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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUSPECT (33)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.12:
When they will suspect you of love for Us, you will be vindicated by My Shield.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
173. It is noted that certain people, as it were, carry success with them. Superstition calls them lucky. Science attributes their success to strength of will. We shall add that usually these people have an assimilated consciousness. They become representatives of the collective, consequently drawing in a force intensified by many participants, who at the time do not even suspect the outflow of energy. It is not at all required that the whole collective know each other. Through the nodes of transmission a wave of energy is transmitted instantaneously; therefore the presence of the international collective is much needed for actions. Hence, a wave of internationalism is needed, because the diversity of dynamics will then produce greater tension.

New Era Community (1926) - 204:
If a material bond is hardly noticeable, the cause must be sought in the discord of consciousness. If We do not hasten with some manifestation, it means We do not wish to injure anything by prematureness. We never waste a stroke amid lack of will. We never put in a word the meaning of which is not understood. We always abstain from mad expenditure of energy, for through experience We know how precious is an arrow of energy. Have no doubts that beyond the limits of ponderable matter we are submerged in the interaction of the subtlest energies, and the expenditure of a single grain of these precious treasures must be a rational one. For centuries We have been filling Our libraries, and it would be only reasonable to guard them against fire. On certain symbols there are two spirals, and as it is possible to ascend by the one, it is equally possible to descend by the other. Let those remember who do not hesitate to say "We have already achieved." But those who suspect Our Community of inaction simply are uninformed.

New Era Community (1926) - 211:
Affirmation of cooperation is not the result of a formal examination. Only through action and resoluteness is it possible to approach the heart of the Community. Teach not to let possibilities slip by. If resoluteness and action lead to gratitude, then imprudence and negligence create an obstacle difficult to remove. The co-worker who neglects action through immobility is left to his own devices. This is not a penalty, but a practical means for showing him his failure. Rarely, it is true, one does recognize his own failure, and then a small independent exercise is put to him something goes with difficulty, something creaks and does not come off. One should not suspect magical measures; the attention of the Community has simply flown away temporarily, and the stilts of inexperience sway in the wind. In any case, the reaction of the collective, which represents the Community, will be a strong one, and without this concentration it is difficult for one to proceed who has already once tried the path of good of the Community.

New Era Community (1926) - 250:
Say to them that desires to connect the thread of what is physically visible with what is physically ponderable but usually imperceptible to the eye must be expressed vehemently. Carry out an experiment of photographing physical radiations and formations. The strong tones of the radiation will be manifested even when photographing in daylight. Such prints may astound petty deniers. It would be possible also to show several other experiments known to you, but they would suspect you of the miraculous. For children even the dinner table seems an unheard-of miracle. We, however, knowing children's habits, will speak in the scientific terms of yesterday.

Hierarchy (1931) - 195:
195. The Chain of Hierarchy lawfully leads world-construction. Verily, the creation of subtle bodies can be affirmed only by the subtle matter of thought. The weaver of his own body does not suspect what he introduces into the web of his body by severing himself from the Highest. Therefore let us ponder upon the most vital - the Chain of Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 399:
399. Defense is still not resistance. All dream of the development of resistance. Non-receptivity is only a weak degree of resistance. Immunity is in the heart, and even active resistance is not in the brain. Only the energy of the heart makes a man invulnerable and carries him over obstacles. Thus, one should remember the heart as a weapon. Precisely - the heart is the weapon of Light! But let them not suspect Us of being opponents of the brain. Let the good ploughman, the brain, labor over his sowing. Let him nurture the seeds and bear the thought, refined and sharpened by battles. But the contemporary perilous state of things has been created by the perverted thinking of the brain. Therefore let us turn to the heart once again as to our judge and leader. Whoever shall aid his near ones to find the path of the heart shall also find his own perfection.

Heart (1932) - 490:
490. When a house is for rent, even the crudest people will inspect every corner and express their feelings. Could We, then, place our disciples in uninspected dwellings? One must be aware of everything that surrounds one. One must sense all stratifications of the past before striving into the future. But when the decision about the future comes, the past falls away like the shadow of the passing sunset; and it is only the glow of sunrise that illumines the brow. Some people suspect Us without cause of insufficient cooperation. Our care about them is far greater than is their thought about Us. If one were to enumerate the great number of wasted counsels and incomplete structures, one could imagine how difficult it is to fill the abysses! Thus, even now beautiful strongholds can be erected!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 257:
257. Suspicion is in itself a provocation. A provocation may be a conscious one, but in the case of suspicion the provocations are especially disorderly. Apart from all the vital complications, suspiciousness leads to susceptibility to infection. How many epidemics are multiplied merely by suspiciousness! Karmic embryos of disease are provoked by suspiciousness. The border line between fear and suspicion is almost indistinguishable. A guard must be alert but not suspicious. Equilibrium is not created by suspiciousness. Courage seeks the cause but does not suspect. Therefore suspicion is primarily ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 487:
487. Historic acts of great significance were often carried out in accordance with directions given in visions. The Invisible Government has pronounced its decisions more often than people suspect. The Higher Beings or departed relatives bring the message of imminent dates. One can only deplore the concealment of such visions and visitations, that is, unless secrecy has been enjoined. The fiery seal upon the lips is very lasting. However, one may disclose the truth to posterity in memoirs that will sustain many hearts. You yourselves already know of an entire succession of historic events which were based on warnings and indications. Thus, one can note a series of events from antiquity to our days which were seemingly links of one guiding thought. It is right to collect these fiery revelations; in them will be disclosed an entire interworld system. One must probe historical facts deeply, in order still more consciously to understand the wisdom of the construction. I advise the recording of all known historic events that took place or were connected with higher visions. During such work many more facts will be found, because a striving thought is like a magnet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 571:
571. Here is another example of the influence of thought. True, in studying the scriptural records of all ages, one is struck by a seeming repetitious occurrence of identical thoughts. Not only do we find like expressions of the same thoughts but one may often find quite identical particular words. Yet it can be established that the writers not only did not know each other but could not possibly have read these writings. This manifestation can be observed in all domains of creativeness. Ignorance would suspect some form of concealed plagiarism, but anyone who has contacted true creative force knows that thought sent into space can impregnate the most varied receivers. Such manifestations should be studied, They can actually prove the possibility of the influence of psychic energy; besides, the same considerations may direct thought toward Hierarchy - in other words, to the shortest path.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 657:
657. You are quite right in saying that the existence of an Invisible government perplexes many, but if there exists an unseen dark government, then why should there not be a Government of Light? Is it possible that the human mind is so utterly obscured that it will acknowledge anything dark rather than think about Light? People actually understand and have heard more than once about the dark forces, which are universally united, but the Government of Good and Light is especially suspect. People are unaccustomed to being united for Good. They look upon Good as a prime pretext for disunity. One can regard the entire illness of our planet as the result of the complete discord among those who could have united their forces of Good. It is most deplorable that even in a temple the hearts of men are not transformed for cooperation. Thus, let us ponder upon each act of friendliness, which is already a spark of cooperation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 126:
126. Let us ponder to what extent obedience is merely a cooperation. The collaboration which is extended into the Highest Abodes is not a burden. To be sure, fanatics will suspect pride in such infinite striving, but the fanatic's head, in any position, touches the same great Infinity. Thus one may advise fanatics to beware of superstition. Therefore let us not be confused by such voices, and let us be strengthened upon the concept of Hierarchy as the most vital Principle.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
Along with the approach of Satya-Yuga let us not forget that the destruction surpasses measures of equilibrium. People do not suspect to what an extent the earthly currents already have been violated! They do not wish to understand that this cosmic disturbance is taking place through their own fault. They consider themselves teachers of knowledge, yet the simple law of good is not convincing to them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 403:
403. Some people walk into the future with full trust. Whence can be drawn such invincible confidence? First of all, from communion with Hierarchy. But understanding of the Luminaries also strengthens the consciousness. Moreover, there is still a third circumstance which has no small significance. Actually the three Worlds exist in full cooperation. The affirmation of many earthly beginnings takes place in the Higher Worlds. You know about earthly teraphim; there can be likewise teraphim of the Subtle and of the Fiery World. Not infrequently entire structures, prior to their earthly realization, have been created in the Higher Worlds. One may read in the ancient Covenants about Heavenly Cities; in fact, they are being constructed in reality upon different spheres, and thus a magnetic attraction is created. Often people do not suspect that their teraphim already exist in various forms. At times the clairvoyants perceive such actual images, and erroneously carry over what they see to the earthly plane, whereas the earthly reflection is formed later. But one fact is unquestionable - precisely, the existence of such teraphim - it strengthens the consciousness of man. Can it not be that certain cities already do exist, and named people live in them? One may walk into the future as assuredly as if the delineations of the city were before the earthly eyesight.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 408:
408. One should not return again to a meat diet, if the organism has already become accustomed to a vegetable one. There can be exceptions only on account of hunger; but usually a handful of maize or rice can be found. People often do not suspect how meat can construct and disfigure the aura. But a disturbance may be felt particularly when the organism has become accustomed to the advantages of a vegetable diet. People sometimes discriminate less than animals in the matter of food and its quality. Such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 139:
139. People do not even suspect how strained the planet is! All these conditions which governments are creating are comparable to a volcano. Each wave of actions is saturated with destruction. There are no such circumstances as would indicate an advancement toward salvation. Yet the more suffocating, the more speedily can the great World Problem be resolved. Supermundane spheres are also agitated. Verily, each spirit striving into the future can sense that "Something" about which only the Lords know. Surely it is imperative to think about the driving clouds which must inevitably destroy the countries going against the Light. A New Dawn is already lighting the way on the dark horizon. Already events are proceeding and new forces are building a better future. Therefore, one must reflect about the appearance of the Fiery Element, for whoever is from Fire, triumphs with Fire.

AUM (1936) - 215:
215. One may meet people so hostile as to suspect something unfitting in the word Aum . They will ask "Why have other beautiful symbols been forgotten? What is the purpose of not mentioning other exalted concepts?"

AUM (1936) - 250:
250. You have already observed how, through a certain straining of sight, it is possible to see faces of former incarnations. One may clearly perceive how a face of the present is reconstructed into an image of a past age. Vibrations and crystal formations indicate the presence of a definite energy. There can be no question of autosuggestion, for neither of the persons participating in the experiment know into what the formations are molded. Often the reconstruction begins, not in alteration of the facial lines, but in some details of headdress or clothing. The very character of the face changes quite imperceptibly, and in the most unexpected features. It may be noted that faces rarely hold to their present type. During all such unexpected metamorphoses, all premeditation is precluded. A very painful tension of the eyes indicates that the process is not a mental one, but that psychic energy is acting through the optic centers. Frequent experiences of this nature can injure the sight, yet the presence of such physical clairvoyance is exceedingly important. There can be clairvoyance under suggestion, but then the psychic energy is acting through the brain, and it is always possible to suspect suggestion on the part of the hypnotist himself. It is far more convincing when psychic energy acts directly. The same directness is expressed also in actions with the pendulum of life. Autosuggestion is not similarly precluded. An honest investigator does not know the results to be received. He is often more astonished than the others present. In both the first and the second case, onlookers are altogether undesirable. There should be nothing in the vicinity which can influence the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 267:
267. Each prayer is a beginning and not a conclusion. Ordinarily prayer is understood as something final, whereas there can be no communion with the Higher World without consequences. Each slight opening of the sacred Gates already renews the chords of the consciousness. This renewal does not bespeak the past but is directed into the future. Thus, prayer is the gateway to the future. This creative force should be kept in mind. It is inadmissible to limit oneself to the gesture of outward prayer; such hypocrisy is the most dangerous blasphemy. Yet it is impossible to affirm the power of communion with the Higher World so long as the basic energy remains unrealized. Therefore, knowledge of the Subtle World helps to construct the step to the Higher World. The Subtle World has already become almost a laboratory concept. Though the names be diverse, the goal of the quest is one. Let us not disturb the scholars who draw close to the Great Unknown. We are indifferent as to how they name the sparks of the One Light. In approaching, they will suspect that there are a great number of subdivisions. They will be right from their point of view, because psychic energy reveals its face according to the quality of energy of the investigator.

Brotherhood (1937) - 133:
133. Defamation by the dark ones is praise. One may follow how the jinn helped to build temples. They did not suspect how much of their work was utilizable. A book could be written about the "Labors of the Jinn."

Brotherhood (1937) - 155:
155. Self-sacrifice is one of the true paths to Brotherhood. But why then is it enjoined, "Guard your strength?" There is no contradiction in this. The Golden Path, the combining path, affirms both qualities - achievement and caution. Otherwise all would be driven to suicide. Achievement is created in full consciousness and responsibility. Again someone may suspect a contradiction; but a higher devotion, an all conquering love, can teach the combining of higher qualities. Madness does not bring achievement. Faint-heartedness cannot answer for true cautiousness. The conscious realization of duty prompts the right use of energy. Let people reflect about the concordance of qualities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 246:
246. The same fear impedes recognition of Hierarchy. In justice let us say that Hierarchy is far from any violence. It is ready to help and to send advice, but humanity is ready to suspect each good intention. Without trust there is no cooperation. Let us not forget that lack of trust is a sign of imperfection. A man filled with doubt will first of all not believe his neighbor. Let us not call these reminders moral counsels. Let them be called physical and mechanical laws. It makes absolutely no difference what the fundamentals of Existence are called, provided they be maintained and observed!

Brotherhood (1937) - 339:
339. A dead pearl is revivified when worn by certain people. Only the presence of the primary energy can explain this natural process. One should observe similar manifestations in all the domains of life. It can be seen how long different objects last when used by certain people. It can be observed how animatedly the primary energy acts by its own strength when warmed by the fire of the heart. It can be seen how salutary certain people are, who do not even suspect the vivid presence of the primary energy in themselves. But if, in addition, they were to become conscious of their force, then their beneficent activity would be broadly increased.

Brotherhood (1937) - 349:
349. In great storehouses many remarkable objects can be found, but experts and investigators sometimes prefer to search among small unknown repositories, and such quests yield irreplaceable discoveries. And so in everything, one should make broad surveys in order not to lose new and precious cooperation. It has already been pointed out that the hundred-thousandth one is bringing useful stones for the structure, yet it is inadmissible to jostle a burden-bearer on his difficult path. One should not suspect or upbraid him. The cement of the building should not set prematurely; likewise, wayfarers cannot make progress more quickly than their human strength permits. It is a special joy to see how the structure is being completed. Many would not believe that the local stones were sound enough; they formed their opinion through egoism. But the dawn will show where right judgment was.

Brotherhood (1937) - 436:
436. Joint brotherly service can begin when mutual recrimination has been abandoned. Discussion is not condemnation. There may be brotherly actions which are not immediately understood. It is possible to make inquiries about reasons, but it is inadmissible, through ignorance, to utter condemnation which is like a sharp knife. Brothers so respect each other that they do not suspect unworthy action on the part of a brother; they comprehend any situation and ponder how to render assistance. In such cooperation there will be not the slightest compulsion. But mutual understanding is not born in an instant - a certain period is required to harmonize the centers. Therefore, in antiquity a certain time was set as a testing for newcomers. In the course of this period they could quit the Brotherhood without grave consequences. This period could be from three to seven years, but after that a betrayal would entail the most serious consequences. One must not look at this as cruelty, for he who runs away during a thunderstorm may be struck by lightning. The very speed of his flight only increases the danger.

Brotherhood (1937) - 486:
486. For the demonstration of concepts let us represent them graphically. Let us imagine unity in the aspect of a beautiful and stable dome. Let the threads of the elevation extend upward and be joined together as the facets of the dome. No one could suspect that unity could infringe upon individuality. With the ancient builders each column, each step was individual, yet none the less they went to make up the general harmony of the structure. The vault was held up, not by ornaments, but by correct internal cohesion - thus unity can be expected where that inner cohesion which rises to the Summit is understood. Let us not weary of collecting the best images around the concept of unity. Unity is so very necessary, and it is so often impaired even among those who already know about Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 212:
Even in ancient times the wise men knew that certain signs of success or failure could signal dreadful consequences. It is hard to imagine the catastrophes taking place in space that reach us centuries later. One cannot prevent what has already taken place, but one can acquire sufficient spiritual forbearance to accept what comes. When We speak about the need for equilibrium, We foresee many changes which people do not even suspect will come to pass.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 241:
The Thinker said, "How can We foresee all obstacles? What a sad sight to see man in chains, especially when he does not even suspect that he is imprisoned. Yet the chains can be broken!"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 263:
263. Urusvati knows that most people avoid looking into the essence of events and are satisfied with superficial observations. How differently history would be written if real causes and motives, and the true Leaders, whose existence humanity does not even suspect, were revealed! Instead of kings and rulers, there would emerge individuals who had remained in the background, unknown because of prevailing ignorance, or required to go unnoticed because of the law of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284:
A split consciousness occurs more often than people suspect, and cannot simply be attributed to bad character or bad habits. It often occurs during a temporary blacking out of consciousness, when, as some researchers believe, the consciousness comes in contact with waves of chaos and the abnormality results. This observation is undoubtedly sound.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
Compare those who sneer and laugh with those few who sympathize and wonder what the traveler's goal might be. Perhaps he is on his way to save a neighbor, or is a physician hastening to give help, or even a messenger bringing salvation to an entire nation. Those who serve Good will look for the good in others, but one rarely comes across such people! Most people usually look for the bad in others, and thus suspect every stranger to be a vagrant or a thief, not realizing that to accuse the innocent is an indelible crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 335:
Indeed, it is not those who ferociously reject Truth who are dangerous, nor those who distort it, but the indifferent ones, the living corpses who remain unmoved by the word of Truth. We can only smile at the blasphemers and deniers, who do not suspect that by attracting attention to the truth they deny, they serve a certain purpose. Some force compels them to direct their energy into loudly denying the truth, while so many servants of Good whisper. Judge for yourself who is of more use, the one who whispers the Truth timidly and inaudibly, or the one who boldly and loudly attacks it.


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