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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUPERFICIALITY (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 466:
466. The epidemic dryness of the throat indicates not only dryness of the atmosphere but also fiery tension. There is a heavy accumulation of many signs, but surprisingly little attention is paid to them. On the contrary, with the superficiality of ignorance, the strangest explanations are given of them. The shallowness of these explanations indicates that people prefer to remain with their illusions rather than deal with reality.

AUM (1936) - 117:
117. Tears and saliva alter their composition according to the state of the spirit. And each breath is different in its chemism. If ordinary breathing is not easy to investigate because of its superficiality, then a sigh which causes a tremor of the organism will be indicative. It can be noticed that a deep sigh sometimes causes something in the nature of an internal spasm. Such nerve contractions indicate increased outpouring of psychic energy. Depending on the impulse, it will stimulate the action of certain organs which will give a particular chemism to the breath. At the pronunciation of Aum a breath is manifested, the chemism of which will be very beneficial.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418:
But this lotus does not open easily, and errors are possible. People are too easily influenced by superficial impressions. They tend to forget their first, direct impression, and are too readily influenced by the second, which in its superficiality is more conventional. Also, judgments are too often formed under the influence of the words of others, and it thus becomes impossible to return to one's first, immediate impression. People forget how many obstacles they themselves create.


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