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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUMMONS (59)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 319:
319. They will ask why your book differs so from all others. Tell them their books expound a doctrine of quiescence but We sound a call to battle. In Our explaining, Our Teaching, Our encouragement, there is the summons to battle and to action.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.9:
2.9.9. My Ray manifests the sign of spirit and presages a fierce battle. One can conceive the New World as the destiny of the spirit; it can be recognized according to the importance of knowledge. The spring of the spirit brings health. The years fly, carrying to the spirit a foothold. The spirit summons and transforms the sign of priesthood into spiritual wonderment before the destiny of man.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
How then to find the way to Our Laboratories? Without a summons, no one will reach Us. Without a Guide no one will pass! At the same time there is necessary an indomitable personal striving and readiness for the hardships of the way.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.6:
In the second book those who understood the summons of the first will find the features of the desired labor.

New Era Community (1926) - 108:
108. The school will teach respect for useful inventions, but will warn against a machine slavery. All forms of slavery will be destroyed as signs of darkness. The teacher will be a guiding tutor - a friend who points out a shorter and better path. Not the process of compulsion, but the smile of summons. But, if into the schools of life treason will have seeped, then the severest judgment will put an end to such madness.

New Era Community (1926) - 187:
The hand of the Teacher summons to the threshold of the community. And from the mountain We see where the wheel of necessity is flying.

New Era Community (1926) - 226:
We are realists and can freely manage space. Great Aum summons to action!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
But there also exists a class of people whose fate is deplorable. These are the consciousnesses which do contain the seed of understanding but which, being obscured through negation, do not perceive the cycle executed by Cosmos and thus retard evolution. That which is predestined will be fulfilled, but those who retard the dates of advancement condemn themselves to regression. He who is unwilling to realize the future is like a crawfish - both walk backward. There is either the sword of achievement or an emulation of crawfish. Intentional arrogance is similar to the call of one who summons in the name of ignorance. The accumulation of cosmic fires may easily sweep away this dust. But, friends, your progress lies in your forging of the future sword. Accept these truths molded by the ages and ponder upon them!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 21:
Cosmos manifests no periods of lull. There is no refusal; there is only a summons to humanity to accept all the gifts of Space. Why then not apply the cosmic energy to the broadest task, to the glorious acquisition of treasures new to us? The advance of consciousness to the cognizance of will will reveal Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 44:
We, the Brothers of Humanity, sound the summons to the far-off worlds!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 55:
The spirit of the one who invokes arouses and summons the cosmic power. The spirit who calls Infinity to the aid of humanity becomes the helper of evolution. The spirit who knows not the call will not utilize the manifest forces of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 59:
One should comprehend the entire Cosmic Law and the Teaching of the Blessed One and of the Lords as an imperative summons to Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 155:
Humanity must understand that the changes of existences are not only changes of envelopes. Transfiguration does not mean in itself a completed image. And when the Cosmic Magnet summons to a change, it means that the transfiguration brings a new step. When will humanity begin to understand that Truth attracts toward the Magnet, which leads to affirmation of the principle of Beauty? The law of the earthly existence of the Origins holds true.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 161:
161. Only the reciprocal course can have the full guaranty of Cosmos. When Space summons to achievement, the Cosmic Magnet brings nearer that which is undeferrable. It often happens that the call collects parts that are kindred but not belonging to one nation. The partial manifestation then has the quality of a partly manifested unity. When Space calls to the great Sacrament, then Be-ness vibrates with all currents. But the highest manifestation comes into evidence there where the Magnet has collected for millennia.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 189:
189. How little has humanity understood the world of effects! There is no arbitrariness in Cosmos. He who takes casuality as his foundation, adheres but feebly to the chain of life's energy. The energy which summons to life provides the decision for the direction of striving. Therefore, an arbitrary thought will bring an indefinite decision. An arbitrary thought provides soil for destruction, but striving permits a chaotic expression to clothe itself in form. Among the forms manifested on Earth are so many victims of arbitrariness. As an action sets the spheres atremble, so also arbitrariness shakes the world of effects. The law is so immutable that it may be said that with the development of subtlety of thought it will be possible consciously to change the form.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 208:
The Tara of Knowledge magnetizes those who aspire to knowledge. The Tara of Beauty summons those who aspire to beauty. The Tara of Achievement summons those who strive toward achievement. The Tara of Synthesis can gather united spirits. Thus the Blended Heart fulfills the Covenant of the Cosmic Reason. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 230:
230. In regard to evolution, humanity never has considered what its progress costs the Impeller of energy. It is customary to maintain that the energy expended in the progress of evolution establishes the ascent step by step. But the principle causal action should be pointed out. The Cosmic Magnet provides direction as well as destination. In the entire evolutionary process one must seek this destination, and the central point of evolution must be ascertained. Mere ascent is not the impelling force, as the center of evolution is the core of all cosmic activity. The chain of events accumulates upon the circumference of this core, and unless balance is established between the evolutionary and the devolutionary human striving, it will be impossible to establish a higher step. The center of evolution creates balance, and the center of human thought violates it. Therefore, during the epoch of unbalance between good and evil, prior to the epoch of Satya Yuga, humanity must show exactitude of direction. Therefore, the fiery summons gives the direction to humanity. The center of evolution, in its ceaseless flux, maintains the basis of the Origins.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 249:
249. Psycho-activity directed toward creation of worthier beginnings is inherent in the subtle fires of an Agni Yogi. When these worthier beginnings are destroyed, humanity is saved by the projected creativeness of Fire. Then the predestined manifestation of fire is sent to humanity. The subtle energies create new possibilities which are the direct consequence of the regeneration through creative Fire. The subtle energies propel all bodies into a new sphere. The subtle energies transmute the creativeness of man; and a new aspiration is provided by the manifestation of the Agni Yogi. Thus, invisibly and powerfully, the creativeness of the Tara enters into life. Thus the ray of the Tara summons to the far-off worlds. Yes, yes, yes! At present the creativeness of the ray is greatly intensified.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 251:
251. By the world of causes, created by aspirations, may the quality of the world of effects be determined. Let us see how the Agni Yogi creates and transmutes. The fire of the Chalice represents the psycho-dynamics which ignites around it all energies. Through the synthesis of the Chalice, all fires, at different degrees, are directed by summons toward the cumulation of the Chalice of Amrita. The fire of the spirit drives all energies. The creativeness of the Agni Yogi is thus definitely impelled. Thus does the Tara transmute into beauty. Humanity will comprehend the power of the transmutation. Verily, beautiful is the creation of Be-ness!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 283:
283. The direction of the shifting of all currents depends upon the pull of the Magnet. When free currents are manifested, their attraction is directed to identical currents. All energies directed toward creativeness accelerate evolution. When the creative forces are impelled to the construction of a new step, the shifting is comprised in the collecting of psychic seeds. But when the impulsion is based upon attraction to the opposite, the power of destruction is manifested as a separating force. During magnetic attractions the strivings are full of responsibility! Therefore, Space may be considered as the treasure house containing all life inceptions. Thus, Infinity summons all creative inceptions.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 42:
42. The fusion of energies are manifested in different spheres. When a lower sphere is taut for fusion, an identical energy approaches it. The higher sphere summons the higher energy. Similarly are the human fields of action divided. Those who cling to the lower sphere preordain their own destinies. Each assimilation and each response thus affirms the tension of the spirit. These indicators subtly define the striving of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 72:
72. The incompatibility between spirit and matter compresses itself like a rushing vortex. When the spirit is burdened by contacting imperfection through the shell, it begins a battle which discloses this imperfection. The shells that impede the spirit are like encumbrances obstructing the path. Truly, encumbrances! The cosmic creativity incessantly clears away strivings toward darkness. Humanity's chief lack, lack of understanding, lies in this expressed disharmony. When the spirit and the shells which clothe it will be in harmony, humanity will come closer to the cosmic union. Thus, when the striving to the fiery process will be assimilated a new step will be affirmed. The striving of humanity to the manifestation of imperfection is developed upon the principle of light-mindedness. Speaking of the highest harmony, it is said that Cosmos creates upon the principle of unity of life. Therefore, one may attain only through unity. Thus, the Infinite summons spirit and matter.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 89:
When We sound a summons for the manifestation of sensitive receptivity, the need is great. Humanity must understand that We cannot move stones. The consciousness of humanity must manifest sensitiveness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 150:
150. The essence of the Cosmic Magnet transmutes all strivings. Only the realization of attraction effects a complete karmic bond. The principle of attraction obliges one to strive. Hence, the spirit who knows his karmic bond saturates his striving with beauty. Thus, the spirit striving to union carries out a cosmic ordinance. The cosmic blending is saturated with pure fire. The creativeness of Cosmos confirms the law of consummation. Thus summons the law.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 168:
168. With what does humanity enshroud the Earth? The most opaque sphere is that of egotism. The most worthless sphere is that manifested by the worm of jealousy. The most destructive sphere is that manifested by conceit. These spheres destroy families, empires, churches and all kinds of organizations. Whereas, Cosmos summons to cooperation. The approaching change can sweep away the human accumulations, but each participant in these accumulations carries the karma of the planet. The human creativeness is reduced to destruction. The spirit striving to Infinity participates in cosmic cooperation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 186:
186. The striving of the spirit intensifies the courage, imbuing man with the energy of fire. The power of will gives man the most aspiring and harmonious step to beauty. Only during manifestation of the constructiveness of spirit is a form a beauty brought forth. Hence, when the power of courage strains the creativeness, the result is in conformity with beauty. Let us say that only in coordination with the Cosmic Magnet can a form of beauty be created. Thus, each movement of people which is intensified by the power of spirit affords a new step of evolution. Therefore, the beauty of tension corresponds to the beauty of the creativity of the Magnet. All cosmic ordainments correspond with beauty. Thus, the path to the Infinite summons to beauty!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 407:
407. Construction awaits. Construction summons. Humanity must be affirmed in the understanding of this great call. The one who is a responsible recipient of Fire is a mover of humanity toward evolution. Hence, the subtle thinker is a mover of evolution. Thus is the cosmic striving being built. Thus thought moves humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 416:
416. The eternal interchange cosmically unites and impels toward consummation the particles which belong to each other. The creative power of Cosmos attracts the impelled particles of life which are driving toward the affirmation of consummation. Only when the spirit knows the manifested law can Cosmos powerfully attract. Therefore, when the thought of consummation summons, the particles speed toward fusion in fiery striving.

Hierarchy (1931) - 7:
7. The Ruler of Shambhala reveals three Doctrines to humanity the Teaching manifested by Maitreya summons the human spirit to Our creative world; the Teaching of Maitreya ordains the infinite in Cosmos, in life, and in the attainments of the spirit; the Teaching of Maitreya guards the knowledge of the Cosmic Fire as the unfoldment of the heart that embraces the manifestation of the Universe.

Hierarchy (1931) - 24:
The evidence of enlightenment is the best gift to evolution. The Command of cosmic life is a summons to light-sustaining achievement, and this mission is affirmed only by Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 131:
131. Therefore, when We proclaim Hierarchy We are aware of the spatial battle which summons to the realization of the highest law. Creativeness requires the affirmation of the consciously accepted principle of Hierarchy. Thus We build, thus We summon to the subtle understanding of Hierarchy. Verily, the revealed Law enters life! Thus is affirmed the highest step.

Hierarchy (1931) - 174:
174. Certainly the path of Service can bring one to higher knowledge. Only ignorance could bring the planet to its present condition. Humanity has lost the understanding of the beauty of aspiration, and construction has been established upon the stupidity of isolationism. For this reason, unity of Service has been revealed as salvation for humanity. The entire power of constructiveness is based on Hierarchy. Thus the mighty thread unites the entire Cosmos. Verily, only in full realization of Great Service can the beauty of Spirit and the Might of Hierarchy be understood. Space summons to the fulfillment of the great Law. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the steps of true evolution are built!

Hierarchy (1931) - 297:
297. Where, then, is attention directed? It must be understood that the process toward perfection lies at the basis of evolution. It summons one to simplification and to direct communion with higher worlds. It can be seen how pranayama and other artificial methods of various yogas can be replaced by a simple, fiery heart. Certainly this simplicity is relative. The flaming fiery path leads to it. Yet it brings into life precisely that which was rejected as abstraction and fiction. I consider that each striving to knowledge should be speedily brought to fulfillment. People ask why We do not compel the striving toward evolution. But even a plain nurse tells a child, "Be like a grown-up, find by yourself!"

Hierarchy (1931) - 363:
363. During cosmic perturbations purifying fires are accumulated, which intensify the atmosphere and propel the fires for the construction of the New World. Thus, upon the ruins of the old world there rises a new evolution and the Epoch of Fire which terminates Kali Yuga and saturates space with the fire of the New World. Thus, the all-encompassing Banner of the Lords summons to pure creativeness. Thus, the avowal of Hierarchy enters life. Thus, We welcome everything that is directed to Good. Thus, We welcome everything imbued with a pure striving to walk the higher path.

Heart (1932) - 150:
The summons to a unity of consciousnesses is necessary everywhere, because this is the simplest introduction into the life of the heart. This is not sorcery but a physical law that can weave a salutary net around the planet. Thus, everyone who follows the law of Being can justly consider himself a citizen of the Universe.

Heart (1932) - 215:
215. One must not fear the dark attacks. There is a multitude of dark allies, but they are like the branches of a torch. I affirm that it is the destiny of the dark ones to be the opponents of Light. But I am giving the summons for unity, and therein will lie a great experiment. One must give testimony to the world; and is not the temple of the spirit a testimony? I affirm a new understanding of Hierarchy. I affirm a new battle for the Banner of Light.

Heart (1932) - 252:
252. The anguish of the heart over the far-off worlds creates a special type of anguish. Hearts that have been tested many times cannot be confined to a fixed earthly aura. And their experience indicates how the Teaching summons them to the expansion of understanding. But nothing will erase the memory of the far-off worlds in those who have approached them in the fiery body. As countless as the stars, as inexpressible in words, is the memory of the far-off worlds. So, too, the heart will not forget about the silver thread, which is like a ladder to Infinity. The earthly body cannot withstand many fiery revelations. But the same thread of the heart retains the consciousness of the far-off worlds.

Heart (1932) - 491:
491. You see how powerful is solemnity. You see how, precisely through solemnity, one can attain. Therefore, not only must you advise solemnity but demand it as salvation. We have but begun the path of solemnity. If you succeed in pursuing it, you will see miracles. Already for a month We have been on the solemn ascent. Despite the battle We gather in solemnity. We have rejected everything planted in malice and have collected the manifested store of good. Above all achievements of the heart, solemnity radiates. We sound the summons toward it, We indicate it!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 77:
77. The absentation that you observed of course has not a physical but a yogic significance. It is induced by an urgent need of appearing without delay in distant countries. One should get accustomed to such summons when there is so much tension everywhere. For only the blind can think that tomorrow will be as yesterday!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 527:
527. One apparently simple manifestation merits attention when ten men test their prowess separately they will find that the sum of their individual efforts is less than the total of their joint effort. This mysterious something is the crown of cooperation. Again we touch on the fiery domain. Only a combined rhythmic effort summons the fiery reserves. Is not such a calculable strengthening a proof of fiery energy? Let scientists collect even the most minute data about the manifestations of fiery energy. Let them observe this something not as a mystical but a real and growing concept.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 561:
561. It is better to go to sleep with a prayer than with a curse. It is better to begin the day with a blessing than in bitterness. It is better to partake of food with a smile than with dread. It is better to enter upon a task with joy than with depression. Thus have spoken all the mothers of the world; thus have heard all the children of the world. Without Yoga, the simple heart knows what is needed for advance. In can be defined in any terms, but the significance of a joyous and solemn foundation is preserved throughout all time. The Yoga of Fire must strengthen the basis of ascent. The Agni Yoga is first of all not a hypochondriac; he summons all those who are strong and joyous of spirit. When joy keeps its glow even under the most difficult circumstances, the Agni Yogi is filled with impregnable strength. There, beyond the most difficult ascent, the Fiery World begins. The manifestation of the Fiery World is immutable. A Yogi knows that nothing can stop him from attaining the Fiery World. Thus, the first prayer of a mother and the very splendor of the Fiery Worlds are on the same thread of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 651:
651. How many unalterable truths have been rejected! They say eternal life does not exist. Yet it exists. They say the Subtle World does not exist. Yet it exists. They say no intercourse between the worlds exists. Yet it exists. They say no Higher Guidance exists. Yet it exists. Thus dark deniers would screen the light from the heart. But no lock exists which can debar the heart from achievement. One should not only discuss and read, one should also sense the warmth of the heart. This warmth of the heart can be measured; this means it is accessible to simple apparatuses. Agni will point the way to that land where the victory of the heart is preordained. The Fiery World summons to victory.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 213:
How instructive were the tests wherein from an initial letter a disciple had to find the whole required word. But not many will seek such a unified consciousness. It must be pointed out how much such searches reinforce the guidance. Not to a prepared meal does the Teacher summon one, but He knows places in the forest where one may gather ripe berries. To this place of blissful harvest the Guide summons, and He regrets if the disciple prefers to buy unclean berries in the market place. Thus does Guidance flow through the heart, when the solicitous Hand imperceptibly directs toward the best path.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 29:
29. Today, on Our Day, I shall tell how the power of beauty summons into the World of Fiery Completion. Creativeness through the power of Cosmic Love is infinite. The space resounds with the affirmation of the law of Cosmic Love. The rays are intertwined in powerful unity. Only by united Rays was it possible to arrest the many earthquakes which We have stopped. Thus for the World the experiment of Agni Yoga is being affirmed as a fiery transmutation. But for the Higher World there exists the knowledge of the cosmic law which manifests the experiment of Agni Yoga as a preparation for the acceptance of the Ray of the great Cosmic Right. Thus, the Fiery World makes manifest the essential nature of the Cosmic Right.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 87:
87. Verily, the Invisible World explains everything visible - from the Unmanifested to the manifested, from manifested to the Subtle. Thus, all energies are saturated by the One Fire. Thus, the transmutation of that which is manifested through Fire is the eternal process of evolution of Worlds. Actions invisible upon the Earth are just as vital as earthly processes, and they can affirm the bond between the Worlds. Often those who have approached the Light are perplexed as to why difficult trials do not cease. One may answer that each process invokes in the Invisible World a tension, manifested by the Forces of Light and by the hordes of darkness. Humanity is then made manifest as a useful conductor when the force of the spirit can attract the Power of Light. But it is not easy for a wavering spirit to overcome the hordes of darkness. Thus, let us remember on the Fiery Path that the spirit summons Forces from the Subtle World and from the different spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 172:
172. The most difficult of all for humanity to understand is the beauty of achievement. Verily, achievement in life is a great motive power, for what can better awaken the consciousness than the beauty of achievement? What, then, can produce a striving upwards, and tear one away from the lower strata if not the spirit impelled to achievement? The direction of humanity manifestly is exactly the opposite, and is affirmed in the spheres which hold the spirit to the Earth for long periods of time. Therefore, each exalted feeling takes on such monstrous interpretations. Verily, life summons to fiery achievement, to great fiery Beauty. But man is torn away from his everyday life with such difficulty! Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the achievement of Beauty.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 187:
187. Resounding on the cosmic note can be transmitted spatially to the spirit which perceives the subtle currents. Among the subtle manifestations of such reverberations of the spirit must be especially noticed those which are audible to the fiery spirit. How vital it is to harken to that apparently inaudible tone which can transmit to the spirit spatial joy or anguish. The manifestation of inexplicable anguish can derive from the sounding of a spatial tone. The subtle organism of this bearer of Fires shudders from these notes of space. The physical ear cannot hear it, but the subtle hearing detects that which is inaudible to the ear and receives it in the heart. Therefore, the striving spirit is a creator in unison with the Cosmos, and knows the cosmic soundings which intensify space. In them is contained summons or call; in them is victory or battle; in them is sorrow or joy. Verily, he who knows these soundings and experiences the joy and anguish of communion with space, may be called a great fire-bearer. To this the fiery heart of the Mother of Agni Yoga bears witness. Thus let us remember the great unified Heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 252:
252. The realization that the spirit contains in its seed that quality of the Light which can become aflame in striving, can verily serve as the eternal motive for ascent. Each spirit must sense this unity with the Light, which lives fierily in the seed. Why, then, not strive for that force which can awaken the best impulses in the spirit! Each spirit manifests its possibilities by communion with the Fiery Source. Only separation from the Light leads the spirit away from the fiery path. Only when this higher concept is awakened will the spirit be directed to the fiery quest. Spatial Fire summons man to the attainment of higher energies. On the path to the Fiery World let us cognize with the heart the power of the seed of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 264:
264. In this time of world obstruction there is only the one path of regeneration of thinking. Precisely it is important to awaken the consciousness. Indeed, when the spirit can look back and know that yesterday's thinking has already passed, then takes place the transmutation bringing discernment. Indeed the expiring time can indicate to the spirit how all energies pass on and are reworked. But woe to those who wish to encounter the future by looking backward! For the spirit overburdened with yesterday's remains is laden with a massive weight. With such a burden one cannot ascend the Mountain, one cannot pass through the Gates of Light, one cannot become associated with the luminous Future. Thus, if the Church Fathers summon into the past, the Servants of Light summon into the future. Awakening of consciousness, clarification of the Teaching, and summons into the future will result in a great regeneration of thinking. On the path to the Fiery World, My Guiding Hand shifts energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 311:
311. Each great reconstruction summons from space great energies. Nets of constructiveness are cast far beyond the limits of the earthly spheres. But together with all the pressure of the Forces of Light, there are intensified also the forces of darkness. As one substance manifests a reaction against contact, another, likewise, reacts to each dislocation. During cosmic transformation space reacts to each vibration. Indeed, events are being compressed, as is a substance through chemical reaction. Spatial fire begins to assemble new forces, but subterranean fire seeks to break through. So, too, the forces of the spirit are expanding, manifesting their strivings subject to their accumulations. A great transmutation draws near and the Fiery World awaits an affirmation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 342:
342. The Cosmic Will directs consciousness to understanding of the necessity of equilibrium; indeed, of that equilibrium on the spiritual and the earthly plane without which the different spheres cannot be unified. The spiritual plane appears as something so strange to the majority of humanity! Above the limits of the very lowest spheres mankind does not penetrate, and the lowest psychism is the result. That toward which man is striving becomes his manifest tyrant and his scourge. The subordination of humanity it, indeed, affirmed by these concupiscences. The Cosmic Will summons to regeneration of the consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the realization of equilibrium.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 378:
378. The manifest Battle summons to a discernment of the paths which lead to Light and to darkness. During the cosmic tension of all forces, this discernment is indispensable, for space is saturated with fiery arrows. Every consciousness must be imbued with affirmation of the fiery Battle. Verily, during such fiery tension of manifested arrows humanity must straightway accept that direction of salvation which has been indicated to it by the Forces of Light. To the assistance of the planet are sent fiery currents; they must be received with spirit and heart. On the path to the Fiery World it is especially important to realize the power extended for the salvation of mankind.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 560:
560. The Teacher who has not overcome intolerance cannot mold the future. The Teaching is given for the future. The spirit cannot advance without forging perfectionment. Thus, it is possible to command the attention of listeners, but it is far more necessary to arouse a movement forward. The Teacher does not forbid reading different books. Everyone who fears puts limitations on himself, but the leader summons to a broad cognition. He will not restrain one from good in all of its aspects. This liberality of spirit is indispensable. He who does not even wish to listen is already afraid of something. Thus, the fiery condition requires broad gates and the speediest of wings.

AUM (1936) - 192:
192. Let no one think that Our summons to the Higher World means tearing one away from Earth. On the contrary, the greatness of the Higher World only affirms all other manifestations of life. Earth cannot be a negligible planet when it is enwrapped in the very energy which is filled with the higher Light. Each comparison with the Higher World also enhances the good quality of earthly thoughts. Only evil can separate the worlds; only ignorance can dismember manifestations; only non-understanding counsels that earthly life is no part of beautiful creativeness; therefore, let us direct all science toward a righteous cognition. Nothing can divert one's heart if devotion and the sense of beauty live in it.

AUM (1936) - 257:
257. In the Subtle World it is possible to remain in the lower strata for interims centuries long. One should not be astonished at the resourcefulness of certain people; in their insanity they can contrive much that is impossible for a healthy man. Madness of a special kind is to be found in the Subtle World. Unfailingly the law insists upon the date of incarnation, but the madness of the consciousness may be such that in larger measure only evil can be born. Just as cowardly soldiers cut off their fingers in order to avoid the battle, so do the madmen who dwell in the Subtle World contrive to avoid a summons to the banner of labor. It is impossible to evade the law entirely, but it is possible to conceal oneself temporarily in darkness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 265:
265. An ancient adage says, "He who thinks about death summons it." Likewise, physicians also have sometimes noticed that thought about the end brings it near. Much of folk wisdom contains a particle of truth. But one must first of all reflect - is it possible to be occupied with thought about that which does not exist? It is time for people to recognize that life is uninterrupted. Thus the attitude toward earthly existence will be completely altered. For proper evolution it is necessary to speedily affirm the right point of view toward a continuous life. Science must come to the help of dispersing gloomy fallacies. It is not for man to think about the grave, but about wings and ordained beauty. The more clearly man instills in his consciousness the beauty of the worlds, the more easily will he be receptive to new conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 283:
283. Whoever in speaking attributes the Teaching of Life to himself falls into falsehood. The Sources of the Teaching are beyond human limits. The Truth has been written down in Infinity, but each day it reveals a new hieroglyph of its eternalness. Mad is he who while on earth arrogates to himself the Teaching of Life. The loftiest sage considers himself a messenger. Not the new is proclaimed, but what is needed for the hour. The steward summons to the meal; this is not new, but for the hungry it is extremely important. So much the worse if someone obstructs the call to a meal. He who hinders forges shackles for himself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 450:
450. Wherein, then, is progress? Some assume that it is in constant recognition of the new. Will not such aspiration be one-sided, and must there not be added to it regulation of the old? More than once it has been shown that people abstractly strive toward something new, and yet continue to dwell in an old pigsty. Someone gives lectures about cleanliness, yet is himself extremely filthy. Will such instruction be convincing? Or a lazy man summons to labor, but who will give heed to him? Let us not be afraid to repeat such primitive examples, for life is full of them.


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