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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SU > SUBCONSCIOUS (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 601:
601. Scientists speaking about the subconscious, about cerebral and nervous reflexes, about animal magnetism, about telepathy, certainly speak of one and the same thing - of psychic energy. But this term is somehow not uttered. These snatches of knowledge beg to be united into one current, but narrow-mindedness prevents the proper relating of these various fragments of knowledge. Pure science is not afraid of alleyways. Attention is being paid now to the study of secretions, and perhaps this particular direction, the investigation of glandular secretions, will call attention to the existence of other secretions. Glandular secretions have only recently attracted attention, although ancient medicine pointed out the importance of secretions long ago. This matter was avoided, although all of nature proclaimed it. Is it possible that dialectics and materialism are only limitations? The development of consciousness brings us into closer contact with the entire mighty energy. Is it possible to think as before, with only half one's brain, not caring about the locked-up treasures?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 50:
50. The life impulse lives within man and in everything outside of him. The life-essence of Cosmos binds all that exists. And all subdivisions into conscious and unconscious must be verified. Thus far, the concept of consciousness is understood only relatively, and it is customary to define as subconscious and unconscious those manifestations of the cosmic fires which humanity has simply failed to understand.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 79:
79. Urusvati has experienced the most distressing earthly manifestation - the sensation of absolute darkness. It is terrible, for the intensity of the anguish it causes is equal to that of asphyxiation. Whence comes such injurious darkness? It might seem to be no more than a spiritual prevision, which, like straight-knowledge, plunges the entire organism into experiencing the feeling of an impending event. But in reality it is far more dangerous, for it is an emanation of planetary decay. When people come into contact with this darkness, their unspeakable anguish is understandable. These contacts are usually subconscious, for few have seen the pernicious darkness itself. For those, the feelings are especially strong. When contact is made with absolute darkness while in the earthly body, there may be extremely painful sensations, and even inflammation of the centers. We know this contact; it attacks the psychic energy. One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse. When We expect a particularly heavy pressure of darkness, We determinedly increase Our vital forces. Those who are under Our care receive a special measure of energy in order to withstand the attack of darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 145:
145. Urusvati knows that unknown names, unknown places and unfamiliar words often come to the surface from the depths of consciousness. Scientists call this the subconscious, but they are unaware that communications from space accumulate in man's Chalice, and when given an impulse, are transferred to the brain.


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