urusvati can affirm that she saw various dark entities more than once, including even the Hierophant of Evil himself. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168: The Great Pilgrim taught the love of goodness, but His Teaching was greatly distorted. Even His simplest words could not save the Teaching, for people found ways to interpret Truth for their own profit. The expulsion of the merchants from the Temple is a symbolic warning, and the Temple should also be understood as the human spirit from which mercenary thought must be ejected. No one can forbid the exchange of daily necessities, but merchants must attend to their business with enlightened hearts. Even the basic elements of life can be spiritualized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 169: It is a mistake to apply to the spherical Earth the symbolic protection of the circle! The fact is that the currents of chaos surge in to destroy the equilibrium as fast as the rays of Light restore it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 291: Only thought can produce the antidote. These words should not be taken as symbolic. Thought produces a substance that attracts the helping forces from space. We have spoken about resistance to evil. Precise, clear, and disciplined thought is a powerful aid, and also a powerful antidote. So-called immunity is the result of thought. If you remember Us you will intensify your thoughts and they will acquire a new power. Think about Us. Think about reality and face the terrors of Armageddon.