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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STUPIDITY (19)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.11:
If timidity retards one, then it is better to burn the bridges already crossed. If avarice hinders, then better throw the purse over the next river. If stupidity impedes, then better let one's horses go by themselves. If rancour delays, then better hang an effigy of the enemy between the ears of one's horse. Only beauty can promote determination. Then to think about the purse and the enemy will seem a child's whim.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
People have distorted the meaning of the word "harmony." Into this concept there has been inserted something clerical, a fold of the chiton, the immortelle of non-existent love, and even a knotted stocking. It were better, without any harps, to replace this withered concept with a more energetic one: let us say "sensitiveness of cooperation." Without it the Community cannot exist. Violation of it provokes resentment; resentment begets dullness and stupidity.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
121. The new consciousness, supported by technical means, will give a powerful impetus to knowledge. Indeed, the community must be a most sensitive apparatus for the process of evolution. Indeed, in a conscious community no individual can make affirmation about an already molded world-study. Every dull barrier is swept away by the sharpened vibration of the collective. Even a hint at completion makes sojourn in the community impossible. Who then will assume the stigma of stupidity?

New Era Community (1926) - 190:
Lack of analysis can offend the most patient guide. Many cannot even determine the occupation of a person by peculiarities of his dwelling. The lack of observation is striking. People are unable to notice objects which threaten the crowns of their heads. They cannot enumerate ten objects about them. They cannot point out the simplest details of their surroundings. For them everything is nothing - nil, naught and nowhere. This is not even a degree of indifference, but is the stupidity of ignorance. Walk away from such bipeds!

New Era Community (1926) - 216:
216. Beware of those who have no time. Being falsely busy indicates first of all inability to make use of the treasure of time and space, and such people can execute only the primitive forms of labor. It is impossible to attract them to construction. We have already spoken about the falsifiers of dates, who steal someone else's time; now let us speak about paltry idlers and dullards, who clutter up the path of life. They are busy as a pepper-box; they always have a bitterness against labor; they are as puffed up as turkey-cocks; they account for a quantity of stench from smoking; they bring the place of labor into a state of stupefaction. They think up a hundred pretexts to fill in the cracks of rotten work. They cannot find an hour for the most urgent. In their stupidity they are ready to become arrogant and to deny that which is most essential for them. They are as unproductive as are the thieves of another's time. They must be excluded from the new structures. For them can remain the carrying of bricks.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 26:
26. You often ask how one can reconcile the indicated joy with one's joyless contacts with people. Truly, each Teacher rejoices at the limitless beauty of the far-off worlds and suffers over the stunted stupidity of so many people. How can they be given the key to those far-off worlds? Even after divesting themselves of their leaden burden of stupidity they must still pass through the venomous slime of doubt, and then the terrible state of self-conceit. Then, a great log will fall on the napes of their necks, and, tumbling down the stairs, these snails will dream of clinging at least to the lowest step. From this rocking human spirit one could fashion instructive children's toys. Truly, the snails cling more firmly to their own spots. At least snails do not engage in senseless wars.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 132:
132. Conceit and suspicion are horrible diseases. The first gives rise to stupidity and ignorance. From the second issue lies and treachery. One must keenly discern the true motives of one's co-workers. The shield protects those who, through sincere striving to enlightenment, can make straight the convolutions of darkness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 174:
174. Certainly the path of Service can bring one to higher knowledge. Only ignorance could bring the planet to its present condition. Humanity has lost the understanding of the beauty of aspiration, and construction has been established upon the stupidity of isolationism. For this reason, unity of Service has been revealed as salvation for humanity. The entire power of constructiveness is based on Hierarchy. Thus the mighty thread unites the entire Cosmos. Verily, only in full realization of Great Service can the beauty of Spirit and the Might of Hierarchy be understood. Space summons to the fulfillment of the great Law. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the steps of true evolution are built!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 418:
418. People often experience an unexplainable state of exultation or depression. They attribute this to their stomachs rather than to the approach of good or dark forces. Yet these manifestations occur frequently and can be intense. People often experience a touch or pricks. They ascribe such manifestations to cobwebs or dust, but it never occurs to them that the entities of the Subtle World may thus contact them. Similarly, people often hear movements and rustling, but they think of mice or centipedes in order to drive away all thought about manifestations of a distant world. The same people will complain that the Subtle World does not manifest itself. But subtle movements are not like blows of a hammer! As with everything else, the approach of the Subtle World should be acknowledged and fearlessly studied. We must not condemn that to which we did not even give attention. Yet if some people are so fortunate as to behold a Fiery Being, they will think first of all about a demon. Such is the corruption of the contemporary consciousness! Such crass ignorance is called skepticism, critical judgment, or erudition, when it would be far more accurate to call it plain stupidity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 573:
573. Pseudo-science impedes knowledge of the Universe. Thought cannot be limited by a mechanistic conception. Even the greatest mathematical minds have acknowledged something above mere formulas. But mediocrity has no flights of thought, and in its stupidity prefers to come up against a wall rather than look upward.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 573:
A certain teacher asked a pupil, "Where does stupidity dwell?" The boy answered, "When I do not know my lesson, you tap upon my forehead. Probably stupidity is there." One must understand why We now tap at the heart and not the forehead. The head has stored up many calculations, but the heart has been laggard in improving. Thus one must straighten out that which is backward.

Brotherhood (1937) - 235:
235. Hatred of humanity is reaching out for radical methods of destruction - by gases and poisoning. Let scientists make it clear that these gases do not disappear immediately but precipitate for a long time. Let the inventors of gases settle down in a house the walls of which have been rubbed with arsenic or corrosive sublimate, or other emanative poisons. By experience on themselves, on their eyes, skin and lungs, let them be convinced as to how long the emanating poisons continue to act. Moreover, in a large number of poisons their preparation works injury at great distances. Only criminal stupidity thinks that the damage will be done only to the enemy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 316:
316. It is said that without stupidity Earth would be a paradise. It is a mistake to be consoled with thinking that nowadays there is less stupidity than in ancient times - at present it has become even more malignant. Each advanced stupidity is especially dangerous in playing with explosives. Stupidity does not think about the future. It is not disquieted by thought about epidemics. There are many kinds of new sicknesses, yet there will be still more of them. The manifestation of Brotherhood will be as ozone amid poisoned ruins.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 18:
18. Urusvati, in her subtle body, continuously participates in Our help to humanity. Through their flights in the subtle body Our co-workers render so much help to people that no records are sufficient to contain it. It should be remembered that We rarely appear at so-called spiritualistic seances, and We consider such gatherings harmful because of the discordant auras of those who attend. Hardly any circle is ever assembled with due consideration of the auras of the participants. One can imagine what kind of entities project and materialize in response to the discordant mental states at these gatherings, and attention has already been directed to the stupidity of answers received in response to questions put by these equally stupid circles!


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