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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUBDIVISION (6)

AUM (1936) - 174:
174. Humanity is wiping out the distinction between tribes, therefore one should speak with special caution about tribes. Even those tribes that are still distinct in appearance and language are not basically and essentially isolated from each other. In conventional terms the subdivision is clear, but not in the matter of blood. An admixture is taking place which is so characteristic during a change of race. It is more appropriate to speak about humanity as a whole than to speak conventionally about the interlacing of branches.

AUM (1936) - 175:
175. It is necessary to return often to the thought about humanity as a single heart. There is too much ignorance and impediment where there should be amiable cooperation. A history should be written of the subdivision of the heart of humanity.

AUM (1936) - 533:
533. Each conventional subdivision inflicts damage upon the principle of unity. Realization of the fundamental force helps to liberate one from unnecessary accumulations. Most conventional terms have arisen from the egoism of individuals, each desiring to name an object in his own way. True, the mixture of languages also has produced extraordinary definitions. One should concern oneself with the crystallization of clear unifying definitions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 215:
215. Knowledge proceeds along the lines of both generalization and subdivision. Some scholars begin with the first steps of cognition to apply themselves to the former, while others cannot go beyond the limits of the latter. Sooner or later these too must turn to the method of generalization. One must learn to like this kind of thinking. In it is contained creativeness. Subdivision will be a preparatory path to the same goal. It is useful to be able to understand the distinction between the two paths. Indeed, there are at present many diligent scholars who are quite content with the second. But it is of little assistance when with each new cognition there is arising a synthesis of many branches of science. There is required great mobility of mind in order to be able to find comparison and confirmation from a most unforeseen domain of science. The ability to combine imperative evidences already demonstrates a lofty degree of consciousness. Much has been lost on account of needless subdivisions. There has even been noticed a sort of hostility between the separate branches of science. But are not the humanitarian and applied science branches of the same tree of Truth?

Brotherhood (1937) - 592:
592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood.


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