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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STUBBORNLY (4)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 53:
53. A thoughtful physician may ask concerning the fiery illnesses, "Are they named as quite specific sicknesses, or are they spread through the majority of diseases?" The second is closer to the truth. Fire can aggravate all illnesses, therefore great attention should be paid to the state of fiery striving. Besides, it must be remembered that any fiery manifestation cannot be abated merely by water or cold, but rather through psychic energy, which resists Fire everywhere. This energy, as a sort of condensation of Fire, can absorb the fiery surplus. Thus, attention should again be directed to psychic energy when We speak about the heart, about the Fiery World, and about Our affirmation of the existence of the Subtle World. When you read about being consumed by the inner fire, bear in mind the reaction of psychic energy. It can be manifested in three ways through autosuggestion, through physical inaction, or through the highest action at a distance. However, physicians often forget that it is not the medicine but some external condition that helps. We recall one remarkable case when a physician possessed powerful psychic energy, yet stubbornly attributed its effects to his medicine. One can easily realize the extent to which such benefits would increase if the physician understood wherein his power lies. Only, do not confuse the heart's energy with external magnetism and so-called hypnotism. Both of these manifestations are artificial and hence, temporary. The heart's energy is not applied forcibly, but is to be transmitted by contact with the current. If, prior to all physical means, the physician and the patient would simultaneously think about the energy of the heart, in many cases the reaction would be instantaneously useful and healing.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 203:
People are not pigs, deprived of the ability to raise their heads toward Heaven. One does not survive by earthly rubbish, but by the higher emanations. And yet for thousands of years there have been many who have stubbornly promoted the importance of a purely earthly existence. Not only the atheists, but also the theists have denied the Subtle and Higher Realms. It is hard to understand how such opposing mentalities could agree on the denial of the fundamentals of life. Prompted by fear and ignorance, they do not dare face the most beautiful. Even the gaining of knowledge does not help them to approach the psycho-physical realm, and the theists do not allow their deities to lead them to approach the higher realms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
249. Urusvati knows that even an accelerated evolution must go through lawful stages, or chaos will inundate it, and under such conditions it is particularly difficult for a person to cope with his own free will. Even intelligent people cannot always reconcile the personal with the evolutionary. They cannot grasp the idea that there are dates destined for the world that they cannot separate themselves from. Such lack of understanding would be harmless if it were not for the rebellious action of the free will, causing harmful conflict. Man stubbornly persists in his own perceptions and does not admit other solutions. Much energy is required to tame such a free will, therefore, when We speak about alertness and flexibility of mind, We want to prevent the harm that comes from such stubbornness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 318:
When a person says that he will think about something, he has already thought about it. The fiery decision already exists within him and when he says that he will think, he refers to the act of intellectual deliberation. It is instructive to observe the duel that takes place between mental and fiery decisions. The intellect can often distort a fiery decision, but the fiery seed itself remains intact. It secretes itself in the depths of the consciousness and reappears often. It is lamentable that man stubbornly refuses to accept the various states of consciousness that exist within him. This very awareness would help him to treat the process of thinking with caution.


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