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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STREET (11)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 171:
171. A pure task is pointed out in many ways. Bodies crowd the street, but dim is the light of their auras. Show understanding.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 329:
Cognize your striving. Rejoice upon your path. Be grateful to the Giver of all Treasures. He will hearken to your prayer even amidst the great clamor of the street. Fall not into despair. Knock upon the door. It is always unlocked. And the Master awaits you within His House. Do not eat from the table of the Lord, But hearken to His Words.

New Era Community (1926) - 167:
167. It has been said often - "Rest can be found not in sleep but in change of labor." True, some may discontinue sleeping and obtain poor results. As a preliminary it is necessary to teach the nerve centers to work in groups. One must disconnect the work of the centers. One must learn to unite the most unexpected groups and then quickly change their combinations. Thus, a street musician playing several instruments simultaneously performs one of the useful exercises. Dictating to several copyists at the same time is useful. Contrasting movement of the arms is useful. Stoppage of breathing and thinking is useful. One can enumerate a great number of exercises of the will about which it would be fitting to say, "Bees create their hives with patience."

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
And so, We shall ask "Why then does the skeptical man in the street unceasingly spin legends and weave myths?" A thousand years suffice to polish a most exquisite myth, and a man of social standing is lauded onto a paper Olympus. And newborn skeptics hang upon the edge of his mantle, persuading their comrades to the throne the new heaven-dwellers. Anew tailor re-cuts the mantle and the myth is born. We are not speaking about these phoenixes just for a smile. It is necessary at last to assimilate the manifestation of reality. And any manifestation of ignorance must be realistically uncovered and thrust out of the community.

New Era Community (1926) - 245:
245. Adaptability is the best means for conservation of forces. Often it is asked how to develop this quality. The development of adaptability actually takes place in the current of life. To all is known the sensation of the boundaries of spheres. When you go out of a playhouse into a gray street, it seems to you that you have fallen into a lower sphere. When after solemn festivities you turn to ordinary toil, you become struck with the sad everydayness. When out of the dismal cold you enter a beautiful building, it appears to be the crown of perfection. A sluggish adaptability produces a series of false concepts. This falseness makes you timid and awkward. People cringe before the mirage of an effect. They constrict their own concepts before something unexpected, whereas everything must take place in an opposite manner. Sternly accustom yourselves to the reception of contrasting sensations, to the grasping of unexpectedness. All is expected, because all is realized.

Heart (1932) - 520:
520. After the pulsations of the world the tremors of human hearts are not frightening. Hence, a great touchstone must be applied everywhere, or else it will be impossible to exist, sinking into the slough of meanness. The scale of the entire Universe is needed where Armageddon thunders. Consolation lies in co-measurement. One's entire observation must be applied in order to evaluate the essence of the battle. And yet, people often understand the battle as something not beyond a street brawl, forgetting that the battle is in the mailbox, in the smile of cunning deceit, and in the restraint of Light. The battle is far more dramatic than earthly people understand. When I speak about caution, also understand it in seven ways.

AUM (1936) - 204:
According to the intensity of the wailings one can estimate the awakening of the consciousness of humanity. It wails when reality is revealed. It has also been said that the bazaar is the veil of reality. Under the dust of the manifested bazaar the heart becomes silent. It is necessary to be deeply conscious of the Higher World in order, by its signs, to know how to step through the mire of the street.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82:
We can see the Subtle World with open eyes, but it is not easy to acquire such clairvoyance. Of the several kinds of clairvoyance We experience, that with open eyes is the most difficult. Urusvati is able to see with open eyes those in the Subtle World who wish to become visible to her, but in the previous example, We are speaking about becoming an observer, and simply finding yourself on a street in the Subtle World without any participation in that World. The evidence of that life should be remembered sometimes so that one is encouraged to vigorously strive to rise above these strata.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137:
We have already mentioned various places where the dark ones gather. We could repeat them, but this would not help. If We were to mention B., or N., or E., it would not be an address, and even the name of a street or the description of a house would not help in locating one of their dark nests, which would have a very innocent appearance. There are certainly no images of Satan, but religious objects will be plentiful. Only the sensitive heart will sense where the evil ones are. Let us not forget that they are skillful and fierce, and that no one can compete with them in these qualities. Thus, the dark ones can bear suffering and even destroy themselves in order to participate in destruction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 258:
258. Urusvati knows that many complex obstacles must be overcome before We can help people. Imagine a narrow mountain path filled with galloping riders, or a street crammed with a crowd running in panic. Then imagine trying to save from the stampede an individual who is not prepared for the help that is offered to him. We cannot hold back the crowd because great confusion would result, and if We stopped him, for even one moment, he would be crushed. However, it is quite different when the one who is to be saved can sense that help awaits him. As if by a magnet he can be drawn to a safe place that has been prepared for him. But for this to happen he must be ready to accept the rescue.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 383:
We most definitely do not want to lose useful people. We frequently advise caution and the avoidance of unnecessary dangers. The experienced and devoted aspirant understands how best to apply the accumulated energy. Imagine a scientist who, while absorbed in an especially important experiment, abruptly leaves his work to rush and give aid to victims of an accident in the street. Some people will criticize the abandonment of important work that could have been of benefit to humanity, but a refined consciousness can perceive the boundaries of heroic action. We know how imperceptible this boundary can be. So many factors are placed on the scales that balance is achieved with difficulty.


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