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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUBSEQUENT (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17:
The subsequent as well as the early events pass utterly unnoticed. The throne, or the cell of a monastery, or the cobbler's nook have no importance; the previously accumulated aura accompanies this last path. Of course the aura expands, and, as it were, shields an unusual sensitiveness; but its quality no longer changes, and from early age one may distinguish these singular children, who carry their own world of manifestations of the spirit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 257:
When someone is said to be depressed by circumstances, be assured that he lives unignited, and that any encounter with an obstacle confuses his consciousness. Sometimes it is difficult to discern the moment of confusion, yet it poisons all subsequent actions. But when the step is firm, the counterforces are beneficial. They generate lightning, and the thunder shakes distant mountains. Pettiness begets pettiness, however. Therefore, when bidding people Godspeed on a journey, bid them also to shun pettiness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 446:
446. It can be observed that the Subtle World is approaching the earthly. Even fiery sendings do not miss the Earth, but the consciousness of people can sometimes be far from the reception of these manifestations. The word is uttered, but the consciousness is silent. There is not even a restlessness fitting before great events. The deathlike state of the consciousness is staggering! One can understand how gradually the subsequent Teaching must be given! A readiness to apply the Teaching to life is noticeable only in rare cases, but the fiery manifestations tarry not. Not having been transmuted by the human consciousness, they flow into dangerous channels.

AUM (1936) - 169:
169. One should reread books about principles and fundamentals. In general, it is necessary to renew one's impression of what has been read. It is wrong to think that a book read three years ago will not appear new on subsequent reading. A man himself changes in these years. His consciousness and understanding cannot remain on the same level; in all his surroundings change has taken place, and he would be unable to return to former conditions. Through his broadened horizon man discovers new contents in the book. Therefore, a book once read should not be cast into oblivion forever; knowledge lives on, and each sign of it must be alive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 178:
178. True, the quantity of insane people is monstrous. Not only must they be treated, but the cause of the increase in number must be discovered. The weak-minded also need surveillance. Madness is contagious. Weak-mindedness in childhood indicates subsequent abnormality through the entire life. People are agreed that the conditions of life are unhealthy; yet, in spite of this, every advice about improving conditions for health will meet with hostility. In this is contained the fear of any unsettling of the foundations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
It is remarkable that, while in the Subtle World, people receive information about the earliest eras, but only a few are able to preserve any memory of this knowledge during subsequent incarnations. If they later find relics from these ancient periods, they generally do not recognize them. But tangible proof, such as physical contact with objects of those eras, is not really necessary. The essential thing is to preserve deeply within one's consciousness the assurance of their existence.


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