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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STUDIED (85)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 372:
372. I know you who scratch at the door. You hope upon the shoulders of a guest to enter My House. I know you! You have become subtle and resourceful, Even more resourceful than many of Mine. You have fastened your clasps and prepared your garments. You have even studied all My expressions. I hear you pronounce even Joy. But here I shall stop you. You do not dare pronounce the joy of Love. Your joy is the joy of hatred.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.4:
The attention and expectations of humanity must be turned to the far-off worlds. Hence, everything pertaining to this subject must be studied without prejudices. Since exact knowledge is needed, astronomy is strikingly applicable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9:
Those who have studied profound subjects must have known this labor of saturated rhythm, so that nothing could hinder them. The Teacher Buddha took much care that His disciples should know about changes of rhythm. Before great attainments He advised not repose but labor of saturated rhythm. Keep this in mind.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.15:
Not only the problem of a spaciousness of workrooms but also that of a proper access for light must be studied.

New Era Community (1926) - 114:
114. People study the life of bees, of ants, of monkeys, and they are amazed at migratory birds, at their order and precision of course; yet from all this they draw no deductions for the betterment of earthly life. Natural history must be taught in schools as completely and attractively as possible. By examples from the vegetable and animal kingdoms one should give to understand what treasures are contained in man. If the comparatively lower organisms sense the fundamentals of existence, then so much more must man apply his efforts for a successful improvement. Many valuable indications are revealed everywhere. From the very first lessons let pupils rejoice at the wonders of life. Likewise let them apprehend how to make use of flights and of clairaudience. Thus, clairaudience will be a natural condition. Likewise the Subtle World will be studied, along with subtle energies. There will be no dividing line between physical and metaphysical, for all exists - which means that everything is perceptible and cognizable. And so, superstitions and prejudices will be shattered.

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
One may pass from animals to plants. You already know that it is beneficial to sleep on cedar roots. You know what collectors of electricity pine needles are. Not only do plants serve salutarily by their extracts, but the plant emanation produces a strong effect on the surroundings. One may see how man can be helped by a bed of flowers consciously combined. Absurd are mixed flower beds whose mutual reactions destroy their good effect. Matched or homogeneous ones can answer the needs of our organism. How many useful combinations there are in fields covered by wild plants! Combinations of plants which are natural neighbors must be studied as instruments of an orchestra. Those scientists are right who look upon plants as subtly sensitive organisms. The next steps will be the study of the reaction of groups of plants on each other as well as upon man. The sensitivity and reciprocal action of plants upon surroundings is indeed astonishing. Plants are manifested, as it were, as a binding substance of the planet, acting on a network of imperceptible interactions. True, the value of plants was long ago foreseen, but group reciprocal actions have not been studied. Until recently people have not understood the vital capacity of vegetable organisms and have senselessly cut clusters of heterogeneous plants, not caring about the meaning of what they were doing. A man with a bouquet is like a child with fire. Exterminators of the vegetation of the planet's crust are like state criminals.

New Era Community (1926) - 158:
158. Magnetism and gas formations, both dynamic factors, are absolutely not studied. Magnetism attracts attention when a horse is unable to life its shoe from the ground. Gasses are mentioned when people and animals fall dead. Only about such crude manifestations do people talk, but magnetism and gases operate throughout the entire surface of the planet. No place is indifferent, each locality is individual according to qualities of deeply practical significance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 142:
All have heard about the coming of the New Era. Can the new arrive in inaction? It is better to welcome a new blind puppy than an aged parrot that repeats old things. Examine the stream of the Teachings of life that have been given to humanity. Each, without affecting the preceding, opens new gates to knowledge. The enduring realities of life are fundamental to each given Teaching. Therefore they should be studied not for learning, but for application to life. Only in this way can you create the current of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 398:
Even the effects of earthquakes and meteors on human behavior are not studied. In addition to an investigation of the physical composition of meteors, is it not important to observe their effects on the psychic energy of masses of people?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 486:
486. At present, people are not aware of the action of metals upon psychic energy, but in antiquity there was a great understanding of this. Magnets, and also alloys made of seven, eight, or nine metals were studied. As you know, many images were fashioned using alloys of metals, and instructions were given to worshipers to touch them with their hands. Thus, under the guise of a reverent act, a beneficial effect on the psychic energy of the worshiper was obtained. These primitive practices are no longer followed, and they have not been replaced by anything rational. Astrochemistry is recognized, radioactivity and magnetism hold the attention, but these are all directed only upon the body, whereas the most essential, psychic energy, is forgotten. Notice how colored glass, used as a filter, acts on the psychic condition. Metals and their combinations will act still more strongly.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 538:
538. When all books are read and their words have been studied, then it remains to apply in life what has been learned. If books are read again and again, and their words carefully noted, their application can still remain outside of life, and not even the strongest signs will compel one to change one's habits. Yet one has to find a way to develop mobility of consciousness. The heart can sense the shame of an unworthy waste of time.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 539:
539. The conditions of the nerve centers of children should be studied. It is known that in each child these centers are developed in individual and uneven ways. In some children, there may be one highly developed center that can prompt spontaneous actions equal to those of adults.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 173:
173. The paths of the Spatial Fire are so completely coordinated with evolutionary processes that one may say that it is Fire that affirms evolution. The manifestation of Fire must be studied as the lever of the Cosmic Magnet. And in each human action lies the potentiality of the Fire of Space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 70:
70. Aerolites are not sufficiently studied, and still less attention is accorded to the cosmic dust upon the eternal snows and glaciers. However, the Cosmic Ocean designs its rhythm on the summits. If we begin to think of Infinity, we should pay attention primarily to all that comes from beyond and links us materially with the far-off worlds. How, then, can one venture upon a distant voyage without paying attention to the guests from afar? Also, symptoms of life upon the eternal snows should be compared with those upon the plains. Perhaps the excessive growth of certain glands is caused by the use of water from the snows, which causes a disorder resulting from the action of the particles of cosmic dust. So many useful observations are diffused around us, one must only stretch out one's hand!

Hierarchy (1931) - 335:
335. Humanity must carry out a multitude of urgent experiments. Imperil must not only be recognized as the calamity of the departing race but the contagion of imperil should also be studied. It will be possible to ascertain that imperil acts at far distances and can affect the subtle body. Imperil clashes like a dissonance with the Fire of Space. People who depart from Earth with a store of imperil create for themselves a torturous existence; the Fire of Space rushes upon them, for harmony means adherence to the foundations. Each opposition to the foundations calls forth the counteraction of the Fire of Space. Thus, one should admit that personal irritation is an excrescence of the departing ones. But it must be noted that people often do not wish to heed their own irritation, though the dangerous poison does not diminish because of that.

Heart (1932) - 153:
Inseparable from the question of aromas is the concept of our emanations; but this field also is hardly studied. Each evidence of investigation of various emanations always encounters the stigma of charlatanism. Likewise, each sensitive sensation only encounters doubt, as if the multivariety of nature does not demand refinement!

Heart (1932) - 299:
299. The lower spheres are so greatly littered that, without exaggeration, oxidation of the meteoric dust occurs, because the chemical reactions of psychic energy are primarily reflected upon metals. This simple observation can be studied upon metallic objects worn by people of various psychic natures. Of course, the littering of the spheres closest to our planet is very destructive. The lower subtle bodies, like swindlers at the bazaar, loiter about, thus obstructing the successful formation of the spiral of constructiveness. It is necessary to be possessed of special striving in order to penetrate beyond the limits of these dread accumulations. Thus, we should not believe that thinking is without consequences; even the broadest chalice can be overfilled! The more so since gravitation during rotation arrests many particles of light weight. Thus, when We speak about the necessity of purifying psychic energy through refinement of thinking, We have in mind the purification of the lower spheres. Speaking in the language of the Church, it is necessary to conquer the infernal hordes.

Heart (1932) - 319:
319. A miracle is a manifestation of the most subtle energies, which are not accounted for in schools of chemistry and physics. A miracle is not evidenced only in levitation and loss of weight, to which you were witnesses; the very same subtlest energies are utilized in life oftener than people think, and these manifestations, incomprehensible to the majority, must be studied. This is not necromancy, not spiritualism, but simply the science of the most refined energies. Before us is the human heart, the most sacred treasure-chest, but it is necessary to harken to it and to approach this highest throne, cleansing our hands. You have witnessed examples of negligent physicians who did not profit by the beautiful evidence of a flaming heart. Now they are paying for their blindness. A miracle may take place, but it is necessary to unite the most refined threads of the heart. Therefore We point out the necessity of unification of consciousness.

Heart (1932) - 365:
365. If you encounter a bigot, know that he is not of the heart. If you meet one who is superstitious, know he is not of the heart. If you meet one affrighted, know he is not of the heart. Nevertheless, these uninvited guests will mention the word heart. It is high time to segregate all mountebanks of the heart, so that they should not play with human hearts. The heart should be studied when obscured by self-love and cruelty. Thus, through observation of the pulse, one can approach the treasures of the heart. One can similarly sense when the heart is silent and the calls do not reach it. A great deal of work has been done on the transmission of thought at a distance - the pulse is also useful for this. In its most sensitive capacity the pulse can detect a thought-sending, even before its realization. In this way one can again prove the extent to which the subtlest possibilities are contained in the organism, of which people have formed only an obtuse, physical image. This coarsening has already accumulated for many thousands of years, and the light of the body goes further from the Fire.

Heart (1932) - 462:
462. Unutterable are many concepts and conditions. Only disrespect for the sonority of words permits people often to twitter like birds; but if they studied the language of the birds they would be amazed at its solemnity. There is more exaltation in the words of birds than in the contorted judgments of the people, the bipeds. It is not without reason that I reiterate about solemnity, because it is the nourishment of the heart! Not by condemnation or irritation, but insolemnity do we prepare for the great march onward. This onward march must be understood as a service to the Teaching of Life.

Heart (1932) - 480:
480. If some one begins to complain about the intangibility of the Subtle World, point out how exceedingly erroneous is this statement. The wings of the Subtle World touch people more often than it is customary to think. But people themselves brush off the invisible flies and an invisible web. Often people also fight against an intrusive thought and turn around with the question, "Who calls me?" A multitude of subtle but entirely real sensations fill life. Because of their physical reality many of them can even be studied with comparatively crude apparatuses. As you know, the feeling of invisible webs over the face can be distinctly and enduringly felt. It would seem that for physicians who occupy themselves with research in the domain of psychic phenomena, this sensation should be very significant. Why not experiment with such people by means of various apparatuses, regarding pulsation, character of secretions, regarding the heart and the receptivity of the skin? The subtle element will also indicate a kind of tremor near the person under observation. Thus, one could begin useful observations by groping, but the chief trouble is that usually such experiments are carried on sporadically, without unwavering iron patience. The Subtle World demands striving, not convulsions.

Heart (1932) - 481:
481. When I speak of the touches of the Subtle World, I do not refer to the sensation of a handclasp or a touch which calls attention. These manifestations may be unexpected and hence elude observation. But the invisible web and the so-called intrusive thought can be analyzed. Naturally, not in insane asylums, but precisely on healthy people can the Subtle World be studied. Obsession, of course, provides a succession of manifestations, but the lower spheres must not be made manifest for they are dreadfully contagious.

Heart (1932) - 567:
567. One may diligently begin the indicated experiments with photography, but all the details must be studied. This is also a useful study for the investigation of the Subtle World. But remember that during the photographing the photographer must not look at the one photographed. Do not forget about the chemism of the glance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 273:
273. The study of reciprocal intercourse among people is true social science. The relations between man and man studied in sociology do not reveal all interrelations. Sociologists do not study the manifestations of spiritual reactions. They leave this to psychology. But this science, in addition to being superficial, usually studies separate individuals, whereas it is necessary to study the expressions of sociality, for the spiritual influence is unusually powerful and its contact with cosmic processes leads to the solution of many problems. One should assiduously compare crowds and also learn how to compare their actions with nature's resonator. One should not overlook these powerful factors. It is not enough to know the effect of a volley of cannons; this is too elementary. It is far more important to know the effects of a crowd's glances or its shouts. One should realize that these waves reach remote shores by way of all the fiery currents. Thus, one can discover the causes of many unexpected occurrences, but this demands observation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 290:
290. Labor serves as the best purge of all abominations. Labor generates the potent factor of sweat, which has even been brought forward as a means for the propagation of man. Perspiration has been analyzed very little; it seldom has been studied in comparison with man's personality, and it has been little observed in relation to the various elements. Even an inexperienced observer will notice the many different varieties of perspiration. It is actually easy to notice that a fiery nature is not given to a quantity of perspiration, and, in any case, it alkalizes it. On the other hand, earth and water natures are strongly saturated with perspiration. Thus, it can be observed with what wisdom one of the earliest evolutions of man was indicated.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 313:
313. No one can rightly form an opinion about cosmogony without having studied the fiery element. It would be comparable to an architect's beginning to build a stone structure without having studied the nature of stone and the resistance of building materials. But the contemporary state of minds is so remote from a salutary synthesis!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 418:
418. People often experience an unexplainable state of exultation or depression. They attribute this to their stomachs rather than to the approach of good or dark forces. Yet these manifestations occur frequently and can be intense. People often experience a touch or pricks. They ascribe such manifestations to cobwebs or dust, but it never occurs to them that the entities of the Subtle World may thus contact them. Similarly, people often hear movements and rustling, but they think of mice or centipedes in order to drive away all thought about manifestations of a distant world. The same people will complain that the Subtle World does not manifest itself. But subtle movements are not like blows of a hammer! As with everything else, the approach of the Subtle World should be acknowledged and fearlessly studied. We must not condemn that to which we did not even give attention. Yet if some people are so fortunate as to behold a Fiery Being, they will think first of all about a demon. Such is the corruption of the contemporary consciousness! Such crass ignorance is called skepticism, critical judgment, or erudition, when it would be far more accurate to call it plain stupidity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 571:
571. Here is another example of the influence of thought. True, in studying the scriptural records of all ages, one is struck by a seeming repetitious occurrence of identical thoughts. Not only do we find like expressions of the same thoughts but one may often find quite identical particular words. Yet it can be established that the writers not only did not know each other but could not possibly have read these writings. This manifestation can be observed in all domains of creativeness. Ignorance would suspect some form of concealed plagiarism, but anyone who has contacted true creative force knows that thought sent into space can impregnate the most varied receivers. Such manifestations should be studied, They can actually prove the possibility of the influence of psychic energy; besides, the same considerations may direct thought toward Hierarchy - in other words, to the shortest path.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 195:
195. A new tradition about the significance of the heart must be moulded when people are caring least of all about it. Institutions for the study of the heart must be founded, with a knowledge of all that has been written about this center of being. All the ancient cults in which a place was allotted to the knowledge of the heart, must be studied; and here external remedies alone are of no assistance. Let us not forget that in antiquity suggestion was applied for reanimation of the stopped heart. There are many traditions about the bringing back to life which are based on this action. True, a great and disciplined will is required, and time is needed for the establishing of the new heart action. It must be determined how many minutes must elapse before the heart activity can be again established. But this will be extremely variable, for the actual departure of the subtle body occurs quite individually. There are many reasons for this, including the physical state and the quality of the subtle body. The physician should understand this diversity of conditions.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
Each epoch has its expressions. One should not cling to old methods when it is possible to apply new understanding. Even in the Ancient Covenants we see prophets who were always saturated with spirit. And much later, formulas, numbers, and rhythms were studied. But some have considered such methods too near to invocations, and thus belittling to the Higher Principle. Especially at present, during the epidemic of obsession, people must seek heart communion.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 150:
150. Verily, thought is infinite. The domains of the Cosmos are revealed to it. There are no limitations where the spirit rules. Is not thought, which pervades all and manifests the beauty of the Cosmos, miraculous? Thought, emanating from the Depths of the Cosmos, revealing all sources, is the most fiery of the manifestations of space. Even if thought does not find its application upon Earth, nevertheless, it fierily saturates space with these creative records. Thought-forms intensify each vital designation, as a fiery impulse of life. The source of creative power is inexhaustible when life is filled with thought. Therefore, to think means to construct life. To think means to affirm the forms of life. The threshold reached by thought always leads to the destined goal, because thought rules with eternal Fire. Thought, which leads to the might of great Cosmic Constructiveness, is not sufficiently studied.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 159:
159. The protective net contains reflections of the centers. One cannot be affirmed upon any manifestations without touching the protective net. One can imagine these reflections of the centers as their potentials which are inflamed or awakened depending upon this or that feeling, inclination, or action. Even in physical infections one may seek the cause in the unguarded state of the protective net. These processes indicate how important it is to watch the protective net, and how readily possible it is to disturb these radiations of the spirit. True, when the radiation is saturated with higher feelings or strivings, the protective net is strengthened by these energies. But blots, noticeable on the aura, must be studied as indexes of various spiritual ulcers. Therefore, only he who apprehends the whole creativeness of the spirit foresees the advisability of guarding the protective net. In contacting the spatial Fire, it is needful to understand all the processes of the laboratory of the centers. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should become affirmed in one's consciousness upon the ruinous effect of selfhood, which causes irritation by manifesting actual poisoning with imperil.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 168:
168. A fiery epoch has begun. As at present physical manifestations are being studied, so will be studied the fiery manifestations of the centers. Agni Yoga is being manifested as a forerunner of the Great Epoch - yes, yes, yes!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 442:
442. All the secretions of man are too little studied. They can call to mind so much about psychic energy! Already the remarkable contents of saliva have been spoken about. It can yield the same evidences as photographs of radiations. One has but to separate the saliva of man into its various constituents to see its different phases. Furthermore, at times something indeterminable in its composition will be noted. Something reminding one of psychic energy. In some particular cases a significant deduction may be drawn. How useful is the cooperation of the observant physician!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 539:
539. Reflect upon the confusion which encompasses the spirit of traitors. That most frightful, gloomy sinking into darkness, that most perilous breaking of the fiery bond. It is as if for traitors the sun and the moon were the same, and in their madness they would overthrow the sun. Indeed, the madness of traitors should be studied by psychiatrists. One may observe the paroxysms which are followed by terror. From the one side they appear to be ordinary people, but from the other they no longer belong to the planet, and the spirit knows what such a path is like!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 610:
610. Especial attention is paid to dwarfs. As a special race they appear everywhere. One may observe in them not only bodily peculiarities but also a special psychology. No one discerns the cause of appearance of such small creatures; the more so since side by side with them, in the same conditions and families, appear people of lofty stature. But it has already been observed that there do occur unexpected materializations of very tiny beings. Even a clumsily embellished story from the life of Paracelsus recalls how he tried to preserve such small creatures. Of course the experiment was unsuccessful. But even now imprints of very tiny extremities are known. They must be looked upon purely scientifically. The solution will lie in a property of the ectoplasm - hence come both giants and dwarfs. But giants have already been forgotten. Few of them are of interest to anyone and few exceed two meters; and the materialization of giants is rare. But the tiny creatures reveal definitely their similarity and singularity. The dwarfs of southern India and Africa, and the Eskimo pigmies will be very reminiscent of their European brethren. When ectoplasm shall be diligently studied, then its specific properties will be discovered. And in relationship to the Fiery World such study will be a great attainment.

AUM (1936) - 49:
49. Dreams are beyond time; they demonstrate the relativity of earthly measures. Thought also can reach the higher worlds without requiring time. The speediest air mail nevertheless needs time. Let the speed of thought be studied, such observation is useful for realization of the far-off worlds.

AUM (1936) - 80:
80. Great love is laid in the foundation of the Higher World. Only a similar love responds to this quality. The most manifested reverence will not reach its destination without love. What is devotion without love? Can there be fieriness in a withered heart? Following a manifestation of love, there can be expected commensurateness with the Higher World. Each subject can be studied only with love. Each difficulty can be conquered by the power of love.

AUM (1936) - 202:
202. The kindling of the nerve centers has not sufficiently attracted the attention of physicians. It is very important to observe that the flaming of each center gives rise to symptoms of the local organ, yet the organ itself is not ill but is only vibrating in response to the fire of the center. It is possible to show that many false illnesses are announced by physicians when they do not recognize the basic cause of sensations. Moreover, the cause itself of inflammation is superficially studied. Purely cosmic conditions may be indicated, and of no less significance is the condition of the mass of humanity.

AUM (1936) - 311:
With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections.

AUM (1936) - 381:
No one can indicate where the power of man terminates. Besides. not a superman but just the most healthy man can be winged with successful attainment. In each everyday life psychic energy can be studied. No especially costly laboratories are needed in order to cultivate the consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 390:
I affirm that psychic energy must be studied with all attentiveness. During discussion about psychic energy there must be no dissension. Every experiment can be repeated with an understanding of the individuality of each case. Indeed, each experiment proceeds under special conditions. This circumstance should be remembered; for there are people who demand mechanical duplication even from the subtlest energy.

AUM (1936) - 393:
393. It has been noted that certain nationalities readily manifest psychic energy. Such countries should be studied. The cause may lie either in characteristics of the people itself or in the influence of nature.

AUM (1936) - 546:
Many currents may be sent and received directly. But besides them, extraneous waves may intrude, equal in force and quality - such complex waves need to be studied.

AUM (1936) - 548:
Let scholars investigate thought transmission under the most diverse conditions. Apart from psychic states, conditions of temperature can also be studied. High temperature results in augmented receptivity.

AUM (1936) - 562:
Therefore, in medical schools rhythm and vibrations must be studied.

Brotherhood (1937) - 32:
32. Psychic energy should be not only studied but consciously applied in life. Such a conscious cooperation as Brotherhood is in need of psychic energy. It is impossible to harmonize labor without psychic energy. It is impossible to arrive at mutual understanding without psychic energy. It is impossible to gather patience and tolerance without psychic energy. It is impossible to rid oneself from irritation without psychic energy. In everything there must be application of the primary energy itself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 256:
256. It may be noticed that people who remember their former lives belong to the most diverse levels. This merely illustrates that the other-world law is far more complex than people on Earth assume. All the more then ought it to be respected and studied. Such investigations must inevitably be of a fragmentary nature, yet this fragmentary information must constitute a convincing chain of facts. The quicker such an earthly chronicle can be begun, the sooner will the truth be revealed. It must be understood that it is not Our custom to demand blind faith. What would be the use of such a demand, since observation and attentiveness yield better results?

Brotherhood (1937) - 335:
335. Around the question of radiations are associated many considerations. The radiations of physicians and of all workers in fields of service should be studied with great care. A physician can carry away infection not only on this body and clothing but also in his radiation. If this has not yet been recorded, it does not mean that it does not exist. Similarly, the moods spread by certain people depend upon the quality of their radiation. In general, one should become accustomed to the fact that thought rules over the fate of man.

Brotherhood (1937) - 341:
Thought should be studied in the best scientific institutions. Thought should be placed at the head of the physical conditions of life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 411:
411. Be very cautious, for the currents are not natural. The sharp changes not only of temperature but also of chemism itself cannot be ordinary ones. There are such confusions throughout the world that it is more necessary to protect oneself, otherwise there can be derangement of the centers. Chemism can act as a poison. The manifestation of disorganization of interplanetary currents is too little studied. The air is considered to be as usual, just as are water and fire. But, then, do not these manifestations differ each instant?

Brotherhood (1937) - 475:
475. Spatial voices have been mentioned under various names in the Scriptures of all peoples. Let us not delve into why such voices have been attributed to the most diverse sources. Right now it merely needs to be kept in mind that knowledge of these voices goes back to remote antiquity. One should not assume that people of the most diverse cultures could be mistaken or be intentional liars. Science has already mastered wireless transmission, which is being continually improved. Moreover, thoughts are being studied, and remarkable observations are already resulting, but for all that, ignorance has so greatly increased that it is necessary to reiterate even the simplest truths.

Brotherhood (1937) - 494:
494. Do not think that ones own thoughts can have a preponderant influence upon dreams. Remote spatial thoughts can also produce such influences. The perception of distant thoughts is very easy during sleep. Dreams must be studied still further.

Brotherhood (1937) - 592:
592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
It would seem that the muscles have been sufficiently studied, but their functions depend upon one's character. Each part of the body acts individually. The gait depends on the psychic condition, which causes the muscles to work in a particular correlation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68:
68. Urusvati senses even remote earthquakes and changes in atmospheric pressure. Ignorant ones will ask why such painful reactions must be endured, since the earthquakes cannot be prevented. Such questions are like those reactionary doubts expressed about new scientific discoveries. How can anyone say that one who can experience the vibrations of the planet is not of use for the gaining of knowledge? Unfortunately, such refined organisms are not studied, and because of this the possibility of their use for scientific observation is lost. A hundred years from now people will express regret about these lost opportunities, but today, even when faced with them directly, they are full of doubt. The subtle sensibility is linked both to the broadening of consciousness and the science of vibrations. Both subjects are deeply significant and are fundamental to the transformation of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 87:
87. Urusvati knows how absorbed We are in astrochemistry. Interplanetary chemistry is a science of the future. No matter what name it may be given, this subject will be attentively studied even in the schools. It would be more correct to call it psycho-chemistry, for not only every heavenly body, but all that exists produces strong chemical reactions. It is time to pay attention to these interactions, not only from the point of view of so-called magnetism but also from the point of view of chemistry.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 104:
104. Urusvati maintains solemnity even in moments of danger. Few can appreciate the power of this shield. Amidst stormy currents the rock of solemnity holds firm. With it, man can draw upon any force within himself and forge from it an invincible armor. People should realize that solemnity is the best bridge to Us. Our help reaches them most easily through the channel of solemnity, whereas the more difficult way is through terror and depression. Every human force can be studied scientifically.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107:
Medical authorities believe that infection is transmitted only physically, and they ignore the main cause of infection. The science of thought should be studied in its many aspects. For example, just as radio waves interfere with one another, mental messages can cause a similar confusion. Many such facts still go unrecognized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 115:
In Our Abode it is customary to send messages while standing with one arm raised, but some sendings require a relaxed seated position with the arms folded on the chest or the hands placed on the knees, in order to stem the outflow of magnetic currents. These different positions of the physical body illustrate how psychic energy is connected with other bodily functions. Today these reminders are especially timely, because people are beginning to study thought-transmission without sufficient knowledge of the essential peripheral conditions. In the East the physical body is studied, but serious attention is also given to the many additional surrounding conditions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
We must point out that the vibrational energy of meteors has not been studied. Some contain particles of remarkable metals which, though small, can still be traced. The mind of the researcher should not be limited by old methods.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137:
Never forget the brilliance of the emanations with which the dark ones can surround themselves. For beginners this fact is rather puzzling, but when one has studied the science of radiant energy it becomes clear. However, because the power of pure radiance is not available to all, the emanations of the dark ones can never achieve the level of vibration that can shake one's entire being.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170:
170. Urusvati knows that cosmogony and religion should be carefully studied. One should appreciate the words of the Great Pilgrim when He said that He had come to fulfill the previous Law.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 182:
"In schools the art of thinking should be studied above all. One should be trained in the art of constant thinking and learn to be ashamed of thoughtlessness. Man is unable not to think, but there is a great difference between harmonious, disciplined thinking and the oscillations of chaotic thoughtlessness, which not only influences man, but space itself. How can man dare to pollute all of space?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202:
"Every hero whose heart is pure is a dispeller of evil, and the biographies of such heroes should be studied in schools. Students should also learn what was done to Pericles and how people have treated their heroes. Thus should human history be written.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 209:
209. Urusvati knows that the all-pervading energy can be stimulated by both natural and artificial means. Everyone understands that natural methods are superior, yet much more has been written about artificial ones. It is true that artificial methods have been studied in detail since ancient times, but now, at the transition between two eras, it is time to turn to the natural methods of manifesting the Primal Energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 213:
The Thinker spoke to people about this, constantly reminding them that lofty subjects must be studied when in a lofty state of mind. "Let us always apply goal-fitness."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
Many so-called phenomena are being observed on Earth. Unusual human abilities are manifesting themselves and are beginning to be studied. However, as soon as negation and prohibitions appear, obstacles to evolution are created. Truly, free will can cause disasters.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 276:
Seldom do people pay attention to such promptings, which can be studied only through lengthy observation. But who cares for such drawn-out processes? People read about instantaneous enlightenment and imagine that they can succeed without spiritual practice and protracted experiments. They do not want to hear that certain experiments require a time equal to the span of several generations; they desire immediate enlightenment, even if such an accelerated process could destroy their neighbors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 297:
It is significant that people often sing or talk while performing their tasks, as if to encourage themselves. They may also murmur in a manner somewhat between thought and word, unaware of the fact that they are uttering a sound. Their rhythmic whisperings should be studied. They not only reveal one's character, but also demonstrate the degree to which psychic energy is manifested in all labor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
It is a pity that the many aspects of such lethargic conditions are seldom studied. The important thing in such cases is not how to feed the patient, it is to observe the rhythm of the pulse and the activity of the brain. It would be wrong to awaken him, for he is absorbed in other worlds, and if it were possible to question him carefully, he would reveal many interesting things.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 342:
It is astonishing that seemingly enlightened people are not ashamed to soil themselves by opposing benevolent work. Why do they become so savage and utter such shameful things? It often happens that they are obsessed, but it may also be a case of poisoning by chaos. Such circumstances should be studied scientifically. When their feelings are temporarily obscured, people can act in the most shameful manner without even realizing it. Later they may feel regret, but the deed has already been done, and karma determined.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
The ancients paid much attention to the study of the psychic nature of man, and such studies took place not only in the temples, but also in special schools, which, when later established in Greece, were called Academies. Many subjects were studied in them, including the legends, which were the main source of information about life in remote antiquity. Even now, scientists who study folklore can find there traces of profound wisdom.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368:
368. Urusvati knows that the world-outlook changes with each generation. But few individuals grasp this, for an entire generation is rarely studied. Amid life's confusion people are not accustomed to paying sufficient attention to the thinking of youth, and believe that by using the old textbooks, they will strengthen traditional concepts. But these books are obsolete, and young thought finds its own way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 386:
386. Urusvati knows about salutary rhythm or the so-called "natural" yoga. In the Middle Way of Buddha's Teaching, in Plato's writings on ethics, and in the schools of the Eye of Horus in Egypt, we can find instruction about the yoga that is linked with earthly life. Especially at the present time one should pay particular attention to the natural development of psychic energy, which should be studied and also applied in life. It is true that psychic energy acts independently, but now I am speaking of its conscious application.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 390:
It is astonishing that medical authorities do not explore the chemistry of the atmosphere. They prescribe seaside or mountain air, but do not investigate the unusual chemical characteristics that permeate the lower earthly strata. I do not refer to poisonous fumes, which are evident and can be easily traced, but to the higher chemical compounds, which can be studied by means of astrochemistry and astrology. The power of astrochemical emanations must be verified. We study this realm, and know that the subtle spheres contain unique possibilities. People on Earth can also participate in these studies, and if these observations are begun now, new treatments will emerge. All that is necessary is an open mind, but earthly habits are the primary enemies of all new investigations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391:
The spheres can be defined schematically as separate, but when studied in detail they are seen to be interconnected. Although on Earth everything appears distinct and classified, in reality all existence is subtly linked in the most diverse ways. This is even more so in the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
Later, the original scientific objectives were obscured, the images became the property of the temples, and people began to worship them, having forgotten their original purpose. In ancient times the creation of alloys was studied thoroughly. People desiring to communicate with each other had duplicate images, and they knew that favorable conditions had to be maintained.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 421:
The Thinker carefully studied the balance of all the forces of man. He used to say, "Let the Golden Mean indicate the right measure of needed strength."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 423:
It will be possible to study the sources of many ailments that are latent in some people. Even now, special attention is paid to such carriers of disease, but their number is far greater than may be apparent. Carriers of specific latent diseases could be studied for research that would be conducted without harm. Many useful new measures will be applied when people pay sufficient attention to the energies within themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
The Thinker said, "Can anyone be so filled with self-importance that he thinks he has studied all the manifestations of Nature?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445:
The sages of antiquity tried to appeal to the conscience of people by relating tales about epic heroes who could converse with the far-off worlds, but the legends remained mere fairy-tales. Even in this century, the Age of Energy, people pay no attention to the energy of thought. One can rejoice that transference of thought is being studied in some universities, but unfortunately this research has been limited to a few mechanical methods that will never enlighten humanity regarding the importance of thought as the subtlest energy.


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