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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STRINGS (52)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 106:
The curtain is swept aside, and the unknown is made known. The mind comprehends not the ways of the heart, but the heart knows. I speak not of the things of today. The spirit is filled with foreboding of coming events - the currents vibrate. And the happenings of the Universe are interbound with men's lives, and the resounding of Its strings is intricate. The Creator's Manifestations should not put to flight the warriors but should wing them on. Forge your arrows, I send you love.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 262:
262. Purity of character must be displayed, and taut must be the strings of the heart. The Teaching continues; not for long need you wait. You must smile. Steel is tested by fire, and the strength of the spirit grows through the breath of life. Much may be learned, even from the flight of the crane. But much must be endured if you would fly to the Land of Marvels.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 338:
338. Whose knocking do I hear? It is you, fugitive! Now I shall tell you, You have been fleeing from Me with the same persistence you manifested before, when building My Abodes. You fled, attempting to hide yourself within the sanctuaries of the world's temples. Behind the steps of thrones did you conceal yourself. Changing your appearance, you did secrete yourself beneath the folds of tents. You tried to lose yourself in earthly sounds of flute and strings. To where did you flee? Now you stand before Me, and I say: You have returned to Me. You have found again My doors. You saw how your mind had lost its light, how dispersed was your joy. And you now understand that the knocking one will be admitted. And the admitted one will be forgiven. And you have now found better doors, and come, seeing the futility of your flight. And I will admit the knocking one and will say to him: I have preserved for you your joy. Take up your chalice, and work.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 409:
It is not possible to describe the Brotherhood. How can the blind describe an apple blossom or the height of a tower? Where the heart has been reduced to ashes, There the harp strings are broken.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.7:
1.6.7. Often through illness the achievements become intensified. St.. Francis and St. Theresa were often ill. Pythagoras had heart disease. The best zurnas often lacked some strings.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.15:
As mountain flowers find it hard to pass even one night in a swamp, so for you it is not easy. The enemy's stroke sounds upon the strings, but claws cannot compose a symphony.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.18:
Truly, the mineral soil provides a seeming foothold on life; but this is only a pedal, which is useless without strings. And so, My pharmacy will be directed toward the essence which is common to mankind. It will affirm vitality without any slaughter, because the plants pass easily into the next state.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.6:
Small as well as important events strike upon the aura, as upon musical strings. The growing aura has its advantages, and these Aeolian wings multifariously resound. The burden of the world plays its symphonies upon them. One cannot say that a man illumined by the aura is motionless. The outer shell of the aura is like a surging sea. What a talk for the scientist - to trace the nourishment of the aura from within and the reflection from without! Verily a world battle!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.17:
A Command to My warriors is not spoken twice. Let us build better our ways, marking the possibilities. Let us not be afraid if at first glance these possibilities appear too scattered. Grass does not grow instantaneously. But fortunately I see youthful heads worthy to be entrusted with the loosened strings.

New Era Community (1926) - 42:
This heavenly rainbow is reflected in the drops of earthly dew. Does not knowledge of the spirit discern the light? "Materia Lucida" to the wild spirit is a curling chaos, but for the knowing spirit it is the harp of light. Like chased harp strings rush the waves of luminous matter, and on them the spirit creates mysterious-sounding symphonies. Between the worlds, thread-like, stretches "Materia Lucida." Only enormous distance blends together the waves of threads into the vibration of the heavenly rainbow.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 10:
Where art thou who vanquished? Where art thou who transformed the tremor into a leap toward the light? Hear, thou who darest! In the deep of night I shall draw near to bless thy sandals. I shall strew thy pillow with sparks of light, for the sleep of the daring one is as the melting away of a lute, when the seven strings are bathed in mystery. The sleep of the daring one is as the calm before the whirlwind, when even the slenderest blades of grass are unstirred.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
201. There exists the false impression that a yogi possesses unfailing health, as it is usually understood. But can a sensitive instrument be made from a sturdy log? Does not the value of the strings of the vina lie in their ability to resonate to the finest intervals of tone? Equally resonant is the sensitive apparatus of the yogi. Indeed, to him alone are known the indescribable fleeting pains, which, like the tuning of the strings of the vina, transform his being.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 496:
496. Very sensitive organisms can sense an extreme tightening of the strings. This permits true cooperation. Indeed, there are moments when the shield of the world becomes incandescent, and at such times no life-giving substance can draw close to it. The one with developed psychic energy can know when it is necessary to wait out the storm. This ability does not come suddenly; therefore, sensitive and able co-workers always should be valued.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 612:
612. One plays on twelve strings, another produces the same tune on four, and a third limits himself to two, creating just as many harmonies on them. Does it matter how many strings one requires for harmony? The essential thing is that it be created. Let us not wonder at or criticize variety, for we shall not find even two grains of sand alike. On the contrary, let us rejoice at every unusual manifestation. Flowers choose for themselves whatever soil is suitable. Even stones are arranged in a relation one to another. Likewise in the domains of Teros, there will be combinations of elements that are related, despite their seeming differences. The consciousness refined by fire discerns the kindred foundations, and will not reject the true value by appraising only the surface. A countless variety can be expressed on but two strings. However, for this one has to realize how innumerable are the properties of nature, and how those properties are expressed in man. Such considerations are usually considered symbolical, and are not introduced into life. However, to know the Teaching and not to apply it is a sign of complete ignorance. Who has ever told you that one can wander over the Teaching like a fly on sugar, then just as easily dive into dung! One cannot turn one's horses recklessly when on the mountain paths. Knowledge leads only onward!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 163:
163. The shifting of the spirit is regulated by the same law. The tension and the will of the spirit propel it to its destined place, and the choice occurs not accidentally but according to a predetermined attraction. Thus, the spirit is attracted on the physical plane by the manifestation of the Magnet. The strings reverberate, summoning the parts in accordance with the one law. A shifting which advances consciously is attributable to the power of the creative Magnet. And the spirit manifesting the knowledge of the shifting and its direction defines that power of the Cosmic Magnet. When for millennia the spirit has known that it is summoned by the Magnet, its trend of thought manifests only spirit-understanding.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 259:
The creativeness of an Agni Yogi is based upon the striving toward vibration. The centers vibrate like most sensitive strings. Upon them, all things play; upon them, all things resound; upon them, all is transmuted.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 270:
If humanity would realize that only creativeness suffuses the space, it would apply the striving multiplied by conscious fire. Only that magnitude can be extracted from the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet. Only the currents, tensed as cosmic strings, provide the formula of the manifest Magnet of Infinity

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 322:
322. Only in tension can the cosmic design be brought into existence. Only when all strings reverberate can the cosmic design be brought into existence. Only when the design assumes a tense form can the predestined be brought into existence. When the abutments of Cosmos sustain by their attractions the dome of the earthly firmament, the firmament can stand. But when the abutments upset the mutual attraction, the dome feels the fluctuations of unevenness. Thus, the abutments can uphold or destroy the design. The abutments can always link together the most diversified energies. The Cosmos propels its energies in accordance with polarity. The negative and positive together provide the combination.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 394:
394. When the centers of the lungs are so flamingly kindled, the manifestations of various ramifications takes place. The vision of the flames of the candles united in a circle is a symbol of the work of all centers. Thus, the centers of the lungs are designated as reverberating strings which carry the fiery sparks into all the centers. The lungs, of course, do their work in inhaling, transmuting, and exhaling. These functions indeed suffuse the centers of the lungs with Prana. The triple creativeness is so powerful that it relates to all functions.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 345:
345. We build new possibilities upon the sensitiveness of receptivity. The creative forces are especially powerful when they are strained by sensitive receptivity. Only when the strings of the sensitiveness of receptivity resound can one harken to the Cosmic Magnet; only then can the spirit gather all threads for creativity. The adherence to the Cosmic Magnet has impelled all Lords to the great self-sacrificing achievement. It is therefore that We value so much the heart which senses the course of the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 354:
354. The currents are strained in Cosmos for an upheaval. Each cosmic wave brings its energies. The spirit of the planet is strained in connection with the cosmic energies; thus, each cosmic stream tautens the strings of the spirit. In the shifting of the cosmic energies, the impulses of cosmic fires are strained. Thus, each string of spirit conforms to the stream of Cosmic Fire.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 455:
455. The cosmic correspondence strains all creative forces, and when the strings resound in conformity the cosmic tension can propound a creative formula. Thus, when the quality of the energy is consciously assimilated, constructiveness can be affirmed. Therefore, only the principle of correspondence can impart true striving. Only when the quality of the energy assimilates the properties of the cosmic fires is the higher correspondence affirmed. Thus, in each impulse one has to look for the quality of higher correspondence, and the entire power of action is held in the invisible world.

Hierarchy (1931) - 34:
34. Only matured spirits can burden themselves with the knowledge of exact dates. It is impossible to imagine how many strings have been broken by the presumption of dates. The efforts of even valiant spirits have often been impeded by the barrier of dates. It is useful to know the direction, but a limited date impedes the cosmic constructiveness. How can one speak of Magnets when each date will divide the thread of a progressive movement? Only vigilance and goal-fitness will lead without wasting energy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 107:
107. The cosmic currents pass through the heart of an Agni Yogi. "The saturated heart senses all perturbations," thus the Ancient Wisdom speaks of the heart filled with Ether. That through which the Cosmic Space breathes, the sensitive heart breathes through also. That with which the Cosmic Heart breathes, the heart of an Agni Yogi breathes with also. Each vibration resounds upon the subtle strings of a sensitive heart, therefore one has to guard so greatly this cosmic treasure. The currents fill the heart and expand the sphere of its action; thus the cosmic correspondence is established.

Heart (1932) - 226:
226. Tumult fills the spheres. Help each one to maintain the balance. The dark ones use all means in order that their front may pierce our lines. We shall not tire of drawing your attention to the extent to which vigilance is needed in small details. Absorb the manner in which one must listen and scrutinize. One can be aware not only of the cunning of the dark ones but also of all the bells and other cosmic signs. They indicate the tension of the atmosphere and Our closeness, and remind one of Hierarchy. One must not be confused if the bells and strings reverberate softly; there are many reasons for this. Also, they might be heard by those who as yet should not hear these battle cries. Therefore, now especially I call your attention to details. It is very useful to study these minute breaths of nature. Besides being relevant to the Great Battle, these observations are needed for the next advance.

Heart (1932) - 253:
253. Observe a great number of events. They cannot be considered as incidental; but obviously due to some law, they are spreading through the world. It is as though invisible hands were touching numerous strings. Besides, one can notice that seemingly silent strings begin to resound anew and still more powerfully. But those who understand Armageddon as the field of the manifestation of the signs of the highest energy are correct. This battlefield cannot be accidental, but is like a magnet composed of conflicting energies. The field of the City of Light is destined as a counterbalance to this field. As the field of Armageddon is proclaimed by the clanging of arms, so the field of the City of Light is proclaimed by the peal of bells. According to their juxtaposition one can judge the dimensions of that which is destined. Thus, one can listen to the tumult of the battle for the sake of the pealing bells.

Heart (1932) - 267:
267. You are familiar with the music of the spheres, the spatial bells, and the reverberating strings. It will be asked why, then, do not a multitude of people know these manifestations. But, then, why is a multitude of people satisfied with false intonation, absolutely refusing to realize the nuances of sound? Whereas even the rustle of tearing paper rends space, but the majority of persons do not even notice it. So it is with odor. The aromas of the Subtle World often penetrate to the physical world, but people primarily do not wish to notice them. Even the smoke of a conflagration is noticed by people only when it already chokes their throats. Not only insensibility but immobility as well makes the people blind and deaf. They do not possess even basic imagination; hence they distort the entire meaning of existence. Thus, for these shallow-minded ones the magnet of the heart is pure nonsense.

Heart (1932) - 325:
325. Is not a blow upon the heart like a stroke upon a harp or zither? Does not the reverberation of the heart speak of invisible strings, which are the extension of the nerves into the subtle state? Is it not scientific to observe these blows upon the aura, when the eye, or heart, or Chalice, or crown of the head, very obviously receives repellant arrows? Yet it is noticeable how much more strongly the heart reverberates than all the other centers. It is not without cause that the heart is called the Sun of Suns. Should not the act of transmitting to far-off distances be regarded as a subtle, but completely natural condition? It is necessary to subdivide the realm of so-called hysteria into many divisions. At present it ranges from obsession to refined spirituality. Of course, one should not permit such contradictory confusions, for it is distinctly unscientific to throw everything into one pile, merely in order not to distress the brain with deliberation. Otherwise St. Theresa may fall within the definitions of obsession and the most loathsome demon will be brought closer to the altar. It is inadmissible to agree to the confusion of various conditions!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 96:
It is dangerous to bring one's complaints on a significant day. How can one convey that such crude ways are like the fall of a hammer upon the strings of an attuned instrument? The man who spatters the most destructive words adds, like a child, "Well, the heavens haven't fallen!" He cannot perceive the rupture of the inner threads which nothing can in any way tie together; thus irreparable harm is often wrought. But each heart that has realized Fire affirms the concept of achievement, for without it life is straitened and unbearable. Thus, let us carry the achievement of all three worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 101:
101. No justification is possible where there is hatred. I summon to magnanimity, not to weakness. One may renounce everything for the Service of Light, but one must test good will in the Fire. This must be understood with the strings of the heart. But when you encounter a tiger, do not think of helping him; there is a limit to abomination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 416:
416. "Be silent, O strings that a new melody may come to me," says a hymn of the Greek Mysteries. Such rebirth of spiritual harmony is not a "void," as it is sometimes called. To open the heart does not mean to devastate it; on the contrary, when the last reverberation of the chord dies out, let the striving of the spirit immediately become more acute, in order to reach a more exalted harmony.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 123:
123. If one accustoms oneself to penetrate into the depths of the heart, it is possible to evoke vibratory currents of subtle feelings. In the depths of the heart can be awakened the manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. It is only necessary to recall those moments of life which manifest the resounding of subtle strings. A glance directed into the depths of the heart discovers all the currents of the spirit. It can truly be said that people persist living without pity. First of all it must be understood that in the Subtle World there is nothing more frightful than heartlessness. It casts the spirit down to a step on which the earthly world loses all human likeness. Therefore, magnanimity can follow only after heartlessness has been cast out. Nothing is more frightful than that heartlessness which is in the pretended magnanimity that lives in the heart of egoism. Therefore, the path of Truth manifests a spiritual current which illuminates the searches. A pretended magnanimity is not the foundation of creative cooperation. Infringement upon the heart of one's dear one is not magnanimity. Thus, let the co-workers especially look into the depths of their hearts, for as Ur. has rightly said - "one should not insinuate oneself into the soul of one's friend, it is better to look into the mirror of one's own spirit." On the path to the Fiery World a pretended magnanimity is a stumbling block.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 505:
505. The silver thread is a radiant symbol of the link and of trust. It is possible to bring the concept of the bond into such a state of clarity that the thread will be almost perceptible. The appearance of the Image of the Guide will no more forsake one than will the thread of the bond. But the will is free; it can snap the strings of any harp whatsoever. I already have told you how lamentably sound the strings which are forever broken. Verily, even in the raging of the most frightful obsession are heard the wailings of the broken strings. Amid chaos, most shocking indeed are the moanings from such ruined threads. Diseases are born of such criminal actions. Traitors break the most sacred threads. That is why betrayal is the worst offense against the Fiery World. What, then, can be more shameful?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 608:
608. The centers produce ring-shaped radiations. They can begin to shine all at once when the spirit is helping at far distances. Great are such tensions. Not the muscles, not the nerves become tense - the strings of the heart resound. Such a sounding can even be heard. But such tension is frightful for a man who is not accustomed to think about the Higher Worlds. Experienced thinking will apprehend calmly even such manifestation of the crown, and will observe it as something very unusual but valuable. Not often will such tension occur.

Brotherhood (1937) - 168:
168. Rarely do people hear a cry for help and pass by without a heart tremor. Perhaps a brutalized heart will not lend a hand, but still it will be shaken. A cry for help may be expressed in words or in a single sound, but its heart-rending meaning will be the same. The cries of space likewise may be fragmentary and, according to the meaning of the words, insignificant, whereas their inner meaning is of importance. It need not be thought that the echo of distant thoughts has lost significance; even monosyllabic calls have effect. Sometimes a series of faces rushes past; they may not be familiar, still various frames of mind are felt. From such occurrences there may be built up a sensing of entire countries. One may understand where people are debating, where they are sorrowing, where they rejoice - such signals teach attentiveness. Not only complex reflections of events but also sometimes a solitary exclamation may give a feeling of the general moods. As on the strings the key of the entire musical composition is fixed by one chord, so in space each chord has a significance. On the field of battle a trumpet call decides the fate of an entire army. No one says that one should not harken to the distant signals. Many trumpets are sounding on Earth.

Brotherhood (1937) - 270:
270. Sacred pains do not pertain to any form of disease. Such an unusual condition can surpass all known illnesses. Everything becomes so tensed that the least shock can break the tautened strings. As has already been said, such a condition is aggravated still more by the unnatural condition of the planet. The sickness of the planet threatens the heart with pressure. In olden times sensitive organisms were guarded for a profound reason. The term sacred pains ought to direct attention to the heart that has contacted the finest energies. Such hearts need to be guarded, they are as conduits of the higher tension. They need to be guarded both in the home and throughout life. If physicians were less self-opinionated they would strive to observe such rare manifestations. But unfortunately, all peculiar symptoms rather repel indolent observers. Whereas side by side with the mechanization of life the study of higher energies must go on.

Brotherhood (1937) - 518:
518. He who wishes to damage a stringed instrument bangs upon the strings with malice in order to break them and bring the instrument into complete disarray. Does not the same thing take place when a hostile force intrudes for the purpose of upsetting the rhythm of labor? Only true workers understand the significance of rhythm; they know how difficult it is to attain such rhythm. Its violation is sometimes equivalent to murder or poisoning. The enemy's hand actually stretches forth to destroy this, one of the most refined achievements of man.

Brotherhood (1937) - 518:
The ignorant will say that strings are easily replaced. But even the usual strings are chosen with care by a musician. Far more subtle is the structure of the rhythm of labor. Such destruction cannot be remedied. The Brotherhood is particularly concerned with the preservation of labor in its best rhythm. Likewise, in all communities people should learn to mutually safeguard labor; therein will be expressed the lofty measure of reciprocal respect.

Brotherhood (1937) - 602:
Harmonious discourse about Brotherhood will give an unprecedented upliftment of the spirit if it be truly harmonious. Thus, let us apprehend all the qualities necessary for approach to Brotherhood. Once again let us confirm that a mood of solemnity will be the best guide to Brotherhood. The meaning of the word mood indicates that it is not external but internal, in a concordance of all the strings of the instrument. Such clear concordance is rarely realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 53:
It is almost impossible to tell people how to create by thought. They do not believe that strings can resound in response to the currents of thought. They do not believe that dry pigment can be gathered into harmonious images under the pressure of thought. And yet, people do know about the designs created in sand by rhythm. They admire the designs made by frost, and are not surprised when strings resound to distant rhythms. But thought produces the most powerful rhythms, and with such vibrations one can create.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
91. Urusvati knows the ways of striving. Such techniques should be transmuted in the consciousness, for one cannot command them intellectually. Only with the eyes of the heart can one see whether there are still more ways to increase striving. One should rejoice at each act of full striving. Such fullness gives birth to the music of the spheres. An intensified harmony arises when all the strings of the heart resound. Do not take such comparisons as mere symbols; long ago We spoke about the eyes of the heart. Indeed, man sees through them, and hears with the ears of the heart. How could we exist without such senses?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94:
The currents of will come into rapid collision, and undisciplined thinking fills space with destructive explosions. Probably the ignorant will again declare that We threaten and frighten them, but they should turn to the pages of history in which they can trace the calamities of humanity. These calamities are not sent by heaven, but are caused by human society. People persecute their own Saviors, acting like a mad musician who tears out the strings of his instrument before the concert!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 224:
It is said that thought resounds in space. This should be understood literally. You heard the resounding strings and the silver bells. The tension of thought produces sounds throughout space. There are many legends about events that were preceded by manifestations of sound. This is quite correct - precisely before great events, such a manifestation of thought may be heard.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 277:
We watch the useful workers and warn them if We see that the strings are too taut. Especially now, the planet is experiencing a period of unprecedented tension. Fatigue, drowsiness, inflammations, and excessive activity of the heart, all these precede a decrease of psychic energy.


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