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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SURFEIT (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 227:
People speak about the necessity of feeding the mind with books - this will be an external manifestation. But without aspiration the feeding of the mind will be a formal and fruitless process. Striving must come from within, without external causes. The obstacles of life cannot influence the quality of aspiration. The fundamental impulse, which has brought the human species out of the mineral cell, must not subside when the stone cell has gotten up on stilts. Then must follow a surfeit of everything that was, and irrepressible striving takes its place. Losing aspiration, man ceases to be a conscious being.

Heart (1932) - 164:
164. Dissatisfaction is a quality of the subtle World. In it can be discerned eternal motion, for without this motion it is impossible to advance in the higher worlds. One can satisfy and satiate the stomach and muscle, but what will satiate the heart? Even contemplation of the Highest Light will transport one but not surfeit one. Flaming heart, insatiable heart, only the very pain of the world will impel thee! The fog that clouds glutted eyes will turn into the flame of a kindled heart. Thus, let us guard the fiery treasure. Let us explain to the peoples the precious heart. Thus let us call to mind all the milestones needed for the path. Let us not forget the wise saying, "And this too, will pass." For an impetuous motion will never bring one back to the same spot.


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