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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SW > SWALLOWED (7)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 276:
276. When the Cosmic Magnet acts with all its intensified forces, all resistance is swallowed up by its power. If humanity would ponder over the forces which lead to evolution it would surely take the direction of the current of power of the Cosmic Magnet. An immutable law governs the Cosmic Magnet, and everything which strains against it is drowned. The formula of the Magnet creates by a directed current. The creativeness of the Magnet is correlated to the power of Be-ness, and invincible is the law which leads toward evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 418:
418. Diseases are divided as sacred, karmic, and those that are admitted. The first two concepts are easily understood, but precisely in the book Hierarchy one should mention the admitted ones. Who or what permits these diseases? Certainly ignorance and the horror of non-realization. It is not enough not to think about them. Children likewise do not think of them, yet become infected. One should protect oneself in consciousness and create an invulnerable armor of nerve emanations. Even severe epidemics cannot develop if people master their consciousness. An experiment with the substance of psychic energy would indicate what powerful antiseptics people carry within themselves. For this, two conditions are necessary the first - realization of psychic energy; the second - realization of Hierarchy as the sole path for the increase of psychic energy. One should not look upon Hierarchy as something abstract. One should realize firmly that it is the most powerful life-giver. We call it the primary remedy. But even a pill must be swallowed and an ointment applied. There is no effect from a remedy that is in a trunk. Likewise, the Benefaction of Hierarchy must be taken by striving. Thus, an irrevocable striving will afford a healing result.

Heart (1932) - 98:
98. How, then, to impart to people still unprepared that an object of the Higher World merits a heartfelt attitude? It is difficult with people who know nothing, but it is still more difficult with people who have swallowed the Teaching like a spoonful of gruel; one can expect from them special treason and perversion. There is no sign sufficient to convince the distorted consciousness that it is necessary to look not so much at the near ones as into oneself. How can one see fires when the eye searches for a wrinkle on the face of a neighbor! One may wonder with a cold heart and doubt the achievements of the other and cover with ashes each spark of one's heart.

Heart (1932) - 99:
99. The new Subtle World may seem inconceivable to those who have not paid attention to so-called phenomena, verified by photography, x-rays, and testimonies of witnesses. Let us recall - someone reacted to cosmic manifestations; someone heard far-off voices; someone, envisioning it, participated in the Subtle World; someone became luminous; someone levitated; someone walked upon the water; someone walked through fire; someone swallowed poison without harm; someone had no need of sleep; someone had no need of food; someone could see through solid bodies; someone could write with both hands; someone could attract animals; someone could understand a language without knowing it; someone could read thoughts; someone could read with closed eyes a closed book; someone did not feel pain; someone in the snow generated the heat of the heart; someone did not feel fatigue; someone could help by healing; someone could manifest knowledge of the future. Thus, one can enumerate all manifested phenomena and a multitude of instructive examples from life. But for an instant gather all these qualities into one body and you will have the new human transmutation indicated in many Teachings. The principal thing in this transmutation is that all its parts are already manifested, even in the midst of an imperfect existence. This means that with definite striving humanity can be strongly impelled to the transmutation of all life. Therefore, let us remember about the great Fire and about the fiery stronghold - the heart. For it is not a fairy tale, but a house of the Spirit!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 457:
457. Divide everything into four shares, the first - for the Highest; the second - for the Common Weal; third - for your fellow-man; and fourth - for yourself. But the hour comes when only three parts remain, for the fourth will be swallowed up by the second. Such divisions are called fiery. Nothing but the heart can indicate the boundary lines between them. But let the sequence be flamingly inscribed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 404:
404. Psychic energy also manifests in other forms, and it can be transmitted by means of a magnetic current. However, such transmission can take place only when currents and auras are harmonized, but when counteractions result psychic energy is swallowed up from without. These engulfments may take place as a result of anything from vampirism up to conscious destruction. Likewise, thoughts which saturate the atmosphere can either compress psychic energy or destroy it. Spatial Fire contains these crystals. Often the aura of places, where occur irritations or creative actions is saturated with corresponding crystals. The quality of energy conformably saturates space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 471:
471. There was a time when the earth opened and swallowed up traitors. Who then can picture the tenfold worse fate of contemporary traitors? They themselves least of all understand it. An evil destiny! The manifestation grows, and subterranean wrath is growling.


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