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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STRANGER (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 169:
169. M.'s Temple will summon the noblest among the builders. I shall strengthen the armor, and the enemies' arrows will be an adornment on the shield of victory. Be patient on your watch. M. may come even in the night hour. The faithful will discern the voice of the stranger. The morning sun is beheld only by those who arise early. But dark are those who miss the early light.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 335:
Along the way a Stranger walked: May the Lord be merciful to you. I said it.

New Era Community (1926) - 234:
Not words, but the filling of space impels you in an immutable command. The abolishment of fear will help you in a difficult hour. It is particularly difficult to conquer the consciousness of solitude. In wise narratives is often mentioned a lone battle. The warrior - he is also a scout, he is also an adviser, he is also a decider, he is also a hero. Take note that this word has been almost thrust out of the vocabulary of the old world. The hero becomes unacceptable in the life of petty hearts. As a stranger, he would be ashamed amid prosperity. Learn to be there where there are heroes. The world will be shaken with the reality of heroism.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 151:
151. Urusvati knows that every Great Teacher is associated with healing and the arts. Only a few of the Great Pilgrim's Indications and Advice about healing are recorded in the Apocrypha, but one should not conclude that these few recorded miracles comprise all of His healing activities. There was much healing, mainly of two kinds, when people came to Him, or when He Himself would touch a person because He saw the onset of an illness. Often the ailing one did not understand why the Stranger had touched him. Such an act represented true generosity on the part of the Great Spirit, who, like a tireless gardener, sowed such seeds of goodness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
301. Urusvati knows how even the greatest heroic deeds can be misunderstood. Are there many people who can look at the actions of others without prejudice? Picture a stranger making his way with great difficulty in rain and hail, and mud up to his knees. People watch him from the windows and laugh, wondering why he didn't stay home in the storm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
Compare those who sneer and laugh with those few who sympathize and wonder what the traveler's goal might be. Perhaps he is on his way to save a neighbor, or is a physician hastening to give help, or even a messenger bringing salvation to an entire nation. Those who serve Good will look for the good in others, but one rarely comes across such people! Most people usually look for the bad in others, and thus suspect every stranger to be a vagrant or a thief, not realizing that to accuse the innocent is an indelible crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 335:
The Thinker, after meeting with a stranger, said, "He is not a good man, but he spoke much to Me about truth. Blessed be the Truth."


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