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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUPERNATURAL (31)

New Era Community (1926) - 270:
270. It is necessary to strengthen each other. An entire science can be founded to elucidate the reaction of energies. Psychic energy itself, inherent in every man, is in need of hygiene. One need not assume in this anything supernatural; the new life will cognize substance in all infinitude. Therefore it is necessary to unite, affirming communal life on a world basis with lucidity and serenity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 225:
225. It is a mistake to think that the ascent of consciousness can be accomplished by attainment of supernatural exaltation. As below, so above: labor and experience everywhere. Consciousness nurtures the growth of the subtle body. Even the slightest sensation contributes to the texture of the subtle body. It is precisely this that is usually overlooked by people. They think that one great action can compensate for a succession of small, petty deeds. But who can say what is great and what is small? All actions of a yogi take into account the most detailed considerations. One can see keen observation and precision in every act of a yogi. In his actions, no prejudice, no useless habit is permitted. He walks like a lion. He strikes unhesitatingly, but does not crush what is unworthy of notice, or too weak to threaten. Thus, one must evaluate the true meaning of one's every action.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 350:
Think about why, for any physical effort, a deep inhalation is needed. Is there not in this a connection to the transmission of energy, of which we have spoken today? Among physical manifestations how can there be anything supernatural?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 351:
You may speak to those who approach you about how the densification of the astral will affect life, and also about experiments in making changes to the physical nature of one's locality and of nearby objects. You can point out that an experiment based on natural laws cannot be called supernatural. But of course a consciousness covered with age-old dust cannot quickly grasp the reality of things. For example, when I speak of patience it is necessary to understand it as a fundamental part of daily life. Who would turn a tarrying guest out into the rain? Such attacks of the elements are not lengthy, and it is necessary only to use the time as wisely as possible. It is necessary to understand that now spatial thought is tensed in the direction of the unification of the spheres, and human thought is advancing laboriously along the path of broadening of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 397:
Without prejudice, and observing all one's surroundings, one will reach the conclusion that Our methods are quite different from conventional ways. Life must be directed towards the element of fire, but this cannot be accomplished by the conventional methods of government. You know that introducing the "supernatural" into the ordinary does not mar life, but adds beauty and vastness to it.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 9:
Why does there exist in the world the custom of worshipping the cosmic powers in the moment of distress? Why only then the attraction toward Infinity? Why just then the recognition of the so-called supernatural forces? I advise that the Name of the Mother of the World be pronounced not as a symbol but as a power-giver. I advise that the Source of Infinity be invoked not as a symbol but as a manifestation of Eternity, as an eternal Generator of beauty and the Creator of the firmament.

Hierarchy (1931) - 91:
91. If the clarity of the Image of the Teacher brings us into closest cooperation with him, then each clear and vivid conception of an object in our third eye makes it near and attainable. One of the conditions of ancient magic was to teach the vividness of objects evoked by our inner conception. If the object is called forth with all completeness of line and color, one can apply it for the most immediate reaction; one may, as it were, possess it. Without limitations of space, one can regulate and bring closer its possibilities; from the most customary objects to the far-off planets one can utilize this force. There is nothing of the supernatural in this; but the duplicate becomes seemingly the identical, and a vital unifying thread is drawn to it. One can gradually develop in oneself these abilities, upon habitual objects, noticing thereby that when a clear image is created, a peculiar tremulous vibration occurs, similar to a magnetic reaction. Thus, in studying the Infinite one can approach it by beginning with the most customary objects.

Hierarchy (1931) - 299:
299. Each concept has its balance. Reverence of Hierarchy has its balance in the understanding of the pledge. If reverence of Hierarchy is directed upward, then the pledge is downward. There even exists a teraph of the pledge. You saw a pledge through a teraph. Thus, the pledge is indestructible when Hierarchy is realized. I testify that as the Teacher is immutable, so is the pledge firm. Therefore, do not pronounce the word Teacher in vain. But having pronounced it do not think of severing this silver thread. A superficial persona can realize the consequences by a simple example; let him firmly attach to the wall a twisted rubber band, and let him, with closed eyes, pull it with all his strength - a bruise, not at all supernatural, will be the consequence. What then, may result from the severing of the silver thread? Once again a timorous and mischievous consciousness will speak of threats, but any law, any machine, may be the cause of unpleasantness if improperly handled

Heart (1932) - 113:
113. Mankind is terrified by every so-called supernatural thing, forgetting that nothing can be supernatural - above that which exists. Therefore, insist strongly that Agni Yoga and the Teachings of the Heart cannot contain anything supernatural. Be especially cautious with the young people up to thirty years, when not all the centers can function without harm to the heart. It is necessary to point out that Our Yoga contains no enforced sorcery and never will be a producer of chaos. It is necessary to kindle the young ones to heroic action which will transform their natures and, imperceptibly to them, prepare the heart for future perfection. Thus, it is necessary with the utmost simplicity and joy to sail to the White Island, as We sometimes call Our Site.

Heart (1932) - 300:
300. If thought in itself contains creative energy, then how useful it is to direct good thought into space. When mankind shall agree to send forth good thought simultaneously, then the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will at once clear. Hence, it is necessary to take care, even a few times daily, to send out thought not about oneself, but about the world. Thus the thinking will accustom itself to disinterested strivings. As the Savior of mankind thinks only of the entire world, so in emulation of him we can apply our thoughts for the manifestation of creative energy. It is not necessary to look upon the transmission of thought as a supernatural act. Let it provide nurture for the spirit, just as does fuel for the bonfire during the night. Thus, also, it is necessary simply to follow the highest example. The heart will be like a trusty chronometer when it calls to thought about all. It is not necessary to have tiring meditations; thought about the world is short and reflects so simply the renunciation of self. Let good befall the world!

Heart (1932) - 475:
475. However, not many firm spirits are required to change the perilous situation. A few flaming hearts can rise in self-sacrificing vigil and weave the firm net of defense. Not the supernatural, or magic, simply a flaming aspiration of the heart will unite the worlds. I have already spoken of the end of Kali Yuga, but some think of hundreds of years that seemingly remain. No allowance is made for the possibility of acceleration, although simple chemical experiments prove that reagents quicken manifestations.

Heart (1932) - 507:
507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 7:
7. Just think! Each of us carries within himself the One Fire, immutable throughout the entire Universe. No one cares to imagine that the universal treasure is within him. The elements are not identical in the entire Cosmos; the change in their qualities does not permit us to ascribe to them identicalness. But the fire of the heart alone unites through its magnet all world structures. One must think about this preeminence. It is necessary to utilize this treasure in the entire structure of life. There is but one Light of Fire in all the world. We can understand that Fire manifests at the most remote distances. There is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it. Even a lesser disciple has heard about the all-pervading Fire, but he has failed to realize its application.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 66:
66. Not few are the fires in the fields and forests - but people regard them as supernatural. This can be explained only by lack of imagination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 331:
331. It is the Teacher's duty to follow the quality of the pupil's thought. Not twists of the mind, but tendency of thought gives evidence of progress. This understanding of another's thought is not supernatural, but is derived from many movements and glances. With only a little attention the Teacher will perceive the fires of the eyes. These flashes are quite significant and give a wise physician the entire record of the internal condition.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 531:
531. For what reason then are people being tormented here? Why are sufferings not diminished? Why is hatred so strongly in possession of hearts? The shield of the spirit has been forgotten. There is nothing supernatural in a reminder about the Fiery World, where the coarse knags are being burned away. People consider bodily cleanliness necessary, but after ablution by water there is need of one by Fire. One may understand that water pertains to subtle ingress, but further along Fire is needed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 592:
592. Too often are words used in an incorrect meaning. People speak about the supernatural instead of saying the unusual. The supernatural does not exist in any of the Worlds. Perhaps a certain thing is unusual for the ignorant, but even this definition is conditional, as that something is unusual only under certain conditions. Thus it would be possible to revise dictionaries considerably. We have often spoken about this, and in translations into other languages you see how needful are various shades of meaning. People do not like to search for better definitions, yet diverse old dialects demonstrate that it is not easy to rejuvenate a dictionary with befitting expressions. It is especially difficult in the case of concepts of earthly and heavenly Fire. There are so many visible and invisible Fires that far more subtle definitions are needed.

AUM (1936) - 89:
Likewise it may be observed that through spiritual development people free themselves from the unpleasant odors which are natural to undeveloped organisms. Let us realize that the Higher World can transform even the composition of the blood. Let us not think that such reactions are supernatural, on the contrary, they are most natural. When a man returns from the pure outdoor air he emits a fragrant odor. Equally fragrant is the consciousness overshadowed by Grace.

AUM (1936) - 137:
People cannot approach them in the earthly state, yet in the subtle body the best spirits have already approached such planets and brought back remembrances about their surface structure, coloration and inhabitants. Such experiences are rare, still they occur. They can reinforce the consciousness about infinite reality. In addition to the three invisible worlds it is necessary to recognize inhabited worlds. It is necessary to understand these oceans of thought which generate the music of the spheres. Thus let us diligently direct our thought to the distant friends and co-workers and Protectors. The thought that distant worlds are populated is not a supernatural fantasy. Man will firmly tread the earthly path when knowing about the surrounding magnitude.

AUM (1936) - 251:
251. If all the experiments with psychic energy were to be collated, a treasure-trove of access to the Higher World would be at hand. Nothing supernatural or dark should encumber such observations. This research upon the great psychic energy should be natural, honest and useful.

AUM (1936) - 367:
367. You were able to observe how much influence currents have on psychic energy. Likewise you could notice how quickly currents change and a completely different tension of psychic energy is affirmed. Such observations should be carefully kept in mind. People do not know how to conform their actions with the spatial currents. They imagine that even the study of the currents of space is some sort of supernatural sorcery. You would be rightly amazed that many sensible people who study psychic manifestations nevertheless remain isolated units who have no influence on the masses.

AUM (1936) - 463:
463. We speak about psychic energy as about a powerful motive force. We are not talking about sorcery but about a physical law. We point out the simplest paths to successful progress. We recall what has long been known, but, for all that, the ignorant will relegate Our discourses to the supernatural. They will make use of subtle energies, but they will not wish to acknowledge the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 584:
584. A disciple asked his Teacher, "Tell me, how shall I apply the Teaching in life?" The Teacher advised him, "To begin with, become kinder. Do not consider good as a supernatural gift. Let it be the foundation of your hearth; upon it build your fire, and on such a ground the flame will not be scorching." Thus asked the disciples, and the Teacher was amazed that after all the Teaching a question as to how to begin was necessary.

Brotherhood (1937) - 48:
The time will come when physicians will discover what conditions are most advantageous for the action of psychic energy. One should not presume that psychic energy can act identically under all conditions. As there are people upon whom the most powerful poisons have no effect, psychic energy also is assimilated in different ways. If receptivity will not be developed, then man will lose his most precious apparatus. But for receptivity one must establish in oneself constant alertness. For such a quality nothing supernatural is required, one has only to be attentive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 282:
282. In the Brotherhood each one works as much as he can. Each one helps in accordance with the measure of his forces; each one does not condemn in his heart; each one affirms knowledge according to his experience; each one lets no time escape, for it is irrecoverable; each one is ready to lend his strength to a Brother; each one displays his best quality; each one rejoices at the success of a Brother. Are these principles too difficult? Are they supernatural? Are they beyond human strength? Do they require superknowledge? Is it possible that only heroes can understand unity? Precisely for the sake of comprehension examples have been given of the better people becoming physicians, cobblers, weavers, butchers, in order to infix better thinking through different kinds of labor.

Brotherhood (1937) - 448:
448. Ordinary human sensations are often called something supernatural. A presentiment is quite natural, but as a result of superstition it is referred to the category of unusual agglomerations. A feeling does not deceive, but to sense it will be a certain attainment. Especially do people lose their wits when waves of different sensations simultaneously rush over them. Even trained observers cannot discriminate between contrasting feelings. One may spring up from a nearby neighbor, whereas another comes flying from beyond the distant mountains. Frequently, a nearby circumstance can interrupt very important distant currents. Let us not be distressed by the small when great calls may be hastening on. It is necessary to adjust one's feeling to the greater, knowing that it may arise. Especially when space is so tensed, one must keep one's attention fixed upon the larger tasks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
It should not be thought that We are protected in Our earthly lives from all onslaughts of darkness. Those who fulfill an earthly mission do so under earthly conditions. People usually think that We dwell in safety, and think of Us as supernatural beings. Relatively speaking, We can overcome much, but this battle is a real one. We remain victorious, because the Hierarchy of Light cannot be conquered by darkness. When one of Our Sisters exclaims "How terrible!" she does not show fear, but simply understands the tension.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366:
It has been prophesied that if man escapes the catastrophe he will turn toward the refinement of life, and the time will arrive for the coming together of the two worlds. Even now the time has come! For example, the densification of the subtle body is no longer considered as supernatural, and there are those people who, while in the physical body, know how to consciously release their subtle body. From both sides the parts of the bridge are coming together. Lightning can unite these two parts, and We wait with great vigilance for the time when the bridge will be joined. Then Our work will change course, and We shall proceed to the far-off worlds.


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