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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STRONGEST (40)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.16:
To the usurping one say, "Evidently the time has arrived for me to receive new things. But verily it is better for thee not to touch my things. Blasphemy and usurpation will attract lightning upon thee. Thy knife will be blunted by the invisible armor, and thou wilt destroy thy strongest weapons. And whither wilt thou go, consumed from within and reduced to ashes?"

New Era Community (1926) - 10:
Science should indicate the best quality. Science should attract the strongest energies. Let the knowledge of the spirit shine over every workbench.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 218:
The same law is evident in other processes. Let us take as an example the way in which people are influenced. A speech is made and the crowd is quickly convinced, but the later effects are much less evident. Nevertheless, one cannot affirm that the first effect was the strongest. It is quite possible that the people's consciousness was changed and thunder was replaced by silence. And the power of silence has already been spoken of. Thus new, quite understandable circumstances are invisibly formed. Ordinary people notice them only in their finality, but a yogi can perceive the entire process of formation in all its subtlety. For a yogi, the saying "nothing is accidental" means that a rainbow of influences exists. The formations are stratified in many colors, and it is valuable to remember this. As in chemical, so also in psychic achievements do we take care to avoid unchanging methods. Monotonous uniformity cuts off a multitude of possibilities. Each seeming unexpectedness produces a new pattern in reaction to the subtlest energies. What benefit can we bring to evolution if we do not understand the multiformity of influences?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 236:
236. It should be understood how, in every sense, trust increases one's possibilities. But what kind of trust is the best? And what doubt is the worst? The inner trust that needs no words of affirmation is the best. The fleeting doubt is the worst. It is not the gnawing serpent of doubt that is most to be feared, because with just one achievement the serpent can be destroyed. But the swarm of small worms of doubt requires a lengthy cure. The strongest trust can be upset neither by thought nor word. It would be better to swallow a deadly poison than to remain in the illness of doubt. He who is shielded with trust needs no other armor.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 340:
340. Most important, learn to think in solitude. And remember the responsibility for thought. Truly, thought levels the strongest walls. I advise that one observe oneself carefully, and consciously eject doubt, irritation, and self-pity. Remember that no one but the Teacher can help. I advise that the Teacher be regarded as one's only stronghold.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
You know how difficult it is to see Fohat, how the cumulative efforts of many years are required for one to be able to see this energy. But what will a weak spirit say when he learns that beyond Fohat is Para-Fohat, which in turn is nourished by Pan-Fohat! These energies can fill only the strongest consciousness with rejoicing and with love.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 538:
538. When all books are read and their words have been studied, then it remains to apply in life what has been learned. If books are read again and again, and their words carefully noted, their application can still remain outside of life, and not even the strongest signs will compel one to change one's habits. Yet one has to find a way to develop mobility of consciousness. The heart can sense the shame of an unworthy waste of time.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 153:
153. The basis of attraction is under strain in all vital manifestations. Therefore, when life creates its steps, one may affirm the principle of this basis. Of all bases, the strongest one is Fire. Of all bases the heaviest one is limitation in selfhood. Under the symbol of Fire all principles are united. Under the symbol of limitation a small circle of consciousness is drawn. Life collects the universal energy through the creative fires. Humanity has been endowed with manifold threads of the universal energy, but only through fiery attraction can life, as the basis, construct. Thus resounds the great base of Be-ness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 95:
95. Is it possible not to harvest one's own sowing? Let the seed be good, or else poison will generate poison. Much can be avoided, but the treasury of thought will be the strongest. Thought, as the highest energy, is indissoluble and can be precipitated. Experiments with plants can prove the power of thought. Likewise, a scientist, if his thought is tensed, may take from the shelf just the needed book.

Hierarchy (1931) - 354:
354. Some people cannot tolerate Our frequent reminders about battle. For them let it be not a battle, but the opening of the Gates. The process of opening also requires energy; but for you, without need of hypocritical palliation, it may be said that the battle of Light against darkness proceeds incessantly. Many warriors help in this battle, otherwise we again would be engulfed in Chaos. Often the participants in the battle ask why, in their physical shells, they do not remember the achievements of their subtle bodies. But it would be criminal on Our part to permit such consciousness. The heart could not bear the realization of so gigantic a battle. Only an especially flaming heart retains the black missiles in its consciousness. The heart is stopped, either because of realization or through sclerosis. But the cosmic battle can strike at the strongest heart.

Heart (1932) - 73:
73. Even in the most ancient times people understood the significance of the heart. They regarded the heart as the Abode of God. They pledged their oaths by placing their hands upon the heart. Even the most savage tribes drank the blood of the heart and ate the hearts of their enemies, in order to strengthen themselves. Thus the significance of the heart was shown. But now, in our enlightened days, the heart is reduced to the state of a physiological organ. The ancients drank from the skulls of their enemies; the chalices of the sacred rituals were made out of the sincipital bone. Those who knew about the Brahmarandhra center understood that the magnetic pressure transmutes the substance of the bone. But now people only laugh at these powerful curative substances. The most mediocre invention attracts a multitude of consumers, but the most powerful chemical laboratories are forgotten; whereas a natural coordination of the three kingdoms of nature provides the strongest compounds. One should remind people primarily about the significance of the heart as the unifier of the worlds. Is not the fire of the heart the very Fire of Space? One can clearly understand the constant communion with the far-off worlds which was attributed to the ancients; the magnetism of the far-off worlds affords imponderable power. But does not the heart feel the most subtle vibrations?

Heart (1932) - 236:
236. If we take a deodar tree - the highest and most powerful - how many marks we find on the trunk of former branches which have fallen away. This did not weaken the deodar; on the contrary, the places where these branches fell off became the strongest; even steel will break against them. No Teaching is terrified at those who fall away. It knows that the lower branches must fall aside. Thus, those which fall away, carried by the wind, may fulfill their designation. They may even generate new deodars. And in any case their resin will be curative. Later, when set together to support the corner of a house, they will join unitedly in bearing the general stress. Therefore do not be terrified at those who fall away. They cannot go far from the resin of the heart. And if you observe the mass of crossroads from above, you will even smile at the travelers who meet. When the length of the infinite path is realized, you will also apply different measures. Wandering is not terrifying - immobility alone is chilling.

Heart (1932) - 350:
350. Parallel with pressure one can feel apparent void. This sensation should be observed very carefully. Often this is a certain defensive area which guards the heart from destructive blows, a type of defensive armor. One should be aware of this condition. Some regard this sensation as a severing and are unnecessarily distressed; others regard this sensation as the cessation of danger and abandon their vigilance. Either one impedes the flow of energy. But the already experienced warrior values this shield which so greatly guards his strength. You already know that the blows upon the aura are especially painful for the eyes and ears, but there may be some sensations of a cut or pierced wound. These sensations are especially painful upon the shoulders, the neck, and the lower abdomen. Thus, these sensations may also be felt at the opening of the wounds - stigmata; then the energy of the heart draws a condensed fohatic particle toward this definite spot and injures the cellular tissue of the skin texture. Thus the fusion of the heart with the energy of Bliss offers the strongest combination.

Heart (1932) - 375:
375. A Yogi known to you, who took the strongest poisons without injury, died because of a slight delay in applying the heart energy. Immunity is contained in the heart. The Yogi mentally transfers the poisons to the heart, which dissolves the effects of them while uniting him with the Spatial Fire. But for this it is necessary to awaken the fires of the heart, and you know how much time this demands. Of course, the taking of poison must be gradual. In the case known to you, seven years were necessary for the organism to become accustomed to coordination with the fires of space. Only one minute of delay gave advantage to the power of the poison. One must not delay even for a moment to transfer the consciousness to the heart.

Heart (1932) - 383:
383. Among a multitude of currents the strongest will be the most cooling and the most fiery. In Tibet you have experienced the fiery currents, then the cooling ones. For the fiery currents the lamas need an entire method exaggerated by the teacher, but, as you see, one can go directly by way of the heart. The Teacher directs the currents, but the heart of the Teacher himself is sometimes in need of a cohesive substance; then the disciple's energy has a special significance. The Teacher must be very grateful when the purified energy of the pupil ascends in a powerful spiral. This is called the wheel of cooperation. So, also, the Teacher always is ready to share the supply of energy, but the pupil must be ready to have a purified heart.

Heart (1932) - 523:
523. It must be understood what a petty thought is. Like an insect it undermines the strongest intentions. The firmest character can be shaken by the pricks of small thoughts. This is seemingly repetitious and has become a bore, but when the time for action comes, people shower themselves with a cloud of chips of small thoughts. The noblest decisions are eradicated under the layer of shameful thoughts. Achievement is impeded primarily not so much by doubt as by inchoate thoughts, generated by old habits. I affirm that it is not difficult to liberate oneself from habits if we can sufficiently project the consciousness into the future. Often people measure the future according to the present and thus clip the new wings. Even birds know about the change of plumage, and accommodate themselves to corresponding conditions. During the molting of their feathers they isolate themselves in the underbrush in order to soar again renewed. Thus, let us take an example from these younger brothers. They can sing to us an excellent song of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 257:
257. Each ejection of sorcery is a good deed. The more so since the danger from such action is great. One must have not only courage but also readiness of spirit, in order to understand how to proceed in each case. First of all, one must destroy the magic circle. But such contact requires a still more fiery tension than was employed by the conjurer. The discernment of the conformity of forces is achieved by straight-knowledge. It is impossible to touch the strongest flame without being burned; but when fiery energy gains the ascendancy there will be no terrible effects.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 312:
312. Even yet invisible, fiery manifestations cast earthly beings into trembling. Currents and rays of the Fiery World agitate even refined beings. Even an unseen manifestation is already unendurable to the heart. How strongly then does it act when transposed into a visible state, approaching the law of incarnate existence! This correlation must be deeply realized, Even some strongest in spirit have fallen into unconsciousness and have turned gray, have become blind and dumb, and have lost the power of movement in the extremities. The manifestation of Fiery Beings ought not destroy our consciousness. In the near future, through their consciousness, people will cultivate their bodies in the receptivity of higher energies. Gradually in this way people can build resistance to fiery epidemics.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 445:
445. Among psychic maladies the most frightful, almost incurable, are treachery and blasphemy. Once a traitor, always a traitor. Only the strongest fiery shock can purify such an infected brain. If such a criminal condition emanates from obsession, this is likewise not comforting. Is it possible to conceive of cooperation with a traitor or a blasphemer? They are like a plague in the house. They are like a fetid corpse. Thus, the Fiery World has no consolation for traitors and blasphemers.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 56:
56. No advancement is possible, no construction is possible, without the strongest expenditures of energies on the part of Hierarchy, when the co-workers are clouded with personal feelings. The co-workers must remember the first law, which affirms the first step - the expulsion of feelings of personal vengeance, for the feeling of revenge is a powerful manifestation of the unscrupulousness of selfhood. For the sake of personal vengeance the co-worker may give up that of greatest value. When a co-worker forgets, due to selfhood, the affirmation which he must forge in his spirit in order to forget Service, the harm may become indelible. Primitive man lived and believed in vengeance, but the consciousness has broadened and man can no longer dwell in such black concepts. He who knows the meaning of Karma can understand that a man takes revenge only on himself. A co-worker will not become affirmed through selfhood and infringement upon the heart of his fellow-man. And a successful co-worker must not impose respect, but must merit it. A king of the spirit must first of all reveal himself in a small circle of life. The growth of dimensions proceeds from within, and the spirit may bedeck itself with all the crowns of human glory and still remain a beggar. Thus let it be remembered by those who are diseased with selfhood and self-conceit. On the path to the Fiery World these chains are not fitting.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 75:
75. The strongest index of achievement is self-renunciation. Indeed, it is necessary to understand this cosmic concept in all its beauty. Not only on the field of battle is the spirit adorned with the power of selflessness. To traverse the path of life impetuously, to cross all lives as upon a wire, to pass over all abysses in song, is possible only for the selfless spirit. All structures which follow the cosmic designation are erected in fiery striving.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 80:
80. There are many signs by means of which one may form an opinion as to the loyalty of a disciple. One sign is the persistence being exerted by the disciple on all the paths - when a disciple manifests his firmness amid storms and whirlwinds, when amidst plots and showers of stones he is not afraid to continue the designated path. Another sign is the invincibility of his faith, when the path indicated by Hierarchy is the only one. Also, in seeking signs of fidelity one should observe how the mutual relations are developed. One should understand how important is a manifest nucleus of two or three co-workers fortified by a fiery esteem for Hierarchy and for each other. By these signs may a fiery loyalty to Hierarchy be determined. Loyalty between friends, co-workers, is a pledge of devotion to Hierarchy. A nucleus of two or three friends, co-workers, can manifest the strongest support for great works. You have spoken correctly about merited favoritism, which We call the bonds of spirit and heart. Thus is affirmed the chain of loyalty which inevitably leads upward. On the path to the Fiery World one should recognize the beauty of loyalty. This wonderful path excludes that active poison which We call spiritual bribery and spiritual corruption. These ulcers are incomparably worse than physical ulcers. Thus, let us esteem loyalty on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 107:
107. The spirit is actuated by various levers. Love and striving are the strongest levers. Love for Hierarchy and striving for Service provide the impulse for higher saturations. These powerful levers direct the spirit to perfectment, not only on the Earth but also in the Subtle World. Even if it were somehow possible to be freed on the Earth from certain manifestations, the supermundane spheres do not permit the spirit so easily to change spheres. The supermundane spheres have their vortices into which the spirit is drawn. These vortices may be called whirlwinds of expiation. According to the condition of striving or carnate desire the spirit falls into these vortices and may pass into other spheres only by atoning and by transmuting its energies. It is necessary to understand the conditions of the Subtle World. If humanity would reflect upon this remarkable bond with the Subtle World the concept of Karma would become clear. There is no action, no thought, no step which does not impel the spirit into a certain vortex. The fiery spirit is manifested as an inviolate link between the Worlds, for thus all paths are revealed.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 144:
144. Let us speak about fear and presumption. Fear sees its own reflection. Each preconceived opinion is usually a reflection. Fear seeks to destroy each good beginning. Presumption puts a strain on the strongest aspirations, and We can point to a cemetery containing fearful records which substantiate this. A preconceived interpretation is a self-justification; therefore, preconception is often death.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 206:
206. The strongest Source of fiery energies, the heart, still has not been investigated as a manifestation of impelling force and of creative power. One must penetrate into the nature of creativeness in order to understand how invincible the heart is when all the fires are aflame. One must know that only a true source of powerful energies can create. Therefore, cultivation of the heart must be understood as the kindling of all fires. Each truly lofty manifestation of the heart depends upon the tension of the higher energies. The fiery heart saturates the subtle bodies with subtle energies. Those vibrations which establish the sacred bond between the Subtle World and the World of Fire are the fiery vibrations of the heart. Verily, on the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to strive for the creation of these sacred vibrations of the heart. Thus, the Sun of Suns is the Heart.

AUM (1936) - 76:
76. No one bears another's thought. One's judgment will be his own responsibility before the world. One anchorite prayed merely by repeating in his language - Thou, Thou, Thou! He asserted that in the briefest affirmation he concentrated the strongest power. Though tongues may differ, yet consciousnesses aspire to the same goal.

AUM (1936) - 203:
203. Is it possible to endure the siege of Earth, if Hierarchy is unrecognized? The Teaching of the Higher World is sent as a thread of salvation. Such a thread can be changed into a steadfast cable, yet earthly fires can burn through the strongest cable. Therefore, earthly fires can be of service to the Fire of the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 384:
384. Besides investigating psychic energy by the use of color, make tests of it with sound and aroma. It is possible to obtain indicative reactions to music; furthermore, observe both the effect of distance and of the most consonant harmonies. Much is said about the influence of music upon people, but almost no illustrative experiments are carried out. One may observe the influence of music upon people's moods, but that will be commonplace. Indeed, it is assumed that gay music communicates joy, and sorrowful - sadness, but such deductions are insufficient. It may be ascertained what harmony most closely adjoins the psychic energy of man, what symphony can have the strongest quieting or inspiring influence upon people. Different musical compositions need to be used in tests. The very quality of harmonization will give the best indications about the paths of sound and the life of man.

AUM (1936) - 428:
Scientists do not admit that the mere presence of certain people is equal to the strongest apparatus. Experiments are not performed that could note graphically the different reactions which result from different people. Indescribably useful is each experiment with psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 434:
The first kind is comprehensible, because each disharmony violates the freedom of striving of energy, but the second type represents a cosmic manifestation, as it were. There is nothing good in the intersection of currents; one has to possess a considerable negative force in order to intercept even the strongest reacting influences. Such people are called cosmic vampires. Moreover, they do not betray themselves by their external appearance, and they even appear as insignificant creatures.

AUM (1936) - 468:
468. Let us firmly remember the qualities of psychic energy. When beginning observations upon psychic energy, people frequently forget its basic properties. They complicate even the simplest investigations by their own habits. Instantaneousness is a fundamental quality of psychic energy, but people have been accustomed to suppose that lengthy thought is the strongest. In such a way they lose sight of the fact that time is not needed for thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 5:
The manifestation of Our Shield also requires precautionary measures. It is difficult to understand the need for such care. People cannot take into account all the reasons that compel Us to be so cautious, and in their ignorance they wish to experience the strongest manifestations without thinking of the consequences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6:
6. Urusvati has witnessed the healing vibrations sent by Us. Their rhythms are varied and not everyone can recognize them. Some may suppose them to be the effect of an earthquake, others may assume that they are an attack of fever, and still others may attribute them to their own nervousness. But the majority will think them to be merely imagined. However, on all continents Our healing solicitude is often felt. People receive help and sense a sudden recovery but do not understand whence came the help. We are not speaking about gratitude, for We do not need it, but a conscious acceptance of Our help increases the beneficial effect. Each negative reaction or mockery paralyzes even the strongest vibrations. We hasten to help, We hasten to bring good, yet how often are We accepted?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32:
32. Urusvati has recognized the existence of a certain substance that preserves equilibrium and provides longevity to the organism. I shall not reveal the complete composition of this substance, for it can be destructive to the physical state. Strong radioactivity is allowable in the subtle state, but can destroy the physical body. In earthly conditions even valerian can be too strong; therefore one must know how to discern the relationships between different substances. For example, during a certain experiment carried out by My Brother the strongest poison was taken, which would have been deadly for an ordinary man. But since My Brother's body was already close to the subtle state, the action of the poison was beneficial. Many instances can be cited when a lethal poison did not cause death. The reason for this can be found in the special condition of the organism.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58:
There are many associations for the protection of animals, but too few for the protection of man. Let those who are cruel not dare to pose as compassionate. It is difficult to overcome cruelty. We labor hard, We send the strongest thoughts, but they seldom penetrate stony hearts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
134. Urusvati knows about teraphim. Some may wonder if the idea of teraphim does not contradict the idea of power of thought. If thought is the strongest manifestation, why then would an object be needed to serve as a focus for concentrating it? It is true that teraphim are not needed for a powerful mental message, but they can be used to economize mental power. Each kind of energy must be used intelligently. The object that serves to accumulate energy also serves to multiply it. Such objects preserve the precipitations of energy, which can be gradually intensified. From ancient times teraphim have been regarded as sacred, but today this concept has become a scientific one.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177:
This lack of faith begins with ordinary daily occurrences. When We warn against doubt, We are speaking about a physical law. People can reject the strongest help, because their free will can negate even the most favorable circumstances. For instance, an angry man can push aside the Hand that is stretched out to prevent him from falling. The Teacher warned against the harmful effects of doubt.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
The investigator should pay attention to the particular nature of an experimenting group, since it has been observed that harmony among those who are present assists the transmittance and prevents interception. Moreover, if nearby friends maintain a mood that is harmonious, they also help to protect the thought transmission. Those who are confused or irritated act unwittingly as collaborators with the spatial thieves. The auras of irritated people act as the strongest destroyers of the currents. They may deny their collaboration with the spatial thieves, but in fact are their accomplices in evil. At some time, when in the Subtle World, they will regret their lack of self-control.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 329:
Let us take the case of someone who realizes the benefits of Good and who understands the power of thought. He will not lament leaving Earth, for he knows about his eventual return into physical existence. Such a person will fall asleep peacefully and will find himself conscious in the Subtle World. He will not suffer any pain, for his subtle body is not burdened by guilt - he committed no crimes, even in thought. Thus, he will not suffer from depression and will be able to relate to his new environment. He will drive away fear, because he understands that thoughts are his strongest shield.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 408:
408. Urusvati knows why after even the most vivid dream not all its details can be remembered. Even the strongest subtle experiences cannot be accommodated by earthly reality. This is not because the memory cannot retain extraordinary impressions, but because the nature of Earth and that of the Subtle World are completely different.


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