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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUGGEST (32)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.15:
During work, when fatigue already possessed the disciples, Buddha would ask the most unexpected question and await the promptest reply. Or, placing the simplest object before them, He would suggest that they describe it in not more than three words or not less than one hundred pages. Or, placing a pupil before a locked door, He would ask: "How will you open it?" Or, summoning musicians beneath the window, He would have them sing hymns of entirely dissimilar contents. Or, noting the presence of an annoying fly, He would ask the pupil to repeat some words unexpectedly pronounced. Or, passing in front of the pupils, He would ask them how many times He had done so. Or noticing a fear of animals or of natural phenomena, He would give them the task of mastering it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.4:
3.5.4. Can it be so very difficult for you to understand the meaning of astrology? If knowledge of it is lacking, I suggest making an experiment. Suppose you take four organisms: a plant, a fish, a bird, and an animal - let us say a lily, a carp, a dove, and a dog. Provide seven specimens of each, and for each group construct a place deprived of daylight and saturated with a colored electric light. The glass should be of various colors, conforming as closely as possible to the colors of the rainbow. At night you should merely reduce the amount of light. Thus you may observe them for about four months.

New Era Community (1926) - 94:
No more than a year must elapse before books are verified, otherwise the number of victims will be great. It is especially necessary to stand guard over the book when its merit is shaken. The library shelves are full of abscesses of falsehood. It should not be permissible to preserve these parasites. You may propose to someone to sleep on a poor bed, but it is impossible to suggest reading a false book through.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 45:
We shall not miss the ordained date when lightning-bolts of thought will provide the solution for the world. We suggest that humanity not only think about but realize the astrochemical moment of the planet when thought, like a chemical ingredient, will intensify the atmosphere.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 160:
160. Can we think about battle only in terms of victory? What seems like failure is the root of strength. Success is like multicolored blossoms. But tap the roots, because in them is found the sap of power. I suggest that power be understood as being gained from the accumulations of experience. We are again in the garden of life, where experience assures attainment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 342:
On ancient images one can see tongues of flame encircling the auras. But now this physical phenomenon has been forgotten. You know the full reality of what is being said. But let the scientists not complain if, prior to their discovery of Fire, We suggest that they first discover the crystal of imperil. Besides, it has almost been discovered by them already. It is easier to deal with the poison of irritation than to seek the superior psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 394:
One should not coerce others, nor should one even try to persuade them. One may only suggest, strengthening it with the cement of feeling. But of course fiery feeling may not always be present.

Heart (1932) - 69:
69. The complaints against insufficient guidance are customary. People are accustomed to cover their idiosyncrasies with complaints. But, precisely, humanity is not bereft of Guidance; it should pay attention to all that is given! Many impulses that arise through spiritual influence are lost not only without benefit but even become injurious by remaining misconstrued in the storehouses of consciousness. It can be stated that a minimum fraction of suggestion finds fitting application; especially obstructive are the habits that impel the consciousness into conventional paths. They also deplete the abilities of the heart when it is prepared to re-echo to the Highest Guidance. It is exactly the heart which knows the highest from the lowest; but the enfeebled, obscured heart will itself be at the lowest level, where even the lowest will appear to be the highest. Purity of heart is the most essential possession. Wisdom, courage, self-sacrifice cannot be contained in an obscured heart. But Guidance will suggest deeds of heroism, and such counsel must not seem extreme or austere.

Heart (1932) - 501:
501. We shall suggest to physicians that they treat all unaccountable manifestations as belonging to the Subtle World - then there will be no errors. Let them only begin to measure and compare all so-called healthy hearts! I deem it essential to understand how unusual is this time and how necessary it is to become accustomed to it. It is also necessary always to remember about the current battle.

Heart (1932) - 586:
586. The pledge of leadership can provide that collective force which a commander gives on the field of battle. An experienced warrior is not confused by the fluctuations of success. Pulsation is inherent in each growth - a level exists only in an absence of motion. Thus, the living heart is not placid. But during cosmic tension one can suggest to the heart not to overstrain itself. The link of the individual heart with the cosmic pulse is very evident. The Universal Heart can be sensed through laboratory methods.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58:
It is manifested generally in both children and adults, and even in animals. But people prefer not to recognize this preliminary form of dreadful calamity. They will superficially attribute it to the most varied diseases; anything to keep from thinking about the unusual. All such patients should be isolated, and the dead cremated at once. People who have lost their psychic energy may easily succumb to this contagion. It can be intensified by various additional forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin will suggest smallpox or scarlet fever; the majority of fiery manifestations are reflected upon the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual manifestations. Musk, and hot milk with soda will be good preventives. Cold milk is not assimilated by the tissues, whereas hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers. Having tried to reduce temperature with cold applications, people often find that a mustard plaster or hot compress results in unexpected improvement. We definitely oppose cupping glasses and leeches, because they affect the heart and may be dangerous.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 279:
279. More than once have We pointed out the desirability of flights into the Subtle World. But conditions may arise of such tension as to make Us suggest caution. With the best intentions, flights may become intolerable to someone. On returning to the physical body the subtle being is somewhat fatigued, and each malicious assault can result in harm.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 293:
293. Healing through suggestion has been called fiery striving. True, this method of healing is now being developed more extensively. Therefore one should avert possible harm from ignorant application of the fiery energy. Suggestion can arrest pain, but if those who employ suggestion do not know the origin of the illness, these suggestions can be likened to harmful narcotics. It is another matter when suggestion is applied by an experienced physician; he not only alleviates the reflex of pain but also traces the flow of the illness and can suggest to the corresponding organs that they resume their normal functions. A wise physician will also not neglect astrology. One may laugh all one wishes, but a scientifically cast horoscope will aid in diagnosing sickness itself and determining contributing circumstances. One should pay full attention to astrochemistry and understand the power of suggestion. If suggestion utilizes fiery energy, how deep and powerful an influence is exerted by Fire! One must do away with the custom of narrow command and forbiddance now used by hypnotists. Only a knowledge of the organism and of all circumstances permits the physician to apply his command to all the affected parts. The weakened organs can be considerably restored by guiding and coordinating them with the fire of the heart. Every physician must develop within himself the power of suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 616:
616. Thought-creativeness cannot be definitely discerned on the earthly plane; herein lies its difference from the Fiery World. The Higher Beings perceive the effect of their thoughts immediately, whereas here we can know only their direction, and the ultimate result is disclosed only after a certain lapse of time. Thus, one can gradually form an idea of the differences between manifestations in various worlds. Likewise, one can gradually approach fiery consciousness, eradicating the barriers between worlds. One can imagine the state when death will be no more, and the transition will be a usual attainment. It is impossible to understand how such separation between worlds came about, since it is not necessary for evolution, unless people have created a prideful concept of Earth. It can be discovered that in remote antiquity there was greater understanding of the spherical form of the planet than after the post-glacial period. True, many ancient traditions have been confused, and only now people begin correctly to extend their estimate of the continuity of the life of our Earth. It is amazing how apparently learned people discuss the greatness of God, yet at the same time seek to disparage his creations. If scientists two hundred years ago had dared to hint at the great antiquity of the planet, or to suggest other inhabited worlds, their contemporaries would probably have resorted to the well-tried remedy of the stake. And one may be equally sure that even now some moderate theory, though based on experiments, will be assailed as a fraud. Thus, people regard the destiny of this planet as the alpha and omega of the entire Universe. Much persuasion will be required to remind humanity that in all the promulgated Covenants the Era of Fire was foretold.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 29:
29. Verily one may operate upon the spleen. Physically the organism can exist for some time even without it, but this will be a purely physical solution. Up to the present people have not cared about the consequences for the subtle body. Whereas, the organ which is connected with the subtle body must be greatly protected but not destroyed. The same takes place in the removal of the appendix; man not only lives but even gains weight, yet one of the main functions of the psychic energy is disorganized. The appendix absorbs the psychic elements of food. Someone may live even without such elements, but why deprive the organism of such helpers? Of course all physical operations upon the heart show how far physicians are from the psychic problem. Therefore it is very needful to avoid all physical operations, if the conditions needed for the subtle body are not observed. Unavoidable operations should be accompanied by corresponding suggestion, in order that the parts of the subtle body may assume the required position. One should mentally contact the subtle body. If the thought affirms through suggestion the fiery self-protection then a multitude of ill consequences will be avoided. Such self-protection is especially necessary against all infections. If during an operation one could suggest the necessary processes, the help of the subtle body would considerably contribute to the desired result. Such suggestion can regulate all the functions of the organism, but without this assistance it is sad to see how the subtle bodies are mutilated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 152:
152. One must grow to love the path of the Fiery World. No striving is of assistance if it is not protected by love. Precisely the fire of love, in its chemism, is closest of all to the Fiery World. Thus, even in difficult days let us generate the currents of love. Rarely do people understand that love is actually a fiery principle. Usually people suppress the most salutary qualities of love. Precisely by these qualities does man most easily overcome the manifestations of darkness. Let us not cite examples, but merely emphasize the healing power of love. People especially respond to healing power. They dream about the elixir of life, but beyond a life on Earth their poor imagination can suggest nothing. Thus, let us not forget that imagination is a quality of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 559:
559. Does one become cognizant of the Teaching only in order to tremble at every shadow? It is sometimes helpful to ask oneself how much of the Teaching has been so far applied in life. It is useful to suggest this thought to friends. Let them reflect and write down. Worn out thinking is cleansed by such writings, it is like taking an oath before oneself.

AUM (1936) - 94:
94. There is much fire, and consequently one can understand the waves which burn and fatigue. Subterranean and superterrestrial fires are related, yet they are far apart in their reaction. Man are unwilling to understand their own influence upon subterranean fire. Astrological signs suggest thoughts of special caution, but instead men only increase the danger. Of what concern is it to the bipeds, if because of them on another continent a destructive flame bursts out!

AUM (1936) - 118:
118. There are some who suppose that man is continuously dying; others know that man is incessantly reborn. The former are motivated by fear, the latter by joy. The former suggest death to themselves, the latter recognize life. Thus, man to a large extent predetermines his own future. One may be confident that he who destines death for himself does not know about the Higher World. He may display outward ritual, but his heart is far from the truth.

AUM (1936) - 155:
155. Besides earthquakes, there can be atmospheric disturbances. There can be concussions, as it were, during which the earthly sphere is agitated. These are caused not only by the crossing of currents, but also by conditions in the Subtle World. During discoveries, frequently something inexplicable is felt. This may be a reminder of the invisible world, full of energy. I would suggest that writers collect such unknown facts; thus will be accumulated a book of new juxtapositions.

AUM (1936) - 184:
184. The experienced physician, extending medical aid, says to the patient, "Forget about your illness!" He knows that people do not usually know how to suggest to themselves recovery. Therefore it is better not to let them tire themselves with doubt as to their health. People could help their recovery by directing their forces toward healing, but they prefer to weaken themselves by not allowing nature to exercise its good action.

AUM (1936) - 357:
357. There exist self-styled invalids who suggest to themselves all the symptoms of disease. But there is a still more dangerous case, when a man has in himself the germs of a disease, and instead of opposing it he gives in to it and deprives himself of the possibility of recovery. In the first case it is possible to act by means of suggestion, for there is no real disease. But in the second it is far more difficult; the man himself hastens the process of disease. He becomes the slave of his sickness and tries with all his strength to aggravate the symptoms of the disease. He constantly observes himself, but not in a desire to recover. He falls into the deepest self-pity and thus drives away every possibility of suggestion. The man is even offended and angry when spoken to about the possibility of recovery. Thus he can reach a dangerous degree of depression which cannot be transformed into a rising strength. This acts as a counterenergy; and the man deprives himself of his basic value - striving toward self-perfection.

Brotherhood (1937) - 295:
295. Solemnity should be strengthened by the concept of Brotherhood. It ought not to remain an empty sound. To affirm solemnity means to sing hymns to the rising sun. It must be realized what purification is vouchsafed at being filled with health-giving solemnity. All the proposed concepts have a significance both elevating and curative. We suggest all that which can also fortify the body. Let us not think that exalted concepts are manifested only as exaltation; they also constitute salutary means that strengthen the organism. One should realize the power of beneficent concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 11:
11. Urusvati would like to provide more knowledge to people, but straight-knowledge indicates to her the limits of what is possible. The discovery of these limits is a stumbling block for many, and great misfortune results from overlooking them. It is impossible to indicate in earthly terms the hidden, co-measured boundary, but a broadened consciousness can suggest where the possibility of harm begins. You yourself know how often people demand an answer that they then cannot accept. They say, "Tell us quickly, and we will decide what to accept and what to reject." They like to play jackstraws, pulling out only that which is most attractive to them. They do not care if it all falls to pieces, although even children know that the whole should not be disrupted. Grown-ups throw bombs and are astonished when they are maimed by them. They love to repeat Our analogy of a boomerang but do not see the consequences of their own blows.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60:
As long as people are preoccupied with magi and sorcerers, they are not with Us. The heart alone is needed for the Abode. A beautiful heart will always suffer on Earth, but the suffering heart becomes trustworthy. A fish cannot live without water, and the eagle does not rejoice without freedom. We want to suggest simplicity to our friends, for the complexity of life has already become harmful. Therefore We are silent about many discoveries, and although many formulas are ready in Our Abode, it is too early to reveal them to scientists, for their high purpose is too easily turned to harmful applications. Let those people who know Us guard this knowledge. A treacherous apostate will receive a wound that will not heal. But let us not speak about consequences, because some will take it as a threat. Every weaver grieves over a torn thread and rejoices at a strong yarn - thus it is also with the human spirit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101:
Let us not calculate by earthly measures, and let us take the future into consideration. The complexity of relationships is such that neither jinn nor fools should be dismissed immediately, even when they seem insane. We are in the midst of the world's events, and cannot cut karmic knots, for this might cause catastrophe. People often suggest that We put an end to certain circumstances, not realizing that the ends of such threads can turn into snares for them by enmeshing their own karma.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116:
We use both physical and spiritual armor, and suggest that Our followers acquire the armor that will protect them from the blows of chaos. Please do not take Our words about armor as symbolic, but realize that there is need for a weapon created by your consciousness. The stronghold is strengthened when the bridge to the Tower of Chun is firm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
One should remember the myths about Icarus and Simon Magus, which suggest flights into the Subtle World. Some day man will again develop the power of levitation, but first he must understand psychic energy. Similar predictions can be traced in other fields. We do not fail to remind people about those possibilities that are knocking at their doors and can accelerate their evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135:
Urusvati also knows that talk or thought about Us brings the sacred vibration closer. We, too, know the power of exalted thought, and come together for the purpose of thinking unitedly about the Beautiful. However, We do not suggest one particular image; each individual selects the most beautiful according to his affinity. Thus, a symphony is created which comes close to the music of the spheres. Its chords ring out like victorious trumpets, so harmonious that their very sounds fill the heart with joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 139:
139. Urusvati knows that many decisive moments pass in silence. First may come a storm, with lightning and thunder, but the foundation is silence. When We suggest unification in silence, then somewhere something significant is taking place. Such concentrated silence gathers a special energy, which potentially is more powerful than even the loudest words. Very few understand silence as action. Our entire Abode sometimes merges into profound silence when something of great importance is taking place.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220:
According to a certain kind of person, nothing worthwhile exists for him here on Earth and therefore he has no reason to live. However, if he carries such thoughts with him into the Subtle World, he will continue the same idle existence there. If people limit their idea of the Subtle World by their earthly experience, they will prevent themselves from acquiring new experiences. Few think about the higher worlds, and most would be afraid of the radiance of Materia Lucida. The possibility that thinking will become keener frightens the limited mind. While still on Earth, people should suggest to themselves where precisely they would like to continue their progress. They must concentrate their free will and direct their minds toward consciously chosen subtle experiences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 326:
If you ask the ordinary man what he considers coarse, he will probably suggest foul talk, blasphemy, and boorishness. But these are only some aspects of coarseness. The origins of coarseness are not recognized by most people. Only the one who deals with subtle energies can understand that coarseness is a violation of all that is subtle. People should understand that politeness is not a cure for rudeness. One can meet people who are polite, yet coarse, and they will certainly be the last to admit it.


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