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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUCCESS (199)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 61:
61. Labor is the guarantee of success. Each of you must endure earthly thorns. Manifest strength of spirit and approach! Open your hearts through benevolence. The Teacher values every pure quest for Higher Knowledge. The spirit of reason bestows knowledge upon the seekers of Truth. It is enough to follow the path of spirit-realization - the rest will come.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 95:
95. I have called you for a great task. The Teacher has entrusted its success unto you. The strength needed to follow Me is bestowed upon you. Arrows, shields, swords have you received, and with My Helmet shall I protect your head. Fight in My Name, may love dwell with you. The promise will be fulfilled in due time. Keep the flame alight - I teach.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.2:
1.6.2. On Our scales the striving of the spirit is weightier than aught else. The success in life is strengthened only by the electricity of the prayer of achievement.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.2:
I teach you to understand wisely the future. Success must follow My people.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.7.4:
The follower of wisdom likes to look far ahead. Stay the vile slanders by a smile bereft of irritation. The success of lightminded people is like the trickle of a small fountain, but a wise householder will labor to bring the water from the ocean and will then enjoy the eternal coolness of his fountain.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.15:
1.9.15. I want to tell you to proceed more boldly, with all the power of spirit. The fetters of Earth will not impede you. Success will accompany the courageous ones.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.10.3:
1.10.3. Success should be nursed as a flower.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.10.6:
1.10.6. Success manifests wings. Seekers of achievement, I will safeguard you upon the wave's crest and set you above a precipice as on an inaccessible tower.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.13:
And thus shall we pass between all dangers; and failure will turn into success.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.8:
Success is only a sign of the correct direction. Success is but the understanding of the moment. The Teaching is but the lifting of the curtain of the theater. How wonderful it is to be an actor in the world's mystery! Walk in joy! The unbroken chain has great value. My Hand sends rays from the mountains. We shall begin the New Era without delay. I teach not to dream but to harken to the flow of events.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.2:
2.3.2. A whirlwind evoked by crimes stifles the hoary Earth. Fumes float about, obscuring the mind. The iron shower is beyond endurance. One should be cautious. Beware - success lies not in haste but in the understanding of the times. The hand of fate leads toward the inevitable dates. Desire the manifestation of the New World. It is not We who shake the empires; We only sweep away the decay. It is important to understand the rhythm of the tide: now the lofty joy of understanding, now destruction.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.7:
The best tinning takes place when the fire does not burn the ware. Success may be tinned only when its shell has been completed in spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.13:
2.7.13. Learning about sacrifice, you receive power. Success follows sacrifice. His Teaching is firmly grounded because it is based on sacrifice. Success is nothing else but the counterstroke of sacrifice. The success can be in advance of the sacrifice, as a loan, but inexorable is the fate of the debtor. If today one can pay with little, within a year the payment due will increase. Before the year elapses the debtor becomes stooped with his burden.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.8:
Success is then when the consummation is beautiful. Success is then when one can set forth upon a new journey.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.7:
One can compare the essence of the Teaching with the exigency of certain moments of battle. I will not conceal from you that after a success dark rumors always leak through, and one should allow time for the dark missiles to fly by, especially when the fortress has been marked upon the enemy's map. But when the shells furrow the surrounding ground, it will be only the more fitting for future foundations. Therefore, he who has patience will be able to lay the future foundations. When we sit in silence the bond becomes stronger.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.16:
3.5.16. Success will not abandon those who are striving impetuously, for it is difficult to strike an arrow in flight. How swiftly approaching are the dates of those predestined ones, yet in movement yesterday must be distinguished from tomorrow.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.12:
Success lies in expanded consciousness; it is impossible to approach it in fear. The ray of courage will lead above obstacles; because, as the world now knows, the seed of blood grows. The seed of knowledge grows, the seed of beauty grows!

New Era Community (1926) - 4:
4. Unity is pointed out in all beliefs as the sole bulwark of success. Better attainments can be affirmed if the unity of co-workers is assured. One may cite a great number of examples when mutual trust among the co-workers helped in lofty solutions. Let people, from home and hearth up to the spacial preordinations, remember about the value of cooperation. The seed of labor withers without the moisture of reciprocity. Let us not look backward too much. We hastening fellow-travelers shall become weary if we jostle each other. We shall realize a beautiful meaning if we can introduce the great concept - friend. Community may consist only of friends.

New Era Community (1926) - 34:
34. How is it possible to move hearts? By not losing simplicity. Success will come not with magic but with the word of life. We can carry out our lesson by knowing how to approach the very simplest. I am thinking how to give to the toilers the radiance of the far-off worlds. When the most humiliated one will look up into the heavens, then is it possible to expect the rainbow ribbon from the far-off worlds.

New Era Community (1926) - 36:
I write down My notes of possibilities and come to the conclusion that all is possible just now. It is a rare thing when higher faith travels along the path with higher unbelief; when blasphemy and glorification can be in the same chorus; when fury and tranquility give birth to joy. When misfortune is manifested as a sign of success and when withdrawal serves as a sign of nearness, then the currents of emanations of the luminaries are blended with the inner fires. Such a time denotes a new cycle, and the Community itself, not even yet adopted, serves as a bridge.

New Era Community (1926) - 48:
Take notice, there has been success only where there has been complete courage. Small doubts create a slavish timidity.

New Era Community (1926) - 157:
157. When We dispatch a messenger We wish him success in encountering the dragon. Indeed, this is no harmless, betailed, pre-glacial dragon, but the cruel human egoism, reaching the point of the dangerous paroxysms called terror or frenzy of egoism. Where do these dragons nest? It is affirmed that the most evil nests will be in luxurious palaces, or behind the counter of the money-changer, or in the merchant's shop. But I am likely rather to find a harmless money-changer and an honest merchant than to pierce the armor of negation and non-admittance. The denier is not only prepared to defend his own ignorance, he dreams of surrounding all humanity with a wall of terror.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
173. It is noted that certain people, as it were, carry success with them. Superstition calls them lucky. Science attributes their success to strength of will. We shall add that usually these people have an assimilated consciousness. They become representatives of the collective, consequently drawing in a force intensified by many participants, who at the time do not even suspect the outflow of energy. It is not at all required that the whole collective know each other. Through the nodes of transmission a wave of energy is transmitted instantaneously; therefore the presence of the international collective is much needed for actions. Hence, a wave of internationalism is needed, because the diversity of dynamics will then produce greater tension.

New Era Community (1926) - 181:
Reflect on what a problem it would be for statistics to compare the success of opportune decision with the failure of tardiness. Obviously, instructive results would be obtained, and the ignorance of tardiness would be regretted. True, very many people live like pigs, devouring precious blossoms. One cannot but protect space against their thoughtless ignorance. If they could catch a glimpse into space, disfigured by them they would themselves say "Prohibit this defilement!"

New Era Community (1926) - 188:
We prefer the sacrifice of success. He who has much to renounce expects payment least of all. Thus, lay out the community following the landmarks of sacrifices.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
215. The solar ray withers and destroys, but light restores. Needed is saturation but not a sharp blow. The builders should know how to saturate the atmosphere. The pledge of success lies in saturation of the atmosphere, which restores all that exists.

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
Is it possible to discern the real current of evolution if a blinding evidence screens reality and prejudice reign as the established opinion? When will people realize the mirage of prejudice! In every prejudice is contained an evil design upon the human essence. This is not a moral but a practical warning. What sort of an idea about the Community can be conceived by prejudiced people! It is absurd to speak with them about free broadening of consciousness; they have no conception of freedom, yet without freedom there is no finding the channel of the current of success.

New Era Community (1926) - 266:
We place knowledge in the foundation of the Community, setting no limits to it. We place experience and good-will in the foundation of the Community. We manifest the best conditions for the success of friends. Let Us know your intentions toward Us.

New Era Community (1926) - 267:
267. Two sailors were shipwrecked and cast away on a desert island. Both nearly perished from hunger and terror, for they considered themselves forever cut off from the world. A ship picked them up. And later there was erected on the island a strong light-house. These same two sailors remained at the light-house, to save the other perishing ones. Now their frame of mind was altered. They were happy, directing the light of rescue and no longer feeling themselves cut off from the world. This means that realization of communion with the world and of usefulness to others completely transforms people. Work in common is a pledge of success.

New Era Community (1926) - 274:
274. Can there be in the community associations of women, men, and children? Assuredly there can. True associations can be formed following many categories - of age, sex, occupation, and of thought. It is necessary that such branches grow healthy; and not only should they not impede the strivings of people, but they should help each other - and this assistance should be voluntary. One should contribute to the success of each sensible act of unification. Indeed, when cooperations are of varied nature, then blossoming becomes especially possible. We do not put on shackles, but broaden the horizon. Let children take up the most introspective problems. Let women carry aloft the ordained Banner. Let men give Us joy by constructing the City. Thus, above the transitory will stand out the signs of Eternity

Agni Yoga (1929) - 25:
25. In every chemical experiment there comes a favorable moment when the breaking down and transformation of the original substance begins - this is the moment of creative success. Hence, out of the downfall of Rome one should not deduce the ill fortune of Numa Pompilius. It is simply that the substance has been depleted of its electrons. And it will always be so with all evolutionary actions. People usually do not understand this moment of success. They think that structures should rise continuously, beyond all the laws of construction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 76:
76. Hasten, hasten to understand the Teacher! Let us encircle Him with a protective wall of devotion and thereby enclose ourselves within the stronghold. After you have wandered enough you will come to understand that with the Teacher, there is always success. Where defeat occurs, there has been betrayal of the Teacher. Where defeat is, it is we ourselves who have bent and rent and razed the goal-fitting plan. In defeat, we have turned away from the tested arrow of help. Can we assert that in the hour of danger we will proclaim the Name of the Teacher? Can we bear witness to the Teacher's Name? Can we discover the exultation of gratitude to the Teacher? Or, on the other hand, do we sometimes wonder why the Teaching does not accommodate our habits, and why our inactivity is disturbed by the Teaching? Why we are awakened from our self-justifying sleep?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 76:
Affirm success; affirm joy; affirm understanding of progress. Cast away the thoughts that belong to the old world. I shall not tire of repeating this.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 114:
The success of the cosmic structures differs from human expectations. The human mind is like a beginner at a lesson, trying to avoid answering, sugaring his tongue. But how then can one proceed? Only by the realization of the nearness of the cosmic structures. Who are the judges and who the judged?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 141:
141. We do not abandon Our brothers-in-labor on Earth. We measure their true opportunities for success against the earthly evidence. A sower can always change fields without forfeiting his usefulness. So also can Our brothers change their field of labor when they know that Near Ones vigilantly watch their creative work and striving of spirit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
The governments that try to conceal their poverty of thought behind a mask of conventional success are doing the work of grave-diggers. Thus, it is necessary to point out to the younger generations the approach of the Yoga of Life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 160:
160. Can we think about battle only in terms of victory? What seems like failure is the root of strength. Success is like multicolored blossoms. But tap the roots, because in them is found the sap of power. I suggest that power be understood as being gained from the accumulations of experience. We are again in the garden of life, where experience assures attainment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 241:
It is a joy to know that our bodily apparatus can obtain the needed restorative energy. Fatigue from the past is happiness for the future. A new reinforcement of energy is always an advance over the past. This means that fatigue is our friend. It is because of it that the wise serpent sheds his skin. The serpent knows that the success of this regeneration depends on rest, and does not strike during the new growth. Therefore, the person who knows what in him is fatigued will wisely prescribe rest for himself, summoning other of his centers for his work.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 247:
It is not the letter of an expression, but the way it is understood, that can be especially dangerous. For example, if I say, "Circumstances are developing for success," people follow their own way of understanding and hear it to mean that circumstances are favorable. But an understanding of success must be much broader than just good or bad. The success of a design depends not on its uniformity of colors but on a full range of contrasts.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 257:
The future is constructed by lightning-bolts of realization. The power of these great sparks depends upon the strength of the counterforce. Clearly then, success will not come from embarking on a voyage in a tub across a stagnant pool.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 262:
262. Although much is spoken about obstacles, little use is made of them. Understanding how to make use of obstacles infuses joy into one's work. But as soon as an obstacle appears, people usually begin to think of their own feelings, forgetting the advantage that has been offered to them. People prefer that everything be done in a usual way, by conventional means. But We prefer unexpected actions and equally unexpected results. People are happy when the occurrences in their lives are the most ordinary, but We wish them greater success than this. Teach them to weigh the real harm and the usefulness of what occurs. It is difficult to send currents of unusual success to people when they prefer to avoid unusual ways. We all know people who live in self-satisfied comfort. If they could only know what they lose because of their ease! People want to preserve all their petty habits, forgetting that the habits of the spirit follow from the habits of the body. The spirit weakens, and begins to fear courageous action. Thus, people become commonplace, with the same conventional joys and sorrows.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 262:
Let us learn to rejoice at obstacles, knowing that the welcomed obstacle can be used to speed success. And this success will be like a fishnet overfilled with an abundant catch. Therefore, let us direct our eye to our surroundings and understand from what perils we are being protected just by our devotion to the Teacher. But often we trust the Teacher in great works and are less certain in small ones. Often we see the great obstacles, while overlooking the multitude of small ones that lie within sight. After all, a small, unnoticed scorpion strikes just as poisonously as a large one. An eagle eye is needed, not so much to discern the mountain as to see the smallest grain of sand.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 286:
286. Success in life can be found both by those who with particular clarity understand the essential nature of things and also by those who have accepted their own very distorted perception of things. The difference lies only in the consequences. Those who have realized the nature of things are not attached to them, but the distorters are slaves to them. If someone finds no success, it means that he has remained at the fulcrum of the balance rather than placing himself in either cup. What is the measure of whether things are understood or distorted? Whether or not the conditions of one's life have changed. If nothing has changed, it is because there has been no action of thought. Those who are slow to understand cannot succeed. The majority of people are dragged down by their own weakness and inertia. Life is like chains to them, whereas life should be a conquest. The guarantee of success lies in action.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 299:
299. If a teacher says, "I have ten thousand pupils," ask, "Is it possible that everyone is given entrance?" Quantity precludes success. The size of an army was never the sole guarantee of victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 375:
375. Wherein lies the success of a yogi? It is not in the attraction of crowds, not in the conversion of multitudes. But, near the works of the yogi, one can observe how others emulate him. Consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily, people begin to do the same thing. Even his enemies, while cursing him, are drawn in his wake. It is as if a special atmosphere had gathered about the actions of the yogi. This is a true success, when neither money nor fame, but the invisible fire kindles human hearts. Desiring to emulate him, these ignited hearts enter the yogi's atmosphere and bear away with them some drops of the creative dew. Success does not come only from without. It is created by the collaboration of human hands with spatial thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 376:
376. How do We define success? Truly, works are successful when their very trail is followed by friend and foe alike. Examine the deeds of those who follow, and say to yourself, "All comes from our fire." All mistakes are burned away by the fire of following. One may traverse life with courage when the beacon-fires light the way, when the dangers themselves are part of the design of the Veil of the Mother of the World.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 404:
404. In the West there have appeared many self-proclaimed yogis, magicians, teachers, hypnotists, and occultists, who make use of phenomena produced by the will. Brilliantly multiplying their coins, they teach people, for a fee, how to improve their material condition; how to induce others to trust them; how to win influence in society; how to gain success in business; how to compel others to obey their orders; how to turn life into a rose garden. In teaching others to develop the will, some of these teachers may seem to be following a good path, but because they do not indicate any goal in this journey, they serve only to worsen the already ugly conditions of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 412:
The Teacher rejoices when He can provide a new set of circumstances. One has only to remember that a new beginning will sometimes seem disorderly. People see little difference between happiness and unhappiness, success and failure, joy and sorrow.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 416:
416. Each era chooses its new, corresponding Teaching, when all previous Teachings have become distorted. People tend to cling to these twisted distortions of the faith of their forefathers, yet no new Teaching ever excludes preceding ones. Little attention is paid to this fact, for the followers of every Teaching like to build their success on denial of the previous Teachings. But it is easy to prove the continuity of what people call religion. In this continuity is sensed a single stream of one energy. Calling it psychic energy, we speak of the Sophia of the Hellenic world or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Ghost of the Christians manifests signs of psychic energy, just as do the creative Adonai of Israel, and Mithra of Persia, full of solar power. Certainly, no one doubts that the Fire of Zoroaster is the Fire of Space, which you now study.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 424:
424. The measure of success is the degree of necessity. You may be sure that one would not leap across an abyss without absolute necessity. The more unavoidable the necessity, the nearer is the step of victory. Let the most dire necessity arise!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 441:
The Teacher works to reconcile contrasting conditions into one flow. Bringing together conditions that differ produces a dynamic picture. Thus, one can see success and failure as siblings.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
446. In order to be able to perceive the broadening of consciousness as a success in life, one must already possess a tested spirit. People are so accustomed to basing their lives upon things of material value that even foundations of existence cannot be understood as long as humanity remains bound to customary ways. This means that new conditions of life have to be shaped by unusual means. There is no rule for this unusualness, in which the life of the spirit will shape everyday circumstances. The main cause of unhappiness in families is that the life of the spirit is not a part of their daily existence. By introducing improvements, life can be adorned and the flow of spirit uplifted. There does exist a certain manner of living that becomes like a beast's lair.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 450:
450. One may regard a chain of incarnations as a sequence of separate lives, but it is better to look upon the entire chain of incarnations as one life. Truly, life is one; from the moment of mastering the human consciousness, life with all it involves does not cease, and the surrounding cosmic currents evoke the same sensations in all phases of life. This is one of the most binding conditions of life, proving the innate oneness of all principles. One could call the time of incarnation a sleeping dream or a waking day, depending on one's point of view. In the past perhaps it was a sleeping dream, but in the future it will perhaps be an awakening. This depends upon the success of one's evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 485:
485. Some people are called bearers of happiness, some of unhappiness. Many examples and much evidence can be found. Let us assume that something like this exists, and let us look at it from a psycho-physical point of view. In addition to karmic effects, there is something that attracts or repels happiness. By a series of physical experiments, one can demonstrate that certain combinations of elements will determine the degrees of attraction and repulsion. The stronger the presence of the basic energy in people, the more positive will be their effect. If this main element is fire, then the other needed elements will be drawn like moths toward the light. This means that even success can be revealed and measured in physical terms, and it is useful to know one's own essence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 556:
556. In Agni Yoga, even the most abstract concepts become tangible and real. Sincerity, usually called honesty, becomes irreplaceable. Test the quality of sincerity in communications to far distances; and then observe the difference when personal feelings of impatience or irritation are allowed to intrude, or, worse, preconceived ideas or deliberate distortions. These deprive the result of its value, and can cause irreparable harm. But true sincerity is a purifier, bringing about a crystal clarity, which enlightens the consciousness just as fuel gives flame. Thus, one can contribute to success by applying what is called honesty.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 570:
570. It is one thing to hear, another to remember, yet another to apply. The Teaching will help one to reach this third step. The Teaching will also help one to leave behind the limitations of one's earthly phantoms; it will help one to perceive the seemingly usual as unusual. When this simple truth becomes evident, one will then not be far from attainment and the next step of ascent into the supermundane spheres. Those who seek attainment will be told, "The most important is to give yourself completely to this task." The predestined hour will approach only through attainment. When the joy of attainment fills the Chalice, success will come. Of course, this joy is not that of the calf whose gamboling crushes the flowers. The joy of attainment knows all labors and all perils; it crosses the bridge only once and dazzles the enemy with its radiance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 572:
572. The experience of joy in one's work is a manifestation of a special aspect of psychic energy. Joyous labor brings success multiplied.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 656:
I vouch for success, but only if unity is achieved, and Hierarchy is accepted. Many things can undermine good results, but decisiveness brings relief.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 46:
46. The echo of Space carries the command of cosmic manifestations. And whatever humanity possesses, it draws from the treasury of Cosmos. It is necessary to have full realization of the immutability of our course of evolution. Every beginning depends on the understanding of the affirmation of cosmic evolution. Only acceptance in full faith can bestow the crown of success. The lever of faith will permit penetration into the spirit of man. Only through the lever of faith can one adhere to the Infinite. The great lever of faith will aid the spirit in finding its path. Faith indicates the striving toward the Teacher. Let us take for example the child who conceived in its spirit the love for the Teacher. Faith transformed the child into a warrior of spirit, and the path of solitude was transformed into one radiant with joy. Hope abides, and the wondrous power of Cosmos reveals itself when the spirit manifests faith.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 86:
86. If it expects success, humanity must, above all, accept the future. For there cannot be success with the past. Thus, the search for new ways is the first requirement. The evidence of flexibility in the search is the basis of success.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 93:
93. Broad dissemination of knowledge can regenerate the world. Knowledge can achieve miracles. Let us recall the words of the Blessed One concerning ignorance. Each success depends upon knowledge, and if there is non-success somewhere, it means that ignorance has crept in. Hence, let us say that knowledge is above all things. Where there is knowledge, there is the manifestation of beauty.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 96:
96. Straight-knowledge is developed in the quest for new ways. Therefore, flexibility is the mark of straight-knowledge. Let us say to all new ones that the decisive rejection of old habits and an aspiring search are the foundations of success. People must finally understand what it is that benefits them!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 100:
100. Much is affirmed by Us, and tension will bring the predestined. Those who have dedicated themselves to the cosmic tension must conquer. Hence, Our world-wide victory is irrevocable. Therefore, when that which is predestined by the Brotherhood is to be fulfilled, joy resounds. Therefore, I have said it - I vouch for it! I see victory! Yes, yes, yes! During ascent the difficult hours transform failure into success. Thus, let us remember - Victory and Joy! Thus, the new step is predestined by the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 349:
349. Pure thoughts carry one as wings; dark thoughts screen the horizon like flocks of black ravens. The spirit must realize this. The spirit must pronounce condemnation of its dark thoughts. Only a pure striving thought will affirm success. Therefore, each one who has adhered to the Teaching must be strengthened in the significance of thought. Verily, I declare that in the flight of the spirit the entire striving of thought is affirmed.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 378:
378. When a great structure is being built, each measure must be commensurate with it. When the outer image is imbued by fleeting efforts, then certainly the creative force is not lasting. But when each measure glows with the inner fire the structure can endure. Therefore, when the power of the spirit illumines the construction, success can be affirmed. In Cosmos, a vital action is intensified by the impulse of the inner fire. Every energy is moved by this potentiality. Every vital measure is moved by the fiery spirit. The realization of this principle can advance the trend of thought; therefore, when striving produces creative tension the subtle energies will be attracted.

Hierarchy (1931) - 39:
39. The creativeness of Cosmos is always built through the tension of all energies. For all achievements the quality of energies should be affirmed. Therefore, the higher the tension, the more powerful is the manifestation of victory. Our creativeness is saturated with the quality of power. Therefore, having gathered all energies, we can rely upon success. Only the quality of energies gives the needed standard of labor. Therefore it is so important to have an expanded consciousness and to embrace all that is needed for constructiveness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 59:
59. Some people pour a daily gruel over the Image of the Teacher and imagine themselves to be in the Great Service. The Teaching and Service presuppose first of all the expansion of consciousness on the basis of adherence to the Teaching and reverence for the Teacher. In studying Infinity one should first of all realize the limitlessness of love and devotion. It is not wise to say that love has overflowed and devotion has withered, because the consequence will be the disintegration of one's self. One should understand the limitlessness of love and devotion as the first steps toward Service and Yoga. One should set oneself this task, at least as a means of one's own progress. One should advance only in the direction of the Teacher. Then, only, does relief come. But making a daily onion gruel out of the Teacher will not lead to success. Sacredly, limitlessly, let us sustain our love and reverence for the Teacher, as a healing means of regeneration.

Hierarchy (1931) - 77:
77. Each step requires new circumstances. Each new step brings its affirmed power. Therefore in the midst of the difficult time a mighty step in conformity with the difficulties is being laid. Hence the creative activity of Our co-workers will bring the manifestation of success when thoughts shall be affirmed upon the might of the future. Thus We build a wondrous step! Thus We build amidst the dissolution of the countries! Thus Our Power enters into life! The manifestation of a new step is so close, but the world decides its fate.

Hierarchy (1931) - 90:
Such is Our warning when waves rise upon the ocean. I deem that the present time demands such concentration, because there is a vast success in the atmosphere; but success, like a magnet, also attracts unsuspected metallic fragments, and needles and nails may be poisonous. Understand this correctly. Do not be diverted from the conception of the Teacher. Do not be astonished or surprised, because it is good when one can disclose the next step of understanding.

Hierarchy (1931) - 96:
Be, be, be joyous; not through desire, but through the striving of spirit. Be joyous; not through ancestral desires, but through the command of the entire consciousness, in order to create that luminous thread which unites all worlds. Be joyous; not because of the success of works already decayed, but in knowledge of the predestined and of that already inscribed in the scrolls of the future. Be joyous; not in the desire for repose, but because of the agitation of the elements, since only the agitation of the elements will serve you; for one cannot command the dead to revivify the living. Thus, understand that joy is a special wisdom, and do not abandon the fires of light above the crumbs of the feast.

Hierarchy (1931) - 136:
136. Only by the tension of all strength will you conquer. This must be remembered and applied. We have decided on complete success, it depends upon you to accept it. The entire garden of doubts, suspicions, fears, offenses, condemnations must be cast aside. If you desire to accept victory, every treason must be avoided, because the consequences of doubts and lack of respect for Hierarchy will disrupt all threads. When the ship is holding by only one anchor during the tempest, it is stupid to begin to change the chain. Guard the foundation, and ascend only through its growth. I shall be tireless in repeating about Hierarchy until you realize it. It is not enough to nod your head, it is time to think and to apply. I have reasons for repeating this.

Hierarchy (1931) - 150:
I vouch for success if you are imbued with the Lord!

Hierarchy (1931) - 230:
230. One should learn to value the warmth and light of the focus, and remember that the rays of the One Light emanate from one direction. Let us compare our position to a physical law and we shall see the sole foundation for success which is unshaken. What is success if not the effect of the correct application of a law? Thus one must learn to sense the channel of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 254:
254. Each shattering of the foundation spoils the entire web. Striving loyalty is needed like oil for levers. For Us it makes no difference why, despite loyalty, something is not done, but We often see how an already ripe chemical reaction is dissolved. Thus, one should sharpen the blade of the glaive, because success is not farther away than the length of a spear. Guard the concept of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 318:
318. Hence one must chiefly develop one's vigilance and watch untiringly the creativeness surrounding the Sacred Hierarchy. Only when disciples shall attain this quality may one hope that the predestined success will come. Therefore, one should manifest an extreme conscientiousness and vigilance toward all that occurs around the Focus. Each unnoticed mistake will yield its own blossom.

Hierarchy (1931) - 361:
361. Verily, the cosmic Origins are wondrous in their might, and the creative law of Hierarchy imbues all with fire. Therefore, at the base of the entire Cosmos lies the law of the great unification of the highest fires. Hence all great designations should not be dissociated. And the foundation of the future, the radiant Hierarchy of bliss, is indeed intensified in the assertion of great laws. Verily, it must be remembered that one can build only through Hierarchy. One may be in the orbit affirmed by Hierarchy only when the consciousness understands that a blow upon the Shield of the Name of the Hierarch is a blow at Us, and each one permitting a blow pays dearly. Thus, in unity lies the success of all works. The admittance of depreciation is an evidence of faint-heartedness and defection. Unity is a wondrous fire!

Hierarchy (1931) - 406:
406. A traveler is in need of indications. Success is a very sensitive flower. The seeds can be planted only at a designated time. One must leave the house in time. But when the Teacher ordains the sowing, not a moment should be lost. Only children can think that if today has passed, tomorrow will be better. But a courageous mind understands that success that is missed will not be repeated. Even the sun does not shine uniformly. Refinement of understanding should be developed. The complexity of the time will increase. He who did not discriminate yesterday will not be resourceful tomorrow. The Teacher foresees an undeferrable, immediate sowing.

Heart (1932) - 10:
The new achievements in the subtle bodies are crowned with success. Such attainment has become undelayable, because the basis of the connection with the Magnet of Hierarchy is violated. As a help to the violated balance a new form of fine body is given.

Heart (1932) - 16:
16. Here We are speaking of direct striving to Us. We speak about the benefit and success which result from such direction. It would seem enticing to test this remedy. But how many attempt to go by this path? Whereas, each one who has tested Our panacea will say that Our Advice is beneficent. He will confirm everywhere and always that when his thoughts remained with Us, he was successful. Each failure was due to the strain upon the silver thread. How beautiful it would be if on completing a day each one would question himself regarding the quality of his thinking during these hours! How powerful could one become in the realization that his thoughts have strengthened the linking thread! The appearance of unfit thoughts could be eradicated at once, but people are such that they listen without hearing and do not read beyond the sight.

Heart (1932) - 20:
20. If straight-knowledge is not awakened, then even reality, even the evident, are unattainable. One cannot compel anyone to perceive the evident, or even the striking. Later someone will say to you, "Why do I not see or hear, if there exists and Invisible World?" The same occurs also with the sick, who reject their treatments. They would like to improve, but at the same time they direct their entire consciousness against the physician. Thus, it would be useful to compare those who see with those who are blind in spirit. One could find the causes of success of some and the downfall of others. Thus, by comparing the apparent manifestations, one can solve many problems of reciprocal action of the worlds.

Heart (1932) - 24:
24. We are having a great battle. One need not fear the approach of the hour proclaimed long ago. It should not be thought that unhappiness creeps in when We see the battle for Light. One should not forget that persecution is the greatest success. Only a taut string can resound.

Heart (1932) - 35:
35. The most difficult thing for people is to coordinate the utmost rapture of spirit with inexhaustible action. For success, extreme tension of spirit is needed, but in each action a certain reserve must be preserved. An exhausted action loses its beauty and the magnetism of conviction. A singer who has exhausted the vocal reserve primarily arouses pity. The manifestation of extreme tension of spirit must not reflect itself in actions of desperation; for then the manifestation of inner energy will dissolve in an action foreign to the spirit. One must cognize this law firmly, in order not to turn into a windmill. I advise to gather all forces of the spirit in order not to atomize them by unbridled actions.

Heart (1932) - 39:
39. Chiefly, speak of the spiritual. The path of the spirit, like nothing else, develops the consciousness and purifies one's life. Regard spiritual discourses as practical exercises of the heart. It is necessary to purify the consciousness as a path toward success. Again I speak, not abstractly, but for application to life. Try the experiment of administering medicines to a conscious and an unconscious being. It is instructive to compare the extent to which consciousness intensifies all the manifestations and processes. Thus can one recognize the essential worth of the consciousness. Besides, a spiritual discourse directs the striving of the A-energy into a definite channel toward the heights. Precisely, Ketub is the unifier of energies. Thus, one must not spend time in striving toward the habitual, when there are so many possibilities which attract one upward.

Heart (1932) - 91:
91. Let us give attention to some seemingly unsuccessful actions which basically have a kind of special meaning. Sometimes one may observe how a man performs some actions almost without a possibility of success, but something compels him to act precisely in this manner. Such actions are usually not bad in substance, but they are often unjustly repaid. All these are karmic payments; he who receives them has of course forgotten about them, and on the way has lost many spiritual accumulations, but the one who pays nevertheless strives to return the debt, even if the garment of return no longer fits. Nevertheless the debt will be paid even though it cannot be accepted. One can also witness payment made for others, people close to one's heart.

Heart (1932) - 186:
186. The work of the subtle body proceeds with greater influence away from its physical body; the subtle body can develop its greatest power where the physical currents cannot reach. Of course, from a physical point of view, the execution of distant labor is incomparably more difficult, and actually not all subtle bodies will dare these remote flights. One can judge the difficulty with which the physical body reacts to far-off flights by the perspiration, even in cold surroundings. I praise the attention paid to these physical manifestations. Even physicians usually overlook many characteristic symptoms, but true science can advance only by the comparison of facts. When indicated tension, I had in mind not muscular tension, but that of the heart. One may record outstanding success when, after such tension, the heart does not manifest special pains. Such adaptation of the heart is not easily attained. Foolish people assume that the training of the heart and consciousness can be hastened at will, but these apparatuses must be adapted very wisely and patiently when we cognize Infinity.

Heart (1932) - 207:
207. How tortuous are many observations of life! One can study the success of outer actions in relation to the heart-striving. Besides, one can study which deviations from strivings react upon the outer waves of the currents. It can be seen how at times a condition, insignificant from the point of view of daily life, has a tremendous influence upon inner action, and vice versa, the slightest unworthy desire may destroy the structure already prepared. But it is not customary to pay attention to the activity of the heart. People are ready to doom themselves to any unhappiness rather than think about its causes. We are also concerned to see how people permit an intolerable trend of thought near the magnetic centers, unwilling to recall that particular vigilance is needed, especially near these centers. Of course, everyone may think about himself, but where there is a step of millenniums, the flutter of butterflies is unfit. One must ultimately learn co-measurement! Thoughts about the Highest give birth to the highest.

Heart (1932) - 257:
257. Let doubt, which has extinguished the fires of the heart more than once, be silenced. One must rid oneself of the worm in order to evade the dragon. Especially now is doubt destructive, because one may have only a single sword. In battle none may have two swords. Nor does one throw two spears or shoot two arrows. One can achieve by only a single thrust and through the valor of a sole striving. It is difficult but success is near the fire of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 275:
275. The Teacher needs an especially clear consciousness in the disciples. But night, which obscures the consciousness, does not permit the propelling of the entire might preserved in its depths. Among the reasons for success or failure in the tasks, the condition of the consciousness occupies no small place. Even a slight perplexity or uncertainty in striving alters the result. For instance, someone may come to you anxious to help and awaiting from you only the impetus to do so. But you may be absorbed in some outside conversation, and the desire to help evaporates in a cup of tea. Besides, the custom of the country demands that time be filled with the most insignificant communications, and in this rubbish the most precious seeds are lost. But if humanity would only value time, at least much that is vital could come about. True, this can be ruled by the heart in order to correlate the highest measures.

Heart (1932) - 311:
311. The Teacher affirms that complete victory can be expected if only there is unity in consciousness. One cannot expect success if there is the smallest suspicion of the Teacher. Thus, it is necessary to work together, knowing that everything that is within the laws of the Universe will be granted. Who, then, will regard this period as one of rest? No one, not even one who is not far-sighted will deny that the time is unprecedented, and one must even sleep as during an unrelieved watch. The Teacher understands that your hearts are also burdened. Each day the situation of the world becomes more complicated. Viewed from the angle of Armageddon this is entirely natural, but the consciousness to whom the idea of Armageddon is absurd raves, because it does not know its way.

Heart (1932) - 329:
329. Who, then, will think of success in the Subtle World if it is not permissible to speak and think? The Teaching that does not know the Subtle World does not serve as a guide, because earthly existence is not even an hundredth part of life in the Subtle World. This means that it is useful to know the conditions of the more lasting existence. But now there is a battle in the astral world and the conditions are still more complex.

Heart (1932) - 366:
366. When you experience a sense of striving and anticipation, do not apply it for the immediate days. You often feel how the foundation is laid upon the necessary affirmation; this straight-knowledge has nothing to do with the success of tomorrow, on the contrary, it shows that something greater already receives definite shape. Usually, people suffer from their own lack of co-measurement. Often they impede the stream of already shaping events by their preconceived judgments. Consolation is not for the morrow, but for more beauteous dates. Yet the straight-knowledge is correct.

Heart (1932) - 377:
377. A scientist may ask how one arrives at immunity of the heart. His question will be a correct one. The heart, with all its indisputable potentiality, will not reveal itself without a conscious immunity. The balancing of the heart with the consciousness gives impetus to the unifying substance. To this end, the scientist can begin a twofold approach he can purify the consciousness, for the physical ballast does not as yet help the consciousness. Only thought purified by art and liberated from servility can give efflorescence to the consciousness. Here I call attention to the condition of liberation from slavery. One must be liberated precisely from all forms of slavery. As to the second condition for the scientist, he must feel the heart as an independent apparatus and begin to observe the reactions and reflexes of the heart. Then will also come the first heralds of success - precisely the stars of light; they will teach still further observation.

Heart (1932) - 424:
424. It is precisely not cowardice to look about sharply, especially when you are aware of the determinations of Satan. A small seed can be thrown surreptitiously to harm even a giant. Thus, those who desire to harm others will try out all measures, not being certain of where evil may flourish. In this evil sowing lies the success of darkness. People forget how cautious they must be, for intent of evil not only creeps in like a tiger but also like a tiny mouse.

Heart (1932) - 494:
494. You want salvation and success, but for this there must be unity in action. It is necessary to understand how destructive is each interception of the rhythm. For a decade I have prepared for this hour of battle. Tell the disobedient that a violation of the thread is analogous to falling away from the Lord. Now especially, let us remember it with finality. It is now necessary speedily to cross many bridges, and the treasure must not be squandered! We demand, at least at this time, that the present should be realized as unprecedented, otherwise, instead of the brilliant victory, one may be hurled to ruin. We guide you to victory and no one has the right to impede Us! The dark ones will now act through unworthy pettiness, but solemnity can easily be tempered precisely upon them.

Heart (1932) - 585:
585. Ponder! In no way can the aura and the properties of the secretions be falsified. Humanity is unable to grasp even so simple a consideration. Even among the tests of Arhats such questions have their place. To see naught, to hear naught - yet faith up to the highest degree of cognizance. This is a quality of an Arhat. The striving of the heart - this also is a quality of an Arhat. The ability to discriminate in great and small - is also a quality of an Arhat. Husbanding of the basic energy - is also a quality of an Arhat. Constant desire for Good - is also a quality of an Arhat. Courage and patience - are also qualities of an Arhat. It is absurd to regard the essence of an Arhat as something beyond Earth. He evolves on earth as a Leader of Hearts. He offers himself as the focus for new formations. His consciousness perceives everything, all apparently intolerable earthly situations, but His heart understands how to transmute these barriers. The small in spirit are constantly fearful of battle, or more correctly of that state which we call battle. But no other word will express that state of inner struggle and success as battle does. Thus one can also find a place for the adversary as a whetstone for sharpening one's sword. I deem that one can send to the Teacher fortified strivings in mutual battle.

Heart (1932) - 586:
586. The pledge of leadership can provide that collective force which a commander gives on the field of battle. An experienced warrior is not confused by the fluctuations of success. Pulsation is inherent in each growth - a level exists only in an absence of motion. Thus, the living heart is not placid. But during cosmic tension one can suggest to the heart not to overstrain itself. The link of the individual heart with the cosmic pulse is very evident. The Universal Heart can be sensed through laboratory methods.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 288:
288. The Teacher rejoices when collective labor is possible. Rejection of collective labor is ignorance. Only a lofty individuality finds within itself the measure of collective concepts. So long as the personality fears collective work, it is not yet individualized; it still remains in the stifling atmosphere of selfhood. Only true discernment of the indestructibility of freedom permits adherence to collective labor. Only through such true mutual respect can we attain the realization of harmonious labor - in other words, attain active good. In this good is kindled the fire of the heart; hence each manifestation of harmonious labor is so joyous. Such labor augments the psychic energy unusually. Let the work be carried out at least in short united labor; even if for brief periods at first, it must be in complete accord and intent upon success. In the beginning, fatigue because of disunity is unavoidable, but later the coordinated collective force will multiply the energy tenfold. Thus, even in small nuclei one can thrust forward the prototype of world progress.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 297:
297. Gypsies usually accompany remedies with an incantation, in the belief that only thus will the remedy be effective. And so Our Himalayan traditions are maintained through many generations of migrants. Truly, if we compare the effect of medicines taken willingly or with repugnance, the difference will be astounding. Even the most potent medicines can produce almost contrary effects if they are accompanied by a corresponding suggestion. One can write a significant book on the relativity of physical reactions. One can gather facts from the various fields to prove that among the decisive factors the physical are the least important. Thus, step by step, one should trace the movement of Agni. One need not enter at once into complex formulas, but can proceed from the striking evidences of each day. If nature healers understand wherein the dominant principle of success is contained, an educated physician should discern even better the determining factors. Upon this path the past and future will meet.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 459:
459. It must be understood that every success is based on the quality of thought. One should understand that we can vouch for success when thought flies to Us.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659:
659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 663:
663. How can one attain success? Remember, through joy - not through despair, but joy. Do not for an instant believe that We ponder the probability or improbability of success. The thought is, Does your joy suffice to quicken the ascent? We always counsel joy. It is necessary to realize and remember that you have succeeded when you rejoiced. Certainly this is not the frisking of a calf on the meadow, but the creative joy which transforms all difficulties. The play of the Mother of the World is in joy. She enfolds the enlightened ones in Her veil of joy. Rejoice amidst flowers; and in the midst of snow - equally redolent - also rejoice!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 65:
65. One may notice even during daytime a feeling as of absence. One should very attentively observe this state. It shows that partially the subtle body has left for distant work. One may feel dizziness and tension in the center of the Brahmarandra. This results from a partial presence of the subtle body which is subjected to special pressure of the fiery seed. One should not strain oneself during this condition. It is useful to sit awhile quietly with closed eyes. One also may mentally send currents to the subtle body which is at work. Furthermore, one should not burden oneself with geography nor distance, but should send a quiet bidding to the toiling subtle body. One must not tire oneself when so many currents are tensed. Not only are heavy currents fatiguing, but a reinforced sending of success can be a burden. Blows upon the aura may be from the most varied causes. Not in vain did the ancient priests cover the heart with the left hand - as with a lightning rod - because the fingers strongly repulse the blows.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 280:
280. Esteem people who not only speak but also act. Affirm the ability to understand action. The hardships of these times have resulted from disorganization. The cause of such disorganization is absurd in its insignificance - the cooperation of hearts has been forgotten. Meeting together in prayer, people forget how to attune themselves for service. Whereas, such a condition is indispensable and is easily attained; for this it is merely necessary that people help one another. To preserve an unusual frame of mind means to proceed to the Fiery World. Under the ordinary conditions of life such a frame of mind is not easy, but precisely it must not be set aside. One should not enter the temple otherwise than prayerfully. In prayer existence is uplifted and made better; therefore each prayer, as also each exaltation, must be better than the preceding one. Each step of the ladder of the spirit must be traversed. How majestic is the Ladder to the Fiery World, which has in a year three hundred sixty six steps by day and three hundred sixty six by night! Every step is distinct from every other, and let each one be better than the preceding one. Joy toward the Teaching, will it not be a true adornment of a step? In each joy for the Teaching is already contained new cognition. Often one cannot express in words this step, given in joy. It is indisputable, and what a veritable mountain is ascended in the prayer of joy! Pains are alleviated by it, the task is made successful by it. No one and nothing can block this joy. Thus shall we have the advantage of success. The same thing may be wished to all, because on the ladder of the spirit there is no crowding. Let each one rejoice at the sheer beauty of a new step. Why should anyone go backward? But it is difficult and burdensome to lose what has been already traversed. Downfall is always harmful, even for the body. One can imagine how ruinous it is for the spirit, for the fiery being. Contact with Fire already produces a special kind of tissue, which glows on the upward, and is reduced to ashes on a downward path. The ladder of ascent is the measure of magnanimity, consequently magnanimity may be achieved daily.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 326:
326. In the simplest handiwork, and in music, one can have most instructive experiences. Sometimes one finger alone is not firmly applied at the correct place and thus the full tone is lost; but even then such a misapplication does not at all mean that the fault is irreparable. Some centers harmonize quickly, but others, for many reasons, require far more protracted cooperation. Patience, that great constituent of success, will be tested in such adoptions of the centers. Often, precisely the slower adaptations serve for the good; they not only combine the centers, but, as it were, they unite energy to the future. Thus patience is an adornment of the heart. Each one who is inexperienced in patience will not know how to adapt himself to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 340:
340. With all attentiveness each one must banish from his thinking all that which can bind him to ordinary daily mode of life. Means and opportunities should not be sought in everyday routine. It has been observed to what an extent We do construct in an unusual manner. But right now one must strike still more with unusualness. Look upon this as a means for success. People have entered a narrow place; one should not follow their prejudices. These must be subdued from an unexpected quarter.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 350:
350. It is inadmissible even indirectly to violate the fundamentals of cooperation. To the concepts of cooperation should be added those of teachership, of guidance, of respect for one's fellow-man, respect for oneself, and for those who follow. Precisely at present it is impossible to lessen the significance of cooperation, as a means of broadening the consciousness. One must grow to love cooperation as a pledge of general success.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 437:
437. One of the most visually beautiful fiery actions will be the convergence and divergence of auras. This beauty can be likened to that of the Northern Lights, and in it is expressed a multitude of psychological moments. One may observe how carefully the radiations draw near, how the protective network palpitates and flashes, as a preliminary to resounding harmoniously or to becoming darkened. The full and complete life, its chemism and magnetism, is concealed in the space and about a man. We await the time when people will begin patiently to photograph auras. Then it will be possible to observe the movement of light on a cinema screen, when the film will reflect the sequence of movements of the aura. You know that for successful photographing many subtle conditions are required. Often even a physically uncomfortable room can yield good results. You have excellent prints of subtle beings, photographed under ordinary conditions. Also, you know that when you decided to improve the physical conditions the photographing failed. The chief factor of success lies in internal, invisible circumstances. One must apply great patience, and exclude any irritation or wavering. Any fiery chaos merely darkens the film. Also, there will be no especially clear visions when there is a confused frame of mind. But when the necessary harmony is reached the photographing will be easy. Many external conditions can have an influence; therefore it is better not to bring in new objects once the needed vibration has been established. And disorderly exclamations are also harmful. The principle element is patience.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 44:
Can people then grasp the magnitude of laws which balance the entire Cosmos? Earthly measure is not applicable to the grandeur of Cosmos; and the lack of success of all the investigations can be attributed to this lack of understanding. It is impossible to limit the Unlimited! Thinking can penetrate the depth of Cosmos when the spirit is imbued with the understanding of the essential nature of Fire, its infinite power and unlimited properties. If humanity could grasp the essentiality and magnitude of fiery constructiveness, then all the steps of evolution would lead to the affirmation of great laws. Everything movable travels a spiral path toward great refinement. Therefore on the path to the Fiery World one should know about the infinitude of the laws.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 52:
52. Least of all do people understand success. Usually, when the success of a task commissioned by the Hierarchy, and imbued with the help of the Hierarchy, is attributed by the spirit steeped in selfhood to its own merit, the success turns into a heartache of the spirit. When a co-worker requires adoration of himself for fulfillment of the task given him, he closes by this very act the records of the space. The records of life passing on in all earthly glory reveal so many beggars in spirit! A co-worker who presents to the community the idea that the Hierarchy will act in accordance with the affirmation of the successful co-worker introduces truly a belittlement of the Hierarch. How difficult it is to introduce among the co-workers the true concept of success! Indeed, only humility of the spirit and the feeling of gratitude are appropriate. Who gave all possibilities? Who has given the direction? Who has manifested all good? Only the Hierarch, only the Leader, only the Forces of Light. Successful co-worker, examine thy armor; on each link is inscribed - Hierarchy. Not I myself, nor mine, but Thine, O Lord!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 52:
Hence, on the path to the Fiery World one should remember that humility is the companion of success. Co-worker, pretend not to luck, for fiery energies are subtle, and crude egotism does not contain the fires. Thus, let us remember about humility when we wish to be truly successful.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 66:
66. In fitting the affirmation of cosmic law to the state and social order one should keep in mind the law of attraction, repulsion and cohesion. All structures are subject to this same law. And people should be graded according to the composition of their auras. The ray which unifies the manifestation of harmonious auras acquires the strength of augmented attraction, but inharmonious combinations produce repulsion. The results of such combinations can be compared with gases. Just as non-cohesive molecules press against the walls of a vessel, so are inharmonious auras mutually repelled, and the vessel which contains such gases may burst. In governmental and social construction one should have in mind the workings of cosmic laws. Two harmonized auras can create a New World. Two harmonized auras can be a pledge of success, for the reaction from the unification of rays can direct each beginning toward advancement. Let us affirm harmonization and unification of auras. And on the path to the Fiery World let us remember how powerful are the rays of unified auras. Let the co-workers ponder upon the great law of unification. Selfhood, crudity, self-pity, conceit, will produce nothing except a repulsion as of some gaseous substances.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 260:
260. One should study the network of circumstances. There is a sort of surrounding network of subtle currents which, according to the necessity, leads to that current which furnishes the best magnetic force. One should know how to assure each undertaking. According to the given seed it is possible to determine the effects in everything. If man would take the great seed of the task in its potential, then indeed the World would be a great reflection of the Higher Will. Therefore it can be affirmed that the Higher Will purposes but man disposes, and thus perish the best sprouts. There is only one path of success - when the spirit realizes in all its might the affirmed seed of the task. But instead, people re-cut everything to their own pattern, and only pitiful remnants remain. Thus, it is necessary to strive in all fiery beginnings and to understand how to accept the seed bestowed by the Sovereign. Once uplifted to the Highest, we may also dwell in the Highest. On the path to the Fiery World let us cognize the Higher Forces.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 262:
262. Regeneration of thinking must be affirmed as the basis of a better Epoch. Thinking is a pledge of success, a pledge of new construction, a pledge of a mighty future. The transformation of life is indeed affirmed by transmutation of thinking. In each process one can trace how thinking evolves or regresses. Besides inspired thinking, there acts the impulse of kindling the thought. Therefore the law of striving produces that conformity which brings the Worlds closer through a saturation with creative fire. To ponder over the trend of thinking already helps to shift the consciousness. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us direct out thinking toward a better future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 424:
424. It is asked - what most of all hinders every good beginning? Reply - precisely absence of magnanimity. No creative attainment, no cooperation, in fact no community is possible without magnanimity. One can observe how through magnanimity labor is made tenfold easier and, it would seem, nothing could be simpler during an inspired work than to wish only for the good and success of one's neighbor! Joy is the result of manifested labor. Joy is a great helper.

AUM (1936) - 126:
126. If one succeeds in producing some action under a mere sign, it is very fortunate. The greatest reconstructions take place imperceptibly; only the result shows how much has been achieved. Thus, in everything actions under signs can be seen. The concept of the symbol is nothing but a reminder about a sign. The success of entire nations takes place under a symbol.

AUM (1936) - 211:
211. It is necessary for people to free themselves from any arrogance in relation to all that is unknown to them. Thus, one can observe continually that the ignorant ones express themselves offensively about everything inaccessible to them. It is indispensable that the foremost scholars make themselves worthy examples of broadmindedness. Evolution is completely excluded where people do not recognize the possibilities of infinite cognition. I repeat, the success of perfection begins with self-perfection.

AUM (1936) - 289:
289. There have been the strangest attempts to study the transmissions of thought at a distance. People have connected two persons at a distance by tying their wrists with a thread of waxed silk. They paid special attention to the purity of the silk and the particular quality of the wax. They gave much thought to how best to insulate the thread from the ground. But they were far from remembering that psychic energy needs neither thread nor wax. People deem that the mechanical appliance actually effects the success, but he who first proposed this method regarded the thread simply as a symbol on which to concentrate attention.

AUM (1936) - 343:
343. Objects surrounding the experiments have more than once astonished those beginning to study. Sometimes the most everyday object has aided the experiment, while another, introduced after extremely thoughtful consideration, only impeded the current of energy. From this one can conclude how difficult it is to grasp the law of subtle energies. For instance, the fur of animals, because of its peculiar electrical reaction, does not promote the success of an experiment.

AUM (1936) - 371:
Man does not arrive at an understanding of his power without a Guide. Many different traps are hidden on man's path. Each sheltered manifested viper hopes to conceal from man that which is most precious. As a traveler who has lost his way, he does not know in what element to seek success; yet the treasure is within himself.

AUM (1936) - 377:
377. The study of the progression of collective energy can demonstrate that unity is not only a moral concept but also a powerful psychic motive force. When We reiterate about unity, We wish to inculcate consciousness of the great force which is found at the disposal of each man. It is impossible to demonstrate to an inexperienced investigator to what an extent collective energy multiplies. For such a manifestation it is necessary to prepare the consciousness. The success of an experiment depends upon the striving of all participants; if even one does not desire to participate whole-heartedly it will be best not to begin the experiment.

AUM (1936) - 478:
It is beautiful to feel that such inexhaustible force has been given to each individual. With such a force we can move physical objects. Since the force is inexhaustible, the size of the objects is relative. Today we can move small objects, tomorrow we may move something larger. In this progression lies the success of evolution.

AUM (1936) - 489:
489. Wherein is Guidance? Precisely in the indications of what is most needed and in protection against what is most dangerous. One needs to reflect what the word itself means. Usually people place upon it their own interpretation; in this will be the germ of mistrust, that is, the inception of dissolution. The scientist cannot carry on an experiment by premising unbelief. It can be observed that the likelihood of success in such an experiment is three-fourths lost.

AUM (1936) - 505:
505. Likewise people often imagine themselves industrious, but at the first need of continuous labor they fail in spirit. Long ago it was said, "Be the same in fortune and in misfortune, in success and in failure." People do not usually apply such counsels in life; they think that he who preaches this probably does not follow his own advice. But We know those who do apply these qualities in life. It is possible to name evident examples in earthly existence.

AUM (1936) - 567:
567. The radioscope records one side of luminosity; but the same apparatus can confirm the influence of psychic energy upon the degree of light. It can be observed that a different nervous state of the observer will alter the radioactivity. Thus it can be said that the psychic energy of man and mineral cooperate, being one. The manifestation of joint action or of breakage of current depends upon the so-called mood of the man. Even recently such an affirmation would have been called madness, but now there are certain persons who already understand such collaboration of energy, while others fear to ridicule it - thus knowledge progresses. It is especially necessary to recognize that a good frame of mind is already the half-way mark to success.

AUM (1936) - 591:
If, after reading these writings, people would more attentively observe the manifestations of their own psychic energy, one could call this a success.

Brotherhood (1937) - 71:
By means of suggestion it is possible not only to forestall pain, but even to give an entirely different direction to the illness. Rarely is the latter admitted, for up to the present time people have not believed much in the influence of thought. From the same source, from unbelief, comes stagnation of consciousness. People poison themselves by unbelief. The wisdom of ages has recorded many examples of great trust and also of destruction through mistrust. When We speak about cooperation and even about Brotherhood, We must repeat about trust - without it no rhythm is created, without it success is not invoked, without it there can be no advance. Do not think that I am reiterating something too generally known; on the contrary, as in an hour of danger I am repeating about the salutary expedient. There is no other way to awaken the psychic energy. There is no other path on which the heart can glow with victory. It is difficult not to weary if there be darkness in the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 108:
108. Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him? And so it is in cooperation. If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved? It is needful to cultivate one's capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks. It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones. One should look deeply into the depths of one's consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 160:
160. Be not surprised that the simplest examples often prove to be the most expressive. Setting forth on a distant journey, people look forward to seeing something attractive; if this does not happen, the journey turns out to be very abhorrent to them. Likewise, we should grow to love the idea of the Subtle World and the far-off worlds. One can so frighten oneself regarding the far-off worlds that even a move toward them will appear to be inadmissible. People usually have such a gloomy frame of mind toward everything of another world that they may be likened to a rueful traveler who has lost all his baggage. Let people be concerned with suggesting to themselves the best possibilities for success on the distant path. They will thus enter into the region of thought. It will be impossible for one to suffer who thinks beautifully! He will enter the Father's House, sensing in advance all the blessed treasures. Likewise must be comprehended the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 190:
190. The stupid are capable of affirming that Our Brothers sow sedition and uprisings, whereas actually They are applying all efforts to conciliate the peoples. They are ready to carry on the heavy service of forewarning in time the persons upon whom the national destiny depends. They do not spare their forces in hastening to bring tidings. At the cost of disagreeable methods, They bear the Light, which the forces of darkness are trying to extinguish. Yet the sown seeds of good will not dry up, and in the ordained days the seeds will flourish. But what should those people be called who harm the good? They are capable not only of impeding Advice but of interpreting as failure the most natural consequences. By what measure will the stupid appraise effects? Why do they take it upon themselves to judge where success or failure has appeared? What could happen without the assistance of the Brotherhood? It is hard to imagine the evil interpretation that accompanies each Great Service!

Brotherhood (1937) - 205:
But let us value the good that is brought us and let us escort the messenger with friendliness. Precisely in this friendliness is found the key to success.

Brotherhood (1937) - 221:
221. Each book of the Teaching carries an inner task. If brutality can make fun of Brotherhood, this will be the worst kind of savagery. Let people find the strength to restrain themselves from derision. Derision is not acuteness of mind. Humor is contained in a wise attitude toward events taking place, but the gaping mouth of the dull-witted is a disgrace to humanity. Is it a game, when humanity becomes the plaything of madness? They will meet with success who uplift the Chalice with clean hands.

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
It has been said that the web of the Most High consists of sparks; consequently, if one discerns even a single spark it will already be a big attainment. But in such experiments it is possible to achieve success only through mutual trust. Valuable information can be brought even by children, country folk, and various workers in whom even a single spark with which they have come in contact has caught hold. Very often people actually preserve some memories but are ashamed to talk about them. Such hiding places must be approached solicitously. They will not be revealed to an arrogant interrogator or to a hurrying passer-by. Moreover, earthly law prohibits touching upon what is professed to be sacred. Physicians frequently call such confessions madness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
We have already said that all questions concerning the inner consciousness must be severely tested, and if, out of a hundred dubious and obscure communications, one will prove to be authentic, this will already be a success. Thus, let us seek Truth.

Brotherhood (1937) - 282:
282. In the Brotherhood each one works as much as he can. Each one helps in accordance with the measure of his forces; each one does not condemn in his heart; each one affirms knowledge according to his experience; each one lets no time escape, for it is irrecoverable; each one is ready to lend his strength to a Brother; each one displays his best quality; each one rejoices at the success of a Brother. Are these principles too difficult? Are they supernatural? Are they beyond human strength? Do they require superknowledge? Is it possible that only heroes can understand unity? Precisely for the sake of comprehension examples have been given of the better people becoming physicians, cobblers, weavers, butchers, in order to infix better thinking through different kinds of labor.

Brotherhood (1937) - 392:
392. The man who feels himself unlucky has been called an obscurer of the heavens. He has collected gloom around himself and has infected the distant space. He has harmed himself, but still more all that exists. He has proved himself to be an egoist, forgetting about his surroundings. Depriving himself of good fortune, he has become a breeding ground of afflictions. As the self-satisfied one loses the thread of advance, so does he who is filled with self-pity cut away his own success. It is not fitting for man to doom himself to calamities. Long-sown wails and groans turn into a ruinous vortex. The itch of envy changes into leprosy; from malice the tongue grows numb. A whole hotbed of disasters is built by the man who gives himself over to the illusion of bad luck. Such poisoners are intolerable in the Brotherhood. Yet many dream about Brotherhood without thinking what a burden They bear! How strong is the man who realizes the good fortune of being a man!

Brotherhood (1937) - 456:
456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands.

Brotherhood (1937) - 465:
465. Predisposed observers discern only their own preconceived design in actions and reactions. If all the distorted facts be called to mind, it will be horrifying to learn how many already discovered attainments have been destroyed. It is impossible to show any advance which has not been sullied by premeditated trickery! There are many causes for premeditation - the first will be ignorance, then come malice, envy, aversion to someone's success, dislike for the new - thus, many ignominious qualities distort the facts. In such a frame of mind is it easy to proceed with the cognition of the great energy?

Brotherhood (1937) - 519:
519. Do not think that many understand the beautiful consonance of labor. Moreover, not many understand the distinction between joint and individual labor; for most it is merely a contradiction, whereas it is but evolution. People must not lose individuality, yet in a chorus each voice contributes to the common success; and with this realization one must keep in mind the fundamentals of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 546:
To isolate a clear thought, without incidental waverings, will be in itself a lofty discipline. In the Brotherhood attention is paid to such purification of thought. Speaking of Brotherhood, it is unavoidable to touch upon thought-sendings. The work of thought will function from small to great tasks, and the discipline of the heart will be required for success. Each heart is surrounded by anxiety, agitations, and tremor. One can overcome these tremors by addressing oneself to Hierarchy, not half-way, but fully; such an appeal is not at all frequent. Yet for the simplest experiments unshakable striving is required. Usually a swarm of tiny, malicious insects attempts to violate the purity of thought. All these petty ones must be subdued by brotherly unity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 552:
552. Do you wish to be courageous? Then prove your courage in battling for Brotherhood. Assurances alone will not create courage, nor will praises affirm achievement. No preparations can be a guarantee of success. Courage is tested by unexpected obstacles. I have already spoken about courage; if I repeat it, it means that this quality is especially needed on the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 565:
565. The Silvery Tear - thus We call the lofty degree of readiness for tests. The first word recalls the silver thread, the second - the chalice of patience. One should constantly keep in mind that the concept of the supermundane lives side by side with the earthly concept. This consciousness is very hard to maintain, for even good consciousnesses think only along one line in the hour of testing. We should not console ourselves with the thought that the silver thread is sturdy; let us rather safeguard it as if it were something fragile. Moreover, let us not forget that the chalice of patience is easily filled to overflowing, even in everyday life. It is not difficult to pass judgment on another's circumstances. Tests of equilibrium should be carried out upon oneself. Each such victory will be in itself a true success. Life provides many an opportunity for such victories. Preserve in memory each such conflict, instructive processes of thinking take place in it. The symbol of the tear for the chalice of patience is not accidental. It is difficult to restrain one's indignation when one observes a senseless destruction. A complaint about the brutalities of people often runs along the silver thread. The Teacher will often send a ray of Light so that one can look into the distance. Only the telescope of the spirit can cover the judgment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
We have many formulas ready to be revealed. The Ray from the Tower of Chun shines when the discoveries of scientists coincide with the dates. In their simplicity people do not understand the harmony of dates, and seek to impose their own disorderliness and irresponsibility in all matters. It is of no importance to them that, when certain requirements have not yet been met, a great idea is lost. In addition, they insist that everything be done by their own measures, they regard success as misfortune and rejoice at calamity. The small seems great to them, and the great, insignificant.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 23:
23. Urusvati has many times experienced Our way of healing through vibrations. There will come a time when medical science will change. Vibrations and hypnotic suggestion will be utilized together with medicines, and the large doses that are usually given will be reduced. Only a small medicinal impulse will be needed, and the rest of the recovery will depend upon vibrations and suggestions. Homeopathy, to a certain extent, foresaw the course of this medicine of the future, but at this time only those homeopathic physicians who possess strong psychic energy can succeed. Perhaps they are unaware of the source of their successful healing, but gradually they will learn about the harmony of the inner and outer influences, and the new methods of healing will then begin. At present, because of unenlightened conditions physicians hesitate to recognize that to a great extent it is their own psychic energy that is acting. They are ready to attribute their success to even the weakest medicines, unaware of their own powerful influence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 25:
The "Green Laurel"1 about whom you have often spoken could combine leadership with sensitivity to the Counsels of the Brotherhood. He accepted the directions of Saint Germain with full confidence. In this lay his success. Perhaps Saint Germain came especially to prepare this future leader.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33:
People generally do not like to speak about consciousness, for improvement is difficult for them, and there are not many who continue to gain knowledge after their school years. One's entire life should be transformed so that learning becomes a relentless necessity. We rejoice at each awakening of consciousness and We record as a sign of success each desire to think about the Brotherhood, even if it is only a thought about how to apply oneself or how to become united.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
Let Our Sister recall how often she has spoken in the subtle body with women completely unknown to her, and how often she has witnessed quarrels and misunderstandings. But the work of enlightenment does not tarry. Entire nations strive for knowledge, and with knowledge full rights will come. We can show Our records of the women's movements, and the results are encouraging. One should not think in a routine way. At present, the world has exceeded its bounds, the ship has lost its course, and the cosmic whirl speeds its movement. We are at the helm, but other sailors should also help. The terror of Armageddon can be transformed into a manifestation of success, but first Armageddon must be discerned and the meaning of Hierarchy understood. The role of woman in the world's economy has been strengthened. Never before have so many women been called to high positions. Our Counsels penetrate into far-off places.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 55:
The ignorant connect the sensation of joy with a healthy digestion or with success in life, but joy is greater than health and success. It can also exist amidst sickness and humiliation. Such a feeling is developed not only through many incarnations but also from a wisely spent sojourn in the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
One can cite many examples from history of people who carried Our missions. These tasks take many forms. Sometimes We assign only one action to be performed, but the mission may last a whole lifetime. We are accustomed to taking responsibility for the chosen ones. Each member of Our Community suggests a person who has been tested and assumes the responsibility for him. We need these lengthy testings that last even for several lives. We must be certain that the essence of the mission will be fulfilled. We do not consider details, because local conditions can bring in new factors. Also, We do not insist upon minor dates, for what is important to Us is the essence of the manifestation. Where is success and where failure? We alone can decide that. The considerations of cause and effect bring many complications. We project Our attention into the future in order to avert untimely conclusions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 72:
Sometimes We say, "Strive to Us with all your might." Such a call may seem unusual, but those who know understand the urgency contained in it. It is not easy to concentrate upon one object. People may labor for many years to develop this ability, yet at the hour of greatest tension even a small fly can disturb their striving. All of Us at some time have passed through such a strain. Success depends not on special abilities, but on intensified desire. Each one can try to strive to his Teacher, but he must strive so intently that he forgets all surroundings, whether it is day or night, warm or cold, for a short time or long. All this is within human power. And such striving is decidedly useful to Us, because it creates currents in space that meet in harmony with Our currents. If such beneficial thoughts were to be sent simultaneously from several countries, what powerful discharges they would generate!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77:
When one begins to experiment with photography immediate results are expected, but success can be achieved only at those rare times when people are consciously or unconsciously prepared for it. Nothing can happen without cause.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77:
Knowledge about the invisible world should be spread by all possible means. The success of evolution depends on it. Afterwards will come cognition of subtle energies. When We speak of the visibility of many subtle manifestations, some people regard it as a fiction. Such people cannot be brought to Our Abode, for they would be too frightened! All subtle signs would seem to them to be unbelievable and inaccessible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
Faith is true knowledge, and trust is the way to success. Distrust is the result of ignorance about Our work. It is essential to relate every individual situation to world conditions and to recognize how much Our help is complicated by human error. People defeat their best possibilities. We point out the necessity for unification, but there are not even three people who can fulfill Our requests!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 131:
It is correct to say that a community of people represents a crown of achievement, but for a perfect community there must be refinement and unification of consciousness. It is not a small task to unify consciousness in true collaboration. In the higher spheres of the Subtle World the soul begins to understand that collaboration brings power and success, but when people return to Earth, they forget the value of reciprocity. They also forget about Our existence, though they were aware of Us in the Subtle World, met Our Brothers, and understood the significance of Dokyood. Nevertheless, the appointed hour is approaching, and people will either understand what is predestined or choose catastrophe.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 144:
Some may wonder if conscious receptivity will promote the success of the cure. Definitely so, and to the greatest degree, for conscious receptivity activates the psychic energy of the organism. Such an ally is always essential.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 146:
146. Urusvati has notes pertaining to certain days of the Great Pilgrim, and has preserved His Image in her mind. The Great Pilgrim chose the fervor of great spiritual achievements, which were crowned with amazing success. Those who worship Him fail to understand that He dealt directly with the common people, and that He laid the foundation for a new understanding of the position of woman.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 148:
148. Urusvati will not forget to write about the music of the spheres, which she heard today. In it were expressed the fundamental details of coming events, their grandeur and their sadness. Great is the creation of these events, and profound is the sadness that success should be achieved at so great a price.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 174:
We greatly appreciate the ability to maintain equilibrium, whether in success or in failure, and the ability to continue to strive toward the chosen goal whatever the difficulties. But first one must have a goal and realize that without it there can be no advance. From such an attitude comes the possibility of great achievement. Achievement is demanded of everyone, and the idea of great achievements should inspire, not frighten.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176:
176. Urusvati knows how unpredictably the mosaic of life falls together, but such unexpectedness is only from the earthly point of view. A person may think that he speaks or writes with a certain intent, but he is directed to an entirely different goal by the Higher Forces. He may think that he is finding success in a desired direction, when in reality he is achieving greater success in some unexpected way. He may, for example, write to a certain person, then find that the response comes from an unexpected source.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185:
185. Urusvati knows that there are many methods of healing. At one time, healing was considered an art that for best results required the inner fusion of the will of the practitioner with the will of the patient. It was believed that intellectual analysis alone would not bring success.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 212:
A wise person does not necessarily rejoice at unexpected success in his affairs. A farmer knows that a particular tension of currents that is beneficial for his own harvest may provoke harmful repercussions in some distant land. And so it is in everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 212:
Even in ancient times the wise men knew that certain signs of success or failure could signal dreadful consequences. It is hard to imagine the catastrophes taking place in space that reach us centuries later. One cannot prevent what has already taken place, but one can acquire sufficient spiritual forbearance to accept what comes. When We speak about the need for equilibrium, We foresee many changes which people do not even suspect will come to pass.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 252:
When We say, "Affirm the success," it will be asked, "But where is the proof that it has taken place?" People do not understand that something beyond mere words is happening, and this "something" determines the combination of energies. An inexperienced eye cannot catch the first vibrations of atmospheric tension. An untrained ear cannot hear the developing accumulation of forces. To a casual observer nothing is happening, and everything remains as it always was, covered with dust!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 252:
When then did something meaningful happen? The reaction of the worldly one will be that nothing has taken place, and he will become indignant, asking, "Where is that affirmed success?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 252:
Therefore, care should be taken when you speak about the inception of events. Only a well-tested consciousness will embrace this idea. One should not expect people to rejoice about something that is not evident to them. And if We add that many events originate on days when signs are favorable, most people will not understand it. Superstitions are readily accepted, while scientific conclusions are ridiculed. Thus, today We shall say, "Affirm success."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 281:
281. Urusvati knows how essential is the joy of life. It is not only a healing remedy but also the best helper for communion with Us. Where does this stimulating feeling, called the joy of life, arise? It does not come from wealth or self-satisfaction, but is often experienced amidst the most grievous difficulties and persecutions. In times of stress, joy is especially valuable and healing. We call it the joy of Be-ness, for it does not depend on personal circumstances, success, or profit. This joy has no earthly reasons; it comes as a forerunner of the highest currents, which spiritualize the entire surrounding atmosphere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289:
289. Urusvati knows that the understanding of the fundamental principles and agreement about them among co-workers is the main guarantee of success. What can be worse than a mob of people who understand the rhythmic power of words and numbers, but cannot agree about life's fundamental principles? We put particular stress upon the understanding of these foundations, for without it knowledge itself is not only useless, but even harmful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 308:
308. Urusvati knows Our methods of healing through vibrations, which are similar in some ways to radio waves. These methods require cooperation, trust, and receptivity in the patient. Atmospheric conditions, which can at times interfere with Our currents, must also be taken into account. Many actions depend on attunement with the cosmic currents for their success. This must be well understood, or people will think that We at times withdraw Our help, and We may be accused of partiality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 319:
Envy is a viper that grips the human heart and infects it with evil, and thoughts of peace then become impossible. Indeed, people can be envious in the most unexpected ways. Many surprises will await you when you learn to read the human mind. A man may have many treasures, yet will still envy his neighbor's meager success. Until the vices that obstruct peace are eradicated, true peace will not be possible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
Evil influences operate strongly in the Subtle World just as on Earth. Disembodied spirits bring with them from Earth the passions they have not yet outlived. However, such passions are not as dangerous as prejudice, because passion can lead to motion, whereas prejudice is stagnant and inevitably causes corruption. Do not conclude from this that We approve of passions. We only point out that in motion there can be a seed of success, whereas ignorance is quite hopeless. When We say "prejudice" we mean an opposition to true knowledge; this attitude is common not only on Earth, but also in the Subtle World. There are even those of a certain mentality who are convinced that knowledge is the cause of all human miseries.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
You have heard about the physician who was sent to investigate subtle manifestations, but could achieve nothing because prevailing conditions were not favorable for the success of his investigation. We want to encourage such research, but it is difficult to find some common ground for communication.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 394:
It is said about a Warrior that he is unchanged in joy and in sorrow, in victory and in defeat. It is not about indifference that We speak, but about a degree of intensity that, by its velocity of motion, prevents perception of extremes. I often speak about a bad experience and at the same time refer to joy. In the speed of his movement the pilgrim passes quickly over both mountain and abyss. He is so absorbed in his mission that his striving carries him over all obstacles upon the wings of success. Likewise, We are in such tension that Our striving carries Us through, with new measures of time and events.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444:
A sensitive physician will prescribe a patient's favorite foods; the same is done when a preferred substance is indicated for the success of an experiment. Even the simplest man has an inner sense of what is especially close to him, and remarkable experiments could be performed comparing the different substances that are especially suitable for each organism. It can be shown that man himself senses what is best for him. But everything superficial must be eliminated, or drunkards will insist that only alcohol is good for them!


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