New Era Community (1926) - 222: For convincing by means of application of psychic energy, one should make use of the language of the one who is being persuaded. Many times you could have noticed that the language of the Teacher conformed to the expressions of the disciples. From this there have been derived absurd suspicions about counterfeitings, for to some it has seemed strange that the characteristic expressions of the disciple were passed on by the speech of the Teacher. But a few have reflected that in such manner assimilation was made easier. It is also necessary to understand that during joint labor the modes of expression are generalized - the hieroglyph of understanding is deepened. But the ignorant continue to slander about counterfeiting, and do not wish to look at themselves and remember the difference in their expressions when dealing with different people. We merely broaden that very same principle. We propose to adopt the language of the listener in all its characteristics. It is no concern of Ours if the average-minded accuse Us; all We need is a good result. Even if you have to use the strangest expression in order to save from danger, you do not tarry in doing so. This condition is indispensable for perfectionment in thought transmission. Heart (1932) - 514: 514. If a simple motion evokes memory, then special conditions of the Subtle World are necessary for illumination. One may notice with astonishment that sudden illuminations do not depend upon rational conditions. Illumination descends in quite unexpected moments. One can even notice a series of the strangest motions, pressures, and thoughts, as if coming from the outside. Psychiatrists should investigate this condition. Valuable observations could be accumulated that will help us to approach the conditions of the Subtle World. Of course, a sensitive heart will perceive this state of illumination by the quality of the pulse. The sacred knowledge has nothing in common with somnambulism and spiritualism; the state of illumination is an absolutely natural one. These fires of the past and the future have only to be noted. In the Subtle World one must also refine the consciousness. Hence, each educating of the heart is a gate to the highest worlds. We fear that these undeferrable advices will give place to everyday conventionality. Someone will say he knew this long ago and will go to the bazaar. You may then ask in overtaking him, "Why, then, do you not ponder upon the heart and think about Fire?" Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 466: 466. The epidemic dryness of the throat indicates not only dryness of the atmosphere but also fiery tension. There is a heavy accumulation of many signs, but surprisingly little attention is paid to them. On the contrary, with the superficiality of ignorance, the strangest explanations are given of them. The shallowness of these explanations indicates that people prefer to remain with their illusions rather than deal with reality. AUM (1936) - 289: 289. There have been the strangest attempts to study the transmissions of thought at a distance. People have connected two persons at a distance by tying their wrists with a thread of waxed silk. They paid special attention to the purity of the silk and the particular quality of the wax. They gave much thought to how best to insulate the thread from the ground. But they were far from remembering that psychic energy needs neither thread nor wax. People deem that the mechanical appliance actually effects the success, but he who first proposed this method regarded the thread simply as a symbol on which to concentrate attention.