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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUFFOCATES (2)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 52:
52. How much striving is dissipated by humanity in the search for phenomena, without heed to the voice which directs it toward the power of spirit-understanding. Does the materialization of objects have such powerful attraction that the understanding of the transmissions of spirit and energy can be erased? How can materialization, which suffocates the consciousness and which leads only to visible manifestations, direct the spirit to the far-off worlds? Each manifested form is of itself a cosmic phenomenon. Humanity has arrested itself upon the step of search for visible manifestations. In speaking of the far-off worlds, one should accept the entire broad understanding of infinite growth. Let us confirm our consciousness upon the thought of the far-off worlds. The stimulus of spirit creativeness comprises the entire boundlessness of striving. In it is preserved the great cosmic striving. Only with the understanding of invisible materialization can there be true striving, because in that great impulse of the Universe, is comprised the entire cosmic creativeness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 163:
163. The lightning which cleaves space creates purification of the spheres. Each cosmic manifestation transmutes those energies which must be reworked. In the Cosmic Laboratory there are many means of spatial discharges. Purification is a necessary process in the Cosmos. Knowing the unity of Macrocosm and microcosm, one must find understanding of each process. Who will transmute the spirit of humanity? We say - the lightning of the Spirit of the Bearer of Fire. Who will let fly the cosmic arrow for the destruction of evil? Who will take up the task of cleansing the entrusted Banners? Rightly has been called to mind the Sword of Christ. When cosmic energies are tensed in fiery might, and purifying lightnings are making space atremble, the Fiery Spirit creates correspondingly. The World suffers from half-way measures and suffocates from indulgences - yes, yes, yes! Lightning of the spirit can cleanse space. Lightning of the spirit can make manifest the far-off Worlds. Lightning of the spirit can bestow a wonderful future, for lightning of the spirit saturates space with fiery energies. Who will manifest the prophetic fire of purification? Only the Co-worker of Cosmic forces, only the Co-worker of the Forces of Light. To Her, Co-worker of the Cosmic forces, Fellow-traveler of the Forces of Light, have I ordained the lightning of the spirit. To Her has been given the right to create with the Cosmic Sword. To Her has been given the Fiery Heart - let the Light be of the lightning of Beauty - yes, yes, yes! I have spoken.


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