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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STRAIGHT-KNOWLEDGE (150)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.1:
Our experiments and flights bring straight-knowledge. And if the spirit's subtle body prevents its penetrating farther than certain spheres, the illumination of the spirit contacts the most distant radiations of the Cosmos.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.7:
Prophetic ecstasy avoids exactness of time and place, but the knowledge of the spirit foresees the quality of an event. And the way of this straight-knowledge comes into bloom without visible signs, but is based upon the opening of the nerve centers.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 127:
127. Energy and will are the true rulers of karma. He who renounces self, who strives for the Common Good, who is devoted in battle and joyous in labor, acquires, at least for a moment, an Arhat's enlightenment, which makes him lord of his own karma. The realization of enlightenment may be defined as straight-knowledge. True, this straight-knowledge may be lost, or may never be realized. These meteors of spirit race by in space, bearing away the happy opportunities of unconscious humanity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 156:
When We speak of the need for honesty, We do not have in mind unworthy people. We point out the direct path of perfect truth, devoid of any personal element. This opportunity can be perceived through straight-knowledge. The experience accumulated in the center of the Chalice gives invincible knowledge. The center of the Chalice is close to the blood reservoir, for blood is the wherewithal for our passage on Earth.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 163:
Let Agni Yoga lead on the path of building the flame, a process equivalent to the unending creation of cosmic formations. This most synthesizing Yoga exacts an obligation to construct one's entire life in accordance with a discipline that is externally imperceptible. If this essential discipline is not seen as chains, but is perceived as the joy of responsibility, we can consider the first Gates open. When cooperation with the far-off worlds is embraced, then will the second Gates be unbarred. And when the foundations of evolution are understood, the bolts will fall from the third Gates. And finally, when the superiority of the densified astral body has been recognized, then will the locks of the fourth Gates fall away. Together with this ascent the fires of the centers of knowledge are ignited, and amidst the lightning bolts of the subtlest energies, straight-knowledge unfolds. Cherish, then, the fire of knowledge and guard the growing power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 223:
223. Claws do not frighten you; roaring does not terrify you; animals wag their tails and stand ready to serve you. Thus precisely, the path of Yoga transforms dangers into fiery blossoms. When I advise you to preserve your earthly cumulations, I mean only the armor of your spiritual strength. We condemn waste. Each accumulation is a step toward freedom. But where shall we set the limits of permitted accumulations? By straight-knowledge and experience, the Teacher will confirm what is permissible. A yogi is able to do everything, but not all is permitted to him. Where then are the borders of limitation? A yogi's responsibility is to his spiritual accumulations, for they are his only treasure. The rest is nothing more than the arms of the warrior, returned to his commander after the battle. About this there can be no doubt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 281:
281. What is meant by "mad in God"? Why were the prophets of antiquity called madmen? Precisely because of the fire of straight-knowledge, which isolated them from all else, a valuable quality that severed them from the ordinary, everyday ways of thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 282:
How can attention be directed to the new energies? By keenness of sight, enhanced by straight-knowledge. Soon people will be divided according to the quality of their straight-knowledge. Those with an open consciousness must be known and paid attention to. Not education, not experience, not talent, but precisely the fire of straight-knowledge opens the direct path to Shambhala. It is precisely the fire of straight-knowledge that enables one to perceive the unique qualities of the new signs in the midst of daily life. In the future, all organizations will guard with special care these sensitive co-workers. Such consciousnesses are like milestones upon a straight road. The new scientific research will be inspired by the fire of straight-knowledge.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 474:
474. The culture of harmful micro-organisms is useful only for studying their nature, with the ultimate purpose being their destruction. Precisely, one must learn to destroy them. They harm the best secretions and may be considered the enemy of psychic energy. Just as rust slows the wheels, so does the waste product of physical processes obscure straight-knowledge.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 508:
508. Intellect is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom. Intellect is reason. Wisdom makes decisions that long ago had already germinated. Intellect is at the threshold of wisdom, and when sharpened it moves into the realm of synthesis. Reason and a mind trained to one specialty are only corners of the future house. Those with narrowly specialized minds can pave for themselves a brilliant future, but they must continue to incarnate until their minds lose their narrow specialization. Only when the intellect loses this can it become wise. Each specialty is meant for conditions of life on Earth, whereas the synthesis of spirit opens all spheres. Spiritual tension accumulates spatial psychic energy. Spiritual tension can lead into any sphere of the astral plane.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 512:
It is easier to discern the inner qualities that people reveal by their speech and actions than to see the geological stratifications of the soil. Therefore, in selecting the fiery ones, observe the way in which they respond to the tests presented to them. With psychic development the revealing process increases, and one deepens the way already begun. Few are those in whom the true essence does not become evident. With the process of fiery development, one's ability to unerringly judge manifested events will grow. Out of the straight-knowledge, foretold so long ago, will burst forth the fire of intensified psychic energy. What can be concealed from it?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 524:
Fire cannot be bridled by the will; it gains strength through straight-knowledge.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 527:
You will rejoice, for his spirit has chosen correctly. He is ready for a life of self-examination. He is ready to rid himself of his faults, without regret. He will understand that it is not suffering that is needed, but liberation. He will understand that it is not miracles that are needed, but straight-knowledge. He will understand that it is not dead scholarship that is needed, but realization and application.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 532:
532. We avoid those techniques that involve mainly the use of the muscles. One's muscles must express the projection of one's own will. We do not like automatic writing, because it always impedes the ascent of consciousness. It does not lead to the perfecting of the subtle energy. The main task will always be the development of straight-knowledge. When straight-knowledge has been developed, the dangers connected with the mechanical means of communication do not threaten.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 535:
Sometimes a short period of silence is the best accumulator. One's consciousness, according to the degree of development of straight-knowledge, provides an understanding of what action is needed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 545:
The cultivation of straight-knowledge requires careful striving; therefore both the best and the simplest ones will achieve an equal ease of understanding. But the more ordinary consciousness is obstructed by its own preconceived ideas, unable to separate the phantom from the real. It is intoxicated, not by narcotics, but by its own way of thinking. The fixation of ideas, inculcated in childhood by the conventions of daily life, weakens attempts at sensible thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 549:
Now is the time to insist upon synthesis of action. Straight-knowledge will provide this synthesis during earthly existence. The treasure of straight-knowledge is contained in the Chalice, therefore one should add to the two mentioned centers the blossoming of the third center. The rainbow of the Kundalini can draw one upward, but here on Earth, earthly construction is needed. One has to build a foundation for the pillar, just as writing does for thought. The long-silenced Chalice will again come to life, and humanity will tread a new path. Three Lords, these three centers, will lead to true cooperation here.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 554:
Truly, the manifestations of psychic energy are as manifold and intricate as the most delicate design. It is not reason, but the straight-knowledge provided by the Chalice that can discern them. Just as a mother understands the agitation of her child, so does the fire of the Chalice illumine the disturbances of the currents. It is advisable that humanity ponder why the Chalice is of such great importance for the development of the future race.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 563:
563. Independence of action is encouraged. But should one be criticized if sometimes the desire arises to reach out to the Teacher for advice and to merge one's aura with His? It was always said: "First the storm, then the thunder, then silence." In this absence of sound comes the so-called Voice of the Silence. But higher than this voice is communion. You know how the voice of the Teacher is transmitted; but there can be a coming together in consciousness, not using words but transporting one's consciousness instantaneously into the consciousness of the Teacher. One almost ceases to be aware of oneself; but the Chalice is filled to the brim with straight-knowledge. Such union surpasses words, for it nurtures one with straight-knowledge. Of course it is not easy to attain such a state; but with expansion of consciousness it comes by itself, if not hindered by ignorance. All forms of communion are made possible by such a consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 564:
564. You know how during the tension of some centers a contraction of the muscles can be observed, and inversely, a contraction of muscles can cause a strong sensation in the centers. If this idea is approached just by the intellect, it can lead to Hatha Yoga; but the noble straight-knowledge will always direct one upward.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 589:
589. The wise one knows the spoken word, knows the written word, knows the thought, and knows silence - so says the old proverb. Let us examine this from the point of view of psychic energy. Truly, one has to distinguish when a spoken word, a written letter, a thought, or silence is most needed. One can achieve much by directing one's energy properly. Refined straight-knowledge will determine which method is the most needed at each moment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 590:
I do not speak about straight-knowledge simply to repeat myself. This condition has been spoken about sufficiently. But pay attention to the material nature of spirituality, which can be observed from many points of view. Still, there remain two worlds - the apparent and the real. Knowing the meaning of these two ideas, everyone will agree that preference be given to reality. What perfection can be achieved upon cognizing reality! Once reality is brought to the foreground and affirmed as a completely valid concept, the surroundings will change beyond recognition.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 596:
596. Many people have observed the significance of the successive development of the centers. Incomprehensible labels often have been given to real things. Thus, when you hear the word Abramram, it will be a reminder about the center of the Chalice, where straight-knowledge predestined for the future evolution is concentrated. When you hear about "fiery wings," it will mean the centers of the shoulders. Likewise, the "treasures of the five summits" will be the centers of Brahmarandhra, the wrists, and the knees. When a sudden weakness is felt under the knees, or a strain in the wrists, this will mean the sharpening of the Brahmarandhra. Countless observations can be made that will reveal the inexhaustible qualities of the organism, so shamefully neglected.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 613:
Mediators can be found in the Subtle World. Of course, our own consciousness should attract a refined consciousness, and the mediator must be capable of comprehending the tasks of the world. Not long ago I spoke of how impartially one has to think about the astral world. One must gain a proper understanding of the mediators through straight-knowledge; these are not guides, but simply helpers - telegraph poles, as it were. In time, their number will decrease and they will eventually become unnecessary. Thus, all elements and all conditions will be joined in the one work. How can one point out more clearly to a merchant that he can step beyond the limits of his account books? And how can one show that health and joy abide in the realization of Infinity?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 615:
615. Why must the path of the Teaching be a path of accumulation? Can it not be offered in one dose, like a medicine? But the stomach is of limited dimension, whereas consciousness is not a measurable constant. Truly, there can be people almost without consciousness. There can be people who have deprived themselves of consciousness through excessive passions. There can be consciousnesses obscured by the conventions of their time. Like hothouse flowers, consciousnesses are in need of nurture. The foundation of consciousness is built by straight-knowledge, but the refining of consciousness is as slow as the polishing of a crystal. Not by one's opinion of oneself but by the quality of one's action is the expansion of one's consciousness recognized.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 650:
Now you know that the battlefield is rife with possibilities. It is there that the visible and invisible worlds are in contact and affect each other. This is not magic, just as walking on water is not magic - not by command but out of necessity. How can one reach the goal, if one is without faith? Straight-knowledge needs both direction and goal. Not knowing the goal leads to a piling-up of confusion. Fallen leaves nourish the black soil, but each seed brings an explosion of energy into the world.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4:
4. Human consciousness can be directed toward the disciplining of unbridled and unconscious thoughts. But to impart too much is difficult when so many minds are creating chaos. The development of straight-knowledge will help humanity. When straight-knowledge will dictate where is chaos and where Infinity, when straight-knowledge will distinguish a cosmic manifestation from an arbitrary one, then humanity will become the possessor of the key of knowledge. We appreciate that science produced the telescope, but the telescope of straight-knowledge penetrates into Infinity. Your telescope demands expenditures and exertion, but when one possesses the sensitiveness of Our apparatus one penetrates everywhere.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 5:
5. Have you thought about the spirit-creativeness on the future planets? Is it possible that all began with you and will end with you? Does any process cease? The chain of worlds is endless; where one planet crumbles another one is born. Truth wrestles with death, and when skeptics say, "It is the end," We say, "It is the beginning!" Understanding of the manifested evolution will reveal the triumph of Truth. Shall we not share in the triumph? Shall we seal our vessels still empty? Shall we reject the transmission of the power of consciousness? When I say utilize the manifested rays, when I say fill the chalice of knowledge, when I say design the best creations through straight-knowledge, when I say strength lies in the limitlessness of knowledge - it means lend an open ear to the cosmic whirls, it means search the radiance of Fohat, it means manifest understanding of the music of the spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 7:
7. Accept in spirit the concept of Infinity. Affirm Infinity in your consciousness. Apply all thought on a broad scale. This lever of the Fire of Space is manifested everywhere. Throughout the limitless consciousness the Hand of the Lords acts; apply likewise your striving. Where does the Fire of Infinity not live? Is not the concept of the Creator affirmed by straight-knowledge in the spring of eternally flowing love? To us is manifested the symbol - the spring of love. Is there not boundless labor in Eternity and in the works of Cosmos? Is not the eternally living seed of Our striving implanted for the help to humanity?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 12:
You have already experienced the two sharp points piercing the region of the shoulder blades, and with the same piercing centers of the lungs may be opened. These centers control prana. Only to the higher spirits do We send these rays. To those who have not realized the beauty and power of Cosmos in its entire scope, this experience is inaccessible. Only straight-knowledge is applicable in this cosmic experience. Therefore say, "Verily, I affirm the beauty of Infinity! I wish, O Lord, to sense the pulsation of the grandeur of the Cosmos!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15:
It is no joy to discover what saturates the strata of your planet. On one cup of the scale let us place the manifestation of all vices anger, cowardice, treason, prejudice, hypocrisy, complacency. On the other cup let us place the impelling force of psychic energy, straight-knowledge, affirmation of the Covenant of the Wise Ones, inviolability of the Origins, gratitude to the Shield, attainment of knowledge, and unwaveringness on the path opened by Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
How may one affirm the beginning of understanding? The spirit will teach one to apply the signs of straight-knowledge, but let the treasury be filled! Only desire to enter into the rhythm of the cosmic pulsation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 20:
When the spirit is seduced by Maya and by the manifestations of self-satisfaction, then a hammer and the development of straight-knowledge are required. When the spirit is dazzled by the glamor of wealth, without realizing its impermanence and considering that a bar of gold leads to happiness, then let us recall all the menaces of sickness and disaster.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 60:
The Brothers of Humanity are a moving force, but it is difficult for humanity to accept that which is unapparent to a crude sight. When the time will come for affirming the fact that straight-knowledge has more power than the eye, then will the consciousness, the intuition, and the subtlety of the human spirit be aroused.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 72:
The books of Agni Yoga are a gift to humanity. I affirm the gift of the spirit; the approach of Fire will give to mankind a newly inscribed line, leading to the highest manifestations. We consider as most important and valuable the high manifestation of spirit which is linked with the appearance of the fires. We respect a high straight-knowledge and can impart Our treasures to the spirits closest to Us.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 76:
As truth surpasses imagination, so is the future beyond dreams. Origen said "With the eyes of the heart we behold Be-ness." Only through the heart can we discern the beauty of the world manifested by the Heart of Cosmos. The love of Cosmos actuates straight-knowledge. Love of lilies or of the far-off worlds has as its basis the same cosmic principle. Yes, yes, yes! We shall measure through cosmic love!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120:
When I spoke about the far-off worlds, I had in mind also Our planet. The earthly consummation of the mission of your fire and your straight-knowledge was needed for Our Consummation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 190:
190. In the gathering of a new race, the Adept who lives among men is recognized as a great spiritual toiler for humanity. Thus is the creation of the nucleus of the new race confirmed. The fire of the ordained Carrier of Light kindles the spirits of the chosen ones. When the spirit of the Carrier transmutes his fires, he kindles simultaneously the torches of others. As everything in Cosmos is transmitted, revealing rainbow spheres, so the Carrier of Light sows rainbow seeds. Given the foundation, the structure grows. The creativeness of the Carrier of Light brings the higher world closer. The synthesis of the Chalice is the magnet of the heart. Straight-knowledge lends to the Carrier of Light the symbol of the bearer of the chalice of Beauty.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 363:
When straight-knowledge and spirit-understanding will be developed, humanity will understand the significance of consciousness and the correlation of the subterranean and the superterranean spheres. Verily, spirit-understanding will lead to the next step.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 96:
96. Straight-knowledge is developed in the quest for new ways. Therefore, flexibility is the mark of straight-knowledge. Let us say to all new ones that the decisive rejection of old habits and an aspiring search are the foundations of success. People must finally understand what it is that benefits them!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 188:
188. Straight-knowledge intensifies all the highest manifestations. Only when a being of man expresses straight-knowledge is the pledge affirmed. When the sensitiveness of the spirit utilizes all energies sent by the consciousness through a center, when the spirit can receive the resonance of Cosmos, then verily can straight-knowledge be affirmed. An Agni Yogi kindles the torches of sensitive spirits.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 189:
189. The sensitiveness of receptivity of an Agni Yogi is most subtle; it expresses the most refined response. The subtlety of straight-knowledge impels the spirit to the higher spheres. As if providing wings, the straight-knowledge exalts the spirit. The spirit of the Agni Yogi strives forward like a predestined fiery stream. Therefore, Our Mother of Agni Yoga fierily creates. In the Epoch of Maitreya each fiery attainment is reached through tension; hence, each striving action has fire in its essence. Thus, Our closest co-workers create fierily. When We say "fierily" it means ardently, it means by the higher ways; it means in pure spirit; it means through beauty; it means through the understanding of the Common Good and, having understood the Common Good, it means without self-interest, without egotism; it means by applying the Teaching.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 242:
242. When Fire is assimilated by an Agni Yogi, We say that the heart absorbs silvery threads. When We point out the beauty of the Fire assimilated by an Agni Yogi, We are indicating a heart that absorbs all these threads. When We point out a consciousness that has assimilated the straight-knowledge of an Agni Yogi, We point to an immutable striving. Therefore, We pronounce the name of an Agni Yogi. Thus, the Agni Yogi will lay a bridge to the higher worlds.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 244:
244. When the fire of spirit tenses the rays of the Chalice, various strivings are drawn to the seed. The attraction of the cosmic fires draws in threads of fiery synthesis. An Agni Yogi knows when it is best to attract the fires from the space, and the centers of attraction respond to the vibration of the Chalice. Therefore, the straight-knowledge of a tensed Agni Yogi has the key to the cognition of events.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 374:
374. The Spatial Fire is assimilated by the centers of a Agni Yogi. Great is the laboratory when the subtle currents are assimilated. Who can transmit to humanity the subtle currents? Only an Agni Yogi through his high thought. If during the process of evolution instinct has developed into feeling, then refinement will lead to straight-knowledge. Each refined sensation means contact with the Spatial Fire. Therefore, only the highest Agni Yogi transmits to humanity the subtlest receptivity. The entire evolution is based on refinement.

Hierarchy (1931) - 106:
106. What is the treasure of the heart? Not only benevolence, not only compassion, not only devotion to the Hierarchy but consonance with the Cosmic Consciousness when the heart, besides its own rhythm, even partakes in the cosmic rhythm. Such a heart can be trusted; it possesses straight-knowledge, it feels and knows, and as a manifested link with the Higher World it expresses the indisputable. The manifestation of the treasure of the heart is also very important for the formation of the subtle body. Try to imagine how important is the experiment with the subtle body. The densifying of the subtle body can give that of which the Teaching of Shambhala so sacredly speaks. One may have an unconquerable host, one may have irreplaceable co-workers, true, only temporary ones, but beyond the conditions of corporeal life.

Hierarchy (1931) - 200:
200. Thus, one should fulfill all that is preordained, applying an understanding of the best date. Thus, one should remember how greatly the design of grains of sand is changed under the stokes of different fingers. Even the fingers of one and the same hand produce different designs to one melody; still more diverse is the rhythm of different people, but a fiery heart perceives the subtle differences in rhythm. Straight-knowledge is the kindled fire of the heart. It is difficult to express in words when this string of the heart will resound, but Hierarchy can point out this hour of transfiguration.

Heart (1932) - 11:
11. When the treasures of energy surpass the treasures of the heart and straight-knowledge, then a co-worker-teacher is usually sent for equilibrium. Verily, a Professor was attached to Washington, and a Sage of the Mountain was attached to Genghis Kahn. Many similar examples can be cited. One should regard this as a supplement to their activity, but not as an absolute requirement. There are also many examples when the workers resisted such cooperation, bringing irreparable harm not only to themselves but also to the General Good. More than once have We experienced such refusals. Precisely, the want of development of the heart impeded the increase of possibilities that already had been assembled through accumulations.

Heart (1932) - 20:
20. If straight-knowledge is not awakened, then even reality, even the evident, are unattainable. One cannot compel anyone to perceive the evident, or even the striking. Later someone will say to you, "Why do I not see or hear, if there exists and Invisible World?" The same occurs also with the sick, who reject their treatments. They would like to improve, but at the same time they direct their entire consciousness against the physician. Thus, it would be useful to compare those who see with those who are blind in spirit. One could find the causes of success of some and the downfall of others. Thus, by comparing the apparent manifestations, one can solve many problems of reciprocal action of the worlds.

Heart (1932) - 44:
44. It is necessary to establish forever that Yoga is not magic. First of all, there is nothing artificial in Yoga. The relationship and harmony of the laws of Be-ness are opposed to everything coercive. A Yogi may not disturb the Primary Energy without extreme necessity. With a Yogi, complete cooperation is created with nature. Thus, a Yogi's knowledge is based primarily upon straight-knowledge; upon this pure surface are inscribed the signs of experience.

Heart (1932) - 47:
47. In what, then, does happiness consist? Is it in being able to sit still without daring to arouse the Primary Substance with thought? Or is it in directing the thought to a new construction of life? I first spoke to you of action, but now we shall affirm thought. Action, even the most exalted, touches comparatively low strata; only thought, in its nature, can act upon the Primary Substance. First I spoke of action as the attainable evidence, but with a sufficiently broadened consciousness it is time to affirm the significance of thought. Multitudes of thoughtless actions remain at the surface of existence, undifferentiable from the actions of the animal world. But if we speak of straight-knowledge and the heart, it is necessary to affirm thought as the power and co-creator of Existence. Notice that I do not speak of discussions, nor of pondering, but of thought, which sweeps through the surface of Substance with its individual rhythm, and thus creates infinitely!

Heart (1932) - 72:
72. Numerous possibilities, already close, fail because of human complaints induced by self-pity. When people begin to weigh how much they have sacrificed and how little they have received from the Teacher, the meaning of the Teaching is lost. People count what they receive like the wage of a day laborer, not co-measuring it with eternity, for which they exist. How inapplicable to the meaning of improvement is the idea of remuneration for good intentions! Yet it can be said that many prefer to don the attire of a day laborer, not because of depravity of the heart, but because of a poorly trained imagination. Among many, straight-knowledge of eternity is hacked away by the desire for self-pity.

Heart (1932) - 74:
74. The concepts about the will must be firmly realized and distinguished. The will of the brain has become the citadel of the West, whereas the East has maintained its stronghold in the heart. In suggestion, the Western hypnotist uses the will, straining the centers of the extremities and eyes; yet this emanation is not only rapidly depleted but brings fatigue and, primarily, acts only over very inconsequential distances. In transmissions of the will spatial attainment is impossible; but the heart of the East does not need any tension of the extremities, does not needlessly exert the energy, but sends out its thoughts without any limits of place. The suggestion from the heart, as a natural channel for communication, does not bring harm to the one who suggests or to the receiver. The Western method is always apparent externally, but the Eastern act has nothing external about it; quite the contrary, the transmitter does not look upon the receiver, for he has the image of the destination in his heart. There are many numerous advantages in the heart activity, but to encompass it it is necessary primarily to realize the significance of the heart. The power of the heart conquers absolutely everything. The heart may know the significance of far-off happenings. The heart can soar, fortifying the needed links. The heart can unite itself with the far-off worlds. Test it by the transmission of the will alone and you will realize the difference in the will of the heart. Maitreya's is the Age of the Heart! Only with the heart can one evaluate the treasures of Maitreya! Only with the heart can one understand how greatly all acquisitions, all straight-knowledge are needed for the future.

Heart (1932) - 136:
136. If clairaudience and clairvoyance exist there must also be clair-scent. Of course, in the manifestation of psychic energy it has a special significance; not only is the energy condensed in the aroma but it calls forth that spasmodic inhaling about which I have already spoken. It is instructive to recollect how strangely the ancient wisdom was transmuted in degenerating into absurd rituals. When you read about the customs of Egypt, China, and other ancient peoples, about greetings through smell and inhalation, it is difficult to discern therein the memory of psychic energy preserved from the vanished races. But even new open straight-knowledge discloses the essence of the surrounding atmosphere. It is not a question of smell but precisely of essence.

Heart (1932) - 192:
192. Sickness may nestle within a man for a long time, but if it does not manifest itself in a coarse physical manner, none of the earthly physicians will acknowledge it. Ten prophets and clairvoyants may testify in vain about a hidden sickness, but they will be regarded as liars because the coarsest stage has not yet taken place. Similarly, humanity has educated itself in coarse forms in everything, having eschewed refinement and straight-knowledge. Even the most intrusive signs of the Subtle World are exiled to oblivion. No one wants to know or to count the innumerable words in all tongues that speak very definitely about the Subtle World. Let us take for instance a favorite word inspiration. It means that someone or something was inspired from somewhere. The word quite clearly implies that something came from outside, yet people, irresponsibly speak repeatedly about this manifestation which pertains precisely to the Subtle World. Just think how many signs are present in the world, and something blinds the eyes! Is it not darkness?

Heart (1932) - 334:
334. Ask a clever man what has most often warned him of danger, safeguarded him against errors and deviations. An honest man will say the heart. He will not name the brain or reason. Only a stupid man will rely upon conventionally rationalized deductions. The heart is permeated with straight-knowledge. We already voiced this concept long ago, but now we return to it upon another turn of the spiral. We have already passed through the discipline of Heart and Hierarchy, and have pondered upon Infinity. Thus straight-knowledge appeared not as a kind of vague intuition, but as a result of spiritual discipline together with the understanding of the significance of the heart. Thus guide the pupils. At first, cast the necessary concept like a far-reaching net, then cautiously draw in the corners of the net in order to completely surround that which you seek. It is not casually that the symbol of the fisherman casting his net is often pointed out. The heart is not so easy to catch! It is not easy to accept the language of the heart as a reality. Time, devotion, and striving are needed in order to obtain the understanding of the expression of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 366:
366. When you experience a sense of striving and anticipation, do not apply it for the immediate days. You often feel how the foundation is laid upon the necessary affirmation; this straight-knowledge has nothing to do with the success of tomorrow, on the contrary, it shows that something greater already receives definite shape. Usually, people suffer from their own lack of co-measurement. Often they impede the stream of already shaping events by their preconceived judgments. Consolation is not for the morrow, but for more beauteous dates. Yet the straight-knowledge is correct.

Heart (1932) - 472:
472. Prejudice - whether negative or positive - is wrong. It is opposed to every Yoga; it cuts off the phenomenal aspect of ascent. One often confuses prejudice with straight-knowledge, yet these qualities are directly opposed to each other. Prejudice is an offspring of the mind, whereas the abode of straight-knowledge is in the heart. Thus, one cannot compare the offspring of the mind with those of the heart. The acceptance of such a thing is not only erroneous but also harmful, disparaging the activity of the heart. It can be observed how strata of prejudice are accumulated until the entire life is turned into a self-erected prison. But straight-knowledge concerns cosmic truth, hence, in itself it does not contain anything disparaging. The self-development of straight-knowledge induces solemnity of feeling. Thus, through different gates we approach the Abode of Solemnity.

Heart (1932) - 522:
522. The language of the Subtle World has no need of words, although it can possess them. It is expressed in straight-knowledge, in the transmission of the subtlest feelings. Thus, the Subtle World must not disturb the music of the spheres by disorderly tonalities. We must not be astonished at this, for even in the corporeal world harmonious hearts mutually transmit a great deal through the language of the heart. Let this language be a constant reminder of the possibility of the Subtle World.''

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 46:
46. The sculptor's touch cannot be described in words. He himself will not be able to say precisely why he used a stroke of just such a depth. Similarly, you should correlate straight-knowledge with reality. The Teaching makes it possible to consider as reality that which yesterday was still unrealized.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 56:
56. Joy and courage are indispensable, but without Fire these qualities are not created. Reason can deprive one of all joy and thus close the gates to the future. Yet a fiery world outlook does not fall from heaven, it must be discovered. This method of discovery must begin in childhood. We see how children already accept inwardly the most difficult tasks of the spirit. Even all impediments placed by their elders serve only to crystallize their straight-knowledge. But crystallization is a fiery action. The best beds of crystals are molded by fire. Thus, the invincible heart is also formed by fiery reaction. This is not a symbol, but a purely laboratory deduction. Yet how far from fiery considerations are people!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 75:
75. The associates of the black lodges themselves distinctly recognize each other. There actually exist obvious signs. Thus, if you notice an inhuman cruelty, be assured that this is a sign of the dark ones. Each Teaching of Light is primarily a development of humaneness. Remember this definitely, for the world has never before been in such a need of this quality. Humaneness is the gateway to all other worlds. Humaneness is the basis of straight-knowledge. Humaneness is the wings of beauty. The essence of humaneness is the substance of the Chalice. Therefore, above all, on Earth let us be clothed in humaneness and recognize it as an armor against the dark forces. A fiery manifestation will visit the heart through humaneness. Thus we shall realize once again to what a degree the farthest is the nearest. We also recognize each other through humaneness. Thus, in this hour of danger, let us labor for the most imperative.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 105:
105. If one can distinguish between the strata of thought, one can also sense various kinds of activity. At first all activity seems to be taking place on the earthly plane. Later, in so-called dreams, straight-knowledge becomes separated, as if it were an independent activity which takes place not on the earthly plane alone. Thus comes the first realization of an entry of other worlds into our existence. Then, in a state of complete wakefulness, instantaneous absences may be observed which have no connection with any ailment. Thus the bond between the worlds and our participation in them can be traced still more profoundly. It is not easy for the consciousness to assimilate the concept of the invisible worlds; due to our dense shell we can realize only with difficulty all the possibilities outside our vision. One should become accustomed to thinking of entire worlds which actually exist. The Subtle World is not only our state of being, it is actually a complete world with its own potentialities and obstacles. Life in the Subtle World is not far removed from that on Earth, but it is on another plane. All the fruits of labor do not disappear, on the contrary, they multiply. However, if it is difficult here to preserve clarity of consciousness, there it is even more difficult because numerous manifestations are encountered of orders of evolution new to us. Thus, one should preserve especially the covenant about clarity of consciousness. This is expressed as true synthesis. And if consciousness is so greatly needed for the Subtle World, how imperatively is it needed for the Fiery World!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 208:
208. You are amazed that before the earthquake measures were taken for the elimination of the heart spasms. Does not feeling primarily guide such telegraphy? Precisely the vital substance of straight-knowledge does not require any conventional apparatus. But of course it is necessary to reciprocally nourish this substance. Urusvati's thoughts were actually the best nurture for this current.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 209:
209. Lacking straight-knowledge, who can imagine the reality of the Fiery World? But this quality must be cultivated with all devotion; and this devotion must be precisely in the heart, not on paper. Also, acceptance of the Fiery World proves courage, for any ignorant thought primarily rebels against the fires of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 245:
245. You value sagacity in co-workers, it is exactly so throughout the Chain of Hierarchy. Knowledge alone will not give the fiery alertness of mind accumulated by many experiences. What is possible and what is impossible in all situations of life cannot be written down. Knowledge alone is a deadly peril, but its application is a fiery art. That is why we so esteem ready sagacity, that straight-knowledge which whispers when one should not turn the key in the lock. He who has accumulated such straight-knowledge will not be a traitor, either consciously or indirectly. To give away the key not according to the level of consciousness means to act as a traitor. Not to notice wiliness or falsification means not to be discriminating. Discrimination only on the morrow is not worth much. Such perception will not prevent one from falling over the precipice - but how sensitive must be the accumulation of sagacity! In each school the development of fast thinking must be taught; without it how can one pass through the flame?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 299:
299. One must develop the ability to understand an alien mood. This is not thought-reading, but straight-knowledge of the nature of a neighbor. It is easier to observe what is in the distance when we know what is close by. Many stand upon the threshold of such straight-knowledge, but are prevented from understanding their surroundings by a spasm of selfhood.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 354:
354. Very often the question has arisen as to which thought is the more effective, the uttered or unuttered one. Indeed, it may seem that the application of verbal formulas might add strength. People attracted by externals imagine that a framework of words will enhance the effectiveness of the thought. This, however, is but conventionality, and words will not help the essence. The wordless thought is far more powerful, manifesting a purer degree of Fire. One can observe that an unuttered thought remains entirely free from the condition of constraint brought by language. It approaches the fiery tongue and it multiplies its own power. We send fiery thoughts; they are fierily understood. This understanding may be called straight-knowledge, but its origin may be called the language of Fire. We receive, as it were, a radiogram from the Subtle World, but from its higher, fiery spheres. The Fiery World is primarily within us, if only we discern its abode! Thus, when one doubts whether communion with the Fiery World is possible, one should remember its presence everywhere. However, a current must be established through the heart and not the brain. One can find contact with the Subtle World continuously, but the Fiery World requires an especially good frame of mind. Verbal husks will alienate rather than bring us closer to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 364:
364. One should discern which qualities become more pronounced through realization of the Fiery World. Among these, justice is especially evident. It is impossible in words to convey this quality, which, when straight-knowledge is evidenced, is regarded as the greatest. Beyond earthly laws, the just ones know where the truth is. The law leads to many injustices, but he who is conscious of the Fiery World knows where the truth lies; in spite of the obvious he senses reality. Thus, the fiery consciousness transforms life. Fiery martyrdom also bestows the higher knowledge. So, too, we can discern other qualities of the spirit which grow under the fiery shower. Moderation without Fire becomes mediocrity, but the Golden Path intensified by Fire is the best exemplification of moderation. Similarly, courage without Fire becomes recklessness, but courage resplendent with the fires of the heart becomes an impregnable wall. Indeed, patience, compassion, and friendship will take on different colors in the fiery Light. But only according to action, and through testing, can the Teacher ascertain the degree of fieriness. Words are the least suitable for such assurances. How many words cleanse the thresholds of prisons, but few are the jailers who can boast of being just. Also, how many words are there about patience! Yet the first failure produces the most intolerant cannibals. Of course, one need not explain how verbal courage turns into great cowardice. But he who wishes to approach the Fire must watch all his motives.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 373:
373. The fiery understanding of obsession is called "Urumiya." Man is not the only one to possess this straight-knowledge; certain animals close to man sense this dreadful state. Horses and dogs in particular sense and resent the proximity of obsessed persons. In ancient China there was a special breed of dogs, highly prized, which was very sensitive and useful in detecting the obsessed. In ancient times it was also a custom to exhibit the horses and dogs before guests, observing at the same time the reaction of the animals. Many envoys were put through this test. One should observe that cats also sense obsession, but usually quite inversely. Obsession induces happiness in them. For example, when a cat senses an obsessed person or his impelling presence, it does not hide, but walks around mewing happily, whereas a dog bristles up and either tries to hide or to attack such a person. One ought to develop Urumiya in oneself, not only for protection but for the purpose of expelling the obsessor. Very often a single conversation about the significance of Agni begins to act upon the obsessor. Fearing fire, the very mention of the fiery energy angers him and forces him to retreat.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 397:
397. The ability to discern the true direction is a great and fiery quality. One can understand that such a quality is not easily strengthened. It demands not only discussion but the most attentive study of life. No one believes that one can leap, at one bound, from animal consciousness to straight-knowledge. Animal instinct is the germ of straight-knowledge, but great is the abyss between a dog that senses its master, and a man who is aware of the Fiery World! To sense the Fiery World while in the earthly body is already enlightenment.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 412:
412. Nowadays negations are the order of the day; yet no one will cross into the Subtle World without fear, unless he purifies himself by bathing in the sphere of straight-knowledge. Not long ago such a way of thinking would have been called poetic and no one would nave paid any attention to it. But now it is already understood that the formula of synthesis will be of great help. At t time of hasty departure the farewell to travelers consists of one most urgent word; therefore, We send the word - Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 415:
415. Truly it is difficult to understand why persons serving the same goal disparage each other. Straight-knowledge, even in a small degree, should be developed. But mutual disparagement is one of the most shameful sins. I know of no better definition of it than sin, so destructive is the work of mutual annihilation. This can be explained as a certain aspect of obsession, but shame to those who, after having approached the knowledge of the fundamental principles, stoop to such a base state. Let the belittling and the destroying ones ponder upon their own consciousness. They are far from the fires of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 535:
535. The root of a thought, or its motivating cause, must be made evident to a refined consciousness. It is impossible to know all thoughts, because in the kaleidoscope of human fragmentary thoughts one becomes dizzy, and the mere scraps of unstable thinking are of no use. But it is useful to sense the motivating cause of each expression. Such fiery affirmation comes with the kindling of the centers. Man is beginning to know the purpose of words. The external expression is not important to the sensitive observer. Sometimes the speaker himself finds it difficult to determine the primary reason for his own words. But a fiery heart knows how the spoken formula was born. No grimace or gestures will lead the third eye into error. Such straight-knowledge is not obtained easily. Many generations each add their mite to the consciousness. Understand that the affirmation of fire is achieved by many incarnations. The root of thought will provide the way to the realization of other roots.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 637:
637. He who dares the stream chooses firm stones. He understands to whom and when he may entrust the Teaching. The Bird of Life, the radiant Swan, also reveals straight-knowledge as to where lies the boundary of usefulness. The determination of this boundary cannot be expressed in human language. It can be unalterably sensed, but cannot be calculated by physical measurements. Thus a great test for each treason is created. Another great test lies in the acceptance of homelessness. There may be much mockery over the concept of homelessness. To the earthly mind the concept of a home is an absolute necessity. If anyone dared express himself as to a House of Light he would be taken for a lunatic. Therefore a change of earthly dwelling places is a useful expansion of the concept. Another great test is that of hearing every thought. The pitiable concept of earthly secrecy leads people into many errors. The feeling of pride and egoism rebels against the absence of secrecy, but co-workers of the Hierarchy of Light already understand this degree of cooperation. "I am ready," he says, and hastens to open his heart. The successful mastery of all trials lies within our hearts and consists in our love for the Lord. If we are filled with love, can obstacles exist? Earthly love itself creates miracles. Does not the fiery love for Hierarchy multiply our forces? These forces will help to transform homelessness into a beautiful Home, vast and unlimited! One cannot think of beautiful expanses in the midst of a fog of contentment. It is said that hunger obstructs the path to God, but we will also add that contentment is like murky waters. He who understands the difference between hunger and contentment will enter the current. But he who touches the Light will be transformed into a Bird of Life. So long as the Bird of Life remains a poetic abstraction, that spirit is still unready.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 660:
660. Discrimination is one of the most pronounced fiery qualities. It is not straight-knowledge, but a glimmer, as it were, of the language of the Fiery World.. Truly, the man with open centers does not judge by words; he understands all the inner meaning of speech. If all judges were at such a level of fiery discrimination, many offenses would appear in a different light. But such discrimination needs cultivation. It exists in the seed of the spirit, but one must evoke it from the storehouse of the Unmanifest. Therefore a sharpening of the consciousness must be urged. Let each approaching one manifest himself as an exemplary judge. Let one begin to judge according to the eyes; another by the intonation of voice; a third according to the bodily movements. It is immaterial where one begins, because the inner fire is reflected on all the nerve centers. And it is instructive to observe how words often fail to reflect the inner condition. With patience one can attain great results and disclose signs of fiery understanding. Certainly, this will be only a glimpse of the Fiery World, but each spark of such cognizance is already an achievement. Upon entering the Subtle World one should firmly bear in mind the resolution to go toward Light, to hasten to self-perfection, and for this each advice is extremely important. If here upon Earth we already approach discrimination, then upon crossing into the Subtle World this achievement will be a benefaction. The principal difficulty is that despair and perplexity hinder the assimilation of the new conditions. But if we remember firmly whither and wherefore we go, we will instantly find many helpers. Yet people are especially disconcerted by the absence of secrecy when the Ineffable Light penetrates all that exists. Blessed are those who do not have to be ashamed of their heart's accumulations. Love everything that can uplift the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 14:
Often psychism proves to be a weakening influence, but the Great Service is in straight-knowledge. Therefore We warn against psychism, against turning one's gaze backwards without a definite object for the future. The spiritually weak psychists are often a tasty dish for the Satanists.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 14:
Verily, in the Great Service is the feeling of great responsibility. But one should become accustomed to this chalice, for there can be no shortest path without emptying it. The heart which aspires to Hierarchy feels how necessary and salutary is the Chalice of Offering. To some it is only the object of derision and condemnation, but to others it is a precious treasure. It is Our great desire that the true straight-knowledge be developed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 15:
15. Nothing can so much turn one away from the path as the rejection of straight-knowledge. But the beginning of straight-knowledge lies in the devotion to Hierarchy. Only true devotion will prevent one from polluting the straight-knowledge by personal egoism. Only devotion will teach not to distort the Indications of the Teacher. Only devotion will help to find new strength. I will not weary of repeating about true devotion, because often people substitute for this concept the most abominable fanaticism. Thus the Fiery World is ordained.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 101:
101. It is correct to remove from one's home all rotting substances. But besides decomposition of meat and water, equally harmful are decaying fruit and wilting flowers. When someone takes measures for the removal of dead flowers, one may observe that straight-knowledge removes lifeless plants not only in the name of beauty, but through knowledge of the law of the Subtle World. Since lower entities feed upon decomposition, then for lack of putrid products they are satisfied with plants. He can be commended whose spirit whispers the correct attitude toward all surroundings.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 102:
102. In contrast with confidence there is depression. Precisely distrust begets this awful viper. But trust awakens the most fiery, the most divine instincts of the spirit. Beings of the Fiery World can approach people in hours of trust, and the miracle of enthusiasm creates the most beautiful approaches. Trust must be cultivated, as otherwise people sink into inertia. Trust is straight-knowledge; there can be no betrayal when we know the direction of our striving. We rejoice when approaching a man who guards the fire of trust. Many beautiful creations take place when the gates of trust are open, gates purified by Fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 115:
115. If people were able to draw an account of the quality of a day, they could avoid many difficulties. Indeed, astrology is a very exact science, and it demands extremely accurate correlation. It is evident that astrological data is limited to place and time. This is quite comprehensible when we picture a plan of intersecting currents. Thus, above all possible inaccuracies of our astrological interpretations, there exists the great indicator - the heart. The two sources must be unified. Let the most exact calculations of astrology be united with the heart. The heart will tell in its own silent language where is the hardship which must be outlived, or the joy which must be utilized. But let the wisdom of the heart not be turned into superstition, and let the tablet of the astrologer not become a dried skeleton. A great number of petty circumstances vibrate in space, and only the fiery heart can understand the invisible network of causes. The Rays of the Luminaries intersect nations, races, individuals. One may recognize the immutability of the chemism of the constellations, but the analysis of such diverse confluence must be very carefully interpreted. The heart can assist, but even in straight-knowledge it is guided by Hierarchy. With justice people turn to the science of astrology, but without the fiery heart they may find themselves in an impassable jungle. Thus let us remember the heart, otherwise speaking, the Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 117:
117. Inner concentration is a great thing, but nothing should be limited. Infinity itself points to inexhaustible Light. One may count the contents of man's every cell and be amazed at the immeasurableness of space. Thus one should turn to the Source, which is not awed by Infinity itself. Such is the spark contained in the heart. Neither physician, nor builder, nor scholar, can dispense with the straight-knowledge of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 125:
125. Many precious concepts have been perverted. When I say, "Be not too much concerned about tomorrow," this does not mean that I am advising you to be a sluggard. All thinking must be directed into the future; one should labor for the future, but one's care about the sacred future ought to be directed through Hierarchy. Then one's thought about tomorrow will assume proper consideration. Fear of the morrow is like amputation of hands and feet. Instead of flight into the future, people bind themselves with fear and stop their own movement. But without Hierarchy one can actually plunge into terror, as if sinking into a stormy ocean. Thus, the care, purified by Hierarchy, will not be an earthly one, though it will preserve action and usefulness. Besides, such consecrated usefulness is freed from any egoism. The care for the Common Welfare leads to communion with Hierarchy. Again, this judgment is not abstract ethics, but the path to the Fiery World. People in the earthly state also should select each seed which will grow into a plant for the thread of communion. It is not easy for Fiery Beings to penetrate into the earthly strata. Ought we not, while here, pierce through the carnate garments with our consciousness? There are many striving ones, but few are strengthened by the straight-knowledge drawn from Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 257:
257. Each ejection of sorcery is a good deed. The more so since the danger from such action is great. One must have not only courage but also readiness of spirit, in order to understand how to proceed in each case. First of all, one must destroy the magic circle. But such contact requires a still more fiery tension than was employed by the conjurer. The discernment of the conformity of forces is achieved by straight-knowledge. It is impossible to touch the strongest flame without being burned; but when fiery energy gains the ascendancy there will be no terrible effects.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 277:
277. Not only santonin, but also certain other vegetable substances help toward seeing the symptoms of the aura. However such mechanical reaction is undesirable. Each poison cannot but react on the nerve centers, if applied for long. When we come to speak about the fiery heart, this recognition of radiations comes about naturally. Besides, it is most fitting to sense the quality of the aura. Because many tints appear highly intermingled, and just the viewing of it does not give an understanding of their essence. Thus, sometimes a blue aura may be exposed to an undesirable yellow radiation, and as a result there is a greenish light, but such a combination can be distinguished from a pure green synthesis. Similarly, violet may be the result of the approach of crimson. Thus, a single glimpse alone means little. One must perceive through the heart the essence of what is taking place. Thus, for example, it may happen that due to illness the radiation will grow dim, but the fiery consciousness will apprehend that the nature of the radiation is not bad, and that only because of accidental sickness has it been temporarily changed. Likewise it may happen that the radiation may be subjected to an external influence, such as results from obsession. Here also only the fiery consciousness will apprehend the true cause. Therefore, when I speak about future photographing of the auras, it must not be forgotten that fiery straight-knowledge will also be needed for this.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 331:
331. Should people be aware of all perils surrounding them? One can imagine the condition of a man who knows how many scorpions or serpents are to be found about him, or how many deadly flies and spiders surround him - a deplorable situation results. It will be particularly dangerous because when a man knows these perils they are brought so much the nearer. Therefore straight-knowledge is best, as it leads by the most secure path and does not weigh one down with a great quantity of needless burdens. Thus, the fiery principle which abides in straight-knowledge is called the wings of salvation.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 337:
337. When Hiero-inspiration draws one's thought to a definite region or place, it means that circumstances of great cosmic significance are already being molded. Perhaps having such perception of a place is unexplainable by the earthly state of affairs. Perhaps from the earthly point of view such a country is found to be in a most unattractive state, but the higher law is already determining the place of special tension. Earthly eyes do not yet see, but Hiero-inspiration directs the consciousness thither, where the radiance of Higher Light has been ordained, thus, above your straight-knowledge shines Hiero-inspiration. Often it appears to contradict the obvious, but it speaks the word of the Fiery World. So too with the sensations spoken about today. Hiero-inspiration directs thither where already the summit is alight.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 33:
33. Amidst the wrestlings of the spirit there should be especially noted the feeling of dissatisfaction. The spirit which possesses a synthesis can, of course, affirm its strength. But precisely these fiery receivers do not know the feeling of satisfaction. Thus, one may often observe in life that conventionality precludes acceptance of the Bearers of Synthesis. The multitude always evaluates evidence alone. One may only regret that people so limit themselves by creating such narrow boundaries. One may pity those who are unwilling to understand the creativeness of thought. You spoke correctly about thought and straight-knowledge. The thought reigns above all Samadhi. The higher, the more powerful. The more flaming the thought the more useful the manifestation. Truly, thought is all-powerful and limitless.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 119:
119. The forces of the spirit provide the currents upon which certain energies can proceed. The Hiero-inspiration can be sent only through the currents of the spirit. A power not earthly is carried by the Bearers of these currents. The spirit and heart which are saturated by these currents withstand many attacks. Often have We observed a solitary traveler on the Path of Service repulsing the onslaughts of darkness. The Forces of the Spirit bestow the power of action upon straight-knowledge. Currents of the spirit are the link with the Higher Forces. When the powerful energies saturate a being, then becomes apparent the development of all the higher centers. Hiero-inspiration can be affirmed only in the heart which is aflame with closeness to the Hierarchy of Light. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World it is so important to distinguish these currents, because it is necessary to apply a conscious relation to everything in order to find the bond with the Invisible World of Fire. Thus, the forces of the spirit can truly conquer Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 149:
149. Foresight of the spirit is also expressed in the transmutation of subtle energies. When the spirit is affirmed as the guiding principle, then its power saturates each manifestation. Therefore, it is often possible to call straight-knowledge spiritual foresight. Let us remember this mighty quality.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 437:
437. Intuition and so-called sensitivity will pertain to the Fiery World. People are not occupied with the question why only certain persons are gifted with sensitiveness. In an apparatus indicating fieriness it is possible to observe also the endowment of intuition. Likewise, the manifestation of the oscillations of a pendulum denotes straight-knowledge, in other words, fieriness. Not seldom do We speak about the same thing under different names. It is not easy to fix in the consciousness the fact that such a distant fieriness is close to all life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 535:
535. The ability of the child about whom you spoke is a direct proof of what was said earlier. When a child makes use of pure psychic energy, it knows that which in inaudible to others. But when the will of the reason acts, then the current of basic energy is broken off. It has been prescribed - be simple in spirit, which means to allow pure energy to act. Do not impede its current; grasp the fact that violence by the reason only impoverishes one. Thus, a scientist knows which book he should take from the shelf not through reason but with straight-knowledge. People are right when they act by this unassailable straight-knowledge.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 594:
594. Even the rays have been discovered which make objects invisible. Is it possible that such a discovery does not call to mind the invisible Subtle World? The smallest discovery could be protracted into Infinity. One can see how such a discovery can alter all earthly life. All state foundations could be unsettled by such discovery. The kingdom of machines can be broken up by one ray. Thus, the most ingenious mechanisms can be stopped by an invisible ray. Some may be fearful of such possibilities but others cover them with a powerful straight-knowledge. Fire of the heart is stronger than such rays.

AUM (1936) - 160:
160. Sometimes you are absent, as it were, from current life. Sometimes you can hear the sounding of the distant worlds. Sometimes you can sense the air and the aroma of remote localities; you affirm immeasurable manifestations amid daily life. Indeed, you do not deceive yourself in sensing these fleeting contacts, which demonstrate how powerful the human being is. One cannot force oneself to sense such calls of Space, they reach only open hearts. Wiseacres attempt to show that such sensations are only autosuggestions, but for each autosuggestion a mental command must be sent in advance. However, you know perfectly well that such straight-knowledge arrives unexpectedly, beyond human imagination. You are transported into remote countries - manifestations of the spirit are swift as light. Thus it is possible to begin to realize the speed of movement in the Subtle World.

AUM (1936) - 234:
Of all earthly themes, love and creativeness are most closely combined with the concept of the Higher World. When mentioning the Higher World the worthy man will rejoice. In a discussion about science he will be heartily delighted. If both concepts provoke only condemnation, it will be the sign of a dead heart. Be not distressed at encountering deniers and condemners, this is just as unavoidable as is the fact of the existence of Light and darkness. Straight-knowledge will whisper where the degree of darkness makes further persuasion useless; sowing is advisable only on good soil. You already know that understanding friends arrive irrespective of earthly considerations. It happens that even the jinns build temples, but the Higher World and knowledge are inaccessible to them. Sooner or later they rebel and return into darkness. Shall one name examples!

AUM (1936) - 392:
392. It is natural that psychic energy should exhibit good signs on substances useful to people. One need not be astonished at the coincidence of good signs with personal feelings. Our sensations ought to coincide with correct appreciations. If some substance is not readily acceptable to man, it usually proves to be harmful The reason is not in autosuggestion but in direct straight-knowledge.

AUM (1936) - 466:
Much is said about inspiration. Many times We have repeated about straight-knowledge. It actually reposes in psychic energy, but its spark passes by way of ectoplasm. Such a great substance must be conserved. The ancients have related that a man can exteriorize his double, which can execute rational actions.

AUM (1936) - 577:
577. The examiner of psychic energy finds himself in a situation completely different from that of most investigators. The latter can allot a definite time to their studies, whereasthe investigator of psychic energy must devote all his time to observation. He never knows when a noteworthy manifestation is taking place. He cannot leave unattended the mental currents, which may start up at any moment. He must know how to awaken in full consciousness. He must pay attention to the auras of people and objects. He must possess patience and good will. He must not complain and yield to a state of depression. Thus, many qualities such as imagination and straight-knowledge are indispensable for the observer.

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
141. It may be asked, "Will the number of physicians decrease because of the increase of patent medicines?" This would be a calamity. Physicians are widely needed, if by the word physician one means a highly educated friend of humanity. Verily, the conventionally prepared remedies may bring on illnesses which will have to be treated individually in each case by the physician. There will be required a very subtle combination of suggestion together with the medicaments. We are not speaking about surgery, for this field calls for no discussion if it is kept within its proper limits. A surgeon who performs a needless operation is frequently likened to a murderer. Therefore, in this field also the true straight-knowledge is required.

Brotherhood (1937) - 318:
318. Capacity for work must be cultivated, otherwise it will remain in a somnolent state. Also, capacity for work in the Subtle World must be developed. But the way to this must conform to the conditions of the Subtle World. There are many earthly means for approach to and realization of the Subtle World, but no forcible conventionality can create the best combinations with the Subtle World. As in all existence, natural realization of cooperation is needed. It may be fully realized or less realized, but straight-knowledge should be infused with it. Man should continually feel himself to be in the two worlds. I am not speaking about the expectancy of death, for death does not exist; I am speaking about labor, both earthly and subtle. Such assiduousness in subtle work should not tear one away from earthly labor, on the contrary, it will but improve its quality. Wrongfully, people do not think about the Subtle World; both asleep and awake they can take part mentally in the most uplifting tasks.

Brotherhood (1937) - 598:
598. Contending for precedence cannot exist in Brotherhood. A natural hierarchy flows out of priority of knowledge and preeminence of spirit. Thus, a most disturbing circumstance to humanity is resolved in the Brotherhood simply, without involving needless quarreling and friction. Where it is realized that priority is a great sacrifice, there can be no wrangling about earthly denominations. So much time and energy will be conserved by the principles of Brotherhood. Let us not becloud the luminous concept by the fact that it has been pronounced at times along with the misunderstood concepts of liberty and equality. Everyone understands the relative value of both these concepts, but Brotherhood based upon the heart's straight-knowledge will be unconditional. Thus, one may regard the Brotherhood as reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 11:
11. Urusvati would like to provide more knowledge to people, but straight-knowledge indicates to her the limits of what is possible. The discovery of these limits is a stumbling block for many, and great misfortune results from overlooking them. It is impossible to indicate in earthly terms the hidden, co-measured boundary, but a broadened consciousness can suggest where the possibility of harm begins. You yourself know how often people demand an answer that they then cannot accept. They say, "Tell us quickly, and we will decide what to accept and what to reject." They like to play jackstraws, pulling out only that which is most attractive to them. They do not care if it all falls to pieces, although even children know that the whole should not be disrupted. Grown-ups throw bombs and are astonished when they are maimed by them. They love to repeat Our analogy of a boomerang but do not see the consequences of their own blows.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54:
The ignorant say that there could be a mistake, because someone could imitate the voice of the Teacher. But the broadened consciousness cannot make a mistake, for straight-knowledge cannot make mistakes. In a state of great tension a tremor may be felt, but then one can repeat one's question. It is especially difficult, because people cannot imagine what the spatial battles are like. In earthly conditions it is difficult to imagine a battle in the midst of Infinity. Even the Voice of the Silence is not understood correctly. Still, it is recorded and resounds in the consciousness. Each accepted or assimilated thought vibrates and resounds. Also, those who receive a thought frequently repeat it. This process has a special name - the sealing of the thought. You know how often we must repeat what we have received in order that it not evaporate. The least disturbance can break the reception, even with a broadened consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
59. Urusvati, through her straight-knowledge, discerns superhuman action. Let us examine the different kinds of human action. There are actions of free will, karmic actions, and actions performed under the influence of obsession. But there can be special kinds of action that do not fit into these categories. We call them superhuman actions. Chosen people fulfill Our missions, consciously applying their best will and abilities, yet their actions do not originate from free will or from obsession. Nor can they be called karmic actions, for in them karma may have been exhausted, or new karma started. Comparing all these, one may come to the conclusion that such action is a special expression sent by Higher Forces.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
In antiquity such actions were called sacred, for in them was felt something from beyond Earth, and the discerning of such actions is contained in straight-knowledge. It is difficult to classify them according to human laws, but an expanded consciousness can feel their presence. The higher ranks of the hostile forces especially dislike those who bear Our missions. The dark ones cannot understand the missions or determine their scope, which irritates them all the more.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
It can be asked why We did not speak earlier about the concept of superhuman action. One should not speak too openly about these missions, for many people might feel self-important, and might justify their arbitrary actions with some claim of mission. On the whole, many will not understand this classifying of action into four kinds. But if straight-knowledge does not indicate the distinctions, the intellect will not define them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 79:
79. Urusvati has experienced the most distressing earthly manifestation - the sensation of absolute darkness. It is terrible, for the intensity of the anguish it causes is equal to that of asphyxiation. Whence comes such injurious darkness? It might seem to be no more than a spiritual prevision, which, like straight-knowledge, plunges the entire organism into experiencing the feeling of an impending event. But in reality it is far more dangerous, for it is an emanation of planetary decay. When people come into contact with this darkness, their unspeakable anguish is understandable. These contacts are usually subconscious, for few have seen the pernicious darkness itself. For those, the feelings are especially strong. When contact is made with absolute darkness while in the earthly body, there may be extremely painful sensations, and even inflammation of the centers. We know this contact; it attacks the psychic energy. One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse. When We expect a particularly heavy pressure of darkness, We determinedly increase Our vital forces. Those who are under Our care receive a special measure of energy in order to withstand the attack of darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
102. Urusvati senses the correlation of the worlds, whose limits are not usually perceived. The worlds exist in many forms, and interpenetrate each other. Only straight-knowledge can recognize the borderlines of such subdivisions, and it is even more difficult to realize their evolution. If all of life is in motion, then the condition of the worlds also depends on motion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 103:
straight-knowledge will indicate the rhythm of labor. The world is carried forward irresistibly, and the tempo of work must keep pace with the race into Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
Sometimes it seems that certain discoveries were made as if by chance, but was there not a whisper of help from the Tower of Chun? Scientists seldom heed Our Advice however, and We are often compelled to give an indication, not to the specialist, but to a receptive worker in a related endeavor. Wives, sisters, and other close co-workers of inventors can testify how sometimes they led the scientists to predestined discoveries because of their straight-knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136:
If a conscious attitude can add potency to a weapon, then pure, enlightened striving can certainly attract help. This is not a moral admonition, but scientific fact. Selfless flight is already an act of faith and straight-knowledge. Urusvati voluntarily aspires to join the battle. Her motto is, "Be strong for victory." One can participate many times in the battle, and We value each effort for the sake of Truth and Light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 142:
Let us recall how brief were Our words about the destiny of China and related events in other countries. Only a sensitive ear could catch the names that were so quickly mentioned. Sometimes We change the names slightly so that the message will not be intercepted, but when, in the course of events, one comes upon such a name, straight-knowledge will at once draw one's attention to it. The technique of foresight will become a great science in the future, but it can be given only when human consciousness gains its sanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 182:
182. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to perceive through straight-knowledge. This happens because their inner feeling has been separated from their thought. But how can feeling exist without its foundation of thought? People do not differentiate between the process of thinking and thought itself, which is swift as lightning. Thus taught the Thinker.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 191:
The Thinker said about the chain of lives, "Not only does it exist, but it is of manifold nature. There are complete incarnations, but also partial ones. A strong spirit can give part of his energy. This can be called a sending of the ray or a sending of energy. It provides an intensification of power that broadens the consciousness. It does not depress, but deepens straight-knowledge. In some people a natural keenness can be sensed. They themselves might have accumulated it in their former lives, but it also could have been sent to them as Grace."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 327:
The Thinker smiled and said, "People are always ready to answer before hearing an entire question!" What is more, their answer is colored by their impressions of the questioner - his figure, his attire, and sometimes even his handwriting. Handwriting does have significance, but certainly not in the case of those who judge without straight-knowledge. Superficial judgment is based on superficial signs, and is of little value.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
Another factor should be kept in mind, that psychic energy is developed especially during conscious communion with Hierarchy. This communication should be practiced throughout one's entire life, and will then become firmly established. The Image of the Teacher will become ever-present, and the flow of the new, vital currents will be manifested in all endeavors. This will become the foundation of the feeling that people call optimism. Such straight-knowledge helps even machines to do their best work! All Our apparatuses are designed to respond to psychic energy. Not everyone is able to make use of Our methods, but every thinking person can progress on the same path. The difference between Us and others is that, due to lengthy experience, We know how to focus Our psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 393:
Some people will argue that it is impossible to draw a clear line between reality and illusion, and it is true that only through straight-knowledge or the highest intuition can one discriminate between them. By refining one's perception reality may be seen in its true proportions, but a correct point of view must be obtained. For example, people may rejoice at the beginning and sorrow at the end of an undertaking, but looked at from another perspective it might elicit a quite different reaction, and they would rejoice at the end while bearing good will toward a beginning that is fraught with dangers.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
Much has been said about contemplation and concentration in the transmission of verbal messages. But now We speak about an act of mental transmission that is like a lightning bolt, so intense that it is beyond describing in words, when only the most penetrating straight-knowledge is acting. Such straight-knowledge derives its power from the accumulation of consciousness. No time is needed for such communications. They are at the threshold of ecstasy, and an active love is expressed in them. One can understand that words are inappropriate when the essence of thought is aflame. But one must be trained to master these lightning flashes of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 407:
People do not clearly distinguish between the sensation of fear and that of awe. Moments of darkness can provoke a sensation of awe that is very close to a feeling of anguish. This is sometimes called world-anguish, for there is something cosmic at the foundation of such straight-knowledge. Every refined thinker experiences these weighty sensations, for without them existence is not complete.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442:
A broadened consciousness enables one to look back and identify the sources of events. It is important to acquire this ability so as to understand the progression of events, not by reason, but by straight-knowledge. One should not ponder at length over the origin of every daily occurrence, but the path of life must be understood. Only in this understanding of causes will a natural foresight develop.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442:
We have often spoken about straight-knowledge; let communion with Us help this natural development. In this growth it should be understood that some common, everyday occurrences are far more significant than so-called world events.


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