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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUBMARINE (3)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 28:
28. Salamanders, as entities of the lower fire, cannot be very luminous. When I showed you a salamander I wished to give you a conception of the creatures of the fiery depths. I have already shown you the subterranean and submarine entities, but one must also know the amplitude of Fire. One can understand better the entire diversity of the fiery entities when not only the Highest but also the lowest is perceived.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 207:
207. The greatest earthly cataclysms have resulted from under-sea ruptures. Let us not forget that while mountain peaks attain the height of 30,000 feet, submarine chasms even surpass this measure. They may be pictured as reaching a depth of 70,000 feet. The disappearances of lakes are not so dangerous, but a rising of the water level should be a matter of concern. Several times the Earth has undergone the same fate, but people do not think on a planetary scale. Just now there may be observed a certain resemblance to past events. The lack of balance of fires and waters constitutes a subject for deep investigation. Some will ponder over it, and many will ridicule.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 477:
477. The World is atremble. Again the depths of the seas are restless. But these depths are not being taken into consideration. The dates for many submarine shifts draw near, but it is not customary to think about such processes. If people knew how to think about the elements and the supermundane Spheres, their thinking would be turned more easily toward the fundamentals. Why can only a few think about the most essential?


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