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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUFFICE (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 318:
Twilight must not exist for you. They will ask wherein is the quest for perfection. Reply: In Love, in Beauty, in Action. These three paths suffice.

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
And so, We shall ask "Why then does the skeptical man in the street unceasingly spin legends and weave myths?" A thousand years suffice to polish a most exquisite myth, and a man of social standing is lauded onto a paper Olympus. And newborn skeptics hang upon the edge of his mantle, persuading their comrades to the throne the new heaven-dwellers. Anew tailor re-cuts the mantle and the myth is born. We are not speaking about these phoenixes just for a smile. It is necessary at last to assimilate the manifestation of reality. And any manifestation of ignorance must be realistically uncovered and thrust out of the community.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 222:
222. When the spirit shifts its accumulations, its striving draws it toward the asserted Magnet. Therefore, every tension of the centers is calling forth a new cosmic combination. The creativeness of the centers calls forth an intensified energy. Therefore, all independent action of the centers is imbued with Fire, and the flame of the spirit kindles the impulses of those who surround it; therefore, one must co-measure in expending the psychic energy. It must suffice for all things; hence, the strength must be guarded. One should not fatigue oneself after sunset.

Hierarchy (1931) - 81:
81. It will be asked, How must we direct our prayers to the Highest One if the Image of the Lord is constantly before us? Say, Precisely through Him address yourself to the Highest One. Besides, if you have reached the state of keeping a constant Image of the Lord before you, this question cannot disquiet you at all. When we reach a conscious communion with the subtlest energies, much of that which did not find its place yesterday becomes fully comprehensible today. Thus we learn to rejoice and to be calm, where yesterday we sorrowed. It is useful to observe how our consciousness is purified through everyday labor. Now especially the tempering of these swords is timely, because the air is filled with fire. Only the Image of the Lord can rotate all centers and serve as a Shield. Let us not be afraid to repeat about swords and shields, because We desire peace and the reign of spirit. As victors cease to remember their enemies, so We do not count them; and a forest will not suffice to liken them to trees.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 663:
663. How can one attain success? Remember, through joy - not through despair, but joy. Do not for an instant believe that We ponder the probability or improbability of success. The thought is, Does your joy suffice to quicken the ascent? We always counsel joy. It is necessary to realize and remember that you have succeeded when you rejoiced. Certainly this is not the frisking of a calf on the meadow, but the creative joy which transforms all difficulties. The play of the Mother of the World is in joy. She enfolds the enlightened ones in Her veil of joy. Rejoice amidst flowers; and in the midst of snow - equally redolent - also rejoice!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 94:
94. The heart in its full significance is a transmuter and a condenser. Often these processes happen to be so strong that human strength cannot suffice to contain and endure the tension. From antiquity has come the prayer about resigning one's spirit to God. One should understand truly this surrender of the spirit. If you feel an unbearable anguish of the heart, transfer it mentally to the Lord. Thus you may join your heart with the Inexhaustible Source - Hierarchy. Such action may be particularly needed when the tension of the entire planet is great. One must be prepared for the most diversified influences, both cosmic and human. The adherence of the heart to Hierarchy is a continuous action, but at present We are pointing out particular instances when it becomes necessary to strengthen the heart with the manifestation of Hierarchy with especial clarity of consciousness. Many will not understand how one can strengthen the heart by thought, because for them the heart is but a physical organ. But whoever has felt Our currents will understand the meaning of this bond. The World is living through such a tension that it is timely to remind about the necessity of readiness for such communions. The Fiery World must be evoked in full consciousness. In case of need one may even orally address the Lord. Upon all steps of Hierarchy there is the same transmission and communion. And how majestic is this Ladder of Immeasurable Help.

AUM (1936) - 43:
43. Some devote themselves entirely to prayer, others are able to combine prayer with labor. Let us not weigh which is the more precious; suffice it that prayer and the link with the Higher World do exist and transform life. Do not be astonished if a worker produces a better quality of work by performing it with an invocation of higher Assistance. Be not amazed if the shortest prayer will be the most efficacious.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 24:
24. Urusvati understands the correlation between the sleeping and waking states. For some, sleep is the opposite of the waking state, but for Us sleep is a continuation of labor, although in a different state. Sleep should not be understood otherwise. That it is a necessity cannot be denied. Some conditions may reduce the need for sleep, but do not remove the need for it. On the heights four hours of sleep may suffice, but this is only possible at a certain altitude.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
Half-felt measures will not suffice in days of great calamity, when there must be a unity that bars even the slightest discord. The hostile forces dwell in such little cracks and poison seeps into shields damaged by discord, against which Our defense is perfect love. Let all Our friends wear this trustworthy armor. Do not mislead yourself by thinking that small splinters are harmless, for they cause terrible infection. In Our intense life the cracks of doubt are the most dangerous.


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