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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STRIVINGS (174)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 40:
40. Beware! Do not forget to turn to the Teacher. The cultivation of offenses produces a poor garden. And neglecting your health impedes your strivings to the Eternal. The ability to overcome proves the strength of your spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 385:
385. It is time to ponder about the New World. My Teaching opens the doorway to action. Madly do people rush about, not knowing the future. Doomed crowds are hastening to destruction. Their course is bearing them to the abyss. Observe the strivings of the madmen. Revealed is an abyss of new transgressions. Obvious manifestations fail to alarm the brains of the half-witted. To the fool the time is an empty one, But grave it is for those who discern the Light.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.6:
1.8.6. Occultly, the circle appears as an impersonation of the human organism broadened by possibilities. The central figures carry the honorary functions of the heart. The growth of the organism and its injuries are reflected upon the heart. The waving of the arms calls forth fatigue and, furthermore, the non-realization of strivings. You already know the parable about the ring-dance and about the shields. You already know that the best number for the circle is seven. Five represents the extremities of the body. Supplements can carry only special functions or else the acquittal of a karmic condition.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.6:
New strivings may be born over the graves of old prejudices - one more conquest. I have already told you of the spirit understanding. When the Ray unites the Teacher with the disciple, then the main understanding is transmitted by the spirit's perception. Not letter, not sign, but infallible spirit knowledge guides the conduct of the disciple. This infallible knowledge is the speediest conduit. Actually it is not a matter of mental decision, it is spirit-knowledge.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13:
I am thinking of wings. The works are verily winged. The steeds are speeding through the earthly spaces, and as whirlwinds the creative strivings are borne along. Onward to battle! battle! battle!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.20:
It must be said that only extraordinary strivings and resourcefulness impel the subtle body to concentrate the touch upon a physical object; because usually the spirit strives to act on spirit, overlooking the fact that objects can be excellent conductors.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
It is possible to ennoble the conquest by stripping it of all sporting significance and directing it to labor. Hurry to save the unfortunates, fly for the unifying of humanity! Then will these conquests enter into evolution, for people must bring into ordinary usage the supermundane strivings, not forgetting about responsibility. As yet these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people will comprehend whither and for what reason they must fly, then will it be possible to improve the flying apparatus tenfold.

New Era Community (1926) - 242:
Trace how the word Shambhala is uttered in the East. Try to penetrate, even in a small way, into the ideology of this concept. Try to understand the rhythm of structure of speech about Shambhala, and you will perceive a great reality which causes the harp-strings of humanity to vibrate. Let reason help you to ponder on the values accumulated by the best strivings. In the book "Community" the concept of Shambhala cannot be omitted.

New Era Community (1926) - 266:
266. We solicitously defer to your strivings, and We expect from you the same sensitiveness. We shield you on all paths and We expect the same considerateness.

New Era Community (1926) - 274:
274. Can there be in the community associations of women, men, and children? Assuredly there can. True associations can be formed following many categories - of age, sex, occupation, and of thought. It is necessary that such branches grow healthy; and not only should they not impede the strivings of people, but they should help each other - and this assistance should be voluntary. One should contribute to the success of each sensible act of unification. Indeed, when cooperations are of varied nature, then blossoming becomes especially possible. We do not put on shackles, but broaden the horizon. Let children take up the most introspective problems. Let women carry aloft the ordained Banner. Let men give Us joy by constructing the City. Thus, above the transitory will stand out the signs of Eternity

Agni Yoga (1929) - 131:
131. The addition of other subtle energies to the physical and chemical manifestations of life will increase their influence upon humanity. If the chemical properties of rays from the more distant planets can affect the human organism, then certainly the very close emanations of Earth, influenced by those innumerable cosmic formations, provide a lever for the strivings of humanity. Patterns of change in human activity cannot be perceived by subjecting apparent fragments of evidence to human logic.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 207:
207. Amrita consists of the accumulations of the finest energies. What else should we call the saturation of the yogi's striving with all those properties that we have already spoken about? Each striving of the yogi is imbued with a priceless combination of energies. Let us call this combination the discus of striving. The strivings of the yogi rise precisely as does the luminous disk of the sun. No actions of the yogi are without purpose; otherwise he could be compared to a man who without purpose has climbed to the summit of a mountain and gazes about in amazement. But the yogi acts, and the action itself is transformed into beauty.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 282:
Not ascetics, not fanatics, not the superstitious, but those who know the Yoga of Fire are the ones who will choose not to abandon the rudders of life. Truly, their sacrifices will be great. They will constantly be confronting new explosions although they could have chosen a calm existence. But rest is not a property of fire, for fire must constantly destroy in order to create. Such fiery strivings test one's feelings, as in a crucible.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 59:
59. Evolution needs the guidance of our consciousness. Intensified forces are needed. Readiness and fiery action are needed. The pushing on toward extinction is already a detachment from Infinity. Urusvati is correct in saying that the Teaching of the Blessed One is a fiery torrent. It is verily a torrent which carries all strivings into Infinity. Let us regard an extinct crater, choked with grey, petrified lava. What can the process of extinction convert into life, when to humanity there is manifested a rushing Fire! The force bestowed for creation must not be dissipated.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 100:
In Cosmos all is living and all is possible. The inmost depths of the spirit will find confirmation in Cosmos. The assumption of unattainableness is predicated on unfit strivings or conditions which prevent the coordination of desire with life. Transitoriness of conditions does not imply unattainableness. And the transitoriness of striving does not imply that the striving will be repeated in the same direction. When man understands the manifestation of transitoriness in himself, he will accept with ease, the law of ascent. The law of ascent will illumine the spirit with understanding of attainment.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 118:
118. The foundation of creative life can be affirmed only by psycho-dynamics. Psycho-dynamics can be affirmed upon the principles of the spatial energies. Whether the spirit manifests a cosmic and conscious aspect or affirms the consciousness by its attunement with the spatial cliche, the principle of inducing the manifestations of cosmic forces by way of fusion is one. Only by this unification are the forms of space created. Diffusion cannot produce entities which are not subject to the same law. The cause of human ills is in its inconsistency of strivings. Cosmos, in creating, requires stratifications which can grow step by step. When humanity will understand that striving leads to the cognition of these steps, then one can vouch for the path leading to Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 131:
131. The self-determination of that formation which is the Cosmic Magnet is called the affirming Will of Cosmos. The quality of self-determination is contained in each generative action. Creativeness propelled in pace with the course of the Cosmic Magnet asserts its will in the direction of evolution. Hence the great diversity of the strivings directed toward the course of evolution, as well as of those which oppose the Magnet. Self-determination leads to many inadmissible steps and imposes upon the Cosmic Magnet numerous combinations of universal problems. Avoiding unnecessary oppositions, the Cosmic Magnet can accumulate all needed combinations, but the waste of magnetism is so great!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 149:
149. Whither should man strive? Whither should the accumulated forces be directed? Whither will perfectment lead? Is it possible that the manifestation of a mighty existence can simply disappear? The spirit must acknowledge that through its strivings it lives not for one life-round but for a cycle vouchsafed by Infinity. It is too great a struggle for one life. The scope of the abilities of man is too great for them to be exemplified in one lifetime.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 151:
True, it may be said that humanity has been struggling arduously for millennia. We recognize this, but the evidences of destruction have engulfed all strivings. The manifestation of the true rhythms of life is comprised in infinite motion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 164:
164. The Cosmic Magnet directs the correlation between the forces of those bodies which reach the higher worlds. Correlation between the spheres is established by magnetic attraction, and the forces are directed toward creation. Planetary force can be based on these strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 166:
166. The evidence of the Cosmic Magnet itself affirms the tension of the forces which manifest a shifting. Conditions of necessary maintenance may require a downward step. And when the attraction acts upon the resonance of the predestined forces, the spiral of progression is established. Accidental shiftings do not occur, nor does destruction occur without a possibility of an evident restitution. The cliches of necessary shiftings exist on all planes. Of course there occur shudders of the spheres, and vortices of superterranean whirlwinds, but the causes of such disturbances are to be found in strivings inharmonious with the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 169:
169. How seldom does humanity reveal an understanding of true striving! How much energy is unnecessarily dissipated! How many unnecessary strivings stratify the spheres! How many are the manifestations incompatible with evolution!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 191:
We are raising humanity out of the conditions of the lower sphere into the sphere of limitless thought. Limitations imprison the spirit by that bolted chain which destroys the best cosmic currents. In limitless thought is encompassed the whole cosmic action, and out of Materia Lucida Fohat creates. It is instructive to know that the most fiery process can be achieved by the spirit, and the transmutation of fires inspires to the further process. Thus, the chain of manifested strivings confirms the infinite world of mutual creation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 198:
198. Why is humanity in such a frenzy? The Universe shudders from the manifestations produced by man. And can one expect that man will advance without allegiance to the Cosmic Magnet? For harmony, form must correspond to form. The affirmation of evolution will increase only when man shows affinity with the development of the Universe. Either man will grow and very clearly indicate an advancement by entering the stream of evolution and adopting the process of self-perfecting, in order to win a place of higher tension in the Cosmos, or the realm governed by man will be destroyed. All the strivings of man promote evolution but little. If his striving is not in attunement with the Universe, for betterment, for unity, for the affirmation of the General Good, then the chain of his actions is unworthy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 203:
203. The pearl of the heart is the most subtle tension. Only with that tension do We create worlds. The world of strivings builds the future. The source of love unites all that exists!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 204:
204. Humanity cannot direct itself to any goal without a predetermined decision. This decision will be determined by those strivings which have guided man. The power of the decision is directly proportionate to the striving and to that force which guarantees a decision that moves life. Thus is the fundamental cause of human action established. Thought and striving toward a decision give the direction to the entire stream of human activities.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 211:
211. The Cosmic Magnet force brings into tension the psycho-life of the elements. The Cosmic Magnet gathers the combinations of heterogeneous fires which in fusion provide the formula for a spatial, embodied form. The immutability of the law of the creative Materia Lucida provides each form that appears in the Universe. Its law establishes the psycho-life as the seed of the form. Hence, all that intervenes is subject to the reciprocal force. Such striving is inherent in man, and the seed of the spirit will always respond to the Cosmic Magnet. All other strivings of the spirit either correspond to the destination of the seed or transgress against it. Every man must correlate his striving with this law of the seed of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 242:
On this planet energies are given to humanity which can bring life to spatial bodies, but only in accordance with the striving. Thus, these predestined bodies must project themselves out into space. The formula of the ever-growing power is like that of the fundamental pull of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the space is filled with formless processes and boundless strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 250:
250. Universal striving is directed toward assertion of ceaselessly evinced transmutation. The world of effects draws man into a current which carries him toward his destination. The chain of spacial bodies is drawn to the core of action; therefore, all unfulfilled inceptions can join the chain of higher tension. These inceptions require complete intensification and an expression of complete attunement. True, the world of effects may be so hideous that the evidence of these manifestations seems out of accord. Therefore, let us take up the frightful chain of human impulses. Wherever the force of life impulse holds, there is striving toward the Cosmic Magnet. Wherever a force functions which does not conform to the Cosmic Magnet, there may be discerned a striving toward the opposite base. Weighing these strivings, it is easy to define the world of effects.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 279:
279. Psycho-dynamics of the spirit governs the psychic seeds. The net of collected seeds determines the course assigned by the Cosmic Magnet. The psychic seed is present at the inception of each consciousness. The net, uniting consciousnesses, establishes the direction of those strivings which lead to evolution. The acknowledgment of the manifestations of the Lords supports the carriers of psychic seeds. The consciousness of mankind is asserted by psychic seeds. And each energy is sustained by the manifested psychic seeds. All so-called tendencies are nothing else but still-unrealized energies of psychic seeds. Thus humanity gropingly progresses.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 283:
283. The direction of the shifting of all currents depends upon the pull of the Magnet. When free currents are manifested, their attraction is directed to identical currents. All energies directed toward creativeness accelerate evolution. When the creative forces are impelled to the construction of a new step, the shifting is comprised in the collecting of psychic seeds. But when the impulsion is based upon attraction to the opposite, the power of destruction is manifested as a separating force. During magnetic attractions the strivings are full of responsibility! Therefore, Space may be considered as the treasure house containing all life inceptions. Thus, Infinity summons all creative inceptions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 289:
Materia Lucida is revealed as that driving force which creates the subtle energies. The spirit and Materia Lucida create in identical ways. The great creator, spirit, generates all strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 307:
307. In the creativeness of Fire, all strivings for the creation of a more perfect form are manifested. In the creativeness of an Agni Yogi, the strivings to the affirmation of the highest realizations are manifested. Thus, the Brothers of Humanity and Brothers of the affirmed evolution march under the banner of Materia Lucida. These fires are identical with the currents of subtlest energies. A predominance of striving toward refinement intensifies the manifestation of the radiant rays of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 309:
309. When We summoned to cooperation, the Cosmic Magnet affirmed the manifestation of the tasks. When We pointed out the chosen course of the luminaries, the Magnet indicated the direction. Knowing all the fluctuations of planetary strivings, We bestowed the might of a new impellent. Thus has been determined a new and predestined step. We bestowed upon the best country the best destiny. Hence, it may be told to humanity, "Manifest understanding of the pronounced Covenants; only by those Covenants shall you pass!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 318:
318. A coming achievement upon the scroll of human attainments is the conquest of the spheres of highest tension. When humanity will accustom itself to the realization of the transmutation from the lowest to the highest, then the spirit-understanding may be sent. The meaning of life is constructed according to the patterns of the cosmic rays. Are not the patterns of life woven by rays? Are not the patterns cumulated through millennia? These cosmic patterns direct all the strivings of life. When the rays are fixed by manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet, the pattern is so powerful and unalterable. Thus, in the records of Space there exists the pattern of each spirit. Only that spirit can record his own achievements who by his pattern has adorned the ladder of life evolutionward. If the spirit considers his achievements as a reward, then, of course, a channel of personal strivings is the result.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 324:
324. Consecutiveness in strivings creates streams of cosmic fires. When the fires of the centers of the flaming Agni Yogi create, all the intensified strivings are responding. When the centers respond to the pull of cosmic attractions, it may be said that the substance of the planet gathers much of the pure Fire. When the flaming Agni Yogi directs the fiery striving toward the accomplishment of the mission, it may be said that the entire Cosmic Might is cooperating with him. Where is the end, and where the spatial boundary? This may be defined by the guiding Agni Yogi himself. These spirit transmissions are verily most powerful; therefore, the creativeness of the rays is highly valued in Our Tower. The fire of the spirit is the best conductor. We know all its power. Thus, We see the creativeness of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 352:
352. There is a law under which are created the strivings along which moves the spiral of light. Upon the tension of the vibration of light is based the law which unites all energies. Since the given law holds over all energies, the drive of this impulse encompasses all energies. Only Materia Lucida can develop all the forms that exist in the space. Only intensification of the energies can bring the task of the Cosmic Magnet to realization. Only the spirit can give expression to all strivings by manifesting identical energies. Thus, when a new step is vouchsafed to humanity it can be consummated only through assimilation by the spirit. Thus, the human pages are inscribed by the hand of humanity, and often the pages are only partly filled or inscribed with inapplicable signs. Yet humanity is summoned to limitless knowledge!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 384:
384. Attraction to the center of the generating fire imparts consciousness to the energies. Each attraction and emission of the fire, to and from the center, leads to conscious expression. The center is the core comprising in itself the entire potential. In life these centers are manifested in everything. The Teacher is the core embracing all your strivings. All that exists in Cosmos and aspires to progress is intensified by the center which is the fire impulse. All that lives in the seed of the spirit and aspires toward Light is propelled by the Teacher to that center which is the Magnet. The Teacher directs all issue of the seed to the center. Space is permeated with these centers. All energies strive to the center of spirit, and the center of spirit can dissipate all assaults against the purity of striving. All efforts against the seed of the spirit may be transmuted by the manifestation of fire. A well of pure might imbues each action which, by the power of the seed of the spirit, casts out the human thoughts that creep in. The conflict of energies either confirms victory of the spirit or engulfs weak strivings.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 33:
33. The strivings of Cosmos are manifested upon this principle. When Our Brothers of Humanity adhere to the cosmic creativeness, the principle of unity is affirmed. The property of intense fire contains in itself the property of unification. The inherent impulse of striving attracts the atom toward consummation. The union with the Highest Reason is followed by cosmic fusion. The Crown of Be-ness unites that which belongs to it. The Highest Reason blends that which it manifests. The Cosmic Magnet fuses that which it gathers. Thus triumphs the beauty of Be-ness!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 51:
51. The spirit shudders at the thought of death. But when consciousness penetrates the essence of Be-ness, the conception of Oneness is confirmed. When the spirit understands how ceaselessly the manifestations of life flow, the continuity of all chains may be indicated. The chain of thought, the chain of action, the chain of effects, the chain of strivings, the chain of lives - each chain predetermines the succeeding one. The creativeness of the magnet of life lies in these chains. The spirit must shudder not at the thought of death and change but at the thought of sundering the chain. If one could observe the records of disrupted chains borne in space, the spirit verily would shudder. When the great shifting is brought about, only he will succeed who has adhered to the oneness of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 53:
53. Since everything is transmuted in cosmic creativity, humanity can apply the cosmic laws very easily. Acceptance of the law of evolution will readily reveal the understanding of the law of cosmic progress of the spirit. It will then be possible to approach the path leading to the far-off worlds. Can humanity, which lives only in the world of effects, make progress? Losing sight of the world of causes, humanity has certainly lost the bond with the law of Existence. Only the chain of lives can give the understanding of the cause of lives. Therefore, when We say that the spirit which is consummating its path has prepared its body through millennia, this is a true assertion. All causes of the spirit's strivings create their effects, and in this law of oneness is comprised the entire cosmic creativeness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 54:
54. If humanity would comprehend the purpose of being, it could then join in the cosmic creativity. How can one advance without realization of the eternal cosmic shifting? Only when strivings are manifested beyond the limits revealed by life can one perceive cosmic creativeness. A wall of folly has formed; the mist of contentment is like a screen. When it will be possible to penetrate the spheres of true cosmic creativeness, the Cosmic Consciousness will be manifested. Alongside the creativity of Cosmos, the human spirit, which is a part of it, is active. Cosmic balance demands striving toward limitless perfecting. Hence, when the spirit of humanity cooperates with the Cosmic Magnet, it is itself drawn to that boundary which will assist it in striving into the Infinite. Thus, beyond the wall of its contentment, humanity prepares for itself the boundary of Cosmic Justice.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 58:
58. True attainments are attested by the striving to cognize the Will of Highest Reason. It is difficult to accept a cosmic direction without understanding the Will of Highest Reason. Three-fourths of human strivings are directed against Cosmic Ordainments. The human spirit is not penetrating beyond the boundaries of visibility, and the opposition to the Will of Reason is leading to destruction. True, cosmic law ordains the replacement of one thing by another. Certainly, in this ordinance is contained the spirit of renewal. Certainly, the principle of renewal comprises in itself the law of perfection. Therefore, the shifting asserted by humanity advances very slowly into evolution. The potentiality of the past gives birth to the future. Immeasurable is the growth of potentiality! There where the shifting leads to new progress, all forces are strained. There where the past was imbued with opposition, cosmic purification is established, Thus, the shifting of the manifested epoch of destruction will assert its consequences. They are inevitable, and the potentiality will erect its step.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 68:
68. Cosmic attraction is directed toward the affirmation of all manifestations. The heart assimilates all energies directed to it. The heart expresses all strivings in life. All cosmic energies are attracted to the heart. Those who deny the conscious attraction of the heart deny the significance of the Magnet. The Spatial Fire is impelled to the heart, and in this principle is comprised the entire cosmic process. Hence, Cosmos dwells in the attraction of the heart. Only the energies based upon the attraction of the heart produce life. Thus, the life chain is endlessly forged by the heart.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 72:
72. The incompatibility between spirit and matter compresses itself like a rushing vortex. When the spirit is burdened by contacting imperfection through the shell, it begins a battle which discloses this imperfection. The shells that impede the spirit are like encumbrances obstructing the path. Truly, encumbrances! The cosmic creativity incessantly clears away strivings toward darkness. Humanity's chief lack, lack of understanding, lies in this expressed disharmony. When the spirit and the shells which clothe it will be in harmony, humanity will come closer to the cosmic union. Thus, when the striving to the fiery process will be assimilated a new step will be affirmed. The striving of humanity to the manifestation of imperfection is developed upon the principle of light-mindedness. Speaking of the highest harmony, it is said that Cosmos creates upon the principle of unity of life. Therefore, one may attain only through unity. Thus, the Infinite summons spirit and matter.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 101:
101. The invisible sphere which surrounds humanity is being woven out of the strivings of the human spirit. When the sphere is woven, the intensified tempo of the predestined manifestation sets its course. Hence, the thoughts intensify the sphere and react upon the course of events. Thus closely bound is the affirmation of events with the cosmic course and with the tensity of thought. Space is considerably tensed by these thoughts. The downfall of countries and their rise depend upon these strata. Each striving movement toward the higher spheres evokes a higher creation. Only quality lends distinction to the tension. Only quality affords the spirit its proper change. Thus, without end, quality is being forged in Cosmos through tension.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 112:
112. The Cosmic Magnet intensifies all human strivings. Verily, the alliances of nations are thus affirmed. Space resounds. Space calls, Space awaits.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 116:
116. Humanity has given great emphasis to the concept of Guardian Angels. When thought can sense the proximity of a spirit from other spheres, why not accept the Image of the One who guides the destiny? When humanity will realize His power, it will cognize the significance of the true Guardians. The Guardian of Spirit, the Guardian of Truth, is the One who directs our steps into the Cosmic Space. Man can think about Guardians. Thus, a spirit close to Us can sense the Guardians in the Cosmic Space. Hence, creativeness of the spirit brings one to the close Guardians. Thus, let the strivings to the Guardians be maintained upon all paths. Sensitive receptivity affords striving to the Guardians.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 117:
117. Cosmic shiftings are always followed by an increase of new tensions. Each shifting brings in its wake a strained spiral. Hence, each shifting predicates a multifaceted manifestation. States which yield to the law of cosmic forces and shiftings intensify the affirmation of their strivings. Thus, the law of shifting brings into strain diverse sectors. Nothing remains unaffected in Cosmos, and everything is mutually intensified. The creativeness of spirit is similarly strained by varied strivings. The shifting of consciousness carries one onto the path of evolution. The improvement of life upon the planet depends so greatly upon the shifting of consciousness that progress will be expressed chiefly in the direction of thought. Hence, humanity's greatest care lies in the progress of thought. When the guiding rudder will be understood it will be possible to join in the creation of cosmic matter.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 150:
150. The essence of the Cosmic Magnet transmutes all strivings. Only the realization of attraction effects a complete karmic bond. The principle of attraction obliges one to strive. Hence, the spirit who knows his karmic bond saturates his striving with beauty. Thus, the spirit striving to union carries out a cosmic ordinance. The cosmic blending is saturated with pure fire. The creativeness of Cosmos confirms the law of consummation. Thus summons the law.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 152:
152. The center of the Chalice gathers all creative threads. Therefore, each cosmic vibration resounds within the Chalice. The spirit must give evidence of many indispensable strivings in order to assimilate the responding vibrations. When the center of the Chalice can manifest all the resounding vibrations of the cosmic fires, the creativeness of independent action is truly great. Therefore, this center must be protected by a moderator. Hence, it is necessary to guard the health.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 159:
159. Karma gathers the currents which are adapted to the affirmed improvement. When the spirit strains all efforts, the manifestation of the transmutation can develop the best possibilities. Only the adaptability to the karmic current provides the affirmed cosmic foundation. Thus, karma and striving give to humanity the essential impulses. Only the guidance of karma carries one to the step of Be-ness. Therefore, when man realizes the power of karma and strives to express the best aspirations, his path is parallel with the universal energy. The universal energy attracts the creative strivings. The future and the Infinite are thus being built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 160:
160. The karma of misunderstood missions burdens one heavily. When the mission is affirmed as a striving toward Light, then the manifestation of striving is marked as under the law of the Magnet. Therefore, those who have understood the significance of karma can be affirmed by Our Pledge. All who have accepted the foundations of karma can act in conformity. Only the Pledge which has been cognized can cover all strivings. Thus, the karma which leads to the highest worlds is the highest step.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 171:
171. The cosmic shifting creates a strenuous conflux. The cosmic stroke creates an impetus which is unrestrainable. Hence, the torrent called forth by events manifests the response of masses. To the call of the Cosmic Magnet manifold reverberating spheres respond. Thus, when the call of the cosmic Magnet strains forth, the tension of masses leads to transformation. The creativeness of the Magnet attracts all strivings.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 175:
175. Only when the consciousness adopts the course of the Cosmic Magnet will it be possible to affirm the predestined. Only when man understands the direction of the Magnet will it be possible to affirm a new step. Thus, when We direct to a new step the course of the nations is drawn taut by the Cosmic Magnet. Verily, the epoch of purification approaches! The Cosmic Magnet creates the future. Therefore, the shifting is inevitable and only a broadened consciousness can keep in pace with it, having assimilated all creative perturbations. Thus all tensified currents create a new step. Thus, a manifestation of urgency grips the countries. The strivings toward construction and toward destruction balance the planet. Thus, the impelling force of Our actions proceeds with the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 215:
215. How powerfully the spirit of the Agni Yogi creates! So many strivings are affirmed by the Carrier of pure Fire! So many possibilities are awakened! Each pure thought creates an apparent zone of light in space. Like a purifying fire burns the pure thought of an Agni Yogi. Into this zone various cosmic rays are attracted. Hence, space has its rainbow-like zones. Thus does the pure fire of an Agni Yogi create.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 220:
220. When the shifting of the countries is being affirmed, all energies are strained. As threads, all the tensed forces are gathered and the various strivings are forged; hence, every spatial thought alarms the adversary. Each thread has its defined boundary, and each force has its orbit. Thus, cosmic thought which is woven from the vibrations of the Cosmic Magnet forces the invincibility of action. The demolition of energies contrary to evolution is saturated with self-destructive opposition. Thus, limitless creativeness proceeds above the destruction.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 221:
221. When striving leads toward the Cosmic Magnet, the course of the spirit is imbued with Fire. The so-called errant strivings create so much destructive karma! When the spirit breaks its karma into parts directed to different spheres instead of utilizing the channel directed by the Magnet, this spirit must pass through many steps. When the direction is in line with the Cosmic Magnet, the striving proceeds by the steps of evolution. Thus, the nations which are in step with the Cosmic Magnet approach the higher striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 226:
226. The creative impulse impels the spirit to the cosmic Magnet. The creative impulse gives birth to all strivings. The creative impulse evokes from space the manifestations of cosmic rays. Certainly, only a fiery spirit can tense all the forces needed for creativity. The creative centers of an Agni Yogi collect the rays of free energies, and therefore the fire of the centers creates currents of striving. Thus, the striving attracts the cosmic rays. Thus, We affirm the Chalice of the Agni Yogi to be a mighty treasury.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 235:
235. All the strivings of the fiery manifestations of the spirit are affirmed in the shoreless ocean of life imbued by Fire. Only when the consciousness of the creativeness of space penetrates into the cosmic striving does the Cosmos accept these strivings. Therefore, consciousness is created by attraction to the fiery Source. The symbol of the constructiveness of the strained Magnet is asserted as the great and eternal law of attraction. Thus, the shoreless ocean is imbued by fiery tension.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 238:
238. The spirit imbued by fiery striving manifests a drawing power for all vital impulses. As each energy reaches its identical element, so also the spirit of the higher Agni Yogi reaches the hearts of those striving to Truth. Thus, each energy of the heart molds people. The lever of the heart sets all the strained strivings. This is why people are attracted to the fiery heart of an Agni Yogi. Thus, the power of the heart affirms the manifested striving of an Agni Yogi. The creativeness of the heart can bring the pledge of Light. I so affirm!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 244:
244. When the fire of spirit tenses the rays of the Chalice, various strivings are drawn to the seed. The attraction of the cosmic fires draws in threads of fiery synthesis. An Agni Yogi knows when it is best to attract the fires from the space, and the centers of attraction respond to the vibration of the Chalice. Therefore, the straight-knowledge of a tensed Agni Yogi has the key to the cognition of events.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 255:
255. The condition of our planet is determined by human deeds. The manifestation of Spatial Fire creates spheres around the planet which protect it from suffocation. The fiery attraction is so powerful that it can be likened to a magnetic manifestation. Thus, when the forces of Cosmos drive toward a shifting, saturation of the space proceeds by the assertion of the Magnet. The planet is unable to separate itself from the Cosmic Magnet, and the chain of strivings toward the construction of evolution inseverably links all worlds. Thus, all actions of cosmic forces create in powerful cosmic coordination, and all worlds serve the law of unity. Therefore, humanity must include itself in this law!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 258:
258. The self-sacrifice of an Agni Yogi lies in the creative impulse and in the offering of his strivings toward the manifestation of the higher energies. Therefore, when the spirit of an Agni Yogi strives toward transmutation, We say "Since basically transmutation is directed toward purification of the space, the spirit verily is evincing a most fundamental quality."

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 260:
260. The independent action of an Agni Yogi opens all possibilities. Penetrating into higher spheres, the spirit caries there its strivings. The creativeness of the spirit carries there its strivings. The creativeness of the spirit is intensified by the principle of interchange. Thus, each energy is coordinated in Cosmos. The tensed magnet of the spirit creates with all levers.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 265:
265. Science is penetrating into the cosmic spheres and putting man in direct connection with the Cosmic Magnet. When the basis of creativeness of the cosmic fires is being denied, each manifestation of striving must be understood as an assertion of the vital impulse. Science is bringing man to the mastery of Spatial Fire, and all strivings toward the discovery of cosmic correlations are bringing cosmic power to humanity. Therefore, science must illumine the consciousness and affirm humanity in the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 281:
281. The extent to which the conscious realization of cosmic attractions remains undeveloped is evident in human creativity. Toward what are efforts being directed? In what channel are all strivings gathered? By what impulse is humanity moved? Let us manifest understanding. Usually man dissipates his energy in an aimless striving to a vegetative life, excluding himself from the cosmic chain. Therefore, We say that a man can create his own world as a part of the World Community or become a link with the Cosmos and thus become a cosmic co-worker. Thus, striving brings one to Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 287:
287. The cosmic sword is tensed by the awareness of a shifting. Only attraction pulls toward the Magnet. Those strivings which go against the current of the Cosmic Magnet alert a multitude of consciousnesses through the symbol of the sword. The developed spirit gives the power of consciousness to the sword, and the cosmic striving develops the impulse of urgency. Thus, the measure of spirit imparts to the consciousness the impulse of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 315:
315. The undertakings of man show potentialities of all degrees and direct all strivings into a center of tensity. The manifold human undertakings are strained by various essences. In evolution, the battles for the treasures of Space are clearly defined. Thus, the advancement of the grades of energies is within the power of humanity, and the degree of retardation of evolution rests also in the hands of man. Verily, two categories intensify the world of action. The Carriers of Fire and the opponents of evolution both assert the evolutionary battle. Thus, the progress of humanity proceeds by way of the battle of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 317:
317. Adherence to the Cosmic Magnet imparts intense striving to the spirit. Human creativity proceeds along the channel of striving. Existence demands a realization of the qualities of strivings. Thus, each possibility can manifest only through goal-fitness. With goal-fitness as a basis, man can formulate the reason of existence. Matter is affirmed in manifested form through the spirit of man; thus, cause and effect establish the reason of existence.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 359:
359. A tensed psychic thought, in conjunction with the subtle feelings, gives the highest creative power. The creativeness of refined feelings is impelled by subtle energies. Only when thought is lawfully propelled into higher spheres do these strivings produce creative tensions. Therefore, the refinement of feelings and sensations is kindred to the tensed seeker of Fire. Cosmic thought can penetrate into a psychically refined consciousness. The realization of both subtle and crude assimilations will mark the first step in the progress of humanity. Thus, on the way to the Towers, one must remember the subtleness of psychic thought.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 369:
369. When the creativeness of Cosmos is strained, all energies are directed into an intensive construction. Therefore, each directed power must be intensified in the search for new constructions. The creativity which reaches new correlations acts through the lever of Light. The Spatial Fire is putting all spheres under strain. The spirit of humanity is interlocked with Cosmos to such an extent that feelings are intensified by the same levers. Thus, in boundless creativeness one can imbue space with subtle strivings.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 380:
380. When a great structure is built, each page has its significance. Each affirmation of the cosmic evolution is impregnated in conformity. It is correct to say that humanity builds its cosmic steps in its strivings and assimilations. Humanity either receives or gives out the manifested forces. Precisely, its Service to the Cosmic Good gives humanity its ascent. When the transport of human aspiration is limitless and endless, a cosmic coordination can be affirmed. How wondrous is the realization of the link with cosmos! How beautiful is the building of cosmic evolution!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 388:
388. The filling of the space with the records of higher strivings is the highest stimulus of creativeness. Nothing can so strain and shift consciousness as powerful thought! The construction of basic principles is caused by and depends on the stimulus of thought. You have said correctly that each respecter of thought defined his epoch according to the quality of his consciousness. An epoch can be defined according to the stimulus of its thought. By this the new generation can be directed. The ability to discriminate in the stimulus of thought and its consequence can bring expansion of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 390:
390. The spiritual tensions are subject to the law of identity. The vortices take hold of all spiritual strivings. Hence, when the spirit is strained toward a shifting, nothing can stop it. The creators of whirls saturate the entire space and pull cosmic thoughts into their orbits. Hence, each thought of an Agni Yogi is a vortex; and the flame of the spirit is intensified by the striving Agni Yogi. Thus, each striving thought creates a new orbit, and all tensions are so sensed by the centers of a flaming spirit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 412:
412. The highest spheres are invisibly linked. The most powerful strivings are invisibly linked. An invisible vibration links the spirits most powerfully. Thus, each wave of striving seizes upon identical energies. Hence, when an expanded consciousness sends out a powerful striving an identical striving toward creativity is exerted.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 436:
436. The service of the Lords enters into the orbit of cosmic constructions. Thus, spiritual strivings enter into the orbit of cosmic attraction. All strivings of the spirit create like an affirmed fire. Thus, in Cosmos one can observe the manifestations of ceaseless creativity. Only the spirit who perceives the future can offer to Cosmos a striving in the name of true construction. Therefore, We create in the name of General Good. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 437:
437. How can one sense a cosmic shifting? How can one sense the Cosmic Might? All sensitive impulses must be drawn to the cosmic seed through striving and must direct the spirit to the understanding of vital energies. The affirmed strivings do not come from without; not accidentally is the spirit attracted to construction. The cosmic affirmation of the vital energies inherent in

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 446:
446. The creative impulse is imbued by a fiery quality. Therefore, all the fiery manifestations of an Agni Yogi direct in turn vital impulses. The impulsion of the vital Fire produces a chain of creative possibilities. Thus, the fire of the spirit imbues all vital strivings. The manifestation of unity permeates all Cosmos, and the entire diversity of vital manifestations is contained in the quality of Fire. Hence, the sensations of the Agni Yogi are so diverse. Therefore, the Mother of Agni Yogi can so reverberate to all cosmic perturbations.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 447:
447. The quality of thought impregnates the space, and each action of people's strivings is imbued by the propulsion of Cosmic Fire. Likewise, every thought generates tensions, and the creativeness of the spirit determines the shifting. Thus, when the essence of life strains the levers of shifting, all qualities disclose their correspondences. Therefore, when life is strained by multifold energies, the quality of energies must become receptive. The assertion of consciousness must intensify all qualities of energies. Thus is created a boundless quest.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 451:
451. The cosmic fires are imperceptible to the spirit who strives only toward the visible world. When the spirit is striving to the subtle spheres, the entire vastness of Cosmos unfolds before him. Therefore, the imperceptible cosmic fires are attracted to the creative spirit who perceives all the subtle energies. Thus, the principle of great creativity is built upon mutual attraction. The spatial fires are attracted into the orbit of cosmic strivings; hence, only the spirit who knows of the might of invisible forces can attract the cosmic fires. Thus is conformity effected. Thus is set up the cosmic creativity, with the highest coordinations between the spirit and Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 460:
460. Cosmic reconstruction contains in itself all human strivings. When cosmic reconstruction saturates the planet, a cosmic stimulus strains the spirit. Thereupon, forces group themselves according to polarity and thus saturate the spheres around reconstruction. It is impossible to segregate human strivings from cosmic reconstruction. One and the same impulse motivates all the forces; hence, each sphere is steeped in the cosmic reconstruction. Thus, human reason can enter no complaint against Cosmos. In life, everything is built up from the principles of containment and correspondence, and the qualities of correspondence are boundless.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 469:
469. Verily, all the tensions of the dark forces are opposed to the Forces of Light. Therefore, the imbalance in Cosmos is definitely pronounced by the affirmation of battle. The adherence to the course of the Cosmic Magnet can saturate all strivings, but only the Forces of Light know the course leading to reconstruction. All opposing forces are therefore intensifying their currents.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 471:
471. The affirmation of cosmic reconstruction intensifies all spatial fires. The acceptance of the basis of cosmic fires imparts a spiritual quality to the reconstruction. The creativeness of cosmic fires is intensified by the principle of magnetism. Hence, in the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet there is contained all cosmic creativeness. The creativity of Cosmos is linked with the tensity of cosmic fires, and the spiritual saturation of the planet depends upon the impulsion of the cosmic fires. Hence, humanity is under the strain of its own strivings; and the free will creates, affirming a cosmic urge or a contrary manifestation. Thus, when the spirit of humanity is attracted to the Cosmic Magnet the path of the spirit is found. The spirit thus strives into the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 475:
475. When the Cosmic Magnet strains all forces, the space begins to reverberate. Therefore, each force is heightened by the current of an intensified reverberation. In cosmic beginnings, it is important to know the affirmation of the Magnet and the quality of the energies in the spiritual strivings. All spiritual constructions sound a spatial keynote. Upon this keynote resound the subtle organisms. Thus does the creative keynote of the spirit act in space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 502:
502. Those in Our Service who have realized the power of sacrifice know the beauty of achievement. Therefore, they will achieve who have realized the Service in their hearts. Thus, Service, in the name of a powerful achievement, bestows beauty upon existence. All karmic effects are forged from the blendings of spirit strivings, and all strivings are inscribed in the Book of Life. Thus, lives are being built and the beauty of Be-ness is defined.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 517:
517. The affirmation of the law of correspondence depends upon the tension of the forces of spirit. How can one be affirmed in the understanding of the law of correspondence, if the spirit does not accept the impulse of Fire! Only in a limitless seeding does the spirit intensify his strivings, fierily saturated.

Hierarchy (1931) - 22:
To bring about the advance of evolution, to bestow affirmed truth and knowledge, and to link humanity with the currents of evolution - this stimulus inspires each move of an Arhat. This tension sets into motion all feelings and subtle energies. Thus proceeds the manifested Friend of humanity. These spatial strivings are the foundations of Our cooperation. Similarly sustained are the centers of the fiery Agni Yogi as a friend of humanity. Yes, yes, yes! Thus We serve the progress of humanity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 29:
The Arhats, who bestow on humanity the concept of the full Chalice, cannot deprive humanity of freedom. Not in renunciation or in seclusion does the Brotherhood dwell. Each spark that kindles the consciousness is recorded; each striving arrow is recorded. Not abstraction, but fiery striving endures. Those who know the attainment of cosmic strivings may verily say, "We create with fire". We strive with fire. We live in fire. Not miracles these, but the transmutation of life into the garment of Materia Lucida."

Hierarchy (1931) - 35:
35. How do men understand the law of Hierarchy? How do they fulfill all the laws of life? How do they intensify in themselves the best strivings? Verily, the law of Hierarchy is understood as one's own right; it is forgotten that a Hierarch is a link of a chain and One who fulfills the Will of a Higher One. Only thus can one respond to the higher assignment. Only thus can one fulfill the trust and accumulate the fires in the Chalice.

Hierarchy (1931) - 51:
51. The orbit that attracts conscious strivings will always bring the spirit to Our Gates. The creativeness of spirit resounds throughout all space, and only acknowledgment of Higher Might imbues the spirit with creative searching. Thus, each orbit that attracts one to higher creativeness is imbued with all the highest energies. Only the path of conscious quest affords striving toward Our Orbit. Thus one may attain the upper steps.

Hierarchy (1931) - 61:
61. When thought comprises striving toward the fulfillment of the Higher Will, a direct connection with the Shield of the Higher Will is established. Can one reach an understanding of Cosmos without striving to penetrate into the Higher Spheres? Only succession gives foundation to all strivings. All that exists proceeds by the law of succession. Hence, each isolation results only in the loss of the predestined. Thus, thought is generated as the carrier of the law of succession. Thus the law of the Higher Will creates limitlessly.

Hierarchy (1931) - 83:
83. Thus the Higher Reason creates upon Earth through the power of Hierarchy. Our creativeness requires the affirmation of Hierarchy in its entire scope, in its entire understanding, in its entire beauty. The understanding of Hierarchy reveals all possibilities. It is correct to view the law of Hierarchy as the summit of cosmic creativeness. Light pours from it, thoughts strive to it; thus one should direct the best strivings to the Summit of Hierarchy. Only when the highest affirmation enters consciously into life, can the highest be given. The fiery manifestation approaches!

Hierarchy (1931) - 130:
130. During construction one should develop all strivings toward synonymous understanding. Each task carries equivalent strength. One should strive toward finding this key. One cannot demand that a great manifestation be gauged by small measures. A small thought cannot be embellished. Small thoughts cannot make a hero. Only a subtle identity affords correspondence. Therefore the highest to the highest. The higher, the more affirming; only thus can one grow and introduce the predestined into life. The Highest Plan requires application of the highest measures.

Hierarchy (1931) - 152:
152. Thus the might of the Spiritual focus is manifested by Us. Thus immutable are the laws of Hierarchy, and those who adhere to that affirmed might will find the right path. Hence it is so important to approach Us in the sole striving to fulfill the predestined. Thus victory is affirmed by Us. Therefore, one should gather all the best strivings to adhere to the Spiritual Focus.

Hierarchy (1931) - 159:
159. One can see the unity of all manifestations when the spirit can reflect the best strivings. Space requires observations, and each manifestation is in need of conscious assimilation. Only when the foundations of creativeness are firm can one build for evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 171:
171. Hence, when understanding is not founded upon Hierarchy, the manifestations of the focus cannot be so vitally displayed, and each one who isolates himself cannot find his way to Us. Thus, there are so many roaming shadows who cannot turn the affirmed key. Thus so many strivings are lost in space. Therefore, upon the blending of the arcs of consciousnesses, We build the future. Thus, Our fiery law ordains the blending of consciousnesses. Thus, one should be affirmed in the realization of the focus. The spirit can approach the realization of this fiery law. The manifestation of Hierarchy is the basis of constructiveness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 201:
201. When the world is convulsed, the sign of Maitreya is given as an antidote. When the foundation of Our Works was laid, the forces of the spirit were strengthened. Thus the sign of Maitreya has been affirmed. And in Our Day, when the manifestation is affirmed, one can repeat, How vitally the power of the spirit has entered into life and how greatly this new power has been affirmed in consciousness. Hence, the consciousness must be applied to a mighty understanding of Hierarchy, which holds the chain of all strivings. Thus, each manifestation of beauty placed by Us in the foundation of Our Works must be acknowledged as a vital action. Thus the power of the foundation consists in beauty, and striving to the fulfillment of the Higher Will, will lead to the predestined victory. Thus Our Towers should be built, verily, in beauty!

Hierarchy (1931) - 209:
209. The affirmation of the Teacher intensifies all creative forces. Without the Teacher there can be no link in the great chain of creativeness. Hence all the forces of Cosmos which manifest the course of evolution can be affirmed on the principle of Hierarchy. How can one build without the focus of attraction? Each force has its own tensions, which call forth creative strivings from the source of cosmic fires that gathers Light and spreads Fire around itself. Verily, thus is the Cosmic Focus affirmed, and life must be built around a focus. Creativeness is limitless!

Hierarchy (1931) - 224:
224. Hence, so beautiful are the strivings to the single focus of Hierarchy. Only thus can one assimilate all the Commands of the Highest Forces. Only thus can one approach Our Ordainments and adhere to fiery creativeness. The fiery focus, all-illuminating, all-containing, gives life to each creative inception. Therefore it is so important to comprehend Hierarchy. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 282:
282. The foundation upon which everything is built must be protected from disintegration. The foundation that upholds everything must be enhanced by all the best strivings; for upon the stones of the foundation stands the structure; for upon the foundation stands each affirmation. How, then, shall people treat the foundations, without realizing that the main thing is the cornerstone? So much has been destroyed by man, because of his failure to appreciate his treasures, and by his exposing the most essential to the hail storm! Thus, humanity must understand the great significance of the power of the foundation and must accept Hierarchy with its whole spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 317:
317. The disciples on the path of Service must apply all the best strivings of their spirit and consciousness. While creating, one should understand that only the application of the best actions affords corresponding results. Thus, let us not expect beautiful results where the spirit has not applied its best strivings. Often people wonder why their undertakings are unsuccessful. Let us say then, Did you apply all your best impulses? Did not light-mindedness, the dullness of inflexibility, negligence, and lack of ardor for the Hierarchy intrude themselves? Thus, one may expect correspondence based upon cause and effect. Thus, one must understand that each irresponsible action, each non-goalfitting deed, may bring many unnecessary and harmful consequences. Thus, the disciples on the path must display their best strivings and ardor to the Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 374:
374. When the planet loses its equilibrium owing to the loss of spiritual understanding, the consequences to the planet are inevitable; for there is no karmic effect without cause and no cause without effect. The manifestation called forth by the loss of spiritual strivings will certainly induce those impulses which will bring regeneration to the planet. The appearance of physical changes will give to the planet the understanding of Agni Yoga. The financial crash will effect a revaluation of values. The distortion of religions will result in a search for a new spiritual achievement.

Hierarchy (1931) - 394:
394. The intensification of energy between the disciple and Teacher is analogous to a steam engine - a continuous projection and restitution. Therefore We point out so persistently the necessity of concordance, for benevolence, striving, and gratitude. Only by those means can one develop the dynamics of concordance. A steam engine is provided with fuel, but We have an inexhaustible reservoir of psychic energy. One should not think that the enumerated qualities are needed by Us; on the contrary they are needed by you. Otherwise how will you strengthen the bond with Us? The powerful rhythm of the dynamo of spirit can be affirmed, not by doubt, egoism or self-pity, but only by an indivisible, vigorous striving toward Us. These strivings must be introduced into life. It should be remembered that each physical law must remind of the stability of the laws of the spirit. With such a consciousness one can verily become a co-worker for the transformation of life.

Hierarchy (1931) - 433:
433. What state flourishes without a great leader? What affirmed undertaking has existed without a leader? Verily one must understand that the concept of a leader is the synthesis of all the highest strivings. Thus, only the concept of Hierarchy, of an Illumined Leader, can direct the spirit. Thus, let all, all, all ponder upon and remember the Might of Hierarchy. Only through this realization can one advance. Only through this realization can one attain. Let it be remembered that each stone thrown at Hierarchy will be transformed into a mountain against oneself. Thus let all remember! Thus We proclaim the Leader - the Hierarch!

Hierarchy (1931) - 444:
Thus, humanity must realize all the best strivings. Only thus can one progress in evolution. Verily, only by adhering to Hierarchy can one advance. Hence, in the great time of shifting, humanity can be saved only through Hierarchy. Therefore it is so imperative to realize the greatness of the Leader as the Savior of nations. The time is austere, but great. Thus we shall construct the great future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 455:
455. The power of Guidance imbues humanity with all strivings. Each attainment directed to progress is affirmed by the Higher Will. The guaranty is manifested only by affirmation of the correlation between the Higher Will and assimilation. Thus is revealed to humanity a direct bond between the Hierarchy and the disciple. Thus, verily, the great Might underlies the silver thread that links all the best inceptions. Truly, it can be affirmed that victory underlies the bond with the Higher Will.

Heart (1932) - 22:
22. Advise to develop thinking and observation. The heart cannot fulfill its destination if instead of a thought there are fleas and instead of observation, a mole. With such fellow travelers one will not go far! Now is the very time to deepen the trend of thought, else the masses will not find an application for the treasures received. Overproduction is the sign of a trivial trend of thought and a lack of observation. It is said that schools should introduce hours for training in observation and thinking. The heart cannot be nurtured externally only, it must be supported also by earthly strivings. Firmness of striving will be attained also by sharpness of cognizance.

Heart (1932) - 75:
75. Love, achievement, labor, creation - these summits of ascent preserve the aspiring strivings in all permutations. What a bounty of additional concepts they encompass! What is love without self-sacrifice or achievement without valor, labor without patience, and creativeness without self-perfectment! And over this entire legion of benignant values the heart rules. Without it the most patient people, the most valiant, the most striving, will remain cold coffins! Burdened by knowledge, but unwinged, will be those who are heartless! It is sad not to come at the time of the Call! It is grievous not to follow the Hierarchy completely! Often people try to hide from themselves the rejection of the Hierarchy. Canst thou, traveler, open-heartedly be ready to follow the Hierarchy? Perhaps thy readiness is only up to the first turn, up to the first step, only where the Hierarchy can help? Wilt thou not forget at a difficult hour, or wilt thou remember Hierarchy only in abundance?

Heart (1932) - 112:
112. Not only the currents but also the calls of space disturb the physical equilibrium. Multitudes are attracted toward the magnet of a flaming heart. They call out their suffering, and a generous heart cannot refuse the calling ones. Thus, striving toward the magnet can take its energy, but this is inevitable and each magnet is subject to this condition. Of course, the potentiality of the heart will only increase from these exercises. But the manifestation of the calls has another important significance, for space is being pierced by the best strivings and these rays weave the resplendent net of the world. Those who understand the net of the best calls will understand the heroic action of a hermit's life, which is not at all one of solitude, but, quite the opposite, is a service open to those who suffer.

Heart (1932) - 207:
207. How tortuous are many observations of life! One can study the success of outer actions in relation to the heart-striving. Besides, one can study which deviations from strivings react upon the outer waves of the currents. It can be seen how at times a condition, insignificant from the point of view of daily life, has a tremendous influence upon inner action, and vice versa, the slightest unworthy desire may destroy the structure already prepared. But it is not customary to pay attention to the activity of the heart. People are ready to doom themselves to any unhappiness rather than think about its causes. We are also concerned to see how people permit an intolerable trend of thought near the magnetic centers, unwilling to recall that particular vigilance is needed, especially near these centers. Of course, everyone may think about himself, but where there is a step of millenniums, the flutter of butterflies is unfit. One must ultimately learn co-measurement! Thoughts about the Highest give birth to the highest.

Heart (1932) - 216:
216. Right strivings annihilate the manifestations of contamination. A striving man verily is full of immunity. So it is with those who cross on the rim of the precipice. The best wings are woven by strivings. Even the best antidote will also be striving. The fire born of impetuous tension is the best shield. The ancients have explained how arrows never reach those who are striving. Contemporary physicians could point out the development of a special substance during spiritual striving. Apply it to life as a life counsel. I point out how the striving spirit, with the velocity of light, changes its position and becomes elusive. Thus, one must train oneself to strive, manifesting it physically as well as spiritually. The teaching that is devoid of striving is like a sack with holes. One must assimilate the essence of what is said, because a study of the words alone will remain only upon the tongue. But beware of the striving tongue with a dead heart. Thus, let us not forget about the antidote of pure striving.

Heart (1932) - 277:
277. One can think with the brain or with the heart. Time was, perhaps, when people forgot about the work of the heart, but now is the era of the heart, and we must concentrate our strivings in this direction. Thus, without relieving the brain of work, we are ready to recognize the heart as a moving power. People have contrived a myriad of limitations for the heart. The works of the heart are understood narrowly and often impurely. We must bring the entire world into the sphere of the heart, because the heart is the microcosm of existence. He who is not inspired by the great concept of the heart, will minimize his own significance. We give Our decree against irritation, but only greatness of heart will preserve one from the poison of irritation. We speak of containment, but where is the ocean of containment outside of the heart? We recall the far-off worlds, but it is the heart, not the brain, that can remember Infinity. Thus, let us not disparage that which is bestowed upon us as the receptacle of Bliss.

Heart (1932) - 300:
300. If thought in itself contains creative energy, then how useful it is to direct good thought into space. When mankind shall agree to send forth good thought simultaneously, then the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will at once clear. Hence, it is necessary to take care, even a few times daily, to send out thought not about oneself, but about the world. Thus the thinking will accustom itself to disinterested strivings. As the Savior of mankind thinks only of the entire world, so in emulation of him we can apply our thoughts for the manifestation of creative energy. It is not necessary to look upon the transmission of thought as a supernatural act. Let it provide nurture for the spirit, just as does fuel for the bonfire during the night. Thus, also, it is necessary simply to follow the highest example. The heart will be like a trusty chronometer when it calls to thought about all. It is not necessary to have tiring meditations; thought about the world is short and reflects so simply the renunciation of self. Let good befall the world!

Heart (1932) - 304:
304. The manifestation of fire is destructive for the physical body, but the element of fire is quite normal for the fiery body. It means that this change of correlation occurs upon the expanse of the Subtle World. Verily, one can ascertain by the condition of the subtle bodies the boundary of the beneficial reaction of fire. High strata purified from coarse physical strivings already experience the fiery benevolence; but the lowest strata of the Subtle World are still subjected to the physical sensation of the flame. In this regard the more there is of the physical husk, the more painfully the fire can act. Hence comes the intimation about the infernal flame. Thus, not accidentally does each true knowledge direct one into the higher strata. So, also, it is entirely scientific to forewarn people against carrying brutish lusts into the Subtle World. One can only pity the unwise ones who deride the state after death.

Heart (1932) - 374:
374. Mercy, compassion, pity, love, and all benevolent strivings so indicated by Us - are they not wondrous ways of intercourse with the highest energies? One should become accustomed to regard these resplendent qualities as actual methods connecting one with the highest worlds. Lacking these qualities, all astrochemistry will be astrovenom. From time immemorial alchemists understood the significance of the light-bearing unifying substance that emanates from the heart. Because the heart emanations continuously create the luminous substance which we term the very essence of psychic energy. Of course, the opposite side also tries to solve this problem in its own way. But, instead of the luminous creation by the heart, they seek for creation by sperm and this means they also try to find the unifying substance. I will not repeat its name; the sorcerers of the first three degrees utilize the sperm substance for unifying with the spatial energies. It is not worth explaining that their violent measures are not sufficiently strong and are of long process. They are not to be compared with the fire of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 498:
498. Refutation of the Teaching may be of many forms. Some cannot assimilate the Teaching at all, just as they refuse in general to accept wise counsel. But it is much more dangerous for him who understands the value of the Teaching, yet who consciously refutes it, because he is already in the service of darkness. It is the same with people in whom already the most manifest strivings suddenly deviate. This occurs because of deficient education of the heart. This subject should be taken up in the family and in the school. It should be accorded the importance of more than an experiment; it should lead decisively to the development of memory, attention, patience, benevolence, and finally it should lead toward the observation of the heart's sensations. Thus will solemnity and love of the beautiful become inrooted. Thus will the boundary of Light and darkness be defined. Children love Light!

Heart (1932) - 503:
503. Illumination, in essence is the bliss of striving; hence it cannot be death-bringing. Life, however, evidences quite the opposite. From where does this perverse result issue? Naturally, not from the light-bearers themselves, but from the vicious contagion of the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, once again life indicates to what an extent humanly created conditions fail to coordinate with the beautiful possibilities. Hence, let us assiduously propel spatial calls, in order to regenerate the consciousnesses! Not few are the strivings sent by Us in order to attract the attention of people to the vicious madness which increases incalculably. They wish to scoff at the Law of the Universe, but first of all it is necessary to realize the possibilities missed, knowing that all is repairable. We dream of new races, but first let us consider why the new race is needed and how each one may help its realization - first of all, in mobility. It is necessary to teach children this winged mobility.

Heart (1932) - 551:
551. Man cannot conceal his inner motives. Though these may not be reflected in earthly expressions, in the subtle feeling there are no secrets. Usually, people do not know how to assimilate the feelings of the Subtle World. But they feel a seeming disquietude, confusion, or joy, as if some secret record were before them and they felt its significance before unsealing it. Yet with the education of the heart one can have an understanding of human motives that is not incidental. Moreover, one can evaluate not only the significance of thoughts but also their substance. Is it not true that the heart often does not reflect people's motives because they do not exist altogether or resemble down wafted by the wind? Ask your interlocutor what he desires. The usual response will be an evidence of confusion. Such a heart, not having crystallized its strivings at all, will be confused in the Subtle World. The Teaching is not luxury. It teaches the minimum that should be expected from those reincarnated over millions of years. Let us not impede in any measure the flighty tendency of thought, but it is necessary to demand cognizance of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 585:
585. Ponder! In no way can the aura and the properties of the secretions be falsified. Humanity is unable to grasp even so simple a consideration. Even among the tests of Arhats such questions have their place. To see naught, to hear naught - yet faith up to the highest degree of cognizance. This is a quality of an Arhat. The striving of the heart - this also is a quality of an Arhat. The ability to discriminate in great and small - is also a quality of an Arhat. Husbanding of the basic energy - is also a quality of an Arhat. Constant desire for Good - is also a quality of an Arhat. Courage and patience - are also qualities of an Arhat. It is absurd to regard the essence of an Arhat as something beyond Earth. He evolves on earth as a Leader of Hearts. He offers himself as the focus for new formations. His consciousness perceives everything, all apparently intolerable earthly situations, but His heart understands how to transmute these barriers. The small in spirit are constantly fearful of battle, or more correctly of that state which we call battle. But no other word will express that state of inner struggle and success as battle does. Thus one can also find a place for the adversary as a whetstone for sharpening one's sword. I deem that one can send to the Teacher fortified strivings in mutual battle.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 2:
The earthly eye, though it be highly sensitive, does not usually assimilate even the subtle manifestations. But, in turn, the Subtle World does not discern the fiery dwellers to whom the flaming heart can lead one. Thus one can understand the veneration for Fire. Human strivings are needed for a natural affinity with the World of Fire. From early years they bear in themselves, as it were, a reflection of the Higher Fire. It is as if these sparks compel them to withdraw from contact with other elements; and those elements do not like these fiery orbs. Yet one cannot traverse the earthly path without contact with Fire, hence it is better to know its essential nature.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 130:
130. These same spouts and spirals are created by the disordered strivings of surrounding people, though not with bad intentions. You also know the effects of the striving of carnate and subtle bodies. They do not realize that in their tension they almost become vampires. Besides, one should distinguish the sendings of the intellect from those of the heart. Mentioning a name a great number of times may prove to have almost no influence, but a heart-sending, by its anguish of striving, can act as a spiral of asphyxiation. It may be truly said, "Do not strangle, even for your own good."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 484:
484. In regard to the question of nutrition, it should be noted that it is necessary to have some raw vegetables or fruit each day; raw milk is likewise preferable if the cow is known, and also bread of a somewhat coarse flour. Thus one can obtain sufficient vitamins without increasing the obvious superfluity of food. Hence, one should not burden oneself with the thought of food, because such thought often obscures many valuable strivings. He who has found the balance between physical and spiritual demands already stands at the border of understanding the Higher World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 221:
221. Threads of the spirit are spread far more widely than people think. I say repeatedly - write down, even if it be briefly, the sensations and the strivings of the spirit. From such writings it will be possible to make significant deductions. Likewise the physicians can make use of this valuable material. Possibly, not always can such writings be compared, as a great deal may not coincide so easily, but even isolated cases may assist someone to recognize the psychic energy. No special university courses are needed for this. Psychic energy especially acts freely, when man is aflame with hearty striving. The measuring rod of psychic energy is pure striving. Not magic, but pure human striving will produce a marvelous world.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 69:
69. It is right to think about the purging of dogmas which lead away from a just thinking. The concepts of purgatory and hell may be replaced by the concept of affirmation of the life of the Fiery World. There is no mightier purgatory than earthly life, if all the potentialities of the spirit are intensified. Likewise there is no mightier hell than the earthly infections of the spirit. To affirm purgatory on Earth as a beginning leading to the Subtle and Fiery Worlds is a problem of the purification of consciousness. All strivings of humanity for knowledge of the Invisible World should impel the consciousness to take up the thought of purification, which will continue the earthly path to the Fiery World. Only the concept of oneness of the path will impel people to live in beauty, and to depart this life as wayfarers continuing their journey. When the World will apprehend this indissoluble bond with the Subtle World, purgatory will then take its rightful place in Eternal Truth. Therefore it is so important to become affirmed in the realization of the endlessness of life; the continuing, as it were, of the great Wheel of Life. The manifestation of the accumulation of the "chalice" gives great power to the spirit in the Fiery World; just as the path of darkness imposes its own dark existence. Let us direct thoughts of people to the idea of purgatory on Earth.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 89:
89. The planetary dates correspond with all the supermundane dates. The dark condition of this planet requires all forces for the affirmation of equilibrium. It is easy to think about the future when the spirit knows the bond of the two Worlds, when the spirit can be successful in its strivings toward the Fiery World. There cannot be an intensification which does not reveal to the spirit the amplitude of the manifest future. In the Subtle World events go on which assist manifestations on the Earth. Especially tensed are the strata which are close to the Earth. Entire armies are being assembled for events. Entire nations are being armed against the forces of destruction. The Supermundane World will not leave the planet helpless. So too, the Mother of the World and the Hierarchy of Good and the Fiery Viceroys are mobilizing their camps. Verily, great is the time solving the earthly destiny - the Heavenly forces saturate the space. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 112:
112. The protective network is formed out of subtlest energies. All centers participate in the formation of this powerful shield. For a complete circle it is necessary that all the spiritual centers intensify their energies. From out of the centers of the spirit it is especially necessary to tense the heart, because by its power it can transmute thinking. Right thinking produces stability, which is the first requirement. Steadfastness expels duplicity, fear and doubt. The protective net can defend a man, making him invulnerable. But this shield can only then be affirmed when all subtle energies have been harmonized. The experience of Agni Yogi truly provides this shield, but a most cautious regard for the centers is necessary. The protective net must be continually saturated with the energies from within, as a fiery, eternally ascending spiral. Spiritual centers must nurture this power. The protective net passes on with the spirit into the Subtle World. Woven from the subtlest energies, it can become assimilated into the Fiery World; only the highest strivings may be reflected in it. People who live by means of lower centers have no protective net. Obsessed ones do not have this shield. Therefore, on the Fiery path one should take care of the interweaving of the subtlest energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 131:
131. When people will learn to respect the Cosmic Laws, then, indeed, the Cosmic Magnet will indicate to them the path to perfection. The subtle understanding of this law can ennoble all humanity. The great law can awaken all good strivings. Pure and great love gives birth to that nobility of spirit which can regenerate man. One can easily imagine how will be manifested all the great feelings engendered by the unified heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 137:
137. The Living Ethics contains laws for the manifestation of Truth. Life is affirmed in all the higher concepts; thus, the creativeness of the Living Ethics directs thought to the construction of the essential. All strivings in the name of the Living Ethics will direct thought to future constructiveness. Indeed, not by words but by actions will be molded the steps of the future. Each life-giving fire must evoke its own forms. Therefore, the creativeness of the Living Ethics can direct humanity to the Light. The Subtle World affirms its creative power which is manifested for the betterment of Existence. How great is the responsibility of mankind for all the engenderings which have caused such destruction! Each engendering in its turn produces its destruction, and the planet is engulfed in stifling gases. Therefore, it is so important to assume a higher destination of life as a striving toward the true Living Ethics. It is impossible to bring into order the earthly and supermundane spheres without this purification. The present is revealed as the time for introspection and adoption of these great designations, for the battle between Light and darkness is at hand. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us intensify our energies in the name of the Living Ethics.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 143:
143. Resurrection of the spirit can be manifested in any sphere whatsoever of vital activity. Any step can become the stimulus for this purification. But resurrection of the spirit requires real action. Words or promises or intentions do not cause resurrection of the spirit. Rightly have promises have been pointed out which were not intended for fulfillment. Resurrection of the spirit can be affirmed only by true strivings for action. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember how it is possible to attain resurrection of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 147:
147. To know one's destination means to know that the spirit of man is an expression of Higher Forces. Only he who knows these strivings can understand how it is needful to harken sensitively to the voice of the Higher Forces. What a wonderful concept, that man has been created in the Image of God! Precisely this reveals Infinity, multiplying all forces and aspirations. How is it possible for man to deny Infinity and Immortality when before him is the great comparison of the Image of the Macrocosm with the microcosm? Surely, such an exhortation is a powerful call to perfectionment of the spirit. Reminding about the Prototype of God must lead man into New Paths, for it is impossible to scorn with impunity the higher destiny by an expression of denial. And the ogres who affirm a self-willed sojourn of man on the Earth will perish, together with all the enemies of Light. Thus let us manifest sensitiveness of striving for understanding of our destination.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 153:
153. From the small to the great, humanity perverts all Truths. The higher the law, the lower its shattering. The unification of energies affirms so much for conscious strivings, but man has imposed his own branding mark. Therefore, Fiery Purification comes lawfully. Space is saturated with great records which reveal to mankind the great Truth of Be-ness. A great preparation for a World change, in which the Fiery Forces will participate, is going on. Thus, all the principles of the fiery laws will be given to humanity as a final touchstone. Thus the great Law of integration of the Atom will be that great stimulus. Thus We are prepared for the Great Hour.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 159:
159. The protective net contains reflections of the centers. One cannot be affirmed upon any manifestations without touching the protective net. One can imagine these reflections of the centers as their potentials which are inflamed or awakened depending upon this or that feeling, inclination, or action. Even in physical infections one may seek the cause in the unguarded state of the protective net. These processes indicate how important it is to watch the protective net, and how readily possible it is to disturb these radiations of the spirit. True, when the radiation is saturated with higher feelings or strivings, the protective net is strengthened by these energies. But blots, noticeable on the aura, must be studied as indexes of various spiritual ulcers. Therefore, only he who apprehends the whole creativeness of the spirit foresees the advisability of guarding the protective net. In contacting the spatial Fire, it is needful to understand all the processes of the laboratory of the centers. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should become affirmed in one's consciousness upon the ruinous effect of selfhood, which causes irritation by manifesting actual poisoning with imperil.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 169:
169. Everyone must think about the reconstruction of the World, for when we apprehend what is taking place, we grasp the approach of the future. Each thought directed to the construction of the New Epoch will provide its own forms. Thought-forms manifest the trend of the future; hence it is needful to understand the chain of saturated strivings. Creativeness of spirit is as a fiery lever in space, as a powerfully impelled fiery creator, as a ruler in space, as a great saturating Fire. Thus, one who thinks about preeminence and about the great future molds an affirmation of constructiveness. Space must be cemented with fiery formulas and fertilized by the manifest fire of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest striving for understanding of the reconstruction of the World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 181:
181. As the Fiery Guards stand on watch, so do powerful Dischargers purify space. All Cosmic Battles are saturated with forces proceeding from all the Centers of the Cosmos. The Centers, flamingly intensified, are building all cosmic affirmations. When We speak about fiery Centers of the Cosmos, one must have in mind those fiery strivings which are radiated by the centers of the great manifested Arhats in the distant and the earthly spheres. Without these fiery centers of the Saviors of Mankind it would be impossible to hold back events until the designated date. Verily, great is this labor in the defense of humanity!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 199:
199. In the Cosmos Cycles have their definite significance. One may trace how in substance each is affirmed by certain energies which preordain entire epochs. One can observe how each Cycle particularly manifests and expresses the essence of cosmic strivings. But above all Cycles is the one Cosmic Right, which is intensified by all the energies of the World. Thus, the entire structure of the Cosmos leads to that principle which has been established in Existence. Let us affirm the Cycle of Cycles, and the predestined will take place. In the Cosmic Battle is being forged the crowning completion. In the Cosmic Battle is being tempered each law, but the great Fiery Right is being saturated with cosmic tension. Thus the Cycle of Cycles is manifested as the victory of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 200:
200. In the furnace of life many concepts must be transmuted. So many layers have been deposited upon the loftiest conceptions, that Fiery Baptism must truly be administered to the planet. Around the concepts of the Fiery Images have been gathered those imaginings which are close to a low spirit. Not thus taught the Great Teachers. Not thus lived the Great Teachers. Not thus walked the Great Teachers. Verily, not thus, as people insist. The Fiery Images must take shape in a form appropriate and adequate for Them; therefore spreading of the Teaching must go flamingly side by side with a clarifying of the Great Figures. The creativeness of true strivings will grant those new steps which will give to the World resurrection of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that it is vital to bathe the Teaching of Beauty in achievement and with service.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 203:
203. Bridges of the spirit thrown across all difficulties, over all abysses, built on the path of striving, will manifest those constructive energies in the Cosmos. Verily, the spirit can unify the different centers. Humanity is straining toward a visible construction, and is not inspired by higher strivings for cosmic construction. Each bridge of the spirit, indeed, affirms conscious construction which manifests the cosmic connection between structures. Thus, in the Fiery Epoch it is especially needful to devote oneself to subtle, conscious activity of the spirit. Only the bridge of the spirit can close that abyss which yawns before humanity. The bridge of the Spirit is a bridge of Beauty. With these concepts of achievement of the spirit will we ascend the great Summit which unifies the Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 215:
215. The depictions of Cosmic Cycles are affirmed by whole millenniums; in them the Higher Will is united in the Chosen Spirit Who by His own fiery tension creates that preordained Epoch. By its spirit and will each fiery spirit creates also a certain Cycle around its strivings. These creations of Cycles are strongly outlined in the cementing of space. Each fiery striving can already be a pledge of a new link in the affirmation of the Cycle. If the consciousness would become affirmed in the fact of the structure of Cycles, then, indeed, would cosmic construction clothe the World with beauty. Verily, a world understanding can be manifested with every thought projected. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us consciously create links in the World Cycles.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 222:
222. The magnetic attraction of the aura greatly varies depending upon the combination of manifestations of different tensions. The consciousness sets aflame the power of the aura. When the consciousness is saturated with higher strivings, when it is directed to higher creativeness, the magnet of the aura increases a thousandfold. When the spirit aspires to the Higher Source the magnet of the aura is affirmed in its might. Each lofty striving produces a sediment, manifesting its saturation for each action. Each fiery transport gives to the aura a strong particular attraction which is irrevocably affirmed as the basis of higher action. The attraction of magnetic waves exerts its influence at great distances, and sendings of the spirit can especially be attracted to the closest auras. The creativeness of the spirit acts by means of these fiery magnets. On the path to the Fiery World one must affirm one's own magnetic attractions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 233:
233. The distribution of different manifestations depends upon Equilibrium, on which life is built. For example, a spirit which is athirst for certain external affirmations can attract them (by its will and depending upon its strivings), and the law of Equilibrium either saturates the spirit with or deprives it of some quality or another. The law of Equilibrium anticipates each unrelated manifestation. The World is suffering from these imbalances. The spirit of man has so turned away from the desires which are favorable to Equilibrium that each human manifestation produces a force of destruction. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember these laws which saturate Cosmic Equilibrium.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 235:
235. Strivings of the spirit can be affirmed on the Earth as a pledge of vital ascents. Strivings of the spirit can transform the life of the Cosmos. Strivings of the spirit can disclose new paths to the spatial treasures. But each spirit must discover within himself that stimulus which points out the path to transformation. In the cosmic conflict, in creativeness, in the quest of achievement, in beauty, in striving, the spirit finds that stimulus which transforms life. But woe to those who insist on denial and imbalance, for the Cosmic Scales are agitated, and in the reconstruction of the World there is unprecedented tension which cannot hold imbalance and those who manifest destruction. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive toward the basis of Equilibrium.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 246:
246. The correspondence between Worlds is manifested by the action of affirmation of the firm foundations. Violation of this conformity produces an effect in every direction. By placing the emphasis upon the visible World, humanity has rejected the Invisible Worlds. Living in an external World, man has edged aside from the inner strivings which intensify the spirit in its quest. The separation of the Worlds is thus affirmed by each act of man! The manifestation of disconnection penetrates all the foundations and acts reciprocally, because negation is a confirmation of the force of destruction. The Invisible Worlds manifest all the powerful energies. How, then, to affirm the Kingdom of Divine Fire? How to reestablish the law of Existence? How to affirm conscious striving for the manifestation of unification? The World trembles from violation of the Foundations, and their reestablishment and unification is required. On the path to the Fiery World let us accept the law of Conformity of Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 266:
266. Humanity attaches significance only to those concepts which are stored away in a consciousness of mediocrity, for it arrays correspondingly each form in its consciousness. Why, then, have all the Higher Concepts not been inculcated? Why so many distortions? Why so many belittlements Because, in truth, the essence of human quests and strivings has been turned downward. But the problem of the New World is to rouse the consciousness and to restore to the World the predestined Image of Beauty. Creativeness of the spirit must indeed be intensified in ascent. Precisely, not to lower the Higher but to allow It to rise. Therefore the first requisite will be to create the Divine Image according to Divinity. When the human consciousness will cease to depict Divinity in an earthly way, then the attainments of the spirit will be fiery.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 270:
270. Spatial Fire contains within itself those sparks of Fohat which are attracted to all vital manifestations in the Cosmos. Thus, these sparks nurture each life, and according to the potentiality of the being, these sparks are multiplied in their impellent attraction. Their rarefaction is connected with the pressure or accumulation in space, hence one can investigate where is taking place construction for good or destruction. One can interlay the strata of space with thought about the fiery energies and with strivings of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World let us affirm thinking about the impellent thought of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 311:
311. Each great reconstruction summons from space great energies. Nets of constructiveness are cast far beyond the limits of the earthly spheres. But together with all the pressure of the Forces of Light, there are intensified also the forces of darkness. As one substance manifests a reaction against contact, another, likewise, reacts to each dislocation. During cosmic transformation space reacts to each vibration. Indeed, events are being compressed, as is a substance through chemical reaction. Spatial fire begins to assemble new forces, but subterranean fire seeks to break through. So, too, the forces of the spirit are expanding, manifesting their strivings subject to their accumulations. A great transmutation draws near and the Fiery World awaits an affirmation.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 327:
327. The World is atremble from the tension. Events are being compressed. On all planes the energies of Light consist of all strivings to create a better future and to preserve the World from destruction. The forces of darkness creep in under many masks of Light, trying to destroy that created by the Light, and, where possible, to destroy the foundation of constructiveness. In this grave epoch of Armageddon, it is especially necessary to be conscious of the forces which set in motion the actions of each day, of each event, of each manifestation; for the time of choosing has come and there is no middle course on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 400:
400. The store of psychic energy is inexhaustible, and during spiritual strivings its strength is multiplied. At the time of spiritual aspiration this energy becomes a constructive impulse for new supplies. The properties of this fiery energy are thus multiform, and its potential surpasses every other energy, because the life contained in it can transmute all other energies. Psychic energy in its activity can overcome each opposition if it be consciously directed. The manifest source becomes exhausted only when it is not supported by conscious striving. Through attainment of the spirit, through fiery saturation, this sacred fiery source of life intensifies all vital functions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 566:
566. Often disputes take place about the length of stay in the Subtle World. Long periods have been mentioned, but also there can be noted some very brief ones. How to reconcile this difference? Yet in the great multiform Universe all is possible. The inhabitants of the Subtle World can be divided into several kinds some try to prolong their sojourn from a desire to develop the utmost usefulness - they are the hardest workers. Others try to remain longer in order not to take on the earthly trial. A third group stay on because of their love for the Subtle World. A fourth exert every effort to return more quickly to the earthly experience. It is true, children often incarnate quickly, but they can be observed to be striving toward many different tasks. It is touching to see children who wish to do better and who are afraid of former conditions; they should be particularly helped. Of course such strivings do not resemble those of a pauper who, because of the loss of his earthly treasures in a former life, wishes to become a rich man. But the chief happiness in the Subtle World is to preserve the purity and clarity of one's thinking. One must know precisely what one desires.

AUM (1936) - 4:
4. If earthly substances act so diversely on different people, then how much more varied is the reaction on them of the highest energies! Long ago people understood that for the proper reception of these rays it is needful to bring the organism into a harmonious condition. For this purpose the Wise Ones have indicated the power of sacred invocations. Aum, or phonetically Om, was such a synthesis of sonant strivings. Prayer and inward concentration are excellent attainments which render healthful the state of the spirit. Each one in his own way has contributed a manifestation useful to spiritual concentration, whether he sought the solution in music, in song, or in the dance; there have even been crude methods leading to intoxication and frenzy. There were many deviations and errors, but fundamentally man was striving to create a particularly exalted state of mind, promoting the reception of the higher energies.

AUM (1936) - 29:
29. No one should scoff at prayer. Even though it be primitive, nevertheless it is an indication of spirituality. It does not become man to revile the worthiest strivings of a brother. Man has no right to sneer at an offering to the Highest. Usually, base people particularly attack the prayers of others. For them, Aum and other prayers are only a source of inadmissible jests. Very often such base consciousness is encountered as the product of uncouth ignorance.

AUM (1936) - 170:
Therefore, let us only apply all our forces and best strivings, leaving judgment to the Higher World.

AUM (1936) - 271:
It is especially significant to observe such people from childhood. They differ distinctly from those around them, and they seem to know their destiny. Sometimes this knowledge is revealed by unexpected words. Sometimes the very actions of a child show how eagerly his spirit is seeking some definite goal, but usually such strivings are misunderstood. This sacred peculiarity of one summoned to ascent is much ridiculed. But in the future epoch it is the ones excelling in perceptivity who will be particularly esteemed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 149:
149. Continuity is one of the basic qualities of the subtlest energies. People can take example from the higher worlds for earthly existence also. If it is difficult to maintain continuity in work, it can be fully realized in spiritual strivings. We, wayfarers of Earth, can form a link with the higher worlds in spirit; such a bond will permit us to dwell in close union with the invisible worlds. Such unity will teach also earthly unity. Beginning with the higher, let us also be affirmed in the lower. It is not easy to maintain earthly unity. Many petty circumstances intrude and blot out good intentions. Only the testing of forces in a higher application can create continuity of intercourse with the Higher World. Even in sleep it is possible to maintain the bond with the source of knowledge. Thus, even in the earthly aspect one may conform to a quality of the Higher World-continuity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 174:
174. Even during most tense days, think about construction. It is a mistake to strive tensely toward a narrowed goal; let construction proceed out of strivings toward the Most High. The shade of the valley should not hide the summits. One should not enclose oneself in an artificial circle. Of what use to one, then, would Infinity be?

Brotherhood (1937) - 301:
301. In view of the expanding growth of the domains of labor, quality has become especially essential. Cooperation of different fields requires an identical lofty quality - this refers both to mental and to physical work. In the province of mental labor a divergence of strivings is noticeable. Opinions may be diverse, but their quality ought not to be ugly. There can be great knowledge and small knowledge, but both can fraternally follow along in perceptive striving. This will not be murdering knowledge. Indeed, such killing is equivalent to taking away life. So many embryos of attainments can be strangled by killers of knowledge.

Brotherhood (1937) - 559:
559. Throughout the entire history of the world, waves of attention to the inner forces of man could have been perceived. These waves are linked with the periods of evolution. In any case, a growing attention to the essential nature of man will always be indicative of an especially significant period. If, at present, there are observed particular strivings for cognition of the essence of man's forces, such aspiration corresponds to cosmic conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 609:
609. Imagination is insufficiently developed in people. They are unable to imagine causes and effects. They do not know how to picture to themselves the most beautiful possibilities. They have not been taught imagination and inspiration. The best strivings have been scoffed at, and people have been persuaded not to think. But those who know not how to think have no imagination. Loss of imagination is renunciation of joy.


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